
Whr nMtf voiir time BW THE METAL MARKET mnntng rnnnri looking " " pan il for batSSVeV rem here r,,r saaaT Tiisww rla.strirrt a no Tk mmtm J nl will do the Job for iwi at email atSt. Try - TMk . X ttZlJM MVl IImg olíWitp tENTY-EIGit- 37TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1916. ENGLISH .(TlOiV T PAGES. PRICE j CENTS GERMAN PROPOSALS DENOUNCED NOT a t 'm mm ., Army Officers Urge Withdrawal BACK AGAIN DEJCllTIOI IS REPLY of Pershing as Military Measure WILSON CONFERS WASHINGTON HAS OF ENTENTE ALLIANCE TO FOES MENACE WITH NEWLANDS NO COMMENT TO ERENCE CARRANZA ON RAILWAY MAKE ON REPLY Joint Note Handed TOPEACENOTE to American Ambassador Insists War Must Go on Until Reparation Has Been Secured J ON ALL for Violated Rights and Liberties. Makes Special Trip to Capital to Allied Position Considered Un- Emphasise Desire That Acts officially as Displaying Strong- Overtures From Central Powers Declared to Be Attempt to Neutral Support Supplementary to Adamson est Cards for Justify New Series of Submarine Outrages. Deporta- Law Be Enacted Without De and Rendering Germany's Re-- tions, Forced Labor lay; Hearings Begin Tuesday. joinder More Difficult. and Other Crimes.

President Said Not to Be In Count von Bernstorff Unfavor- By Associated Press. Growing Belief in Washington Paris, Dec. 30. In reply fhienced by Developments in ably Impressed With Tenor of to the Droffer of Germanv and her That Troop Now in Galeana allies for a peace conference, the entente allien in a collective note Situation and Will Insist That Communication; U. S. to Take District Should Be Brought to declare that thy "refuse to consider a propoaal which is empty and Legislation Provide for Inquiry No Step Until Allies Answer i Border Where They Could Be insincere, ne note was handed to the American ambassador. Before Strikes Are Called. Proposal of President Wilson William Gravea Sharp, today by Premier Briand. and waa made Handled to Advantage. public simultaneously in London and Paris. By Associated Press, By Associated Press. No Peace Without Reparation. Administration Policy Remain Washington, D. C, Dec. 30. President Washington, D. C... Dec. 30. There were The entente allied insist is no or or governments that no peace prysaible Wilson today empbaalied his ror ofTlrlal expressions the views Unchanged in Face of Increas- desire President Wilson and the administration on so long aa they have not aecured reparation for violated rights and railroad legislation supplementary to the the entente reply to Herman peace proposals liberties and the free existence of small states and ing Evidence That Position of ror have not brought Adamson law by making a special trip to the dual reason Uiet the united stale about a settlement for the future security of the world. The de Facto Government of Mex- the capital to confer with Santor Rowlands. If acting only as an Intermediary between note the belligerents and because a policy or declares that the proposal of the powers chairman of the commerce committee, who central is not an offer of ico Is Desperate. slence has been adopted during this sUge peace, but a "war maneuver." It is be will have charge of expediting through or the peace negotiations. declared to founded on congress the measures recommended by the The unofficial opinion, which probably "calculated misinterpretation of the character of the struggle in the By Associated Press. was a of the liope progress president In his present message. reflection for past, the present and the future." Washington. Dec. 30. Increasing- evi- toward peace, was that some means for a dence that General Garrama' s government Visit Arouses Interest. further exchange between the warring na The Outrage In Belgium. Tbe note does mil specifically wsr. and proclaim the cen- Ik being- menaced by bands or Insurgents, Senator Is ror hear- would be found and that even ir the outline victory of the Mewlands preparing tions i lie war or any or en- tral powers. coup'ea with the prospect that the present negotiations fall a basis has been definite aims the first ings on the railroad questions to begin next tente govenuii ni- Be- chief will not accept the Atlantic, City pro- laid which It Is Imped will make for open except Belgium. No Heere on tierman Proposal. fore the war, It Is pointed Belgium tocol, lias brought the Mexican situation week, the president's arrival at the senate ing the final analysis. out. "The llicd government cannot admit tn asked for nothing but to live in harmony to a stage that Is causing growing con- office building late in the day was unex- aeneme German Rejoinder Difficult. arririnatloti doubly inexact and which gal ' with her neighbors. Assailed in suit of rers cern. pected to or congress generally, ui render sterile all tentative negotla members Informal comment by cae official who Uie nestles guaranteeing lrr Inviolability. tlnns. The silled nations have .Auditions Admitted Embsrrssslag. and the visit aroused unusual Interest In fosa- - stisuincil had a chance to study carefully s Belgium, the note says, has taken up arm for :) tn- - a war they did everything the railroad situation. tne al- "rriclals admit that the conditions are cast and also the full text was that to defend her lndeiculune, and "her neu- to avoid They have shown by their acts embarrassing-- Unaltered. lies hat replied very much as expected: trality, violated by , Some high army ofTlctrs President's View uerinany." their attachment hi peace. ht attach- are uiYiug that Pershing's men be with- Although senator Newlands would not that they displayed their strongest caras Hctglum't aim. which is declared to be ment Is as strung today as tt was In till. drawn as a military step and eegerdhm or discuss the conference, it was learned from for neutral support and while they had He' only aitu uf her king and government, But It It not upon the word of nerniam conditions, but It Is Instated that to far an authoritative' source that recent develop- made tt hard for Germany to reply without cribad as "Uie re establishment of after the violation or engagements, tone, Dad that there has bmi no change In Ui adminis- ments pending settlement of the constitu- doridely chanting her they sun Sai they only desire the peace broken by iwr ufay be baaed. tration policy. The American or tionality of the Adamson act have not left the door opto for another advan d assure to Uuur country members was fleeply - tiiiuuúllloil gag. k drew ttte At- altered the president's view regarding Official Washington perplex guarantees and ssfn- - KTfT? rst nr ef Peer "A mere t lantic City protocol will meet here Tues- legislation, and that he still par ed as to the future and admitted that It guarda for tbe future." suggestion, without a depended on Internal canal- - of terms, negoUaUons sbojald day to discuss Carranxa's request tor mod tleularly desires passage at this session or probsiag. thf HUNT TAKES STEPS 8 ARMY AVIATORS Central Power Mssgeenirtrle War. that be and confidence orTbe two warring for opened, is not an of peace. Tbe put irioation and to any the measures he recommended. They are Hons The nob-- which is Bel- offer consider whether basis secondly on presi ih. Joint act of iMg by Is offered for further conferences designed to prevent railroad strikes pending groups sad how far gium, Italy, rorward Ihe Imperial government with could decide to push his own l'ranee, iircat Britain. Japan. of a ham proposal lacking the Mexican commissioners. Charles Investigation of disputes, and to empower dent Wilson Moid. negro, Portugal, intuíanla. Russia all substance peace On the whole, comment ami precision would appear to leas' an Douglas, au American attorney for Die the president t take owe railroad, tale efforts. first slid Herirla, tliat tlie presen be hopes or aa esrly peace may TO DEFEND OFFICE MAKE SUCCESSFUL declares ttrlfe oi lei or peace man a luanluver. carama government, saw ( onnseHor Polk, graph and telephone lines in times o' mill Indicated that provoked declared by war It diminished, but not disappeared. Wat mid - rounded on or the state today, un-- . tary necessity. have (Jerniuiy .Hungary, calculated misinterpret department, and Is and Austria and that tlon or tlie derstuod to have made a further appeal New lands to Urge Aetlen Brrnetorff's Statement. ilerniany made no effort to bring about a character of the struggle tu the . for past. Uie present and the rutin tne withdrawal or ate troops-- This desire. Mr. Waison is understood to Altar reading the unofficial emunt of the pacific solution of Uie trouble between to Senator teat, Count win Bernstorff, the Oerman am AGAINST CAMPBELL FLIGHT IN TEST "A for the past, ibe oerman note takes Arm)- Offlrers Urge Withdrawal of Troops. have .presented, earnestly Serbia and as did ureal no recta, Tonight the senator said be bad pro- bassartor, authorized the following state- Britain, trance and account of the dates and figure Several army officers or high rank are llussls. which establish that uie waa posed to urge action on the bill ment A posee concluded upon tlie war desired, no longer attempting to conceal m arbitration Oermsn Idea provoked by Uier railroad as soon as "President Wilson having suggested the be lonly to the or and declared llermany and patience over the Joint commission's rail and other measures would advanuge tbi possible. rinding the method or a statement or terms, poner, ssys the note, while die ore to secure ratification or an agreement, answer-a- Preparations Indicate Fight for Cover 165 Miles in Two Hours in "1 do not know the I do not think that this note will be urters rsuged by the wsr deuiand penal Uennan ArUua at Hague lonferenne. and openly are urging the con what other members en- that altered I by my government until after the Governorship an Arizona Trial to Show Qualifications ties, guarantee. "At The Hague runference tt was a n llttons to-- Mexico make It imperative to committee think," he added, "but i. lunation and will to which begin tente Allies have replied to the president's de Inrate who refused all proposals bring the Ist.uoo men now In Mexico to po- try conclude hearings Monday Morning. for Pilot Licenses. Uennan Overtures Misleading on bill suggestions, stating. If they so desire, the for disarmament. In July. It was A us sitions on the they could be Tuesday morning the arbitration The Oeriuall overtures see described as tu. border where two modus they propose." Irla Hungary, who, after baring addressed handled to better advantage if It becomes within or three days." was a cah iiiaP'd sttiuit Pi Inritiencu the ru- Railway MtuaUon Not AlanaHrg. The Oemian ambassador outwardly Rival Claimants File Oaths With Reach Altitude of 5,000 Feet and to Tlda an unprecedented ultimatum, de- necessary. Thought unfavorably Inqiressed with the of in Qoursa of tbe aw and to end It by Whether President Wilson disclosed any tenor Iniposliig a peace. clared war upon her In tplte of th 'satis- the note. However, tne declaration mat Secretary of State and Both Drivers and Passengers Herman The overtures Hila Haptdiy (.alosna Strength. alarm over reports of a threatened strike also are said lo have the eftset or Intlint faction which liad been arranged for. mere suggestion, without a statement Doors . Reporte to the state and war departments since negotiations between brotherhood "a Are Locked. Chilled to Numbness. dating public ..pinion aa well aa "Tbe central empire then rejected all of terms, that negotiations should be open neutral sttempte by today supported unofficial advices indi- orririals and railway managers In New York lo slirfeti opinion in the central powers, iñude uie entente to bring ed, Is not an offer of peace," was taken ui s pacific or s local cating that Villa Is rapidly gaining; were broken off, could not be learned. Special to the Morning Timet. H Associated Press. "worn out by economic pressure snd ui. solution purely to contain a veiled Invitation to give terms. conflict, ureal Britain suggested s eon strength In northern Mexico that makes his After his visit to Senator Newlands, the SO. I'Mlurlrlpbia. 10. Klgjil or the crushed by Ih supreme effort which has Readies to rnoenii, Anr., bee. That mnernor Pa.. Dsc. e r.in. e proposed an oppression by the Garrama army appear president sought to locsle llepresenteUve Await Wllaoa's Not. army l en Imposed upon Ibalr l.'ihabllarns." du International Hunt Is preparing to resist the sestlnr of luclvr aviators who started rroin iuiiiissii.il the empire or Russia asked Adamson, who has charge of the The next steps by the American govern- Hempstead, I,. I., ror today In a "Finally," It I asserted, s doubtful. railroad Tom Campbell in the governor's chair by this city "these tin. Herman empire to and At same time, or legislation In the house, learned ment will not be determined until the qualification ror government ll- n una In justify in advance In arbitrate Russia the followers Felix but that i'ii e. ir ueuessary, was Indicated ttils after- test pilot the and Austria Hunger, came to aa Inst are said to making in the he had not returned to Washington from entente reply to President Wilson's note orases, at navy eyes or the world, a new sortee or crimes under be trouble noon, when the doors loading to the balcony arrived the .Plillaileliiliia standing on. the eve of the conflict. But to south, while holiday vacation It received. It Is expected within a few yard, rilsjlit IftTi In submarine wsrfare, dcimrtatinns, forced Manuel PaJaes and other rebel bis from which tlanipbell Is lo deliver hi in completing the nf miles nil these efforts uerinany gave an gaining In speaking or fleyr While tt Is etpected to follow In a less two labor and forced of Uie Inhab neither leaders are ground the central Senator Newlands. the rati augural address were locked under the tlin hours. Two of the svialors enlistment swer effect. republic. generally, general tone or the note received today, to city were eom- - itants against own snd nor portions of the road situation said be did not governor's directions. railed reach tills countries "Belgium was Invaded by believe was any dange officials believe It will make clear wheth- to motor of neutrality." aa empire Attack Anticipated at altillo. there Immediate Campbell took Uie oath uf orrice this lielled descend because of trouble which bad guaranteed her neutrality er anv good will be accomplished by furth near MainoHUi Pi. J., slid oil'; at i mi c i c in r a War Maneuver. aad of a strike, anil that the railroad employ morning, before Judge Lyman, and riled Junction, which hail the assurance to ptoglaUn The official advices Indicated tliat the er efforts at present on the part of tbe Dnans, The suggested condl-Uo- that would await the deliberate- - Judgment of same at noon with tbe secretary state. near tliat plsce. Kiiglue trouble conference without were i.ar rauta forces In .Saltillo two days ago president. of or not note says, treaties 'scraps of paper,' and that congress regarding Uie subject Hardly had tt been filed when tiovornor caused one the squsd to sbandon tin: It a ieace offer. Uie no were antlclpatlug an attack by Villa forces, The entire reply was not read by the ma- la 'necessity knows law.' Hunt appeared and riled bis oath of office, flight to tulles from Hempsb'Sd. The but rattier a war maneuver. ue governor of the state had directed president tonight. Through official dis- chines d III following Text of Sham Offer Beet on War Hap. taken before 1 J. Trlppel, a deputy land cud. Uie order; Note. that tile government archives be prepared Brother Paso patches he knew or II tenor, but did not Lieutenant or the hew Htrnpshlre The test or tlw note follows: "At the prrsenl moment these sham of of El commissioner and a notary public Bo.!h .oe for removal and many prominent civilians tell even his closest advisers what he 11:34 'Tbe governments or rers on the part of Germany rest on the oaths of ofrire are now on rile with the national guard, wltb a passenger, allied Belgium, and officials had sent then families to the Woman Killed When thought or ii a. ra. Prance, o real Britain. Italy Japan, Monte 'war map' or Europe alone, which repre secretary of Ule i Successes of the Villa about Oerman embassy officials pointed out that H. Brlckley, a 11:10 in mo. Portugal, Hiitiianla, Ser- sonta noUilng more than a superficial an i border. forces Ooveruor Hum afternoon W. with passenger, Russia sad Torreoo were continued by advloes. since the first peace offer was made by this personally bia, united the passing phase of Hie and not th. the His Auto Overturns examined the locks on the doors leading to s. at. for defense of tbe liberty situation Villa Collecting Mea KeulparaL tbe central powers and It was Indicated that i a II 4J of 1 r peoples engage, real auength or Die beUlgaratlta. A pasee asd tbe balcony from which i;aiupbell Is to C Mlllitau. Willi iiaseenger, snd ralliirul to ilia's operations in the past tew weeks the entente deaMnded term as a prelim! a. m. menta taken not to lay Utslr arm concluded upon ne terms would be only special to the Morning limes. deliver Ills Inaugural address, lie had a down have convinced army men here that he nary to considering It, tbe central iwwers :apUln J. 1 Garbriy, army signal srparatttly. resolved to to Ss advantage of the aggressors, who Austin. Texas, Dec. I. Rector of keys and locked unlocked tli hse reply collec- and other leaders of the reactionary move- have tnfnnned President Wilson that they bunch ami corps, a. m. tively in tbe pretended or ait-- r Imsglnlng thai they would reach their 37 years old. son of Judge N. A. Rector of a doors repeatedly. Half an ttiey it.'." propositions ment are following a plan of campaign deelre to give their terms st conference. hour later K. Milfl New York, peace which mi goat in two months, discovered after two Austin, and brother of Mrs. Jasper Wool locked by or lieutenant James i. were addressed lo them having for It Immediate the The embassy considers that il Is now .ror ware the custodian the build- 1l:aS a. at. of the enemy governments years utsi they could never attain It object recruit--' drldge of El Paso, wss Instantly killed at ing, who refused to give the hehslf through nig of an army and the collection or the entelitr, replying to the president's source of his Lieutenant fisbome, a. m. the intermediary of the United Future lie ra suds Uuaraateea. midnight laal night whan hit sutomobll want ii:M Sute. equipment rather than the occupation of note, to ssy whether they the terms orders. Leonard Harney, ultli iwasengrr. Bwtuerisnd and Holland. "As for Uie future, tne disasters caused turned over on the post road it miles south essential to an offer Html tins srteruoon told s romnilttue sent Ptn. i IMjr. IB yumwu UUI UUI which they consider a in "Before nuking any reply, the allied the German declaratton of war and th II IIIS llB of this city. He was driving alone at the peace conveyed to them and ir so. In by the Republican bt entered towns of Importance to northern ror sUle chairmen that be Ueuleetni f. W. Hegnell, miui power dealr particularly lo protest h numerable, outrage cofnmlttad by Oer time of the accident and was en route to what manner would not lake any pari lu Uie program for many (Continued on Page Two.) this city. ger, l .tu p. m. against the two essential assertions of tbt and her allies against both belUger- siete be Ferwsrdrd Immediately. Campbell's inaiigurauon He said be liad Ltantanavt Terlierl UsretM, with Lieu note of the enemy powers thai pretend to ents and neutrals, demand penalties, repa never done an illegal act. and that ha bad The orrtelal text of the note whKb reach- tenant Wtieaton, as a passenger. crashed throw ajn the allies reanousibillty for tbt I'Snttnoed oVPage Two.) ed the state department late today will be been elected and expected to lie governor inn. s fence at Uesn. V J after motor fo warded to the American diplomats In far tbe next two years. He base bis claim trouble forced Uirni lo descend at 11.6 those countries where this government to ornee on tile result of Uie ballot litsper s. in. Botii plane of the mai htne were Treasury Department represents the entente allies Just aa soon lion ss reported to him by bis sppointee. but lite men coined Injury, a fiereetary Lansing knows that the of many of wikjiu are urging bun to bold the t E. W. hoyes, with a passciiirr Is ornee by roree, If necessary. In case Hunt Greetings ficial test complete and exact. There named Memnuti, descended at 11:10 a. hi., of Eminent Proposes to Restore will 'be no necessity for the delay that was refuse to turn over the office to i'smpaell on the outskirts or Mamouilt Jumllon. experienced with tbe central powers' reply mandamus proceedings will be brought to entmiit difficulty. They will make thn a the entente reply came In a Joint note compel iitiu to give up the office, alter til bark lo Hemi.slead tomorrow wlteu Men to Flicker From whereas the central powers presented rour nays fei rassphell said tonight. those who reei'hed Uil city will reluni Tariff Duty on Wool iattends Botes, which were differently Tbe inspection of ballot so far 1st shown to the starting Dotal aptatii H C Bulling translated by ease of the rour Atneriran gain or but sine volas for Hunt, with five oesoenaed at Mgatnutli Lieutenant Jen m ambassadors In ttwee countries and nad counties yet to be Inspected aedy aad John a. Stelaon. Sr . of gtrtladel Movie Screens Today By Associated Press. , revenue only. Rates that would amount be here In English or.e phi a pasaeaser. aiiandnued tnelr night official text. lt -- ad-- i to a protective are to shortly after the aSjrt, Washington, D. C, Dec. 30 The tanff understood Hearing By Associated Press be objected to by officials and admin It thought probable that the note will for Alleged The ma. blue piloted hv Bilrkley, wni. n thai w cannot see in that future ability or restoring duties on go.- unir istratluo leaders in congress alike. be forwsrded tomorrow ss II it desired waa dsmsged in s an rwl plunge lust be New York. Dee. -A New Years for nervhe which are ours ss ttusij rubber an coffee, and of Inertes to have at I litis dslsy as possible. It will Confiscation of Coal fore the landing in Hie individual a s naumi it should Indications are that the tarUfa will be Ml lop of a areettng from Seereury of Slat LsiuS s.i I require about forty eight hours to rrerh riatrpole aa the ma. hum be aur atuueni when the op nig tie present tariff on sugar is under specific providing AW Just entered Ihe ing ' mil fur duties oa Berlin sod Menus end par hep utile Is Set for January 3 PhlUdalgdus navy yard snd other members of the preM portunity I oilmen we will be ready." n liberation by the treasury depsil-tneo- t of and basis weight quantity, rather soasar to arrive at Sofia aad ffeaattsNnopi. Austen, lie la. Ta paaaansar Brlckley were dant't cabinet. Count von peace was Mae theme or several or tan official" and la congrega as s than on an ad valorem Tata, The railroad aad aeeer. Bantatorff. basis. The latter No Vswataeat Moas Hita Note baa set day ly Jolted, tag Oermsn Washington mestsges. including Uisi or William of averting the threatened Uefirit method disadvantages January t a the for but otherwise uninjured bsa smbassaaor si has which are aot No coiimianl will be attached to the note. boldhig s .inference with Pacific ifieir'ias-hin- iipi th tup or s Rear Admiral Peary and other notable McAdoo, secretary uf the ueesury, ai the end or the next riscal year. round in It said, and Tasa rlagpoH the former, t la None was etsrhed lo the central powers' wnii a view or settJiBg-- cos and, railing, nose in the men will be flashed tomorrow ttpoa th WBICb lead pian lo addition wjti higher collection omclsl the hurtad iu lie lacrease revenues, watch involte s note when re forwarded frota here to Urn troiersy ovar the allegas of an angle of st degree. The aereen In it.OSO moving picture lista ."Aad aboye may our beiortsS decretory McAdoo Is formulating with ocst uaaflteStton msehrni ait President Wilton's not is thaiaSSS losntatli: coal by lass read. The urteat was llghtly damaged. tara, it was announced tonight rMjasry, US Ser the guidance of Uod. a president's approval, probably will In aekacung rubber, sugar aad to give oountry to ruffe, this full opportunity road lossy was notified to slop ounris.su ns Most of lbs bad be Const von Berntkorll s greeting Ale tn start Us greai ower aad infln be tubalJ lied to the leaders in luugress wool at the basts of cousideratiea, offi- expresa view ta any wsy anelor to ti without st coal The Urtaal probably will be d aiai:htaes to maeJUoealtd touched upon the stletupU to negoSlat ail'letSMfajg pJjfSJal restoration or pes. u Uua a few days after the expiration of cials were prompted by dealre- - to am letup ling to Teutonic notes nd froai their th bsr confus the tt the cotiferanc. rseks the navy yard, lb tngsns cold pasas. Il reed: inrougnout lavs world in mi; Hi.: holiday recosa Indications are that poae whatever may lie neresssry repara the si unfit their with preside of. net tismg numbed ttwlr ana and Ma), si "On behalf of my country. I atiab lbs senraury mt War Baker asid contain recoussistidaUon Uial only upon raw auatertaj. Iron and ale Presiden I Wilson had been vary eara-- it will though tny wor peels! garmenta. Frosen people uf Uie 'titled aisles of Amarle "ii is a cause for profouusl bole wool, and coffee be taken troat' are to have been eliminated ll'Sesoclste own uute from ta Sit rubber understood hit West Sunday sad Monday cloudy. covered the machines a sappy New tear, whieb may bring thai thit nation preserved lis free list and placed low i.. in consideration, as well as Iron ore, proposal, a lets moldure hat ins under ivrU Haw Mealcc aUadsy and Monday, AUltade of from to ttMO reel were paace snd proprrlly to 'us wlssie pot' r Ma honor more whst was fait to ex- slihsai áa Haas between tbe two IJW rum, sad unfit, but It is une ruin because it that disturb cloudy, probably rain south and ass por tat estator taking the, werld." by uompariaon with pravkau years will be with isting condition in basis or hoeUle In She allied sebes court rcounoenoalioa mads that industry would Uie raaimstii tlotst, Manday partly eioitay. set sansa Trenton lo Philadelphia aloag the Secretary I an sing wrote by coaaparison the He Is expected lo very crispa frost wltb reinal ad r V aligar. countries. changa hi UKOfivUur to navy yard. "Looking Into lb ss we Uta world, louaiy from ivsr at roiisdaipaia future, all our country nevar has rartffs under cmuidetatlou are under at a trade of anortaoos proportloas rataain sloof Th return trip to Htmpslesd. I I wilt do at Hew Year' ame. I asa ear Stat te s aaw year wltb and devised as present delicately mor ateas ta stood to be normal rata sdjliiled (Couttauet! ua Page Two) rair. waetasr M start tt t o'etock tomonow momtng. aoae of us to so without hop and faith ikaakful " EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3!. 1916.

irrage weekly ineorn nt its patrons of repair it lotrtnr and a half reara tweefl thil place and Torreón, and be- Tartnrnt hoadenarter rrom the maehlne teerhi thil 1 certain count rake Tn tn Ohio Captain to Is the pos run company to avtercept rmug- - mjm ir n m bis te plan, Be MM, M tV mH fit tinmñer thta infnatte haa hn eneen y arrravated Take tween Torreón and artillo in tea the ant pounds nark PHONODEIK SHOWS of children supported br borrower we by the proeeedinra or the oeeirpvlnr torce chm of UM vmi-ta- a place m the navy by a certain daw. With which have ihauated taw maoureea af Back Texas Wildcat Carrea malo Meal raaaea her eye on the inmr) pounds, she win th th country, mined it Indiiatrtet. devaa-tato- Two hundred and ftfty arranta enldlers OIIOtfTANO cwvYRrno love of the ynrmg man, reforms him aro german proposals de- it towni and villarri and hav been for Cincinnati Zoo who ln Jmrei for chlhnahu Thursday AtMotUMi rim mu irisv- - then wakes up to the fart that she realty HOW SOUND LOOKS rponihl tor tnnamerabt maaa rt, tal . aman field run before they left. Hy Ator-lte- rreea loves aim. hi ker ronfeaalnn te htm of the nounced as empty aacutloti. and Iraprlaonmenta. ronceallnt In on th trim and tnnounetnr Oueretaro, Mexico, Dee. M. Oeneral Acal- part sh ha played, occurs the greitest ano fmelalm. feare Kn.lavra Belflan. to friendo that they would sen and Join lar, the foreign minister, announced today the sweetest moment or tins little comedy And insincere "At tola very moment, while It a force or viuitua near villa Ahumada that a messenger bad arrived here wttb or lor and money. On "rtfte Oeneral from the prnclalminr pae and humanity to the hundred rhonaand rounds of documents for Ctrrania In this acene, when the pours out the American Scientific Society In- world, ah II depot-tint-; Reirían bv r.mnitmltlon. whteh wa perl' of iblp Meilran member! of the Mexican American ' (Continued from Par in rltltena truth. With her head bowed Tow, Kroner s i tbouaand and rdueint them to alavery mrnl n .in the l'nlld stays, rich wis jo. 01 eomtniaalon. He said that iieneral to irresistibly arm rati of i and "rjfrrriny void ( ttorr rises height that dulge m Dúcottion of Many tíiarintéei before war vi ror nott-in- t dltcovrred it crm receotry wa cap arrant had not yet n the messenger Or "Balttirm th tat Vr ror her a place in the vary softest spot in paMton of any of to live m harmony m rred by Vllki at Torrtsm To lene ral Atufler declined to dlaeuia th Subject Meatfcif . by Um bat with bar irn fofra the hearta of her audience. Notable aa ware at "In reality tit oveniirei mide Her and her which had shipped m nature of the documenta brought by the are bor klnt tovemmeni hav bn Ml stirr's powen In "Mart Odlle," It central i.,.- BotninK but one aim -- the r au!llhnint r paara rates marked nerbinr, to the messenger. dale ti t i atiTDM to Innuence the futur proved aomewmit of a turptit even tt nor v .fw-ltr- ! and Juitiee nut t.ey only daalr peace irrinza goi ernment. was dlieoerred it The ronstitotiomi convention held no :th. i and to 'nil u hi iinpotlng or most ardent admiren that this "allp of . New - i which would attura to the country lealtl veri prnz whsn one the ratei wo today, as most of the delegitet have Ynrk. IW, ft V that pea--- . Th object of the over-In.- girl" can In comedy thrntt her dainty little ' Otrman mate rapaiallnfi, ruaranie- - and broke. No action wis left for homes to spend .In. a. Ik.w sound look.-- restired ic, In aafetua.rla nrfiri! their few v'ear'i fingers among In lltten-er- eeaete .IlillKhll nubile by United states government and Day. Monday. the heir sir rs of her i.lt'ir..v.iriniMi nrertni," who rotated the Hut for th futare." taken tire Ho cssi.,n will be held and play upon them as she does. aninlon ln the allied rotintrie that th ammunition wa permitted to be rth yar iiro aa the "miaiing ..nu.u.n in olte all the ar - ha. shipped mi- Meilco. or the t Jink.- a rtlseuesion aa to man ha a, already given ARMY OFFICERS Pin wbthr Mrna endured by to tilla URGE wa rsnt to Torreón. wbre it fell mm rai hip .rammi iwuTwiarMps t, with dmiralile rirmneil itrd . years, and many on ;ine, WITHDRAWAL OF PERSH-- into the hasdi of the VtUUla eddrettei modern , denounced th empty of the la economic and up , Kansan Itetet lime Juaret. tiumturtan lubject. mad rinration or th tremy ING AS MILITARY an Is New York Stage th at th or Information that American citizen lntrat various toni ttv "They hive the further objecti.rof as bcouglil to H Paso My BBFTT PACE. tor In the. MEASURE in Jail in Juarez Aaoriatlon th Advancement jyir public opinion m Oermtny and man booked of flrlenre her and today. on all severely yetterday. Tha is nnder in yatrdy 'countries alli- to her and name, is rrofn and ü WIOWAM BOWLING a ATMLtTIO CLUB. worn by eo. assumed Kin., ew York, Dec. 30. David Th sound machine, which la ra!ld Uie irled by their loaaea. out to well He Whenever Dwskr tt, au-- " .ununited rrom Pg 'inc.. Mid be drsisen. wal tmsh lilt pi ..h. leik." waa exhibited by Pror. Dayton nonric and rruahed by the hold of a theater, a play or an o Um f.rurp Mexico eight since op- and tiled upon chirr or drunkenness, tatei omrlil sUBdlnr r tira, and Indinan Miller, of the Oata School of Applied i rem erri.rt whlrh haa been Unpoied upon timet he returned at,ress, be makes H or her undeniably his eration on a larger only to and waa rined trm As he wat unable ftclenre. Cleveland. Ohio. Ha axptalne.i thai men inhabitant teal - 10 own. The theater become! a Belasco thea- them again without a ttruggle. The 10 pty the- tint , he will be ton ed sen th instrument nhotoirrapha Ih vibration Effort to lieeelv Neutral mate. sent-n- ter, the play a Bellico production ind the net result hat been to add to hit firming out a Ivday Became of th of the human dlaphram. ggvernlni the "They endeavor to deceive and Inttml nctttre or he alleged nrrns. no IrttOB actreit ir there Is tny "Belaaro" trust" pro atrength materially through the conver- cov- volume and radncea of th vole and date public opinion In n'litrel rountrlea, or will be taken by local autlmrltlei to get who his ichleved Uie distinctive and av.uno sion at aoldltrt. captured and 11m as , thrm, magnified times, on a who miiahltanu have lung line made unta eted poiteaiion" ind retimed her best jet luto rabal troopt, and through hi relets. VIimU .creen. up their mltidt altere the initial reaimn quilines only, it Francei Btarr. All ihli Katisa captures or arma and ammunition, imiud-tn- t li ' word ibllilie lie and are rar Pm enjayiip ned TrlOOTH SiENT TO PIIIMM aprópoi of Mitt Starr't debut in "Little Then Professor Mlllr ipnk the :k placet of artillery. a mtf ; a to ravor the design or irmany by aban AMMIMTION KMI (rliLIM. I.idy In Blue" at the Bellaco thciter "war- into th marhln. ind confuted Te IMeeoe or Maryia'a rorca. UltW upon dormir the 'defeuae of human freedom, The wat eagerly looked forward leV. irrvigiilir blot of llirtit rushed th I noirnial report met the bandit leadtr By Associated t'ress. premiere MdUi t.T4 I lustily c. clove 30 to as on or the really Important events or v .. t.ltf screen. Pronounrlatl'n ..r peace" attempt waa on nis pay to Chihuahua no San Antonio, Tezaa. Dee. Information I! arr attempt to cauaed a season. as the main or 1. a marked contrast. mild alow regit Finally, these overture ailrprltc here, sine it is known thil that an attempt wa made to smucirie the It Tint "tint Rrr. irt.m t.tif Ikrty and outlined. A or In advance in th eyn or the world of ammunition the Bio a Belairo production In the Bellico theiter 3 Frita delicately record eral Murgla'g fore la not well aupplled quantity irroti 2. tJ or aiibmartoe Crimea, the In more a year and a half. It waa also I Balrd :arao'a rnlce caused a broad, violent flue a terlra crime wiui anuiiunitlon and many atones or ilrinde Into Mezlco wat responsible for thin K llrrwnhelrl 2. Ml roñad labor and rorced enllt-men- t e an who has won a 3.0OI tnatlnr line of llrht. while Tetranlnl a vole In bit army have reached gov dlspilrh or American troops to point below ti premiere of artiste T Thoinnseri dancing Bf of Uic aralnat their own CAPT. W. P. According to flatteringly Interesting place ror herseir Harrr Kane I.MS ahowed a a finely penciled path inbabiunta eminent agent. 011 the border. It ex HIIITL0CK. l.aiedo tonight. Inrormatlon vtnlatinna of neutrality. It a upon stage. per- light A record of "Sextette" from "Lóelo" rountrlea and pected that villa will make every Tests i. to be represented In famous received by military authorities here, the And It wai the first Cannot Preyonal. effort the new play by the of Har Naaie .... hhwed the individual i hiricterlitlci of the ;auddr 10 atipóte or ine before the zoological or Cincinnati, Oblo, by squad or cavalry and a mounted machine formance of a author fuiamlnni or the rrsvity or tnta moment. Murria force memory seasons, I'atnphcSI .. inter In the flurry or llrht on the aereen. arrival of General obregon, reported on a baby wild cat. according to capt. W. P. gun company wer ordered to dealpnstrd that dclltiiirtil of recent K Din equally ronaclou or IU reqiilrenient, . The lOO.noi year-ol- plthcranthropiia erer but nia way to Chihuahua to take command M11tiock, qiitrtormaater of the points along the river, with Instruétlons to "Grumpy." All In all, the occasion piomlied T ArBworth UM allied i loaely united to isaliunt ctiarlfii tirln. lua waa Introdiirert to modern aoriety by rovernmeiiu. iirririals would not be surpriaed If aim Eleventh provisional 'dlvlilon, who It, when intercept any persons attempting to Crott, to be delightful, tor who could imagine a H, one another and in perfect tympattiy wife more combination Willi l"nr. James of th department llar táctica were employed by Villa in a it home, the n s, mtnager of the Cin- and to seize any and all contraband In tbelr autplcioiii J. ex- peoplea, refiiae to ronalder a pro- Hawxu of zoology of OoluiiiMa unlveralty. He their to atreugtl cinnati Eoologlcal Garden. poaieitlon. ir there Is any slight disappointment in It empty and maim er. abort tun weaken the carranza The bajjy vis It .... plained that the habitat "ape," at he wat poail whlrh Monterey on It wat believed In Mexican circlet that the "i.lttle Lady In Blue." the Wilt li not that ll-.- 1.111 "(me the nine, aeeiare mat no about and HalUllo, prominent ctptured the slopes of Mount Frtnklm In railed for brevity, wis from Java Virtually attain points or by Fred Bridle, Company ntunltiont belong to the Fellclius, or fol- of Mils Sttrr. Mr. Bellico or or the exceed- Adfctaa t.2 peace la potalbla ao lout aa they have not eatt chihuahua. of 0, Eighth Ohio Wtlaaw 1.103 all there Ik of the original ape man Is It Facta Cauta Believed ToUertog. Inrantry. who yesterday presented It to lower or Felix Diaz, and that Its movement ingly aide company that plays it so charm- BalUrd and jawbone Th reatorert flrure ' "rn lyaaaw " , con- across the border was alelegated to certain ingly. Whatever quibble one might wish MarheM 7 i Thil situation, coupled with the captain WhlUock. It will be provided with i.i-- dnaeetfWMl r. Peoraaaor n ueiror v" e a warm or a filibustering expedltldh. to raise one would be compelled to voice to Law .... ni ln'"r,w' s and or the ru e ejnicne 01 tinued operations of smaller bands about rare tnd ihlpped it once to Cin members be an ai enrate reproduction or man tioiinlllii which patted south Into Mélico tevertl the lu'thors, who htve not been quite so lar aman stttos. so lont ta Uiy have not Naltlllo and other dlitrtcla and a Dura cinnati, where II will come under the car. winian A ror days ago. Federal officials laid these revo- happy as they were In some previous aiire.tor. about a tettletnent calculated to Important movement along the central eaat of Sol stephan. who 40 yean ha ben The aa In the antimilty of man braurht In were adding to their rank as efforti. They are happy, Indeed, to poisess dlaruatlnn ni baca and ror rorest which have roast, lias causea obtervert here to regard charge of th animals of th Cincinnati lutionist l.lia on the North American continent, the end they south. the Inestimable advantage of Mr. Belatco's before a menace to the na- with greater aerlouaneti the predicament Zoo. and haa built up a reputation ai the rapidly mide their wiy Anthropolorlcal re i.tMituled perpetual are notable which Charliw Hel.lrle l.Itt Ameruan aoclatlon, to the only effective of the Carnosa government. In a wlseet wild nnlmal man In the world. The Federal officials here Inveitlgatlnt powert, triniiorm what remanía ami other tions and fiord rrom sources might be a pleasant play volved tround bumtn the lecurlty of thu world. area near Ttupab, Manuel I'a baby will rind congenial company, as the another report Carranza that otherwise merely found at Vero, Kit. Pr. for roture to smuggle Into a of simplicity object, recently ntttiaUofl In itoigiuin. lee., who haa been In control there ror ai nneinnall collection rontalm several fine the attempt 'munitions arrois production remarkable AJea or the state. National being made In the exceedingly great Hrdllrka, t'nlled "In ronrluslon the allied powers think moil two yean, haa recently attended hla wild cat specimen. the border wot Interest tnd chmn. museum. D. C, placed the are or The iretve Is uid In Portsmouth. England, Waahlntton. II neeesatry to put torwtrd th folkiwlnt operatlont towtrd the south without oppo- "The 100 cannot accommodtte any mote Vilnius. PAIN at t.om yearn, but Dr. 0. H Hay, of the the aperlal sition. Moving northward, apparently with wild cats now," said Captain Whltlock as bale tonight no report hid reached de- - In the year I8?i). A lovely little ailvtnturesi consideration, whlrh ahow rN0By the ew System of mere InattMttnn, ..r con Dentistry i:trnin wt.hinrton, of after two and a half the intention or Joining htm. It Jose l he stroked the rur of the little "Bob." "but Medad (vldane how men llverl Beltlum , s absolutely 0 PAIN In any work upon that lb yeara of wtr. In virtue of Internttlonal lo.i.de-- with a force eatlraated at from somebody In Tezas would delight the NO COCA1NK 'Jnri.iino year the teetb. We use or tny bare no ieaa than back. treaties signed by rive treat European one to rive thousand tt a Juncture It ef- or Cincinnati ir they presented the r.op with After Bombardment of Trenches r Its products ln tny form. How th rnltd stale. Steel corporation powers, of whom (lermany waa one. Be- fected, It would make potilble Ule Isola- a pair of mountain lions. The collection W,6OI,0of) on or hta pnt th "new aelenre ltlum enjoyed betore the war a tpeclal tion or un- Carranza capital from both has always possetied several of these big humanity" in redueint the number of acci- atatui, hfir territory Inviolable Tamplco and Vera Cruz. In cooperation western rati until recently, but now is L...... 1 . 4K.M man. rndrint wib .e denta per cent tnd atMfit It,t7 and placlnr her, under the guarantee of with them, the cedtllo brothers appear to without a single specimen. A pair similar '7c'i; waa told by Charlea I. Cloae. manager of the powera, outtlde ill European conrilrt. be operating along the railroad connect- to the beautiful specimens it El Ptlo'l th corporation' bureau of aafety, aanlta-HO- Hhe waa, however. In tplte of these ing san Lula potosí and Tamplco. Washington park would be a great addition and welfare work. Thil work had the first to turfer the attretalon or to the Cincinnati institution. The director to a h aald, It ..':ijt. protretaed audi derre, that Germany. For (hit reaton the Belgian Altlt A.VA CAPTAIN AND MEN told me when I wa leaving Cincinnati for now deaerve to be called a aelenee government think It neceaiary to define CO OVEN TO THE ENEMY. ret.is. that If any luch anlmali were ofrered In the p'ycholorleal divialon of lite the alms which Belgium hat never By Aiioclatod Pre at. me they would be glad to pay the eipress was demonstrated ! j".- . in electric to puraua while righting aids by tide with Preildlo, Tex., Dec. K. Captain Eduardo charges for their shipment to Cincinnati." r aawa. is i?aw , .,wut laenrwrsr.-SN- t jae vj for lmpul.es " The In- 1. "Judrmr the entente ixiwers for ritht and Justice. Halinaa and twenty man over to ventor ejatmea (hat by it. aid on can "tell ro to Nenlrallty. turned the Litest and best achievement! in Dental HHfllum rebela during the disastrous engagement at a plate a roof, which what hla patient will do neiL" There also acrupul.-uitl- Science without "Beltlum alwayt hat Polvorilla, alsty mil- s Ojlnaga, They reel that If peace is to be had, the 100.1 not with taite or speech. waa shown a "meatur-In- r below after Interfere "mirle mirror" for the dune, which her neutrality the remainder of the carranza future, more than the past will have to be Light, strong, durable and beautiful. If mentalities." upon up arma detachment hsr. She hat taken waa destroyed, according to detalla received conildered. In a hurry, can be made In one day. Why men and women borrow waa independence neu- ONLY HKRE. thown to defend her and her here today, Thli report taya Villa In a statement by Clark Williams, president violated by uermany, and to that the ALL WOKK .1 slUNTEF.L 10 YF.AB8. trality, thow band of a hundred men led by MONTEREY REPORTED ABANDONED of the Indtistrltl illume corporation, that ah remains to Interna- wai Lull Tull Bets of Teeth I7.S0 faithful hr Montoyo, who the right up BY CARRANZA GARRISON. pa 15 0 Morris plan. He aald :. to re- after hung Crown and Bridar Work, tooth borrowed tional obligation. the dead body of Colonel Jose Hernandez, The Cirrtnza garrison at Monterey (diver and Gold Filling. II 00 up pay "loan or to redeem pawn; 4,189 In shark" "On Iba fourth of Augutt. IM4, the commander of the Ojlnaga abandoned the city advanc- beeauae or or blrUit; IN of garrison, tt a before illneat bectuaa retchatag, the German chancellor admitted warning to the people. Colonel Píntatela, a ing Villa rorces, and are headed ror the for Mi an Injoi-tlr- deaths, tm weddlnti. for education; that thla aggrattlou conatitutod nrricer, It aald to have been United States border at Laredo. Two v.exV ror tm s and t,too to contrary to the villa killed ln New System Dentists sine, expentei, pay' Uwt of nation, and the right. orneen and son men remtlned In the morlKtiin Intereat, totas and rent. The pledged himself in the name of Germany to On tonal Joie Rlojat and the entire force l city, announcing their Intention of Joining stationed at Ojlnaga nave gone in puriutt me vina rorcei wnen iney ippeired to The following an extract from the vivid account of an American war of Montoyo. take the city. The ficta were leimod correepotjdent on the French front doecriblng the effect, of the terrific gun- the Hotel A report hai reached here that the small from a reliable source closely In touch fire. "Darknew fall, and the whole countryside Is covered with flaehea. It Spanish and German Spoken. carranza garrlton at San Antonio, forty with the movements or the vi tllatss, la Imponible to dl.tlnguUh sound from .ound. but the flashes dart out from Open Evening.. Phone aft. miles rrom ojlnaga, haa joined the villa everwhere like summer lightning. More gun are being ru.hed up, an In- KRKFX JJKMltfTKY PATRONIZE party. Villa at JHneac. creased number of ammunition wagon, and troop countless number.. The Ahaniutelv no charge whataoever for fhe Villa moving against Mon terrific cannonading continue, all night. Soldier, who are able, sleep ln those unable to pay Tor dental work., column evenings only, 6 terey from , with Tamplco its doze.. Morning breaks. The soldiers nearer the front begin to march up. Uunday and Baturdty Pacheco' s Military n . . ultimate objective, li not being led h.v A. soldiers enter the rear town, those who were there, equipment ready and o. j Band Gioe Two Villi In person, but by one or his sub- waiting, leave." E0M INDUSTRY Will ordináis chiefs, according to Information which has been received In Juarez. ill Concerts Tomorrow was at Jimenez yesterday, directing a col umn In pursttil or Carranin soldiers from The Chihuahua City military band of A3 Chihuahua city, which had succeeded In 6 99 Pieces, led by Major Alfredo Pacheco, wtll penetrating south below Simla Ronalla. IftJ Writer on give two puhllr concert! In Cleveland Carranza rngcer, It li believed, are cut orr THE square Monday afternoon and evening, from retreat Pi chlhuabua city by the of Premium permission hat been granted by Mayor Villa garrison it Hoaaltl. The fiel the Tom Lea. and th loeal union hand has an- that Villa forces still are in Jinienei tentla nounced that it would not proteit aglnat to disprove in report tint i irranta troops the concert. Local builnen men are be- itnt south by Oeneral Francisco Murgla and hind a movement to retain the band tn succeeded In retaking Torreón. Vil riso permanently, If poitlDle. Mil. Mas In trour Sirle- - The program for the two conoernta Mola- The Villa forces numbering lo.onn men Quick Tire Service rity rollow: now are distributed in four Mates In Met- Southern Bud to I o'Clewk P. at Chlhuahua, Imrangn, Coahulla and March, "Oambrlno" A. Pacheco Nuevo Lon. The mam body li in the La- wait. "April Smliei" Deplel guna dlilrtrl, probably north or the city (INC.) Pantalla, "Alri of Andaluila" (lomei of Torreón. One column hit gone eatt . March. "American Patrol" Meacham from Torreón and has taken Saltillo, and Larngo bottle, paw do. .( . .$1.50 Fantasia. "Allatrla" Plllaveitre U believed to be rloie to Monterey. A Keenly appreciative of the wonderful business of Small boUlea, per doz $1.00 Hungarian song, "The Vagabond" Anon third body li In the uiountaimiui country Fantasia. "Hungarian Bhapaody" Mitt writ or Chihuahua city, and a fourth the citizenship of El Paso and feeling very grateful body, Ti- Upon retaan of eat at and bottle re- Men. an long, "The Sparrow" Anon smaller undr Colonel Mariano a 8 to tM o'Cloek. men and Manuel Ocboa, is between chl for this showing, desires to wish our many friends bate of 50c on the targe uzo and 25c on March, "Atlanta" Anon huahua City and Juarez, probably near and ttte email aise it allowed. Then Waltz, "Kapana" Waidtoufel Villa Ahumada. Practically every small customers a Pantalla, "Saiuion el Deltla" St. Laeno March. "The Pasting Regiment" This What Cost R. Caberley Is It Fantatla, "The Trip to Moacow" Happy , Pilleveitre Rheumatism and DELIVERED AT YOUR HOME. March, "American Patrol" Meacham One Dosoo One Dan an Fantasía. "Hlgoletto" Verdi Song, "1.a Paloma" Yridter Bamarkabl. Boma Cure Given by One Who Prosperous LARGE SIZE SMALL SIZE Bad It-- He Want Every uffaror to Benettt WASHINGTON HAS NO COM- eat Ho Un.y Jtst Tear aacrtta. MENT TO MAKE ON REPLY $1.00 75c Tears of awful (farlog and mtaery have D. C. BOOTH TO PEACE NOTE tauaht his mmu. stark II. Jarkaoo of reaeea. PHONE 4800 Nrw York, baw tarrtble an taaaoy to truaoau bate New Year plursa rbeuuttlam is. auil bare glfeu blm sym pátby with all uutortuuates wbo an wltlitu It He want roeuwatle vtrtias to katw And to promise you for the coming year greater efficiency coupled with the heat (Continued From 1'tg one.) Kaap. waa cured. frjBead what a aya; fin- o order not to prejudice the Hide tires manufactured, and to maintain 00 per cent efficiency for the coming year. pendent iKialtlon or fnti government In the hcgotutlona. El Paso Brewing Assn. Purtaltal Nut He pre ente it The l ulled 8UU-- I repreaenti (Jreat BiiUtn QUICK TIRE SERVICE in all four central enaplr; Japan and Ku-- : mania e D. C. BOOTH, Manager Texas and Kansas V d eat aolloit nor ante erttore faoza dry tartatoelai la violation at Taanva latea, in Austria and Germany; Han. and Phone 7007 Italy in Auatrla uid Turkey; ScrMa In Oer-- I nun y and Turkey; and Belgium, Itoutenegro and Husma in Turkey. Portugal alone of We 911 U. S. tire exclusively. "Monarchs of the Road." the entente countries it represented In - none of the belligerent countries by tbli vra BauH foramiaini 1 B INDIAN BLANKETS The orrielal leal will not be made public ?lArwak by the state departiuenl nor will any dl cation be riven aa to whether it agre at CHIMA YOS NAVAJOS BALLET AS with the preti teat. Tin .late departnasut reeu tuott etniestly tntt it li lite mere ai Largest nieijenter of the virloui belllgereuia whose nxEntourGunterSAM ANTONIO, TBXJkJJLHotelCUROrEA.V Showing in the Southwest 11 Uileresti reprtteal In the hoatlle toun "I Mad har Valsa Uke Lbjwtalag A Hotel Built fog the Climate trie and regard the negotiation! at tarred aaiHIlt Tkroata My Jotata." iBlillt y oonfldentla!. any ton of publicity niuit ii m at.naaar. OdfkaaJ MMwajaartaar T. r. tlierefor be left to Use gotermaentt "to tat spring at IBM I wa atUokad br t ESPAÑOLA CRAFT SHOP Muscular asd totaauMtotf B he watts 1 x. a. Tbaawoee C. at. Grader aa uoly tao wko fear It know, for era 202 N. Oregon. Three South PubUelly 1 ubrnuNlnt. tare reara. I triad twawdy aftef ra ra rat r. atat Door. of Poetoffke Tula reeling la inert aeavd ihrouth the tutai alter dertsr, bat awei twlsaf aa 1 tsatwit CERTIFIED PÜ8LIC CCOUNTIUIIS beller taal the only direct lutereil tint thla waa only temporary. Finally. touat a rwraaaty government in the peace negotiation that cured oMkaplaUly. and tt feu Baser Otay Maotottat BaxUt ttuUdiug. liu I keru glvaa to nsaraWw wa It the president'! note and the It la that terribly sort, ted aad area WrUhlea wtu afeas--I oo n viole pej.e iituiUon can betl be tervea ate tint, aad It egected a ear la ovary eaaa. eugerer National Bank We Will Hove by policy of silence till Ulue tit) I every rroaa say of State 1st to Oar New Quarters t audi at vast tana Jul negoliilloiii uouie to a more definite stale iivuble tu try tkia aravrwloaa kiiaag Bowel. Established April. 881 Too much now, It rait, will on Dos t orad a cent; rdaapiy reah year sane and publicity it aOdreee eat I will seed It freo to trr. after tea 430 SAN ANTONIO STREET ly teud to embarrass the delicate atepa ano Bare ueed it aad tt ka tararea luralf te be that force one aid or the other to bring them ieag Éat Usa or cwrteg year akinai Capital, Surplus and Profits $200000 00 Oppoake City to an and. . ties.ttty, tsar aoed ta arree et It. aw ollar, tetter, g rtgal atralarat Hall feat aaawatBteit, I 4 aarf waa year ay aa-- fiiataal It it regarded at vary probable taal the tais karaa- - H e haa hex aad tato aa Interest Paid on Savings Accounts note will be answered by the central pow ran aa evaat yea want; Underaatl eri tr only to coulcit tonta or u atat- - C M. MORJBHI1AD. PraaMeat JOSKPH atAOOFFI N, Vtoe Praa Levy Grocery Company All Other. BuHita. C. N. BaaSBTT. OBOROB D. FLOBT. .. imán official aa te. Ctar. retardad unfortunate kLr Jaekaea li raetsaetkia JUsre J. OtXCHRltrT. Aaat Caabtar. for the peace movement the entente araaatetat fhwaaa 505 and 606 204-20- 6 E. thai Overland St have dlti uated Uw peal at such issuguw EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1916.

