Open Parliament”, Prepared by Parliamentary Service

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Open Parliament”, Prepared by Parliamentary Service NEWSLETTER OPEN ctÜÄ|tÅxÇà Éy `ÉÇàxÇxzÜÉ PaRLIaMENT Newsletter on the Parliament of Montenegro Performance No. 44 December 2014 CONTENT IN FOCUS Ninth meeting of the European Union - Legislative and oversight activity ......................... 2 Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC) held in Brussels News from Parliament .................................................9 p.11 President of the Parliament presented annual awards to the best civil servants and state employees ......................................................................9 International Human rights Day marked ...... 9 Humanitarian Action “for the Children of Montenegro” held ......................................................9 Plenary session of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union – CoSAC held ...................................................................................10 PaRLIaMENTaRy gLOSSaRy Parliamentary glossary ..................................... ......10 Do you know... In focus ...................................................................... .........11 what is final budget account ? From the parliament’s gallery ............................ .11 p.10 From the history of Montenegrin FROM ThE PaRLIaMENT’S gaLLERy Parliamentarism ..........................................................12 Calenda r............................................................................13 CoAt of ArMS of PEtAr I PEtrovIć NjEgoš p.11 FROM ThE hISTORy OF MONTENEgRIN PaRLIaMENTaRISM Law on Public Assembly and Association p.12 Parliament of Montenegro, Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 10, 81000 Podgorica tel: +382 20 404 565; fax +382 20 245 125; e-mail:; ISSN 1800-9034 BiltenBilten o radu Vlade Crne ElektronskoGore izdanjeIzlazi petnaestodnevnoGodina II Broj 17 1- OPEN PaR LIaME NT Parliament of Montenegro Newsletter on the Parliament of Montenegro Performance Electronic format Release: monthly year IV No. 44 December 2014 FOREWORD Dear readers, We present to you the key information on activities of the Parliament of Montenegro in the LEGISLATIVE AND period from 1 to 31 December, which is, in the form of monthly newsletter “Open Parliament”, prepared by Parliamentary Service. OVERSIGHT ACTIVITY In December, the Parliament held its second, fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth sitting of the second ordinary session of the Parliament of Montenegro During the continuation of the Second Sitting of the in 2014, and also its eighth special sitting of the Second Ordinary Session of the Parliament of second ordinary session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2014 Montenegro in 2014. During December, committees considered 24 at the Fourth Sitting of the Second Ordinary proposals for a law, 15 proposals for a decision and (autumn) Session of th, eth Pea Prleirafmoremnat nocfe M Roenptoernte gorf ot hine held other activities within their oversight role. 2Co0m14 mission for Prevention of Conflict of Interests was In focus of this month’s newsletter is the Ninth adopted. meeting of the European Union - Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC) held on 1 and 2 December in , the following laws were adopted: Law on Highway Brussels. Bar – Boljare, Law on Lobbying, Law on Foreigners, Law The newsletter is published monthly through on Effective Energy Use, Law on Amendments to the Law which the Parliament endeavours to bring its work on DNA Register, Law on Amendments to the Foreign closer to Montenegrin citizens. Trade Law, Law on Amendments to the Law on Scientific We remain open to your comments and and Research Activity, Law on Amendments to the Law on Road Traffic Safety, Law on Communal Police, Law on suggestions, as well as criticism, whicRh ecsapne hcteflupl ulys , bring more quality to our work. Administrative Procedure, Law on Amendments to the Law Parliamentary Service on Public Procurement, Law on Budget and Fiscal Responsibility. In addition, the following were adopted: 2013 Annual Report on Performance of Courts in Montenegro, 2013 Report of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro on Performance of the Public Prosecutor's Office, 2013 Performance Report of the Prosecutorial Council, 2013 Performance Report of the Agency for Protection of Competition, 2013 Performance Report of the Commission for the Control of Public Procurement Procedures, 2013 Report on the state in the power sector of Montenegro and 2013 Report on the implementation of the Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro for the Newsletter is a part of the programme “Open Parliament”, aimedp aetr iinocdr e2a0s1in0g –tr 2a0n1sp4a. rency of work of the Parliament of Montenegro and citizen participation in the parliamentary activities. The newsletter is edited by the Service of the Parliament. Parliament of Montenegro, Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 10, 81000 Podgorica tel: +382 20 404 565; fax +382 20 245 125; e-mail:; 2 NBiltenewsletter o no th eradu Parliam eVladent of Mo ntCrneenegro ElektronskoPeGorerforma n ce Ele cizdanjetronic foIzlazirma t R elpetnaestodnevnoease: monthly yeaGodinar IV No . 