New York, last Way, provision was made TWO MAIN ror called meeting or the body within Irish Lecturer Will BRANCHES. two year. Instead or four years Istsr, at the GENERAL CLEMENT time or the regular quadrennial seinn Tell About 'Revolution nils action was taken fn order to permit early ratification or the plan Of nntriration at Court House Today OF METHODISM MAY an be submitted by the Joint eaintntaslon TO LEAVE JAN. 8 which meet Sunday night, December 1. The Joint commission's first session will be s "wstch meeting" of special prayer In AT LAST REUNITED behalf or the union or the Methodist church BE and the Methodist church, ftousa. The past- Commander of See san th thf or the old year and the doming- of Has ' ion! Division and Staff Arr new will find the ft fir commissioners, lay I lunas. and ministerial, on their knee, hi prayer Ordered Joint Commission to Met in Bal- ror toe success or their endeavors. Ü. timore to Disco Unifica- The commission has sent a alt through H Major (Trnrral .baríes M clement, com out the two great denominations rrom oast mander of the Seventh iVovlslonal Division. tion of Churches. to coast requesting every local church and Ms suff will leave the border for hold a watch nlgitt prayer meeting in the interest or their object. I'nlon Methodist Pennsylvania on January to be musts-re- meetings tre being held In all the larger out or the federal service. After that dale cities ror prayer In conformity with the the Seventh Division will pass out or exis- Methodist Episcopal call. tence and the remaining unit or she dTl-to- A union watch meeting of the Methodist will be or Church Favors Union or under the command Oeneril r.pisional churches El Paso will be held ijeora- Bell. Army, command tonight I'nlted State in the First Methodist Episcopal er or the F.l Paso military district. Rev. J. U. Jackson, putar or the rirtt church, Lee and Montana streets. Methodist Episcopal church, makes til Toe seventh division ha attracted the r.u the stti attention or UN military men on Ule liorder lowing statement regarding excep- lude or the Methodist Episcopal church Ministers' Alliance because at one time it was. with the regarding tins Issue: tion of the division from New York?, the body of on from I a on Has Schedule largest soldiers the border "Our denomination unit thli Uniform sny one camp or tne question. sate The division j siso attracted attention berause of the man- White "The of the Methodist for January Sundays membership ner In which It was laid out. Kplsrnpal church, both lay and mints or or division, lerlal. wants to see the church reunited. The Ministers' alliance or the city has coaNKurs UUUNK. All the other unit the or or which were ordered home some time ago JHg Every conference our denom- Cornelius Lehane, or Ireland, colleague entire arranged and adopted a uniform srhedule away ination ias declared for It. All the ten James Connolly, who at or Dublin Will get berore January to, It wss for the Sundays of the battle yesterday. rrirlal publications of the church are sevrral January. commanded the army or the Irish republic. Stated A special dinner will be served on New i lamorlng Tor it. All our rburches are January 7 will be observed as "Church Is here in El Paso. He will spesk on Ire- Year's dsy to all the men of the division. yKsKj&y Slar,n January 2nd. a Wish you a praying- ror It. We can see absolutely Memlier' day." It t designed as a-- day or land this afternoon at the t dis- Jl no reason why these two trict courtroom In the at jj rood treat enlistment and consecration on the part or courthouse bodies or Methodist Chris- o'clock, Mr. l ehane represents the OBITUARY W vjSSSJShBEI Mnrnln"" re pe for Hapoy Prospeitms professing all the Irish ! tians should not be one as they orig- members of the various churches. cttlsen army, the rebel force that estab- inally were. The cause or the division January u will be observed is "Every- lished the republic of Ireland, and u s per- Military I unreal te Br Meld. 3S C 0C BOSTON STORE Tfear long- A Nw or these churches hss since disap- body Go to Church dsy." A special effort sonal friend of the Countess de Marklevlri, military funeral service will be held peared. continued separate ex- now undergoing life Imprisonment ror par Their wtIT be made, ss on similar occa- for Private Wallace Kannal, years old, istence 1s a meaning-les- anachron- former tiripation In the revolution. He says the either sions, to In the city to B. i who ism, a on or induce everybody case or will come up ror of Company Ohio infantry, or reflection the Ideals attend some In Ireland considera church service eltber the lion at the convention or at died at the base hospital from pneumonia, Christianity. morning or In the evening. ambassadors the close or the war, and the cause today from the chapel of the Peak I nrtet "I rind myseir wholly In accord with January Is designated "El Paso day." that for my denomination In Its it which so many heroic men and women taking company. The body will be (hip- earnest desire Is the purpose or the on that ror although It ministers fought In Dublin last will be vlndl ped to his home In Akron, Ohio, this after- 'afeoVa tí éHrsfMe Methodist unification, snd, day emphasise the Importance of the Easter a to He has been well received in all noon. eeeeeeeeeeee have, been In El Paso but short time, and It relation to the lire and de- rated. I church the great cities The am sure correctly represent the velopment or this growing cita. of America. admission First Methodist church, When I say, 'we to his lecture Is free. Funeral of Mrs. PliekeU. " January is will be known as "Our want It' Neighbors' day." Emphasis will be placed Services will be held at 703 North Stan The attitude or the Methodist Episcopal upon our responsibility ror the Mexican ton street this sftetnoon at o'clock for church, south, will be submitted by nation and people In these times or dis- Mrs. Toblthe Elisabeth Purketl, 4 years n. WATCH PARTÍ FO rtev. P. Knickerbocker later. tress. old. who died at a local hospital. Rev. sylvanls snd Ohio csmps yesterday morning only orncer there, to serve the drink, So rar as It Is possible it is expected all O. J. Wade will officiate. Burial will be when the soldiers Jumped out or their tents and then elevated htm to vice president. at Evergreen cemetery. or l The of as or the churches or the city will conform at reveille and round the ground white with Serrennt Redner, s Massachusetts tttenntlon the religious world Mrs. Puckett came to El Paso about three corps, the new yesr begins will be rixed on the their services during January to thla gen- leet. Later In the day when the rain came they msde secretary, and Joe ALL CHURCHES WIL! years ago. She is survived, by her away. Although Wursham or El Paso, of the Joint commission on eral schedule, thus making it possible to the gloom chased the Joy treasurer deliberations P. c. Puckett. and four children. nothing The reunion banquet was by the unification of the two churches repres- secure some uniform advertising snd to the soldiers have much to do st a Carroll Powell, or Ohio' Troop C, which enting- the or Meth- impress everyone with the general spirit present, the entire week being holiday general conference the eighteen CM Ten chap- Episcopal of unity which prevails. the weather hs not permitted much out contain Slma odist church and of the general Hound Robin Author Menleoccd. ters or the fraternity were represented, conference or the Methodist' Episcopal WELCOME NEW YEAR door sport. Population Increases The of 'i he new chapter plans dan oes ano church, South, begins author the recent "round robin" border which Its session In the Ohio Infantry camp has re- frequent reunions.' A New Year's telegram New year's Eve In Baltimore. At ad- - the $0 Cent in ceived rrom a summary l a went to national headquarters In Chicago. or I READ THE WANT ADS Per 1916; 'Border Group Chapter" Journment the general conference or the sentence consisting or one month's deten- The civil War began Just after Shjrna Cbl Mrthddlst Episcopal church In Saratoga, Program Is Prepared for First Deaths Show Decrease tion in camp and rorreltiire or of Sigma Chis Formed; was rounded, and the rounders participated. Presbyterian After Retr- or hta pay for three month. lenerl Benjamin Piatt Runkle, one who Is still living, made a preparedness speech at Although the population or El Pasoan Is President atar Service. i Po Fícetele Until Installed. El his lsst appearance berore the rirst chap- Sunday Services in El Paso Churches has been Increased about so oer rent ter, at Miami University, Oxford, OMo. during the year or 101, there were 41 Electric lights are being Installed In all belong Arrangement have completer! Ouardsmen who to the Sigma Chi Chls not reached are asked in been more In El Paso In 101 than of the tents of the Second ohm brljgade. holding a deaths Fraternity, one or the largest national col communicate with those turned, or Joseph union watch night serviré at the there were In lots. According to the and the various brigade and First Presbyterian Sunday evening or lege Dreek organisations, elected as R. MefT, Second brigade, OMo, and Joy M. church records In the city health department headquarters the Ohio guard ha been letter Ohio Field Hospital corps. The service will follow- tne regular eveni- equipped with Marriott, Fourth SUNDAY ornee, a total of I,17 persons died In telephonet. president an El Paso man, F. 8. Frlckelton, on the executive ron ng- services In the various churches. Af- SCHOOL El Paso during the year ton. During when they rounded s Group chap- - ter the are dis- "Border séversl congregations the past year, 8,178 deaths were re To Conduct Indoor Serviré. SUPERJNTDTS. missed will go to ' at the Hotel Zeirer. Isst night. Mr. they the First Presbyte by the health department Chaplain J. L. orifrés, or the Seventh V. B. rian church, where the following program yported infantry, will conduct Indoor aervlces on Frlckelton ws the only civilian present win be prescnted: Sunday evening ror the In READ THE WANT ADS to per an first time three They picked captain James M. Bentley, or BAPTIST Prom to 10 o'clock" a song and praise about cent has not caused yesr. The will lie held In the new In the, or services the First Ohio Field Hospital rorp. and the Calvary Houston Square o. J. Wade 30 11.00 C V. NaTs. service will be held. The old hymns will Increase number births this or the regiment, was year auditorium which con sot Montana street. be used snd the congregation wlU do the past compared with Four- structed largely through the chaplain's East El Paso. .30 11:00 Henry kUdweJl singing. teen hundred tod twenty ll.births were 3314 errorts. a splendid program or sacred Alameda. 10 recorded during the year or 191. In 8:10 11:00 At o'clock s fifteen minute address music has been arrancad. Chaplain Unrfes First J. r. Williams 1M were In the city. Mb I Magorrtn avenue. prop rt at to the ooeaslon. will be given by there i.riu births will preach the sermon. Highland park I. M. 11:00 the Rev. Perry J. Rice, pastor of the Plrst There were W more births this year Lanvtton t:l year. Dakota snd Ooid. Christian church. than laat Find Ground White With Sleet Mexican B. C. Peres 1110 a. Helios. 10:1 10:4 Prom to a special musical pro About twice as many Mexican babies There was considerable Joy In the Penn ;ui Stanton. gram will be presented by the choirs of are compared Grand View Baptist L. HsUowsy s oo R. M. Dexunao. bom with the number of Mission.!. TTintty Metnodist snd Presbyterian according e I dalla snd Mj lea. First American bable, to statis- 6.00 churches. tics. CATHOMC. 7.00 At 11:30 to It a closing consecration ser- 1 CONVENIENT TO ALL immaculate conception F. C. Roy 8.30 vice, led by H. P. Dnrkee. secretary of the DI Arce nr I UTrnrc ilg n. Campbell. 8:80 Y. M. C. A., will be held. 10:80 Happy All churches in the city Invited to S.00 are Guardian Angel participate In unique service. 3025 Frutas. 00 this 8:80 Don't Sacred Heart M. Isaeulrr 7:11 At the Methodist Kplsoopal a Plrst church. and suggest that if you 619 S. Oregon. Montana and Lee streets, the Rev. John M. Jo Jackson wUl preach a New Year sermon Suffer place a 10.30 a. m. Special St. Ignatius c. Tranches 7:1 at It music of the occasion 1301 vuird. M will be: "StHI. Still With Thee" (Arthur From Poote), quartet; "Unanswered Yet" (Till- Piles CHRISTIAN man), Mrs. J. W. Christie. In the evenlnr Austin Park J. B. Allen 10.30 the Rev. Jackson will preach ai a o'clock Bend ror Free Treatment - 10:6 Trial New 8301 Mintana. on "I'nlon and Progress." The special First h stjtk II 00 No matter libw tone or how had go to , wo K. Oregon. music will be: "I Ley My Sins on Jesus" CHRISTIAN 8CIEWCE (llawley). quartet, snd "Forever With the First Church Mrs. E. T. Brown Lord" (OounodK duet Mrs. Christie and Montana and Stanton. Mr. Forsythe. Edison i CONGREGATIONAL Following the' evening service there will First Miles Hanson 7:30 be a social by Rio Grande. hoar followed light refresh in the home it will, do Williams snd ments, to which public Is Invited. The CHURCH OK CHRIST 11:00 7M the Montana and Raynor. J. W. Dunn evening will conclude with s special ser more than any other fll'ISCOPAL vice or prsyer in conrnrmity with the call Church or 8t Clement Henry Easier 11:00 7:30 of the Joint commission on unification oi one thing to make the Campbell and Montana. the M. K. church, and the M. P. church I EH N- 10:30 7:30 L05 ANGELES with a reality. Til A- - Mrs. 0. Ruiieuge. South. Evangelical Lutheran A. Woebbklng- LOGICAL TEXAS l foe San Antotiiu. The New Edison is St. Paul's English Lutheran... A. C Harris U JO Trtsity M. E. Church. HEADQUARTERS the Montana and Ante. M. E. Mesa and Every desired luxury, re- only METHODIST EPISCOPAL 11 7.4 Trinity church. oulh. instrument that Campbell Boulevard finement and convenience, A (bury Situated In heart of city ai with pro--, t school at 0:30, classes . carries it the 3316 Hueco. Sundsy for er $ Btw moat opposite Park. Paso r. C. Collins 11 00 central East El 7:6 W. h. Lark, trybody. Car lines to beaches, mou- found conviction of River. At 10:4 Mr. Knickerbocker will preach Tk. fxTmrnii Sb.0. Breas . TrUL M. SkK ntain, missions and John Jscksou 11. 7 JO ura T. ueory. "I Am Mot Ashamed or tne Gospel or other Realism. Montana and Lee. will (Its relief, and a tlnsTle box often places or Interest Just a few Highland Park H. P. Bond Jesus Christ." cures. A trial pevekace mailed free in plain steps rrom hotel SK rooms At 7.30 p. in., the great people's service, wrapper If send us coupon below. Federal and Dakota. "00 7.30 C If. Bret. juq each with private bslh. Ab- M. E., R. Knickerbocker r. subject will be the TiiUlty South.. ..P. knickerbockers solutely rireproor. Both Amer-lcs- 01 10:6 I í. In or FREE SAMPLE COUPON Mess. 7:30 Ayer. fourth the serle the Happy Christian and European plan. Tar El Paso Phonograph Co. orchard Park N. H. Hurrman Home. The subject will be "Kissing." rmrjvUCJOMPANY, 11. I PYRAMID irr rrom im rrom .ludiock Place. 00 7J0 All or 33 Pyramid Marshall. Mlcb. tl.0. Fiee I. I KK, Mgr. IHESBYTERIAN the auditoriums the church sr Bid., ios to these Kindly me a Free sample or deKL Al ura W. C. Baber crowded the doors at services. send FyraaaM rila I reata t. in plain wrapper 'dalia and RusselL 11:00 7.30 Leonard West You have to come early to tret a back seat. Oregon and Boulevard Last El Paso A. A. Davit Trinity quartet will sing. Name Alameda and Poplar. 11:00 7:30 Special muss will be given at the morn y kf. nimnilrk First C L. Overstreel Ing- service ss follow: Loser Boulevard and Stanton. 11:00 7.30 W. L. i.oug. Westminster Wataon M. Falrtey Antiiem. 'Oh, How Amisble Are Thy IW (West). Horvnre and Rio Grande . 10 4 7 :30 Kenneth Brown. unfiling" ti U. VAT ION ARMY Solo, "Teach M to Pray" iJewelt, b til S. Oregon AdJ Looney In command Mrs. Francis Murphy. fcFVENTB DAY ADVENTI8T 11:00 7:30 The following special music will be given Houston and Westminster M. R. Proctor ay si the evening service: services Sai uro selected. MEXICAN CHURCH OF THE NAÍAREN- E- 1140 AnUiem, Ttl s. Oregon S. D. Athens Solo, "Resignation" (Caro Hoina), by Mrs. IIURCH OP JESUS CHRIST It JO .Nora ToensfeliH. (At Latter Day Saints). Monday evening, han l rsnelsco SL (I. O. 0. P. Hall.) 10.00 11.-- I 3.00 I church ef Chris. At the Church or Christ this momma. I. '. Dunn will rill the pulpit sml deliver ' sermon on, "iurgelltnr the Past aud Look- Ing: to the luture." At the evening; ser Announcement New Years vice bis subject will be "Moae or Christ Groceries Are tor Quality Which?" 'Wattes ftrnm Bible rlaotei meet i a m. o'clock Midweek service will be held Wednesday ai Greetings FRANCO-AMERICA- tm p. ' Hie Bom Rubber Company Austin Park UirUUea announce that in There win be services at the Austin Psrk addition PLUM PUDDING Christian church SuBday at ll m. and to their famous May an abundance of Health and Prosperity Individual size tint, 15c; 2 for. . 25c p. in. ine pastor, j. H. Aiirn will prati the momma; preaching service beginning they now carry a completa stock of One pound tins 35c t 10:4 o'clock. Hi chard Crawford will be yours during 1917 is the wish of the Offi- Two pound tins. 65c lead the Kudeavor at 0.30 p. to. Subject "Lesson to Learn treta the Past." cers and Directors of Throe pound tins $1.00 MARZIPON, per plate 50c Service apvroprtate to tb cloe of the old year will be bold at Ik first christian GOODYEAR SheUed Black Walnut Kernel,, Pound 90c church. .North orest and Franklin Ireets, M .1 lot f;k BA. Sunday laorulal and eventos;. Tne pastor, The M. the Bev Ferry j. BJoe, will speak Suud ; Ki I r0L. UMirnmg oo tbt tsMStts, "The Old New Ml Ion of lbs Churro." and in the evening he REAL MAPLE BON BONS will o reach oa tb the as "is the World TIRES t,roW Better or Worse " in the uoru First National Bank In Birch Bark boxes. $1.25 ' Ing the unified service will begin a usual u Frac Made Layer Cakes, DoughnuU SI o'clock. The first hour will be a fire service to any part of the city EL PASO, TEXAS. Home J study period nr conuiiimiun period mnA win Nut Rreuad as bMUi at 10.40. tsoruaou will foUow rkc PHONE 274 322 TEXAS ST. curisuau Endeavor service UI be held at 5 Watson's Grocery 0:1 p in and preaching at 7 at) Z 10-- 2 12 Texas Stroe. Five Phooes 5151-- 2 3-- h READ THE WANT ADS EL PA3Q MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1916.

selling of law wroV Today there win be the nenal In eight abanrMna arta w::: be ahown Bon. learnlag of ttalt controveray men who hare been on the road I 44 ai kaa ra nt..ll, a ao m rlaat anappy comedy In reel and mu again at the for the laai Mr de Baca announced that he would fx prodoee. fruit attd rayadle alona the tar- - ni Bñna aai multiple rnloue todar tha. c BOSTON STORE HAS Mo. in anta Pe on January i van ttMUgh it aad Irliwir-aB- eaprama mal Weekly, to. Thli contama the TMa pictore baa bean brought bark ror A to BUB Xfrare on a nmbera ttv rtrm ajmotweed the lm avara aftar u ajakanata af m úseme nts very latent aarern The Wigwam T noar thl return ahowTng beeauae ao many were iry cam of bull (Adveriiaernent.) neVa rájolon. getting It Mutual Weekllea go rloae to unable to gain admlttanro before when II atcetc bar Though ha M coeilderably im has inerea ton per rant during Uaa af Uaa rnaai-l- dralhtt dOi ftrtorr I Irtne to crowd in twtoltl. hi a ateana-l- la still lm IMS. cnntaei m wttto mt. Tba company a nnanrlal taranta hará Dar. raataad or rettaaa date that there no ret a Ma aa aacouea of the larae nM4 "kn m.rrn o. un aut II la TnaartaM be will spend wa orgaaTlraal an 1(11 at a eaplulliation of BIGGEST TRADE IN OT Uta TWaV pa 4.otad aaloa. tt á mmmní oat proa alter and It rnntaata are hrgardleaa of the lona run .r thl picture. niiaal of toal. mana aaaaamlai ñera aaanr rallllona gJtuat Vi th management If tin ' ..riiiniie In draw rerord breaking some time In lb tanltarium before taking mum, and the Itnmenie amount of boat r ta Uaa poat aaaka and ata aroeaM of fe a Detelnp feajafagaal far Cw Tomorrow VTke Purple Maak." I about crowd, which It erldaaca It la rar abura up hit duties it tne extaeawra ness ha cned the Increaamf of the rapt ' Pigal to 1. S. Mitchell, man " I Vili'lal' aaaanivaw aau ka mam mad v Uaa Bllaa. the elaameal picture that haa been howa the arar age rodoetloe. Thl will poaiurely tallsatiou MM al amanl oi lar ...... arta for pra' rr.rf.rrta On Rlira aiitlí aegaon'g ofTerln of tba here for a lana time it ha taasniiricnnt b lb laat me II will be ahown here, and SLATER PARDONED asrer of tbe Market Produce and Commla YEARS haa tajan alaad aa lai hila all NEARLY 30 ataran aa far Irrepr-M- il . trrrnetMlOU net and afora or you waart Special to the Morning Times. non company, waa a gueat anta aaaaafia af naaanr and oUaar b mátala fnr rarkfarm hará, ter play, Vnti Matte. if to tee the beat offerlnt erar women appear in the aoctety acenea wearing N., M., Dae. to As one of the The following salesmen or tba company DM laraH : " aanated 4 aaT'i r mi.. haa been framed up presentad In n Paao, yon artll hava to Santa F, Uat pro were J H J O. last in .i aara aoprr aaaaaaaaaa af on a more elaborate and eogity ara a than the very latett and handaoment gowi come to tha Dugaaa today. Tha tftow cloainr act of bit admlnlatratlon, Ooverrvor preent orelr Forbe. praraittne aaaaaa 'naa ana ouaar eaaaajas reata. Pegu lar B. Cheney. H. JcaMa. W. B. Fartjti '" any of the former produetrona. nnd'eiihledly enrame There are four tart at Mr a fa., it 0 fx m. t il, 4. W. C. McDonald troiiy iratTaaa a conoiuonai E C tla. nearTa all Mh Attntjuer- T. A. e. a. Shires, p. a. X StoUroff Say Holiday due In the ronndenc naturally Inaplred by prima . and I II nardon lo Thomas A. Insley of bar. Jone, Linn alaot aaaaavaaaai anawrtaa ar offarad k MM the eitraorilinary aueceu which haa been Tueaday 4. Warren Kerrigan wIM appear qua, who haa aeread five yeara or a 90 lo and Clarence vaughan Departments g in All Hu 1a m ".oaa InlrlnM. lila alnra) the premier offering or tbe Pud on tba arreen fn cane erf hi moat lnteret-tn- "WOÁ. CRAM AT TftV t ear sentence. Insley waa eonvirtea in Mr Lore ta was mastmaster. He fare a allí il in 1" final aaettia of Uaa eaa. Nat RUf. II or a picture and adll appear In peraon om tbe killing of bl brother little talk on salesmanskip and expressed Ben Bast Ye. aarnlnca V ih Ladina ral! ar Mam. far Iba riaher eoneeit like title. "Mutt a Jerr There la toma bill for you tt the Bijou IM1. of . ana Union .Miara. aea aejoo) ylr or an Urna during the afternoon and approval car the work of tbe talaainaa of rnlaMa "a. rtlna Wedding" repreaemg a new or mtnu-ca- l today, nafl Craig will be aeen ta (a grarlar ir. rata iMrd Uian anana of laia gaaan'una Onllka niirtit He will deliver a abort addres on tbe company during the past year. H. P. paelnda 4 romedt pr.idiictton. leaa Black Cat featurai entitled "In a l ooking Hiilnrs fluting Ui Chrlstmt af minar ."'! front thM lona rarelar mnrtnr picture each time. Vaughan addraaaed the men and told all at ttw Ronton Mp a.o fu átala! anabat raamtanl la ana nf Va and aggreaajte producing man age ra, Mr. " iilaaa." Tba picture l a complete itory VTTAL RECORD just fist h. l"n rrrun Cha Wedneadap "Tbe rtead Man' Etrape about W. I. told now to fnaluro In uiatilfa'a arant atrldaa Hill la continually on the trail or Ma at and one will pleaae. I poaltlvely credit, Nata Murr than ni anv tim during th M I one "VaiMptra or that It yir atudylng the dlallkea Thi of tha treat no DEATHS. gat shipment out promptly and ta tha lia toro haa In Ml III hliittMM in Kl wttNLv noJm TaTtafgT. Irarti.ina like and aerial. Don't rail to aa it today. To man Ovarian! cLiaaixn or aa aa Paria," garle rf impute detertlve atoriea. ( ANO Rito ' no. II i ii ata. lea proper condition. in J. fjtoitrorr. at that im theatergoera, wall the work of hla Friday morrow New Tear'a day tba attracaon J'k.. tcmrimt Aaaorlatad Vrana actora Thurfday .and Linda Orirnih. 1L .v.. I Rt and artreiaea, manager, agenta, eo at the Bijou will be "It Marriage Sacred rranlial nnlf In the null Moa gark, Tho of Ilia art wife of the greateat produrtr, will (a aiatamant elng continually In toucn with hla Inter world iinuauany atriking photoplay, featuring AuroaoBiLi uceases. tii'.' btu In In ami to. tiüln. of lraslnd Iwuaa bnnka and tnafi appear in "Ckarity?" the aenaatlonal AjUtfTA Hit MM-- W. Mas, fsard airftsi l- ta. he la or la Mijaata AaajaWMOtta a ltd Mml. Msjer Driuirhp of Lije m t. at Uta ortlial anndlrlan of tlaaTIrui i- enabled lo Judge what bait l narrierina i;ityton. Thlt one It alao a MM t' Mra Orirnih the' original "Bio 44 41 M Wataaa. ttM Montara, Mazaran ittrtni ir.tttt fn Oía ora inta rtait tilled and arta accordingly. Fully rompíate afory. and no afee3MAthia rLáañ. rS"óíd, dtad ta J fu. the VI HI Ml tntsIlM' h . graph Olrl." In tbe aupportlng her poittlvery aarlal Barlal CeairnrdU natnanr. ll.a: thai bold IIIT.aaS.aaa roanr. In aira Irail .r the tinea of a plrturr al bnanttal. al i tlf. thai ol iiy similar prrtod Iwrr Tl.la H an Mrraaaa of from aiuiattona and butlneaa tlhlHWiiIJi Frank OrhaooM. 11 ra ta Sed Illl-S- rUlaa and I R rant, MS aath r.otilraanafria. HI.ITl.l4f are Sh'ldon Lewlt arid Cralgtilon Rtle. NEW KEYgTTJNK AT as ron- iae woojL nía awjaaaaap r Hill production ire the rnm of Ma THE GRECIAN. as muñir hoaiataj frsaa asasanaarala. Rurial ' Man. Thl a aeren reel production and If the ( f Saiaa Paaa. yard fia. Tl of lioop In El Pim Art.iaJ mndlil.m brain and energy Tlaerefore "Mutt or Todly the rerian presenta a haw Ear tin i.rrsanra ttl daarmjnu. Dr. M U l'lt dorranaa 4, dramatic event the week. uaaannilaála y ln "ii ratlol in ntandld laaa. (a, a JefTt Weddlnt" contain the pure or Tup atone comedy, "Black Eye and Blue." alia anal rrntn ra. J M. Atediar. 141 irn i tt" na.aaa. Saturday Another F.dllh ".culona auioito nao paaa anger. Ini-- Ik .1 J 41.1 Mi ftaaaaoa In ara ao4l.aio.IMM. of míen gaaa.. or raal comedy entertainment, prop-rl- Billy Armatmng, lormer El Paao boy, I tbe uaiaan luvr iln?." taulu. per' abort atorle In picture and a Votrue 114 A. i (.alinda, mt Prutai yam may, "Tin-- wiw. w many or aa: non i. larraaaa IIJ.M,r.l comrMiuraded right from Ihe doctor' comedy. bright particular aur fn thl comedy inn army lux- maaMa praacrlpMiMi, and la given in large and i oy wno nire aeen mm a BUM haa. hoapttal frota pnountonU norial al Hta STy' Banda. Fart Rllaa. Orarl and thr ..rrirra tatlonrd nt Rrarm In gadaral Roarraa l.anka II tl.aaa.OM) . :omlnr. 'an. 11 Mary PlCkford' neweat in u ...... pleaaant a amall of admla- - I another "rind." Thl comedy It of ÍSbrtr- lanrely our Cbrlatma patmn r at. doe for price picture, "Tha PTide of Ihe Clan." Thl tba new -c odtanrl Baaaa. IT jnaua ata. dian ream A. Plataatt, 1B1 Mas. Ftstara nr. ag. It hu bean tarreaaary fur u i" add In .tUiar drpnallartaa I aaaaaa Inrraaaa aloa. The r amona cartoon character are the aernnd of the Artcraft plctufea. The tiyie society Keystone, having more or a I.IK.0IW man I ti Htnta. 44 raws did a aba IHT 140 Montan. Ford a a larar lorrr of rxtra (aleiMnpp and ad better "urrv.nnded than in either or thai Than Duet." pint the usual keyatone and runny oti jt''a'ga. Nal demand dapnalla l3.M4.TJ.Iia; In.Tsaaa M.- - rim wak. "Laat the or course, all boasai! man ataaaatia. MMoaal in'ivciy wagon durlni isa noli Mü.lKMi ra prevlona orrerlng. The árenle production Keynonai ara. S14S--- Klahtarv laamlrr. 44 Tkaa. Par .lay The delivery army campa Naa kl) that be together with aigTHI, rush. t" tit' could' delrexl. To Mr. and Mra. Pranak Oaatrara. tñf"c. D. Moor, Blfea. KamaS fn haa eitraordlnarily " nrrulatlnn HMSMHU. Inrraoar HIT. atcrtv muMs and pretty rtrlt and a elerted AT TUB CRAWFORD. KOMETIV --CARDEN. iv fat Ifn liv Aaarraatr pajaarel iflpi.a4i.oan- TI It I largely do to llw atvt Kuoaa aun of clever vaudeville artlata, mak The Crawford theater will offer a tpeclal The 'arrien will ihow. a usual one of tbe Mr. OuadaJunr Vaeru. -- b 7 yaiaaaiuuh, 141 r.aaiu II 7.3 n inaaj IJT.fil.4M. rt or L piondirt ..rpraniaallon friaVI one or Sunday Mew In Milton greiteit latigtimaken all film caatarn huslnrss thai animmarf of átala bnnka and .omi.at.1ra In tha aeaaon' hlggeat and brlghieat and Tear attraction world. Mr and Mrs. Mvadar Maroado, -- apanr. ftouth Na STrZZ Ml Itw UN Huston Smt wan ablr lo meal Urn Orralrr Tnrt, liet Inrladlnf In houaa hilt. It remind one of rare comedy, re Schuster and hi dancing rhoru. pretantlnr Billle Richie, la an Komady penal H naga Btan ton straat. a bar. Itavdrj ChrIM alalrmani Two pre- 'T7 flotalh aaaatoa. Oakland many and varied drniantl of the Loa..., ato fined travatly, .tira varan ra and the ac "My wire' Family." a mu ileal farce other food subjects will also be a. fill ManuWMrnado rtaary maominu. . I7M.IT1 ,0; denaaaa la. sented. Mitineé today. a ao Licia er l ma patronage. Earls and iiirrtur. 4T4.ana cepted mtialcal comedy vein, all rolled Into rnniedy that hat ever been a sure fire It's Dime, too. aíOonaalo Tarase and Amparo Cano. 414 Lamia Auto ataad. 414 Mas. Dodga rrnrpaa- - mail., wlillp many uth.i merchant re Hp.-I-r Ml.ail'. laO; dnrraoer ITas.loO one happy thought eoriglniricretion of nun laughing bit WAlWOrK. I. Bnstaad and la numm atore ,i,. Iii.isj.aso: in.Tr asa. Mar Wanook. 4144 ftoñúia RrtLr. SIT W. Mlaanurl. Ford na- enihleil th l. T..I reman and hilarían frivolity, which make The Schuter company haa made friend Governor-ele- ct Klatnhar-a- or the tlrp.l!. MJl.ail.4lia. rraaa. IITa.aoo C. de lJ Alhtn meet the unprrrrdriit-i- demanda lUnka' mah rrarrer In aaull. III.Ul.MMi. laughter Imeraant for two and f or the playgoer of EI Paao by giving them and Baa SUrarrnan. 41 ISrHliarvardaJr. . Oaann BOtal. Mnttna season jnat pat Truai rompanlra' raari In aul at each performance. Mutt A erf clean and performance! at tha Texas IM.irr.l. hour clever Baca Reaches Santa 4144 Oonaalo SoohaXjtjJ law Anraaa. fan) eraav Wnt-- the calabllahni-n- l of the Postnn and their official family are at theater alnca their initial perform- Fe - rtDfgAL bank TATcagNT. Kbadulad nnnd Loretz, Pegram Co. ore. II haa grown i.M.dly In voliim- of ataravt ance on Day. & Althan. fftatdon bota. Ford llw Teta ilrand for today and tomorrow Thanksgiving Special business and In tti- ronridencc ! l he Ill Prrsa. engaaament to the Morning Time. playing two performance each day, the Throughout the two day' it Dinner nSaaar Worka. Ml faraa. alnani people. The alore la owned and controlled Waahlnarnn. I) C., Dar. 10 A gain of apprntl. an wtlll Santa Fe, N. M., Dec. lo. Oovernor-elac- t Holds Annual UTS lla.oaO.rMMI matinee starling at 2 and (evening at I II the Crawford many numbera man, a bua matalF nf In total raoourraa nf rdrral Cabeza de who has been 111 ?"aOutUw, HU N. Oofioa, Ford fiar by one J. fttolamn, pion.r Rrarrrr hauha fnr Iba aa It will be well worth your while to aeenre he Intariperied by the Ftlacn qmrtet, the Bin, seriously Sl4Ír many yeara gu aw Ihe andina Darrmnar I, ta In Loi Angele hospital ror aome and orneen or Loretx, Pe- Ineas man. who ahonii Itr Iba latard'a aakly alalmimt. Tha aa play mm Dsnrlng Lurgioi and member or tbe i week, Member tbe Ha bar, Camp I'arabina. Ford fia l atairmmt this remarkable ha other Jr.. I. la awaiting th. d partnv-ii- atkaa aliatlorrd rnrord to It credit than any company. Mr. Billy Home, in old El Piio arrived in Santa Fe tonight and wa at once gram a Co., held their annual banquet at in Kl l'aao. II It not inroipoiab'd. Hanuarra or or removed to St Vincent' sanitarium, where the Hotel Sheldon laat night at 7 o'clock. aloie olu aud .ti.-- . ... I ...... like play haa ever known. It a tin. one mfl rivorlte, will be In charge one the .r ihe and pro- MI on Monday he will be sworn In 14 governor. H. or company; STATE Kl PERINTT.VDENT RESIGNS. Mra. Slolaroff, wire owi..i Oold aaulamml fund. fITV.471.nfin. and only hit of the ahow world. Seat may principal comedy W. Loratt. president tbe part in tin pirtt. The governor'! H. AuMtn. Texaa, Dec. SB. Dr. A. C Olivar prietor, haa ujum an artlve old rr.lampu.ti. fund with I'nllad fltataa irraarrrr. be fecurad In advance at the box office or In iddltlon to the miltlc.il comedy, educa return to Santa Fa, before W. I. Nahm. vice president, and P. me HonUih U.n Mr ir, yeara. his recovery waa complete, waa tecretary-treuure- attended. haa reatgnad a tuperlntendent of the Stale liitatlir of the craw-for- Phone WtML and comedy film will ahown. battened Vaughan, la a mid lir.i.Tai.fMM). theater. llonil be by K. C. Logging or The Potion Store today department T.ifJMial the prospecta of a controveray at to who Many toaste and speeches regarding tbe i'.oiirciierate home. Dr. trn.l ti.. ala fir.iu.ooa. Monday being New year and a holiday, va- atore rompí, te in every detall Any mem- Tntal naaara. 447l.UI.aiMI should hold Ihe office In the event be fallad of butlnaia Uuule" tha evening Ennll ha been appointed to fill Ihe . lit AN'D WARafER" COMINO. four ibow will he given eich day, be- tuerca tbe the family may be corn-pi- nt. wr ..i,t ...iwn.iaii.i. fund aaalnat Faderal to Qualify on the date fixed by i cancy. ber ..f oiitfltled ginning with a matinee at 3 p. m. today. tbe const tu pleasant and Interesting to some of the Kvury ot inert han dial ear- Mrarrvr barik aabaa. I.nu.non Relwyn & Co. will brlnr their greateal nl rla Milla dlarountad nd by an lo dale aim de- bnuih. aucceaa, "Pair and Warmer." for a limited ned iip progret! Matumiaa Itltln irn dará. AT THE ALHAMBRA. artmeail sinre la on trie stylets of the fr.mi II o. 3 data. 441.5l4.nae engagement here this aeaaon. TBI If the íoMOt) store. II lo flO Uara. 447.771.004. larce by Avery Hopwood, which took New Woman have bean known to rail In love From II 0 .lata. 117,772.000. York by tha ear a run of one year at with their buibandi. Alice in Hood valora and truthrul irivt rtlilng hive rom 41 u. M dará. MT. 103,000. for been two or Uie prini'tplea which Mve ntrr lio dará. 41.a4a.00u. the Eltiuge theater, and which broke all "The World Against Htm," I one of these played an Important pan lie Ki " li. Tolal, ir.!,f,3.0(MI the popularity record along Prnadway. women. Alice married Mark Wet whan h pr In IlKralmanU: "Pair and Warmer" "gold out" ateadlly thought that he would be banged tba next the llore. e.lnalvel nllrd Hlalra honda. 444.4IT.OnO for 1 unes. Ule atore haa lk month", and had the or nuk- day, him simply and tolely HM Kl Paao Murnlii Oua rtar I nltrd Hlalra irraaurr notaa lll.lll.W4). distinction and the married aiieii iia volutin' or hualiK-i- rapidly, M.oi.iuuU ara anta ihmi. ing even more money than "Within the ao that the might fulfill the condition of ateadlly. ariotinta are beimr Total aari.lt, aaarta. 4JA.OK2.lMMl Law" had done, though "Within the Law" will under which she would Inherit a big bul rnlrtal Rrarrtr n.Maa opened S' not. IJl.avo.ooa. wa the Kiting., champion. provided he at once. daily. Una from ratlrral g.orrar l.anka nal. 146,1.311.000 theater fortune that mirrled altei aliona, whlrli will make Ail ether raoourraa. 40. 231. rajo It one of thoae farcea which only Mirk manured to escape before the fatal a and Huston Store, IT Total rmuur.oa. I74H, Jja.baa. Avery Hopwood can of young kidnaped hi wire then for blrer belter Ual.llllira write, four day and later md Tor 1017. pnraona with money rrom a Indian. Iretng planned t'aillal paid In. I.'.S.MIS.OOO. time and to take rescued ber Ths new spring raahlona are arriving Ilorimnitiil detmalta, WMT.V aerloualy, who get Into more trouble Eventually she fell head over heeli In lore oailv. Mra. Htnlaii.rr wilt have neii week Waaka i.ar.a .irp.,.1 t. than any living playrlght could husband. "The World Against Ka.laraJ ;.7,oo. extricate with her In large oí llrarr.r itntra nrf, 111.130.000 e lor 'a buying trip Iba rentera All Mhar rrom without three acta of pure Him" It the latest World Picture iiiuk.-- llaltllltlaa. 1771.000 llw !. Mm. Slnlirorr alwaya Tolal llal.llltlaa. l74a,JJ4.0O0 hilarity. and with E. K. Lincoln md June II a point to eteciite amall ahopplng Unid rnarrar aaalnat nal drpoalt and nou , It will come liere with an admirable cat! Elvldge as the Mars It will be seen here aa an BeoofttiUOdatlOO lo the pa aa.t par mal. or farceur. todiy only at the Alhimbra theater. truns of Uie aUira. Uaa.i) " ÍnKmi ""' " "M"-- galnal nal dapoatt llablItUaa aflar WllaWAM MANV IM mi s "GOD'S CQl'NTRY AND WOMAN." Ml TAL RIVItW l!"" WfCKLY ja raaarra aaalnat auTratt The Wigwam this week offer even Tha popular picture. "Ood'a Country and Curwood, Bg..Aaaaatall ITaa tbe Woman,'' by Jamei Oliver v.. York. Ilfr art .Mltnut nf Iron 1.1.) atari thalaat dar or il aar au nit dnwu aharplr; malea nf Ihr rurtallmeiit vary wl.laly lul Ilia de REALTY TRANSFERS al laaat Irani 30 to 40 par cant rfaapaewl Willi K W. Mmllh at tu. lo K IV Tlnunolu Work Uia year ' Poor Taa prnaluUon of the Noraaaoar laie. .óa Ml "aV Vexations S fl111 aleaadad all aOiar peaal.aja annual OPirt u. JanaJs 4 u. ualiU. allhauak Ua output Ml atiort of Uir anal of 11, idora 41. ráasi ki aHtTrufflaralbMi nailon- - a intKill. two Mu. aaimalnad 1, .. rrallmlnarv aatlmaUM a DiKpttt of aft, HnAln ,.,,,, . aae.eeo lam of pic Iron, aa.a: tvua of atea! ilirtiw.. lot oan prt tf blank :j Hau.a by Service tl.wMto addlll.ai: Ignota; tV.I&a.CMKI una nf rt.il! produeu. In r.,ald.llon. éia.Tna owlaumjiy i ota lion im, Haal Co. eliminated prerloua raax of maalni ...ni. l 4 Duata to Juaatdi H tail the Jamo, at ua and a; tona of pla Iran. Sl.a00.a?4 Ua f aloal Inaota. luu II IS. blue .atl 14,411. SO. W, Why put up with poor laundry work ami t,rl.ll tona of nallort aroducta ara produrml aau, of all klnda of eaUad atwl In 1114 ara To the Gentlemen Bullflaa Permito. aven apprnilaaaí! I.oao.la tona. in nata when it's unnecessary? We especially want to call your at- mf lo anár bullduuj .1 1101 lie 1411 and II la alant'lrant Kaat Rio Uratola atrasa; laundry work thai aiarut 47i par rant of tba larmnotlra aalra and '". 01. 14.04. tention to our for men. 17 par ear nraars rara for port miserably abauL naai g At at WXATMCa Why let a rough collar or a Kalra .rf ralla ora Iba laraaat on raoord. nlraad- BUREAU RIP0ST. When you send your SHIRTS and Jits 4.100.000 tons of wblrfi 1.400.00 to 1.000.004 t'ondttiona praa at mo at Uta lona waaa for furaUD anitjmMt that varkrtt watb. V ironed shirt or waist put you in an ugly COLL A RS to us you can rest assured alaichant b)st furniea aold I10.000.t00 I TiL nauO toa m., Till of (arl.aia aínda .rf t4 Utai durlna tha jraar, of whl.-- aaarhuan Una, raatardkr S--1 Mr they will be returned to you faultlessly l.00.u00 tona ar lar export- Uarrrabar ! J mood? 440. Son ton. washed and ironed. We use steam-heate- d In tha last fan dar, arttfl buatasaa In rollad alaol waa ralatlralr sulat, rar hulUlrta and locomo- i1 collar steam-heate- d tor akin atara In Uta atarhat for about 40.000 lona li Eliminate laundry troubles by giving ironers and ta al ra l.ar. plataa, abapra and fnrglnsa to ottrar j I toranl fca 4.400 rara and Jit rnflnaa hi A New Year shirt pressera. We do no robbing at Rait and Franca ha. BaaS I m orwuraei r - your work to us. You can safely en- tat tfiall forstnea. rounda, allot atari and pis Iran. ft II alL It is impossible to scorch or burn and lIMJillrlra m. li. tl.r itiarhrl lor son Olio lMt all fineries. if .art,. pra.tu.-t- r.a rxport. bah of iba trust us with your best We clothes. Itrtn a for Kraiwa Japan haa aa lii-Jfl- your . . launder with care and skill and guaran- RatlMarll Resolution Don't forget we give exact change AI.lon NB M 04 M ... I a Mrunural alaal ttorfc un.iaeTnrlblr ar Amarilla Nf 44 34 Jl .11 II tee all our work. in pennies. lira from tha aiudpolrit of Iba fartrlratlns ahnaa. Atlanta 8 41 44 4 ... I llalaatbor ardan ara aauiaalad ai 1:10.00 torn and Iba 1.41 for tba trr la attoul 1.464.lKrO luna. Oas Irada intidlii asaraaatr lOO.aoO lona. :VL H I 5 During 1917 B When May We Call for Your Work? WltKLV flNANCIAL SlVlgW. i ' Br Aanr!td Praa lf Yort. pac 40 Tha eanord of on. Do Not Walk The "Sanitary Girl" Isas Close to You ALL ORDINARY MENDING DONE mora aart.tfut yrara In tbr hlatorr nf tha " W IS 54 JJ ana la rulttaulaad In it lmo! .irllSintt. ?, " I as Your Tclephtte FREE OF CHARGE llia Kalr. of ... ahnul jtS.iwn 000 aarralad h aharaa. 11U.1 aaaloa. 1ri.M0.0nO In n.9d aalaa Three-50- a.4tl. rtl a nra rattid In Uta mnrtnou aoiuaaa of II,- CaU 0 m Aut0' Tttxi fc aar 4 .if iisS. . . ' i.rue.l nttnihara fr V man ...... u. uaar lha frr.rtllua raaf. " I'llÜ Ü Tbaaa or.:, . airjtialta .tf aalaa "add lola" H ::: Limousine. of hl. h wauhl :S.r awrll lha aaareeal by many m un a l m II " aw 41 44 m....oj II bond. In whl.-- tha drallnaa It. Irua NK 11 II ft ... II rr ;...- - twi 01,d aw 14 4 SANITARY LAUNDRY it Oultr a. Inpral.nt reUruMJaa Uir ln.i..,r.l II wraith of tha .autiU) t, uta rriurn to nut. luaaatura tar u. lEffip Phone 687 A. W. CLEAVER. Gen'l Mgr. 7034)5 ...1 arada of mllllona 4 doMai Co. Texas St Au.rrt.aii aarurltlra City f 1.1,1. Service ittoall) irada I.01..U anil altaraa ...i.rd rorafjBara hlnti III .aseo ... tea wuiViTT is m at o.rt pn.. ualml,ii UK ; ii III . . lha II :l I I Klguri o . , r !!M A Metropolitan Service fotat " .'i ir vot: HAV. M...1M iht vtm asaalM III III SaL uSIrP la.''' i IT i'Jti BE Itfc.TTIiD OI'ICKLY BY lili ...... Ill S.IUJ. AOINIi AN Ml IM THE Cl.ASSIKlFt) COL 111 'II us. .i "JkltS OF Tlll I'APIR. l l QUALITY SERVICE

rg--J 645 elephones gg Elmendorf & Raum Stock Brokers Gaston Lumber Co CORRESPONDENTS OF MILLER & CO. MEMBERS: New York Stock Exchange Philaddphia Stock Exchange Chicago Stock rjtchainjc AT E FEEL that the closing of our booths, Ntrw York Cotton Exchange 1916, without thanking you the New York for SOUCIT Coffee WE Exchange New York Produce Exchange patronage you have favored us with would New Orleans Cotton Exchange be Chicago Board of Trade leaving one of our principal debts unpaid. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF We thank you and wish you a Happy, Liverpool Cotton Association Prosperous New Year. r YOURBUSINESS f All Ctsrb ordari wtsfstted on nilstlmw New York Curb C nwnsissiuii rats. W. H. GASTON CORNER BEN J. SHERROD 401 Mills Santa Fe Fuel Co. St. rr"d"t TEXAS AND WILLIAMS STS. - T

l EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916. 3 FORECAST FOR THE YEAR 1917 Bg GABRIEL NEITH (Copyright, let, by the ateciur IT"T" 8ynn trate.). the in history sine Important will b sent and November ara advere. Sodden MAT Acnident attesting aviator mn rmbudn States, may Incendiary OTthe beginning of the world, 1117 and rocslvrd Vital question that re- complications With the United and motor. Tate be in likely t unfold uch tragedlss late to world condition will become Bgypt or North Africa are for- - or explosiva Turbulent spirit and of human destiny, such cstsclym difficult to nettle through sensational CHIEF POINTS OF FORECAST FOR 1917 a had owed. The Prime of Wales has spleen directed against parson la of nature and such knowledge of ttevelnpmentii In the United State, (n a sinister sign la tus horoscope. For high placas. Death threatened thing hitherto unseen and unknown May and June and again In the Canada heavy storm, especially In of some man in power. Sarlou Its record will all that tumn. Peril due to secret enemle By GABRIEL NEITH the northwest and along the Great trouble with foreign sowar over transcend agreements, notes. After have preceded It. and to unreal among- will be Iaakee. are to he expected March will loans and worker twentieth, charge of and The year 7. from Ihe Vernal narrowly averted. The army, navy be had for steamships and railways, the fraud 11 before. In these - sarlou problema Kqulno I March to, Vernal and police will he augmented yesr 1917 will be marked by greater earth drama than ever Many change among public ftae- the - Bqulnox In 111, flnda the In the south to a certain extent, but THE aa well a Man will play a part. ti, marte are probable. Sudden día- XCKK MUttla may be called to of the Sun In the minor cycle of Mara principally In flew Tork. Washington War probably will continue to lay waste to Europe until 1918, when peace may inter- aenalona with neighboring people are mttu ,abor ww. tn May. and cycle of Jupiter. The and Philadelphia, the court will be hown snd dispute over etietom and next the major vene some time the gummer. pg through thla month and centering of the three greaf positive occupied In uncovering plot and s in censorships. adverse to cabinet. Thar may be a of the solar system the Run. ishlng conspiracies. War. or at least The autumn Equinox will change the current of world affair and bring grave respon-ibilitie- e Japan baa the augury of a year of gte funeral that calls out military Tuptter and liars I likely to pro- - ome form of active hoatllltles. will to the United States. extraordinary prosperity. Sudden ans naval representative or Irapos-alllan- o luce. With the autumn Equinox, a be averted through good luck Inntead After March the President will find himself sustained by a unifying of public sentiment and treaties are Indicated. in) prop inn Floods typhoons. change In the general current of of prudence In diplomacy or states-worl- d Friendship with the United States I earthquake and tornadoes Unusual affair. rhanahlp. Remarkable frauds and on international affairs. strongly presaged Earthquake and thunder storms. Problem relating With 1014 came the e of strange delusion will come to light. Events will bring into unusual prominence the t, who will be conspicu- tidal wave will cause heavy loases. fo printing, publishing and civil Mar rn which the destroyer schieved There I a sign read as presaging ous in matters of supreme moment to the country. In September. China ha v, coma to the fore. Iron workers, en- - In knowledge subllm-tertith- e prognostication of trouble with emptor and his climacteric effort. With HIT advance of the Changes in the President's cabinet and in other high places may be startling and nu- the g(rMt railway, miners of the Sun and Inal mind. Thla also makes for new finance or foreign trad. make trouble. Financial scandal ef-- brings the action of creative Intelll- - Idea in fiction, mystical dramas, merous. Praaoe ha a prophecy of brilliant footing lungl Matter In Ireland upon the world laid waste by sic and . philosophy. A wave of e The first week of August, 1917, probably will mark a turn in sentiment concerning the victory at groat cost In the summer react In the United State. Bribones use of physical force. Wisdom. Ilglnu hysteria may sweep over the war in Europe, but if peace overtures are not successful the tide of blood will sweep over after heavy looses. August should be and diplomarle binador of th past power re- - profitable peace nego- - exposed. aclence and spiritual should country beginning the first part of the places. favorable for deem the world from Its pain, but yesr. Thla planetary Influence I new tlatlons Normandy may suffer from Accident or tragedy in an 1vtor there ts one obstacle in the way likely to csuse strange murders and Tendencies toward a new outbreak in Mexico may be strong at the beginning of the famine and food rlota are probable, or on the floor of a public hall last greed for gold and temporal power, suicides, especially In the middle year, when military movements may be started, but autumn probably will show a more Trechry and open enmity from on of month or July 4. Disaster on the In e power will causo groat anxiety In May may disturb In- - If thla greed, this desire for "plsces west, serious scandals affecting proip-th- settled condition than at any time since the downfall of Diaz. of th sea or Juno Sun," does not Interfere, peace lnent men and women and libel suits In Holland, which will meet tarnatlonal relations A plague of caterpillars and locusts is predicted for the United States, prom crista In 1212. The health of should come In the summer of 117. directed against persons foremost In JXT.T Period between Juno l ana But If the summer doe not bring letters, law or the church. In this Knowledge concerning the subliminal mind may aid in the development of new ideas th will bo erlonaty powers peace ta not etrTttd peace and the lower again connection the Irish question snd in drama and fiction. tt Mir If United State, aa th. to decline pesos llglous may this year u,. country probably will th those who rancor furnish motives, A wave of religious hysteria will sweep over the country in the early part of the year. whole world First weekw.'of July very measures ruin will come, for 1 1 8 Disturbances, fires, explosions and be Invaded . ar.w TnrV mav euffer from autumn of 1917 promises to establish a understanding with Japan. pre- - bring the choice for Good or Evil. wrecks In or near Washington are The better Many changa for Greece are (torR1 or wrack or explosion Tt peace - in- Impractical Mm. la probable that negetl- likely to occur the end of March or Congress will have a session marked by bitter dissensions and members may be dieted. Hysterical and n y- -t Epidemic en,,. tlon will be carried on in the sum- - the first of April. May June volved in criminal suits involving loyalty to the nation. Ideas among the people will cause 9) trwaonry and plot multiply, mer of 117, although It may be 12-- hurt Norway may suffer from the the weeks of July and the February and March, June and July, 1917, will have war scares and even preparations trouble. M br1nf insubordination In talla late spring of 1212 before treaties are first of September. These periods also peculiar oondltjone affecting high ,um, and mstltutlona Hule service, but external peril will become canee heavy other signed. tend to bring plots and treachery. for no serious. official. Enemies will ( foT betting, racing and all may The first week In August. 1217, threatening dates being April The death of a financier in July may cause a slump in stocks and even danger of a losses to shipping. Sweden los lortt Qf MUULtion. Theatrical folk should bring changea in sentiment May the last week In June to panic. , íOU,!, Sí should be careful. everywhere in world and middle of Spain I likely "252!over re-- the the July and the second impaired by espond possible that peace overtures will weeks In September. Public health may be more than one epidemic and special care should be llgious questions In whloh rntracuTon ATTOUST Dlptamette cow than fail. In that case a new and given to the prevention of tuberculosis, which may spread suddenly and rapidly. cure ar Involved. Accident or peril no that ts directed toward adjust-t- o even more terrible tide of wsr will Anxious Time for Statesmen. will suffer from storms of various sorts, which will damage. July the king and queen Is foreShad- - ment of European dlffl mil Me. d Panama do great Possible --or sweep over the world and peace will Tt is probable "yellow for summer Death In th royal asters to vessels. strike that the is an adverse time. 20 to September 2. be delayed until 1118. peril" spectre will family Is probabt. Italy will hav mutiny. Augut be bsnlshcd this by humidity. religious excitement, burn-o- n year, tlje may A late spring is likely to be followed a summer of heat and food Hots, losses on land and gain Probable Tear or Great Orlsls. for autumn of 1217 ohureh or convent In from as The Kaiser's horoscope indicates and possibly an accident. the sea. At Rom pta and Ing of In 1217 all Influence which bring favor Japan, well as August. the Argentina, Austria and Egypt. King George of England has influences that indicate danger to health and personal will be discovered. Russia have upset the established order of has 1 promise or a great victory in Question Party dissension of unusual signi- safety. SEPTEMBER affect thing will reach a culmination. High July. Financial difficulties will ing the honor and credit of th water marks in the tide of disaster. ficance In both the senate and house followed by loan and benefits. The - of representatives are prognosticated, TTnltfMl fltatas arise. Treaties or ultt- death and misfortune will be attained year will be unfavorable for rhe matum proposed; ministers sent or snd before 1218 better conditions Disturbed and .changed relations and osartns. ' withdrawn. Labor trouble In the should be apparent for efuture. alliance between nations may cause . the ad- - shipwreck ar strong i danger east, from middle to and of th The year will be marked by the great- - Mtter discussions. New legislation aensationsl than any of preceding will cause on both th and there that Forecast foe Keen Month. - ha and southeast coasta of th the United Stat may become month, probably ships and transpor eat extremes of good and 111. for a may fall unexpectedly and cause em- ministrations. The northwest may - reapon- - United Wrecks or accidents 10 JAJfUART Real estate market tation. New York uffer aplrtual era will berraaament. While warlike ina- the augury of extraordinary State. volvd. January may be a signlfl - and intellectual - - year. through heavy storm and fire or ac- dawn with the approach of peace. neuyre are foreshadowed for Febru- - lbllitlea His name will be unexpect- may occur near Panama or in th oa- cant data June and July will b miT su ffar first auerter of the 20- - eident in puono pieces, oioca For the president of United ary or March, they may not be impor- - edly conspicuous In world affairs. nal, January and January crtloai months, but Panicky state of stock market In the - the autumn decline, and business failure. Los States tb'e custody world's Unt until June or July. These may Mourning for the nation i proph- 21, date ominous also for Havana, possibly sharp tuatlon of the ,hould brt aattafaotory settlement Excited corre- - or live on asa through bombs or hope for peace la foreshadowed, be caused by an extraordinary labor eiod, for it will lose a military hero Jamaica, Porto Rico and Haytl. The btrain failures. lghty-fou- r ror rmany, misfortune through spondence with foreign power last submarinas. With March a spirit of good-wl- and, uprising, but In case of threatened or famous statesman, probably before region from eighty to cooperation between the government trouble from the outside, the enemy the autumn of 1217. v. west longitude, including Dayton, minister and counsellors are fore- - week la February and first of March. OCTOBER The first week is and the people ahould malte probably will travel from the south. The figure for the Autumnl Equl- - Frankfort. Detroit and Jacksonville shadowed. Turkey may cess to be May ooncerti malls or trad and affect likely to be fined wtth eansatton. ltelf felt part may - Holland. France. Italy and England. Strange calamities ar forecast, but strongly. Movements' the encourage The Mexican problem will become nox inclines to prudence on th suffer through fires and cata- A ,y Death lndl- - to royalty is Mexican arrute may be due to upheaval of na- - thrtft nnd a more stable condition of critical for a time. nwin to some new of the United Statee government, but rlyams. situation they caled Jannarv II II and riñansna In - thj markets will be started together border trouble. Thls may be in the .'If may bring rolMtAry SVMvlty. This The Panama Canal has a bad omen FEBRHARY Disagreements be- ture. Th period from October of war, July l. Prora - t particularly adverse with reforms that affef t banking, fl- - early umrner and the stars appear to may affect the nation's possessions or fnr tht frBt part of July, extending alliances senats and house of representa- the - dlseus- - nsnce, cablea, wireless telegraphy and promt settlement by the autumn. interest In Hawaii. Alaska or to the nineteenth. The aspect affects June to August loases and fata oon- ttv, Investigations of trusts, NOVEMBER Problema of o the malls. There is a chance that a sea catas- - Philippines. The conjunction of Mars Rangoon. Dublin, Mantua and Lelp- - fidence are presaged. If war nd In of aeeldents or explosiona tlonal interest, whloh were disturb-Ohang- e .A decided change of foreign polloy trophe In late June will bring and Saturn might be Interpretad to C. but It mat causo an explosion In the cabinet may take place ,n oom to again. about the summer of I01T ' the oountry's lBff Aurust the for Is prognosticated, neighboring danger of dlffl- - mean war. but in .this oase It ta apt instead of a storm. Crops should bfor April. First week of month porBl)rn new nation fresh International alCT,,tT affaire take a turn, being most affected. The Vernal eultles. mrely to prove upsetting to previous be good, but with a tendency to rot. w1" "netfntalnsd. For the e to stock market, which may ience r shown on th - excitement Kqulnox of 1217 tends to give power Dispute concerning rm and ex- - negotiation and diplomatic under- sickness of n unusual typ is kaiser thr Is danger of accident be affected by death of prominent Btook market Unpopular legislation to the ruler and to bring danger of 'plosives are definitely presaged, standings. New foreign problema are probable. The early month of the through machinery, mobars or a man, or financier. may affect th financial standing of assassination to great men. Plan Americans may be put to death in Indicated and bloodshed Is possible. year may incline toward eruptive treacherous Inferior Disease affect MARCH Attacks on credit of th th country. Aartmonlou article In for violence toward person in power Europe after being apprehended as The first week In October may fevers, spasmodic and nervous dls-- ing th throat and blood ta Indicated United Oxease, dlsoov sry of spies and the newspapers Serious accident may be delayed until the autumn spies. bring strange calamities, but these eases, paralysis, heart and bladder The summer appears slightly better plots In whloh prominent American througrh explosions, wrecks and fir equinox of 121S. but they are likely The death of a millionaire, head of may be Ihe acta of Nature. The dates trouble. Infectious diseases may b for Austrian arms, but Turkey may ase Implicated Waterways, ounals. from November to I around e to be carried out In the summer of a big corporation or railway, la Indi- - most adverae are October 24 to No- - moat prevalent through January, be a treacherous ally. For Turkey a tttaoussed; possibly accidents Ington, New Tork, Pnllsdelphts and 1917. which will he a time of wide- - cated for August or September and It vember I. Tubercular cases will multiply after strong desire for 'peace I mown. Th to these or disasters that affect navy. Boston. year to xpresd labor troubles, discoveries of will have some hearing on public af- - Th, rir,,t Prt of the tenda June and an epidemic that affects outlook is unfavorable for Its future Printers' strike probable. Troubles DECEMBER From November 17 the machinations of foreign .spies and fairs. In early July, a financier or a increase price of food and drug, children in asylums and public Instl- - existence as an Independent country, with Rúenla or Russian trad or through December, conditions are revelations concerning diplomatic member of circles, will but there is reaction later. tutions Will arouse th public mind, in .. .e may develop. verse foreign relation, and already overwrought in. mh jsi for trd niunaera All through the year na- - end a career that has been watched Weather and Public Health. with fear of August, 1217, England will suffer on APRIL Peculiar financial oondl- - shipping. French and Russian u.i DTO- - uanger or ,w- and mllltaryaffalra will entail closely by brokers and bankers. Aarll The winter is likely to wiaeapreao iimeas. a - through Int nal snd serious trouble with farsign fairs will be unsatisfactory Th ir oí ysnow a.I. iremenaous expenditures; especially shows that a man who has held a longed, but extremely cold weather piague scare aninrax. rever yons. Ireland may cause rrcrahle In I linees or death In dlplo- - ter of 1217-1- 2 to unsettled snd In June and December will this be foremost place either in congress, the will not prevail for long periods, ex- - or cholera Is presaged, while typhoid jun- - july ija,, , j, otrclee. Stock may deeltt or turbad and may sprain bring danger true- cabinet or the United State supreme cept in the northwest, where bllcxard ta indicated. ncouraglng for th health of King? auffer hysterica! fluctuations. Not of war and a brisk Interchange of Startling change among officiala court will die. are common. Sever atorm are to Mexico and Europe. Ctoorgo, who may suffer fro t the good for theaters Strike cn railways, diplomatic amenlttee, but the spring who belong to the party in power are The White House la under a sway 1st expected front January In effects of his Injury In Mtl. Fer-- troubl In prisons. Orar political should better condition, owing foretnld and possibly a new leader or indicating events that will stand out Idaho. Nevada, Alberta and even Tendencies toward a aevere out- - onsl danger or loss to threatervad, lasues first week, lest week may bring to negotiations that ahould end in a national hero will arise. In history ss more dramatic and more southern California. These storms break In Mexico the first of the year January and February, late October a tragedy. world peace.

to smuggle ( bill through giving them devise means for opening the Hoe of com top Uvstr work and aolleet logwOwr at an rious sizes round tn every square rod of Do not raes tba ngtn and tt Is advti-ab- l selves powers tn betray trust and munfraUon between this country snd Ho- FAMOUS PAINTINGS their Indicated (pot. Protests were of no avail; the ground tb thrill producing features to throw lb gear shin lever Into buy a tew morn pictures which under NAVAL POLICY OF lland." everyone bad to obey. Then tn partía of will he s any apparent present conditions are regarded as tin ( acor they were taken out under mis) neutral, with th clutch engaged whan necessary On Iks war to ha ranoh tost week, tn luuiriet. tary escort and loaded Into the oattl roaaUng down (taep balls, as undue wear But it appears that what the ohjecioi Entire Factory Staff trucks, and th entire staff was carried co pnr with two vksltor front OMahasn, rear most is that the prlvlleer thus given off to an unknown destination, ajthotigh Mr. abgiaey saw hi co nasa onto tb thrust boortng, wben only SOLD prove s oern. Turning NAY BE TO BE llie trustees will the enterlnr GREAT BRITAIN IS" thy only bad their blue workmen's prairie tn Is wedge to a system that will threaten Ihe of 250 Hands Pressed car oat sver th ha succeeded tbe clutch thrown out. smocks, the men wsr even refutad per running down animal A Uto User on. unique collection or Hutch pictures. "It mission In go home and get few indis- the was only the other day," wrote a noted Into German Service pensable things together Th narrator of ano char was seaa and th pursuit again the story himself hailed from Wilton rook, was started A second Urns tt laminated KEPT FROM AMERICA noble peer parted with a celebrated Italian TO CHANGE By Associated Press and the racu war confirmed by another to tn dlMomfrltir of Mr Coyol. How pirinr- - ror America, i It to pe pre LIKELY Corrpondnt. ami i III sen or that placa much th ocrupsnu of th car suffered ha sumed thai lite sum or lUO.iiOO BotUTdain. Natbertandt. Dee. tt.- - How an proverbial not been told pounds has been obulnedl Supposing enure factory staff or HO hands was ear then that Lord 1) A Demon's mil had be come law, tt is evident that Turners would rld off to forced tabor In Herman sarrios Clovis Man Uses Car British Proposal in House of Pro- Is told by on of numerous Belgian 5tiiAve."aTlredway. not have supplied tbe required demands, Lord Chsrles Bereaford's th Tyler Ooaxuua Lords Would Stem Flow and In order to make the parchas the rlvlUans who have escaped over the Dutch LU of would have been obliged to dtp nouncement May Result tt to Run Down Coyotes Trier. Toa ITawivreel MnsV, Ceatret JJ trusters raw I re- I U. Uve collection." rronUer In the last days, and aa a SM. ra a ae Art Works to S. Into Dutch Reconstruction Wa A semim-nt- is the Heigiarh Dagblad. mm. sow .law strong appeal la made on ported By Time pedal Correspondent IS aaas ss asaar were a a a law. Tkas aaaa rraa Jl aÜ. L grounds. The pictures ubUlned bv The wall known It laeyer paper worka N. M Dee. 20. A novel rorm or !!JlaMLrW saorialed Press Correspondence. bequesU It Is considered Clon. and uuralr to Press Correspondence aa Wlllabrook, near war sudden on wa London, Dec. There a peculiar deceased lo have their gift! tt,- Matins, (port and with dtatlactlv thrills gtoato. Corto I 2. if donors traded London. Per. Lord f:hries Beres Sbtplsy ToTletoaeesU lpeal to the art world of America u Ihe wtUi, or the naUooal rallrry "dunged ford's lateat pronouncement on naval mat ly surrounded by Gorman soldiers at 2 that introduced rectnUy by Ales I ropoaal now berore (be bouse uf lord permanent place on acquainted with Hum a resting Into an lersfls a plea ror a thorough and far reach o'clock one afternoon, according to lb ac- of this city. To prl I sell famous ptrturea In the national occasional auction rle band and the numbor of holes of va lery In to provide tl mart" ing reconstruction of Great Brtuln'a entire count A train com posad of freight order funds lor the naval pulley. In an appeal to the British earl I of urcbsse still inore not palnUnca and publlfl. be sa.s drew up before th principal an trance, on tni the flow to I'lilted Klalei. Ok llera lur Curry County Farmers the branch line connecting with 2B Batto FOR THROAT AND LUNGS iperle u tbr only country buying worka Th uraasnt ootid on with regard lo railroad No one was allowed In or out of of art JUlt now. Recent nal. to noted rutin e supply or our food and raw mate work. h ft JT PHINTING riillceioni Is the Drilled i.r some Produce Large Yields in m opinion, uo or unparalleled irl. nutra iai through the r lbs graat pictures m Eugiand have Any hiatus tn Uva Una of coin .2Í..TÜ.l !.T!if?!v- e world-Cu- ur orean tec ne larinsd tbe local art t By Times Special Correspondent Rvnnleauon uarri' "- (be wblrli the would create an aonaUlns slate or affairs Eckman's proposal authorises to sen ot ara which, Clovtt, n v Dec. 20. in county as wa shall goon base lo take i tnulrea works tuve are making a good showing bequeathed or given for Uta Beiirnt rariners this aleps lo revlrtual the country -- -- !sii Is The rollow- j Alterative Specialist in DIRECT BY MAIL Advertising uf the nailon opposed by a large body or war In several different lines. Tb new straiagy and uetlc uval o ve nitSBOHN OOTJOIU ANO OOUM liaUiirulshed painters and sculptors on lag suiemenl recites some noteworthy beu davslugaS Ifr ubnMUtaa warrare. bold By All las ding Druggists 2 wiüirr han antonio bt. fhone its. the around that It Involves a serious breach reft. rtuuiging uve area of attack from arad ol I hllh Another obJ cUuu la thai It would H. W Jennings and H Curry lauda and all allow ta Uve deep M lame walsra llVEREZE break up the works of J. W Turner, and tu meet a.ami I being by me duly aw ora. declare require strategy tactics who ranked by many as in greaiasl nr beat these developnuMiU BubmarMva wsr artist Oil country has produced and the Uve rollo wing 12 farmers of Locust drove vv Jteulngs. tare, in lis fresh manipuUtlons mual bsvs; l reitssl landscape painter. and Hoye Ckepl diatrtn ll deniilt tystaiivsUr measure, ror IU tup In formal protest to lbs prime minis Frank Gurry, jus curry, Arthur Curry, lgntonD Enter School sculp pressloo. AT YOUR PrTUOOttT ter, s score of noted paintri and oarreu Htair. ai u, Norria. T. Wi- "lh navy ha been hampered by polín tors declare that the proposes! powers P Mike III 1 Money Williams, lUvOlvtrur rase Money lliam. J. Hoot l,ssduli. ral rilarlo let mailt Makes have never yet been given lu a similar or January by any oí legisla Ingrain. W W Wiiliaiiss, Qeorg poln-j- of dereose Instead aiuck Tak hoard of trustees sute taj Uie of l say that th -- hi and a. led to - II lo ll I Bridge ine caae wiUi regard arming and secure a position at a ture Thy inuuedUu- rrsult aillo. As Uas arnuuuru I cavnaiau uf would he to discourage prospective donors TOBY'S GOOD SALARY no a ruff nvnunUd FO, Srluali iner. Iiaiil and lesUtors and that roture pure lusca ralead lu wtul i known aa Ute aaody bell, baa lu IU compénsale I lie nauou the de ship, on sesiug a aukanaruia. pul We secure position for our could for southeast of i lovls. N. M.. for which lury up. eipoa IU btoadaidea or largest Interest on investment ia tba source of evarset inoTte Mootay struetloo or Uve Turnar rolMKItuo Sajoo. not nlui away or Uve bill say Mat received ike atún of This Sues urgei lo Uie aunmarlne. and run ui students irom TWO to supporter lbs Tur aa Us works 24 hours day and seven days a weerk. More poopie ner works are redundant, ar not appre include the tout trap raised reserva urdar lu gal It gus lo br. ini iea.uuj TWELVE week after en a and could easily be sold anil the ror feed was usarle by th aUffetsnl farm raugr rtet second, making ll more olffl lookkaMSpsng. gasstklng. Hated Ihur rid Typowrllif ML made independent by SAVING than by SLAVING. ruada devoted to oblamiua inore wonder era Üh lu bit Uie euani ami adupUiig a inelii ia rollmeot are ruTinaawrpieosi. lad byl-or- p'sbernon. Curry oil lotoU opposed to British traditions, sad nalnp end They also stale that Frank and gallant off I th uf lbs bill, they assert that of aj.eüu 'wurtti or pet Ur atari dlsgusttng lo the aslbor sou tuve uj? lo eat osd or Ik inarln by acre eul eers aad use mercanuia Money placed in a Savings Bank is ova invooiiiUHit SAFE and gallery. 20.0 are by Turnei. and differeoi rariu products from n.f Wl ititudc of dalsnaa laauad or B artists or all other school la Uvud by Uim and Uil bold mora tfd aiuck I be irsdiuuoal policy which has SURE. One dollar start aa outerm woros ussy say was snare are svu Uun they nasd. Mr Paul ol the sana dls made Uaa BnUab amplíe what It Is ha been msgtm-lsmuii- m ...... -- Turn. ra rhev waul in ot nd of Sal attack and always attack, at (SO, trie! aotd tJ0 worth Uusaod fir We TEACH SYMAIC r iliem a,i thai tbev can ore 0 tastd tag reserva fur "Tbr msy be dlptouuiir dirrn ultiea from crossing tbe off arr sad or other masterpieces H aukt fjooi worttj or .une. bm wiUi Ike arming lusri lunt tesa. w Jaanioga attack, aurely testae dirti off at) aeras and reserved veaaeU lur bul laekkeepin Short arusis ano iiuunio m iuma broom corir uliws could easily Its auriuiunsasj. mmmI. Touch TytMawrll- - R F DAVIS. Mgr American Trust and Savings Bank in the upixiaitiuh lo liar bill ' enough roru lo run Uu.i Uuvugb lh baa ilirei'Uy clultalsgSS us. slid law na Paoniariahlo. Hual- - ruon and Ihe truster, of its- gallery The aruoau own bad au cuiUvaUun out and slopped our rout to Holland. rraa Aritbmotic. I Tel. 14e 1465 I Vr.llt rUlDk'n bANk." Seen attacked In ianj.nl and was pisnud These crops bad no as Tb war FOR YOU sod Busiii Let- - ma irl ac altar il short dlaaancs uf about usltas Iriutiei August kuiussdiaUty set Vu wntlrva nMsaaaasw a ravorablr opportunity rala rroas apnl at to te alan abuuid work lu EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916. flfaíxrltonriitg ffimeg Songs From the Scriptures SONGS OF SUNSHINE By the Bantrtown Bard. T THE nsn7Tflti sunn nun rrrwr. j r wtujams Colter McKinaey.) (fOLOBB m m i - ... njffiiBi nm- r t- - rrvna .. r t ii m mm mm i oi nif.f Sops sound fnr us the word orricr timv bt Or. down under tb burden What ii tn That are wtnyed words. Indeed. ASaT All Oam .rln.7nrtj ror nse of that? Some sing ua like bird roni.:v PVKTto THE HEAVEN OF THE HEART Xerxes at Therjnopylae That utter (lod'i own creed, ITn TuV--t StwiU Mill UM off in the day and "y let there swinging and yet, when all II told. MM Xeriei fell heir o Too le.il. i Birlan ararla! Aaaeo his ambition. uncleanly slues to whom he saw ton many throw up your hat: fur tlent comrade her C XtsltBSSettl A. un many people let their ambitions rsrry them evidence of the land having Mready ' for stuck (live up righting th battle? Don't do sny Hide In their heart of gold miru M A0TAWCX and bring not" 11. thai w mar hear It, swiy. hut Xert fait different ebont it. nd in them HI first greet design se to or- everlasting rher. and in Itr IfatUMr I' It baymd the lea, he would far rather have plodded lion der hi engineer! to an such thing' lev' amar) iViu go oyer construct Immense nil lint ahotildil sajr. Who iliall throurtr his Persian reign on easy treat, poi. to. b s the He was let snd Wit the sea fer us, and it unto us, that ron HUponL too out there where the sunshine Is The only thing In the etut, brinr with plenty time to MM expose A we may nesr It, and do It? Bui word of devour to nil alert tn Ma own hid to som angry see bow you can in the beginning's, to g aa gas Sat.' Vs aB W tb Idiosyncrasies, rate other- gale sinr Rui I tt I cry turn unto thee, in thy moult), and but had willed that perchance might npsct nil fleet night straight ahead to the goal. isd Sana. waMfc, wise upaet In thy heart, sod thou miyeit do It. and thua Ml plsm "lot mnrh ut to keep itrivtngf Forget it. Though the heaven above us bend Deuteronomy M It, M When Xrxer pa died and the ut In thl ha counted M r i, left throne chicken, too With flowery sunlight, or wo. .leu or Peru to him. be was compelled to soon, violent con- brother, and try! 1ST Mall i ram for lorm wrenched th The only thing Is to ttrlra the gift ?to matter bow life the iouI'i not Palls aa Baaaa) mm aat There Is a heaven within the heart. with all the entanglement nectlng cable and the bridge washed away batter, For the ultimate bettering. pub .at fcrui in laca sturhed to It, In the way of rvolu nd going so die With the spirit snd heart tttv. I inrt Burvl?. LhrM ... All aweet with song and bright military expedition- - Much a ne might With the I. raw unrnldlng or wing. rUt aa ' maaUi ..... With mansions of the golden dream hs .tot worth while to keep golnit? There Mall Oslrl wished to demur at th legacy, he That carry after our irire. 11 w : again! u, Hit Skmil.t thee. it e H And tampled walla of light. compelled k follow In th rooiiteon you're mistaken To Use gate where the mornings sing. .. r. . i r as and ala aH lulAsas n M eta. of Take up the dally, a man a . lititsBrIf,." tarasí That heaven Is love, and where It shlnea dsd, becan th many tatemen tbst struggle la To Ihe very summits of life. rf True goes urmonded him all had In the world of men Mar 1th On lull MM all alna all 4 life singing on chestnut Through benedlotlons of day fire which they hoped to extricate, even If The Plain Truth walks light in. th Xeri would To twilight from dawn. be compelled to burn his fin- Go down under the burden! flever, while And none turn around to see; mm a": imán Btran th wh-- n üiiw.1041 Oaaerel Manas iera hope's sweet star But In gaudy raiment clad. , l Xerx was well I in srl Dart. wre of hi. rtberi fail- Sings in th quiet hsvens snd the chances WTiat rlos observer w! Me "San mi ' urn Mal i Haas ure, snd that every time he had Ah. bow we sre f -- Orciil.ttar, Dam T need not search beyond the seaa, that rait allured !( ir1 his kingly net, hoping to big. ar what they art! By fancy guise .'..' i ltd Spanish Paw Nor take the mountain peak; lend ri ill llfs'i he Usats rapar rafUl.rU Itid pTnaipU am eiairat sturgeon, when it wss In, to Mi Give up flgbalng the battle? Nonsense! In of the staf fill tr rn.t The heaven of hdllaat melodlee drawn admiration amaiement, he found that he had landed The one fight more. Forgetting the akles! A mneaej. ratTanlne .pes ih. usiellna. arañar rprlaiia aai Is never far to seek. hut a minnow, go; when il . Tlaaai Datiua tiled and irpriui atol, mil apraar la of tka all! 'Tis In the common dally deeds bequeathed to hi son And there In her holy beauty, love by th WHF.N YOI B HF.ABT8 IS TBS WORK. " VmiJ..MlJMS&n-MJtom'n't''- all hla resentment Of live and kindness wrought, aralnat the Athenian. Xerx allowed rvrrl vineciad doori It slway goes better, It iwlngs with a OTIC! TO TMf PUSllC yean to elapse he song; errlm-Ui- . or tar af Oi. Mornlnt Tbaia The sisterhood of gentle acts, before nlrked un four All "tier far lerWa Ika lilniait age to at Who knows how we are When your In the work It Ml N. rartrad I a rirulMUes- tanta tr th Cestrte? or rpneral Manaaar TM The brotherhood of thought. Iran attempt to take up toe cud far heart's gori jlal lilm Two dala h Im4 iiMf h.ei. for parata' of puroliKM. ao( mad I In gel. From heavens we long to reach, rushing along. of r.l. mwrAST ' Mi rasmia .Aso riXW Xerxe wa a firm believer In the n( Wben heaven itself la tn It sweetens the struggle. lives that have known its sweet domain adage that "Where there's a will, there', Our deeds ?f ihougbt and speech! It hallows the strife "Our Country! In tnUTiouvae with for- ten tad Illa Army Hrirrat your s In her O'er all that life holds dear. way." and afler he had thoroughly digested When heart the battl eign Minimis, mat always ha right, but hti rather' will, he finally, to Around oar little ting we go. That beautifies life. siir Accept the aunahlne and the stand well He the waves he country, or svrong." eltepben Denatar. rain Ith the people at home, decided ordered that beaten with Slow centering to tbe gleam oar right With equal grace be would whip lo subdue their It and cheer. look about for ih way, and thla after he turfMileno. and. That lures us with lis mystic glow It lirta us to singing, It decks us with For in the comfort of Its hope appeari. with good erTeet, ror later be wa To tunny land or dream. uvi o ir.i .fij inuaii 'aaajsaaa nave iu able to pontoon amlls. Railroad Conference Fails. They rest content that He rys) relurtanre prevail. rebuild th and to move And whether we shall svr near When th heart's In your work (vary Inch mercy hi army of close to two million over it The goal which we long, or the mile, Hath nnd eternal love to a for l hi manaa-a- surface fight handrul of Greeks. Th- - striving is Itself a cheer, helps us to triumph. inforri of thf railway and tha In HI divine decree. nlgBta it Seven days and were required to The erTort l a eong. us rBMnlB r th at whlrh tha operation on It cheers with trust. cross, and th eighth, Xerx round him- When the aings of bloom of thf Ar1nmiii r law wan to h dlBruiHaffl on heart Tt self Enropean soil, with hla then magnl It Is not every life can rise 'Neath the danger and dust. Bhnulll lhr ni hrilrt the act makes the pathway of the day. fleet Bailing by niprf rnnrt rrmirtltutlonal. The flrent his side along ihe To triumphs great or small. r faulted In a moat rilamnl fallnrr. In It wa road that leads to toll. roast. The tramping horde damoli.hnd ha fart. Bright with the gay But the dear love that lights the aklea It lightens tb burden, tt casta off tha rt'i at nil. Whllf of the effort to ppM fragrant flowers, and everything aa It proceeded, influenced by all. nirlltir Bummer-painte- la level with us gloom, arc It la prraumrrl to The soil. those two bad councillor, hunger and I tn It on t'lfciher larhlnff. that both aldea put When your heart's th work lead the ronirovarey went Into the with a firm It the singing birds above asiwratlon, either of which neglect to pro TrtnOltGH GOD. to the bloom. ronference On many vide against the exigency of a retreat. aWtartTtlnaOlMI to have what they roneldered waa thalr a branch o'erhead All comes to us through Ood It laughs off th trouble. To wake with litanies of Naturally, everybody waa delighted to see of morning's beauty on th? hill the particular rlahta. wllhnut rraard to the of love army The win It lessens ear rontentlona The pavement the pasa on, and tb valedictory to delicate blossom breaking through the When your In tb work thf oppoalttl We little from railroad life muil tread. waa aiwaya more Ihe heart' Pry. hear tha Xerx couched In cordial clod. And your hat's In the air. niAiiaa-rr- a to the real tinder-taklii- terms of the failure of tha than the salutatory. The Greeks' The of titillating nil: 1'iit re pre was while music th the aentathea of thf hrotherhooda hare n brings Into each struggling hour rood bve full of enthusiasm, The gift of aumblna after rainy days, Love, that makes a burning music on our rome out with a atatement to the "Howdy do" was given with a sentiment of fffert that the The sunshine and the smile; ' The light that ahowa th turning of tbe Upa, WBTB endem orina; to evfrythln In plants apprehension. ways the rrah elitht It the harvest and the flower to That itlngt heart, were. In fact endeavoring to all tha oiit Much his chagrin, the Greeks decided From error and from danger unto truth; plant our feet on mountains and on take virtue of Along each cohntry mile. to rests, the the Persiana, That Tie law which waa"TraatelT7rom TTíew It encroachment of Th- - old elatlons of Abe heart that thrill sets,. cnnirraaa moni he makes the dally atrugglf aeem wev mm positron at- - Thermepy-la- e, by and lmed The frame wim youth: he morn of all the golden harmonies. airo the threat of a fount atrlke. A young delight for men, and the devoted band i there provided The oil twilight, snd ths (rolden rest Th grace of Joy that trip they dfflarf. there run he no dleruaainn of And brings upon Leóni- dusk the music of the dream Xerxr the somber background which s of thr- ea Crosses Hellespont. L'pon love stainless breaat. pon the bloom meadow. ronnerted with illf fere nr whlrh hava been Of childhood back again. das, king of Sparta, concentrated Minself Through the mart; rowing more He had only and more tenae hetwaen the two But when Xerxes in fervent pigments. three All cornea to us Him leads armies to their doom. decidad that he mint one through That majeatlc and the mutter hna been put up to the memhar-kilt- p throw hi bat into the ring, hundred warriors with him. but each The of w race the the sailor to Lis haven or T.ook not beyond the starry realm, and having so aa a glare battle where That guides of thf orirniilzatioiia Involved with a full explana- cast the die. there was no back, had regarded htmielf multitude that flame home, Search not th hidden apace. turning his In his all tion of wlml haa alnce the first resolve wa to carry out the estimation performed mind With grim and desire; That plants Ufa's garden with enormous oifiirred ronferenca with But find within the the expedí the or a mighty bulk. determination lYfaldent Wllaon laat Aiiguat. human heart non to Marathon. The thing tn be functions martial The strength to meet adveraity with vim. bloom. The home graces done With this paltry force, Leonids and his of heavenly wn. to erure an army tn proportion to hl The fearless courage In th Tac or fire. That makes tha aky a dome .luat what thla to the 100, 000 of the A marched to the pass and rircular memhera heaven that sweetens all our lives egotism. It Is easy to a three hundred The will for mastery amid Of beauty and deligh- Unloni no one aave understand what awaited the arrival of Xerx and Ml boat, that defeat t- rontalna. the men who preparad It, And helpa us sweeten others. dirrtrnlt undertaking wa and hs save Keeps all the dauntlesa spirit In us sweet; Love, with all thla power, and yel thli. A came to the knowa. It may be tha preliminary for another atrtkn Bound by a common himself over to the task or mghtful hurricane rescue Tb It rime or lovely snow, to think chain of trust mobilization of the Greek and disposed of the Persian wlntr, with voir mid It may not The atatement of the ror ipre yean. He going to divine revivals, and the swoon That rorever In their viewless night brotherhood In the great bond of brothers. wai surprise sblpa, and so handicapped, Xerxes resolved Ihe spring's saajie la ruthrr fryptlc and not a titila Involved, and It the world with Ms efforts at Of honeyed summer tn hum ot noon. Have known tt not, and gone from brink would preparednesa, to order his nrmy Into the narrow pass. her Nomethln of a wlae if and he did. However, the surprise seems io blink take tnnn to tell lual what mennt A heaven lights the where they proved tn he an unwlsldly mass Whan ask' d to explain It, O. that morning hills lo have been reciprocal. And more than all He sends Void of tbe witchery of Its maddening William Ie, of the train- g and sevenu days they were compelled For eye there. Forty-si- for golden gnu. men, declared he had no explanation In offer, and the state added their requlrad to to s the canyon The girt of mastery mastering self. Klaeed with the moisture of quota submit butchery until The and or It to tell, public mtRlit draw any ronrlualona from Ita phrasnnlogy the rllla or national guardsmen, and as thy was fairly glutted with violently deceased comfort tb comradeship Dumb to the bistort bti The Ollead of the air; were widely separated friends, Blind to Its beauty. II found to be pleaalnc to It. they thought II both aa to distance Medians and Klsalsns. If maant A heaven and national Tbe quiet XT acra of the simple home, And ao more than Mind atrlke. well wood; they that not far to find. customs, naturally when the Hut rinslly number told, and Xerx and another and If thought anything That army was finally assembled, The love or Huk children, trust or thoke To all the delicate Joyance that It bring elae. that, waa perfectly right lies not o'er the sea, there was Ms Paralan horde aucceeded In breaking loo. nil with the brother- But about as much confusion as tn costumes Whose' bosoms are our valley of tbe rose; The grace of being kind. hood puhllo. In fact, tranquil in the constant mind through the Oreeks' curtain of riro, and on official. Thf haa nothing what- Through ronr""on of tongues st Ba Athens, by the time he Stars In the quiet field of yonder dome. The wearing of bright wlngi, ever to do love's eternities. k'i ..?..W',J1 to but reached the or a th with the rontroveray. All the public Is "nun mf enure srnry was drawn up apltal city Ms force was so reduced, and The i "owlDt hardship and to Tb treading earth fairies tread lo do la to foot the huta or suffer the sasnss array, ine sppearance had very a he determined thai It would give mist. without fleet ' ,,Mlt or kings of a great commercial upheaval. much that of a mammoth craiv ouilt be too tedloua a job lo attempt to conquer nl0,f1 " ,0",Jnei' The fancy the toul that makes ui There was In those dags, as a Into our that other lives maynV On throne or April where the spirit slags II may be that another strike spectre la about to In these, thr Oreeks, so, after a short revel, he be thrust misión psrvy opposed lo such preparations upon a with- Itself upon the country. It Is well understood took himself return trip, but that the Typewriters Instead of Pens. and this party was loud la Ita Insinuations out the splendor, the pomp and luxury or brotherhoods, who ara being strongly supported by the inai a err was trying to use a steam Professor Franklyn Bobbin th ham bis start. By Aiifririin Federation of lahnr, are fighting the pro- of University of Chi- mer with whlrh to crack a hickory qut. Ashamed or Ms he returned Julia cago says we quill-pe- trier posed iirbltratlon legislation proposed by President Wil have passed the stage In our ed- It la noted that when he reviewed this vast home, Xerxes reiolved to rollow his own we t host, he shed tears, Folk We Touch in Passing CbvttndUr son, whereby threatened would be prevented ucationthat are now the typewriter stage, but no explanation Is Inclinations and entirely taboo th will or strikes and given pending inquiries. fluch legislation thmt lf our "ools were properly equipped as to the reason. his father, as well as thsl of the men or would she from the pupils aa possible, them the club which they have In the paat over oouia ao in nair a aay wnat mey now do In Insofar Xerxes decided that Ms court, and ror the rest of hla Ufa be held the whole he would stick to the land, he SILK STOCKINGS the Innocent and public, and by school day. for hd too gave himself up to an existence of disso- which manv exhibitions In his sundry legion of , they so recently coerced a national congress Into romlng Marvelous! lute pleasure. to terms. Inquiry Author' Note While I am always glad to know about folk yon their Into demands and the justice All more so.romlng a It doe from the of alleged grievances Is the Professor Bob- loin In paming; always glad to weave them Into one of clia not. usually, what Is most bin of 1'ntversity of Chicago. or the or these rector by an organization the cation Inherent nobility the one skeU'hes at your request, I mtut again remind my loyal these which haa been forced to strike who makes It; and a noble mood, no mat- readers that In In aome manner, It em. the profemor slipped five or mI wooka In order to appease the whims of their walking s. out New Year's Day bow good ua, helps stortes are written advance of publication that you when the faculty wasn't watching and with one ter brief, is for and may There Isn't the slightest doubt In the world that eloquent us to do better next bum. not feel lmitatlenoo that a similar length of time must elapse between thr great body of the brotherhoods perfectly atroka of his voice cleared the way for the triumphant By THOMAS H. 0BE0OBY. the receipt of your request and Ita fulfillment. understand march of the ir nobody goes to Heaven but perfect that the proposed Inquiry Into the causes typewriter Into the claearoom of the coun- roma, Stockings 1 am behind the try, and the same timo, we may be sure thai Heaven, like the title I giving this week to a not unfamiliar threatened strike will not In the at and by virtue of the very, .The ancient Bomana had among In Hie least Interfere. If their same put their yellow Jackets' neil, will be a "mighty complication suggested to me by a kind render, for I'm sure we have each cause Is Just No one. be that one an utterance, the eternal kibosh on the pen In- numerable "gods" one named "Janua," bor- lonesome neighborhood." We have way Individual or an vertical-writin- g met some where along the The First Girl, The (second Girl Man. dustry, with it annoyance plate-han- It rrom and The organliatlon who In truth had a Just demand, ever lost and Ita rowed. Is thought, Ihe Etruicsni. heard or saints" and "angels." but we anything by an Inquiry conducted by a nuisance. Becau th antiquated pen (till hold Janus wt t very ancient deity older have never run across them. Like the board of arbitrat- way, profeaaor by rar tlian the city or Borne itself and ion. The proposed legislation would even go the averred, our public schoóla ar only and ilrm, th rallies and brown The First dirt and The Second Old bad euinstanoat in no way farther B0 In addition to hi pronounced seniority he keep In warranted and the usual It per cent efficient. lei, they the obscure background, been rrlends for many years, although the truth did not Justify. than arbitration would let all the world possessed one great advantage over all the ao we are Into We not that never able lo lay eye on or them were quite dissimilar. For down the secret so that public opinion might. In a great do feel like taking lasu with th gentleman, other' goods in the Pantheon he had TWO them. , natures in the heart or Mm, Tbe Man rneaaure. enter Into the award of the board This neither would we care to be forced to remain In school- FACES, so that h could, at one and the The First 01 rl "sought first the kingdom First Jen .incer.ly and bad does a We are sll human, and be- intention away with th argument of the room equipped with typewriters aame time, and without In an; way dis- ths difference of Ood snd His Righteousness of being untrue in h u. .,, labor representatives What Interests us moat Is tween us is well given In tha reply or tbe mey a his poise, The Second Otrl lived On a more material i",1 ,h!" 'b1 Ta Second Clrl knew hi inai cannot gel fair deal In any system of arbi- the product of the schools a few years after the brilliant turbing dignity and look before old kiln lo Ihe of and behind, ir burner preacher who plane, cherishing Ideaa and Ideals of life tnlo tration. The proposed leglalatlon Is Just In every way. Idea of the Chicago educator ha been adopted. Mm a go- tThZTZ. " na"erel attentions Inatead of railed "wicked sinner" for not or had no foundation hut It does not meet the views of the a pencil, tbe young men and women lug- When, somewhere around TOO years be ing to "Yes, yea, we are that frequently fell alkort oi the mark In love. brotherhoods and would be seen church: all wick- nobility the representativas of the American Federation ging their typewriter around with them the purpose rore Chrlat, the Homans made January the ed sinners, I a'pos. all tarred with the of for year, Quite by accident The lAbnr. Therefore. It would not be In least surpris- of writing a letter to a friend or sweetheart, or first month of the they very naturally san? stick, and irs only a matter of lit The Man knew them both; liked them both FIrat Olrl learned the that they gave to It the name or the old and bond of Th Man s girt to The Second ing If another threat were put up to congrega In might flgur out a little proposition In Imple venerated more, or a little lesa, TAB." respected their of they Olrl. Hsu a final addition god with the face- - Janus, or Jan friendship ror each been casual gifts they effort to defeat proposition. or atrlke a balanue between price double To be fairly decent human being I about other. nave doubUen would the While this may be the of a pound of bon- uarlua. nude imall Impreaelon upon done. It la unbelievable bons and the um they had In purse. as much as th best or us ran do; and even But the time came when the gemines, Or her mind that tha representatives of over their had he told her of them frankly he a hundred million people will forget The Juat as Janua with ons rare looked be that comes pretty herd at times. We nave sweetness snd nobility or Tb First Olrl would have their trust In an understand Mod with tb ahead, wben the to keep on making re won for her more The Marfs forestalled her auaplclon. effort to appease the spelling ciñeses have given way to the and olbr good solutions, snd thn regard. Flower, of the representa- modern method first day of January comes around we rind sucking to them well and a long as we In her aoclety he found peace, (ontentment there had been to The Second tives of four or of twentieth-centur- at five hundred thousand. th educational experta and It ourselves st ons and the aame time retro can. and when we fail down get up and and genuine companionship Naturally he Olrl. gloves, snd flnUy silk stockings. So would now keep a Burroughs adding r The Man far as the A damson act la oonrerned. It la nosr In machine is pectlvf and prospective, thinking or tbe try again. aought ber more and more as hit knowledge had made no such intimate girt-t- the supreme hour a day If the different way th year paaaed also or the I of oharacter Increased hit nance, court of the United fttates. to which tribunal simplest words that has Juat and think we may go Shakespeare on bet bar hla admiration, and hi. err t ...i.i . It found Its way through the channel, provided are spelled were to be enumerated. If to this may be year that la lust beginning. ler. The great poet made one bi until at last be sskrd her to be Ms wire. sllutUoo that would Justify girts of thai by lawa of char aort to enacted In pursuance of the provision of added tha Inability of our people to write, we will hava This Is not only natural but Inevitable 'tetara aay. " 'tis on thing lo be tempted. The First Olrl waa so happy In her love another waa without avail. The the constitu- or Ihe Man. In knowledge First Olrl, In tion of the I nlled States. When It almost reached the goal of a reposeful nonentity. lit'a a lulgbly funny sort or man who, on Km alus, another thing to fall" to which her of bp love the fine ami n.rr.. h..n haa been finally ror her. In their mutual plana for lire and a of tier, hided ,,. paaaed on there Ita true status will have the Mew Year a day. does not nnd Minself we would add, AND MOT TO TBY TO OUT herseir tnr haa been established AO A home together that at she i.. It Is there on agreement Ke agent over In mixing Ma thought th thoughts about LP l.Y Ws ara templad, sod ue first oouldn't " aian, ano tor a time made pi between tha railroads and the Santa Phoenix aaya th high price sll all bring herself to talk or her be tenae or accepting his 1 the year that ha Jusl slipped away rrom rU. but the pity or It Is sense splendid betrothal explanation. hrotherhooda. and it seams a of copper responsible for the or But UKIe little premature that the coal famine. The ex- lilm into the n recoverable paat, and the tellow. at heart rail and nevar try to gel yond the pal her immediate family. I by little, th Impression repreeentutivea or four la increased Wagea was u lh the unions should healn fakir planation that and bonuaea offered year that its just Introducing itself to Mm up aaiu loc enower round with the tempt all Just her own precious secret which swtond oirl had taken such paint to giv wcretlve ctlon a by oopper operators want any The before decision Is rendered. the lured the men away from the lili 1U hound up mysteries, tod Ita un- or. she didn't lo share with one World of Th Man's afTacUon for her coal mine which were thus unable to get out their tried possibilities for success or fsjlur. In th fight against the fore or tb dark But whan sh decided at last to speak of sirted beck to The First Olrl she found hei usual tonnage. The present high In youraelr and In great happiness The Second Olrl wa faith more dlfncult to Now that the draft for th militia reserve la no price of coal ahould joy or sorrow. others, as often aa vou br maintain. again ar knocked down, up sue ursi sue iota. Whenever he wa with prominently revived. It will nabl th coal operators to lure their men hack again I am sure that vry on who reads this scramble onto your her she would doubtlte be th popular ieai again and put In your think of the silk stockings. thing to be gentlemen of forty-al- or nnd thua create a shortage of copper. will agree with me that, like myself, he is best blow ror over. ihe good cause. iuterhpr-anrs- , Like many who Whenever she saw human, snd Uisrefor imperfect, and In You sre righting mother desires nothing The Second Olrl thai until it seems of some to 'I young lady's looking back upon the old year he will a ajinen, ludlfTaranc aelruuiawts, the rslue another. lie silence concerning The Msn Have you upon disposition to ha, Second Olrl had not been at- brought to The decided something you ran do with- Garran' acaTestlnn that the Atlantic City confer- much to regret a well a something to a lo be unjust, or harsh particularly First uirl's mind ths grain awearing-of- ence or any une of tracted to Tb Man until she ory of silk out The at. Dual f data la rapidly continue Indefinitely meet with favor In Washing- for and of. a hundred other wrong things. knew of hla alorklng. approach- thankful proud aa ao engagement to The Girl. Alon with ing. ton for the reaaon that tb I'nlted Statu loan nun hi is to xp on lighting theni First Altar that he her unbippmeaa II was ths cannot But my advice la. don't dwell too I became a anything theraby. It might alao b sincere Noboby perfect The great thing la to prise In her eyes worth even tin atine. The Man a intimate gift to th other well to remember much un the shadows in the picure. Let HKADED or ber woman I nothing be RIOHT to MEAN WELL, lo price honor. ran conunuouily through bar there to b gained by continued quibbling the ahaduava pat, tb quicker th better. 80 balng as With Villa In pes Ion pf th capital of Carranxa'a a have your eye and your earnest wily and aubtl tb pro- thought until, in the end. bar faith la bin with government which never loeeo an op- - Th prayer, t rani me to rOrget," la on In Ut proper dirs verbial serpont, lay native .late, th first chief Is do ub Ilea convinced the , . ... diracBoo. tod to kaap mov- The Second Olrl kept silent down in her heart nut nun h.r d,..,. report poriuoii. conienipi tor Americana and every- Inat ahould be lined up much ofteoer than ing, though It b tlowly, along concerning Tbe Man a engagement to or happlneii went of the bandit a death wag xaggrated thing American that line. The out like a candi tliat II la To feel this thought aa it ouatit tn ha First Olrl moat or all to Tb Man Mmteir. i.au ueen auurrad, bar rntndsMp with The When a thing la don It belong to tb relt and may rait, Pretending Ignorance or Second , In be wiu nM you to the ailuatlon, .he Olrl ended, and Mr. o ...... view of the war department's order that It aero- eternity that la gon nevermore to return, mak much oat of to New Year before took advantage of Tbe First Qlrii absence her tongue right plane With Washington keeping mum on peace It losrrlly. ahall hereafter be called "airplane." th Arkan- the devel- snd there, with Ood. 11 rati. it slips away into th mighty ocean or the upon a vían io mends, in a distant city u, everynody said The sas opments, w may never know how long wa There Is no sense In living to tb put Second Olrl had larett suggest that an aeronaut might properly be have beaa vui. xa am sbbbw ouiigauoits to her. m Olrl out. not known, n i and tMeJI nrt WW an "airnut." without the European war until orne trusty In the gov- with la accusations reproaches, .the gave delightful psrty, and to marked wa court, that The Man memory and reeol haa awakened too lau ernment aervlce "laalca." Then It will be too lat of it failure lea, th her attention throughout the vnlng lo Tl o second a lo "might-hav- " iis oin duplicity, and helu recoup our luat fortune or even to lection of la aorrowful beent Man that he behavior incited Uie Ida heart a for hamp Clark auggeet hold jollification year now closing w omiuam hatred her for the nuh... th raising of chicken aa a meetings , luí luir ihe that Is of ber other guetl. ...e vwougui toward reducing we or w did nú uiai will follow him lo etui th high coat uf living. Kvldently either did th could aul Glimpses of the "I thought Tb Man was engaged lo gTBV. w. ws bl uo thing with which to Put ihe ...11. aaa la raaaunauiy ui ceaarul In own par- - ir aid. bare 1 ret uin." somebody commented lo Some r If we did not. line haa nevar tried raising chirks President of Ih United Mine Worker of A merlos ivpruaih ourselves body-li- s buenos Ayres, Argentina, has l set 1 good will It 4 to blame ourselves? TWENTY got R YEaJUs AUO peopl,, and says the time rip for a aeveu-hou- r day Union of- - TUfkAY. Whereupon Somebody tse declared It as is the eleventh city in if hun lbs epong ovar the slate U.CO. world, lo reapeel to i riatde,, Wllaoh will confer a favor upon hi auffertrut coun- ll ear opinion mat he ws "mighty aweet on" prpultHim. rlabrated hla tvth birthday on ll fellow peglB new record, hoping to make U rara, new York, was Be Thursday of last wrok. trymen If he can Induce member l Mid for TM con d Olrl, and upon this frail fouud-atlo- while Carrañas reached the (let of hla organisation fairer un than Ins last. ' BBVtB a n!Hla ,,! Oosalp began wag milestone on Friday Tbu no to work any old number of per day ir.i r.lata speei to bar tongue. far announcement of an hoars until the coal Tbe ew Yssr resolutions" that wt atora. Thar was lit acres in the tract Th Man's birthday, romtng shortly Colorado, Texas, Doctor exchange of congratulatory masssg famine la relieved run over ar all right. after haa been mad to much There' tb party. g The second Oln opportunity thing the laeox They are W was not a lustier trtth alter bell arrested u mak bleu a girt It aa of an ex- cuinpiiiucni so our hi lowing such Killed by Pistol Shot During th paat four week wheat on .... an trnal double murder and tka of pensive nature that The Man rea obligated th. Ueneral liaig. th Britath commander, claims that only ture, to proof, point-Ba- a and as usas rtagetarr. thn Hoard of Trade ha dropped nearly o oeats a nortea at arta. tt mm It Oírte of several hook which buahel protracted period of had weather saved tb German Uiai w are belter than wt team to ba Th Second Olrl declared Specitl lo the Morning Timet but thus w have beaa ugabl ' . the wanted The far to notice any sym- army oat the Som see from complete collapse to htsr ana Ouiorado. au-- May ba Jusl at it la better ovd General Oraat, Batanar tantaia-- nr astas Mas to read followed, ao that it came Dec. Dr. J. ph pathetic lacreaa In Ihe ls of tb. loaf of omathtng in kalaer' claim tlian i., nev loveo ai ao aña a or about nu of thla Tit.city was bread th that the almighty la natrr an." ilitáanled antra was lack iar.an when The rtr.l oirl relumed home The Man shot and killed with him. la better to mat a tin resolution aren between lb department of tilU at 8 lt o rio, k una ID U Itr juanee and In had btrottkt emneahed In lb net TO sec uuvnera Afternoon Tb Ymnut Indian who have daflt.iiei rclu ur- - though It be broken, loan never to hart atete and war deoertiuont growing out uf and Oirl had spread for him Sadler's, drug ,tor. Full male u. no londiuun of Uuu Having tfc T. rend! their arm lo tha CJarranxa guveraMua alaxlcan oomiiibaaiouer pulnl out no Insuperable arfalrt nutro Jong re,philanderini, leudenci f,. ,tn"'Uu. waller tasked oo, o that nan a uiau uo ana a me penes, peraon"" m endeble Judgment The chance for th survive! to an by iai i. nei ioi Mamau uoiuti he had Uu rUua.-e- by The the tWre barriers agreement hava bean ralgad Cercanía good rwaolattoa. though aha pasaing oui iiiinu.t, u,e rtQaa. ut ii unarmed tribe in Mxlio at this gsa vu ostsar Olrl'a obviuu. u, nui. aiwi rw tip. time are about aa All that la nee i ry Is fur Uva Lulled tkata to yield ta tv keep u. ba u , big ha at in the dilution -- a tBMAS of BBtw tall beueriuel fleet ih tts IB an unguarded moment bad of ui irurthciis o4 a hsU la the aether resnona. Ua fir atusar w lebas and ha 1L To or It an M taade O iutck about Oat tatsai lit alacertty at taatl lowtM ar affection tor her which w try fitrM A. v.. the tu XL"? ptaceu nun EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. DF.CEMBER 31, 1916.

Linder and Georgia Mascot, With His Burro PROPOSES TO PRAY YOUTH WHO FLEES GERMAN SHIP Veh Army Shoes, Riding Boots FOR WAR TO GEASE BECOMES A GEORGIA GUARDSMAN, and Puttee Leggins Lmmrd Hebrew Says if Entreaty i AND THEN JOINS REGULAR ARMY to God Bring Victory, Why We want your bunnee we appreciate it and íj Not Peace? re have the beat facilities in El Paso to take care of it. We have painstaking, courteous Private Von Linder Loses Father at Ypres, Mother Dies of An appeal in end the European war by salesmen, who know how to fit your shoes in prayer was made by 9. arre, tald to be such an expert manner a to give your feet the Grief, and He Remains With U. S. Rather Than the most learned Hebrew In city, at the maximum comfort. We have the largest shoe the ai lion temple last night, at the Be Turned Back to Fatherland. the Southwest and a varied assort concluding ceremonies or the Jewish asi stock ia or l ights He said, in part; "Oor patri ment in short, we can and we mean to please BY FRED OUSNINOHAM. such a rond liking so the small hoy. will help In time you. mute w. r. Von Under or i'nmptny E. not return to Georgia He regrets be can and saints prayed for Thirty fourth tnrsntrv. who recently not go bark, but would ir he could do to of war. Mo. arrnrding to history, did Judas traiiarerred mm the (rrorgtani regi- being He likes the or U. S. Army Shoe. Munson last, soft lotus calf ment to rirt many or without mustered out. Maccabees, the rounder or our least the regulars. O not like lire or a he going to tti as soldier and sayt It l ights. The so rar king. Wll leather, heavy single A national gsarrltnirn who. army. victorious r It no flghtliir tn do would pmrer to tay with the regular of Germany, does the tame. He he as by company Ham sole PV.tuVV he hack home in civilian life, iinre a "Dutch" he It known hit God God all or gins with and finishes with In tlm utrman nary he 1. with tells the story his life and about hit words to his If "t nrle, Sam" much to regreat warship his encouraging toldlert. U. S. Tan Army Shoe, on ti itay. the sripe from the Interned German entreaty to nod helps to victory, why Herman's Genuine or many German aecret servir men. who H. M. s at Havana, Cuba. i was Aller. It help still more to atop entirely last, adapted to officers use. nar tried to persuade the government to re- born In Hanover, Oermany, March I07 shoiildn'1 the "cadet" lease him so chat they try him for the slaughter of wen" might I to choni six yean and to the naval last to fit thin deserter went Wednesday was the last day the row helnr academy at twelve yeara of age. When of least After a of pmper. Hebrew a all over the feet $7.00 thrilling trape (Tom an Interned sixteen years old I was to the l.lghtt transferred observe the eight days or the 'rinan tunhoat at Havana, cuba, l'rlate H. M. it. Aller and have sailed most of the world reast Von lights at twilight in the Tan calf hand-mad- e Riding l.lnder rame to the rolled State. He world on thai ship since. hy kindling extra got employment Macon, na. the and the synagogue. This Is In at When "In April. 1M4. the H. M. s. Aller waa aent home at Boots $18.00 national guard moblllted, Pnvade Von l.ln- to Vera Crui. Meitco, to protert the Oer commemoration or the everburning light, enlmted. He said ha waa sorry lie had In the temple at Jerusalem by der man I saw United sutes Thirty-fourt- right Regulation Calf Interests. the of the Infantry l. t the "...wlsh m Tan to leave the ueorgla boya to Join the rec- warships bombard the city and the F. Von Under i. hero. Judas Mar the taw ,.e v.. .U.V he will stay In the I nlted State for f. $4.00, $6.00 M $5.00 ular army. A rumor spread about ramp .,,.,..' ll. that . B. when he had conquered Puttee Leggins .nd heroes brought bark to the American man . ke escaped from a Qerman war.hlp ,,,7"rV at W that Georgia boyi mlrht aoon he aent home o war. .i,. H Hebrew. or He had been working aa a mldahlpman on the Pigskin Puttee and he derided not to take any chances In VYhca War Maris. Havana. Cube. irum lire ll'liy lamí leuilug tun uirre tll.nslr wa I year old. being turned over to uerman orflcars whan "We were m the Atlantic cruising when Aller since he Zllken, "maacot" of the years the Syrians occupied the land thay Leggins , $7.50 lia or the lefti alttlng on the "burro, la Auruet the holy temple or the aa mlfht be muttered out servirá. the word was received by wireless that At nled to him bv the (leorala national profaned lews Adopt Boy as Mascot. CleorKla troop. The animal waa pn a part or their organised persecution or Kugland had declared war against Ger present The saddle was given to him by hie mother. While tn camp cotton, through Prívalo many. The code message Hashed was "Km guard aa a Chrlatmae the rare A. Zllken. GREATER EL win l.lnder. the Georgia troops nave adopt- kind 1st geboren" (a child Is born). Aa we Mrs W. Hebrew, also observe the Feast or t.lghte PASO'S ed or "August" .liken, ton had only a few small guns on board the In other ways, particularly In ways calcu- He GREATST SH0 5 TORE Mrt. W. A. liken as their "mascot." Mier. we met the H. M. S. Karlsruhe which British put up their white flag as a sign lated to benent their children In their an ( Is a dressed In a military ault and wears gave in rour ft inch guns, machine guns or They had snoi up an mm ralth. year the Hebrews In cap. anta surrender. Pasoans restral Thlt owner's On Christmas day. and plenty or ammunition. ammunition. Arter taking her crew pris- About El II Paso observed the occasion hut Bun a . au- claut was busy man about the ueorgla "lust as we ware ready to coal the oners, we took the cargo coniistlng of day by holding a sacred the ramp. scene concert at Instead aonearing on the wltb three British rrultem came In sight. tomobiles, blcyclet and guns. But what we and Visitors in the City R'nal non temple. The pupils of the two a reindeer as Santa Uaus I sometime pie-- the Bristol. Suffolk and Warwick. We at wa more eatables. We took rive or wanted local daily Hebrew schools Introduced "the lured In the rar north, where plenty once: made our getaway while the kails shots at her and she sank to the bottom own sdmlnlitrstlon," snow covers time, he T. C. Scovllle, Associated Presa cor- children's church the ground Christmas rune gave battle. We heard later that the or the Atlantic. which Is held each Saturday by them In gang COMPAQ a 'A Mountain ca- respondent, In the city from Co- tame about with nock Kaiisrulie was damaged end had to riee "From there we went around tape Horn arrived the schoolrooms. Master Bam acted nary Mocking that get lonia nublan. Meilro. where he has been kata Bird" the fineat burro Arter thirty six hours or hot chasing by the into the Pacirir ocean. We Intended to as cantor, or chief reader. Namlel Jaffe In southwest. re- with Major General Pershing's troops ror MESA could he round the British they gave up the task or running Vi gan Francisco ror provisions 'and was sexton; Leo the j 203 rour several months Mrs. scoviue arrivea m the Jartey ppresldent 'Hee Younk. down the Karlsruhe. pairs. On the way to 'Frisco we sunk Jake Erlleh, the the as en- we the city yesterday rrom kansaa city to vice president, and FOR MEN eee," bugled the donkey he "From there we went cruising around British and one French ships. As were or con SEPARATE DEPARTMENT wire- meet him. They are at the Hotel Paso other pupils acted aa members the tered ramp. Home or the boyt might have the Atlantic whore we sunk several small nearlng 9an Francisco we heard the irrigation. thought was reveille. No, this del Nolle that It dual) luetrhant steamers. As he had not sunk a less from other German warshtps that there The Hebrew Satur- with strong husky was a pres- near and or la a gueat children Hiten etch animal rect loaded ship In sometime, our anpply waa were several Japanese cruisers uacar Lee Blsbee, Arts., day to own who eth- ent troops to the little their priest, preachea from the Georgia getting low and the crew and the again we had to flee. at the lintel McCoy. ics and moral lessoni according to his German mascot. and fifty French and English prison- Brlurn to Havana Cuba Mrs. Hal n Sharp or Phoenlt. Arlt., la own conception or what he learned during Father la Germ sat Army. ers were given rice and water. We came bark around the cape Horn spending several days in Kl 1'aso on a the week In achool. At the concert last A NEW A. B. C. August's father, who was a in Catch , Mote) lieutenant Schooner Wltb Coal. and wanted to go to New York for repairs visit. Itbe Is stopping at the McCoy. Sunday the Rev. n. Btrrtetown, the teacher Nnrton. B. A'., F. H. O is now in IMso n the F.ngltsh the German army, died two years before In the Atlantic orean we by the Professor Walter C, "But later and' proviaions, but were prevented Mr. and Mrt. R. Roberts or Sierra Blanca, hlmseir, acted sa preacher. ilelerale to introduce a new A. h ihe European war. Mrs. Zllken rame to caught up with a t schooner The last port lert to go Henry Harry In the a n that everybody writes, there are lío strokes, hut in Ihe Nl.W many British warships. Texas, arrived In the city last night and Jaffe and Goodman were a the cm ted sutes in leí and worked which we took to the South African coast was Havana, Cuba, ao our commander or A B i there aro 'JO strokes. Everybody now uses ten tline more strokes Into are stopping at the Hotel McCoy. members the reception committee. B. c. A B. yeara as a housekeeper. At Von Worth, to unload the S.ftuo tons of coal which waa we needed than 'la necessary. The New A. Is t small portion or the OID 0 and deciden to o there berause Bob Lewis or Itachlta, N. M., arrived the besl The NEW A. B. ALPHABFT Is both the and son were op- along t I M has RSen proved to lie ahoruitnd. Tetas, mother In her holdt. We worked five weeks hard rood and needed It badly. We moved In the city on business. Ha ts BANK it III otmi n THEM. or brains, ho only one In a upon ror They were auddenly yesterday the outcome Sir Isaac Pltman'i afler ihclaieii that erated appendicitis. to as to finish. Sometime! we had only the American coast, but came in, stopplnr. H(lM T. J Norrell, V. P. Bank or Coitortwood. thousand completed their shorthand study anil he proted this by printliiir and In hospital many and spent scv ít Zfrer the ror months one or two meals a day with all that hard t or a French warship which Hsd Fred Stearns or Columbus It. Tea write "Beyond doubt I have received selling one thousand of the penny teachers' book to ONE only of the a.lvanred 11.100 lert them by the German army . work to do. and mulea ror the great and take great In rec- "Manual." In the simple home-lik- study or the new A B, C. shorthand very eral hundred horees guest at the Hopm Zeiger. reller pleasure same knowledge may be used "When we had finrslird with the one or them ommending Foley Kidney Kidney trou- beginner becomes a (unshed reporter, and the Kngllsh army. We klllod each J. F. Harnet or Amarillo, Tetas, arrived nils. or pencil It Is not so Mrs. Zllken and son came to El Paso loading the schooner, we went on any make or keyboard machine. The quicker, ln't her and sunk the ship with a mine. in Kl Paso yesterday on a business trip. ble makes one worried and hopeteii, by rrom practically a m (Tee mistakes. from Fort Worth and were bark to the Atlantic and there lighted Bv this time the British had cioseo He Is stopping at the Hotel Paso Del Norte. aches, pains, soreness, atirfneii, backache, This waa perfected with the aid or one hundf-- i and eighty El Paso shorthand in without runda. The boys told the British auxiliary cruiser. By snooting on ut and there waa 'but three chances Mrs. Kdna L. Stephens or Chicago It a rheumatism. These symptoms, aa well si practical reporters or London, competing for FIVE one hundred pound prltes Tf which system has been In rive Morning Times. Soon he had cent across her bow we tried to stop her, but aert. either mage a ruan uirousn at.o vliltor in the city and Is raglsurcd at the sleep disturbing bladder disorders, yield arter Sir Isaac Pitman's death. The demonstrated he gave bla mother. With clever nnanrer-ing- . Instead or stopping she by and French cruli quickly tn Foley Kldnsy Pills. They cast rlasses and one teachers' gathering at Ihe F.l Paso High srhnpl quilt- recently, her answered column of seven British Hotel Paso del Norte. Miss Helen L. all comers at a lesson. which has cold us. was I ex- loyal and it will lie a pleasure to do so to ll Mrs. Zllken established a drink ruing back at It there that ers, go to death, or lurrander. Like Powell and. Mrs. II. J. Kuni or Scranton, out poisons and purify the blood. A. ror taking) or a book and ror a The soldier . pa- my Father- proved aurrirlenl note tet tnstmrtlon rourse. stand at Camp Cotton. perienced first teat under fire. It wat we chote to right ror the Pa., are guests At Hotel Sheldon. Ryah owl Drug Co. Adv. soon .iermans the 1' tronized her stand every day and my duty hi fire a gun. The snip land. Every Derson who wants to make a note or any quirk statement may money Oeorglo .waa more knowledge sec the had In the bank. The damaged and several of our men rell and Trench Bhips. Bltm.SH FriTAMF.lt UI It !i M h. IIGM S WAGNER. MARRIES. easily do so with a pencil and pad in th ir pnrnet, and ured, to take Mrs. Zllken and wounded next to me. Eludes British a note bonk and is not visible. PtoT. Norton has trained thousands of soldiers are going nem waa with us. We taw the enemy By Assorlated Press. By Associated Prats. ir oenrll her son back to Georgia land. They are My dog, Werm. or whom I thought a c. 10. Lloyd's 30. detertlves to do this, the world over. .Knot mile. swav. signaling esrh oth London, Pi reports that Itttabtirgh, Pa, Dec. Joiuuiti Henry Spanish language une hundred teachers going to see that the "Mascot" Is given great deal, was hit several timet wltb ma- n I the British steamer Zoroaster, 3,711) tons, (Honua) well known Pittsburgh The lame shorthand Is med ror the er aa we dathed through their linet al Wagner, will be to teach the system throughout Texas, and ear v application la a good education and that his mother re- chine gun I courage and had Is Lloyd's Smith, trained lost a. m. and reached the three mue nuuv believed to have hern sunk. alio lnrielder, and Mils Bessie daughter requested. Proressor Norton Is In atlrrience mini n to a u cum a ni me míeme- a piece or land upon which sue can to be given ' ceives stimulants. nd ,,, e, d, ,i to Havana m reaching the reports the sinking or the Hrltish steamer of John 0. Smith, a former county detec- tionai in next to tne iterain entrance, m mner make her living. Sink Rrtiish ship. tUUon we put our tick ami Alslahy, (previously reported sunk from tive, were married in Carnegie tonight at hours le are glv wn homes. Lessons by man Linder. who took In a quarantine given. 1047. However, Private Von "After six hours running flfht the tne noapiiai mu tus. Pans, and that the crew has been landed the parsonage of the St. Johns' Lutheran Address P. O. ioi wounded in Is Following ceremony Mr. and allowed us to sUy In the harbor ror with the exception of ihe captain, who church. the ment a a Mrs.' on a ten days. prisoner aboard submarine. wegtier left wedding trl Doctor Tells How to Strengthen We were Interned shortly afterwards waa here that I received vaord that my Cent One rather, who was a lieutenant in ine un- - Eyesight 50 Per in man army, waa kiueu ai ípret m my mother, thinking i had been loit at sea, Week's Time in Many Instances died rrom grler. Joins Georgia Guard. to I made my escape, worked my way A Picacilptlon Too Can nave and expense or ever getting glasses. Eye Free many may won- America and went to Macon, Ga. from Sick troubles of description! be Sound Advice to MlUedgevllle, met the Filled and Use at Home. derfully benefited by rollowlng the simple there I went to where BY A WELL KNOWN SPECIALIST rules. Here ll the prescription; Go to Captain Marshbum and coionei nurwn. Philadelphia. Pa. Do you wear glasses any active drug store and get a bottle of lo Anguila, wuero or eye or non unto Drop one opto From tliere went A thorough investigation should be by every ailing man aa to the specialist he consults. Duty and Are vou a victim strain other tablets. lion tablet Hlchmond Light inrantry, com- made gaxneiseiT ir so, you win ir glad to In a fourth or a glass or water and allow Joined the according to Dr. Lewis there ts tn dissolve. With this liquid bathe the manded by captain uooi- nm. destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. The modern way hns know that I to real hone Tor vou eyes two to four times dally. You should Ule Cail to the colors came returned done away with the "hit and miss" methods and the demand of the times is for men in every calling whose ratlin? aav thev have had their eyes re notice your eyes clear up perceptibly light Augusta and rejoined the Augusta army, liinainmatlnri will quick- training and experience have qualified them to do only a few things, to those things and quicker stored tnrougn ine principie ui from the start and the assistance or many frlendt and but do better line man says, ly disappear. If your eyes are bothrring with free prescription, I help of ood can ever else. This is especially the field of medicine. Treating only few diseases was could ymi. even a little, take steps to save them hope with the than any one true in a over and over arter trying it "I almost blind; the free. And, ao nor tee Ui read at all. Now I can read now before It It too late. Many hopelesslv remain In this land of again develops the "knack" of KNOWING HOW. This self evident fact is amply demonstrated by the large any glasses and my eyes blind might have been saved ir they had you see am ata the I nlted States army everything without ror eyes In who themselves, who took chances do not water any more. At night they cared their time. to stay " number of patients tried to cure or on 'a "Jack of all diseases" instead of would pain dreadfully; now they reel Hue Kate: prominent Phytic) in to whom the a great deai coming to me for proper in the first place. a to roe." A at"!? Private Von Linder spends attention all the time. It was like miracle Abort smelt vw submitted. Mid Don Opto la a - lady who uted It lajra.- "The atmosphere try remarkable remedy lit oonttliuant Ingredient of Ume with his friend, August, the "Maa- seemed haiy with or without glasses, but known eye enarlallata and widely Georgia boys, wnen ne is on A PHYSICIAN MUST SPECIALIZE hy them Tilt guarantee It of the after using this prescription ror rirteen manufacturen Uie ' I even to eiretcht SO per cool in week e Ume duly. Augutl is nappiesi uy ' days everything seemi clear. can ' day long The study of Medicine is as broad as life and as complex as Nature. It is, therefore, impossible for any individual to mas- Is be- In many lnatanret or refund the to Paso. He rides the donkey all read rine print without glasies." It obtained any and one thousands who wear glasses can from food druatlat la of tht and claims to be an expert cavalryman. ter the treatment of all human ilia The true Specialist is a phy sician who is absolutely expert in the treatment of a few diseases, lieved thai very ftw preparations I fael ahould be kept on hand "spick now In a reasonable lime and for recular uta In almost terry family." II told His mother presented hlmw'tli I discard them It or and one who has kept pace with time, by discarding the old inferior methods for modern successful ones. began my special multitudes more will be able to strengthen In H feto by Kelly A Pollard and atliar drusxtata. and span' new saddle and he has all the spared the Ada. work I 8 in of life, and I sincerely say that very few their eyes so aa to be trouble clothes that goei ui make up a real years ago, and have treated thousands of patients all walks can in cases have 1 failed to bring about satisfactory results, and in recent yeara 1 have failed in no case. This is because 1 attempt to cure only a few ailments and those cases that I feel confident that I can cure. I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicocele, Hydrocele, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Summary Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney and Prostatic Diseases, and give you FREE a physical examination ; if necessary, a European War microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure is what you want. Top a In Rumania and Off The Teutonic armies along Use Molaavlan frontín continue covers Hydrocele, Varicocele, Rupture lay drive forward. The campaign KIDNEY, BLADDER Pleasant tas 120 rolle r ratal from the IIa uBr $100 REWARD Treated by Painless and Blood-lea- s river to Oltai Pasas la the Carpatblan AND URINARY DISEASES I offered a Reward of One Method. No Detention tends aorthwsrd to the valley SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT aad ei ($100.00) for any uncom- From Evening of the Putava rlirr It you have symptom of disease of The hesvlest blows e( the German plicated case of PILES I fail to cure Kidneys, the the Blsdder or Prostate, suoh Disregard of Rupture has cost armies are being delivered aluno KNIFE, In ruaalag Irani without the LIGATURE, aa pala the bach, difficult or fre- railroad line aerthward quent burning; many lives. The smallest are the Rlmnlk Karat la fokasssl aad they CAUTERY, of CARBOLIC ACID urination, sgnartlng, or WPMH Richtí - most dangerous to life because of in- - have fori m the lines of the defenders INJECTIONS. straining, dull, aching or throbbing- sen- Carsalhiaos. The in sation of the bladder, headaches, dissl-nea- liability to strangulation. hsrkward lu Ihe , traders have raptured Bordralrhl aad Hundreds of cases cured are send- slseplsasnsss. feeling-- cold tired Jri I knotty, forced the Russlaas to retreat sear ing me their friends, afflicted as they hands and feet, pufflness of the eye and l lilt tH'Kl a twisted, Zaiotel, northeast of RirauU swret- - face, swollen anhles, difficult breathing;, wormllkn rendition ot ths velnn with TraasyivaaUa were. I will gladly furnish any suf- Hymptoms an aching In attach sleag the palpitation of you should con- uch and pain, trees amen the heart, dnbliity, energy am- frontier teutonic hare ferer with the names of as many as sult me without delay. lack of and ahead In their advance aad matured he cares to see or write to. Why bition. tie mea aad aeran aa attain r f un They My years of study and extansivs prac- ala hate eeupsed art era! height aad hesitate or suffer longer? Why sub- tice In the treatment of all form of IIYDROtTJaUeE is a dlntreanlng r.n.iiti.,n pi l td berk Ihe Hwaai treepa north an with its Hi it l.ul l. and Urinary Trouble requiring; expert attention. Drawing off valley Ihe OIUu mit to operation attendant ni), aad south nl Ihe f dangers, hospital fees and detention havn familiarised ma to th extent that the fluid la only temporary and the usa river. I have superior skill, which in- at painful drag la vil lous If you are aline ou the I attained a Earept for a Frenrh from ypur work? take all the risk In caaes from Hydrocele, you on Man Mill sure successful treatment all sufferer will do nana liana an Hoes D4 resulta. absolutely wall to In veal leal r MT METHOD. asar eral un, rhleh wan reeiaissta. Share and guarantee not incurable. Is Hum artlvUv aisat la I rent la 5 Gold Medals rraae. Minor safSatssaeat Mly ar rsapnrtn BLOOD POISON the Ruantnn Is and fr leant tllrU I from Mnnadualn After having tried out and investigated every known treatment for Blood Poison, am in a position to aay that the "BRITISH Oli 15.00 Dehoered to You CURE" ia the ABSOLUTE CURE for Blood Poison in all its forms. I thoroughly investigated the much talked of "606" treat- 9 T Order from Your Nearest thdisf.J BREVITIES ment for Blood Poison and proved to my entire satisfaction that it would not cure in fact, it does severe damages in some t4stt'tsmsais i cases Therefore I reverted my efforts to the perfection of the already celebrated "BRITISH CURE" and after yeara of actual sts-t- uuttiag. in POISON, I the BRITISH CURE practiced by v Or- Uwn, Dsottat. i nnu demonstration some of the worst caaes of BLOOD make the statement that as fsil mm Ml in a especially fitted for for blood poison. 6 UgJI MANS C APT! BX BV SalASt srt'.AMgR me department that purpose is the "Specific" rial"4 I'reaa Verlin. Sor so 'Wireless to tmneRss.- )- CONSULTATION FREE ei suclian, capturad by rit lioaalan alean. Sundays 10 a. to 1 a Uernasii submarln recently la the An to Office Hour: 9 a. m. to 7 p. m., tn. p. in. srean. rait of Cap North, th nurtiwn-ntos- t point of r.urope, wlul hound frota the niir States to Archangel, with s val until earga of war cuatertal, has ha brought lato s 'lersnau port, says an offi rial aiirtouin eiieMil iltSila ludy. T'mi alntuu er was for ii.erls lb Hsiutiurg Aioencan Dr. INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST linar npnii ami had been tonfiarated by Ketchersid ( Yeara) i ,r Husstaha. Established U Room 1, 2, 3, Buckler Block. Mee E3 Peso, Tenjaa. ta new o aw na. 'tu get taa 205 Aw. T. f. aalnb. Prap. J ta violation of Taaaa la s- sad cbiidxeu spec. We So act aolicli nor ahip order, from dry lerrtturte. r. Aaaa aeaa- wotaeu