4II4 Broj Decem b17er 2 01- 14 Elections and Appointments Elections and Appointments Within the Agenda item , Law on Amendments to the Law on Agriculture and Rural the following were elected as members of Commission for Development. Prevention of Conflict of Interest: Slobodan Leković, as aWti thien N tihnet ha gSeitntdinag i toefm th e Second Ordinary Session , Presaitd tehnet Foiff the S iCtotimngm oisf stihoen ,S aencdo nGdo Orarndkian aVruyč iSneisćs, iIovno oMfi tluhtei nP aSrilmiaomveićn t wofa Ms oenletectneedg rVoi icne 2P0r1e4 sident of the oĐfo tkhoev iPća, rAlniaam Reaničte ovfi ćM, Boonrtkean eSgmrol oinv i2ć0, R1i4 stan Stijepović Parliament. and Vahedin Feratović, as members of the Commission. , the following , the following were adopted: Law on Amendments to the Law on Social laws were adopted: Law on Prevention of Corruption, Law and Child Welfare; Law on Amendments to the Law on on Amendments to the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Veteran and Disability Protection ;Law on Founding the Interest, Law on Funding of Political Parties and Election International FunPdr ifmore A Mgirnicisutletur’rsa Hl Douevre lopment (IFAD) Campaigns. The Code of Ethics for MPs was also adopted, and conclusions regarding the consideration of the current whialet P trhopeo Ssaelv feonr the SLiatwti nogn Aomf etnhdem Seenctos ntod t hOer Pdeinnsaiorny envairto tnhmee Enitgahl tshit Supateicoina li nS itthtein Mg uonf itchipe aSleitcyo onfd P Oljervdlijna.ary Sanesds iDonis aobf itlhitey PIanrsluiarmanecnet oLfa wM owntaesn ewgirtoh dinra 2w0n1 4 from Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2014 procedure. Prime Minister’s Hour , the , following were adopted: Law on Final Budget Account of under the agenda item , MPs’ Montenegro for 2013 together with: 2013 Report on Audit quesPtiroonpso sawles rfeo r aa nlaswe dreeldib ebray tedP riinm ceo mMmiintitsetees r of of the Final Budget Account of Montenegro and Annual Montenegro Milo Đukanović. Seven questions were posed Report on Performed Audits and Activities of the State •to t Phreo Pproimsael M foinri sat eLra. w on Financing Political Parties Audit Institution for the period October 2013 – October and Election Campaigns 2014; financial statements with performance reports of independent regulatory bodies for 2013, for the following: Energy Regulatory Agency, Agency for Electronic Media, Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, • Proposal for a Law on amendwmase ntcso ntos itdheer eLda wa onnd Insurance Supervision Agency, Agency for Medicines and aprmopicoasbelde toSe tthle mPeanrlti amofe nLt abfooru ra doDpistipount ebsy the Medical Devices, and Securities Commission; Law on Legislative Committee and the Committee on Economy, Budget of Montenegro for 2015; financial plans with Finance and Budget. work plans of independent regulatory bodies for 2015, for the: Energy Regulatory Agency, Agency for Electronic • Proposal for a Law on amendments to the Labwouars Media, Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Lcoanws idered and proposed to the Parliament for Services, Insurance Supervision Agency, Agency for adoption by the Committee on Health, Labour and Medicines and Medical Devices, and Securities Social Welfare. Commission; Law on ratification of the Maritime Labour • Proposal for a Law on Budget for 2015 Convention 2006; and Decision on deploying members was considered and proposed to the Parliament of the Army of Montenegro in the international mission for adoption by the Legislative Committee and "Resolute Support - (RS)" in Afghanistan; Law on Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare. Ratification of the Additional Protocol 2 of the Agreement was on Amendments of and Accession to the Central European considered and proposed to the Parliament for Free Trade Agreement and the Additional Protocol 3 of the adoption by the Legislative Committee and the Agreement on Amendments of and Accession to the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget. The same Central European Free Trade Agreement; Law on proposal was considered by the Committee on Tourism, International Restrictive Measures; Law on Amendments Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning, the Gender to the Law on Internal Affairs; Law on Amendments to the Equality Committee, the Security and Defence Law on Public Gatherings;

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