Wa haws reached a remarkable period In stead or letting Its darknese veil the light to our the wortd'i history, w are told, and that hearts And, know New Year tills year la to bring greater changes among lo, that the will bring to me only thai which I am capable May' ft be peace, sweet Peace the nations. or receiving, it will be Just as ger-t- f But whatever changes may come in Itl7, me as I am prepared m goodness, and my I begin now with the "lew Year In sending happiness will depend entirely .upon bkiw out thoughts or love and good wishes to good I am. A kind heart, an arfecUonaie all of Ood's creatures with whom I nature and a thoroughly rot giving mind By JULIA LEE BROWN PHONE 6924 to claim kinship. are the magic doorsso the Temple of Hap show good reelings; when plnass. and the New Tsar holds out the Hood withes key to lovely a new cycle of the years and this strode. If ws arc noble Inr hou.- committee will reee I the beginning enough, great enough and wise enough p. III gathering op new hopes for myself, one lll1 reft estímenla served. and obey we will do nl re cor my Is the wish to see accept much to add SOCIAL CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK The iMii both nuil mill women of tie si pleasures to the pesca. dially Invited to rail. this bow or promise bend over sll my world's The rivrnnesliim ami Spanish classes of friends, sye. over alt the world. I feel deeply when I say to all. who like . fed-- wlth Mra. 11. I inp--r In the Mob the association will begin again this week With the merry bells or Christmas still myself are learning the lessons of lire. dUHMf snd iiiiilnlithl dance apartment- - tnrmjtsstom rlasaea will be 011 Tuesdays and chiming upon my ears, I can but cry oht: wish for you first, power to endure those Thtiredsv at lit! and 7:10 In the afternoon Ob, Ihst we might keep the Christmas experiences that yon have not the wisdom The Men's rlub of the Temple Mount The annual charity ball will be siven hv ror the business girls spirit of giving In our hesrts throughout P. understand; then health and wealth and Sitial III hold dance In IIhi rommunlti Ihr catholic ladl H at the Hotel Paao del A ryiniiasiuin rlaaa on Tuesday mornings the New Year. Could we. what a kind all those things that will add to your hill of thr Temple tonight. nrte under ihe general chairmanship or at in o'clork Tor the town matrons and girls and beautiful Impulse rrom soul to soul ... ci of doing good. Mr, will 1' started this week and en- would sway the dear . t. t. fciil. arain and mind to mind Together may we pleasantly anticípate Ben lib will entertain with dinner larged. old world, and how tlie common dally Ihe New Year. It la right thgt we should in honor or Eva Silverman. xalurday evenings skating will parti Mill Hatnrday roller scenes or life would change to rosy hues with all our hearts expect from It great sartas Ik- be participated in by an or the association tii The weekly danre will held al the or Peace and Good Will to Men! blessings. Tor a It one always members, and la 10 the truth Ii that country rlub. free member. After all the New Year Is but a new be- gets one most So It Is quite rres club riub'room on Jan. the annual banquet of the what desires. dance al thr ginning or the old year which we want to possible Ihst we may realise happiness, M :)fl o'clock. Mia IMAM Irvin win entertain the sat Wntnen'a club will be held In the or as something gone, gone with all A think that state or mind which all the world is unlay l uncheon tlx- colonial lea downtown room of the association.' rlub al our shortcomings and broken resolutions, seeking. In the spirit or unity I heartily nion watch service by all the rhurrhes 1. ...in- - in the afternoon. sH'rial prorram ha" been arranged. leaving with us only mem ri of the bet ask the God or all the years to in thr city at the First i. inn church. things we have done and been and Ml PI Knlertaln ter us, shadow and Ihr Him hen Knlertaln sir which we rail ihe blessings or me old Bless and guide through a k tiiH.t ti.. u a few sun. Mr. Josephine Marah will enicrleln and Si 1. year whlrli have made us lioperul and mateé J. llnrnlu with an attractively appomwd us, number nr guests with a party at ,,.,. Hrnl-H)- , mends courage ano May the New Year strengthen and keep Oe,v entertained with an hmrhmm at hei home on Mesa thankrul, giving us 10 reform her nil on Montana ureet. enjoyable yratcrdav us as ONE! te itansant yesterday afternoon ..,,. ... .ni.tir with dero- - shape for ourselves better destinies. from 4 nntll o'clork at the Post Hop t - ,, As I greet the New Year more thought Monday. , ,.,, of rRO- ,nn , ltv. ,, rlub at It. niiss. Assisting them In re ,...... ,i ,. ,n. . ... r a.,...h,.k rully because or what the past years have Mra. Horn an C. Myles and Miss Mice llw- - I ets-l- t' reiving gocsfs were Airna, Mewt. roses, guests Hvlod-an- d taught me. know that the one essential "Only for ÜMB - beauty mi. Ifarrs Myles will open house lor MlssMyl Vi- Alice Myles. Mr. John P. Has h y ,..,---, w... u.i...... rt requisite rot health and happiness Is atlrl their pent friend- E. I mend and men rrvd and Mrs. Herbert Mls Reulsh Brown. Ml Valerie cheerful mind; this consider a mural from until 'toet at ll"ir liniiii' mi poi Mr, winiam Uvertrm I M)M Ornrvlcve Horn virtue and easily rulllvated ir we Me After This!" Msgofrm svrnue. Htmuridt Miss Pouted punch durlnK the afP'rnoon. The brook. Miss Nellie Me Brown and Mls on the silver lining to every cloud br club was attractively decorated with mlstle Itorothy Lackland. Every toe, It "Gota" Every Corn Time. nr. and Mra. H 1.. liemey will keep red tapers, and other holiday decora- Simple. tions. Anions- - Painless. Nothing More open house from 3 until o'clock In honor thoe preent were lien and Miss Hnntbcnok Knlertaln al Dlsntrr. ing In opera, recently sang a part In the Mis Bell, Col and W. II. of Mlaa carter DtMy, their house guest, i,Prire Jr.. Mr. Miss tienevleve HnrnbriHia w the ttOsteSI "Tales I rom n.. timan and the Musical tell you what. I've quit usurr Allaire, A. "I'll and Mrs. linger William, or kt Murky, cot and Mrs. W. Hnlbronk, col al a dellghtDil Christmas dinner given at America says or her: "8h9 was ae lovely salves for corns, I've quit making a and Mrs apt Mr- - W H wife or (eneral William Heard, and her home Wednesday for a few of her as m.h fu lie in Faust, and sang exrrp. package out or my toes with bandages and merlon, ('.apt. II. M. l ewis. Cap! and Mrs. mends The table wa tastily arranged ttonally well.'' rayuUSCUuha ajtift digging with knive. and John P. Ilasson. apt and Mi Herbert scissors. Olve me 'GETS-I- every Dr. Mr I.I up. with decorations or whip- carnation. Christ- timer and stark Mann. capl. and Mis Kly, and Mrs. house Ihe rrle capl mas bell and red lepers. Her guests Mise (.ret Palmer (Des Recital. in slternooii lor their Arnold, Capt I 1. r. mil Rafal, lent. Julian Agnes Stewart, Miss Alice Myles. Lieut. ' until 0 lock at their honn " ' d an from .:i Barnes, LlMIl Vloeant Meyer, I. led . - a Miss tireta Palmer enwrtain the Knickerbocker apartment' hut. Vincent Meyer, and Lieut. Julian Barnei. Harne. lent D McDonald, lent. John Ing musical recital given by her music re Mendenhall. I. lent uliyer Wood. l.lnnL Bunco Party Beta Delia Phis. pupils yesterday afternoon. A splendid The mariiaite of ills Eva riilvemiaii and fer Mina fltlvarmau Ii Albert Klelnbergrer of Angeles. CaJ.. at the or the iiimTu'f Walle, lent. Win. It Woodward, Miss 11. un and Mott Ia - program was arranged, copsisllng klclnh will take place In tin nswltnr Rawitnrs bom of her mother O. Silverman, on Mesa avenue, tomorrow aft- Alb'. mci in Bun, l.ieut. James A. I.eater, the Rela Delta Phis with a rollowing numbers: at the home nl Ml MtWHMB'i "nl. entertained errioon. afternoon l.teui Horace McBndi'. I. lent. stuart cram btlbea at the home of parents "With the Caravan" (Scrbe), by Carmen Mrk. - ii. Silverman, Mesa avenue parly their niotlier. er. Unit. Hubert Annln. UMUt, It. Med. on Lee street last night The house was l.lelevler. I.lttlejofm, Mr. and Mrs s Hawan, nr. altrantlvrly decorated with holiday colors, My Lesson Today" iSpauldlng), by Eloí- Colonel Mr, Join Heard i nema, Maanrrin avenue, leaves ror los ALBERT KLEINBERGER. and and Mrs. W. L. Brown, Pr. and MM, and an Ice course was served. The mem- 0n sa Pomeroy. a rcorpiinii fo ei and Angele today. Dr. ('.. Renin, who also has hold Rhosdel, Mr. and Mr. Homan c. Mylea. or the present were: Misses l.ydla "Daisy Chain" (Spauldiny). by Eloísa Hit- Llghlh o'clock. bers dub spending the holidays with his par- dies of lent and Mr. James I.. ollins. Mrs. Happer, Helen Mary Mcrf. Marlon been Pomeroy. Duttn. ents, will remain over In El Paso a few Wallet II. .Xeill, Mis. Arnold. Ml sac a Helen Howe, Marie Riddle, Helen Loomls. Frances "The Little Soldier March" (Powell), by A. k slater, Mrs. lo Los Angeles to Colunol Haslirmi and hla Stewart. Alice Myles, Beiilah Brown. Mary Duggan: Ihe boya were Haiiand Irvin. cllf- days before returning Mary Elizabeth Pelham. srUl n and worn. icier iiuinn reive Ihe officers kaye Alies, Valerie Lertff, Mary Hill. Hale rrord Cabell Dreet. Malcolm Webb, resume his medical Momance In C" d.awson), by Elliott Hi Irvin. ladies id Ihe Iw.uli mlantry and other BUIa, l Stevens. Crawford, Mrs. Webber, Mr. Jack Lewis, Mayo Beamon, Willis Jim arlc and gone to (rienda at hoou. Misses Marlin. Alice Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lewis have "A Dismal Day" (Smith), Opus No. Winifred Teddy Oeiley. ten days. l, Herd, Mlaa Heard, Misses Kalherlne incur., to spend about It, by Anna Bell Cray. V. A. Hollirook will colonel and Mr. I'farr. Miabeth Katheiine Brown, o htti Cavalry to Have Meaguerade. m "Elephant Dance" (Haeache), by Charlotte Hey- liavl. mother, 9H receive the ofTtcaTI and ladles or the Marrare! Johnson, Irnesl Myles, and olhers. I'ollnwlnr the old reglniental custom on Mra. A. D. Mayes Is visiting her Ellis. enleenth tavalrj ill cav ew Year's day the soldiers or the F.lghth Mrs. F. N. fjoldriip, at the llursrhell "Sextet From Lucia" (Ponltettl, arr. by any mess hall at II o'clock. I no riain Missionary NK'lrly. cavalry will hold their annual masquerade 100ms. m Lngelmani. by Sttirtcvant Todd. Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Ballard dellrhtrully parade and jubilee at Ft. Bliss al o'clork. "Menuet" (Bonherinl), by Lucy Rebln. When Yoo Sea These Pretty Ctrl in Your Major licneral charle M. clement ami enteiialiied the i.iintr people-- Mls'loiiary Marching around the post dressed In all Miss Fay Tullous and Miss Blanche Roe, "intennexto Caprice" (Stulti), by Anna DruseUt's Window k'a a Good Tiaoe stair win hold a n plioii Pu Ihe urriciir society ..r Irliilty Melhodisl church, on manner or costumes they will meet In accompanied by Miss Tullous' father, will McLaughlin. To En d Yesar Cacea. and ladi-- s of the l'ao district and rnr Friday cvenmr ut their home in ihe iMar'ey front or Ihe rommmdlnr officers head arrive today from the .Nan ranch on the "Robemla uirl" (Balfe, arr. by Bodcn- - 1.1 fééo (Tienda froth .' until 4 o'clock. apai tinenta wllh a ' cliiislmas party. Olfts .....i. where a dance will be participated Mimbres river m .New Mexico, where they walt Lampe), by Marion Kurd. were hanrliiR on a prettily IB, They carry all ktndB or bands aim have been spending the Christmas holi- ((.icnmicr). oy they use "GETS-IT.- " It's because "GETS derornled will in Moonlit Waters" so easy use II on The I Iks will a dance al their club r.u or IT U simple and to put five Cbrlatinai nee each nnrlnal mimic bands, and all Ihe ofricers and days. Mary Wagner. in a few seconds because there Is no work house mi Mjrtlc. avenue al .:3o o'clock. poetry arnmpaulrd each arllcle and pto ladles or the Eighth cavalry will view the Rosemary" (Henry well), by Aron or corn fooling to do. no pain that shoots yoked much and I. Mrs. Woolndgc left El Paso yes- up 10 gets corns off ' laurhtei enteiialnnient. performance. Jasper cralg. your heart. It your Tueatfay. silk bar had been riven out by the terday for Austin, rollowing the death or "Cavalcade Mllltalrc" (Oehmler, Opus your mind. All the time It's workmr an.i S mcetiuii oi Hie dirriiors or the Wo boateas a month before in contain a Christ Ronk Party. Avery L. Hlctor, in that city. 213). by'Jcanctle Rawllngs. then, that little old com peels right on, - her brother. clean, man club will lie ndd at Pi o'clock in 111a ofrerlnt for missions, and quite a sum Miss Louise Crawford entertained with fLack, .Opus. 134), by Alexander leavea the skin underneath idilio" and your corn Is gone! No wonder mil- tl.e club house. was netted ror the society. Hie an enjoyable rook party yesterday alternoott B. Lewis Is spending Hie holi- Hurlar Mrs. Ben Rhe In. lions prefer "GETS-IT.- " Try It tonight. a business, session was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. evenlnr short days with her parents, Mr. and "Narcissus" (E. Nevln), by Helen "GETS-IT- " Is sold and lecommended by Ml I II. Ill MM I'eppt .Ill ellPiialll to eleel officexi ror Uw ensuinr year, James Crawford on Ufatott avenue. The K. Black, In Dallas. Mrs. Lewis will re- druggists everywhere, 95c a bottle, or seut Ut Jolly I. dull. whliit reiulted as rollo Wat president, Misa house was attractively decorated In Christ- main in Dallas ror a few weeks and will "Tlie Minuet" (Beethoven), duet by i on receipt of price by E. Lawrence Co., seven or 111. t i lia Hemic t n. e president, mis npai mas greens. There were tables visit with relatives lu nearby towns be- .sfflÍafl Hawllngs and Fanny Maple. Chicago, Adv. t I.' Ml won Reynolds: second vice president, W. N. Players, and Miss Jane Binges the flrsl fore returning to El I'ato. se assssjjgsaggansaesaaaST A or will he Clara Kdwaida prize, and Miss Kalherlne White the con- meeting the Woman's Huh Hat'shutaii. serniary, Miss Mr. Klelnberger Is the nance of Miss A A dellghtrti) salad course held al 3 o'clock in ihe auditorium or the and treaaurer', Irvbj clary. salad rourae solation prise. V. Kerr Saturday from was assisted in Alfred returned Im club. Mra. Ubra kuhlhcr will bi In was set veil by the hostess, assisted by her was served, and the hostess California, where he was railed tne nrat 11. I. by her mother, Mrs. Crawrord. cbaTfc. slater. Mrs. A. Iianlelson. Mrs. I, win entertaining or the week on account or the death or his aus and Mis Vera Ballard. arrive in cloudrrurt cany in May and Reservations) Toltee Dinner Danre. mother. make so tin Lodge The r,e)rulaf Wednesday nlhi dance will Amour those present were Mesdames for arrangements that will post I l A will be at the Toltee club Open on May 15. be held at the Hop club at oi Bliss. 8. s I, N. Wlitans, K. D. Moore, dinner riven re- promptly nireluTeld. followed by a mldmrhl dam Qayle Talbott aod son, Oayle, Jr., W. N. HsrshtitHn, J. Harry Henderson, 1. toiiirht. where they Dave Swop.' spent the holidays In Cloud The Holiday Thursday. who have taken reservations are: It. turned Saturday from Artesla, J. Ayer and Mrs. n. A. nanlelson. Misses while. Oayle, Jr., spent tiort. Mr- - - Dudley, Lieut. It. K. nines, Lieut. Julian spent a short rank Alnsa will entertain wtih llerilu. I. Ilia Thomas, Clara Kdwwrtla, K. E. Slough was here Christmas day. Helta llallíes. F. H. Haydeti, secretary nf Christinas with mentis and relatives there. a luncheon in honor or Mrs. loin Berrien Kra Tliotnas, Murry. Bess Brown, Mrs. C. F. Barrett and little son. Ralph, Ernestine W. II. D. B. Klllles, CapL ai bar home on Mesa avenue. ttpal Raynolda, Vera Ballatd, Mona Shea. Illttiiinson. returned Christmas day Yrom a visit with V. H. F'oster, VV. J. Qnlgly, Colonel and Onal cor will return Monday I. Turner, rlnur relames In lluntsvlllc, Texas. Mr. Bar Dorothy Iianlelson. Mildred Moore. utile king. Lieut John evening Hcrlno, where they spenathe The re rular Thursday ntthi dance win Captain Allerdltr, caruelt from rett met them In El and to Francés Ayers, Byrtl Ferruaon. M. 011 me rancn. returned Spirit l.ieut. II. B. Lewis. Major Tyler, iKdldays with their parents be held at the West Ysleta Country club. Ilev p H KnlrkrrlMirker, I. N. Wlnans, lloréis, loo. mil with litem. V. L. Torres, W. M. Drury, A. Slack to use, I D, W N. Hsrslunan. J. Harry Dr. J. It. 1. mint, or Alamogordo, wa Moore, II. 8. MacMlrhael. WHIard WaJle. little son or Dr. and Mrs The l.qu.il rainiuse lean tie will hold lis I. J. (I. A. Iianlelson. J. called to Mayhlll Christmas night to ae. llen.let'soit. Ayer, Walle, wiio has been quite 111, Is inevtinK ai the Chamber or Commerce at nalliud. W. W. Kdwards w. W. Df, W. P. shelly, who has been very low ü flint hnlrrtalns Jnlly Klghl Bridge Club hl borne, MIG North Flor Elaborate preparations o'clock, when the eleeudn or oTflcara R improving; at ror some nine with pneumonia. Dr. Gi- V Wttlkajt. Basil Ryatl, Hal Stacy, Miss tilattvs Rootli enterlaliicd the J will lake place. Aubrey ence street. lbert lu Alamogordo Tuesday being made for the clary. Leo Miller, Irwin Mevan. Flrht Rtitlge club at her home on Rio returned are K. shnckey, M. I.. Iluiiesoii morning. hi hn.ck. and 1. ramie strnrt yesterday ariernoon. A one rhe Itoherl ee chapter, I Ii C., will Mr. and Mrs. Louie Lay Dave returned Mrs. t. A. (Jreer and son, Murry. have - :i course luntt.eon vas served. Miss Nell are home with held a huMitess in. tin- ut o'ctoet m Itaece by s. :. Light Dragouus. from Denver, Colo., and at returned to tbeir home m Houston, Texas, Boomer was Ihe ruest or Ihe club. The 1W tin- chapter room at lite Women's tub. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Lay al norm a several weeks' visit In Ihe dame Friday evening al the riisl prise was won hi Mis- - Jean Olleblrst. alter Cloudcrort. New riven faintly were Year's street. Frank Bunnell and In town Sheldon lioi. by the South Carolina and lite second by Miss Roomer. The club lis- "I lleruse to led Itlh" llieeta Willi inn during Hie holldaj DrajOOfla proved to hf a very enjoyable (MM. will Ratal Saturday. Jan. II, al the home or Mrs. J lark al hi t home the Brazos Mrs. J. L. oraham Is seriously III at her Dsaptta the unusually cold snap chrlgl The were Mr. Hails Pot lier. Miss tide iller. rpal'Ulieitls. palrunesses ilerti home, 70 .Noble street mas night the at tlie pavilion given - Minor Porsher, Mrs. Harp Palemau, danre by the men or was at- Drraabee, and Mrs. w. 11. Danre By Social Hub. business Cluudrrofl Mir ruler-tt.ti- lira, J. J. Matkaiel tit andiitouaiu will ror the. be W. H. Huggett or sierra Blanca, Texas, tended by one ..r the crowds at -- A course supper was served The decorations dance Pi riven Celebration lh. "tiiprc club. three a few days 10 the city. tending a dance here lu many munihs. An lelu .un in.- evening, by lhc Social club on New Year's evening has been spending ins or pieces had been obtained lite present were. Miase Meta at lhc Woman's club, will be unusually ar- orchestra fotfr f rida rltls Tea dantants Monoays, Wednesdays, Fri- fratn Alamogordo and the buikHng had iirnishee, Cliarloih Dorothy Hrms tistic Ihe Japanese idea will tic carried e p. Adv, w days aud Saturdays, i to tu. been made as comfortable as It Is posal Ml' Alma a ill entertain Ihe 11 In IihI t PaU'inan. out. and there will he abundance or c. onstaliee make one was ror sum day MiiiIki at her home on Montana liMit.es Katie. Virginia Akard, Helen cherry blossom and buti.rflles. A dinner ble lo that built January 1,1917 ketler KA! IHE BEST. use. people can- Wjasel. Muin CrltcaMt, will be enjoyed, after which a program will ue'r from down all the liraoe Flee, crltcuatt, uhel Cleanest rafeterla, home cooking, popu- yons rrom towns Kale k'rause, blc Isabel Springer, he presented, which promises to he unusual- and nearby rame and sheet. lar Y. W. C. - 3it Texas SI. Adv. was until o'clock In Margaret Bryan, tilady Womlbiiry, Julia ly entertaining. Dancing will follow prices. there daminr Í th Have You Engaged Your Table? an ex- ohiwell, Mtidied Connolly, Mary Light morning. Mrs. Sam Brown served Furs Itemodidrd, 30 Buckler tiidg., over Ellti.. cellent supper about midnight RIHott, wim-1- Mrs' Dealll F.ntrrtahis Brldgr Jiih. burn, Winner Elslnor hnelloB, The postorrire department given the others, ihe young men Mrs. VV. J. Deavltt entertained the Friday las Cabaret Dancing Music ni sheiinn. and Joseph M, Evans announces that lus rlass pusbuaster ut Cloudcruft pr.iiulssiuu Pi of the Light luncheon bridge club at her home in the imiuded in. member piano, voice and liannuiiy will begin move the or urricc to the Banjo-Saxapho- Dragoons apartments Friday. The rooms in lorauon Bu By VanSurdam January Correct Inundation for begin Penney builillnr on January I, The r Ware urlistliially decorated with red and - Authoritlve unci premium or dasal- occupy the spare vacated i y Orchestra v tv. t Nab. s while flowers, red and white being the ners. will' color scheme. Tile guests were Miss Hale riMiiaiillr and modern must ihe postofflrc in addition to the present Upetl lions,, will be belli al the Y. W. C. European Va II space now being In the ü rauroid, and Mrs. Donald Mathlum. The vanred assured. lloor used sani" Phone 691 for Reservation or Information. A. home .morrow from until f. o'clock. Hiding. T. board iM wi Mrs Henri Bnwle. and Ihe notire pulnunenl. liume Iwic studios HI i'aao KH Moser and daughter. Miss- Sylvia, at- of dire, !,.. - s, slid hoard- in the llobinson aMrtiueiila. the e.ieUll. lije Z hnol ror flirl. and residence hi West tended the dance ut the pavilion Christmas Part at Mr. Kpeare'x. Nevada. Adv. nlghl. Mai ramily Mia kale krause entertained basT Mindavl Walter and visited In Ala facial mogol .i holidays. Cafe t and all duiinr Sheldon of the Presbyterian 'ot s HAIR, moles Hotel class First tit ii (rip Alainogord rhut ch yesterday afternoon al the resident' i.'.ne- - removed. lealures rorrecwu Lee Jones made a to an tu play the of Mra. Jos. Spejiee on Moiipma atiera All erare Be i. lace sparlehel, after orchestra ai dance mi. Christmas day. ..i Uv girls hiouglil their and due m nucklei- Bldg.-A- dv. Sale of .,1 ...... urcn Baird, who is attending school 11 Our January refreshment wen- lug the en ed. (.1.(11 DIJKIET, N. M. Silver City, visited his parents. Mr. and Mra. B. T. Baird, during the holldaye. W Jones and the It. Hells I liable to Eiilrrlulii. Mr. Betnle File left Thursday for La Frank lainny spent Mrs Hall, , , Fits, who liolldays III Cluudrrofl. Women's crucial and (imrgv Jr regral IU wnn Mr. and Mrs. Tom men mammy 10 receive innr iiiauj u 1.11.1 art, V1l.y g((.g, str. 10m r lie uas lypuoiu New Pi lite Ibere typttold. good school on Year's da owing rail nt.u0lli Uld tr. Flic ha EtPaso A for your - par. Ngaj can get , Alamogordo no rn. that A Kedlc relumed from MUSIC NOTES which is large .Miougti 10 recolvc them Wednesday. daughter is the best invest- uslmastrr A. D. Mci.eau, ur liapu, was School For Coats, Mrs. Alus, tu l.Dr l.unrhrun. V Thuradsv. Francis Moore, ol Un- - City, and Rafael Suits, vhotnr Mr- - si. Mnsa is to entertain with a , . ttv ., Thurs Dlax, who recently sang here lu concert ment for her future. lunrhroi Jan al he wtlh I liner Denton, appeared on a recent Girls nr Mrs. Hen leu. wlm program by Uie Duchess e. honoi mil kst Slough waa In the city ibiiisday. prsseuled tie Street and Evening Dresses tung Mrs. 11. u ..ti Magomn uní,, lieu or New Y'ork. Mr. Dial sang Winter Terrri opens Robert Canea aud Jease neck wars ueie a number or mams, with Mi Moore ac Small classes, experienced teachers, con- Thursday. This naturally will be Thursday, beeu racelved nmn M. n riuupaiiylng bloi servativa methods, much outdoor work, and Woid has of to El Paaoans, San An to lhc he win open much intrust January 4. Hutiililna erreel thai lonions, and Texans In general, as they personal consideration for every pupil, from Starts Tuesday Morning SOCIAL PERSONALS "dgt for Hie season or IWI7 nil May arc watching with the progress or Illl-tlS- High Mi Hult mu managed uei Lodge du. Mere! l Terrace St. Primary through School, give right It, two Texas products. Mr. Dlaa Is id me. aud ivlA aun gggaU tlies progress. s ii" sii.i oiirtually rrom San Antonio, and Mr. Moore Sunaet Heactats. conditions for health and MILLINERY PRICE AND LESS Mr ..i Mra. J. It. Enlow have as Usslr a aucis-s- uT bulb araewis. He riper at HALF l rom El so glr. Mrs. I.ouia Van In gained during Ibuae guests and ld luu pm Mr Idas has been appearing in recítala . Ohio, wliu yea couditluus In ion. ..11 lum leck of arrived with latjg Hi Waslungbui, D ' fur the Art club, Every garment in the house mutt go to make Is year the should np p bulay. Mra. Van Ylerk tlie sister of Ihal each Loose Sprlir-s- , Va where he waa prubably and al Hut Mrs. Enlow 'Hie an leeks earlier than haa tiasa the cusknu and of Mrs. Setb Bartou I ranch, a room for our Spring purchase. Uw yea gear suei win ha wiih me Enlowa ror asset Nu weeks. should cloae later til Last iiu.noluglst of much ability. He also ap lit- lo clue tin- I ons on New Year's liad planned peered m recital at Ihe Cowlee School for Foe ror I. at end ur August Mrs. Charles hadar len estarday Uctisbar bul lbs riert ..in- - at Hot stiucs ana a news iikialuiina to Halt her relativo and nr niougbl Usara would be a big strike paper clipping Dom there says that he XAae love- join ihr reuiilou Of Iter lanUly. who are on the railroads luruughwul the reuntry. success expects Watch Party Dance of Take met with auch that be to and ly KJagsesaoai nasmtor. gathering tugeiluir ror to. New toar, the bu 11 was ihuugbt beat tu ciuse tint sea- return there after Ihe holidays away for several weeks. son un Sep libar I. May IS will be two a i $1 W5 Woman's tve' Money. will be k Mies halite Mae Bo wen. daughter or Mr. n. Toggery ssaeki than evar tieroie Uiat BsMl earlier muí Mis James I Bourn uf this illy J. c. L. on 1 We tve Mr. and Mrs. Tarlion Bliss street resort bwtal lisa beu upeurd an wiu. has beeu spending Uw noiidays with Little Capia Bid. have as their houar guests Mrs. il. H. Bru 4 good crowd til i poiieti lien- aurUtg RYAN'S DANCING ACADEMY B. H. liar parents, will give a piauo recital in Btwttarui uetl and Misa JeanuellePeiinr'.l of Austin Ihe enure, mouth uf May. uwinu 10 thr Angeles some lima In Mfech. Miss Nth Grema gma Loa SUNDAY NIGHT, NEW YEAR'S EVE, DEC. 31st Ovar Victor Hat Co. Tasas. laci ihal oi lower aJUludea it le lu gel Howen is a mucin or nie Mstiborouri Mr. FROM 9 1 M. IVtUoogtU TriKllag un a um w May. is leav buol of Los Angels and la one or tlie P.M. TO A at -- !. San Antonio St. and Mm Ave. Htiatujo charles c lleuiu uf Los Aagelsg. Cal., 11. t sau Vutoulu, wh.'re he has been ibis most intelligent ol the youug musicians uf VAN SURDAMS BANJO SAXAPHONE ORCHESTRA who Is apwuliu Ilk' holiday.-- with his aialet. leg Watu, where lie will mauagt-- Trxaa aud Loa Angelo. pi fui.--. Dr. ..halle- Heuiu sad Dr. Anua, (arre huwl for a atiwl Unte, lie will Miss Marguerite Buckler, who la slog wsmsismsswssmsmsmsmsmsmssmsmsmsmsmmsmsmss EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916.

.lesa, to the right hereinafter tiren to tor- - Dorothy Dalton as a Dance Hall Girl in "Mutt and Jeff's Wedding" at the Texas Grand l"?!. ÍV 10 hn Jointly all the Tri'State Society "A Gamble in Souls" Grecian Tomorrow Sunday and Monday, Matinee and Night userul idle and rommons where Ball may he played; all waters wrwre one may pttm i i m. swim, all tnowrun hltlt "i roi n. to attend the dance at the pavilion They one may where are ramps roast and all streams and ponds stationed at the lorains- near where one may fish, or where, J. C (Xvent Km ramtiy spent the Moll Un Afra. you o Through when grim isla. t ínter romes one may skate; to fltr Willi relative in C. My nava and Ctoudcron t. Basa asid family returned Wednes- VIW 7 to hold the- c,nir for the period enere wu an informal dance at srn day a to M'kMT. of their from trip Hot sprints. Mr CLOTH Ttta- - boyhood And all with "rnwn t Saturday evening X. I. pmmen, eommlasary ass at the J meadowi the rttsntr Mr. it rut avAtMrt óom blnstnmt and Ixitterrilea thereof, and the and Mr. Freak cot spent the hoii lorrtne rampa. It Improving sfter a ktmt wnndt and day spell nena THt NevatMcaiK , no their apptirtentncra, the tqutr her. of tick cN' "" rels and bird and the echoes and strange e. T. Balrd a Wed- Aun 0Owe ra " lee riogera wa In town Saturday and wat buln visitor thc orncc noises, and all distant place wtdrh nay be ennaey. netitay f sited, together with the there A. J. Swope was a from the adventures E. recent rttltor round. And I give to each his T. Baird waa a recent visitor. logging amps add boys own piar at the fireside at nMrM, with all ritiid and Claude henneu Wei- M. marte a trip to High ll, recently rrom J. Painter business pictures that may be teen in taw burning MayhlU. Holl this eek fJeora-- j Harkness was In during the boll wood, without let or hindrance and with- dtvt. out any Incumbrance or care nan simon. ntr. Haywnod Hunter spent Saturday and "Item To lovers I devise their Imaginary Sunday In world, with cloudrroTt. Mr. L. W. Wallace, who leaches at whatever they may need; aa R D. Rounda and H. H. HtU were In air the stars or the sky, the rose ton. It at borne for the holidays. ' red by the lion tlx upper Penetro Saturday, return- wall, the bloom of the hawthorn, the tweet ing hi inf Sunday morning. Mrs. Wetton Fry and two children, Flor Strains or music and aught else by which Miss Agnes Wood la spending the holi- enea and Trumm. left for Wlliox Thurs 1 they may desire to rigure to each other day with her parentt, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. day, where they will visit mends a few the lattlnrness and beauty of their love. Wood. days. Mrs Fry going nn to Lot Angelas to "Item: To yrning men jointly I devise Mirtrew Hendrli tpent the holiday with vltlt her brother t fen- weeks Florence and Pfn and bequeath all boltterouf, inspiring gports bis rather, w. J. Henilrij., and grant-- Truman will return to San Simon to again Il & or nvairy. and I give to them the rtlsdaln 'titer, Mrs. S. K. Hemlru. enter trhool after the holidays or weakness and undaunted eonridence In Mrs. Stella Ball waa in lown tor the Gray Holt and alttor. Irene, who are at their own strength, though the are rude: week-en- t tending s. hool al Tempe, came home Friday I give them the power t,, make lasting Mike Corn van waa here Saturday. to spend the holldayt. rrlendahtpa, and of possessing companions, and to exclusively i giv merry hen l.ongwell waa up' from Alamogortlo Mlts Lott Williams, who been In them all recently. hat songs and brave choruses to sing with lusty school at Flagstaff the past three years. Charts! Tetterle came In Saturday to rame home Saturday. voices N" on Chrlttmat. "Item: To those who are no longer chil- Anthony Tarpy. who It the St. W. A. Smith was here Saturday. attending dren or youths or lovers. I leave memory, Mlehael college. Is the holidays J" Smith waa In town Saturday. spending nd I bequeath to them the '..lomes or C. Walker waa in from kelle Sunday.; with his mother here. poems of Burns and Shakes-r- ,md "f Hen Wooten and ramlly have moved M. II. Hearh of Uoa Cabasot came down ether poets. If there be others, to the end from k'ellt to Alamogordo ror the winfr. Saturday to vlalt with hit wire and other that they may live over the old days again, Mn Wooten, who Is pottmlttreta at Kellt, relatives here during the holldayt. aaaaaaaVKraLBH freely and fully without tithe or diminu- li trying to have the orrics discontinúen 7. B. Wilson gone to Dome, Arta., to aflasVft''H tion. none bat vi. account of the small business take charge there. "To our loved ones with snowy erfwlM ten. I bequeath age. i en Williams, who It attending school at the happiness of old the here wat a large Christmas tree at love and gratitude tip the university at Tempe, Is at home ror tu thetr children until school bouae Saturday evening for they rail asleep." F. E. L. the children of th: town and vicinity and Chi talmas. y child wat remembered. A subsrrip-tlo- A Christmas tree at the church Sunday list had been circulated in the town night was greatly enjoyed by grown-up- to deirjy the expenses. The (hllilr.-- rave as well as children. Santa Claus made run a Kuod program. ror the little ones, distributing a bountirul .Mita eda liedle, who It teaching In the treat or candy, nuta and rrult to every child YOUR COLD LI l aso schools, arrived here Saturday hi present. An appropriate program waa will be easily relieved by taking the holidays with her parent. Mr. given. The rhtirrh wat decorated with bella 'Hid Mrs. C. A. Redlc. and other decorations. a spoonful of li l. ve and Boyd Williams. Jr., niaid Archie Hearn or El Paao and Len or Cllf-- " or A. tlk. who are members of battery ton are visiting parents and Ni nere their other Mexico tute inHltlt. arrived relatives here. Sunday trota Fort Bliss en ruum to Liw LV that has shared our tears? The will reads t. ipend the holidays With their parents. The Ladies- Aid met at the church Thurs i aatataaBaataVMM H Thai part or my Interest which Is day 1 They wara here by Kioiutlt uregg, ariernoon. An' InterosUng business known In law and recognised In the scorn met ot Mayhlll, uho look them Lome. meeting waa held. Mrs. Slsson wat' birth- i. ..nines s mi property, iieing In- ee Jones and family motored to day hoatess. Refreshment! were served. considerable and or no nrrount. I make no Sunday. , The nest meeting will be tt the home of dlspustl or this in my will. Jonea here Saturri.iv Mrs. Buth. January 4, a New year s meet THE OTHER I Nil OT DAY. "My right to live, being but a lire es Mist Teasle arrived ever you've EMULSION a to spend the holidays with her pareuis. ing. ir known childhood land tale. Is not at my disposal; but. these tlie end of day, I Mr. und Mrs. Lie Jonea. Mlas Tessle Is At the rine contest between Bowie and 'Twat other thing excepted, all else in the world now A lar orr place with a sliver proceed w. nklng In i.l I'ato. San simon Saturday, San Simon carried orr strand to devise 'and bequeath. after each meal It fortifies And a the mermalda play, I Lex C. Wilmeth was In town shop- the honors, the acore being 337 ror San liearh where "Item: give to good rather and moth Mia. An.l green back, while ping" Saturday. Simon and S89 rof Bowie. woods reaching rrom en, in trust ror their children, til gaod the throat and chest snore. Boren and ramlly In Sat- Messrs. Jenson and Carr or Midway were little wordt or praise and eiicourrenient. Chas. cami And valleys wend and wend it enriches the blood to to spend the week-en- with Mr. in town Tuesday. that and all quaint names and endearment, and urday We y to the meadows or rnargn en mother, Mrs. M. E. Uoren. 'Mrs. Bestia Harrell of El Paso came up oft nevermore i said iitrents to use them l help avoid grippe, bron- l.o At the Up or tlie old end. A. Potey and family were recent vis to apend the holldtys with world' and generously, as the needs ol their J. her parents. may chitis and even pneu- en to hon.e In James Mr. and Mrt. A. J. children require. Itttis, ruuti their chillón, tt Grand View. It's a beautirul land --It never wat, . m They were returning- H orn the Ueorge Belch and ramlly or "I leave lo Inclusively, onlv is well y hi. Los Angeles, And It never will be, dear. children but monia. Scott's Springs. Cal., en route to! Arkansas, ror the term or their cnlldlrood, the Hot stopped off at Rut that Is why It It sweet, all San Simon to visit to blossom or the woods, with worth insisting upon. his brother and family. And all the rlrht to now ARIZ. Eugene, for a rew Itt tklet to rear; play among tliem freely according to Scott Ik Bowne. Uloomfleld, N. J. 1- dayt. And over It the brave beet buiz the A mask ball waa given at the city hall custom or the children, warning ihem t the with a For the honey In the wheel, against Miss Lillian Erlcksoti entertained Monday night. A good attendance waa pret-en- sanie time thistle and thorns An.l Saturday evening, at which And the butterflies, are twice thc site I devise to children the or dinner parly An enjoyable evening waa apent. iir rows, and they're ttrong banks the brooks the guests of honor were Mr. Erlckson Mr. and Mra. to and the golden tandt lienetUi the PAINTS, WALL PAPER Chilton had at dinner guests flMt when In airy flight they lite waters and Miss Hlldegarde Erlckson, mother and Wednesday Mrs. M. H. Hearn, E. W. thereof, and the odors or the willows thai alc They ran take a child along. dip WINDOW GLASS sister of the hostess, and Miss Thomas, hemic and their daughter. Miss llesslo therein, and the white clouds fait rloai thai day from their hornet In Harrell, or El rua-- atxne the giant treea. And .nava to who arrived Paao r ob. beautirul land at end or day, THE TUTTLE PAINT A mountains. - children the long, long dayt to be the Cblrlcahua Tom Garrett, who has been In Duncan the Thus. H. Ince's new production, "A Oant- To bring the thing to a more definite end, Thou land that every child merry Maggie I.awhon arrived the last or In, In a thousand wtys. and the mei.t GLASS COMPANY Miss plti three weeka, came home Saturday ble In Souls" opens at the Grecian theater however, and to convince the audience with Hath teen In the mitt or tbe golden ay mil rrom Let Cruces, N. M.v where the moon and the train of the Milky Way 710 II? Nan P JS5.ii. the week Mlla nutn Ru,Mll wno na, ln ,,. tomorrow for a three day engagement. Thlt something perceptible that the , girl has a or fancy burning wild! sil.. school, Will spend the w. nicer v. mu im tiibjci t, she Is attending and tee the past rew months, came home story la of unusual originality and or great reason for surrendering her heart to the At the other end of the day tomewhere neverthe- with her parentt, Mr. and Mrs. day to spend ChrUtmaa with the home dramatic afrectlveness. minister, a rough Swede It cut up on tbe It lies all glowing bright. n. i.awnon. ioit. ln thlt alory. written by. Lanier Bartleit, island, to be knocked orf a eltrr at tbe And the trent or flowert li on the air, oe Virgil Howell waa ln El Paso several days , we have a shipwreck which resulta in tbe end or the ttory by the minuter, who And tlie moonriower open at night, Eiol51o las! WMk. at - - .UtHUUWS. easting up on an uninhabited tetand of two ratchet him trying to rorve himself upon And under the green bought of the trees iñi Mrs. E. F. Lvdav left laat Thursday for f people or diametrically opposite natures-o- ne the girl. The man having proved blmteir The fa trie dance and ting, apend the ,onnn Lot Angeles, where she will xJL lnd ramlly spent Xmss ln a bigoted, eelrighteous minister, and a hero and also tbe strength or hit love, the And up from the tinging shores the seat WnetoheyrriwmVr,r'lved the other a dance-bal- l girl or the wont ule comet to a halt, and the two aland A siii it music rung. Wednesday from J; mDecX'lll'.rtlrTvY.lt'S; type. Tbe two have met berore, back on watching a distant aall which Is both wel- ei raso ae El Paso ror a short vltlt with bit ngraMfclgE the Barbery coast In California, at wblcb come and unwelcome aa the last scene It all comes true at the Cnrlftmes time, Mr. and Mra. J. D. PrewlB, EteklelS&SñjSSiRuebottom went to knlppa Sunday time the woman spurned the evangelist's fades out. Aa we lean on a little till, miss carne i.uauuier. muo " H" VJ "iwiiu amiss. afTorts to lead bar Into the 'straight and Dorothy Dalton as the Barbery Coast And look out over the starry clime Nine Mile tcbool, left Sunday ror he.- home Mlates Octavia and Mary Downle are bare narrow path." So we bave laid berore us dance hall girl or the worst type, who hat That Hath over the bill I in Orange, Cel., where abe will spend ber í,m Penf the holldaye an Interesting atudy of divergent mentali- no religion and who aneert at the well And even !n grown-u- hearts, It teems, .fifívi1parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Downle. we young o Mr. ties and are shown little by little the meaning but bigoted minister when There are often gentle boura New ',,." and Mrt. W. M. Ray tor, or Marathon, Year's party was , way pri- to to When one a A very delightful surprise ,pnt tne m n that "God'a wilderness" and the be tries persuade her to return the to ltvet In world of dreamt won- raery given luesuay tvnuui u ore... latter s parama, Mr. and Mrs. sS. C. Bodkin. mitive Initlncta ln both dissolve tbe abnor- "airtight and narrow path" createa a That back coma the rloweis, by her mends. Danclnawat enjoyed until t. a. Eldrtdge, or San Antonio, haa been malities engendered through misguided derful type, and protraya It with marked And the far aeas ting on that eirin shore a late tne gueti ot nis aaugnter, Mrs. g. j. Hanks "civilised" customs and how their experi- Intelligence aided by an u:n:sual physical Tbelr poignant, beautirul Nevermore! hour mer. Miss Lury Ryan Oeorge Barton or ence ends In a bappy romance. charm. Celebration A o spent Chrl with Mlts Ryan's heplingrer and family, of Rrackettvllle LAÜT WILL AND TESTAMENT. Tutaun are spending the holidays wllh Mrs. Hep Mr. Ryan. The gay tpeedlng by Jollities parents, and linger's sister, Mrt. D. L. Anderson and Chrlttmat I Den- - at 3 o'clock In the Chamber of Commerce. or IB1H Mrs- - J. aU Synion Miss Hattle rsmity, spend a rew days prior to leaving ror bit tbe Old Year of does not delay Its 1, - 1. January nlston are enjoying Islt rrom their broth- Mrs. C. Douglas went to Alpine Tuesday home In Louisiana. Mrt. 8. Fennell, prealdent, will Intro- passing. It goes, never to return, hut 1917 N. M. Stock- the or bavlng two name er. who arrived rday rrom Globe. where she will visit her sriter, Mrs. J. M Faulkner it here from Fort duce precedent might It not leave b the children or Itt - ton. ror Mrs. C. P. Daws a teacher In the Saf- Whlteiy. candidatos Instead of the oris name a care tome laat will and tea tarn eal. some J E. Mlttei Maggie and Eva Doak and Robert la dlng vacation with Landers and family motored to Free has been presented rormerly. ' legacy or remembrancer ford tchoolt, her to spend Xtpta with are here rrom their home, near Corn lock, to rr lends and rali In Bowie. relatives: spend a rew- days. There once died In a Western asylum Will fiarnett and family and the rormer't III MAMAN CABINET REORGANIZED. for those or mind a Those Mavfing 11. T. Mllner e a dinner Saturday at Mrs. Evan Hord, A Chrlttmat ball was enjoyed at the disordered patient, JKseratfiims titter, motored to Alpine Jaaay, Rumania, via London, Dee. SO- .-i a so deli- the S. P. hotel hit employee and their iui omnia vnn. Opera Houae. Charlea Loumbury, who lert will M. Shely family, or Teaout, he Rumanian been reconstruct- Ádinnñssñoiti families. Mrt. Ed Dewees and niece, little Mitt T. and visited cabinet hat cately whimsical, to tweedy tender, It Fleas Secuire John home during the holi- ed the premiership or 1. í. M. w. v. ortrrit ateayer ror the Mascot Mary Hoae, are hr from Floreavllle to at the Whistler under C might have been written by Sir Jamea spend the holidays t!i Mr. T. R. days. who alto will hold tbe pott or min- I. .une Loula Btevenaon. Might Mining company aa In Bowie recently on v and Mrt. Stockton, or Robert Kuykendall and other Mitt I'm ken. of Fort it the ister or roreign afrilra we not all or ua accept It a the bequest Once relatlvet. guest friends Cards at business Kd Reeve arrived Sunday from Lobo to of of the nid Year ha known our love Mr. and Mrt. ij. D. Love will leave In that few days for Flagstarr, where they will CHASIBERIKO, N. M make their hoi LP) Mlts Lola Tolnllnaon entertained a num- Christmas passed by quietly. The day ber of her frlfcnds with a whist party was horribly cold snd few ventured out oTZsPERUNA Wednesday evfinng, complimentary to Mrt anywhere. C P. Dawson or Saffoed, who la vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. C. T. Deck entertained a on Tueeday. Among for in Bowie- few mends at dinner An Efficient Remedy Orchestra Cabaret the guests were Mr. and Mrt. I. C. Viljeon A social evfnt yet to be enjoyed It the and Dane Under New dlance, which be given and children, Mr. and Mra. 0. A. Windsor Personal Direction ol Year's will at ' Compounded of vegetable the Southern f Pet He hotel Saturday even- - and Roy Wlndaor. M. W. O. MrNary and raimay went to Bl drugs in a perfectly appointed . Van Sur dam and Mi A. E. Lawrence lert Wednea Pago and apent Chriatraa with relatives. laboratory by skilled enemista, m The Nrat regular meeting or tbe newly day ror Demi . N. where Mr. Lawrence after the prescription of a suc- lias accep the potltlon or fust track organised Literary Mociety waa beld Friday operator ror a Southern Parirte company night. A splendid program waa enjoyed cessful physician of wide ex- ai that pi and tbe orricera and member of the so- by very or up a perience, and approved the An enjoyaíbie party wat given by Mrs ciety are hopeful building j thou- W. H. Bun n Monday evening, tbe guests strong organisation for the betterment or experience of tens of Ston, hiring Mr. A. E. local norial condition. forty-fiv- e Tbe &Bt$Z i.i honor anil Mrt. Ltw sands in the last rence. Othrlr guests were Mrt. T. S. Bunch, Many local people attended the Mew years. Mr. and Mrt. Jack Hardy, Mr. and Mrt. W. Year' ball at La Union on Friday night. D. B. Wood and sons. en and Jim, sriiare, Mlaa Ellen Ford. Mlat Oladyt Word San-Te- x spent Wednesday El Paso seeing Laxative lift and (Turn Hunch in the Peruna's Success Your Neighbor tight. Mm u.oi MaWT, N M. B. A. i.oan ha rented the J. C. Frauds rests strictly on its merits aa a Cold L'aea an Peroolator. ranch ror three years and it now In charge Tablets or plsce.i truly scientific treatment for w. R. Smith waa In from the the Tlie prtecaplA for proper nips Wednesday night The Lpbont bave taken charge or the all diseases of catarrhal symp- in WHY DONT YOU? (alley or the Maloney ranch. of aevorn oolds or has received word toms. It haa come to be the trralmnat Uliether it to an Iron, fine; stove of C. Bailey, or Bur The local schools will re open on Monday cha dtati. or healer, lealh (bit father. 0. attacks or La Grippe la to WUSOnUO WAY to ank. '.aj The death on Dec. 15 morning. recognized standby of the the bene occurred y Hall y Ills father In California and Crs. J. P. plrkent el In tbe tener and lo thor- visited entertained American home because it has Nets them al our office. .me tifcir jgj't. Hr wm 76 'rrs old wlieu number or mends rrom Berlno at dinner oughly wove the bowale and OB i deserved to be, and it stands ille.l .hr ia una day. open the pores of the akin In Dailt, of Wills canyon, waa liare Tbe Rev. Mr. MatUitwtou or the Sure) col today as firm as the eternal El Paao Electric Railway Co lege to g i the excretory murada nirht eu route to Frederick, nkla. preached here latt Sunday. hills in the confidence of order fo vlslti his brother. Mr. Davit will be an apparatua of tbe eyaaene la may torne time. enormous number. good working; order. Dr. I. R. Gilbert, of Alamogordo, wat The .ailed tol Mayhlll Wednesday to see Mrs. CLUB NOTES What Helped Thctn May Hasp You sooner tbe cold iM attacked, I hnruneu Gregg, win. was taken suddenly Oat our free booklet. "Health the mart easily the cold can 111 TBaxkfgl nirht with pneumonia An Inlerettlng program will be pretehlad to Have your drug-fla- t, be broken up and thrown p. and How It." of Dr. W. Shelly, or Mayhlll. who has al ma Woman's dub, whim i the. club or write direct to us. off. x LstaaUve told been icfc with pneumonia Is linprovlug. day progrun that waa arranged for ba- - Taeteta are ooanpoaed of a j Bell, or May inn. wbu wa in- riul.-- , Out Kohl- - t.C postooned. Mrt. Olga formula that 1 aimed lo jured aooae dayt ato. Is getuog much bet Guitars berg be charge or the tuecllug and the The Peruna Company break up a oíd by rediM-tn- tar. i ubjeet will be "The Little Tbeatere." Columbus, Ohio daT4 Wttjlamtoo spent tbe holiday with .New York't Little Theater. hit raja IH Arletia. L Little Thfgter in CMeaeTD. the pore of the akin, and Ukuleles - Jiiii. H tills tpent tlie holidays with Mil A Little communal Theater. mo vine- the bowels easily r lena it Hondo. Mr. Julius Krakauer will give a read aad freely. There are vary Hr. Mrs. c vs tnlw. ll. or l.orkbart. lug. "The PUreon." by Oalewortl.t. The effect! vo In canee of Im lOAlLOCK laias. a Mb Jhu Mien Walker. o( Co Mandolins uotle tees fur the afternoon an- Mr, t. W. Grippe or heartaiihae caused The Original Fuel for Orates luaMhstTNIea., Mending a frw days I orenuen and Mrs. J, D. Love. Wai- Mrt Real Bargains in by i old and feres. The tTMBafk - D. Howe will - nd Fireplace a at r leva.- liolel deliver vocal aotlon of lablata to aid- foui rrom the i amps near El Mi Laakln will play a plano tolo. tbe latlllUaV" ed by warm drinks, eoob aa aw feorg A. Baruat. ,,r Wauiiigtou, 0. Violins There will be e unsung or (he directors HaVrf g. tMBinr or Watiuiigton. D c. of the Woman' club on Tuesday, January hot I mum lo, etc., taken at he. ' Second Hand CARS no crtunei. van Wert, Ohio, and at le o lock in the morning at tlie club bastaba. Prlcw, U oenta. HEID BROS., I L. DeWWtte. uf ubi.. are bona PHONES 35 and 36 TEXAS AND DALLAS STS. I g a short fuitougn at Th mealing ot the City Federation whicu I. UNN'S - .oar wa p. hat been beld tomorrow has been rwaeraon. of Covert. Mob., la NDS1C STORE postponed and. will take place January S al 114 West Overland 46 ahorl si ation In tills tec lion D I ..'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. mi. owns aoiive propei ly in The election or officii will take placa al ui wuitwvriui aiuvv r ulero Phone 561 12 - iuiuiur tumii ocajinty ml It hHikuig after that wlulr tirre Saw Autamio (hi meeting -- for privet- use ladle Relieve uuiul fro ta. c. 404 St "iv msA I doubt anil worry eeletl slyg'eu a U.. NoruMiw WtaaveU i The lacunas of orrtetr of Uta Equal jaa sjrw nui alulo j Co , Dept. B, 7 w 1Mb (it York I LADIES and tt. kruw Cop, were in Chritiiuas daj IrauchlM league will tear place Tburdj St. Uly. 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1916. HtiiitttMwimwniiwiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiUMiimiiHiiiiwwwmww Jack Warren Kerrigan, Famous Movie UK HOPK THAT THE NEW fRAH WIU, I INK M Star, to Appear Personally at Wigwam Tuesday AN HA PPT Aft THE BIRD" THAT RING I! THE BPRIN ANI THAT THE El iAi MF.IN; AM ÍOI , To Our Many Friends and Patrons "OT i M I MAT RR TOl'RS IN i t m m I THE (X)M-I- TEAR. GRRTIAN THEATER. TODAY ONLY BEGINNING TOMORROW yt, New 18 .aÍaaaaaa(Ía Keystone Dorothy Dalton WITH THOSE GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL EYES "Black Eyes Girl, Who 4aaB aV As the Dance Hall and Blue" Teaches a Young and Handsome Life Means. FEATURING Minister What Real Billy Armstrong IN THE THOS. H. INCE PRODUCTION of EI Paso THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN "A GAMBLE IN SOULS" HIM SAY HE'S A "COMER" H MaMP 5L uHlr I A STIRRING STORY OF MODERN LIFE Armed wiln more iMn three thousand Wm to mi'il Indlvidaully carh admirer I' ptstlea, mostly "t the love variety pstNlMl liu taken the Ik t course hy arrenrinr AND PRIMITIVE PASSIONS AND HOW ! Um raJr iitn(. - nt Kl i - ni a rood hi. im :nif... al lli. VVIru'im wtiei r many or them leap year pMpuMl J War Miera, hundred may meet Hun at earn' OPPOSITE ARE ren e'nriiren, Uie handsomest motion pi Dernirraanca. TWO NATURES lure tur M Utr- m-- today, la ruiMrtf Mr KsW'ISSafs popularity doen not stop - ONE WHEN alona- sonwulirir lietmeefi l.r. nreies aim WMn handsome man Hr MERGED INTO THROWN tin s my lo makr in initial public debut u ali. o. !! ol tun ranlilonalil' ul. t' the Wlf waUl llueter, ri r 11" Iiavlnr b. eii voo-- the lirl drMMd man in mm INTO GOD S WILDERNESS. of work tlBfUf B Mm ranura afiutlierti i lallfoenll in eoilaaK UM conteava. Mr. K em ran. if u. the efforts or Manar Hi- - lat award mm h- - leniird an MMM, FIRST KHOW I P. M. or WÚI oír un- SEE IT TOMORROW - er Mad! the wirwam make ni h it he nonoi nrnrnnr il o It- - 'Mlilrcn I5 lircl(i hi u - I hr Sun Mil-- ii MTMl lr It a itiulnR- a ronUi at one ot theater The popular 1I or eajllluill M tb famoui DOM summer resorls thai lovert of the silent drama will mrci ln Remiran ualked arros Hie floor In tlx loyal supporter, throurlriut the rtav and ronton hall and vme or his frfends had .;:. or inertly when !) will address pttinax a MWatMf on Ml hark for a arte tnc auilieims tnd Hk"Wtse disclose aumc tleal Joke When thr final yote or the taejaaaaraKI or the mysteriee or hi .profession. juila-- s antioum ed Uie "joke' became! In exact rururr Mr. Krrnran has r I reality and J Warren ken Iran was the i rmi-i- l three thousand seven hundred let iiiinniiif.ii victor. tera from rant or hi Peso. Manv of lor Anordiiir to schedule the screen' rninnnlratlon date hark lo Iba ftartlfal or handsnmi i man w ill arrive in Kl Paso New hl rareit anil rnrrrapondrnce has been Year's day To lite up to his contrai l, how kept up week in muí week out :n i(f ever. Ifcu must enter a closed autouudille hotel. mu UN letters hitvr been or the pul' tinted ami noon anual and he whirled to hl IT delicately perfumed sort an t ir tie lar He inii.l mil anneal the sir nor In were uí have aepepead tnr Bnpttfoyi prono the hotel lobby, but rnn-- t confine himself -r -- CARRIES A all ae would now he an ahlr nond to the to his ro.iin until hit aipearaiirr at the HERE'S t- iw m riaMaMaritaTaTa asa - laniril Mr. Younr wirwatn. Mr. Wfnrn adntu that b win t In both of th national popularity ron i, j... i... ..in i.nk orei entlinr Kerrlvan's THE MESSAGE AS tests which Mf. an mi by lain- mi ailminf rr..i Inr Mni and the theater Jorlllcs, hta success wan larr ly duo 10 proprietor won t iniaianlee that Mr. Kerrl- j i MOST SENSA BIG and BROAD and of til El Paso supporters. White (ran III lie able Ui proWct his agreement his prtel sojourn In Itala my w in ,.. suable upon lu arrival here. iini TIONAL PREPARED- GREAT AS THE COUNTRY ey," wrlles fir. .Nathan, "oven en I. i NESS FILM EVER MADE IT U.S.A President Wilson Not would hardly b nine dependent jj REPRESENTS, THE upon a foreifn country. Put President ,g lllil Puppet in Hands of Wilson is hy no means a weak nhapaetof. mi the contrary he Is hard to deflect rroin British, Says Nathan tit. purpose ills note and Chancellor von Hethmantl Holla'Bt'l speech sho that He IUPIh H Associated pre. ultimate aims of American and Herman "THE EAGLE'S WINGS" the Herbn. Dee. SO, via I ondon SO. policy have drawn substantially sime flfr. ir Interests Paul Nathan, well known In lol ami II does nol He In Herman snvnra rend-- r, impossible secretary or the Juvtmi aid aoelety, In p, thai rail and SEE IT AT THE GRECIAN NEXT THURSDAY and FRIDAY rlevehililllelits III tills direction un article in tier ihk. warn, the Hermana Crime IF TIIK UNITED STATES WOULD ADOPT TIIK I'RKPAREHNESS PLAN SIJOaESTKD BY THIS PIAY IT WOULD arsiii-- i ih. vie that Premdent is ii mull unjual anackt. Is Wilton t EE THE BEST PREPARED NATION IN THE WORLD WITHIN A YEAR! h mere puppcl pulled lis Hcltlab Wire. "President Wilson and Chain ellor Betn-i- Til ariicic. which ii a irood etainplr .ir maim Hollwea do not say the same Ihlmr g where mmleraie Herman views, i bated on ine aini e( Mieif iitteranest me similar, S IN u:. ami Premier IDEA SUGGESTED THIS assumption that ITrmrtent Wilson ,1h Pre. nl Wilson's imte - Bp THE .policy ilii'Utort miel) hy ,rai lloyd - .peech m hopeless g Endorsed em PLAY IS SO BIG IT IS STAGGER- Ileal American Inrereats and In the Intern! ,1. i,, i,,,.- rmans an- entitled Pi g U. S. COUNCIL OF NATIONAL ol a peopli who are etenerlinrls proud of phasite .iiiuiKlv the fact that Herman iol- x n ING! BUT ASIDE FROM THE tle ii Independence and n il n.il i harue tel. nuil Hie liiiluw or the iillKHliesi io SECRETARY WAR in ihh- DEFENSE. OF ttn Hal tale are not In Irre CENTRAL THEME THIS PICTURE rh p attaches to the preside flirt." BAKER. SEC. OF THE NAVY DAN- - IEL8. SEC. OF LABOR WILSON, SEC. OF TELLS A STORY THAT WILL STIR COMMERCE REDFIELD. and MEMBERS YOU TO THE VERY HEIGHTS OF Auspices Y. M. C. A. OF PRESIDENT WILSON'S CABINET. PATRIOTISM! Ariuiu rhlWrTn Hear P. R. Knickerbocker 3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii!iitimii iiiHiiinimniiiHi MMiiiiiiiHiimiiiiimiimtitiiiuimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiwiw m Swayne Gordon and FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earle Williams, Julia SELZNICK (OD PICTURES At Storey the Bijou Thursday SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 3:30 P. M., SHARP Edith at MEN ON LiY CLARA No Boy under 16 admitted Subject: THE KIMBALL Y0U11G BLACK PLAGUE IN THE FOOLISti America's Greatest Menace Personal Incidents: VIRGIN" (a) "Thr Tragedy of the Little Blue Eyed Stenographer." By THOMAS DI xoV (b) "Thr Pretty Little Country Girl and the Policeman." EARLE WILLIAMS Author of The Birth of aTMation (c) "Suppreaaion or Segregation, Which )" in "The Musing Chapter" from RUNNER" "THK SCARLET A Tremendously Dram ft tit! J Story No Mollycoddles nor Sissies We are after Whales. Admitted. The slnry or "The Misliir hapter," l so that her fall would be less damrerous. of Money-Ma- The , riel Runner,'' Vila M the appointed slaual. Hie rai Hew over araph's hy C Y and A. M. Williamson the road and finally skidded and wat aoon wliliii Is ati'iun'iipi'ii the ai reen or the III Ind to view to those on top of the lull. The Directed by nil Uiralre ThUI silay railed Tor KiHUi i HOari man. who was aiatloned brlnw the ALBERT CAP ELLAH Storey, uho plays opposite the popuitV Inrline held his breatli but arlar lb yen rsvurUa BSH William-- . In rail itnnn a rial rrreit had disappeared the Hile atar riur In hoi rarins niariilne stood up shook hei dresses and started on A ! a up a Navajo Rug 4 New Year's This srene was the My thrill th story run the hill ahe hail fallen down A Picture for Every Girl Who Expects to Mafry and preparations were made for Ha . lew numiU-- herore. Tha embaiikiueiit whnh was rlmsaa Veiy rew playera would have performed GIRL RUSHES Make a fine gift. was on the side or one of the main auto- Uils real- - In tart ery few would have been "THE WHO mobile roads in the country and was t able in to play the part at all. ror Uirnufh 4 DAYS---4 INTO MARRIAGE IS A FOOL JANUARY Ia genuine souvenir. treliiel.v stMii " 'out, Mlaa Storey la riven opporluntlea to Will last a lifetime. liirerlor Wallv Van, who la responsible Kilnblt fear i v. M.i.i knowledfe or motor MONDAY MORE YOUNG GIRLS' FIRST roi ten episodes of this uiilqua aerlra, i rare. Repay 100 cents for nl a dumiiiy lo be taken In Uie property Julia Swayne Gordon, who l seen In TUESDAY LIVES ARE RUINED BY SECOND wanoii. bul when uiey arrived al the In our ..i tiir Bjrlaslpal roiea in "The Mlasiur HASTY MARRIAGE THAN BY Every dollar invested. calioii. Misa storey refused lo have the ' Herder." "Hie rarlel Ituniiai " picture In WEDNESDAY THIRD dummy suhaiiiutod. clannliif Uiat the oeuM uhii'h itayraph reatures the populw atar. ANY OTHER PROCESS" OUR PRICES AND RUGS ARE RIGHT make Uie rail a well as not and thai Uie I Earle Williams, and ta one of the most poo THURSDAY FOURTH plrtura would be ur In lai k realism n a ular player on Uie arreen. Although THOMAS DIXON Call On Us "double" waa used. favorito on the lejrlumalr atajre. Mlaa i indina' that ahe wntitd not be moved in waa amona- Uie flral tu fniaake Uie her derlainn. Inei-to- Van ordarfsd two .. in Kin - lot the l amnraand she lias never Navajo Indian Trading Post nr Uiree bárrala of sort eai Ui Uirown down reyret'eil bar drruiuu. ALL SE ATS 23c E. San St. . 221 4 Antonio TIMES WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS THE ALHAMBRA SHOWS STAR 10:45 a. m. 4:00p. m. 12:30 p.m. S A?P "GOD'S COUNTRY IS WOMAN" UNIQUE p.m. 7:10 p.m.' Last Showing i!5 p. EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916,

"The Eagle's Wings," Sensational Play of Patriotism and Preparedness, Clara Kimball Young in Thomas Dixon's Great Will Be Presented at the Grecian Theater Next Thursday and Friday Story, "The Foolish Virgin," at Alhambra Tomorrow STILL ANOTHER FEATURE WEEK WIGWAM THEATRE iWkaMMH . Usual pleaaing Sunday bill. MUTUAL WEEKLY NO. 104 Tba vary latest events in pictures. EXTRA GOOD COMEDY Two reals of continuous laughs.

MONDAY ONLY The picture you have been waiting for and have been reading about. "The Purple Mask" Featuring the popular stars GRACE CUNARD and FRANCIS FORD Start the new year by seeing this unusually claasy and en- tertaining picture. It is a story of mystery, set amid the haunts of the Apaches and the homes of the ultra wealthy "The Earle's Wing" the Inspirational irtisruaslna- the measure before presentlnr It demands (nil in extraordinary condition St rilm on Industrial preparedne In which 10 'ttle senate Tor a vol. has sent once arises. The I'nltrd States Is apparent-lov- in France. The settings are beautiful and the growns of VMI,re lo ni Niw Mex,co and rumanre piay a bur part and true ton'' rnrn '" "nprepared; should war be declared the the hundreds of women at the balls and social U) lgI, t pump(ng. plan, lnd wnm y0JJI1t diplomat believe that this country will be patriotism Is ever dominant will be shown Wrla-li- wires an Invitation Tor hla rather defenseless. events are magnificent. at and to Yovm inTwe Fooli3uVidgjn"I the Grecian theater next Thursday and slater visit the Wrlfht rancn, the Wallace through Senator in Clara Kimball Friday. Tim picture was recently shown senator adjourns the aesslOns of Ills com- - nuenre la SELZNICMffrPICTURES FOUR REELS NO INCREASE IN PRICES. ' called before tbe president and I Perore tlm I'niiMi states cminrit nf Naimnal mlltec liulefinltelv and leaves for the west.1...... j ...... - - 1'H.usc ano was r.ceiven wiin nig-- praise while Wrtgtit is on his son s ranch, Mexl s his plans for the ot or and mui h enthusiasm by all Uiose who aw can bandits make a raid, the every American roundry, forge, mill, rec- Clara Kimball Young, the screen star su ward the redemption the man she loves it process or Following- Is the story of "The Eagle's wnirht ranch and compelling Wright, his tory and shop In equipping the government preme, will appear In her second Selinlck- - and It la during thia character TUESDAY ONLY Wings:" building that the tense dramatic scenes In son and Wallace to right ror tbelr own lives with arms and munitions, congressman PlCturel orrerlng. an adaptation or "The Party lines were obliterated In a congres- - and to protect the women on the ranch. Maynard Is active in furthering Wallace's which the story abounds, develop. upon foolish virgin." Thomas luxon's sinking Aa common Young sionai rignt tne question or national This attack awakens Senator Weight to the Ideas and at the the rtlplo-- i In "The Law." Miss nioinent rorelgn novel at on ew ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY repai Pdnesa. both law making branches need or a army once ( the Alliamhra theatre has been aided In making the production protecting and he at mats believe re nlted states Is at tbelr Year's. were engaged in a desperate battle ror and wires the secretary or war to send troops mercy, the captains or American splendid example of mi lion pi' line art by industry Is prove a "si" nr.- M.i. ii.ii o uní. WHWT wrigm. ,iq ii'npri tne border. The war nrrice busy. This produrlliui eipecteit to Ihe masterly direction of Albert Capellanl, OF THE wealthy or - worthy successor to Miss Voting's first ven- , or a manuracturer pumping machín- apoMM that it has no army to sond. Every lathe and wheel that ran be ap- - her and the presenre ery, ture at the head of her own productnr or mo- is among those bitterly opposed to the Thoroughly aroused by the necessity ror piled in any way 10 guns', superlative casi Immensely popular measure. manufacturing company. "The Common Law," the atory Hlrhard Wallace, roretnan or adequate military preparedness Senator munitions or equipment ror the or tion picture players. Conway Tearle, wbo Vv ngot's foundry and In m offering even greater opportunities In In- nam such a decided lilt In the op- love with Mona Wright return to Washington, switches to navy turns to the work or America's de-- I role Handsomest tense draiimtlc than did Screen's Nan right. Is an' enthusiast dn the subject of vigorous support or the Maynard Hill and In tense. Working day and night situations flobert poslte Mlaa Young in 'The Common Law," raciones. W. Chambers' novel. "Iireparodnsss," both Industrial and mill- - a fiery speech Before the senate, swings roundrles anil mills turn out weapons and will be seen to particular advantage In the In "The l oollsh Virgin.'' Miss Young will leading male part or Ihe new '"'V; enough of the opposition to support tbe equipment lo plan- in the hands or ihc Da- production vi be seen III Ihe ur the girl whose ideas ainiiiffion is anve wnn secret lobbies, measure and pass it by a large majority, Hon'- - ilelender-- . seeing that thev have lo- role and Paul capellanl, who has been seen In inn untn uarore and Therls, diplomats rep- - The diplomatic spies report to gov In or of lire are mortised With the muíanlo a number or Miss Youur'a greatest pictures, their their frame "blurr" Ihe foreign dip or foreign governments, are leaders emnient that although the hill Is passed stories the days of rlnvalry which sho also has a strong role. Others In the cast Is rond or reading, knowing nothing sneni opposition narKed by Unllmit- - Will Inke years to realize Its requirements tea remain ai peace with the world. Of ate Catherine ProrUir, Sheridan Tansey, the J. Warren Kerrigan ed realities, the heroine Is deceived mar funds and the ambition of their rulers in actual practice, and advises that certain While these Important matters are pro- Into remarkably aide boy ador. William Welsh. i lying a man who tutu- - out to a prevent inriuentiai support rtorn conilntr LemandJ upon the United states he madti gressing- Diehard love al- be crim- Marie Lines. Agnes Mapes, Edward Elkaa, to or Wallace's affairs inal. The girl the aid Maynard In passing his pre- forthwith. liance propitiously and with the close of exerts her Influence to and little Jacqueline Morhauge. paredness measure. helleving that the 1'nltee" Slates In Its the lory we see Wallace and Mona happy Senator Wright Is halrman of ihe com-- unprepared condition must submit to for- - In the prospect or their Impending, marri- Who Will Appear in Person nilttee that lias In charge tho Maynard bill. gn mandates, the diplomats present their age. IV Tail' then lo either drive him out or that lied lo Ldnaril. He wa conduclor or court liusines- - ur diive lorn mío profesional bulls in Petrograd for several years and ranks. visli 'd America tit txxit luon. in n'ceni Mr. Kerrigan will appear five times during the day at hours In jt.j.. nUUoi lit ri ..I hlii pre years he had made his home Vienna .11 O. MAI'- He si years old. to be announced later and will make a short talk each time. Fiüe-Re- 'llalli wai 'The Black Butterfly," el Drama BOKONIC, HlKtisi reri". asaunie mtamaiiil Cihu-- Edward Strauss, Composer Ell I, HlaVtal inn I as army arral.v a. limli Major He has received over 3,700 letters from Pasoans. One ilMIAIl K. koKIIPKH. Meilill urtai. Mm ml Featuring Mme. Petrova, at the Unique Thursday an Inapcrtnr inRanUril mllltla retxirl of Dance Music, Is Dead of the best pictures in which he has appeared will be shown. ilnianment nralfnattiiti Mr. Kerrigan will from California. i CLYDE W wis iriii Infanlrv Arlawia o .ki.i arrive tomorrow (elated Pre-- is expected in Vluani'imai,li.i In Kiirl Kilvy. iluly r ' mi, la London. Vienna He at 4:20 p. m. an iiinuiirvuaAiiT ami r of tin- arlieel for hajiara dlsputrh announce the death ol RdUard faaaaaaaaaaaaaWll I eaaaaaaaaaaaaaWHMleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal ' ' r of dance music. MM rollpml iiillllla lnu.iu mmrl canlmi ilniaitmral Willi ' uiiwi s v, nú n,,i i,i,im,i vMi.i.iAxi ' Lduard Mrauss was i iin'inli-- or a fa NAIX. ravaJry itolaeli! lírlitr' Hat. ifllrytd. Han tUOUS Ml lln iul fat II Hla rattier, Johann WEDNESDAY ONLY r.imnh laiaiiy. KirKi strauss. was considet Lltutmaiil conJiiclor Hlalm Xllll f'Z,iMt.míl''T- "ix"' ol .lam e musí.- .,r tallnl fa ml Malta tUarlidtnar) fort bit gelHTBIIoll,,'' and Wrote Sill pi S Of Laarrnwortl liana., aiiain iia.mi.i. v an viioHHIN. Tlilnl dunie nm-l- i in Hdillln.M to cries of raían. HI'iHIii UI.MtV Il lini.NS. faTlrv "The Dead Nan's Escape" (oiuie ope rak. iph. llI limara- Ual. O; l,i. Sr.,1,,,,1,,., II Jlaior Eduard's brother, Jo. r HOODV nriliiarira liaparunriit rtsrukerl. vas known the 'Waltz king." and was Onttra la an "Inl ao as In illrei-- l.lisi the rrt atol ol .t popular waltaes. More mil Unaiil Colmirl JOHN II hick, breavanaa dmarimi.ni IbD - to in io ilia Wa than pleca of dance music are erod- Complete in Three Reels afai.. in aililltlwi to pro. atilliia in lee protlnt arnunil ami Hifli.ifldil annori This is another of those sensational French detective stories hualnaaa rarlaluliia in matrrlal hrlo UNIQUE , Ilia oritnains. .lararlmiiii Lltuntian' t ti HKX which are grouped under the title (i HAII.KX. UilaiiiriiiBJiii.r eoroa. i.t,.,n ilirn ila. pajiliiMil a ONDAY-CHARLIE aaalatam iltfiarlnirnt quaiUnnaslrt Kac The -M- ond l.lnili.naiil MI.IVKH I.TKK STI'.VKNK Ariuitn nina, nam villta-r- liiail Klr.l IJcoln HAVis. Kirth intaMn Hiliiaat "The Vampires of Paris" n m oin. ininitti. Want For burros pnone Loma Tlva Hanch. T7J-- peak CHAPLIN quick- - they are gol rest. Adv. Ad Certainly no one wants a cotuliiioi, to ealst PATHE WEEKLY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY where every pioinMiig young golfer will The dramatic event of tbe month. be given inducements to rush into the sup, Phone CHRISTIE ply bushiest: or tor every coming tennis r to be lined abruptly Into the' tennis COMEDY SCENE FROM "THE BLACK. BUTTERFLY supply business. But ir a man had been it engaged In the sporting supply MUTT and JEFF oininated by the beauty, personality and irman. Karaer, Hoy and Evelyn . business Pllcher before he developed skill or suceess uiiou liatle itbilil.v or Mine. Petrova. "The lllai k i some good double scenes In eipoaure the field, that imnther afralr. Is hard- "CHARITY?" a It 5050 iilerriy." rive reel motion picture nu n tne mother and daugiiii-- appear Ui SENSATIONAL EXPOSE. drama Horn the studio or the popular geilier were photographed by Andre A and Players, hi be released by Metro, laiier. WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? - a lowerrul orrerlng-- THE PICTURE THAT CAUSED INVESTIGATIONS. In the story, by L. Case seenarlo ARMY ORDERS laed by Wallace curton, Mine. Petrova plays EXTRA!! Hie dual role with a depth or understand- - ariai. lug ot her art that totally convinces. - SS, t2m!t Ihe story, a- visuallted under the li'TÁ.ananai. Hiiia.itJiinia. offinaj isiainnaS!par- CRAWFORD Poll Of BUI'tOIl L. King, Is unusual and Is laJolna Ui uuaraUaua of the oraaanea aapartaaanl with interest. Its many lltJ"r J,,HX " hannlh. ixh,.i .ccps. ramn, . "CHARITY?" Sunday and nt fM 1 Matinee 2:30 ma are registered on tne com Tnn Was written and produced by Linda Griffith, the real pellingly. The story la laid In ranee and Monday . . J0U.I Each Day is n ils ol a peasant girl who marries a count, "Original Biograph" giW. who the wife of tba world's she Is later given reason to believe that TODAY greatest director, D. W. Griffith, wbo produced "The Birth he u already married, and arter the birth of stars in tho cast nl a daughter leaves for Paria, where she AND TOMORROW MUTT AND JEFF'S WEDDING a Nation" and "Intolerance." The are: romes the or In toast the club. She la 4 Show a Daily. tilled with a hatred for men and her moth- SHELDON LEWIS er love earus ror the daughter who she 3:00, 4:30, 7:30, 9:00. IT'S ONE BIG SCREAM CREI CM TON HALE i an not call her own. The she rails in love TODAY ONLY MILTON xviin a youth. He Is In love with the "But- SCHUSTER LINDA GRIFFITH s" daughter. The daughter tries sul-i- . MUSICAL COMEDY CO. See Dainty (The original Biograph girl.) and the "Butterriy" learns that It Is Nell Preaenting Iter daughter that Uie youth Is In love with, Craig Seven Reels Admission 15 and 25 cents. he spurns him ao that he returns to the Mutt and Dancing daughter. The atory ends happily at a The vii rtreaa , field hospital where the "Butterriy" has "My gone as a nurse. She learns that her hus- Wife's Jeff's SATURDAY-LA- band waa not married when he married Dearies ST BUT NOT LEAST bar. In a Looking Glass' Wives The leading male player Is Malilon llamll in a great array of daily programs. km, who gives a creditable performance. A lit. i K CAT FEATCRE) Family" Broadway's FUNNY BEN TURPIN IN A he entire supporting cast lo Mme. petrova Then Try o roinineiidable work. It Includes Anthony NOTTCK To Uie Bijou Patrón. Wnl. VOGUE COMEDY Mario, Edward Brrnnan, Count l.ewenhaupl, ("Mack Cat Feature") are BILLY HOUSE Brightest inlet B. Heed, John Hopllna, Morgan Jones, and Stop 1 cúmplete, "NO l Itl x t In the CaeL "THE BLACK DOOR IX) JaU&D THW ONU NT 25 People 25 Laughing Beauties Tills le a (lraaiallxjaUon or one of I dlili s aaJonat Tupper'a thrtU-lita- HONE ADTO SERVICE aSorlra. a one of the "IVrlU or i.m Krporujrs" satina Moady GirU AT1NKK4: I.O0, Ta, 60o and Iftc. abort ll a t i.l ajiuaio. lilla le lo no way n aatiavl. 1 . h of.Uwvaa TMf su in Mtr PRICES EVENING: $1.60, 01.00, 7eV, 60c SAn. 'oaUt TOMORROW Pricea 10 to 60c sail la prodoued with an all-t- r riM Mikxtetl from Uie followi- ng- Unfile, Kcata for all paarfiai iiuuKuv are oow on sal popular favortteai: fonuttr hnafl Phone 1500 Day Regular Vaudeville StarU KnmMl mid atarean Wllllaw II. Turnar, Utti atar of "David All New ! per New Year's itoa orrtiv or l rnvaforil INK SSSS. llnrr atari Cera li fe net twin I'll! " Sam Old BlaV. IZ.' Meet Ata January 2 llaruin,-- Uavrio M.-- nil. l.-- Haaavy, i..nra.T of I rial i diavravt'-ter- s; RiUIti simlnii Malxl Moulomerr, Artliur o "IS MARRIAGE o MatliMiWM. and otltrra. SACRED" WIGWAM RED LETTER DAYS: GARDEN See the Anewer in tbe ALHAMBRA--TODA- Y ONLY THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS Unuavual WM. A. BRADY PRESENTS TONIGHT Photoplay You will never be disappointed on these days. At the BIJOU Tomorrow E. K. and Elvidge L-K- Lincoln June O IN A DRAMA OF MANY THRILLS JAN. 13- - --MARY Comedy FEATURING SATURDAY, PfCKFORD h her very She Wanted a Ford 44 latest Artcraft production, "The Pride of the Clan." Tbe The WORLD AGAINST HI1M firs of these productions by "Little Mary's" own coospany Matinee Today Marguerite Clayton A STORY THAT GRIPS WITH INTENSITY was, "Lsns Than the Dust." EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1916. ARMY LEADERS ON BORDER GREET NEW YEARWMl REFLECTS Closed Monday BRIG. GEN. GEORGE BF1.U JR. MEXICO GEORGIANS HOPEFUL MICHIGAN TROOPS HEAVY NEW MINE DEVELOPMENT 7- IN GREETING 1917; GREET NEW YEAR, 191-

WRITER LAUDS CITY LONGING FOR HONE MfTtfi Over Tliirtf- - even Million Capital Chartered May The New or Admitted in Two Yean. Bring You Have .pedal lo Ov Mnrrrtn Year Fnmk Cratgre Give New Year Reuniting of Thoee Who -- Time. from Lored sola le. Dec. an How rapid ha Resolution of Officer and Been Separated been mlntnr development tn New Mexico I kw I Hope. snown by the re- Men in Fifth Infantry- - One Their corporation commissions Health, Wealth V"kk port thai sixty six mtnlnr companies with I an ; ararerate authorised capital or M7,n.-- were incorporated In the past two year olneel Rail Bnt Wlrtw UKMTXAL RIM" C.lltXTIBir.B. land sixteen rnrelm companies with capi- Happiness 8 and F.l December rr, of Hm Fifth Paso. tal of si 3,000 were admitted to do bul- - Ai rommamllnr officer command officer of the l lrst I "A Inr ne. Oeorria infantry. wMi to present I wlab to extend to or or Uie Mlcturan brlrarte The report shown the people AtluiU. and othe' people or Mlrhlran the heartfelt that In the two year ons tn the period, as Itveatock and companies. rltles which hv Mint their nf myself, or my orncers. snd ranch or wishes with an arrrerate capital or 14,44.000, were the border, the Heartfelt withe of every enlisted man In the command. or my officer, and of evrr en To the rath' rs "rranlsed and thirteen banks and on trust Tor a Happy New Yar. ompany. Paid up listed man In the command, rnr a Hap or Mlchlran. lo tire wives, captul or tbe banka and Our ad mothera company was tanB.6lo.and pjr taw Year W are noi mina- oar and children, I wish to ay e(rtn state sweethearts isanks Increased capital HM.non READ own pmrrams we do not what we do not know what Is berore us. Ad- or Times Mil Ilea before ua In tbr llservice nut whatever It may be they may be Railroads Pay Increased Taiesx our country: nor do we know what wa ure tlie Mlchlran troop will acmiit The railroad of New Mexico paid to the ahall yet do In the name of uie aula or tlienisclws with honor to the nation and sute in taxes In lets, ii,uM,so8.03, and in vertisement For Oeorria. atate. lt, II,1S.04. Tbe Bant Fa paid in But we do remrmher the mothera and "JOHN V. klHk. 115, vm,Ma.m. and in iwa mn.so. News Oeneral ." Important tbe radiara; the wives, (lie children, the Brlradler A total or 1,11 domestic, and rorelrn cor- sweethearts, all the helmed ones who porations report to the commission nor tn- - are aeparated hi hair the width uf the PAIikTR.i ludlrn? state banks, Insurance companies reatet nation in the! world and to all 'Starr Represenutlve Iwtrnlt Free Press.l and chariiaNe organization or them we nh Happy .New Vr. The saylnit or. "I wish you a Happy Nf in receipt of the commlulon in the and tn which the Firth rertment will c Year." has become so common a one ipertod totaled Ml 341 .40 Bino January quit Itaeir with the honor that It owea to manv It contains no meanlnr beyono ,w? WR commission has conecta fees lo to ii atate and to its people. the mere words. Not tht tbe wisher does ,aMnt mi, 79.11. (iRVIl.l.E H. KM wish happv New tear ror m not renlly say rima) (Ammandlnr friends, but he lcomes accustomed to ' it mechanically and often does not do Nearly Fifty Autos Inr mak.- tn Little Phone the mile or much m his power to s By riUW RAtOIE. weeks and month or the camina: peHod Listed on Charge of Plaza 45SO Benreant A. PIfit neorfla Inranlry. ISfco 0. HHHHBBaHMMaBHHMHHHHHKIM Having Wrong Numbers Store of Service The binnlnr or a New Year la a won 5 'I extend the wi.he of the to the people of El ira" already nee. derruí thlnr to a tbtnklnr human balnr. It be.l season Pato J felrSSX j$Jm Since is, tha day L A. Berteaux. and trata led the dty council to adopt an me county auto license Inspector, 1ha - or Judge Grant in Boston In the day during which be makes raaolu-no- ind to the soldier stationed upon the border trains which are liasunlnr ummito went on oe.o.i.c. oshtKitira- thai iiincn a and relatives, from whom job, m sutomobtles have bweh listed on operator. ror a whole twelve munlba to come. "BRIGADIER GENERAL GEORGE BELL, JR. anrfc of rrlend a! public ervlce license to Jitney to Coles by they were lot so Riioociiiy m awmi ssen o iwTui wrong numnei s. roe Talks A. P. M la the tint day or January which cornea "Commander of the El Paso District.' agv. others hsv nrnmlse thev will be slint charge or carrying wronr numbers. The every Phoenix Aay Adopt Long Distance Phone only once In every year. Wny theae re In the near ruttirc inr erreci mat auto owner must have' larly plnasd nuniner on Ms solvat are not made at the rirst or every Nailon Depends (in Family. machine which he month, no one knows No man. however truly said the lire or a na obtained from the county clerk, other bno I rafjic System Three thousand miles away. In the old MAJ. GEN. C. M. CLEMENT It has been wise, the la can eiplaln nnv he ahould fill the on the lire or the nmlly aotolst subject to a fina. South In alrnnr. "Lest We Forget- - tlon depends inspector Berteaux building Boston. Judge Walter nrat day or the riret moatt with resolu- not ror Uie mothers, wives apd report he haa filed "The nntronn trame law Is the only law." ir It were complaints for B. Orant talked to A. P. Cole, ta Ms tion and should forrat them lor ibe teat lh men or the world would a wronr numbers. F.lrht declares Oeorge O. Brlsbols. chler or police Hy CRANK RAIOIC. sweethearts or mis number were rined. The cases ornee In Kl Paso by long tel- or the year. little Ixtter than Iliey were in the days other distance 'uii Upon a time 'as Ihe stories be were dismissed when the defendant rot a or 'Phoenix. Arlt.. rter a carerul study of ror Vet. that la what c do the woral or - of ssvarerv. Tlie m'l' vminieo unnu ephone three minute yesterday ran year- ago, we were taught mat thin 1'rtl number. The Inspector state's Ma proposed standardised trame rules as out- taa, and the beal ol a. every governor, who was tinn or the present Hme is but afternoon This is beUeved to be Ota state had its passions which or so nomy an aiiioiata round lined Motor Agre. "I have carefully con- The amotion ot the season dictates the the commanding office- or Its militia. tee phviml !"".' in record telephone conver- impulse which, the re handed down rrom Uie sUne age. wrong numoer 10 ooiam in turn. Inspires A long Hme ago a man w rote jm mg luivr been a new sidered the Eno system as set forth In Motor .... i . cho nas not rail at one rune number, he declares the ract re sation ror Rl Paso. Toe telephone tolls solve which arc seldom kepi. line-- - other the words, "lent we res-.- mains mat Mt) are Age, have transmitted It to the city at- newspapers do not re a momentarily tendency to tliote owners who drlv and ror tbe three minute talk totaled 11130. But the Bars the in his Inr under a Dumber taken by some one ror the to sabsry some denieo out torney with the sur res tlon that any changes Mr. look arencral Ideal raneara Mf short The hai-- t or the whole world an- to savarfe mrihods else are guilty of a violation of coles bad no lnumatton or who f the law be made to con- view of other- people. They look for the swered the great lie It sire. he was appointed to enforce. In our traffic ordinances was at the other end of tha wire when the people who to Ihem. clonal Therefore the reluni or the men of was to the telephone yester- word from bdruir gave to all iin- earth Die nhraaa that or form with the uniform system." h called expect wtue to tell Mb hlgmi t" their ramllles. the reunltlntr afternoon. "Hello, A-- said Iliey orreepondeilt mean- - more than a man can know ir In each town and day p.," iheiii thai own those who have been scpsrstrd by the Public Rent Different traffic rule voice the end of Una. the truth their "boy" he reads it only once "I. est wn or Service tbe at other the burdened with daily duties can not rind width or a nation, should tie the cause city are an endless source or confusion and "Thl Is Grant. In Boston. I want to ttt and liappiiiess. No one trouble to tourists, and lead to no end or the time to Mod In. me lo their people. We sre here, it long way Horn home; rr. thanksgl'ing Drivers Must Pay for talk with you about the Cotton estate." reallr.e what ihe man have annoyance in tbe ordi- All tender One Fiar. but we are not so far away Unit we at home cai lnforctnr traffic Tbe conversation about tbe affairs of In gone UumifB, nor ran they fully compre- nance In Phoenix, according to Brlsbols. Cotton estate, followed. The mothers and the rather Oeorria. rorget the strong men with lieada Licenses in Advance -- the or those they len be we have great many bare," be and the Wives ami the sweetheart who are touched with gray, with heads white as hend the rccllnrs tourists According to Mr. Coles, Mr. Oram's song and prose the saddening said, tbe all ciUet have a Tor the won) which will tell them snows keeps In hind. In Beginning Jgn. I all driven or public "and sooner voice was almost a clear a It would waitinr the whose work tluiu has eyer been a popular and that tha loved ones hope to come home on llieir but whose are erfect of distance fren service car will be required to pay traffic ordinance, the lets trouble have been bad only a few hundred capital, hesite confusion will attend our of the day or - censor will not pass) with their troops in the service. topic. ror the enUre year! license In advance. mforcement yards. Instead of thousands of mile, M u 10 the In large they must remember one thlnr. The sol- We know our captains and our ml in in Health. The amount Is lis and heretofore rhe city traffic ordinance. number separated the two. MOS' or cases mak they con- diers or the .National niiard or (aorrla are , we hear the names or our gen- But now the boys are coining home. 4 hat allowed the men to take out quarterly tourists the exeuie that The wire route over which tbe les than when theyl are ignorant of the local ordinance, or that waa rrom EI Paso in amp t.otton, and soldiers rrotu other erals, and the great strong i inhloms or of them sre Iter health licenses versation was earned I the Albuquerque, Om- Ilia department race iií In every hour. left, and wtU be handed back to their bear! nn tur the Year operators It entirely different from ordinance to Trinidad, Denver, 01 !w or ta the city they Chicago, New Hut "Lest we rorgei " ed onas perfect specimens pnystcai or Jimey win not be Issued public rent car In their home town last aha. Pittsburgh, Tor Uettrrel Harris' Best Wis. i:iery man rrom every slate, on the manhood, ready to take up the burdens of service license. They will only be allow- vlattsd." and Boston. rirst day or the year wlncn stretches life where they left them in June, snd with ed to take but Iba nlckle bus license. Tha Brlsbols believes that cars should be More, year paated vigor do all ror loved men now parked rear end to curb, owing than a hair bat He months before us, should rise at renewed their their majority of the jitney have both. with tbe the TO RENT IT CAN BE REMTED OUICXLY the or accidenta In allowing since we were called by our bugle's call or Hie year s rirst ones. Complaint was made that serme of the nlckle to danger cart PLACING. AJI AD lit THE CLASSIFIED COL the tbla a to tbe wcartnf of our umPirm morning, and think rrom Ut depths If the men mus have undergone oars were usmg the public parks as stand ta back out Into a crowded street. UMWS OF THIS PAPEB. In passed we have were rortunate In that they the days that have or his soldiers heait-llii- greeiinj. sacrifice they mat our problems. e hve done our "May the guvemor or niy state liav were located In tbe F.l Pao district, which t l deairaM and work a best we muid. Hajipy New Year!" hy comparison Is the on the New Year's day we have many wish health mid l.plness 10 all tha pleasant spot along the border. There to remember. Behind we man In the Pennsylvania na- have been a rew sand stnrrps. rain storms thlnr greeU'd htm orricers and the daya which we have lived brain and brawn, and have tional guaní wiui freedom rrom sand- ..nil some cold nights recently But all In have alwuys been Hrrore us. in the bnrbiest lirht or the Hello, humble" : and Di storms and the gentle zephyrs or Tetas. all they hare been blessed with sunshine, Uie answer, sun, we have the days which we hope mat with the ready smile, mid To all MIS people or K.I laso who have they hare been near a city whirl) rurnlsh-e- to live. We must not Turret the state "lleno, tapitspol" been so ktnd to us give my best regards. many home conveniences, snd they are Phone 977 whose name we bear. When all elc with the ready amlle, and the answer. MJ OEN. CHARLES M. CLEMENT, leaving with regret ror the balmy days Is forgotten, the bronse mark on And I have raced Uie courtly, rrey headed cnmiiuuullng BSvantll Provision Si Division. they have lived. New company Operating New will cJI you back to Ibe old man or Spanish parentage, who lias answer Overlook Mbaunderstandlsg. Hi Cylinder Cans Ki home, stale. sd un s burden or sorrow In every, soil CK VFHU IKM.I.H S RKHOl.t ITON New Year's Is the day when resolves for tduatvety. You raptasen! a treat commonwealth crenl. "Buenos dlas, gsnor!" Brigadier Oenarsl Roger Williams, com better lives in the future are made. In a up to It. brigade Mrmember its name and live Paso, with all its beautirul handiwdrk uiander or lh Keiilucky Infantry large majority of instance the resolves p 1 As commanding or your tl assume the feneral or Uie landscape artists, with 11 mission thai when nett are speedily broken, ir there have been I every I bnrade. I wish that ruuld visit architecture, subtle appeal to Uie deep command or the border putrol will any discords, any misunderstanding In the man Is on the border In iu or my long bail ed walttng who servlnr er things within a man, Is the Hilace In all KentueUMf past, let tlie people who are to wel. the under my command. 111 Uw entire com- come boys resolve to the rerluienta which Uie National ouerd of Oeorria opens with HakUn lUwoeri their borne bury I could shake his hand Mid every Unic they ! in or past, wlsb lht ua New Year, munity will not know iter ies the to overlook mis look Into his eyes and say that I Ills dulse In n rew shots at a Mexican sniper." understanding, to greet them with smiles Wishes die residents of El Paso a Happy New brlradler general wislie him a Happy neuritis is not alone Michigan Is here. snd open arna. Let the enrorred absetico Nearer home is I'enn - New Year t.olorado and Ohio. Is- a lesson In appreciation, let the knowl or mtlltla suites same thing The colonnLs are Uie rathers: I cannot do this It would take more sylvanla one the pruduent prevsll that Uie rood things In the Year and extends a cordial invitation to use our cars. loiiues-see- Uie great big daya than the on which la riven lo Uje union. But closer yet are and ihe caplabia are brothers. man far outnumber his realities us. Kentucky and tbe two Carolinas. 8ouUt Wlih them all remains the beauty of Uta There ran be no quesUoti the men will or ami lucre is a nut I do aay to the rerlmenu or '.arulins Is here, despite Urn strong hand Christmas morning, but abort he glsd iq get home.. They are coming .corgis that wish them a Happv New Dole Iliense, which scattered them to Ule link between Uie Christmas and Uie .New with hearts full of Joy' at the expected re Year a year or fidelity and honor, a rour winds or the ouUt when Ills day or unions. Their experience hve broiden-e- cars cars year In which they will live. In every power had died. the Christmas dawn came, when the them, and they loo will be expected to day ami hour, rnr tbr great rood d Then Mount Franklin In Uie name do all In their power to make the new year New Year to Be Belter One. per hour $2.00 per hour $1.50 ror the bouur or the slate whose or the cloud.- - which Mill dragged airosa Its a happy one for those they love. name they love. In the or every man in the organ- cold grey lieigliu a picture or rire that hrt Uiai Hie New Year May it he a happy year, a rood year, ised munis is Uie Ides 110 man who waubud it can ever rorget a year In which every man will do his shall be a betlar one, a suonger one. Ule Michigan band played the grand old Court Ruling Puts duty and be tie soldier that the And, through Uie k'lrui regimeht or tbe hymn the "Adeate Fldelea." at Inane spec! him Pi mrantry there does not breath a Santa Rosa Outside Prompt Service: Courteous Drivers: New Cars b. neorgia Through all Uie world 11 haa rang soma So, to Ueorgla men on the border, not look lo his colonel at the man who does limes pi Uie words or "How Firm a your general wishes you a "Happy on will Help Ins New Year to ba Pale Prohibition the who Foundation" other places. "Cuius biUtar of New Year " a better otie. jr m Faithful. Brig Han u n il a. harms, Uie m Macon on Uie Special tn the Morning Tunes. Through ull months But when It sounded across Camp loiuinuDitmg (ienifla Brigade. or (.amp Harris. Rant Pe. If. M.. flee Rosa sun blistered sands Uiere were strong man who felt or the . the watched ihe colonels oeorria catch in Uielr and who barked back sIlU a "wet" town, through the action or ' Always they looked chit bir "Utelr throat are In Fort Bliss. Gamp Pershing to Uie years when they were too young the slate supreme court today, in arftrin- boys" Just si Uielr governor. In his visit DIRECTORY amp Owen Hierne and 'amp Stewart Wltb to carry the Bprtmrrield rifle, caliber .au inr Uie district court ruling In the cue Attentive i., camp, Uist lie, too, bail ins mem are seventh mrantry, Twenty the showed which, lis bayonet, weighs pound oí Placido Baca T. Baca lit Guadalupe the on them wiui v. ABC nurd mrantry. the Thirty rourth mrantry, heart rived avoirdupois. county cnmmlsaloner. it was sought to they tha Twentieth mrantry. lb Eighth cavalry, In the Second regiment, cheered And i i Uie great New Year. enjoin me issuing or liquor licenses on Of Business Uie Every and Professional spilt Uie to - lliojuaa. In Uie they ground tbe elerUon whereby Santa ihe seventeenth cavalry, me Firth Held i.okmel First Q irreal sabe. that ur amp Uielr unlit lieeralans' was Ulegal vutes. artillery In all more than 0Ai men. all cold air Harris wiUt Who knows it will end who can Hosa went wat carried by lu tlie Firm, they where Motion ror e iic m na waa denied In lb Men of El Paso under one Hag. all working for one pur of Colonel Butler; and 11 ba- a even say, Una itear day bow will ra. ' have always looked upon Colonel Hall rm: rase of iVeorge W. lopIr, apcllee. Detail In the view or European military oh Ihe father or his regiment Ihe humbles! John orekar. appellant. ftoHUI county. m Iteii.ie us we have only the words of A ror re hearing dented servara. It I small rorra, rnr Ibey count and most liopeiesi. prívale ihe guard motion wts dsn Hang This Up For Ready Reference tha ofrieer-t- b. word Appoint the Rio Grande men by tbe But we are not house haa always been able to come to his Fifth cotuniandinr in the case uf state ex rel Cunningham, their miiilun. ap- Trust talking war prnbleius today, w are apeak olonel and humble the prld ol a baugbty good wishes el al., appellees, va. Engenta llomoro, Valley Bank t of tbe openlnr of the New ear. mess sergeant wbo sent Iin meal us When Uie boys tn olive drab rom boma. pellant, treasurer of San Miguel count'. as your mr opinion, the Company to act No one can kuow what the border late. iv h.- good okl bom street will sa ins original, regarding ale eer or was uanuen uovsn Sep- Executor. It is attentive means unless be has seen eervice here No of Hcniiii. nl lined wiih ihe men and the women who nix cervnrates. Lionels Are Falliré V. BAGGAGE one to the north or ua ran Ihe In Every Ulte i'hee-- Uir band and uncover Ui Uta fia tember every detail, thorough ;LSrto realise la this rr Osotwtl not alone Tba denied a motion to bi to ssu ma or the thermometer through thirty r on Uie an say Uia liben we will know that we are boma. court dlamtst drop whose man border or and competent in , the wild degrees every twenty tha cas T. Lortu. t al.. plauitur four hours mil that day. wa wUI enter upon tha tn va. J. Allen Johnson, defendant rrewiDg midnight noon or error, management of eatatea. the tttd the torrid year to come with faith tu the creed our In error. Ban Juan onunty. Tins la a salt The Pas of Ha North. i.l Nr-- Al MAM ilVk !! HOPP paignu, with ridelily 10 every vow that we Call or write us for any Cleaning ' sgali si the town of r'arnilngrton and Messrs They thl pisca "El Paso Its whole a CLEANERS call hat made. wiUi M rear In our hearts, no Hall and Tucker, seeking damages particulars you desire. .K ri of everybody unbounded heppl Luflut. name kl ra.. Noe Tbe Paaa the "I wish raiuriug In our pin pose ror tbe alleged nrrtlgani performance of Morth." iin me or Msalco, cold ness ror the coming year, and bofie that WOikS mountains And to Uie rolks at borne thla a contract fur the construction ot a cxty 416 E. Overland St. Phono lorblddlng. menace In every coo men legitimate and proper under measar: 343 mid with all This is a Catholic country, and w can waterworks system. nr. lay always sunaal the ahaduws of lakmg- - meet with the rlgbl degree Valley St Just nol near Use chimes of Trinity But every Motion to dismiss was darned In tbe cas FioGrakde mystery or I particularly wish good and darkness. On Mount Frank- of uecaaa. morning we heerkeit to the eaU of Iba or Ell Knight, appellant, va. Irby L Patr- soli-ri- se ma folio all lb soldier, regu lin in America's tbe red sod fortune to and evening to íala, at al appaUeea, o county 1 1 Drug or guardsmen. Church iL Ignauus, tvary Schaefer's Store u.k Ihe blue and Uie purple, a land 1st snd "The Anfsslu," froin me same term nR GRISTS ned with ihe glory or Ihe sinking sun. wish soiue plan could be adopted lower. & Co I I'm We wUI do our duly wa will come Bank Trust 216 North sunton Street between the two lies the City or Kl Paso wlrtch guardsman desiring to re bark 65th and 41 si District . under borne when they send ua back. And growth of Pacts main un the twrder could do to, while lor El Paso, Texas. ibe has bean scattered the moniUs lo cmue "Happpy Year, tn over pages or history New York's great those preferring to return la their ftw Court Are Adjourned nu; bsj lilled uncounted written pare. orrires. shops, factories. frnu. profs yOU all.' i'n ken- - wioir of I nsSnn Pial Harte told siont and various business undertakings The fifth and forty first district DRUGGISTS he whole wide eyed world about tbe clues could be permutad to do so court adjourned ve.slerda) The vacation Stat or tbe isolden West, nonie day some brave I hope that the plan of adoptutg wtU be short, at these courts, like die S?V?E 791 792 man will tell the elury or El Paso It ta s rlghlesius peace methods In sdjusung Thirty rouilh district court, will conven Kant while you lanra Phone and it) whose saud slurtn never usrur lb dlfrii utiles between nations bacome an TURKEY SHOOT next Monday morning ror the January Creas or Pltaaaak! casar blue of the heavens ll la a ily UioiouglU) astslillslied throughout the term Because ths day will be a holiday whose civic spirit make it stand 00 It world lost war wtu be impossible 10 tbe courts will just be rornialiy opened Shorthand by Mail AND HARDWARE (CHEAP) sturdy two bind legs and say to alian ibe and adjournment will be taken to Tueda FIIRNITIIRF future AT CANUTILLO - lt ii'ornuig rtw- grand ror a a a v taas oeigbbor "1 sm bare, snd I am your While regretting to expresa a dit jur the January uusttes to pabilo saasoot w a a a is tr n m at aa a c or use Thirty fourth wtu HUES Irltart " cord sat aatiumaut at th's season of food term court be Fur naila a ata jaratto U Pss f baulk. will ano kindly uetuatu, I MvarUssUa empaneled by Judge w. D How Monday Howe win And slsysys El Paso baa been Uta hops- thai IWIf will winieaa the final Araar this la done Judge cdjouin frieud All Day New Year's day. Tuesday to children lu the sou in cau battle between old John Barleycorn ana court for the monitor sll Ilia who not will in full WtSISSSSBESfSsKBBa For Information and Advertising Rates in the tiiiderstaad out way. Itla ruistanlly increasing enemiei and of courts be ojerUon. I have wriked Uirougb est Meiiren guar that John It completely and eternally Two Shots 25c Above ABC Directory, Phone 5050 and Ask Mrs, aad vittt a hand wa nave ssld anquiahed. Ts tym Hstlto. u.ui'urn.4 lo iba liUl black o(N joriN c. mAXM, EVERYBODY INVITED tux mi Hi Faa. m. haired, brown eyed sun of thai desolated cacotid Brigade, Ohio Try Mariac Eye Umcájf or the Advertising Department vuutry. I uave wet s. Uve, agin men ol General Sports i fugo Mommaxme Automobiles f EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1916. GOOD RACERS RUNNING AT JUAREZ G R A NDOLDOPE WRONG Gallant Boy and Myrtle A. Vinning Outsidersj50 IN COLLEGE SPORTS ww mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Rulés and Fine Points of Game Colgate-Brow- n Upset Notablé Tze-L- si Great Race Thrown in Discard by Mod- of Just How Far Trims Fleet Sprinters in Figure Lie. em Mixers. jejwaaTavk j STATetB By BOL MF.T.i.Ffi BRILLIANT SPORT IN . Morning Times Juarez Form Chart (y jai ski i l oach v ., Jertetson Fotxttiall SPITE CLOUDY SKIES inovaptlad hy r. ciar, of th Nan rveivrtera naiiv Rerfeg i There are icgiu very row hirhlx srien Team. So Twenty xxvwer. trsok fa.- boxt-r- amnng arm or JssreS tl.vt, Ra'urdav. December ISI4. nrtn rtW wethr F r tine the vast them The grand old dope max- be all right hut Rrrlvna;ei presiding nidge Mar raaaKn. W now alalltnjr. mauling and wrestling In the It is a poor hunch tn Tollow at any ume in Colonel Winn Returns Trip PI RUT RAt r. Five rorlcngv Sel'lne Three veer old. N isllte I srtonwr earned M rlnsr. night artcr night. In a most crude From . rollege sport. Títere for exempt, ihe 145 third I, iinctiinvaieii manner. 1SJHeW I. i óigate Brown afTalr at Providence to Louisville Spence Sends Irvdwy.. Haras nd o. recaní For the pat three or rour years I have on Thanksgiving morning. Hrown was cock New Rider in Gruber. T MrrtU A. Its. a. AaSrasa) II On calling to ann warren been .mention Ihe unskillful sure and rigiired it at a 4 to I advsntJMr. M Hiairrra' IJ w, O'Naal) It rlillrtiloiH taciira of most of the presen! J. D. IJ ' rti S"t 41 ). Howard Men who were as close to Colgate as grad It San 4 4 A. lax rliigslpr, who contest without good fYttvpt IS W. Salden) IN Carroll could be did not take the trip because (Wallpejuserl IM 5 .liidgrrsent not ar uates at Belkv Brocade Mi MrlnlT" ami the team was to recen. AT 15' Mlaa Phlltdn il.,. A Vni i Whilst. curding iix siratght of the sure dereat WARES. g aa I wiwfrí 114 Mum Reach IK Snen.-- as f t rtnibev l ei .iirsir wi n, derisively. 4fl Msrquls or Querns 14 lAtDt .IM a WWia nao i a titTtst t. Myrtle A fOuy) U.W-- ' J1.. t t can a Berore that gama amusing bat - 1 .47 4 I :na ? s pair) A. lierrt rule. 5 Mak (A. Carroll) o :o Ai the pesi minute OfT at 3 12 Tim- nvi'nrle Urlli sure yon. was piscad. Some wis sport wagered a atraltht piece 118.4a, bow U 0 Honwrcui. plan la Mt sShvw 15 is. J r Rusa dio la an win sum ilallaBt . iMIrllnnX 19 HI by undergradiiata a neat little that l IT Taper Boll w. swell Trained J Oeiinnn Morlnc ft an good, won firm Uiree driving Inneail or most of Brown t l (J. Howard) l.W-- l nil No Mil Overweight Myrtle a c era i. j. n mat l. La fhi 1he bo- - Brown had been beaten this year. "Brown I. Teanpy Duncan (A. (nrrr.ll. S.M-- I live up to the " exrlslmed tha Brunonlsn, "why a out le tha ad and racnd J. 'K5 hn auhnilaalan. bora orar ta tha atraich 10 rules beaten S. C. M. (T. 7.M-- 1 myrtle Dai to take the money." "It sure Johneoa Hint) ward lb rail harpía lo front of HONT.TriT. rorrtoa har to taka up poul wa dalaiad hi and learning to hit, It's s ahsme trrr sport as be produced a Warnn hut no' l.owod J p BI'OO rnl f'ouiIt KlePlt. I" doa ndnr. thnaiahout atop and get away is," exclaimed the in s clever, sclentlfit in which was round the all RAIT, and a Kalllnc Two roar rld Not ralnr to winma MS, r Football fluid SKt'OVti rirr hlf style, they seam of Washington State 146 on iao. UMrd tsi. . tr but forgotten record By HY SCHTtETDEB. be worse 14 n over mown tndal Hora and Ownar. Wt. St. H r. rto lorlra, StrM odd getting and college's victory at revi- Mexico, SO. Cloudy worse, as Ihey go s day, Juarei, Dee. ski, I T erta, caí on New Yesr 114 Mah IR. Ttaul) farron along men tro as - ST. Oft 4 i T Haory 11.a in ton pleasc methods Is no sure thing dope. Wlt- light showers and rainbows greeted Urn big lia KailnVd Chrlatlaal. - Ji ti Indeed, there -1 Something bottld speedily be to Salttrday crowd that united Ihe track this 13 SNini. Wetr) tet 4J 4J SI Mareo Law- done slop sa the meeting of two young men sixer C. (k. I! an the disregard rm all 01 evencs galling rules and science Harvard 41 0 football victory over Yale afternoon. Six under condi- Tufrr (ti I rrtppani tat Hoanva U.4-- lKxxhig will deteriórale into regular rough ii' They were undergraduates of the tion went to make for a program that pro aoat 1.3 minuto 3:4 Tltaa S3 S S LOT I S. tntual paid Mad. atralfht and tumble righting. iiS. ga.ae. tl tw school duced spirited contests In every Inatañra, ta 40. pi 3 0. ahow IJ 3ft rtallnhrd piar how t5 sa ReaaanU. nhow tl 40 Wlnniw or tasmutrons. former boy chums and tha spaculatora ptlad thalr comi!talnns ' Well' Donna Hamilton Trained hy R. V Vasta! Mlandlns start fosa, won eaailx aeeond ind Oueonsherrv rules Irlrlly prohibits ai lovsr. third drlrlna. Winner enlarad for Bid up to gs.se nr w. t'hrUOae Raialned naanaetthi. Rat punching In In upon tha Iron Man natar bafnra tn a 154. clinches and wrestling, but "Wi lose nearly all our players by grad Isflad I. TnffT 4 , most nT the combats are fought 0111 in Thai 'lav or nía ark aeaalon at tha praaant MAS aprtntatl la froxxi, drew awax from har flatd at the lower tern and won wfth RATTS ustión said the Harvard boy. tea aa way nowadays. Ii Is not the rlean, maatinr. rrED rama with a strant roali thmneli the atreteh nF.RANTA eoold not kaep op tn the early part, clever. "Tha rood." answered the Vale StO sanxalx- - BSI.LR C was aharplx on MAR nn to tha half, was a all dm boxer now. It the nntahed k flrwnt fartor hlttlnr that figure dam ' id," he added, "nearly all of our Myrtla A atartad tha form playera off with tny tha running. rough ' rugged, maulrr and wTestler. who men an npaat whan ahe won ovar Honaynit hair op- reli i. TRIRP RA tit Raxan nirlansa. Rolling Three yaarnlda and upward Nat value to winner $335. ran strangle and almost twlat hla which wan rated an odda-o- cholea, r 147 ponent's arms out of sorkets In a Thst Is ilso good," retorted the Harvard their r'RKKMAN. youth. ticket. on tha winner called for 1 ISO Fin sar't Odda sort or s catch as ratcli-ran- very unralr i.esxnre Mt.'iCetwtvtT h I'p. But the happened. The uTxrrri icturn of $9M. nr. r performance Indeed. rsrle run oaiiant w. .nt i "?nr"Tn-Ti- ii tor, ' TITPl FerrlRS eirlnit and a RtHrler In the first race Ihia afternoon. itirned. Yah bark numbers of 1915 wa) " of IIS raeta. a iBuhxa wiCo 1ST 1 4 J' V 31 Warren i la i Test t iv, u,h, ,i,i Prsr Duke, Followlna- their loaa throufh the dafeat 1? 4 1ST 4 4 4 S ijt, loped Hnlltnf MM. IK. Rpanea) S4 T. Hint ir club matchmakers really desired to Harvat in Iftll. llnnewcut In the opener, the form players I S41 Paila, a tWIUlaau Oa.) 11: 4 l" 1 ! SI 4 3. Howard 4 44- i p a l New txen they are reeling as ttrong- Mai) In (1531 Ban 1. a (L. BurUaaM) id: Wheeled A. CarroU l uplift boxing and make the game a de .una bark In fashion with icksnre abo mi .axt year ss Harvard felt Boy 5 pound! penally At pout 5 minuta "nrT"a1 Vt. Time 5. ":1:1C. cided s.nress, thev ahcvtild eliminate not Ilia aerond after barking- her with ronfl il.llnf 7 H I 4. 'It aeas 'i year ago. Moat or paid 140 SS. 1 0, ahow 14.00 t anto, piara SI only I'm mauling box about this one (leiire to trim the field of four r nntuaU tlaJJant Boa. attalaht plarr M. ahow 13.40. Rmll wrestling and crude ins Mas. show siso Trlnnar blk hr FauisrHaa Toota Trained hy n Wahh. HUndlnt start food ers. but also the stallers. who skip. Jump the veterana will b back and there la cilrla opposed to her. rat won t easily. Wrnnsr all but Ban U drislns. second aaaaa. third éntatwd fur IMS. No hid Orar- and tlant-- around th ring continually, and kemplon Tor qtiarior bark Tad Jones' best II. Webb's Gallant Boy proved the aecond walsbt. Canto A bet Exeter Vet, tn op HAM, NT ROT tared oat with POLLS to the half where POIJ.R aras ahut off. He ta Imagine they are fooling the public and al spite of all this Jkook than want aurptiae of the afternoon when he the Uta frant and had enough left to aun ofr CANTO. Tha latter flnlahad fail. KMIT.INr. MAR waa nlnehod gettltig away with a "gold brick" bout. tlmlm. in spite or all the vetevrans, Tsd purse In the third aa the rankest or in- aut of It early. Br RT 1. whadad at tha poat and waa left GALLANT ROT ran away ana mile and an Believe ma, these hunk boxers do not fool Jonas, kempt ui. et si . Ysle will have the over the. of favored ones. Hi eishth after tha rana. It Marked to rain aa (ka bar were sxxins to th port but did not ohansa trark vaders lot condition to anything. or gull the fans; they only disgust and dickens of s time turnios; the trick next paid am.go ror muttinls. cause them to stay away from many or the Liu. i here, is AbaoluL.ig. tvothtng tn the from the barn of William train 148 Retting. Three year old and upward. Net value to winner boxing duns who slage theie punk grand old dope He la (an friend Of play- came out of ttte fourth, and feature, race a am glad to know that there ar er. expert and phllc, Snd Is tn Indai. Horse and Owner. Wt. BL kt I) Jorkar winner by defeating the select I Sr. ! duba throughout the country which lined to knife one In ttu bacji any Sat field of Hve she had for opposition. Utelus (Ill) Ti Lai. S (W. M. Cain! 1 Howard J.os have refused to allow tlte ATdsv during October or Ni tltelua. 4 .11 Weill, 3 Rtlrllng either wrestleis ember v.a second and Oray'a Favorite Ill 4.sai or In third. 71 Orar Fa'ortta. I iR Plnktt. ) 14 g 5" T. Henry 13 Stl stallers to box their arenas. But why 4 Next rail is going to be three ringed A llrht shower had come up as the field 131 Coila. I (O'Meara Bros 4! A. .noil shouldn't all first class rluhi do likewise? ajW cirrus In so rar as Interest s nmoej-ner- t v. in to the poat In the third event, and 111 Call Shot. 4 IT. Polk SS Warran Why shouldn't they Torre all rotitesianta to The dirnrulty all the colleg. are having IIS Jqaaflna Zarate. 4 (Hayas K.j. t:. Hunt many were of the opinion that the track box strictly acrordlnr m Qiiaenaberry mlaa in making then- 1017 schedule ig proof of At pest I minutas. OfT at would be a bit slow as a result, fly step- l:SL and stop all this rotil, barrtbooüing bur Dial. Harvard's desire to cut it danger I si ping- the five furlong's In 1:00 Tie Winner b f. by Voter Fair Tnipi aas. Trained by (3 Blair. Standing start good, won anally, second Tooneryt out teams until the Prlnretow and Talo set all fear of the course being- slow at rest. same, third driving. Winner entared for 100 No bid. Overweight. Calla I. Why shouldn't they rater to the rtenple games: Yale's somewhat almllai 'ealtrurs; waa forced to fall back going to Uxa pared, ground by gtrateb The was made the hah, a clove turn and wan who clubs, are always S Cain color'' bearer going away I'TTCLl-- support and wining mm Aw Michigan's consldersilon of entt lino poat with eaa. ah owed a high turn of spaed, hut was hearing out at Uxa and. Tha pay if ebolea, with Call Shot going to the aaee of rill.f.K CAL SHOT quit. Tha saddle slipped on JORIrrlNA 7.ARATK to well to see a real, clever, eclenttrte the nig Nine conference and tJi actual liked next From the break, was Instead or the that dls sffj hy beat it FIFTH ng. boat. rank affair! need of nKiney mtn.v atliletle 'ocla RACK Five furlongs Four i r.olda and upward. Net vacua to winner 1135. gust Is no Ltelus that outran Gall shot, the bullet, 149 saeond and Rep them away? There lions has caused many wonders to 'pen. ISO. third fit. use or or until the field swung Into the straightaway. Index. Horse and Owner Wt. at. 14 H St Sir. Fin Jockey t Odds sidestepping the Tact that most Cornell forced out by Harvard and l est- Here with Jockey Jack Howard In 1ST S the present day boxing Is an absolute rarce añad Willi Its . Tampy Duncan. (T. O'Brtan) 104 I t i4 l A. Cairo' SO the loaa of Michigan Tas the saddle, and which had been racing In kf I'pland Kins. (T. Polk) 144 4 l II Ware II -l and a disgrace to the rrsanly art cante near lacing a financial cropper i fxtf. third position, rame up fast, to run over IIS Star Roa, a (O. Tusxlal 105 J 4t 4f Osar S.5Í i Those who have the power and authority Colgale a Kugens. a li orrered soUtllon which sho rAj. early leaders. She 111 Prince IK. Rpanae) Ids I s i c. hunt rstv- -i lo regulate the garra are asleep the drew HI Prosper,, Bus. S (B. H Urn brick) log S .HI j. Howard riatlr either prove rully as interesting as the Narva Il ia l or they give a It away to win by three lengths. III Noble Or and, a IW. KlUoU). .. . III a .. Itt St I Fwener J4 don't tinker's rttas about game It is especially pleasing to boi xj They certainly do not mske any errorta to iorkey C. Hull's Saatttle Mips. At post 14 minuta Off at 4:15 Tins V4 II. :4S .1.01. 13 niuluels said Temnv Duncan. colleges berattsti of their proximity. Dai I straight 34, up boxing a rtne, 48.40. plac la ahow 11.40 Upland King, plaoa I7.S0. ahow I4.lt. Star Raaa. abo (4 4. clean It and make manly moulh, niifoi innately sliuated only In to fat Josefina zarate, well liked, finished last. vvinnrr av m. oy muy ssayuua tsdna KU wards. Trained or T o Brian. Moving good, amo r.ngrano start aaallv. sport, as it is in ana Australia. ss games with other big colleges is con The saddle under Iter rider, Claude Hunt, far i lOO No bid. Oval weiaht, Tsmur especially. It was difficulty TIMPI DCRCiS from fast beginning, raced away from her opposition with case. tnsTuAND cerned, is race ui race with a rinancial had become loose and with KINO tha How to Clean Hp ' hear sat in pursuit through' STAR SllBI oeraxed well. PRINCE EUQSNE began slowly Boxtne problem. Since the Harvard game that the boy retained his seat. ftroahad fags, PSwapaRo forwardly. was lost hat boT raced If all the honest boxing clubs would only Dartmouth has been meeting Pennsylvania, Manager Matt J. Is hack from his ThoTou form a or league or work Wlntr KJ SttTB Rkrf Turlongs Selling Three a and upward .Nat sort s union and but the Boston game, on years. to Ky., ho went to Í In rtarrraony togrrthcr. alternate trip Louisville. where iuu they could soon eon has not proven a rinancial success, so spend Christmas with the rolka at home. Hie situation and clean up Ltte sn trol sport efrort Is being made to play It at Spring- Bula old chestnut mare t. They could lots mauling, Walsh, C M Johnaon. I (Singleton a M) T. 'rut out field, Mas- - where Dartmouth by flirt, died here last night lé I! f.aai wrestling, rough and tumble Tellows and Brown ...104 I 1' farrall 4.541 and will meet m the season. SprlngTlald '" 1uie Star, a (Stevens A Son) Whit 50 later as the result oí to which compel all contestants to box strlrtly ar, Is 150 Oldamoblle. (W. M. Calm 1 Wtlllama l.IS-- ,1 home territory Tor the Oreen and these she was subjectid yesterday when named 141 cording to rules. Ray, a IT B Parker) 50 games will iintloubfetlly aa as a starter in the fifth race. She was S. They could also cut out the draw well as At poat i 3 minutes Off at 4:64. Tims :14 4 5. .4 I I 1:15 15. 1:35 $3 mutuals paid Ihe 1 ale Harvard arralrs played there gu raced tn the name or Knur ft Fauseti Mr. M. Jobnaoa. straight 117. JO. olec-- 45 50. 40. Rick, 14 "n as aft I ping stallers add slop Take bouts. show 43 Art niece show their years and morn ago. Dartmouth, re lias warned aay front the ee.w. eiauw nr. a Dy siowung oreen lefiy .ooue. trainoa hy w eingleton. Standing atari good. 8. They abould all cornpetent having lausett been on rive ref auiiicd wlin Brown, course. eaeiiy. seuond uid third seme Winner entered fir 1100. No bid. eraee absolute authority to disqualify any Is to drop Syracuse, - JOHNSON forced the earty peca, forged to the front at atreteh turn and which college n turn races a big ' SICK broke a glow, DOiar who violates and does not problem Jockey Jlmmle Oruber. or the Kay Spnce trifle nude a gallant nnlah. LONK RTAR came with a lata rush the rules In lis schedule making as MOBILK quit badly a Quarter eetL to win it Is likely to rat ing esublisbmant, made his debut as a extend hlmseir at all times. loie Michigan, a 4. Any - university which Is rather jockey In the first number, when he had boxer who haa been Justly dts- to quallTled In one BYBIIa. sure re enter the Big Nine conrerssre Ilia mount on Borne Beach. oer, endeavored by hard tuggtog the a BLACK FROST. Ill Ski LAD. SMILINO MAQ rlnb should be barred out at of all the club tn wllhln another yesc a move that will upset or reins to stop ms mount, avail. UIS. the union or league. A. Cxarpoll Up. schcdui,. D, W. Christian, owner Satlaried. but without No reTeree should making again, as It leaves Peon race, As the horse was passing the pole, he allowed tn Tcxaa over Kitty i'hexHlhani, Ryhll was sylvanla Marter in the second and whlrljrin sixteenth PASO MORN st 0 TIM IS Hy SevteeUsr. ring except bo haa had Winner Futurity Turrtday and Michigan guessing as to what or after making Uta circuit or track, Bur- tl considerable exiter by Watle and Is hy pi. lahed second, put In a bid rorpU) the HEI.I.r. BIRD. 7.1! I.ATK lence and Is fully competent tn every way bred Mclaemore trained Tin. tone Munfonl. la lo happen. ling used new tn to a 3 BLACK JACK. Ml OR the winner, but Owner Vestal protected hli tactics bringing htm TIPPKBAKT. ALAN to his x The Mi. Idle Western situation la Inter s stand. Instead or continuing his tn I BLARNkV YORK LAB. rSTEM STALWART perform duties. Half of tha ring filly. efforts 4 KEOARDB. hanging ways living esting not alone became or tha intention pull him up, he resorted to the use or FLNNIOIN. BLACK8H7CS7P. arruteit nowadays, hardly know where thev In any great danger of hands for a clever, clean rellow, snd post time, a big, richly- the 5 KOOiftT, MARJOR1E D . BUCK NAIL are at In a some moons to come. hope he will anon be hlmseir again. of Michigan to get bark into the fold Just before whip, and In only rew 4 circus. bul In heavens a rods brought the RMILlNti MAOOIE. BLACK PBoaT. MEAL because the two leading loiored rainbow showed tl runaway a TICK IT. Except something real strenuous is done However, the supremacy nf America as hauling evinsk v matched up again teania of ihla fall on to halt. Ohio state and Northwestern-ar- above the track, and Ahoae who bet Por the Improvement of the boxing game the greatest boxing th- - universe. with both Jack Billy Mlske ror e rariiaao- DtintXawSr nation nf Dillon and gamea Myrtle A connected with the "nujomcal pot stTsg attes. CONSIR&US OF OPINION. wunin the next year. II will fall by Ihe conference teams It makes fear hark ertalnly tlirealened Are the bolita at the Broadway ttiung club one t,r But this time it was .iot a dream Making tenth meeting, ZOe. PSKEMAJV, RKLLK BIRD. Into a rough and tumble or dalerlorst-lu- wonder why they have a conference her start at the MIRH TIPPKSART, affair. Instead bunk bouts and other ring farres Brooklyn. But why can't these rellows bat r on the I BLACK JACK. ALAN. Ohio msde a purse, because tickets Tampy Duncan came as four rue I BLABNLV. PJSTER one of the grandest sports, when conducted boxers, and leaving us liable to tle a .si round mill occasionally. sute Cornell handsome offer hume s k STALWART. YORK LAD, our derlslnn to In the wilds of Oklahoma I FINNiaiN. RRUABDS. NOBLE wisely and properly. a na heavy- plsy Columbus, but could not get little mieen from favorite In the fifth rsue. was noth- Jit AND hemming only second class righting Just tn prove who Is really the light game. the am. 8" While were several There I Him. Aid, MARJORIX D.. ALDA. American ttup TTireatextiad. oald there ing com- g remata tion? weight champion? the filly, there In the field to keep Tempy close BLACK FB4J8T. SMn.IKO MADOIK, TYPK TIio whole matter of guaranteea bscltera for pany, and It was sjinost a ahama ease Yankc boxera will have to look to their some Hit end BIU or Ihe Ring. lite Clermont A. C. oT Brooklyn has been la one one r sold on her the that neetle looking Into berore many was but ticket with In pre- honors this romlng year, with the Invasion Billy Mlske should learn lo box with his greatly Improved or late. The boy can now sea to a woman. The coupon which she trimmed her lreJd. sons roll hy. The larger ehancea and that vious outs even ftve furlongb proved too of many foreign flstte stars, ir Les Dairy reet also. He never alteiupta to stdeviep keep warm with hot bouts and new warm universities bAW. Myrtle A had started but sa a cut the smaller team brought IÍ34.60. far for her, because, pressure, she Juarez Race Entries mskea a fine pugilistic display here, It will which i atilte an art In William heaters in the ohl ring, where an many nil, down to a once previously at the meeting, on the under minimum, eten below was repeatedly found tiring the final eighth. rnroiiraga many more Australians to sel Jark Dillon and Billy Mlske put up a very noted battle, have been rought, for the pasi anual eipenaea. day, when she was pitted against Joe Tor when they hare scheduled them rourth She was able to open such a big gap on sail this country. In Brooklyn JO or mole years, The history or the old to play In some good sprinters. She J0CKIY CLUB. JUAREZ, rough, but unsclentiric bout. he bowls, stadiums, Blair and other Upland king and Boy going to S. A. Dsrcy la quite apt to either win the middle some papers gave tha decis rikhtlng arena would ho an Interesting tab dens and eaves. When Like some actors coming Prospero Jeerel. Mariis recently, and a small college has won was then last the half that Jockey Carroll was an far to or the light heavyweight championship, ir ion to Dillon, while ottien Ihought Mlske Indeed. rroni a big one rroni the tall and uncut, tlkoroughbreda need winter MJcrriNu. ne is aa great a ngnier a he pro Both Frank Moran (liinboat smith Bien draws a crowd or 90,ik at the the good that he was taking her up aa he latrlee far Day. Saaday. has been was tha winner, can you beat this no de- and next appearance, and that aeeins Dee. game anil gats all of ay an introductory went over the rinishjitg line. Upland king claimed tn be. cision rule? teemed 10 have lost their kick, acronling to lino out a to he the rase with Myrtle, or course, she Jlinrny Wilde, or Englsnd, has the way they eombatted the evening. llo,oou gate- - la it email wonder snared the place over citar Bose, whlrh already Dorgan, Moran, d other there ft met far better horsea her rirst out, and captured the hy Ike nnuiager of Frank Both ware unable to land a real effective hard reeling among cnllerea over athouic rloaed and steadily, prince Eugene world's flyweight title his Itttamit-ghe- soup for her lo show clean, stoutly or clares that the was not at his mallei and that it wax duck her was s ami once again proved an recent dereat the Zulu kid. We have no blow during Hie etitlie in rounds. How intercollegiate aport Is to field her to starter boy or best against otinboat pmlth Monday nigut erltlcltad ror being bl ight heels the that trailed also ran. Wilde's weight who can heat him. Brooklyn, strange! loo commercial? Here rinlsh In the rainbow day opener. 8he In fact. I would last at the Clermont avenue rmk, 40 la rood Tor Uioughl, When we the C. M. Johnson weal to the front In the not he surprised lo see Moran and Binilh hit rarh oilier about recall that In WM by lwo BTBl.l.A him rouse over because he had rested too long. Yes, he dam- It Should cost l as ess. broke front. nnt leu8h, ' last rare at the beginning or stretch I7 GRAINS hare and take the bantam or M times wlthont dohig the slightest much l, nm th. quarter, then abook the 44 21 kl championship too long Ihe Oooner'a" sliouldera aim- tie team on ihe rield the end of the flrat run, when Oldamoblle, the early pare from Johnny Ertle, according rested in age wltataiwver They were wild and aa the big one snd Crlspile filly worked up to Ill tTBtTLATtt to his claasy In the clinches. dis- when we know the above ofr when that maker, retired, and wou over Art Pick and wonderful, ahnwlng. less In their deliveries and neither facta la It atrange head rounding the bend. After Freddy wvi.-h- , ano trier Von know a boxer can t train on featlva played any knowledge or boxing. II Is thai the mile college team la ccnttv.,..iiu almost her Lone Star. Art Hick was away from th auVtrNli RACBk Satllat Twa I Britisher, still ' Myrtle A went along lo re- and one half clings to the llgtrlwelglit Broadway without rnwhlng considerable Indeed, that two big hugky iipsettlng the dope- rispie wilted. sluggishly, but be cam with a good" furionae. world'a crown. strange. audi rha apirtt that is Honeycut barrier 4 No rest In bred in tain her first advantage, with rush, tir.NI. American, far, has been able to dc afterward. men should have deteriorated so much such an orgartixatlon. rinanead by end oldsmobile was the choice. h Morris ..nuns- up to be jieeond and J. V. Sugg Ill IUCÜ JAI Teat Freddy ror the prlie. Charlie Wetnerl declares thai carl such a short time loyal aJuittul rsther than hy public asseaa ttkaiplt KAUA1N mm. Maybe so, llilrd. , IS4 The Australian welterweight Lampion. has sldeatetped than but menl through the ssle of tickets Cspt. Kd I.. (History Moore said yestar MlBS TIPPERART XI h ANN t Ml W I ITU la not to though landing 111 Tommy Wren, may poaslMy come over I hardly believe It. crsuias. AMIS TK1MI be denied. It 1. risiue went promising, day might be handicaps and ALAN also is all well and good to slats money. warren, riding that there and give our Jack Brltlon a ror We liten should, howi vet-- consider ' By Associated i'reas. the big team was outside the Bubbles handicaps, but that when a handicauper hard tussle not prepared that it bad was forced back whan oorelng the tipremaey in that A! Zlppe and very lucky, Indeed, if Morris SO. The captain an ofr day, Honeycut, loses ola power of speech he Is "packing riu: Toultolse, France, Der. and all that, but the reas,,,, In by the pacemaker, which other Americans wtto have seen Wren hat him. twentx two members or tha crew or tlie Is much deeper Dope laat the stretch a million pounds." But. speaking for him THIRD RACK eMUag: Four year sjas and doesn't cover it And swung sharply rail, and ward Five and ae half tie, tell me he la a great Tighter Sorry to hear that trwen Vigiar, one of Fie,,, h bark Kmrns aurans, g.lHI Ions never will Warren self. Mr. Moore said that be expected to furinvgs Ihe miller dog m amen. a la imlged a claim of roul, which was not al- 111 SLABNIl But there one world's title that held' ir old lightweight, la sick and in distress gross, have arrived at Port Vendrás, In as dangerous a uxa quicker than aome or the fx hum saw. Uoo t moa- - "com back" S4 0 W KK.VNON In till" couiiii v Use item-- wight crnwn hy st Bettohsrin Junction, v., where he has France, on Th vessel key with lowed. Jockey Uuy rode the haxd th Mediterranean. elihe horses ha been Letting ou tn. paal 144 PKTS.R HI Al. AST whl.-l- t Tor was w Je. Wlllsid, do. r not lo bejhean located eoiiaa time uwetii al waa aiink by a etibmarlne inner. weea-- IK) SWEDE SAM aiei Mal) eattoflea easast ta. ohk tn ran ni bamk pays in i.i.. in Marshal tiluuuan rt nick Vestal baa quite some filly In baa SAD SAM WINNING BY A HEAD. PAYING $445.00 Santa Fe, N. M.. Dec. ju Depositors of yaar old daughter or mi muí Stailuid assd ags-- the dertmct stale bans- or lies Moines. H. rais M., Hamilton turn connected with the ti'i " " which railed in IMS, haw received the Ssataxiogu - " the second race by Use wide JiAares Race I4u RKIARDS p . .. - ' - , "7! ' eUTuiunt or their deposits. In Dill. Receiver purse of 114, FIN .' over Batlaried ami Wis 4 T. J. Boitersnii nisde th final inent to- margin of rive lengths 4a ALLANARIA 4 p) ouos on day. i.eaainta The winner waa an jscksv cms, juASu. a a. in. Rl., laM choice, but Hie talent waa somewhat tk wawSwaal .milled in the early whan WINTES MEKTINU. 1111- till Bay. rank I). Weir's Beasants cam in for sub eslssiteaa lev DaaSat. Oa. II. FTJTB RAIA ktellliK Feur rear ekds eaa am- support- At post tima, though, the .ei! ' " auu sate alsaflk miles ARTILLERYMEN BOX .lanttal TgkteSAPH OavM ajeles backers of the Vestal filly bad made ber NSW VOSK U 1st ALDA form abo a. ah i leu RAX. AiXtL FSKJkMAN IM Hi t R RAIL AT SMELTER ARENA ravorlte and. as the chart t stl.ai h JACK. MISS TTPPKKART. ÚENSVA 114 BOO ART Aa race waa rame In cominandingly. the I BLARNEY. PETES HTALWAST. YORK LAD. la MARJORIE I THIS AFTERNOON run Bella C, with llttl Tommy Hunt in 4 FINNIUIN. KKUARDS. NOBLE USAND rame foi a lot or tottgti luck 5 MARJliRIE D. ROUART. ALDA Tltvwv. rea. el 4e aad atp the boot, 4 BLACK rsVQarT. TYPE, HUSKY LAD.. Headed hi Use band, ef the harply cut off by the winner Semite! la being aaS Tlrs r. n i,t artillar) and back stretch. There she lost a coupU NIW TOSS IVfNINS WOSLO Mwkar. ni ni i the btifle cor) al the st nnd. Temttty lengths never fullj SIM. BEUaR BISO SOREL tl and recotered. IIIIlCUTAIh POINT I sAoAt and Iwexxvauy D'Toele gamely on to the finish 1 MLttfe TIFPERAKl ALAN. UXokiA l1f u" In though she raced I PETER STALWART. BLAH.VE1. UARSHAJa IIS O Tie TBI B tfe Meile eluh Ikla was IS MEAL Tit V lifti after keen early fool. Bástanla .OMAN R KT ... Basse Ssitii her 4a fer a ten rusias sa esteta te Ilk tka to Hie pace at any stage 4 FLSNtlllN HEOAkOa mrixLAt liRAo at air raosT unable bur 4 K 117 SMIUMJ MAOi, a gatUrd wlUa aey- IVOUAitT. ALDA. SL'I AH t.allant -f aaln ssssUlsg Mat 4 POINT. RMILlNti MAIeOlK, TTPa luiiatktsrr l v Ttte i..... aa al 2UH. aiuea. Pre-t- H Jlat Viuhu state atatt meaa I sxsr fining back from the sixth rae last eve a Peta Five pound CHICA4I0 OAIIV ACI MS fOSM Clash. jBsajeSFre3H laiiiíaááaVl aXeePlVI t o'riu. k twl Jiitvt what tl tasa. mug. whan be won at seven over rUkSCMAh. I. RAISE. BAJJ-- UIML aa furlnnss STUXA let. k lack Harrison and Peter Mialwan. üatlant I ALAN. tjENEt hi A h JACK HIM. I OH MlrvtlNO MAN i SLABNBT. PETER WT Al WAST. Th baM wi tare fatlawx Ho) repeated in the third event St the saute By Aaaoclaked Preeva laali JlflmmMmmBM i'H TUVJHMAN sswiswl jtsfT yISi m 0"To..kr ta, Uaujs4e Lair. Vtrlaata listante, second to him came Cauto, lias I riSSIDIN NOMIJt i.HtXIi REOABtie N. M., Date au TR-- bilver city. military Taa m .i raviariss, with Moiling Mag third. Tha win I RtkUASrr tl tKJ .HlE U ALDA. I TYPE, BLACK a an, iAjiRuaiMtsr or th Ajitericaii troops at I a Cuida xx ..hew IAS LaXatS uar a r for a return tsiiHT. Bans i.. mutuels rallad redo, Texas, and the Ausentan runeul ware suap Mirk is or The race was full stirring in appealed p. today Pi In anil to arret Lb. StfJI. of CINCINNATI gNOWiatS C. A. Serais aaalat lotaling mi" Bit Kunilil- idenls. Ui that .he winner waa at long E1M. laUvEMAN. ha i ALU .. i via go I Bn llttl al cist, a ...id, isaxra L at led so badly at the pjiat thai I Mlaa TIPI'ERAHY. UKKEVA SI ACS JAI i'o t.lly Laredo lo tiring his irtotTtei MTALVt Huph nut ta tur waa left sxd. the tiaJlanl I YOB. LAD. PETES AST. XIAKe , slater heie baa arrived at tlte tav wtr stw nmsh. TILnaMAN. Met i. an capital . s inesv- rtotn his Wllb Jockey Whit In Ihe saddle. Ihe - avate It .get - won vi 'our .oa f ran away aiie and one eighth utile .later box 4 FIN'MQIN RJOti A Rita BI.At kVUSsVEP. pAday. aad friends line feat he laS loiifa ThurtataSty. pairing tha udaVa at th Juare tro- k of 1221 0 1 In the mutuels. II tlte aeldlna'e Stirling, the itttaled third Jockey rutlug rttaswsjr wkv t BOO ART. MARX! HIE U. ALDA. into the ttauua ut MeAitan aautlita. eia.it at lb ana! ins;. Ue led bis field frosu th harilat l is lu rinUh LettckhatuU was exx oud and Ussssnta child.

A t 14 EL MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916. PASO 1 Mi Pkill throttrti movtnr Hcbrfea tei 301 waa r'naid'atiii rejnred fhto Ma t iri urn TOMMY LIVINGSTON ' vaitderllle Wr la atlll. ror all prarttral pur: o atenta ' poea. In the sanie hnsJpesa tf waa tn two Bill "la them the nmrumatanta what yo' all yeara before he wan anyilnnr The com- Rackett's Lack of Poker done mentioned ' Inquired Joe naaett with mittee, of course, can only enforce the rule ft air of ronrem. PORT that may xlsv. I "'Vk'ell. In a way, yaa," aald the old man. If ome one could deyla a rule that Nerve Proved Fatal tot His Pa ''bill they waa cthere. He waa rutin' alonf would lie eomelhlnr else. But sportinr In year, an' ha ronidn'l aei Into a rama aklll. from tbe present amount of publlrtty e mo'n fifty eirhl honra to tima, like ha riven, means advertising And advertlalnr rti.n ili frMiuent when he waa tounrer. LIGHT meana bualneaa. aa powera waa ley bAVW V CIIKTIS. ider It flyln' Mln Irnvldnre. jut hla earnln' We know, example, of more than on a to waa leaa for Th- no ,,ae to no- wni1 al'ava r"t less, but hla ieriea I more money, In other eln'l new trvln' learn at money to goirer who haa made body whal ain'i rot It into 'era "ruin' en,f In th o' not havln' hla rhlekCM an' hoaea J?ce lines, from hla golf skill, than Oulmet has - Grantand et- be. no nb)ec' or family bein' nm nui (iwlirwl old mn (ireenlaw with m. r tr- in'l keep, an' the moat hla dald. raahed In from his sporting supply come a he rouM trade. ine air or one hn no longer entertains an Playin" of bin Ihey done lima when These are things that can't be stopped. And make both end meet no mo', an' peered a o n. havln arrived at the aura of "Pill BM 'IHt ma ur la what they ni Mi Mi THF. ITFYOXD. voluntary. In Onimet raae Ihe abdication unless all can be alopped It be romes bard wa n t on y one thln fo' to do to ptxitiv rnnvlrtion. ain't no mm it make a flrat rlaaa like they Onee I looked ahead to see was forred. Travera Impea to find a bit to draw the line. We have no doubt at all an, not m alón. more time golf recreation thta eason. em. I don't know," said OarMi 1' thouten he's What the new trail held for mr; for that surh a member of the goir committee rapT, ""'""' rtae an' waa and is the or almost every lover avh.iae pel alatent y in returning Vi the old rredratiriatrd nj onmerrimi "iuat narhullv Bill Barken rutin' Wlerr late turned the mystic leaf. it desire ae Howard Whitney, ror example, haa wbal t.a one. neon a pa. waa , n wvrt in America a desire an man saloon in Arkansas ( My an often aa lr"1""" ira tried alonr loo. aarne hla Mi' ha Juit What of pleasure what or anaf f ' ni he believes tn be the beat tntereste of th never nor It about the time proai lunar OS per rent of lb total, that some ! did after leain It In tfie manner lie rrasruent, ..1 worked comln" outen hla teenf lonr game at heart Bui with such wide ro' I ran ne presem as nn'i o many tlmea waa rurlons. to sajr the wont whoti cunnal waa nlfli "boul ro'ced tim e strurr'ed to eiplore change inane in tne rute abroad It Is evident now that some leat Ta done seen a heap did with orne ran'l see naaaon rr' nobobV fryln' U lve up. What the nett turn had m store. rhwire must be made that will not let the what didn't 'pear to be naetiully 'nrtlnrt 'to a eir food player omen nobody They rouldh't nobody aay but what he Wnera the road's bend came alonr. many ro and fail upon the rew. oie wyo.iwa, n nao 10 thataava. Mm "aid Jal, Wlnierhottotn thonrhlfully. done atrurrled manrul. He'd aei into the what of airhinr what of sonr f maoe if aainni rspiianie "They ' ti id able d'pend on who ' a Tl.e nad hit upon a theme whirhlrtm, rer'lar. aama be tl'aya don. but 'i Now, I'm quite to learnln' M em an' how it'a did. I knowed ronun the earneat attflnllon or hit hla rame done fell off e'nald'able. To' one rontent wall I in- Aa pass the deal of Tate; a feller on-- t mT In 1etin"ee what didn't heare tbey naiened with keen uiimr he wa'n't 'a apry with weepma 'a mm .low I let It m at liad HD nio' ear fo' miiair 'n a worm in the liret he had been, an' Juat narhullv that put that DR. I IKEELtíY Aa leave the 1.1 ItiNMty AND SKIN mud. but he hell bent on amain' I mg." continued Mr. to r'nald'afjie of a raae or any roture flat Mili we. takln' Wlnterbot dlaadranure ui IN ONI WEEK. leaaona. an' he dona look m fo the bet at U 'd be almirhty po' builneaa " IIISf:ASEK 'mm. arrlnient Since Prevents oinplh aliens and after el ter part of a ear t fo' hila a throw of Ifn' tn man any mo' 'bout the that, my a for lies on the aluft rame "t'n al'ava heen aome akeert n' can rrrla. Deposit your money la bank fen a what done to rh ne-- bound to rm vm That M( Time alone lift. tratellln' ,'fior mm learn 'per'enre. wn ,,,r ijrt Jtí, Winterboiiom. Wlij until eared. O' e to he not pike alonr and take I. (olea Block. own twlret a week be'a rot learned what the .mnetiraliy "Thafa why I took to totin' sporunr Renin th"- rhancea aa they break? Over "They mnldn't tiottndy av nhit rei I id' whai the dirTrent handa la, but mine In my veet poeketa yo" rn rn ai I'aloa Clotalaa C. ler nevtr rot to ha no primer dinner II ,i rnuoh enmea narhul. Wlnterbottiim, 'em murker." Mr thouth Bf Way or Explanation Tbe op'ry, tin i ho" a edi waa remarks ronidn'l alnr hrerybody know a them thlnira, an' th' atlll viroroua and ereptionally anive. U abOH) Afo' the year waa up he rt Offered these dispatches James ration. r'd whin i'l no call fn' nobody to know no mo' alao well advanred In life. Who meeta Tommy ti'Toole In the main Braid, dead, Brant, living. ao s anybody thai heeril hlni c'd atlll ro for James flle" 't out It on y them what makea a llvln' out a way." aald old man event at rounda at the Smeller arena Which, recogTilnlnr Is effective la Ireatlat almoat ten lie waa whlatlln' and "hn" la rood the widespread human V dlaehargest what 'twas n It, an' the fewer they la o' them the a nod of approval. "I favor ink afternoon. way or the Is nnaataral he c"d hray like a mule ao 'i they muid rireenlaw wllb overspreading salre In death. alnles. 000 poisonous Deter orr they be. 'Pearl like yo' ali a talk a my own eelf. but o' ro'ae a aa Sidy a as any man can not nobody tall th dirrrenre " htinatartar tribute claim. am. will not atrietara. don't rlt nobody nowherea." man tote a on hla puaaon. JaTSsawKinJSVJSl lo l lotdays. Prove what I aald. the 1 ran't bunrtarter Peered like they ww'n't notbln' elae fo' tal Bc;it. no queatlon not handy, he can't, a almirhty BOOM. man. 'Betn's he wa mo'n i JaOkasJj "Th' ain't bul what that's reel in him to do." TIIE ntnev a01.11 sjv DBiooiaTk. ;lf crerji, ir H'a tookrn aa a prepon-Hon,- weepln, thourh. If a man'B p'feaaion Pareel Plirdetrad-Pll.orBaaa- sa. flrat ofr it roine riaihul rr him ren'l rood "Oh, I don't know," aald Mr. Owen Pep- Wluilaoevrr be the mural ethics Involved aald the old man they makea II ner'ary ro' to keep It nlrh hand CMI'.mÍs-a- same a II doea lo yo' all. Vo' d promptly, "but per. "I rerkon he'd a did a heap alrht in l.es Harry's departure rmm Australia, COr..aNCINNAT1.0. la all the 1B BVANS do nothtn' elae, 'a 'a I li extraneotia rirrumalanta what Juatiriea time." better ir he'd a ahnt Bill." hla arrival In America has lifted the sa( fur It, aomellmea." "Oh. know." aai'l Mr. "Wen, all that ain't rot nothln' to do with rlur rmm rame back arain to an uprirht don't aomelrody but Jak- - Wlnaarbottorn aiepni u the "I rerkon they mtiat be dortoned ex runnel Racketra tryln' to learn Active Year in Sports puss nana, bar with an aparMnt look tranenua," aald Sam Pearaall aneerlnrly. He how to pla poker," aald Jim Blaladell liarry has Imparted a impetus to fa yo' all la terririr InternatI Remedia Ruin Your "Drnika t on Pepier,'' s . waa not alwy patient with the old man "I rerkon thafa what Forecast 1917 Uie sport, whlrh now gives promise of pro Kaach Uva aspot anuí C I M ,oer. dlapoaition. aa ,,id he added for "Oh. dui'l know, aald hut liavinr had tile the man a almin' at." 'Is Ul Uta- more than one great winter feature. th- aald, by matrimony. "Sho' la." aald the old man, "an" Ita rot he paid ror them, and "l i resumed rootled By Hi comes heralded as "another " heap to do with It. ir me cunnei n a Asaorialed Preaa. hla dlaroijrae 'They be,"' aald the old man. "but Ihey ew ork. Dec. .in. An active y?ar li ir this heraldry It no per cent ' on the evil to reaaon. he it edlra- haa I hern able to keep on Indefln'te t It expect 1 'tand 'a 'inwaiirr to 'lake . sports under lite jurisdiction or the Ann will be sufficient. We to RELIEVES TO 3 DAYS no n' ,nr vvoumn limn no - tlon won t never put no a man!r race like that o' Cat Market! ' The " wv" la e anollier iTuslimnoiis on the same day 1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS K 1,111 teur Athlellr union forecast for W, 'Ihoiitett he haa the 'em flrat aa prob'fy m r,M f"' nlm tr'nln' "P r""'r ln"' we Nil. bt AfHE CHEMICAL MFC. CO NeeOrleaat. U hr" cumin hri all round In a atatrment leaned here today by f tee another rolib." Hut 00 per cent orr. Ho' nearer make ilk pnaa lapo i nia lewianwp new wuai or mtmm j can't outen m tireennlle In ht .,v W. RMbMO, secretary or the or FIU will be enough b carry Uarcy safely a ao ear. aa k eaya. an' rnniirht 9 did ir Bin had had dr?asiirer AMERICA tlr Thafa! "Oh. rireenvllle!" aaid pearaall, and he rurrerul rauimton. through. ilrh a r ore aa 'tie, at away He an It Into him, bul no. I went from there. had Invln re After all, It seems a queer turn that bbbbbl aay reely "The rrn'l tlilnr. O' ro'ae it - ail rTrbt up to a'rlble ptrjudl'T arainal Mra. I'earaall'a birth "They ronldn't nobody nothln' various district associations He a port an the number id indoor America, with her mil crop at hand, haa Voat any jrlnd of a boy c'n pim-- d'apararnua o' MIL waa rood av'rare Inrn in meeta aebedttaM and keen bi send to Biipjln and France ror It learned how In t id- - ' awim an' handle ton ,. na rontimiod rltiien. but he wa'n't never no alrh man for the winter ureal rm oniprtitiiiti will Mr. Biihlen aald liirtittnir material to restore the game, told man. "when he waa' fo'red to r nalder nl WM H" 1UM n''uly FINEST "Tlx- Indoor national rhaitiplonhlps take where Britain and France mrether hav Ihema me i,, fry principie. Ilke bla rulure. Thlnra had went all ,n, tn" i",""' r,"- n i?1?w,1 " alonr ,,n y Ml" pitee tn NW Vork March I7, and the best over nine million or their best men In the ss prompt relief tirnti'i' an i n n, dj' naln' tobacco anV wlOi him m hla daya o' k (,u,Pn ,h! wllr,,lon he w11' r rjaaaaasa rlrhl yoitnrer lonr athlete! In the country wjll compela. The Held beyond the ropes. f rxaawjass- - Inconrwilence. rtrlnkln' hard iiqu an' th' ain't ren'ly pa havln' dr,m- him able mo perrian without noni r'naid utilonr national chan all around ir D.ircy can allow any margin over Dil- WHISKEY KiMii mi In the ittniiel labored with him atrenloua. m a ralr atari alrh enourh fo' to iiw on comfajde an' htm p CATARRH - ' aa4Hay-ttH- ArV roUld illd Challijuoll-Ul- Itle.l "lav li.imp.lo'iahlpa lon. Mi5Use.JL,evjjji,ky or fljBhTnl M t't but ei- 4im Oam may ror 10 lnyii,' did n all hla lire. They WOTSt all be I L Alldmrriata. t He waa w ill lake place St. I outs In Scptemb starter he will be well on his way. For OkAUUtH certain at: jet o' narhtil talent Into nothln' what mm an hla rambly wanted bm ilh him was did ronaclentloua. it t t and Increased Interest In that serUon of ir be cab one decisively he can very' r elae tl won't never 'mount to what they It nonrh too, an' mo' 'r leas trim done had It. an' done took nlrh the cotintry la looked fur. St I nula plana likely upset the who look U) be al not 'em. or ii tfeui so 's he r'd deal nlrh 'bout others, on Edlratlrr 'bout all the untiel made at poker In t tn make these championship" the equal or 1.. do notr aa well 'a anybody I ever seen, berrín' a or neck and neck. o but retch out what's into 10 pay what he done loae on hoaaea an any held and to Ha cen- - ' the beat experta. heretorore owinr wai- an' ir lt' Ihar riachul, mo'n rhlrkena. lew ath- URINARY "An' he even ao 'a 'I he r'd palm a tral location. It will he possible for Ojean spout Axn sixh. lie on whether he's ever been "He done raced horaea an' fit rorka dla rot rrorn any or country to take ,,. cyard rase o' n'resslty, 'thouten bein' letes part the They are always, one way or eroUicr, DISCHARGES nil not. rrryardleaa o' conaequenUj an' bein' pow In a w days. to hide It In hla sleeve, whlrh the trip b lambastliiK some rorm or crookedness ln Hut wheajt comes to the hlrher edlra rm unlucky Ht both p'aulta he waa c'nald' 'bleered W will take place as RELIEVED IN la old raahloned now but used to be did "International sport '." draw poker, It'a a waale o' put to ro' hi pull out even at th tl, ereault or an Invitation from the a An' the runnel done rot him ao Hut If any rorm or sport, even wrestling make player outen a .kc; table, ao hla rambly 'jpenaea done lnlve iQui It la likely th" HOURS: " 'd the o' beKterln' nia mutílelo that Ha aspect, approached the 24 what ain't rot the rift ramhly 'atetes till they wa'n't rirrer rhanat or the national champlou-hi- ; at sourest recent In ihe ' 'a anybody. winners hoxlnr between Washington and Each Cap- - etibet 'II a waau- n' time nothln' lert or It, on'y bli ynunreat son, hand draw ar'rale - to be held at Bortón ,, March will alignment polities LIQUID '; " 'ft o' waa SUNSHINE MIDY): ncerned." aald Jim Blalaitcll all n,o nUieri havln' died on his handa, rur's the terkneek the rame pi Country. Wall rinance. the yelp wuuld rise to tala bears no be selected represent this LION GROCERY CO., - naly, "but l a done a heap Mill not r'nrerned they wa'n't question but Bill ,;i beat Bn, the ium. i- rol o'lan' the younreat, bein' much ac pTesslnn. "The in. team or track athletes ' Otilen ahowin' or 'em how the count Market waa a credit tn the But or Meredith, Lootnlt, Simpson. They can get by with things ln polltlrs Distributors El Pato Bmmrt 0 count erfnit Ojlnr was tmy oiurbt fo' to be played. 'Peara "Fual ofr hla money In the hank the hull blame nfithln' but love's very im- and riilaAta that would turn a Turkish DRt'OOIMTS rlie aays. nnd Ward made a ravorahlc ALL k'in public policj fo' to d'aeour- - out, an' he waa 'biaedrwd ro' to labor lost, aa the Hood Book pression and another team will be wrestler slrk around the ,r inorrirn one thins; what nobody abroad or ''"' hla reel catate clean up to the handle. ',N "They's ran't sent to represent America this Mimmrr if stomach. And representatives each arc they It charr-ln- itiaf dlfreni." replied the old man fart when he raahed In final an' ihey aei learn nobody else, not 'thouten has It Is found Impossible for the randlna constantly that some rorm or sport in am no aense tryln' tied up Ilia arralra, the morrlrea 'mounti'd narhul. an' thafa nerve. Bill Barkett sho' vlan athletes to leave their countries on Isn't on the level. y a small bame. 10 atop 'em I'm playln' fhe.y wouldn't hi c iMiii alile mn' 'n the land relrhed. Then waa a Mi rood player Into account of their military duties. Thea-- - own any- - I- t- DO bllllie- iope,H Iwaln't to' the a nlrrera waa sold, all but a few what He c'd hold his with nlrh 'bom OOUDtfiea deaene rreat credit ror their BU AND 01 MET. o J bulk iiiaukyitHl doln' it beat they knows aa ti Id to retch a price an' waa kep' P Initiative In Invltlnar our prominent ath- We hope that In some way 1017 can bring It eome to playlfl' fo' of to beat the rame lake keer 0' the hossea an' rhlrkena at too hirh. but when letes tn visit them and our boys appre- about a change that 101ft larked. This will "I'd be the laat man In the world ro' to e ramhly, an' the moat o' them riled, ao 'uio'iaiit money 'peered like he couldi ciate the splendid reception accorded them be lite return or Jerry Travers and Francis do anyUUn' to bandar a man rm aetun' in ir a hoaaea an" rhlrkent waa aold an' all that never loae Hrht o' Uie value o" the chips abroad Oulmet to amateur competitive rolr. he hid llr wnbitlon au a wad. I ah'd r'al uney went some way, so 'a the Oinmd In rash. Consequent, he'd waver into a "Swimmlnr la in H Infancy in this conn rs and them, from 't man liavi tntlmet between inerrenry, an' a what wavers ain't rv ,n, this accounts, ror he number or IUI2 Pi toift. or only four years, never to no An" so abiattcr rwme be real expert. re corda broken ilurlnr the past year. Judr won three amateur rliainplon-lup- s and two - with hill BacketL mr Mm the nmand rnim all parts or th- open titles, prartlrally ruling the Held un- "Hun an' Uie (htnnel was settln' In to country ror Uie prlvllere or holding chain- - til, rot' dirferent reasons, they were rorced Nettleton Shoe Agency relhe one nlfht, wvds the end o' Ihe run- plonslups ror men and women, an desist a'ter It done rot so they was slaurht un the records will take place. With Travel's the year's retirement was Just narhullv ro'ced ro' to win rer'lar Ini 'licse championships will be distribute! Yours ' We have your favorite Last, all o that all aerilotis In the country will To You and Qur Sincjercst order to pay llvln' 'tpenaes; an' bein'a The man Leathers. Sizes 4 to 12, AA to EE. some o' the others rot e'nald'able worked be benefitted." up over the the was rose a who asks Wish the New Year' rame limit EL PASO CLEARING HOUSE. for o a ,, coupie Times an ter a wnue uiey mane; .4 u)fl "ierlns Hmis jw.liiluii for V? 'ell II table stakes. r, ilia wk Midtna bm w la, me, ... ,uui Price $9.00, -- Kven at thai the two on 'em done tol'- - JJSJaJ 'fu'uw) a able well to' a time They hadn't been no iwiai 1:. Bond$ Toltec Shaving Parlors sum flashed by nobody nil Sam Sa tMWtS turrlble v ift.sra.a $10.00, $11.00 Peiilnrlll done lose what he had In front iri iar .vrr.sm.4i Show No. 108 N. Stanton St. or Mm an' 'peered tn get 'xelted. Then he H.iurJar LiUard pulled out his hull wad an' put It on the Show No. 2319 N. Oregon St. table 'thouten rounfln'a of It, an' Iieacon Whiskey Shop No. 3 105 Texas St. Mln irht lealn' what he done done likewise displaya excep Sale Old Prices) Same Good also. CHICHESTER S PILLS 5 "Then Bill Backetl done went all to DklSb. a tional judgment js Service. pieces, hltu not havln' the nerve fo' to l.ul,.al A,L r'i.rllruulf , A 15c; Play no slrh rame, like I etld aro'. Tbey fill, in Rrit lad (U Id mrulliAVy he knows quality. Shave Hair Cut 35c him out Uiree or ro' .... Mitad ..I0 lii . V.,.r,. 229 San Antonio St. blurred times when he ko ,,, V reely hell the' wlunln' hand an' he done ''riii.rifKá.TFBsa,r,m st. ,1,1, si, 1904 lose his hull wad rinal on a are full .rW'- si, a, ,. , ia TlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIHIIlif ci arain o a. kmnajlaOjM . . .1,1 Z fo' tens. An' the runnel, sreln' how thlnra ' i' Ii7 v. do not solicit nor ship orders from dry SOI D BV DRUGGISTS PVTRVUHFRF in violation oritTexas law. j was rwlne, wen! outdo's an' shot hlsseir. territories j COURCHESNE Qoxing BRIDGE TODAY,Smelter2:30 F. IVl.trJ Clean and ArenaFast Contests Between Boys Evenly Matched NO BETTING ALLOWED IN ARENA OR LIQUOR SOLD LIVINGSTON vm. OTOOLE SECOND AND THIRD PENN. F. A. BANDS 400 RINGSIDE $2.00 Autoa leave Del Norte Hotel at 1 o'clock sharp. Meet all Smelter cars 300 SEATS $1.00 CUL.LIIM vs. CROSHAW thereafter. Free checking system and mounted guards for private autos. 2,000 BLEACHERS 50c BRITT vs. BRENTON 50c $1.00 $2.00 1 S v SWINTER UNDERRACINGTHE AUSPICES OF Jockey Club Juarez Six HigH-Clas- s PARI - MUTUEL, BETTING LADIES' DAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Race Course Admission JUAREZ. IVIEXICO Music by Mexican Military Band Sl.OO Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand mm-t- EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. DECEMBER II. 1916. 15

plantation of the nr Fast are prndtir mH on the nrlrlnal set or itoodyoar tit" . rahrlr h made about the SOOie shame Inr foor thw a much nihbpr thr with only fonr puncinrpa All of thta mile m price alnre ttui time lat aaaaon m tn or thr Amaran. Thr Ooodprrr Tlrr are attested on country mana. bad of thear advance it la ssaerted by and rubbrp rompa) r ha lt rtperts on wSete Urr maker" hat an increaae in tlie War rnnill to Inspect rarli lot of rrurtc imn A At ra nr THE I dF prtre or tlrea or not leaa than IYH P" rent hrtorr H la htmwd to IV factory at BTAB MOTO II WBriM i JnMiried Will rubbrr Quality Akron, o Mo. loiiowlnr are the rte1ievtc mart by the I one star Hotor company rr the rurrcnt GAS or week: ROW ais ra n.imrr IWP ANY. Under Brother rr Local A uto Notes Klllou Dtrrrtt company rrport thr rol ft E. Bryan, aont Tularo.a tourmr w or not SX FAM II li a looking; car and win nn Mr. M. B. I. Fort BUAS, Teta. r.ls.r lowtnr salea oarrard. R. V tiainniini. manarer or thr 11 Paao Be ITCH COMPANY doubt n a popular seller In KI Paso. tonrlnr Maintained Wm onbprl. El Paao. com- The H. C Waters, the new manarer or Studebaker four F. sfellerty American Ororary com Pnlek company and the Fl Paao Beo folk win al. were mad the past tP tourlnr rn nr tne ki Bale rompan?' itakland Auto "air company, na svtten lany. tourlnr. pany, left FrMsy ror Dallaa and Wichita nit well Into tbr harnea and la maklnr thlnr B rrrrman. El Paao. Studebaker rnnr T. T. TunetAll. SI 4 Mea tourlnr I. W. Alrlnrer. El Paso, Rule tonr- - arenite. I alia. Texa. on a combined huinea and t hum down on auto row. Aft. Water ram tourlnr. M. A. Tlnoro, ma Tnlaroa 1rcrt. tout Inr. pleasure trip. Mr Bammlnr aa lormerly rrotn Ban Antonio, but say be wouldn't J steame. Mr.tlla. Par. St.. Mude nr. W. H Winters. H Paso. Sulrk é roadster. rive ri Paao ror any town In thr atete, baker lt. W, J. Wamel. Drmlnr V a., tpurtnr. In the automobile Inialnea In Wichita Falla. All Costs . K. K. Sherman. El 4 C. A. ton Inr. I nulo tonrlnr. M. Bludrbakpr 4 melirinr. Il"rle M. en J. float, proprietor ol She Franklin at 9. Krlton. tourlnr lohn r. or not oAki.and ur.-n- Rummy, NacWIA, v. tioirinr Hnthtnr. Alemnrordn. Bale 4 tour- mm balm aito Motor nmpn spent or Al A the rrwater part BALK" COM ANY. Jone rarr n Paao. peesenrer Sturte 11m. riter, purer r.lly. At tourlnr. lnr - But Will Be Small 0. Waters, manaarr or thP Oakland baker bna. Haría, i rntral. N. M IPS week rallinr on hla sub arenri- To The Public The "Cost" M A. Nordhou. N BuIrK Ir nadtrr Hrmlnr. ). Auto Balea company, reports tha sales a Birretit Peaainr. Studebaker four tourmr. Fd. TruiMi.anrli. narhlta imirlntr tliiourlionl riron He peni several day tourlnr. c. M A. 4 m In United States Tires. rotlown: Col. M. o'Hera. tourtnr oak Bowln. Fl Paao. cylinder Studebaker John cater, Kemmr. tourlns In Deui Ir.s and rrpwt a rood business. land: Jainr 0. nrirpi. 94 tourlnr Oakland: tourlnr Jim Thwalte. Silver City. It. M.. tourlnr. m s Oeorrre Keith, a sub aawnt or Tolielk or oakj and Ft. V. Pearson, 4 tourtnr Oakland: R. C. W. A. Joy. F.I Paao. four tourlnr. Tony i.onlma. Hurley. N. M., tonrlnr. inr The Quality Which Hat Won The Motoring ra Motor iiitiipany at Socorru, wa the city Al io MUI COMPANY. Carf, M Oaklandi Dr. 1. A. Plrkett, oeorre MorrMon, Silver i.lty. M. M., toni in tonrlnr M. A. The. Oakland Auto Seles company receiv- fledan Oakland. NBITR Or Till A TP MOTOR COMPANY. inr- FrateS bOBSsrrlttf with Manarer Public's Unqualified Approval For United T Mr. Ihiptnoblle ed two carloads or sensible tlx Oakland! The Trl State Motor company hare d W. H Watkln. Drmlnr. K. M., tourmr-fl- iitpton. Keith took bark a tl - pan week. RUBBER TTRBB. Ryprert the roflowlnr Ford durfnr the Wat r. surer City. M. M., tourinr and ordered a carload while hare. States Tires Which Has Given Them Such Another oar or International trucks heva A ruhtrar tree In rull maturity pnxlnce week 0. M. CbtlPrh, M9I Aurora, tourlnr. Oeorre A lark, district rapreaeniatlve or I en shlppped from tha factory and will Prom three to rtra pound! or rubbrr a year. Earl T. Ola row. 1717 F.art MlanonPl. tonr- - Auriiat Hrotln"). SI 10 Tularoaa lreet. tnur the willy overland rompany, with bead Amazing Sales Increases In The Past Year arrive in a faw day i all 7 about too trsaa an planted to the fur. Inr quarters in Denver, la here on business with Tha nrst Oakland and Sedan ever brourht aera, Time wa when Brazil wa the crude It. Oortlon. 800 Aonth Stanton, tourmr Hudson Pars r. M. R.tnnell, or the Fl Paao overland Will Be Maintained At All Costs. i" h Paso was ttjftfét ilurlnr the week rubber cantor of tha world, but today tha R. A. 'Whltlock. tars APIaona tpet. . Joe Murrula. 7 paaarnrer Auto company. Mr. Clark reporta a large F.arl K. oaylrn. 7 paenrer. bualness thronrhout his territory. "Yotl And We Emphasize The That The Cost C. W. Harria, St! Ttraa tiert, tourlnf. Chas. Dnwnle, see them everywhere." was t.lark's remark Fact K. 1. Clancy, SOS Tata atreet, towrtnf C. ñ Raeth, Tuctimcarl. W. whan apeaklnr or the Overland. R. R. '1Ao To The Consumer Will Be Small. Allen, Montana atreot. tour- The Elliott oarrett company, dlatrlbutora E. Penn. 7 ptaaenrer. or the Studebaker, received last week tbelr n. A. Orlnpp, irrT tout tua) A. K. Barker, district sale manarrr of Tatas atreet. first Studebaker n truck. It Is a Col. W. A. Colston, Dodre Pruttii ra, and Mr A Finn Kantnekr Blrra. r.otr-r- j S.too pounds. 11 A Long Every I'odpr Brothers, apetil aeyeral iiniirr car. walftts For Time, Manufacturer, And umrlnr. equipped a 11I1 a top and has many D. Elerer, 141 days in El Paso, the nr the i.one driver's Eatt Mlaaonrl. tourtnr- ruts modem appliances. The truck sells Most Motorists, Have r. CeTTante. 807 Wyoming- Star Motor company. other Known That An Advance street, tourlnf. Tor 11,40 delivered In Paso. No doubt R. I. Carroll, 50l Btyera II itraet. tourtnr. will prove a popular ear and a sood In Tire Prices L. M. Bakpr, IMS Proapect. tourtnr WEEK'S HAIKS Ol THE El. PABO It was Inevitable. Announcement Troy Laundry, OAF.RI.AND AI TO COMPANY. seller. tourtnr City vmre company, town ear. The rollón inr ales are reported: The M Paso Auto Sale rompany recen ed How Soon, And How Much, Have Remained Bchnrlrtrr' Meat Market, tourlnr H. Wf. Bander, Ft lilla. 4 tourlnr. another rarlnad or Mitchells durum tlie A. Anreltis, ISM Arlaona, tonrtrur. Paul Barber, Las Cruce, t.ountry I'lub weak, one was a beautiful all season In Doubt Until Now. . Cha. Bchllllnr. Toyah. Texas, tonrlnr. roadater. closed model. A. new Wlnton six was alao R. R. outlaw. Pill north Ochoa, tourlnr- J. R. Sloan. Lake Vallev, ?r. M ss 4 tour- received. ,. Now We to Irrespective Of The Boss Rubber Company announces that in A. C. Oallendo, tourlnr. lnr. Tha uirnnrv rmrMlvcd another rarlnad Are Able State Ed Cordons, tourtnr A. ilanrtara. El Paso. S Orerland, tonrlnr. or Vellr tourlnr cart, most or litem bavlnr Whl t Advances Or Manufacturing Changes addition to their famous ose Arullar, tourtnr. J. II. tevenaon. Mesilla Park, N. M., coun- Mesara. Fred Mister, Rlllabora. ft. M. H. try Club roadater. iienr, oiers, .,r tie weaten, m u,r sup I 1 o 1 he E. Wsrran, or Msrfa Motor company, Mar-f- V. llcnahaw Alaniornrdo, N. M., plv rompany. Is In Wlllrox, Aria. tittier Manutacturers Mav Make hat they now carrying a complete stock of Texas, and X. P. Eaton. San Marcial, W. Country Club roadler bualness mission. M I Consumer United States Tire Price Advances an or Motor com- Company Twentieth Inrantry. 71. D X 1 O. Bottnrrr, of the Weal Texas Motor pany, were In durlnr the wee"k and each dellyepy expresa rompany drove a Haynea "six" to t:arrl(oto. Will Be Small, or tnem took back with them tourlnr can. Company I, Twentlth Inrantrj'. TS N. M., laat week in six hour aud 4 inui í. B!. KlrfepatrlrJc, president of the com- dallyery exprese. utea. The distance Is 171 mtlee. pany, spent the week on husmeas hi San Company M, Twentieth mranlry. 7T. There ha been some talk about reorran far Below The Proportion Of Increase In Cost Antonio. delivery express. the assorlatlon or Automobile, lire GOODYEAR r. F Country liinr The Ma- B"echer. B Paso. Club and Accessory Pealer Id KI Paso, but talk To Manufacturer, Of The Best Tire OOOn MH.EA.CK RF.Coitn. roadater. Is about as lar as the movement haa rotten.' D. r, as-- A mlleairp record which reflect much ATlte, or White Oram Co. Some Of the prominent dealers do not terials, rlory nn the Urea used, ha Just come In Willys Knlrht tourmr car. ravor It the notlre of the The noodyear ' Tiré amr t mrtoart of Overland la rrperlod Mon Below The Proportion Of General In- Rubber company, from Dr. 8. F. Ashby. or day ronalstlnr or k I.SOO lb. delivery, a 78 Far Fairmont. Pfeb. The doctor reoort thai luurinr one country Club and an Boss Rubber Company In Cost Of Commodities Of 'Every hi Apperson car (JPlyen 90.00O crease The has been to tire service city. Handle Goodyear Tires Kind. i Free to any part of the lleiAU OI T0: SOI TUlíBV MOTtin ( OM- It WHI Lon- - Way 0 PANV. R, Z. Sllveinparre. manarer or the Boss PHONE 274 322 TEXAS ST. Go a sale reported by the Southern Motor Rubber rompany. aanounoss llwt he has to rednoe your onto expenso If company taken thr anonuy ror OootyOSP tires, ami And We Are Holding Down The Price In- yon sato your old Urn and Republic truck to KI I'aso I'lano rouipany will rai iy a complete I or them in naimc Hutu to tbr Republic Dispatch to Ocm llakrrv ruin addition to the httoOul Kelly sprlnrihUd. creases On Quality Tires To This Disproportion- pany. "Ww now carry one of the lararal lire Texas Bottle A Junk Co. Orant lx to International ;arape of o stocks in the aotithwct." ahl Mr. Silver ate Degree Only Because Our Superior Manufac- rales. iarre By addinr th Hoodyear lire, we uranl lx to V. Salaiar. H l'ao. are prepared to take rare of anyone who turing Organization And Economics Perfected Two more two ton trucks were sold this wants tires, eitlier medium and hlrh prlr week, the names or wlnrh will be an- ed roods." In The United States Tire Company's Factories nounced next week. During The Year Just Closing. 8 A WES OK TIIK Bl 01 OR MOTOR COMPAW. Perry to Attend New York The Buqiior Motor company report the Ira loiiowlnr sales: and Chicago Motor Shows The Slight Increaser And Readjustments Maxwell totirlnrs to A. L. Underwood l ied Delrado. Pr. F. Arnientlarli. id has been received In P.I Paso that The Prices Of United States Tires Go Into Effect Kinney. S. B. orndnrff, II. Ilolquln. San Perry and family .peni a very de- 1917. Hita, and fi. :. l.ary, Hurley. llrhWul Christmas In Tennessee Aud are January First on their way to New York and Chicar0 to visit the automobile shows. Mr. Perrj Consult The Nearest United States Tire Deal- High Cost of Living president of tlie I.one star Motor, dis Overland tributors or Hudson, liodrr and Chandler er For The Detail Of These Changes. and Causes- Tires to Advanct New new ars. ir there is anythlnr this sprlinr r.t the New York and Chlraro auto show The rlalnr price ot cotton Is causlnr tal Ait Is a sare bet that "K. 0." will brlnr amnnr some tire ntanurarturers that an ad It to KI Paso. vanee In the price or tires will be uercs-sar- United States Tire Company to meet the increased cost or the AMP1 Kir-- AT Tt aOoSN, fabric used In tire maklnr. Kryptlan Ttiraon, Arlt., Dec. Tiirson" ha not rabrlr was reoenlly quoted by one tire man yet rait the pinch of the coal famine re. larre etioiirh to last only a few dm - tie rlln ,.vr If the mal Mippfv were Willys-Knig- ht as aelllnr 'or over Si a pound, or nearly poned to be the cause of surrnrlmr In other are on hand afnple sipplle of wood, w hich I u liolly exhausted no surrerlnr would reault Prices double the price of a .year asro Sea Island Artxona cities. Thoueii the coal snpply I I reitérate n heat atiffh'lent for the Tucson

Effective December Twenty -- Fifth



85 4 TOURING COUPE $1250.00

85--4 TOURING SEDAN $1450.00

85-- 6 TOURING COUPE $1385.00

85-- 6 TOURING SEDAN $1585.00 OVERLAND TWELVE HUNDRED Miss Hupmobile Says: J POUND DELIVERY WAGON "It's delightfully cosy in here -- $850.00 no rain or dust can get inyf Co., Inc. F. Toledo Toltelk Motor All Prices 0. 3. Phone 5488' Voltee Club Building EL "PASO Hupmobile ferric. Service Station Goodyear Tires EL PASO OVERLAND AUTO CO., Distributors IIIIHIIHtHIWIWM TtsaaHtniMIIIIIIIIIIIIM 120 22 San Francisco Street Phone 170

The Willys-Overlan- d Company, Toledo, Ohio Manufacturers of Overland and WUrytvlCnight Automobile and Light Commercial HiuipSlmobile Cart aa-a- "Made in U. S. A." Ib FX PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916. mcri r an mntorlit Ion nig tor the San Diego to Boston ton other inawbbvaa wore rmiit in Remen ra STATE HIGHWAY thing ' ar h it ihit. for ha' on Motor Bicycle mortar., hnndri.1 of"" ....l,.t'. MS tie ant - ton 1" with material ar parts furnished bv French rfu, FRANCE LOSES HALF aWd i,' 1th the .rnfort end rtf riMnicsi pNatacts, wefv industry Frenes mads ten .000 steel hel Ittrtnr lei" wnn - pp"lTTPTit bes rurnttkatt to rtatr rana French meta, tnojw gas masks, sad t.SDn appsrtt- boranlng wwili corps and endow..-- 'l in on, tnd he rtylng tUltUI ties the defense or Ve t rar Ratnssis. COMMISSION URGED what ha want nice again at Atatarlan tar attack! October or this year. r''t OF COAL SUPPLY BY France shipped to Summit than vonn exempts From the end of I ti 4 ontll the aracua store Tike tic Saxon mi in in torn of material It went bv way of moderate priced and. looking m it lien or Serbia France supplied the Vrtrltri S.OOt Archín gel md over Ruittsn railroads. from the stsndp-'cn- i i tlie entlr siitnmo trtlllery with three inch abellt par day. wag Twenty French offlssrs and sag French sol- field, it ). no ln priced the retreat ft more that on Many Road Body to bile ear. diers, trained in the aviation service, wore Metwm for with restan Hist Isre at the top of IU GERMANY'S INVASION lar toafc the trmtportaaoo tad the recon Ses-aio- sent Rumania immediately after the dec Cone Before January aTM clsss. siltotloo or the Serbian array it Corfu. The to trmament and liratton of war md formed the nucleus ,,r Legislature. i the qiixlity sppomtments ?r trntnanltton wtra Mmtshed of "It ha tha exclusively by France Identical Its flying corpa. ar il comae, a tad war costly Ktarf nn and with those of tha French lighm system n new standard equipment, Larce Par Cent of iron divisions the rati i"" I measures prm ding for Ore Alto of the material md supplies were rurniehed RUAD WANT ADS "n not a rettnre imarllon of a rar, In Tin THE a State r.miTilsst.m arc belni pn but the It Devoted to Needa In common by France tnd Oreat Britain One hir'"m Six.,:, u II is In the nalnro or a luxury, of MTad iv dlfTertM rganltni..n f hundred and fifty vessels ware required 1is foemir mill system of great AIHt. for to be Inn. Htiird it the coming Ion of l., tha trm spoliation fid lltles Seventy six Ml legislature runvenlng in Jwuirv A royiges war rtagulrisl for the entire opera- DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS Mil win. i. being Indorsed by mti.v foil "Mni Hie betutirul .teht-fi- assign, the Mtnelited Prets Corraapondenre. tion, md It wm tinuiiiurtUbul without t sin- roed expert tnd motor clops It that pre- lusimus rinlíh .if th- liotj and lit deep. I'irli. DOc. Fnnee Wis deprived or gle Incident SHERBETS and CANDIES pared h tlie highway deriirlmcnt nf Hie ii iinn ire ill quality realm. SxaygUai Army Agricultural rifty per cent of her reaourree tn coal, to awsatsriaa ind Mechtniral rollege. with , ire, (xuwavsr, only surface at- - 347 and 348 O. .Man ihe measnr per cent of her iron ore tod par cent Frmce alto tupplled entirely the Ruma drtrtinr irartiuni, which delight the eye of Uia man on the tal'- . or net mm md steal manufacturing estab- army with wtr material md munitions -- brtlrtin formation of i hlrti who knowi nothliMr of the dirfr-r-- KIOHT HOW" It w in lishments by Ihe oermm Invasion. At rrom tha day of Its entry into the war. Wa dalrratr it pttBMM will be Issued by the ml i.eim een Uw and toe r jb. the carburetor lava ahnrlly. tima, the developments or France's donttlons to Rumania Include mora wanted or PROMPTLY itt say with tlie main point rf in icrenllal I'nderneath Iheiu are tax- miallty sime tha war multiplied her than 100 no rirles, with an million cartridges, T a. ta. and mn rovrrro in iw nniieun. in a mil r.c lli.u the need of precisely the things (Iran tlsas between attract ninmieii.in which those the additional supplies 0r 10000 IWCC Ilir Tin MllOrilOIIU- I'llin ' 'TlllV ti f I!..- loan u Iw. bnnu . retourret supplied, nrfirlal tnd rifles 11 p m Mr. (turldin nlllned the ratentlal featu rigurea Jual furnished to the Associated per month, mora thm 101 machine guns or the ineiaure. "The nirted frame, built or the besi I'rett show bow, crippled ta tha wat, with the necessary munition supplies, mora Phooa Us Yoor Ordars ma. nila lh.it money ran buy taja Ingl In- The late compUaalon pro Franca metamorphosed her remaining thm t million hand grenade She furnlthed in (. .1 motor, developing metlmiini bar field guns, ' in Ihe bill would dustrial tnd Improviaad new ones to it to with hetvy artillery, trench l.r coni of amount of power on minimum to ihe met gum fire m Tubera, throe to b ipiiolnted hyl i snviun utlllte maximum her remaining runs with tn initial TheElitiCwftctioneryCo. aaaollne; T ungen axles and hearing not only auppptylng own army tupply or munitions ror each with the tat fuvemor. one to be membei ..r the tw. bar tnd ,,r but handing ovar nearly quarter or her undertaking to keep that tuppply up to the ftrultj colli ge mil the ..tl IIM lie ,.,,a.v . Ui,...... , - . ,J.. th.. output In arms allies raqulremantt. France gave the Rumanian llllj- of Ihr lilverMly ll mem md munitions to her of lei rxpeclill) whm topped by nice looking, army ber would crv wiu.oul pay. France hat supplied to the Belgians. Mus ill Its engineering materiel. Including well appointed body." sltnt Italians Serbians and Rumanians great telephonic md telegraphic lines, ind all Itt The llnmrinir or tlie roinmuaion miy II. H. Baker, of Ihe Ho'ton Y. M. C. A., Willi.- coming through the deaert, en qiitntttlet of arms wireless outfit, with certain number of be done two inch tnd munitions at t Custom ASSAY Office in wty Ime method would trlved Id El Piao tbla week from "an I'lego, route Irom citirnrnlt. Mr. Biker wta she hit manufactured heraelf tad ha aban automobile searchlights tnd more thm too be by direct tpy.ro.nition The other, ind Pi CRITCHKTT FF.RGl SON Netherlands Delegates Cal, en to p.., ton. Mtaa., on 1 motor abandon MLmichine alter he had dnned to her allies portion of tesrrhllghts or different calibers, with ,M0 a the one Mr . route considerable fivored lit .o..l. It by puahed It through tlie aind for tcvertl whit she bought road torn of barbed wire. Aasayers, I'bexnlsta, Metallurgiate. 1 on motor bicycle, 1 new invention, which la the titt lb tu tehlclei The May Get Raised Salaries mllat. lit wax 16 mllet from a well and "The cessions of war France has All the aviation material used. by Ruromli Reprósentavtlx ss (or Ore Shippers, ror a or supplies ritl Ui per rauda, but Mr. engine on the front wheel or the bicycle. hid one half pint of water In hla rinteen. made to her tilles ire not regarded at Il of French manufactura; tha Flench flying Ban FranrtK-- 8t. Dofliland lua decided A sic tit I tint Ui of ll.K Aaancltted Praia Correapondence. Mr. baker making 1 round trip from He vrtved it the well In in exhtii'ted con- irires," tn ornear of tha general stys corps reded pi them son midlines ror pur Fl "sao. Teína. wmiiri Hi turf be tmplo. ravort a rial lat having made the trip from Boaton dition. He carrlea two rinteent with him "We simply delegate part en suit, bombardment md raconnolterlng. while or a horMtiowaf tlie wear The llarue, "tcllierltnd, lec. jo. The taut t of our tu. ta to nan luego on a bicycle. He left Hoalon tnd hit 1 combination aleeplng bag md ergies to thote Who are In to la not de- aecnnd parlivttn-- I situation tcenrdimr b. be cbamlier of hit pitned t June 7. loir., with letter from the mayor kntpatck which welgha Su poundt. employ them lo the beat tdvanuge." A In the t clare liettcr iiiciiiod. opinion of nevlaed article of the connlllutlon which or Boaton to the mayor of Sin rrtneltco. "I am miking the trip merely ror tn id- - Faroe amount to Allies. Mr. Would be to the on oorhlm. bite tai will the aalarteii of ra He irrived In Sin Franciaeo November Tl, enture tnd lor no other reaton," atld Mr. nr Itt total production tinea tha begin- the load per wheel or per Inch of tire. ralte mmnlx from MOD to ll.ldn 1 year. 'Ptpailtl will, In M II6. He iv. It la always the beat thing Biker. He atld that tr he tried to break a ning of the wtr. France flu turned over to dm. in. be paid their trivelin etpaotet. and Pi tike plenty or time on the road. In many record he would not know to much ibout Its allies quantities that represent the fol- R. W. Deason Tells How on retirement tet in annual penMHl equal or the piteen he atopped Tor 1 month it a Ihe placea or interest tlong the road. He lowing proportions: A Happy, Prosperous to Ian ror every yen in which they ail time Hie rider will tuy In El Ptto ror hta with Mm 1 letter from the mayor or Mirle to par cant Smart Lines in a Car the rhimner up to 1 maximum of tsun. The about 1 week before leiving ror the eut. Sin Diego to the mayor of Boaton. artri.lges ft par cent roveíninenf prspoaal lo iv an addllloiiai Field run shells SO par cant Attract Purchasers itteiKtanre ree or tt per miwr with a view Hetvy trtlllery immunl- - , to conihlttitit "ibaenleemm waa rejected tlon to per cent at lieinr incompatible with tlie cliauiljer'a Slate Conference of Boy May Lose Arm as Trench mortars IS per cant "It or tlie people pi Amerlrin dit7ilty. Hind grenades TV4 per cant wtiit the liteat appolntmenta In motor Negro Citizens to Be Result Accidental " of Protecting masks against rtr. aty Ft. W. Detaon of the El Ptto 01 It M 01 and se. nffoeatlng gat to per cant 1917 ii.itn. 22-2- Aato Balai comptny, dlatnbiitora or (ha DOiVT MISS THIS, cut out thl 'Hp. cn in Ft. Worth Feb. 3 Discharge of Shotgun Powder s per cent Saxon motor e.lnae with r,c mall It to Foley Co.. cira tnd Other explosives S par cent "lt' ot Dial WO:. Sheffield Ave Chicago, III , writing Jutl mother indlcttlon treat By Timet Rpecltl Correapondent. By Tlmej Speclil Correspondent. A French officer styt that up to October maxim or Amel a. 'only the lateat the your ntme and addrn't cleirly. You will from the ind in return 1 pickige contain Fort Worth, Texia, Dec. .A attte Rafford, Arlt., Dec. 30. The oldest la, Frmce had supplied with more beat,' I would the rxieive trial ton Ruttlt bet most tnythlnr that Ing foHyi Honey md Ttr Compound, tor of negro cltlxena la cilled Pi meet thm 00.000 rifles mora than M0. 000,000 ftneat motor to of I.tytnp met with serious acci- tnd in the country, fattened cougha, cold', and croup; Koley Kidney February tt md ion. m the city or Fort OMf i cartridges; tent her tevertl hundred pieces great-e- t morning the iMnliett ehiitlt tnd built ror tha Pilla, for pain In aldea tnd baik. raeumi Worth, Texia, for the pnrpoae or conferring dent Tneadiy whHe out driving of hetvy artillery, millions or projectiles ut.hM orfee no Uracth.n Ham. Iitckiche. kidney ind blidder ill with boy compmlon. The boys left home eorlomore and dlacu.aiiig Indiielrlil, eronomlctl. I ror rieid guns, millions or hind grenades to the motoriM of today ir It lopped V, ! lai ois, a wimin-l.- lo get up i.. - foothills to hunt gime wia "'""i""tlie and thorniiiflih' cleanalug edurational, politiril ind ainltiry md thousands or aeroplane motors. Oakland Auto Co. or or cathaillc. i hey the ahiHgun between Sales 1 body the vintage rive year flir MlltllBeM, headache ami 'ubierta or problema affecting the negro md plpiced technical experta apeclallats ooojttpauon, them, in aoma unaccountable muuer tlie "French md Mo- eliiararleh bowela.- A. K. Ityan. Owl Urug race of Texaa. A rull ind complete pro were also sent to Rustía to Intenslfly the ow, I gun went orr young am not trying lo my that the .more Adv. gram, netting forth what topici will be dla- - ind .lyton rcrelved home production,", be are now the mil Imptct In hla left arm. tearing the iiid. "There DUtaed and axalgnlng them to dirrererrt twenty-tw- or rieab entirely rrom the ahoulder ind orflcers md t subaltern negro leidera, will be published In ample fleers md soldiers or the French irmy oc tune for ill P get a correct view of whit md exposing the bone. It 11 quite doubtful If the arm cm be saved. rupylng important posti In Russlm munition la iQught to be tccompllthed by the con- rtctorlet." Highest efficiency of service our permanent aim. ference. Ihe most important French million sent ' The conference will be held under the Cregor, Auto Salesman, to Huttlan wis that headed by Colonel Pyot, Every Oakland owner a booster our slogan. Hii'iiirea or the Fort Worth Historical, I. It who trantformed Into munition factories 1 un md llev nrrh society'. No pains Will Returns to El Paso great many establishments, that hid not lie or ronfer-anc- e That's why we sold FIVE CARS FRIDAY. ; I spared to make the work the previously worked for national detente. both ind ixuieflriai tp ill Riw Materials rrom France. tttatMn I m H. Cregor, formerly with the Lone negroes of Texas, but for that matter all Riw materials md coal hive been sent In Let us give you demonstration. negroes everywhere. The retti"as md fitar Motor company, but for tha patt rour large qu untitles from Frmce to Italy, to- a migratory sentiment among negroes muat Riontbt with the Dodge tgency In Lincoln, gether with a number or batteries or hetvy be studied and honest, patriotic leader- artillery with a tupply or shells to go With in MeD., will return to 1.1 Piao Monday md R. C. WATERS, R. C. CARR, CHEVROLET ship must be issertéd, md a aelfltb, im- It Besides keeping up the provision of pro- will Motor! moral corrupt be ttaoclited with the Southern jectiles these guns. fur- md t letderthlp, whertver I for heivy Frmce General Manager. Mgr. El Paso Sales. such are round, must be weeded out and company. nished Italy with a considerable number or "Mr. Cregor ' put Into the hirkgrotind If the negro rice It contldered a charged shells md engaged to sup- atleaman, arid will have of 1 Is to Iteróme 1 firlor In the rlgtltooui uplift charge the tilea ply regularly several thousand empty shells or of humanity in the roture. end the company," atld David Hustek, per diy. Five hundred thoutand helmets. tlie maniger. "I hve been trying to secure ' All interested In the peace, haprilnesa. hla Atí Wi or services for six months and hive at lilt weirare md material protpcrlty the tucceaded.M negro race are Invited to be preaent. The committee coti)prlse: William M. Mc MonaM. It, t:. Hou.loii. Jr., prof, W. O No Sales Periods IIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl More Standard Parts Biindy, Tom Maaon, Hev. s. It. Prince. Bev. IIIIMIM.IIIIMIIIMTTTm W. (i. pa haw, O. C. Crook. N. Johnaon, 0 Now for Motor Cars N. T. (Illy. Dr. ;. W. Tildón. Hev. H VYIOB, liev. H. s. Jenklna, Prof. i. Stlet periods in the sutomoblle Industry More H. C. N. Ueorge, Power W. Hirvay, Hirvey Maemt are gradually becoming t thing of the past. II. Brown, II Oliver md o. W. üptbaw. It This Is the ballef of en J. Trust of the Franklin Motor company. More Speed New Models Will Be "It will be 1 matter or only a few years before tutomoMIe Selling will be an all Acme of Perfection year round business." , "One noticeable fact about the siles period automobiles On less fuel for less money than any Convenience, comfort tnd luxury never for It that the rill will months are now tha bett telling months In dreamed of In cart or'prertoxit yetn the year. be In tha new models toon to evidenced tendency to buy In fall Is con- reach Fl Ptto. "Tbt the other motor car built baa out- trolled 10 a largo extent br the fact that The manufirture of motor cart buying In evolution ebaracter-lie- agricultural communities is lived tha feverish that done largely In the fall. I stage Hyatt Roller Bearing. Four-Do- Body ta experimental and bat Ittelf about certain fundamental i.ongv en be carsrut or your pennmenry Darfbgt principien or construction, the tnecks. i.eive it Looarwsirs. Ts! ; Adv. Two-Un- it Auto-Lit- e VVUlard Battery or which It aiaured. The matter minds of the industry bive bean rree to mrmulate liniirovements iilruluted to minimize Starting and Lighting Connecticut Ignition illscoinforu or nioioi ing md to multiply Itt plnisiires. They have taken i roll Uvtll-tag- BANKING BY MAIL Honeycomb Radiator Valve-in-Hea- d Motor or Ihe opportoulty orrereu them md their achievement along these Hue. find adtxjuate exprettlon In ttui teuon'i 9b Compound Streamline Type which ara up to tbt minute in me- chanical perfection, gricaXulnesi or con- tour and artiitic charm. Interest 4afm REQUEST for oar new Price Increase Announced AsA free booklet, "Banking Bringing You Hearty " by Mail," cirrisa with It in Willys-Overlan- d Cars no obligation to open an ac count, and all wa ask Is an op Greetings for the New Year It his been definitely announced that Ihe portunity to explain clearly why prlres of cart will be your savings should earn 4 per rrom MX) lo gMo, arrordlng to the cent, and wiry your money will year is now fast approaching and the $565 modele, 011 md arter January I, KIT. be absolutely safe If sent by gnatl Manager M. Stum Company takes this opportunity of F. of the El Paso to this Institution. Tou may ANOTHER Overlsnd Auto lompsny hat Juat rccelvsd 1916. notice of the price Increase. have occasion to thank ua for thanking you for a record business in For the In speaking or the new prices, Mr. Han thla sutTsrestlon. new year we promise you a continuance of the same nell says; "The Overland raclory bat bald, Writs today, and ask for ou "We've Got'Em orr disturbing prices to ihe list minuta, Now Booklet. courtesy, efficiency and fair dealing of the past It will be but Uui time has been reached where the or labor md the increased cost of our aim to add the latest accessories as fast as they make and raw material must be considered In mar- EL PASO BANK on the market; keep lines complete keting the product. their appearance to our Ilia rssull It that the Willy a overland and to serve you promptly and efficiency. company has had to raise its priest along AND TRUST CO. You Can't Break Willi tlie other lumuractureri or ttaudird 'Em" cart " A Guaranty Fund Bank lemernber We have everything for every car. HTKAMMHIP FROF1I1 tUUt.SSO El Paso, Tazas Aaeocittud press Correspondence. lokio. Her N The M- on Yutsn kalahs, J. W. KIRKPATRICK. Pres. the empire's Itrgeat steamship Company, anuouiires net profits snauuiillng to about i...vi.ni during tlie first half or the cur rent year. Tins Is about t,aOajXXl more Tri-Stá- tluui tbe prorils during the prsvtoiis te tlx deaertasUoa I Inc. Co eeeteh sad of year iastaxasJse Motor Co., International Auto months A dividend or St per cent will be has tat sdelai aataxaaaaility. meeting or satesiaasbls nateast declared at a the slocJxiioMers mrW by era 000 oej 1. trtlsMsTl taisatr I thla 11... I, III xIHmhh eassrt- ftvaa bar fra. Haast Seek ea I 601-60- Phone 4200 West San Antonio and Leon Su. Phone 1921. 5 Texaa St. WtaiastTtwsVaaaska. 1 rtsjs' sasarsans. I tirsp lubricant, cause undue wear. The a prtxas s f ssiistsi 1 , best Is IU cHeapoi the nd; because aunn vis. MUnnnjKKIUIBBEKtBtBIBInKKKHnKBBBPEBBBMKi lliey but longer md preteut frlrUon Maxaasaaxaaaaaaxaataas leii5ileaeeiaáewawáxxS ' i, " WINTON "Six-33- " MITCHELL CHALMERS SAXON "Six' t SAXON 4Four, Color Beaver Brown Touring , $1260 5 Psjvsarxgar Toatring $11 90 Tourltxa $890 Roaaiatar $648 EJaisorat. Appointments Rotaaiater $690 f . o. b. El Paso $3025 Delivered. Tourinc $1660 Tosjrin. $1460 f . o. b. El Pas 1916 SAXON "SIX" UeUur VmU Arouinl and Inapett This Waraiasi Vswst "St" Prioas Will DEMONSTRATOR tavr. f - o. b. El Paso. f . o. b. El Paso. Advance $60 January 1st. Driven Only 600 Miles A Bargain ALL MODELS IN STOCKCALL ÁND SEE THEM AT OUR SALESROOMS EL PASO AUTO SALES COMPANY, Inc. Phone 6666 114-11-6 North Kansas Street EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916. 17

Diamonds in Building wblrh tvtehes tr attract the attenih PUBLIC DEMANDS Aid OVERLANDS $175,000.000 Worth of good buyers IS qalrk hi lake advants sil ROAMER THREE MILLION the means of communicating with them AUTO 197 Overland Bought afforded by the newspkpet Weekly and monthly publications hair in Less Than Three Weeks their particular advantage, bait the fact LIGHTWEIGHT CARS AUTOS ARE IN USE retnaJna that they appeal to a more llmltod HAS ARRIVED In the dealers' convention at Toledo. Ohio. rlass than doe the newspaper. , I the Willys overland company has rosen . "'' 'e.M,-- d Mr t,ine gatherings Lowest Paid Laborers Complorit? of DwigB Saw Height SUM MlUsom Catra Are-- .,,, , Four Pnatwigf Car of Many Two a Half hunrtnsi ttejerl and on Panama Canal Will in the EJajitt and Tttetre Registered in th United '"r Wests ere entertained m th dan Dtttinctiae FamtatTat Appears CyÜMhr Modele. c,.( Matte Imcember 4 and M," sato F. M Get Increase m Wages in Pasto. gsauatsatll. of H p.,, hl, tttended the con B enuon. "He iieiegatlon numbere i less Mir wejgt i U OtM Of the Ml 111 The duty heights to which th llltcmab:!e tlan HO. High aater mart rear he. I.'- - Associated Press nrrespondenre. Another automobile agemy hat been es- that finished slmollritv which John Tlmb. or Panama. it. The board appointed bj Induatry has mnunted althtn little attrbjThs inrinenre of thi u underfill snogs Pr tablished in 11 Pato. The Itntmer has made historian of American invention, say In tba than a decade are shown In the enterprise has rem spread beyond the con Acting Onvernnr Harding to consider a re fellowlatr It sppeni anee and will b distributed here mmaie stage in mechanical i'lopmpnt rigiireg recently compiled 'lass of Toledo, over the entire ruintry. tlslon or wages and conditions nf employ .mor mrlWIM St UM start l "figures showing the ,.f cars ment or alien ranal laborers, mostly ne by the Simpson-Bic- company of tlte Mis- Mb xotor ears registered in 47 of the world's; purchase groes, bnrdmaotne complexity, which H forced r, eoi ars. a has granted an Increase of about fl garage corner or Corrmbeli m Ira.linr r.mntrle liases asiounoing with value sion Mills snd lv way mmulUr to the tltitl, impla nf Il7:..i0,ai, nr- - contracted ror by per rent In pay tn the lowest paid laborer Motor ear now registered m ti e l.Wtel making or aire I nnwn amen makes the romplei (Ufa or I n'ted tale dealers alone. TTTIs testifies the mmum wage if matead in Is rour passenger model on empment Mam absurd. late, f.snn.oon. to the impression made un visitors by .he cents sn Imur. Minor increases re given riie lioamer a Value or car owned In I tales, ror Tii ' satomoblle Industry I the nltal' r.enprebenslvr line that will first lie pre the more skilled labor and those on If is one nf the classiest cars ever e.soo.ono.ooo. assttlilawi lobs The new wage cale goes passed dmp tba nrat stage and la now tented to visitors si the lew York ahow." brought to I Ptan. II is a Mftle dirferent im..t through the second. Complexity Average value per car. tl,roO. on effect January . The board went on or or rrom Hie ordinary in that It is design aaw tta haled In tba "eights" and Niimhei car to ear'i mile American erorrt as rerognlrlng the obligation ot the mode, "twelves." It seems hardly probable that highway), one. Get Wife, Auto Bug, gv veininent M pay Its men a wage snrri patterned art. i high priced foreign car. H "ill ever be carried further, at least m Increase in real estate values due io tent to maintain them In reasonable com snd has many dlstln. Uce features. car- the number of cylinders titnaportatlnn by automobile, tu to 100 net' to the 16 Body Types rort anil daeeocy, anl stated lhat the high load of Hoam-r- s are now on display at tbe cent. , standard Mission garage They come in different in IMS the street railway business In thU tr in Which the West Indians bad Value of cars exported In tais. MOS.000.Poo. become acenslomed was a reason ror colors, both In the bwlv snd uphnlstertnr "untry waa near a Tba managers Do you know the 16 motor ear body main erial. Public roads in the Unite:'. r.mooo all talnlng Imprioed Each car has It own scheme or decora- aw only way out waa tn Sirte, you cfciq't an up tn conditions that the building miles. types? ir you're not The or lighter car to reduce upkeep cost of both date auto ran .Tbey arc the roatttte deslralillllj housing the employes Hon. Annual new roads Improv cx an i none was The equipped i.ontlnental ra and tracka. Cara which weigh at par and carol coupe, convertible coupe clove ate tana staled, and Acting limnier mili pendltures, no.orjn.nnn. coupelet. Oovernor Hauling motor. battery. Bosrh magneto, cent lea than the ordinary tapa ara rut leal, touring car. aalon touring car. has recommended an Wlllard Motor car steel used In 1015. M,tP0 bins dltlonal appropriation take or Mi ml erg csrburetei ami Honk wire replacing the lalter and with ranch better touring car, sedan, convertible ta- lo rare tins Imitation In TWs reature has wheels. n iilta. leather used IKS, i.'.nn.ooo rtan, open sedan, limousine, open limousine, military aspect, ss rlurlng yarda. tile recent strike It wss brought out The Hlmpaon-Klo- s company will distribute ir or berllne. brougham and landaütal. that the great rallroada the country re Top used in mis, tl.tflr.fso yards. mimical interest operating m Panama the Mount r throughout west rexes. New ilured or oars, mlenal The Society or Automobile i nglneers. the weight locomotives and Hickory and woods used In bodies might prevent many or the from Mexico. Arlsona and northern part of they asee ran other acting .at a kind or American rsdenvy or laborers could millions hi tba yearly In iMM'.Hin going from houses to Mexlro. Itii. board feet. l ettcrs. has for good snd all their aork, and thus bill and the depreciation and upkeep of roll Hinges In denned them cripple the operation ' used II6, 4.tS,50. fo don't gel them wrong, or you'll be of the canal. inr toca and roadbed would be corres - - Additions t raciones In 1m total ll.OOn.- iight sn Igneramu. Ever) nuns piom i n nit pondingly less onn ithi lllltertte i in i. square feet I .in to S4MTH avikhica By Times Special Correspondent, So me of the will be on hand at the ev trx It li In the automobile trade that the i'osi or these additions. lt,000.000. Assoeinted Press Inrrespondenre. 'c.lovls. N. M.. Dec. SO Jack Morris, a light car will ultimately be looked to ror enteenlh annual automobile show in Ma Tokio, nee Number or motor cars which made the York in nrand Central Palace. The Inauguialion leer merchant or Clovla. died Tuesday Hie kind or enrice rim la demanded by transcontinental trip In 1915. S.000. steamship freight sen lee between Japan suiioi hi health had not been good comfort, safety and economy Number or men employed In the industry, and South America, by nay nf tbe lapa of me past hair year or to. he had remained The crudely imple ear of toon was not approximately 700,000. Haynes Organization Hood Mope, la announced naka closeiv at huslneae snd no one had the especially costly to ran. bat neither was ft Prop"! Hon of cars to the United Statea ho. en Kalsha Pour ships. ,.arh or about slightest suspicion he would not h on omrortable. Ever sines flat time the area, one car tu each one and Recovers Stolen Cars S.ISSI tons displacement. III be placed on hand as usual when his store wis opened iiianura-turrr- have been vlelng wtth one Diamond need to lneurr arxsnracy In grinding Overland and Will) Knight square miles. the new line. The boats will start rrom nfter the Christmas holiday. Coming another In to In one to VoJmtsatM and call at Kobe, MoJI, Hong Trim nine year trying build comfort Into their crnnksliaf t Inert, teooo worth of ancnt diamond. the United States there Is ear The bane or the automobile industry Is clovla Mom Nashville. cars. But lu proceas weight was prac- every 40 people. kong, Shanghai. Singapore. Durban. ape h establlahod a grocery business this generous the automobile mor. to his nan. tically labored, with weight Plamonds are sacrificed with wheel is reproduced on the work, an almost Is one In assistance b an. Rio de and Buenos located in Its present the result that In Iowa there ear to ever' It pernicious activity has been mostly con Janeiro Aires. which has been - nu power nave conunuairy oeen ennen to hand In the Interest or mechanical accura- trued wheel Is absolutely necessary in Later the company plana tn take passengers. rrom of the city. habitante. fined lo dealer snd customer, and now a place Hie beginning weight. l a cy at tba Willys Overland rectory, Toledo, these grinding Jobs. The diamond provides 'arry The reanlt certain In Los Angeles there Is one car to every number or manuracturers are roitxtng lire or comfort obtained at high cost. Oblo. s method or making the wheel true cyl- eight lllllllflirtsHHIfininittHHItllllllJ Tba i inhabitant to make an errort to stop his opera JJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllMMtllllMIIMIIIIIIfMIt dawning ers or rtntahed simplicity will Enough of the precious stones to equip a inder, and at the same time produces any f iguring Paso has a population of bnnr or that B Hods. The motor-ca- r manufacturer has at both (omrort and economy. doten prima donnas with tiaras or neck kind a surfsca desired. tOjOno, la one car here to every ten there his command his organization or dealers laces of wonttrotij splendor are yearly lit The diamonds generally used ror wheel inhabitant, wblrh outranks any city In and acceaory makers, and this, when put emery or erally ground to nothing on tba grinding are five classifications, brown Texaa. In play, rorms s network thai promptlv en Drain Motor's Qil wheels used In those parts tracts, gray Jagers, finishing of bort, Konlaln. Bailas trap the tliler and Identities hl then Often, Is Good Advice Overland and Willys Knight cars where ac- and black carbons. These five kinds may Gasoline May Reach Although It haa not Men generally known, curacy and strength are prune requisites. be obtained in varióos sisea and qualities. the Haynes automobile cnmpan. has main These diamonds are used to "true up" Until recently the large majority or the talned an organisation or this kind ror - Thirty Cents the So lona- a present conditions hold tn the the emery wheels. Nothing else la bard stones used by the com- a Gallon benerit or Ita owners ror several years, gasoline market automobile owners should enough. pany came from south Africa, but since the and the system has a notably surr'earul remove the oil from their motors and put no better Instance ran be given or tba war put a stop to the diamond mining tn on Pacific Coast record or recovered rsrs to Its credit. The fresh suppltra every no to 1.000 rnllea policy of the company to that country, the diamond Haynes owner la advised to notify the according to Jack Brace of the Interna turn out a product that is as near perfec buyers have been looking towards Brasil (asoliiie will cost conaumera cents a company Immediately upon loss of his car, firmal Auto company. Hon as mechanical and human endeavor as a new source or supply. gallon within a few weeks if the rorrlgn giving motor number and serial number or "It Is almost a certainty," says Brace, can make It. The lsst aupply or Ktmberley stones. In demand continues to Increase, according to equipment. I.oa Angeles company "that the gasoline sold today for motor In the Wlllya Overland wet grinding de- cidentally, was purchased through the oil representatives. unavoidably get sup with or Tbey claim the supply Is decreasing and If fuel will Into the oil partment, ita hundreds grinding British government Whan the deal was Newspaper Is Logical ply, and the resultant mixture is of low and milling machines, too to 1,000 uncut made an agreement bad to algned by "T "ol ,ner' "?l be the be enougharVa gasoline"S produced" on viscosity, with poor lubricating properties stones are kept in stock almost continu- i ... - the Parirle ,ne Auto Advertising Medium The unvolatlllzed gasoline which la sucked ously. oHcouñVytoby,hr,eIrhi.,r,c,',,n of into the cylinder on starting a cool motor No jeweler Is more rarerul In (be selec- is the common cause of motor lubricants tion or bla wares than the diamond buyers SLTEh These atatentenu were made at a recent "It gel to everybody even' dav." good resolutions on Monday and Besides crankshafts and camshafts, wrist hearing held by he mavor and supply This la the reason advanced by Pember- - Male your becoming diluted below the point of or the company to secure spacers, ttveneaa. the best stones for operations. At push rods, spring brackets. mlttee or the city council The mayor son m. rniianeipuia sales managri these gear gears or the Weatcntt "The . raw gasoline gradually cats the a these diamond replenish- studs and steering work sires to raise the standard or raanline ror aulomohlleT ror rtvorlng don't fail to resolve io come to us for the best rule stocks are are In newapapers lubricating oil and past pistons ed In 16,000 pant the accurate grinding or which city use above the 70 cent now called above all otilar advertising works tba lots. tbe 4er and piston rings down Into the oil reser- When a diamond plays an Important role. ror by the specifications. Some or the oil mediums in the sale of automobiles crankshaft or camtharr has been The newspaper automobile accessories every make of car. voir st the base or the motor. Tba oil thus "rough ground" It Is to men have said that unlesa there It a change has a murl, wider appeal for turned over the MOTOR "BIKEST GROW than any periodical, thinned by gasoline Is unable to form a rinlsblng machines. Here the POPULAR. In conditions they will not bother about bid- other therefore Its grinding la ding value as an advertising ror glmnst vlacous rilm on the friction surface which done by the available and The United States and England are the ror the city contract. medium best machinery public any sort or product Is the oiling system reaches." the beat grinders In the department. Utmost two great motorcycle The welfare committee Is con- InesUmabls. countries. South sidering specifications to provide ror The newspaper reacliea a man when ha care Is exercised to see that the parts America and Australia are promising Holds the sale or and dis- Is In the humor lor reading, and therefor.-l- WATCH OIL coma up to requirements, even to a .0006 wilier, are expected to follow motor other KKDJN. their lead. a receptive atage or mind. la an es- The aereen In the oiling system should of. an Inch. Motorcycle and tillates. It races reliability runs are sential part or his dtily activities. He must removed. This Is the diamonds In he examined and foreign matter where play their becoming extremely popular these cnun WANTS l()i iih inn CATTLÍ. be acquainted with the news or the day washing the crank case trtth kerosene oc important part. Inasmuch as tile slightest tries, and American machotes are acqulr Associated Press Correspondence. or he Is not contented will be Pound beneficial. I Imperrectton qf the or lug an enviable ujonally, cutting surface the reputation there. london. Dee. Oivlng evidence In fa- In getting tbe news or the dav he vor or the or retention t license to tell not help but see advertisements ir Ibe.v iiuiHiiimniiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiuiiiiiii liquor in s small suburb or London, a Motor Supply Co. sre attractively presented. And be, cannot Western farmer said that he found the solitary Inn help but read them ir thai are Inteltigentlv a great convenience. He said he was In written. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AUTO SUPPLIES. tbe habit of giving a quart or beer to tbe Thla applies to every rlass. The Wesltbv rows after calving, and that be also gave man and the man or moderate means ere 3 a whiskey Phone 747 and 748. 8 San Francisco St. S them pint of occasionally. The alike in their dependence on the dally news- Announcing the Arrival of etock would surfer, he ssld, ir deprived paper. i hese beverages. fit thai reason I lie wiling department IIWflMMMIIIIIHNIiseilllN The Roamer "America's Smartest Car" MEN WHO KNOW The criterion of motor established by the No one experienced in the ways of motor cats could possibly drive a car valué ROAMER without appreciating immediately its mechanical distinc- selection of MEN WHO KNOW. tion. He would know at once, for instance, that every part of The The notable example of Studebaher Superiority is ROAMER motor was accurately machined to hair-bread- th fineness. He the endorsement of by would recognize straightway the of Studebaher motor cars these lack vibration. men. The Roamer "America's Smartest Car" High salaried men of mechanical genius men who have owned and driven their own motor cars since the You throttle mile can a ROAMER down to a and a half in "high"; days of "high wheelers;" thoughtful men who Under- you can accelerate to forty miles how in intermediate an within a few stand the true merit of mechanical excellence these seconds, and turn fifty-fiv- e miles an hour sweetly and silently at high speed. men have placed the seal of their approval on Stude- In beauty and luxury of appointments, baher motor cars. They KNOW the excellent mechan- ' The Specifications the ROAMER is second to none. One ical features found only in fine motor cars. t fwuincHiiel motor, ala cylinders, inspection of this fine car will convince They HotM'h high tetutlrm iiuqrnoto. see these features embodied in the new Stude- you. It is comfortable and easy riding, baher,. They ' drive Studebaher s THEY KNOW. Mi) ur Klartiiig aad syattsm. has lots of leg room and the cushions are ; . f Hwrg m Bar otutrti. Studebaher motor cars, from standpoint Will Us ni taraga hauery. deep and luxurious. a of Power, MtewasH-Watsa- TSMsaoan rood. Poise and Performance are $300 to $600 UNDER-PRICE- Genuet-sf- tesniinnlmJon. We now have these new cars on display. HMaJMr-Hne- asina. Glume y ball bearings (Urge saae). It will be a pleasure to demonstrate them at your convenience. Gill and look them bumari Warser warning signal. over or ring us up and arrange for a "Si" Stufeb4tkar "Four" Stitdebatktjr Commercial Mass's ware wtaeess, Serias If Sanias 18 Csm demonstration. g. d kssUirr ufMiulattary. Ttturinc 1,26 ToejrlBf . fl.020 Light Delivery . $ 30 rada latir la Ratkdaier $1,140 a. RotM.a4atr $ 050 Otta-To- n Eapreas $1,350 wttii Maraitall

mgtirsl grade taaisortad .uní fle All prioea I . o. b. El Paeo. saallr aeartor rtoth top Simpson-Ric- e Hrw snotoaarlar. Co. Goodyear sural Urea. Tbe HUAMCH Itaa lite . ..llll.l. l.l oqulparaeetl, Insuaaag Mission (iarage ELLIOTT-GARRET- wire satanes, T CO., laaeea oat-- at laafiridaaiiy paiutad Southwestern Distributors Ltd. fc yoa-- Phone 797 Mills at Campbell Southwestern Distributors. j Phone 963. 600-60- 6 West San Antonio StT t Té KL PASU MUKNtNG TIMES, SUNDAY, PfcUfcMBER 31, 19Tt.

LOW Wins Famous Endurance Race Tire Prices to Rue; GRAVITY GAS BRITISH BISHOP IS pound on account of the big scarcity of TIRE PRICES May Go Up 20 Per Cent; F.iTtaBar, and See ralead cotton, two or ta moat popular gradea used "ubmarlne war Rubber arid Fabric High faro, weather conditions end manipulation NOW UNDER FIRE VISITOR TO GERMANY an ate AJeiaadrlec exchange were nasinal-ke- e MAY ADVANCE According to una ad vires raaatrtS e big rise tn Egyptian cotton Greet Britainlr IS largely control of from taw east, tbe rise tn ate pitees of in the rs Bory Anglican Island cotton, which It aaatnly contracted Rev. Herbert of urea. fbralsusa for the lest flaw weeks, la Sold TiaafcaBSÉaaaaHtlataa3BÉaB for before tbe American tire makers or duck Opinión Is They Will Poor Grade of GaoKn It Church of North Europe not rsr off. Prices are expected to go ttp matera heve e 'hence to buy. General and Better Standard la Lauda Teutona. et least to per cent The material sc art-- r 20 to 28 Par Sought end their unprecedented prices have been Cant. the main reasons ror Though ras- Gaston Lumber Company Press Correspondenre the rise Associated her hes not risen exorbitantly, aearagtng tn Jhr rr,icr; Mir-a- n of minea it VaMns Loneoa, rer. The Ht Hev Herbert cent a pound, tbe other materials which go Builds Modem Yard Reporta wWch hare been current ror sev- ton Is enll'tlnr rhemleU n.1 mlnerelnrlsta rtnry, bishop or the Anglican church ror hilo the makeup of tires, have risen on aa eral weeks that the prices of urea were go Eng- about tn ' eom- - in n Mton tn define Unit"! Mate steml- - northern Europe, the first and only eierage per cent For Instance, The new yard of the Oaston Lumber mg to be advanced seem to have consider mat to in imang tire fabric, one of tbe rmpejrtanl parts of pany, end wt inesns tm for in- - .un. Amonr those who bar lishmen hes been admitted corner Tetes itrasna. able truth behind them. the war, has to the tire, has risen In price about 100 per during Just returned bat Bean completed and is new ready ror Dallas, fwn Invited tn submit tbelr rrttirlems ef end given out a remarkable story rent Chemicals, cotton, labor, rent, ship- W. T. Patrie of treasurer of the .prortosed rlessiriratlon, together with inch has been given prominence in the ping conditions. aH have bad their potent Quirk Tire Serrlce was In El Faoo vaster on of tbe tenta- in lush newspspcra. Blíhop Fury empha- effects priesa. n la said to be one of tbe most mortem D. C. Booth, manager nurr"lln for Imprnwmni A day conferring with sises Of the Herman 'itgry few of the tire companies are looking are many chief or the courtesy r and complete lumber yarda in the south Kl aar i lee, tive tanrtard ebemliu be to the future by advising their dealers to of the Paso branch of tbe and rp.t,M rómpanles authorities, who were anxious lhat west, no expense having been spared to nr should see the Improvements at thi ' get tn their tires immediately. One promi- perfection. Tha drive- while here stated he predicted an advance make It a model of rew Th" bureau or min will find ready amp ror British prisoners at .hlch nent concern Is taking no large orders, but ways ere ell of cement and the foundation In tire prices in a days. He thinks - advises to prevent it, and looks from mtiiy sources," one O. H. me i lergyman spent a whole week. Msbop Its dealers to buy at present prices. is on cement pillars. there it no power Ball and the oldamoblla tn which he woo the celebrated annual or of the building built w per cent over np M It mum acpear to refiners, in endurance üermeny aleo i the me the largest companies la guaran- A for an increase of to to run of tha New Jeraer Automobile and Motor rlub, tbia year. nury's visit to forme prívate railway switch haa bean built to nieiiifsitnrers or mtniroMtm and to motor Ubject or his sermon before Ms crowded teeing Its prices for three months. 'Other the plant, giving n the very beat railroad present prices. Driving se7 mllea through i "Every lU efnrrally M quite desirable I hit hleh rara and mud and entered In the contest without any congregation. 4 ncerns state that there Is no logical rea- facilities "It Is Inevitable," said Mr. Petrla. up In M Q. H. Mall, preparation whatsoever Bail a vlctoi v son why pot go to higher prices. The unsettl- Man lai " set rod approved by tbe aiectir honra. or New "My visit waa a great surprise i. the prices should up at the Tbe officials of the company ara w. H thing points place the nidsmoblle m line to win th; present lime; are ror ed Isbor It a big factor, and the government York city, won the relabra ted annual en- men," said flw bishop, "as I aro tie only that they waiting Gaston, president, and Benjamin S hermit market. Tber m.irketed generally hlatorlc Shanley trophy ofrered for the some company to take in Mgti prices of cotton Is another. Every u being durance mn of the Hew Englishman that has been admitted to Ger- the initiative the secretary and treasurer. or low gravity by no jersey Automobile New Jersc contest some to years aao. matter, and ror that reason some them Indication is that rubber is going to ad- furl " and Motor club tbla year, a many Stains the war. I at once explained of mean a as we with perfect another OldsraoMIt lisvlnr won the ron are not arcepUng delivery Do remain on tha vance after the first of the year. All raw satisfactory the sssoiine acore. HI ear waa an OkSamohtle to them that came after an Invitation from orders for future not allow water to were furnished Kirtu t'.st In IBM, with three nina necessary at guaranteed prices. in cold weather, aa it material that roes Into tasa advanred five or sli yeersiegxj, before Met he had 14,000 the Herman authorities and with Uie full leather upholstery previously driven mllea to secure possession i rmously the past six the tremendous demand or the present day sanction or my own government as Msbop high coat of fabric has been largely win cause it to crack. ano during months." tu fell. A continually inrrrsung percent-i- t or Northern Europe. motor of this fuel faili to vaporlM it at camp except a Capital-to-Capit- i remained the for lomper ature about fff degrees. Hup al E. H. Fletcher Has Taken visit to the war orrtce at Berlin, wbere "I should tike to the rederal govem-1- the administration connected with pi leon .mi establish a lilirliT lamlard than tlx Car Now South era gave me an official reception, and ror or cleaslfl-ratlo- Towing the Oldsmobile Agency now In use. instead a one when visited tbe orriccr- camp Including dar several qualities, the stand- Mahkemv rgl". I was shown the whole When the Rupmobile i M rieb'her, a well known young s el ard flnallr adopted should he an approval, life of tbe camp, and had my meals with I car waa e man of Kl Paau, has agency think, of only one grade. It mi ant well painted for its Journey taken the tbe men lofts and and for the Oldsmobile car. He haa placed an In their be designated motor gasoline, a compli- thrnurbout toe country, Including e visit In spare moments received special messages cated rlassinrgtlon would confuse nrder for several carloads or machines, motorlita Into every atete, a map of United for lends in England. THE UNIVERSAL CAR I should the flutes rod the fust shlptneut will arrive in about and rover deceitful practices. Mt waa Camp at the at per rent, meanliiir In painted on each tormeau door, smell three weeks. Inspects Rubiebra. standard is that "I inspected tbe camp el Kubleben from a vaportiinr teat 9f per rent of fluid dots indicated each capital. Tbe ildsrnobolie is In tha manufactured of id to and the men nightly. aold at S. Approved Motor Daeollne Lansing Mich, by the (leneral Motors com- and. addressed r. The Joke, however, waa on the painter, I Bundey. pany, bald four services on wit would distill pure gasoline at tan derreea for when tha car arrived at Washington on aid to be the largest automobile neaáed an exhibition rootball match, a play organization In Tbey control cant! arada. the world. at the theater, attended apeclal concerts LAST for the the following day, AT Aurtist rt start a. n FORDS even the lion ENOUGH "Of bourse, with such a standard, Cadillac and aeverai other and In reel, In ail phasei of the of the the cera. company capitalised particlpeted and a public educated to demand it, tbare members tour noticed that This la camp life. tin would he many who would tuy lower national capital, Waahtnrton. had been at 0,110,000 and employe TO.000 men. The "In all my varied experience I hare never Oldsmobile la one or Hie on Quality fuel That would he thalr own dotted list. oldest cars seen a organized or community omitted from the Charles the now better bit arralr, between them rod their own motora. waa Immediately elected rhler painter market and Is entering Its nine life. The prisoners administered their own WE WILL MAKE-- "Moreover, the automobile leaatta yaaT or manufacturer for tile trip, lie started the rollowlnr mun- - construction affaire entirely and the Uermen guard and till would be responsible for tlia Invention lnr by painting In a neUonel capital Mr. Fletcher contompletes Ihe erection the offlclel censor seemed to be there fust and improvement or mciiianiral aide to to ementa Aa each apltal was Hailed there- ,' eñe ruirill reiiuai efficient use or fuel. Oond carburetlon slate . ih i.,..i.... ,'.iril. 11 hoi "Among the is no alter, was y'a duty to drew i.ooo prisoners there la essential. Huperini enrlne design It Sainton the p rosen will et rorner Is mucn red line indicating tbe t be lorslcd the crime end the moral standard rod construction elweys will toll, whatever route whlrh had or Montana North a community of of Fords and Stanton streets. higher than Is usual in Immediate Delivery been from one capitel to an- the type of fttel naed, but It may never traversed such dimensions. All kinds or civilising, Aa tin- car Is now In The uldsmobile la a moderate priced car, count an much aa In the present dev. when other. the south humanlilug and spiritual influences are at finishing Its long- Journey, tbia line 1111 paianugcr selling at 11,470 dell lo gravity Is tn general has As ror Uie men practlcelly Ilvei raaoline uie." now ere) 1,1 1'aso, and the at work. rood. been tended. that It covered upon their parrels from home. Everything or state-I- t II, ate delivered, cm the first of .March KKEJ UH a hi - MUI v prartlrally all the United goes or camp lu nn Uie company put a new foui that tó tin life tbe the Keep the a will be flellabury out way or been sent out rrom brake properly adjusted rod remembered that rac which will materials haa equalized, and do not apply or and party spent Thanksgiving day in l.l retail England or at the expense or the abruptly In El I'aso at about i."si It will be some- provided with clutch and reara enr aired, as ahorka aao, the rueala or M. A. Common or the British government. By the Latter Part of January what smaller than the present to working parta. Toltelk Motor rompeny. Not Bothered by Censar. are tranamltted the model. Is said to be car It a nifty may add all from the men and e ready seller. "I that letters may be relied upon as accurate, as prac- tically everyone with whom I came in con- Many Automobiles Sold tact said they found It so difficult to pur-- ( All Back Orders Will Be Filled Within lede relations at home that they were not During the Holidays keeping something back The camp censor Days. Our Shipments Are a German orflcer Is an absolutely fair Next Fifteen and straight man. In full sympathy with "Never since motor car the entered prisoners . Although he could have Literally Pouring In Now. Peso a holiday sea- - tbe has Hiere been belter done so be wished, he never once at- aon In the than or lad automobile tpade that tended a meeting at which I spoke, and says M. A. manager or ItrlA," Compton. was allowed to bring away every not I tin- company, or appeal to our prospective purchasers to take advantage of this glad time, Toltelk Motor distributors made and every paper given to me. We Helge and Hupmoblle cars "In fact, was never once Interfered during January and February, when deliver without delay. There "Our selea for tbe mouth of December wllh in the slightest degree rrom full and we can isliow that more buyers purchased car as men WPhone uninterrupted connection with the will be shortage in the Spring NOW.' , 859 family Christinas presenta Than erer be from start to finish. On the last night of a ORDER I I W fore. The purchase of motor cera means I pris- i FOR OUR my stay obtained permission for the prosperity. oners to alng 'God save the king," and this "It ta not, like on soma occasions, tha was repeated when I addressed the whole J hi inline nt or other pleasurea to secure camp tn toe open air. shall never rorget aggregate or to the amusement end brnertt the ene or Indescribable enthusiasm." Tri-Sta- Up be secured lrt e conrrete form Cf owning Bishop Bury's conclusion was that under te lurry Service a motor car.' conditions and the Co., Inc. these Motor "The Christmas automobile does not sub- cf the German authorities, life at Buhleben stitute the old line Christmas present. was not only tolerable, but character-nulld-lu- ANY TIME YOU HAVE AUTO TIRE TROUBLE They have to br given Just the same, and aa an experience. Southeastern Distributors. aildod to these eipenUlturea, the extra cost WILL COME AT ONCE or ii. e Christmas automobile, It proves that Phone 4200 prosperity It present. Dr. C. F. Aged's Former DON'T FORGET "This Is Indicative or a wonderful year West San Antonio and Leon Sts. Tor IVI7. lite gnat prosperity that the Pastorate Is Satisfied east has been enjoying has commenced to reach the southwest, and while we will With Present Minister J. W. Kirkpatrick, Gen'l Mgr. Our Vulcanizing Plant never have the wild times of the Atlentlr Lee Davis, Mgr. Ford Sales. - Will Save You From 10 to 25 Per Cent coast, yet we are sure to enjoy a staple Associated Press orrenpondence. rfgW MEXICO- proapelrlty without rear or a congestive Liverpool. Dei- - i8 Dr. charles F. Aked, ALL WORK reaction." heat known In ihe I nited Hiatos as one time GUARANTEED pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church Flaxseed or other radiator compounds John l. lioekefeiier churchi aim laier as should be avoided when troubled with member of the Ford peace expedition, has American Auto Supply Co. teakaire aa thev etnn rlrriiUUoli and mil orne Into pronuneree here egaln through the fine lubes or passages in the cooling !"" refusal of his former congregation, that Surceaaora El Pateo Supply Co. him- The to Auto system. A lepalr man should be con or Pembroke Cliapel. to recall peace H. H. SWEENEY, Proprietor suited. suggestion that the adocate be asked to come back to his old pulpit was con- 312 Texas St tained In a letter from 1. II. Morse, senior deacon of the First congregational church or San Francisco, and was read to Ihe con grcgatlon by the present pastor, the Bev Donald B. Eraser. Tnlf; ESQ Mr. Morse Inquired If the paator. Mr. Fra aja. eWai' M ser, Is prepared to vacate the pastorate in favor of Dr. Aked, and it Pembroke cliapel will recall the peece emissary, adding think, upon Uie whole, that would be the mosi complete vindication nr Dr. Aked poa AÜTOtiMlDffiECTORY slble, and settle ror ail time Dr. Aked'i Status in the Christian ministry." The writ er said be would gladly uke up tbe matter with Dr. Aked. ALL SIZES AM. THE TIME. As soon aa Mr. Eraser had finished read ink letter, a member of the rongrega Leak-Pro- of Western Motor Supply Co. the Rings lion proposed a vole of confidence In the New Phonos 747 and 748 present pastor, which wn- - immetiiahly 3IS San Franc 1oo St. onded and carried unanimously.

BORDERLAND AUTO Denmark Is Beginning TIRES SUPPLY CO. un v i ausrr a bit. to Feel Pinch of War LEE ajrn-aaU- ri.AU. auaet PfjMtnuiUC PROOF. I. OOlUs lK MYKTLE and KANSAS Associated Press Correspondence. Unusually Wide many Doors We are tht originators Copenhagen. Dec. Denmark, like other neutral countries, Is beginning tn feel Uie pinch or the war. PoodstufTs and Gowns Are Not Spoiled By the Velie of Modern Painless fuel are becoming srarce and the govern- ment has been forced to take atrps to con Dentistry in El Paso aerve auimlles. wide invisible doors of the new 1917 Velie Six are feature that appeals at GOLDEN Bye bread, tbe usual bread of the roun THE to thoee who insist on this convenience so essential to car satisfaction. The lirmeiuher, we doa'l claim to have any try, has since December I. been mixed with long, roomy streamline body with its lasting mirror finish, its genuine leather uphol- pateuied UMihoda lhat others do not or 10 per cent or barley, ana it is neueveo STATE cannot usa i'bsee belong to the ejueck that the percentatre will soon be raised to stery, its deep restful seats, is everything that luxury can suggest. With the silent, woo playa upon the ignorance or weir .i per cent. supple power of the Velie Spociml Continental motor, the dependability of Timken ualieuta rrgarUiug deulielry. Tbeae sun are way to the con or tunc, Plans under regúlala of oí ricas asi s eertaiu length and of homegrown sugar, axles and high grade construction throughout, it is not excelled in any respect. Money LIMITED depart tor new or sell out. sumption price ihee ttelds psraon being al- body open We bav been la Kl Faso three yeara by the Issue of carda, each cannot buy better. Eight styles and closed. See them, and era building our bualnsae on ears lowed one pound a week. grounli putting our wbole soul and so Houses and ruts are acaree, owing to M. L NAQUIN, Distributor, EL PASO. earn We want or building made necessary LINE dtavui lulo undertaking. tbe cessation 603-- SH8RT the good will and beat word of our fui by the eased price of materials. For Telephone 3486 TRAVIS BAILEY, Local Agent 5 Montana St. mean Inn low beluga, ami to have it some time pa.--i tbe inunictpejlues heve been Tbe price Hal ul deulai woik publlitiea Pi ror many Uae ceo absolutely relied upou, compelled find shelter ho herewith school buildings In From El Paso as laslUied to by lbs very best ciieuieio leaa remalles In and VELIE MOTORS CORPORATION, MOLINE, In El I aao Tha prices era the lowest temporary alruotures. ILLINOIS pueaiole (or rine, accurate wort. A , rataUxs) asta Rasqúese Gold Crowns, SS karat. te lo SS.00 coarr ar monkkvs advancs. TO Brtdae Work S4 to SS.V0 Bv Associated Press. ttubber Italos SB aad up Washington D. C Dee. rood, Velie City hrs. 15 while paper and shoe prices, the rust or Kansas 2S ml liolU PUlluga $1 and apkj II Biltwel M monkeys hes goue up, and was disclosed St. Louis 41 " 35 btiver Vtliluae SS aad up today that pattwiloalcei experuuenls being " " rainless SSo conducted by Uie public health service ere S i x eat-s- Chicago 44 20 ui danger or being seriously hampered by ,rk ho annual with less iban U reara' as " 10 parlance m our ofricc. All work abso barrity of available simians Hroemly tbe Balumore 65 a monkeys to be 44 44 luteiy guaranteed Lady atienden'.. Moa service need doseu In Pittsburgh 55 56 sauliaiy uirtcea lu kl Peso. Call end is noc nulled wlUi disease germs In Us by 44 44 ayeel thata gteulc laboratories, but could only gat all. Washington 66 33 and had to pay Hi each. allUoueb e Utile Plulaxselohim 44 24 44 more laan a year ago thg ware usara 65 at aa a bead. American 44 44 York Painless plcnufvl Soute New York 67 28 New luonkeaje are used- OfTUlaia attrlbule tbe 44 44 srertity to Uie closing by tbe wer or tbe Boston 70 00 world's principal wild animal marlet ui Dentists Hamburg. Germany 44VA WIHiaTS MAM ' Alls CITY TICKET OFFICE, Roberts-Bann- er Blag. BLCKUK BUM Java, ui Uie Duuii teal Indies, Imported VvJRr Tat autoeuvblles duruig Ihe first ale mouths '1135 O VSR BUT! CONFBCTlOMJtai Phonos 564 or 5651. aaa Uie NEW LOCATION. of lata tr these rexur rrom Culled tesen reports Consul B. S. Sainton uom aassHlisiHeH Belei la STlHeartJideJMr

the war's turmoil. EUROPEAN of war Uova and the time are not always may not even bitter. Right in ihe the spirit ot strife Bidet of scathing and rldirule remem- and often brutal ber, perhaps, espe- theynometlmee cially at Christmas pause to express-- the time, how near these heart sMe of the war. Ideals are to the great The three ketches things that survive abown herewith prove all wars? Let these how close sentiment famous artists', Is to the thought of sketches answer the those In the thick of query.

"Playing War.

sasskTsBSJ.V'' JM

day comes, is you!" 'Our ) "Remember, Marie, it all for my darling t" The Magic of Mistletoe By Genevieve Kemble IfAnimals Could TalK In 111". no emblem of Yuletlae served to the congregations in the is a startling fact that If some when Hnnland Invaded it could with so much of temple groves In honor of the ITanimals eould toll their life his- "A great many elephants PERHAPS a hundred religious significance ing of soul and spirit in the super- tory they would be able to recall historical events of are still as the "sacred branch" known as mundane world, and of the union of events which happened hundreds of years ago, while there ravens years ago. living memory could go back the mistletoe. With its curious habits man and woman In the earth-life- , In writing about the whose and properties. Its mystical symbol- - Into rich field oí ver longevity of some animals, a French twice that period. Further this parrot, iim, its quaint traditions. It is both bal antecedents and fostering the naturalist says: "Talking of birds, the the and romantic. sential idea of unity, oneness, whole- - "A Russian eagle, for Instaure, would crow and the swan sometimes live course, To the occultist, the mystic, the ness, of the in many he able to remember watching with a hundred years that is, of student of religions, it is a treasure- - manifestations we trace our words greedy eyes as one by one the French If they do not meet with mlsfnrtun" trove taking him far back on the wife, wide, wine and wisdom. Kus, soldiers under Napoleon fell exhaust- while the heron may live 60 years. tides of time, for all races, nations meaning kiss or concord, peace, ed out of the ranks (n their awful re- "Oeeee and pelicans have survlveil century sparrow 40 and faiths have their myths and phi- - union, brings us straight to the treat from Moscow in 1811. half a and the correspondent to the cult ent source of our popular acceptance "There are crocodiles alive In India years. Pigeons, linnets, cañarle, of the Mistletoe in Ancient Briton of the mistletoe and the oscillatory today which saw the first English cranes and peacocks will live to well and based on the homage attributed privilege. traveler set foot there, while thore over 20 years, while the goldfinch, to .some mystical plant sacred to the . Wy also In life manifesting In ara whales la the sea which may partridge, pheasant, lurk and nigbttn-gal- of 15 18 in manifestation the word manlty, hence wy-- f the woman who have skirted the coast France will live from to years." made flesh. gives birth to life, and wy--n to bless. Scoured in the very wellsprings of to consecrate. Thence cornea the pagan antiquity, the mistletoe has Gaelic out we, us, the whole, also an become a cherished token of Christ- - affirmative, and gul or guy the mas festivity and romance; and French word for mistletoe, though its traditions long antedate While In ancient times garlands On an Alligator Toboggan Cbrlsian- - the birth of Christ and of and bouquets of the weird plant were of the "sights" of Los the chute." a slide way for the pur- according some scholars hung ity, to the in taverns and doorways to Is an alligator farm, pose being erected. The chulo ter- very names and off by many ONK Christ Christmas ward evil and worn as does a prosperous Just- minate In a pond of water. spring from Celtic radicals Cris an good influences, the amulet attracting ness In the hatching and rearing of The oddest thing about the whole holy, pure, or Cristo the Sun for This aversion doubtless sprung from those Interesting business 1m the alligators evi- - among the gathering of saurians. that the Druids a Christian prejudice against a To help out the of this dently enjoy performance. It was the holiest eplsod attractions the the mistletoe plant deemed sacred by the pagans, establishment, some of the fords them, as well as the vlBltors, the grand annual festival iustl- - legend of the holding in monks that reptiles have been taught to "shoot entertainment. tuted In honor of the birth of the the mistletoe bough was cursed and New Sun (Son), being consecrated never again permitted to grow as an to infants and to the spirit- - independent growth, since bad The Alligator Toboggan in Service. ' it ual idea of marriage. been the tree from which waa fash- - The Druldlc ceremony was precur- - loned the cross of the crucifixion, sor to the holy sacrifice of the mass. In the west of England mistletoe Is for a mystical beverage was brewed not allowed to enter Into church ' Á. from the mistletoe and devoutly decorations. I J

BhIíbbbbbbbÜ Uncle Sam's Bird Houses HB forest service is not trying Sorpris national forest, busy during HI THE to grow trees in the the winter season In making forests. It Is doing every- of attractive architecture. MADONNA. From a Drawing by Either 'Peck. thing it can to encourage the in- Such houses are put up in the trees crease of animal lite within the limits by thousands, inviting tenants and ot those reservations. It protects offering them inducements to stay the game, colonizes elk and buffalo, and breed. plants fish in the streams and en- The game, the ftsh and the song- COMPREHENSION courages the presence of songbirds birds make the national forests more and other desirable feathered crea- attractive to tourists which is one A Thought of Christmas Day tures. of the objects the service has In This picture shows a ranger of the view. By Margaret E. Sangrter, Jr. Forest Ranger Making Bird House. know how Mary felt, there in the hay, My little son was born on Christmas day! I know as she bent tenderly above Hirn llSSB She did not think of majesty or power, For He was hers and she was there to love Him ! His hands, as pinkly tinted as a flower, Seemed all too small to carve His deathless story ' What though a star gleamed glorious to guide Him? j .lt jája mk I She snatched Him to her breast as if to hide Him From harm, and pain, and even yes, from glory. And when the wise men came to give their treasure, She smiled at them as proud as any queen; She scarcely saw the jewels in countless measure, The gold that gleamed; her gaze was far serene, Upon the hills where shepherds watched, alone. She did not think of crosses or of dying, For He was just a drowsy baby, lying Wrapped in her love a baby all her own! bSIs i w know how Mary felt, there in the hay, M U littfr non wax horn on Ch tint inns day! 20 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1916. lun- NamM lo attend F.aslrrn ar " cn 'Faust." tor daheeJr. nmr;"" ger, rltrn hv the urdrr hrre Monday hart. "Uevll. ollbert Met. "Clown." evrning W Mallard. Tmctor." J h Bean. Jonn or Cleveland, oblo, who Ball.'' illenn IMiriill, "Farmer," Tryla. lr. Tavhir Woman;" lu brottier. F. H. Taylor, to n. ie sam.'' A. s. Bean. "Old Sliver City two week- - ago, returnrd to John tllenn. Bsa i;reen and c.arlw, -- i his home F. IL Taylor "Clown." Clements, Indian tiler." Tuesday evening. "Knight" will spend the ii isr at the .National naughrrtv. Caruso." Medley. Others present were Mlsae Emma omnn. Methodist sanatorium. . Mr. II Borenstetn and children.. Ra- Annie Lou Qulnn. Tnelma i;iTen, chel and Abe. left Tuesday evening ror sod Rum Pool of ftlerro Blanca; Mew Turk lo iettd an Inrieriulte time. Tliey Tnnlen. Breeding. Hall. Talley, ig will be present at the wedding of Mra. on. Mllllman. McCrarken, provinr. W T. norensteln'a slater. Miss Pearl Bnrenatrln. Medley. Taylor. Yarlto. Mckenle. Bennett. which will take place January U. EM Barry, Tlnnin and Holttteke. Mers. Breed- ing. Hall, Sllllmen. I'n, vine. Ml ll PARK, N M or Mplne attended the big Cbrlstinas dance i clly Sunday en mute In ht home In spend Horrnstrln and Fred Borenstetn WIM go to iron Toolen. Camp A. B. Medley, W. T. American Scenes "Somewhere in Mexico"SoaewMonday nlgbt. . ' ie holidays. .New Vofk ihe last of neit week. Coleman. Taller, on Christmas evening M 7:M o'clock Mlsaea Maud and Leou i.tflettl " William Waltmi and rhildirn of Pa Miss Hattlr kllbnrn. the popular teacher Will Neill. Tom Nelll, Varbo. Mrken-l- - Reed of Miss HHro Buell tn Charlea were In Marfa Monday from me ranch. laclo. Teta, arrived here Sunday lo Join In the Tyrone grhooli, went down to El and Hollbeke. and Rlnre ove. Vcpei hi vewman, v M., wa prrlomied Jrsr Mrilkirr came In from San Miarlo Mr- Walton, who has reamed here for Pas.. Tuesday evening to spend short Smltn. Bill W agrión. Mte and Rosa Perner. at tor Buril how in the I'trk. mum or Thuradav lo arsend the holidays al Home. "of "me for the benefit .r his health vacation. Mack srhirmann. charle Moore, Bor green ferns Mid nrtttlgfcy aatOMlW tin- stem Young, wno iienning ine Rev Brlgnt of AUmcpierqiie delivered Misses Marie bl.il and Juatlre crrl- - Rramr and Leslie Porter, all of Sierra living i II, one corner jf winch w- - College r the Incarnate Word In m Ait- i lh sermon at the Methodist church here grm, teachers at the Hen I orrnm. public-- Blnr, arranged into beiutitul bower for ionio, ta spending Christmas holtdsys at last Sunday im.rnlng riv.oN. are visiting riiend la I'einliia A union Christmas Iree was neia at me party. Mm Mildred Fulghitm Was home. Miss Shirley Vott Wachenhensen. wl is tin- - week. court nouse last ssiiiruay evening. An inaict i.i honor and Her.b?r Thomas from John Anderson len this week (,.i his ain'mting tonisii al Albuquerque, came li,, Inn Boulware and son Hodge went enjoyable program was rendered previous mil ni. .iiiii. Tcs, wan best man. Tfwi home Ut San Angelo, where he will remain down Saturday to spend the Christmas down i,, t:i Paso Tursday evening to spend to Ute arrival of old Santa. A trio by Mr. bride wis itUnd In an exquisite v of mil srirr me .lew Mar holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge several dy on buslneas. W. T. Medley, violin, Elton Sllllmin. violin, White silk crepe inch or, tnidr with i The j .una ladles or the mountain district ,;fary. Jr J. J. Morrison, construction foreman M and Evi Hunter, mandolin, was greatly ap one litre gaUwrvd aklrt, trimmed with plannttnr cuptalti Baldwin or the First Heorgia ng- - the Empire at- predated. It was followed by a mixed , north of Valentine are to gtv zinc company the Cleveland l remit knot... with coréale in surpin.-style- .New Year hall Iment. now suttoned at Kl Paso: w In mine, left Tuesday evening for Socorro quartet. Holy Night," by J. T. Mckenzie, lid u imming of atlk taeeris and Mrs. E. Bean Judge K C. Miller mde a trip n the "V saiurnay en route ni Tyrone v on a short Dullness trip. Miss Jean Mckenzie. J. and Linn mad", rose and btMa. and finished Colquitt rneh this week In eearch or holidays with his sister, Mrs Miss Esther Wright of Burkhorn went J. F. Provine. This beaiitirtil carol waa with i reach knot. Thr heves wen run. I). Irwin, and ramlly. down to Demlng Tuesday to visit her tiren in a very pleasing manner. Mrs. to net "l w- gave al polls of sllvef cmblold. red Mrs. J. M. Weatherlv and baby left this T' Mecrae oí M Paso arrived here brother, John Wright, for several day. fooien. hi her ittrirtlve minner. a crenn and the alan Saturday spend reading. sang very BMrartle week f.r Nacogdoches. They will be gone lo several days with hl Will Card, who lias been up from Co- The children a pretty online d with the, ill net. Hn hrld.tl sometime. swser, sirs. a. r. uranam. ami ramiiy. lumbus several days recuperating from a sonar, "We Will net Ahead or Santa Clans." ii oi ii.. ini. illusion, crowned i. avai Mart southerlln was In from hl ranch m Tttwafts of Tyrane was shop seyrrc cold, returned to mat place Tues Iban Old Santa accompanied by Mrs. Santa . n l wreathed With Utter mbroldere.l and this week for supplies I'"- m the city last week. day evening made then appearinre to the delight of the lili real liagrant oiangc bl.issoroi. The J. C. Bacon of Aberdeen, Miss., arrived In " Tullock sold his residence proper Beiuile Wre ind Robert Bible, who have kiddles, luí ink- wis enjoyed after me bride iriiink away gown was or run w me city mis week. He his accepted a po- - " Ninth street last week to 0, Ham been here for seven' diys visiting rel-- : program. velvet wim furn and i.ai to maten. f - brawn sltlon as drug clerk In me Palace Drug mtrk- w"" recently came here rrom (leor- Uve and friends, to Columbus Monday evening a piny motored to Ilrv. Duncan . Hi Park Pre returned sinre aa 10 locate ror the benerit or his son's Tuesday evening. Sierra Blanca to attend toe annual chrlst- - linn Chores, officiated at the mar I.. Shertfr M. B. Chaslaln came In town rcom " Mr. Tullock undecided Just w hat Mlss Eda Martin left Saturday evening fori mas dance. They were Mlses Sowed. Con-h- l iigt, using ceremony. Relative 1,111 IBtrln the he been col- - wl" probably will remain In home m Hot Springs, ft. M to spend nye WHIye (larren, Dlltz, Breeding, and un n - pniiiliei alK.ut 3a In all river district, where has turren. ina lectlng taxes. Bur until srlHHil Is out In the Christmas with parents. Messrs. Breeding. Armstrong, nriJHMMed Km- rcremouy. The couple her Durrlll, Clark.. Miss Floy Medkirr Pr'ne'. Dr. Hooper and ramlly are spending Cavendet Durrlll, J. E. narren, Wa- In Hi. ir ear to their hotne in New arrived bom the first the clcnn or Ihe week ror me holidays. She Is at Mr- '1nrt - ''"''I Mayes have returned ived, with Mends on the Mis. lace Durrlll, Hug Oarren. man an l shortly alter will iro to the honn; Den-- 10 H lo reside, Hugh Phyllis Steph or Mr Vesper's parents, near Ai tending College or Industrial Arta al calkins returned Wednesday rrom Misses Mirgaret Matan and sn Mr. ami lira. Joe grapa or rne ii Barkeiey, week-en- on Millard tomo. Tana, fur a tall. ton. cal., where he was called several ens spent the list the August Rtiehler and Airred Drirrell lert B"r nrl' l(,M Saturday evening for i weeks ago by the serious nines- - of his ranrb as guests of Misses Millie Mae and Mn l ie II wa the r. tpicnl or a number week Tor Han Anbmlo. where they entine, Texs. to sehd the holldav- - Wttll father, captain Carina calkins, whose death Lydle Millard. Minora jnrl preceding her . el lacla will be me gfuests or Mr. lid Mrs. E. O. relatives. occurred last week, ir . Miss Agnes McOregor returned to her Al in.' Presbyterian manae cieim during Ule holiday. winien. i rraftber rnr me Burra I'arls Bush, editor or Ihe l.ordsburg Lib home Lobo Stindiy. ifler extend rttihcan Matbeaon and J H. vauirnan it list ni Harry Young, Jr., of shifter Is In Marra Mountain copper company, or Tyrone, area erá!, spent Christmas here with relitlves!ed visit to points In Alabama inri east i.i i une o w ith eiiowt-- in her non ir tin- - week for Hie In the city Saturday en route to Kl Paso and rrlenda on Prtdaj afternoon. i.inber of liotidiy. Texas. Miss Kleinor Ellison, at-- j to gpend sen-- .ii days. He was aecom Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Beals lert Wednesday Leigh or El Paso was a and uaefnl gilts were brongtal ror who has been Judge Clark lending at pained by H. Atklus, a prominent ttHnlng evening for Animas. Hi M.. where Wednesday. the honour Tile guest were Mltse scho.d Iienum. returned home Mr. here mat ror the Ik ;idays. man or Tyrone. Mr. Atkins was formerly Bcal has been engaged to teach school for Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock pretty iiueil. Mi ni led nilahinii. Thlaaell, Morse, a Vlrglnl Thomas Is home ror the - "'Hi the cusí Mining company, or Chuma- the remainder of the winter. wedding was solemnized at me home j. i. eke, I.eilP.rd, ll'atncs, Era Hent-- I Christ- home mos li .Inlays. hua. Mcilco. A. C. Ash left Thursday evening ror Co- or H. Lou Qulnn in. Joyce, ilea and Mrsdamrs Beaumris J. Qulnn, wben Miss Annie Is BOOM ror lumbus to look arter his property or i. r, ItintfM, Vaiithnn and Matin ton. Thelma Jones at the holidays. Miss Kirie Jackson and sister, Miss Helen. Interests became toe bride Hugh Milton Erwln, Is me of there. or mi Saturday afVrrtoon Mia Lucille Man She attending college of Industrial linos Altos, left Saturday evening ror Dr. George Trultt Hallas officiating. at l M. S. niarkwell of Socorro, who has li II hostess at a kitchen shower for Arts Denton, Texas. oiilsbuig to spend chrlstm with their been Tbe house wis beauttrully decorated with i I visiting rrlends at Mogollón - Him Buril, I., which the rueaia brought Hve James of Hot Wells Is a visitor In parents. Miss Kffle Jackson one of the for severel iinstma- greens and cut riowers. In in every conceivable kind of whieh Marra this week. teachers at Pinos Altos dya. returned lo hl home Wednesday rrh between the parlor ind dining room utensils evening suspended' wr preaantad In the brid, in a - - :! Miss Minnie Jo Firmer or St. Louis. It. White spent Christmas with his was a large wedding bell to t Professor E. L. Enloe .New dlalipan. Iternahmeni were served Mo.. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Oeorge family at Dentins'. of toe Mexico Which beautiful bows or white satin rib- Sute Normal - lre numerous toasts given. Ttioae ConatructlnK u bridae to replace 'one which had "been waehed coiite. and will remain tn Marfa all win- w Kmll of Hnrlrv was in iii ctiv school left Wednesdav even- bon were atiachrd. At me appointed time aid prei f0r SanU Ke ,Men(1 nit were Miases Buril. Mildred Fiilghom 'Somewhere In Mexico." ter. aturday en route to Demlng on a short to a meeting of the bridal couple entered together and Anno 2 rovercrl nilobe shucka and stockade, conatructed by American Mrs. Winnie Mae Young, who has been business trip stood beneath toe bell while toev were loranec and (iiirscnberry, Kdllli f'anvae Miss Km ReoUro, Martha Hollina, r soldiers fnrthereet south In Mexico. visiting her aunt. Mrs. Kllpatrlck, ror the: Miss Catherine Angle of the normal olgi Kdwirds. who Is teaching joined In holy wedlock. The ring ceremony burke. at '.laily- - Mae Huell pasl several montos, left Tuesday ror Call- - spending the holidays with her parents ut iiool Hodeo, Is home for two weeks' was Tbe bride wore a brown broad- - Mine. Alma rvorvcrl. vacation. ued. loycl lo a. Morñthj l.aaU, MargrrlBuvens, Mr. Welles resigned some time ago to and Misses Ruth and Els Phelps, Cleve forme, where she win remain for the Albuquerque loth sun trimmed In Dir. with accessories ji iala Misses .Mabel Alice the Charles Niaquln ame up rrom El Paso t to match. A luncheon and LnclUe Manden and Mcauamn lake position, anil W. K, larbel Humille and Chester litrrett. At a later winter and Teeds of nor was served, arter n C, Mr. and Mrs. Gallee Bogel are tn are Thoraday to visit ri lends for several days couple Joscp limiiei ami Maud Mandril or LOI Angeles. ;L, will rill the' vacancy hour Mi- Tilion herself was entertained from mal spending the holidays al their which the bridal left immediately - n oiss rami, or Gainesville, Texas, , A ttm 'it me nun, t. irienia to a college n id a Christmas dlnn r at the home or Mr. their ranch this week, guests of Mr. N. home near El Paso. uavis ror luiila-- where they will occupy their He Is elliM'trd arrive lite arrived here Thursday to visit gathered at Mr home to upend th; after commenee his new duties Ihe first of Hie and Mrs. c. K. Russell In the Park. Barclay. Miss Muy I. allium or the normal Is spend her mend, new home. An extensive array or beautt-Tu- l Mis .Miss Hulh carter. Miss and Miss i.'Kiu with tier and lo hem towel for he year. or Hulh Jones and brother. I'riuk, Ing the chiistmas bolldiys at her home In Crter girts were received. Tbe bride Is ma The members the christian Endcavur rrom Davis were former roommates when they kilrhen chisl. prepared an A. F. Barnes and It. W. Ooddard, with cune in tbelr ranch Monday to at- Lake Valley, she has as her guest Mis oldest daughter or Mr. and Mrs. J. H. - o. hiy formed themselves Into bands of attended Mary Baldwin college Stanton, brought by the KU.nl- were served. lu iitliar numbers or the Engineering club minstrels Christmas eve night, giving mum tend the Christmas dance. Lillian Stephenson, also or the normal it Qulnn and Ins been reared in the west, m Christina day Mrs. W I: John mi ol State Coll'ge. have returned renin tln ii pjeaeun to tlielr rrlends by smglng carols. John Pool, Sr., is In rrom his ranch tola Robert Pible or Company H, N. M. W. 0., where ihe his many rrlends. The bride- waa hob-s- sev- Miss Susie Poor spent Chrlslmis with groom Is me al a dinner parly. i:overa trip of inspection or Ihe mines it Hurley. In the illuming al each house visited week to spend Christmas. at Columbus, came up last week for connected with Fulton Bagr Mr. Johnaon, wi D. Y. - her parrots at Demlng. wen' laid tor and Mrs. wid Hauls lilla and Tyrone. round card .wishing their friend" Knlgtit In rrom the Brlte ranch eral days' visit with relative- and friends. snd cotton company of Dallas. Only me Mis. Herald Totlen, Misses their spend Mrs. J. T. or Glenwood returned captain and Earl Taylor, a former college student, IMerata a "Werrj Christmas." br Christinas day with his family. Miss Pearl CroUflhet or El Paso came up family and intimate friends were presenl. Inidl-- Thursday irom Magdalena, where she has Louise and Jean Totlen. Mf. W and M James' OBOlr boy. is home from Misses Hulh and Klsa are home James Kaustcudelk Is in rrom toe Mahon Monday to spend the week with Iter sis- Wednesday evening an enjoyable and Ü Manya ral iluy, Clement Phelis been visiting relatives for several een. Mlaa the Kansas Slate Agricultural college ror from their schools In Las Cmcsi ranch ror toe Christmas holidays. ters. Mrs. Junes Breiux and Miss iih.ui dy. unique dance was given at me court hemse Mr. and Mi- Will, Carme r;pertlve Mrs. George Brown Is seriously 111 with Meveiis. Mr. the hnlidays. and ai i.i Tonus, lo spend the chrlstmis Lucius minion left Wednesday ror Waco, Croiirhet. by mo old settlers of toe county. The mu- Ha i dinger, Josephine .Morton pneumonia al al. Joseph's sanatorium. Miss and Mr. and Mrs. I.anr.-l- Walker and llllle holidiys with their motoer. . where he will attend business college. Loe Rice was In from his home tn Cliff sic was rurnlsbed by Captain Bonner, an lionaid Morton. son, Arthur Edward, arrived yesterday Mr. Hugli clary and little girls, who Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bogel, Jr., and son, severil diys list week. old Confedérale veteran. Captain Bonner Mr. H. A. Mr. and and Mrs. i.ollln. with morning rrom Atizona, and an' temporarily have been III ror more than a week witn Millie, or Valentine spent Chrislpias In Mar- W. B. Wilton made a business trip to VAN HORN, TEXAS. holds several medals as toe champion fid Kit Collin, were Mrs. Collin and Will who located at the home or his parents, Mr. grip and bronchitis, are improved. ra, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Jordan. liicutiicirl list week. dler or Texas. Principally me old sqiiste rrom ,111 10 spend Hp I neN winter nd Mrs. S. E. Walker. Mr. Walker plans Mr. and Mrs. W. s. Ollllam and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Walker and son were Some of the buys who ittending the A. A. Stringer spending me holidays in dances were danced by me boys with sun's family, were the ire with their dinner penlng a blacksmith shop In lite Park ut Miss Carmen, ware visitors In La Mesa In Maria ror Chrlstmis day, guests of Mr. V'ew Mexico Military school at Roswell, Demlng, It. M., where Mrs. Stringer Is frlng-e- of grey hair and bald beads. Sev- greats or Mr. and Mrs. C. K. l.oeke at parent-- . IhC old Richard's stand the first of the i rom ihe Park this- w eek and while there Humphries. who are home ror Christmas vici-tlo- her eral of toe boys showed contempt home, near Old Me. their for their sierra year, and li anil his ramlly will re. ule dinner or Mr. and Mía. M. B. Ste Mr. V. id. ran left for hl home In Sierra are: Valley Tullock, Herman till. J. T. Levett, sberirr of Winkler county, Father Time by dancing a Jig, among mem allla. lh the house on Camino Heal owned by vens. Blanca Sunday noon. Milton Robertson and Douglass While. was a business visitor In Van Horn Captain Bonner. A general good time Kiijoyshl. lo t lit was the list was p.irliiipaiits Miss Mae crawrortt. Little Mixlne Stevens is In La Mesa Tbe chiistmas tree given by toe Raptlst Mr. and Mis. Jack Cureton and baby or week. bid by present. .llnn?r given at the , ill Miss Helen Martin rrom Ihe Kl Paso pending Ute Chrlstm holidays wlUi her Sunday school was largely and Minia Mita spent Joe J. k. Williams and M. B. Plu- - 8. M. Pate Tuesday rrom home or nr. and Mis. lieorge K. l.add. attended severil diys here this arrived Louis- Khool lor girls is a house guest al the patento. many a heart made glad. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. er were Allimore visitors here last week. iana to spend scleral days with Ins wire, Covers were laid ror Dr. and- Mrs". J. add, a Houghton mime dining these hollday. Mr. I'osunaster W. S. tillhim has been In- The tree given by the Red L. Oakes. J. R. Campbell and ramlly or Fort Worm who Is In toe Roseberry sanltorlum. Mlu-- s liorothy l.add. John l.add, Mr. and son and Mrs. End Townseml and little disposed the last few days and his daugh- Cross society for me soldier boys was very Judge Colin Meblett is the holi- were visitors tn Van Horn lut week. Judge Joe Irby is In El tuts week Mr. H. D. Bowman, Hev. and Mr. Frank- Las spending Piso and Mrs. Kltulieth liarllngton, from ter, Carmen, is substituting ror htm- - Miss much appreciated by me boy. days Willi In .ale Lake, Texas. culbrrlsou ol Carthage, Mo., waa visiting rrlends. lin Davis, mi. kl in utwi and Henry are toe Houghtons relatives Crines also gueit of Milium li hotne for the holidays rrom Mrs. Jessie Hubbard . entertained a raw A. K. Blevln of Pavllrk. Blevins In town last Friday. Jim chambers ind family of Allamore Hails, Mr. and Mrs, M. II. Buvens. - .Co.. in- week. where site leaches. of her rrlends Christmas evening-- . Tor (in George A. Pllmmer uf Beaumont came In were toe guests Mtaati Inei and Marguiet liuvena, lllrhai brokers, left last week Chicago a of Mr. and Mr. J. Ii. Mlas Non Rlcketson Is III it her home Miss Mae lilckelson return ut to her home Mrs. Mattie Murray to last Saturday to look arter sulphur Inter- for days me lliiveiis. Mr. and Mis. I h. Lester anJ or returned her home business trip. several first of me aurrerlng rrom icverr attack last night rrom El Paso, where she has In San Antonio week. ests wlUi toe Tayah Valley Sulphur com- week. Lester, mis Mrs. T. H. Saner ami baby or Clifton. Inward spent the past week the guet or Mrs. Sam Armendele or Stevenvllle Is pany. of ni Sunday aftarnoon al SL Jamca Epls p. vlltlnr Ariz., are here for a visit with her parents, Friends Mls Ora Orirrith and Mr. si on Stewart Is sick with grip at bt W. H. TutUe. hl sister. Mrs. Tom Billow, expects Mr. and Mrs. D. B. and little Harry were copal ehimii Mlas Heorgia lleid, of (sail and to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Oakes. Jackson Jerald much surprised to hear ranch home near the Park. Tracey ban man Hid Clarence Brown be here until arter New Year's day. diughiei, Hum, were in El Paso of wedding Antonio. Texas, and f'red Cliesnry. or Kl or Mean visitors their at El Paso last Sunday. Crux Alvarei, principal the La wi re h.re this wee,k rrom Hurley and Rawls Is In Frank (jourln, a member or the geologi week. Paso, were married, Hev. Hunter lewis Jck from ihe ranch to pend list Miss Grirritfi well known around Van school, with Jose Alvarex and Fred Beals. spent a day as thv guests or Mrs. Allen toe cal starr or an oil isompmj Hi Oklahoma, Albert Voyt and family or Horn, nifirtatMv. Ihe ei.iiple ft immediately gone on Chrlstmis bolldiys. Fort Worth having taught school at bom Vm huve to the mountains a week's Itirkct.son. Clyde Is here to spend the holidays with Ids were - after Ik ceremony by for i.i Ellison Is In this week ror a few visitors bore last Thursday. Horn ind Kent. The bridegroom Is well tiiMHWai hunting Hip. Miss Eleanor Thaxton Is home from Aus- days. pirertts, Mr. and Mrs. K. Wnodhul. After Peso, home. Clyde Fields of Allimore was In town known stock man of Kent. The young cou- their roture Fred Costa. student who lives it the tin, T xas. where she has been a student toe holidays he w HI charge or l w have a party list Salurday. ple will make home Mrs. I. I., ay lor uilri lained ith a bongl or Mrs. Camella olinger, ha re or Thaxton Charlie Jones is In this week from his their at Kent. al Ibc nlversity Texas. Miss In one or the new oil rields In Texas. A. J. Bicbardsoii and L. J. or A- H. M. dinner Sunday, having lor hir aurali rrom 1.1 spent ranch to spend the holidays with bis fam- Edwards Means and ramlly are visiting uie turned Paso, whero he bad serloua trouble wltb her eyes. Mr. and .Mrs. Wayne Wilson lpine Missi s Tin ell and lioiialdsiih, Mrs. Hunter hs ily. MacVeaKb were visitors here last week. ranch near Valentine mil weak as the Christmas with manda. It prohibit- she will not be able to at .1, inrnrtiuil and l. Messrs Jaek Hill. Weatlake Gerald Young or Is entertained dinner J. T. Mace loft, last Thursday for San An- guests or Mr. Means' parents, Mr. ws. Illll. Miss Beiilah Matiieiley, daughter of the continue her course. Sharter visiting his dance and Mrs. Hunter Lewis. Sidney Howard. Mlllsap. Hr. and last Saturday evening. Arter a gelo to spend the holidays with his ramlly. J. Z. Means. late II. II. Scngglns, has gone lo El Paso Mra. S. L. Tlylor lert Salurday eve- mother pent r BoTtk Alb in dancing at tbe Malcolm McGregor Is home from the New U Evans or ValenUne waa waii. tumberiaynr, Hunter. to take a position with one or the local ning ror Silver City, where ihe expects Jimes Gllleiple of El Paso is snendlna a PSSLSSfi a visitor here and Ueidah Lewis and Lewis Taylor. rew guest! Were Invited to Mexico Military' institute at Roswell to Wednesday. aanitaiiums. hi make few home. Lewis, her little sou. days in Mirfi this week on business. ,,,,,, , at both Bob wl they were served spend me holidays with his parents, Dr. E. L. Juries and ramlly The rhildrrn's chiistmas Mr. and Mrs. John Longhotbim and little will ill the Park with his untie, Evans of Vale.iune was a visitor In l"1" are visiting Mrs. preshyl o Kplscocal remln " u" " " and Mr. McGregor, or Lobo. Mr. the tan and ehurehes daughter. Elizabeth, were lure rrom l.aa Hev. Hunter Lewis, throtfgfcuut the school Marri Wednesdiy. Jones' párenla, and Mrs. J. z. Means, ser- or Walla, rrom - Were well atlended The Lplseopal Cruces lo visit bis mother, Mrs. Marlon year. Mike Metireror or Lotto arrived In Marfa "' ''' ,u,d"- foinietly a resident this Durlll Is home Brownwood, tola week at toe ranch near Valentine. u ... PhlU-t- Texas, Howard-Payn- viré held Salurday all. - look Ihe in l.ongbouoni. post In Wednesday evening and loft ror Fort Divis pl,'"' bul wh" hl"i Ig where is attending Dr. George Trultt of Dallas, who was captain i. II Tullen len for his college, or a chriaimaa play. At the n naht HflnTI ,i pár- attend toe big delpnii. where luf Is engaged In busl- to spend toe holidays with bl here at toe wed- ,Mi. chriaimaa vlsll Willi their the on sslutday arter a 10 days' visit dime ' waa held Sunday stiiiy some parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ding, the aervlre morning and enla, Mr. and Mr. I. B. Thaxton, Parker In Mlsses Amy pool and Emmi lltiulon and "es' his mvM' " P'iid. llile Durrlll. lert Wednesday for me with his ramlly to Park. t ranch consisted of special chriatmss music an.1 and linn Thavlon liav returned lo their had us Mr. Edward Hogel to Fort vll,l'"- Mr. I orden here ilioitt 14 Misses Bculah Durrlll and Marie Roberts near Valentine to vlsy Mr. and Mra. J. Z. The Hev. and Mrs. Hunter Lewis motored Davla years ago. rrom a .lumber of rrritatloiia, followed by an ranch near Maria. Texu- -. dinner guests on Meadaines Cain, Tueadiy. arrived Fort Worm list Friday, where Means. a, i, lies, bj the pasior. Hev. liiiuean Maine tilda 1 elplrMi they have been Ptgman Sidney Howard, who has had a two Ha olinger and S. L. Taylor and Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John Pool. Jr.. are In Marfa "'' " w of Hanover attending school, to ipend John spent Christmas wltb his - in .in bottl ..eiasioua gifts were dlstrlb-ule- 10 i Peiuluig tbe in Ule tbe holidays with men parents weeks' vltt at his home tit the Park, re- Tailor and Haiilel iioodwin, or the Penn- rrom their ranch near Vilentlne lo spend week city, parents. at Odessa, returning to Van Horn rrom H to' members or Ihe Hr. - Espey or N. M. is tie turned to colli!- at Klrkavllle, Mo., on sylvania un ma. who are on border duly the week. and Mrs. Percy Wilson give a dln- Judge Muir alero. wa a Wednesday. Sunday schools. Uie H. M. saturdiy morning. Several dinner guests In El Paso. Mr. iioodwin was en roup' AIDed Greenwood or La Cruces N M prty ,;,,niinn eve ror their visitor it Ysrbo ranch last Friday. Sutton. Fred Schneider and Roy Mrs. S. I Taylor "r Mls,i and lilll. sou are guesis were Invited lu his honor Friday even to ramp rrom El'phaitl Hutle dam. lu Marra Sunday evening to spend Ua n'fl was BoauUfully Miss ceclle Elder has gone o Del Rio to Adams were in rrom toe al the home or her Hev. HiinUr pen, lluel mines brother, lug to sty iinew.il ni Huir mend. Mr. and Mra. Roy Lie Uraflenraid visited caled mill Christmas tree. The the holidays with her parents. Wednesday. during the holidays, and oye was or green Miss gone Mr. .lilísimas Mr. and Mrs. Brail P. Itewarl announce frtoOdl ni Mesilla Park on lhcti wy hi Edward Bogel lert ror New Mexico aim red lattice work cima Fisher his hi ber home and Mrs. A. L. power- - irn r,.- - m left on silver cny on Saturday evening Thurs- Big the arrival of therr second granddaughter Old Mexico. Mrs. He lirallenreid was Mis., day, where he has bought a ranch. and ribbon leading rrom the tree to each in springs to spend me holidays with Paso Wednesday lo visit friends mere. to make lar horn leaving tier little hoy ai ihe soma of u.eii son, Herbert. In Al was a culfege J. C. Robinson plate; to which 11 guests were sealed, bore her parents. In- - Ruth Aiken and student baa purchased a ranch 30 with uncle in ihe Park to remain duf Mi. grad- or.-- . Those pn-e- nt - Miss kail,- it ii it buejuattjw; stewart, who Is a fears no goferal years, making her.honie miles rrom Marra His ramlly will It" vvete Misses llar- Is home rrom Stinlon, LAS CRI CKS, N. M. ing in. school -- remain i.ar. uate or tai. CoUete, is roa couniy al Mrs. lied lints in the Para. in Maria until school ctolai and then Itiey id! and Mary Grlswold. Lou Wilton. EH-- where she has been attending me convent, in. animal husbandry department has Mr- agent of Bernalillo county. Mrs. Mra. ted Hill. Willi her sons. Dean and will live on Uie Mi s. F. W. VelUMti to vent the holidays with her parents! On Siturdav evening. l lainl,s carry on feed- ranch during the summer Decembrc s ik rireord lu lamb Stewart was Mlaa Lrthea Mitchell, and Walter, and her daughb-r- . Julia, have re montns. utd Messrs."'". Fritz Hiser,'' joe Frank Mr. aud Mra. Charles Tiitnlu. following program Mpartments, win ha was given at me itapn-- i ing in iambs tt made Hie Park her home rot years Lake Vail. When in spent Mr. Martinez and Peyton B. Moore. Miss Olive MrCouiiell and Jim Hymn. -- l,,i- - turned irom md Mra.Cardwell are iu rrom their Espiy church: Joy to Uie World." tided dav. i.' diffeiciii and ea.h with her párenla, and waa alsu a student guasis or Muse ranch The annual bU given Christmas night by through to El Pasu last Friday gatlon; a Uhjislmai in Uervuda lor ihe holidays. to Scripture reading, Luke econd dirierrnllot will be pul on diif,i,ni id the college III, li .No. S,' visit lierc. lid Marie kins-I- al Ule home or Mr. and Mrs. John Poní Sr mmuÁ the silver city diaper Oredr of rrlends tbete. etniuer, ny me pastor. Rev. J o ration I,, del. nnii.e the best kind or resd Mrs. 0. B. son, who ,u.. Marro.. chaplu and little lather, Mi. Ike knlgbt. l thei home list Wednesday evening to Eaalern sur. al Uie Elks' opera house wus Herbert Hunter is here from Belen, Tex- song hy primary fur their growtli. came fit, ut N. M.,to spend as, be dais, Jing, Jmg, cochite, Christ' nuiuner oí írtenos and relatives. The event hiillisitt alian, despite lite bad where has been leaching school, lo reading, "Christmas iu atronomi dapaJinjaCll Is preparing mas with bar aun, Hubert Martin, who I MAREA, TEXAS There was a crowd pres- visit brother, c. Tree" wis In honor or Mr. Pool's seveiity-uint- weather large bis Judge J. Hunter for Dyne; violin solo. Mix a Lull, in, on ihe cultura of i. on. the re- a atudem at Stale college iin- - year, holidays. Miuetree long lell blruidiy. The Interior of me home ent, people coming rrom the nearby rTHnfaf the "Cbrlsunas Eve," Wanda sult or throe sai I ror pub tin- - in. ror a Kl wn Prlmm, Maurliie liliasniila .itiiiiK villi In I'aso beroro Mra. Brent heunell and little sou wbo gay wiUi holiday decorations. camps i lie music w as excellent and those Nlaa .Neva Varbo was In from to Dyne; dialog, llcatlou in Ihe ueai Imnn In The dliilnr ranch "Chrlstmea Worry," Glover returning to home. Hubert Mui'tlit ac fear! boon visiting toe family of Mi and present thoroughly enjoyed themselves. last Saturday to attend ihe Dee Burlón Kite and Stanley Brown went in table was beautiful with its lovely drawn chrtsuuas dance Seale, Hazel CHppard. Margery Hatcher coiupanled his mother tu the Paas city. Hubert Greenwood lor Ibe past two uy The hall was beautifully decorated ror the as Uie guest of Miss Gsrland Breeding. Alice Organ sumla in th. Ir new Mr. wura cioin. maoe Mrs. Piati, cut giea Seller; recitation. "Kri Krlnkle overland. Mr. and Mrs. ArcMe Ho und llllle sou left Una week ror Iter home occasion. Ernest Carlee Taylor - Mrs. Margaiei WHIiaiua, Light. Aril., month!, iu and silverware. The center piece waa or ind are home from Surprise," by rom- uy ol an- here lioin liutiglaa. Ariz., lot Ute A, New Peacock at g.l; ..ue Hlickatulie, Va. fresh holly, and a elegant lank Muldowney ol oik cily san Antonio, wbecr thrv Winkers" class, i peni il. end al stale College, vlsll ChrlaUna kailulaya, Uie gumala or ins par dinner In every h.. "When. no. tt.,. Mr. aud Mrs. Jubn lligpsmim anil eon are ve.i by lias been ai toi l Bayard visiting Id broth been attending school. They will spend orne uig Iter nephew, Huy llrrurrt. euta at ranch hi Park. deiill wis ri the rhiriuiug Uosleas 'Hound;" recitation o..,. their near the In Marra fur Uie bullda.is 10 Rtoai who er. William Muldowuey, uf me Second me holidays with then parents hup. i. t. Asplund. or re, waa a II p. holiday- - vlilur attended ton affitr. Those Mr and 8"'U Cuui-- santa i. Hash li minis Ute wuu El waa field irUUery or New Is ata Mra. D. Taylor. V,lTÍ Priu.in. visitor last week. kd Myar of Paso in Maria Una nunca were Mr. and Mrs. R. w. ynrk, who iiiium,!r Laura and 'lie, Ma family hire. Mra. Hash la recovering M I Jrssi. u..i. Week for a few day on business I M. Pool, Amy Marian! Uoueu All n. but wlio has Adrian Cox home from Big solo Mlas apiaiu u. 'loulouse. assialeut lu ib ft mu a severe attack id grip. Misses and Texi. Spring! Evie Dixon. After me program Edward Bugel ut ai. mine ta visitor In Pool. Mr. D. l',l,,l"!l' for ina iiasi three months where he hai baeo Boy' and (stria .lull work or the etnn Mrs. Ralph Phelps, who, wttb her hus- i and Mrs. o. knight. Mr. .and ." H attendtug school to sania claus came and distributed ma tbe city fur Uie siulidey. ami in the hospital at Furl Bayard spend toe holidays who his u, on me iris :ou department, was hen from Mbuqn-- r band, lias been visiting several weeks t .wr. i. a. cnilders. Mr. and Mra. Jas chrlstma tree to me children. Some Walter Wella, who has been Working on Poole. ClayClay Mra. o. c. Hlnntan and son uirford went and Mrs. it. it Cox. one que ror a week courerrmg wltb C. T. the Home or Iris mother. Mra. Carrie Pad oil Poole, Mr. and Mra. Albert remarked "mat me voice of tbe Bob Ellison ranch ror me plat seven ,,, down to leming -- alinda) lo spend Cbrlsl- Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. bant oawa) and aasiattug in makuia out a dps, lot Spi I.I. Mo., to spend karsirnililk and Gordon and bioan Bean motored Uaus waa very much like that or James l.lt iiil. months. i in Maria Una week to see bia through In spend Chriaimaa with i ...,.. plan or work fui in. .,.io,n year. hrislmaa da wiiti fear muilur at her old sir. anu sirs. Brian caiiwrlgtn "and son!'"?'' "'". uii ui course, uial wa only a parents. In rr J. J. Bell and daughter and Mrs. Glllett at nil Jul, I nada) I s A , reUntd. mm - lp- - Ute aie thru- ranch this week their rincb hum near The poor mi lin left aame uonilng ltl were remembered aaalat-am- . Rev. J. J. Mausu lell loe tur! Davla Sal Mi Mra. broUier Divld or Buckhurn. ten Marra. who la to act as Lieutenant It, in n's lor Hid,,,- - N. M and W. D. Cleveland bid I fam "N .Tul gifts of unlay lo hold m vice Sunday in Uie Hap ilv evening ror Meellla Park lu apeud Mi and Mrs. A. I ..... "'y rood end an,, also be proctor at Ibc boya' our Mlas AIHe Caldwell Is the guest ratlin toil dinner it their ranch ilirist Hall are in n chiming were brougbt house Ihe They ranch tor ihe and distributed tbe Uillor.v. arrived last week. He baa had ol Mis Maiiou l.oitghollom Ibc list ma day. hoimiys with relsllve. were holiday a the guests or lie day lu needy families je durlat Bajnrj and I. P. shield lell ror William joined al Demlng by Mr. Bell, wno ha Mrs. Hall's mother, R. jcais' eajyerience in lb? aimy, and lias in l.olida.vs MmiM i.ulquitl was lu Marfa Uil weak, Mr. DurrUI. Tb. SK.uih Ruidosa Friday on been In lite butpllal fur some lime iJiaries rinnin ana Carolina troop ieV,Hed here been iBiircd for two years. Previous to Mr. C. L Hill and her dsughleia, Mlaa bualnes. unal.of his brother. Hunter. there ramlly are in from at Fair ground! Mbt Rlurdau - Bruce Saturday evening the ara now to .nuiiiig litre lie baa been living in cal Maty and atta. Tom Newman, nom LI kalbarln fur cimt tola clemmie Davla a visitor lu Marfa title Clark left rur ranch mi week owing to quarantine apeud Uie par i !,. i par- Friday aeveral raw of mumps vision, ar aa... motored the Park cBriaUnea mom week lo holiday with her week. unci pend ttfifttuai with hla evening one of me tnuti eoJovabi In cimp .0 of the guaraamen will relieve mem Jiislhefore the close of late College mg from thatr home al Hill, M. M., tor the aula. ihe dance given fey tfee army orrirer eul. noiit season . a mm dam e w. '.,., Í. ' BW a i Joe hum ,u i iu I his tin- - B. F. Kuaii.ii spent Cbrisuiie held al me i,Z 10 aa dut or boJiday tlie thnnetic actenra d( i aerrteea. At si Jautea chun o coin ranrb week nd young meu ur Marra luiaimas of Fierro court house ku.,...r.. uoJ , gurds hrislmaa Ute nlfht and V.'. ' parlnunii ante stain d tie- board of re lie y were Jotqad by Lieutenant Jeoeway. lo print hulidays m Marfa. wa I grand iffair. The costumes of tfee here with Ins moinc comical costume, 7.;.'. . lto" Mr. R Ml MlLdlHil ,a u'l'IOCfc a mZ Z r. gents at a luncheon The. u al waa lire aid. u iiiural Mmiepl, or the Pnnnsyl anil Mis. W. Mcoee are in town ladle were very gorgeuua ind attracure. tlunut oilr.lr. irutimt lain- rlrrlr and Dr. E. P. Davji of Tyrone. tin- - H l"'0'h,'r pared b) Mita Prail stiller and assorted tenia tfoops. Who motored up from El week from thru ranch. They will re Tbe luitklr wa tu, Hiatal d by the sum cat went down b, Deiiiing Saturday to pwtdjwere asked to unmask The rosiuu.es were il " Mr. Davt. rormerly b Hie cíes-- . me tlw parenu. - ' Ibree girls ol lie senior lo lie lb an. I ol Hi. Hills al Clllll main uulil after tmlidiys airy band, wbmn waa airaply divinar An IMWayVwito her Mi.sei Dills. Culumbia." Breediua- and ' 0roeTJ' "tore, came duwn Cbri.i . Clay Mo mi day to Mr. r ikiiiw suturen rulgnuiii dinner. Holland left for Alpine Sunday. elegant upper wa served at I o'clock. .visa fcJisaltrui Evan ol k lisas city. jnsner, "Had croa Nurse," bowall and tee Davi,, who ha been nd Dan A tueéu waa served Mr. and Mr. George Hlaer and baby and 'join .. ,ur asa and An elaborate chriauua dinner was Quite a larga crowd attended, many danc- "i"""' i.ust twins Zr. . M,vrl week wim sreauy ttur- Ml Uta "Klufry la I eujojeu b in. pi licite hall in huuor Of lilt g uvula Mri. Charlea lluichin and daughter, er from vetenun. Alpine. Kort Uavi and Voalker, during holiday. Rurrin;" Eva Hmiter. " grippe, niurh uiiprovad, Mr. I ei "lalrv ad aiul oil. iludeula i. inaiiiiiuj here during lutby. were visitors lo Marfa mis woek. sharter paruiipaung in Utla well uiinaged Mr. T. r. kley and sun were up from bromar returned to Tyrone kin. Mu auna ran 0i' Tua un ii bull Tbe labJu were arranged dance. their oil near Whitewater last week ijirlilmi! Tree." willye Garren. "Cunuc Maltone and Dr. uaar one knur tattle and aufn 4ay to apeud in bulidaya in Chicago IU. The Mtldier bay or gave ahippuii aud visiting lb Jului lumer sung." wane Ma Millird, Born, Thursday A. jr. Huido! a mornlug. to Mr, net ties wild ina ramtl i i the guests Mirtow Well l up from to inwly Otrl;" Lydle Mallard. Vrie nt to cuuimuuale A who Terlmcua nude tille at Ute opera house fciislmu ;- Ii." Kmle'ülnían He a baby girl. and Mr. H W Uoddard and Hudr lull Use apeud i .in with bia paiKiits day Mr. M a. waul down to ttpauid MaUton- DurrtU. partook of dinner, and were laaielullv and ittebl. It waa wall slinrtaii ua Ptatdar "Uypai!;" Tinuui spaT Thursday night. v feud buy, motored to El Paao lor a rew daya' blooming Mr. and Mr, nen and Ing ChUMna with Purtwood. OU1;" Iteceuiher Mr. decorated with mUHcto and I'ruelt rblldreo ui much iiHtrerlaled bv all Thr . Mr. lh Danokar Halan. "Noming " . Mr. Onort Frengar ware "at to VUJM. planta. Uta room was Alpine are la to rily for Ute holiday a and aS I. J. spiers upermiaodeni or coct BauU Claua;" ik home" puued In uiuate singing were well rendered and received lh Mr. J. t Bean. "Turkish melr nunierou friend. The .e. epi,,, a Prof ufeaan Garcia, rector of Ute large tu una.- beautifully are Ihe (vtnU of Mr, and Mr Hub Grey on airuclion work of ttt American NaUoual Olrl;" Á nc decorated much applause The opera nous wa bancmt Barker, 'folli? s ai7 held in ttui naluo or me Amastor hotel, from station has been conrim-- tu bit else keeping wltb a Aiutrnw Prude or EuW Uatia waa me packed bank ion i, us went down to hi bom in "had HHHng Mood;" -- and everytuing in iu at bom perforsnauo. ao me buys Jai.it. Mary Pick' eight to ten o'clock, and wa given m hoe iHittic for several daya on eaouni ol Ihe be my PMday to uieel dan hie, ra- El Paso Saturday to apeud -- home l.ii Una gathering object his who reallied null a sum. Chnaliua. ford;" Clutl.a Indian Maid coleinan or of Mra. Cart Heckrlrb Mltutaapout. tng to make their guanta forget they turned rrom rhool at plain E W. in on aplato Nun," thai Waiahechie. I. Hawklm. "bjiow otri." hirakitt a ltor or George and Nunyi Erenger Tbe P. Well, uulrucioi m practical me were away rrom borne. The oulglds gu. su Mwaaa Mary i oudy Btoufc l)llvHl. h A. o -- a. X arltou ,,i o vt.n cm, i.lrulrtuuil luiuer, out. Pucahonia;" a. Medley, "ttuaateh mother of Mra George I'rsuger. who Is baoica at Blnto CoMnar. baa left lor ti wl, weir bidden to come help make liter r and Fraiit sproul of Kurt (tati were vuti aul J. J. Flato and Lieutenant F. c. Hvw-l- Oaticio Url." Mesar Breeding wUJ jester here from St. Louis to pod Ute no. wnera be irmam for a rew wen Mr and Mi Hit aw Hedle). Mra. Ute uvfauiry. -- wluter Mil',..U""JT "ur Hani of Tyrone, who u atieudmc ail of W volunta now Toniaon. Oouai. J. R. oarren, ciowo " wim her daUBOter. shared Uie uf ays before uta to ola hume ut to east J carda Hadan tier ntutnar. Mr. Paduu, Mlaa aud Mary Uhy Lynnj up honor lualia Giueit. u utUitoay schoitl ai hoaweli. waa iu tfee ttauoucd ai DemiiMr. canta front Usare Otarte utann. "BaaeztaU Player," uvan- - Mm avanbaf. Deeptu th uuuiuaUy antd 1


"ther a large number of people attended guest, after which a one ooure lnncheon Clark: aaaoctat matron, Daley VoCollum. high school entertained tho senior class at Sumner to visit th home rolka durlnr the nlrut: Mlae tenor Jones. Juanita Wstrnn. pent rrtrtey net, the roost of J Har- waa Tfeone secretary. Mrs. W. A. Wilson; treasurer. or A a lino Prude. Boh Evans. rison. 'orporal SyrrnoT served. preaent ware Suparln tho residence Mra. Charlea Edward. Jettle Pruett, Paine nf TNirty rtrst lendent Vow and Mr Haydon, the Miases Mrs. g. T. llama. conduotres. Mr. L. T. or present to 1 ho ptniathoa or Methodlat Sun Mrs. H O. Thotnpon ntortlned with lout Will I oresx and Ralph ar ""higan, ran np rrom number invitad rtiesta were das the Whitlow El fiso Thiirs-- NM Kerr. Jane Looby. Warrea Coliman, Swift, ana elate oendurtre. Mr. W. Mc Join in tho mustr and with tboae day school a semblen Sunday and brldr at the home of Mtta Myrtle Millar. at th Lomai ranrh for a week from their and hsr nn rmoa evenlnr wni Friday itHo In toisón and CurUa Brieedlove. Mill Hudson. whin uter the Installation a aumptunus merry tads and lasses, who laid Mid all n. ado a circuit or the town singing Chrlat-for- Those prevent wsrs Miase t.enore Jonss, post it Fort Bliss. Teias f Vtn ,!:D,',II, 01 waa m. taSB "r' ""n Henrjr slack, Kmmett Ooode, Joe clover banquet servad, cohalathar of turkey altty and stirfnea and entered Mam all ma carols and leavinr ' hristmaa cato Jotiie Pruett, toan DniMble, Aline Prude. Mesms L. i,. Oole, M Ríe, R. S. and rinvd Oopalln. and di mlakd, cranberry asuro, salada. the trame with keenest rest I ate Ml the ai arlous homes throurh the vicinity Mrs. H O. Thompson, H. ML Jons. O. Hne end Charlea Rttll. cei,mpnled by Mr, nd Mrs. A. 8. Saunders or Joseph Hiiffh csmnbell or germlt waa with Peroa Pickle, rato and corroo. Thsre wars six evenlnr. a buffet luncheon was served by On Saturday the "Communitr T. Duntble and Mo Wilier. Mer cole, nanos and Hill, went to tea it ' evenlnr ",,lnf Ur ton mi his monda laat Tnuraday ty two raemkvera present. the junior glrle It was almost mhtolght Christma toerelsea" wsrs held t th hirh Andy Williams returned home Wednes- Cruces Thursday to ond tho Irenrer re-- c wife. Mr. and Mr. A. D. Sauoder. of Mr. M. A. Churchill baa with bar for the Morntnr Star Bebekah lodge. No. J, when the were said. The Inter school audltnrlum There waa Christmas day from a vlalt to his pirante option, held t the Aihador hots. addition. holiday! her uncle. E. o. Lynden. from wishes to thank the merchant of SarTord courtesies mde trohaer than ever ire and the decoration of the autre war Mr. and Mra. W. a. Davie relumed from Mrs. Edward Hoehle returned from ton On Saturday aftarnoon. December t). Cambridge, leak. and lb many friend both In Safford and the honda of mendablp which prevail to quite prety. visit to El raso Tuesday. months' visit with relativo In New York Misses Maud smith and rn Prlmm gav Mr. P. M. H.Miror. haa with hor for iho elsewhere for their liberal donation to th uch m assent in to icDool. sonrl were sunr by the burn school Mra. W. s Miller Is vialtlnr In El Paso city. a blto Party" to twenty-fiv- of their holidaya her friend, Mlaa Ethel lerna, or fair which was held December it. and IS, The ynuor ladle or the r. M. S. club rnorua compoaeil ,.f Misses Alta Mnrran Mrs. J. W. Kspey entertained the follow Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Newman, of Fl Paso, ai mo irlrl manda homo r Mr. and Mra. W a. Primm. DeLeon. and which proved such a ITand sucres fi- had a caired meeunr with Mis Lucilo Berylo West, Ruth Brown. Don tin Hlrka. tnr younr ladles with a six o'clock dinner spent the Christmas holidays Wim relativos i no nancially interim- as taatefuly decorated In Dr. and Mr. Luak were iruoi or menda and otherwise, due to the liberal Horton. Officer ror the enautnr wre Ruth C.umpsten, Elenor Hick. Marrarot Wednesday Misses Juanita Wstson. Lenoro here. red patronato or trm cre, p",r- Oirlatmaj belli and In Friday or laal aid. The doctor the community. The proceed elected as follows: Misa Blanche Dunaran. Brown, Professor O. R. liabel. Robert Jones. Jettle Pruett. Mrs. Iva Adrfanre. Mra. !. C. Blester and dan ntn Mita ' .i."r , he and hi will rae usad toward defrayinr expense of Ml Cumpsten. Henry umpsum Mr, B. B, of Lim- Mirle, went to El on to apend '. "moon aa spent In play-m- charming wire rormelT Heed In president; Julian Wolcett, Barron. Harry l and Mrs. MrCutcheon Po Saturday m kind or ramea. In the guessing Toyah. rrand lodge, which convene in Sarrord Ml Eddie Taylor, secretary: Mis and Cecil Roblnaen. Rev. Mr. HendrU led pia war vMitors Wednesday. two days. rontot. irstiA Unit in. . The Baptlat Young- - People's nlon ron In April, im. riuth Epley. reporter. It was decided tht In prayer. Scripture readlnr. Bev Clifford Campbell l ill this week. Miss Mary Hill returned rrom F.I Paso A (ioodman beitiiirully decorated Chrlstm troe held dered an attractive musical program at tho oeorre and Heth Honpee made a a randy booth ahould be rranred for the 'Cumpsten; sonr. sernnd and third grades c. a. smith or Marra la vlsitlnr Sundav evening to spend tho holiday at a girt f,,c rtying nunran oich child. Attar ii.tnñ,,n ri evenlnr service at tho Baptist church laat trip lo Wednesday mornlnr. baiaar OH Derember and tito proceeds: of Harerman public aehools: rscttatlnn by thl wek. tor homo here. rm- - to Mr- - 'hnrniate and cake were served. Miss Slim,1-- 11 w follows: piano selection, returning Sifrord Wednosdsy evenlnr. riven to the library. The regular meeting Lois cable, otta sone. Moselle Oable, Mar and Mrs. Paul Porter re recaivlns jtnlo nixon and Mlaa Lucy Smith helped "arte (iraflua. anthem. "Joy to th manes Reynold Is In chars or me or the club was held with Miss garet wimberly, Margaret tafmberly and MARATHON. TEXAS. congratulations upon the arrival or a the Tom Chllders Wdnedy iunr hostesses to entertain ih.n- - world,' choir, solo, Homeward.'' Mlaa store and Is disposing or in Juliet Wolcoti as hostess The bous waa Mary :. Phillips; reading, John Henry daughter at their homo on chrtaims Day. guest Those present were Marrarot now. Marlon Walker: sermon: anthem, "Olory Be siocs. decorated with white and pink carnations, slater; vionn solo, i lommie Samford; dlo Bones Wortbtngton wa down from R. I. Falknor. who la operating me Kerr katherlne Holt, Lola Cornell nana God." rbolr, vocal duet, Mlas Nannie Kane Wootan. Jay Rex, Jack Fell and a arranged in loose, graceful bouquets logue. Misses Mabel Cowan. Anna Maud. Friday. ' ranch, north of here, went to La CTuces of Mr. iwinmr. sue Thompson, Rosalie Fren Mae and Warren colllnrs: benedlrllon number other stockmen came In from the conclusion or several Interesting games Anderson, Bllltngton. Majory Miller. Helen and Mra. Jim Manning were in from Saturday ror. Funic Mcciure. Colla Mae A Baptlat Young People' t nlon was or- - their aeveral ranchea to spend Christmas or got, mi Fay Cowdan was awarded the cumpsten and waiters. the ranrh for m holidays. A Christmas entertainment, wim the usual Freeman with J'Hiotte and Isabel Ames nt.neK. ii ranlxed at me Baptist church laat Sunday their famines. club pin. A salad course was served, Christmas service were held t the Pre Mlaa Milton Jones arrived Friday from tree, was a feature of the closing of tbe Tlbot, ai a of a number of younr women Warren Bingham I laying orr for a rew carnations were given a favors. byterlan church Sunday evening. A ChrtTt San Antonio and will apend me holidays 'on Ana public achoot. Mrs Mandell, Narraret Llmbourh. Rum rneetlnr days aelly. Laura and Holt, Just before the evenlnr service The union .from his duties st me 'Standard Oil Rev. J. s. Moors and daughter. Mlaa mas sermon was delivered by ma pastor. with her parent. teacher of domestic science, had charge Jele ltuel Les, company's oraidine Ronall, Clarice Dalrlmple. will have "Seir Culture" a Ite main ob plant. Kthel, returned mi week rrom an extend- Rev. H. J. Cumpsten. Special Christmas Jodl Harris and Tom Chamberlain spent or the restlvllles. anil after a pleasing pro- Nadlne Lee Broshesra Christmas nowcrs, Annie Laura and Naomi Hancock, Jert. There will be rive divisions, as rol baa been conrtned to bis ed stay at Corpus Chrtstl. It la a pleasure anthems wero sunr by th choir which was In Sanderson. gram gifts and baga or randy and nuts bed ror me past Louis Newton t,een ana w and Prlmm. lows: Literary, aortal, business, music and week with stomach trou- to know that Miss Ethel Is much Improved, composed by Mrs. J. E. Wimberly, Miss and Jack Botirland motored were distributed to the pupil. ' ble. -- to Alplue Tuesday. nristmes nlrhl the people or La Crucea devotional. Each division will have Its re- ho wis In a sanitarium at Waco ror aev- Alia Morgan. Ml Perl Morgan. Miss Stacla F. E. Lester, president or Dona Ana an entertainment in the armory spective chairman and each chairman will eral weeks, and under special treatment Pardee, Mra. H. J. Cnmpaten. Mrs John Mc John union, Pat l.lndsey and Vlrgel county road board, came up from Mesilla Eo ror CARRIZOZO, N. M. Runyon apent row the soldiers or Company I, South Carolina appoint hla or her assistant. The officers she lias practically regained her be aim Klnsfry, Mr. Harter. Mr. Cumpstati, Harry dys In Alpine. Park Friday to Inapert road conditions tn l"f.mtry. T. cecil MrFarland wa rrom a Christmas tree was and elected lo serve for me term or all months wholly. cumpsten arid West. Solo were sung by here Marra for this vicinity. oc. erected are as 8. W. Parry and ranjlly left Tuesday night a raw days. ated. and a rirt or home made candy follows: President. Mr. I. 0. Hu- ror Miss Ferrol! owls, who formerly lived miss sucia pardee. Mlas Alta Morgan and Messrs. J. T. Pierce and Emll Dawn have a Stratford, Texas, where they will Mr. and Mrs. and handkerchief was placed on the rra ves; vice president. Mr. Vernon Hicks make In Midland, and until Just recently lived In Robert cumpsten. charle Burman and Mr. lrasad the Lomax ranrh and win operate It ror tree their ruture home. Mr. Perry waa manager anil Mra. Waddle each soldier. There mus-n.- secretary Mi Margaret Joplln; treasurer Lampusas, is here lo spend me holidaya Burman were all up rrom this ensuing year. were several or me local yard or toa me ror numbers Mr. J. C. com with many Mlaa on FORT DAVIS, TEXAS. chteoe Christmas. Burney, or La Mesa. It. M , waa a and recitations and all spent Wilson: chairman literary LunUier company her mends. Lewis Is charles - mittee, Mr. H. Browning. Jr.; chair and will hold a her way to karuaa City, where she will Mr. and Mrs. onie Cleveland were up business visitor here Wednesday. rvemnr. similar poaltlon at Stratford. rrom me Rev. j. q. Herrín win preach man music committee, Mrs. T. Y. r enter me Bible training school or mat city, Jesse Flaber and family are anendlnr me ranrh Friday. mornlnr and criarles s. osborn and Mlaa Miirirwi holidays with Joshan or evenlnr ai the Baptist B. Y. chairman social committee, Miss Maria to fit herself for future church work Mrs. Fisher's parents, Mr. Parker Marra spent Christma church. P. U. Ualdys Murray or Tlnnle, mi county, and Mrs. with FORT STtNTOV. V M. have a business and (.rarius: chairman business committee. Mr were Last Sunday morning at to o'clock at the j. b. Davis, at toe Limpia. here his parents. rneetlnr officers merrled Thursday. Mlas Murray waa me Among mose " mc j ear win ne elected. Sunday J. V. Hanson; chairman devotional com home or Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wuirjln, the Mack Bproul and ramlly are spending who attended me celebra- F. H. Mckenn from school daughter of Mr. and H. Mr. returned a. m. mittee, Mr. Tom Lewis; pre reporter, Mra. Doyle Mur- marriage or their daughter, Mlas Alma, to chrutmaa wim H. s. Sproura ramlly. tion In Alpine rrom here were: Roy month's stay at Hotel Dteu last Thursday, ray, prominent merchant or Tlnnle. Mr. v Oeorge Miller, nriatmM at 7:30 p. m. Mlaa Mrs. Reulah J. Wilson. At Isst Sunday eve Albert crowlcy was solemnized. Rev J. B. Vn Hargus. W. A. December frt. Orace Osborn has charge or me at Davis motored to Alpine Thursday Wekley, Biieii was married to Charles Vesper, ning s service a very rood musical pro alore Hondo. W. Cowan, paator or the Methodist church, to Milton Tlppett, Jefr Stewart and liaolalu Frund atvent me holiday with st The special sermon ror men meet Miss Tomllnson or Denton and Hargus nome on me Paseo. gram waa given. . railroad at making use or me ring ceremony, uiiprea or J..A. friends In El Pao. nnii The home me Methodist church Miss Tomllnson Balmorhea. Mr ,nn Mrs 8. L. Hods-er- leH week ror Sundav nirii w alvely took me nuptial vows, only me Parker Kinney has returned from Mrs. A. P. Bition s pupils gave an excel ""' attractively decorated In mistle- ltat her well attended. Mlas Aline or ri tho toe, me bridal party home at Sulphur Spring, a visit to immediate rsniuy v. ere present. Prude Trinity tinlveralty, Paso, wtore he has been attending school lent Christmas tree nnlertíinment In atandlnr under a after A Christmas tree was Mlas Ren McCutcheon, Sltton home on Friday. December M. The larre white bell suspended ner son. Mr. p. M. Rodrsr. and familv slvert at the Moth. The bride was attired In a becoming coat Oeorre Merrill of nd will spend the holidays wim hi nar. from a bower odlst church evenm and u State university and Clifford Campbell or anu. following was Uie progrim given: Welcome. areenery. - The Woman's Missionary society or Sturdv ault In that popular Burgandy abada with The bride, a beautiful bru- the naiHisj cnurcn State College, New vtasier wiiiiam wooer, declamation, "ine "' .Methodist si a Sunday evening. Bom wero a or black d gold. Is a young Mexico, are home ror Farmer French la dome from San anmnin S1'' dreaed in a gown of silk crepe church recent rneetlnr elect hat She toe holiday. Wise illfts. Master i. corse leach; "Chrhvt ' , omiiiiea in silver ed the folluwlnr orrirers ror me year l17t. wonts,, o, neaitiy anu intelligence, arraoie iur uie nouoays maa Spirit." Miss Alice Weber; "On Christ- embroidery, veil Mr. and Mrs. John B. Balrd and Mr. or white illusion and net, sirs. Jonn Hlbdon, president; Mr. J. "H. children and charming In disposition, and will be an Mis Lenore Jones, who n toarntna- in ki and Mrs. Norton Cheek of Valentine mas Eve." Master James Anderson; "Santa silver with went to Tlnnle Thursday to o, are guests or and Ills Master Edward Mr wreath or A Walker, flrat vice president; Mrs. Ben Ran hmh ornament to Uie home over which she la Po, and Mrs. Eva Adrlance of Oalveston her mother, Mrs Ed Decle. Reindeers," natural nranre blossoms be Osborn Murray wedding. Keon; demonstration In tin domestic coming Drown velvet gown, dalls, second vice president; Mrs. O. to preside. are spending Christmas wim their narenta. creede Taylor ta in rrom me E L ranch. brown hat and 0. Rev. J. M. Gardner, science department by Miss Ruby Hale, rurs served as her traveling Curtis, superintendent or social service; pastor of me Baptist Mr. and Mrs. Crowley are living at me R. Dr. and Mrs W. T. Jonas, Mr. and Mrs Odie Roberta spent Christ- suit The church, was a Tlnnle visitor la.t mas in town. liasen Brooks played the part of old Santa marriage reremonyfw" performed by Rev. Mrs. Jac Love, superintendent or supplies; l.v K. crow ley place In southeast Midland. Prof. L. Lutib presented his m a pleasing manner, which filled Uie chll Mrs. Martin May or me Nnrai romn, ,,,,, dudIU in Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Matheson of Mesilla Park. After Mrs Albert Slk, superintendent or pub- Hotel Llano wan the scene or a delightful recital t me home of Mr. and Mr. J. p. Earl Young are in rrom me dren with much anxiety. Dr. Charlea Irby tho la spending several weeks at her old home ranch, guest of Mrs. Tom played the piano to the rercinorty refreshments or chicken licity and mission study. Mrs. W. W. Run- In dance Wednesday evening, the first of the Wrstherby Thursday night. The follow Newton. and added greatly Texas. Bill Musgravos I In rrom program. At the close of the entertainment sandwiches, cocoa, olives, pineapple hser-be- nels, rorrespondlnr secretary; Mra. J. A. ClirlsUnaa season. The large dining mom ing program was given. me mis i C. Skinner rrom the Mesa waa in "Flower Song," week. rnrh Dr. McKeon congratulated Mrs Sltton and and cake were served. The Buck, recordlnr secretary; Mrs. Ben'Prun- - r.r. wa filled with merry makers until the auge. Doro thy Weatherby; "Claas Recep , bride's rizoso mis week en to the manner In cake ring-- ly. route the son morning Je Buttrlll and Willie Granger her students for talented contained thimble and dime. Misa connectlonal treasurer; Mrs. Albert Wil- early hours. The presence of a tion," duet, Alice Merrell and Thelma Yae- - were In which the program waa presented. Those cox, dreas country, ii o town me holidays. carne Reame secured me Casper church treasurer; Mr. Emma Bolea, in her 'or the young people rrom lug bro; "L Bohn. for were McKeon, Mr. Mra. E. rlnr, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. mho h Fountalne." Lela weather- present Dr. and Hoa the thimble, Mr. Thomas, local treasurer; agent ror Missionary Voice, Luster Spring added a great deal to me success by; " Edelweiss,' Lange, rs. jonn Henderson entertained a num- - Lewis. Mrs. Dr. Ruorr and son Kemp, Mr. brother or here the past several me h.. Thelma Yarbro; her or me besi man," the dime. Little Nona Mr. I. T. Kesler; Mra. H. N. McKellar. or- weeks at bed- or the occasiou. "Brown Eye," May youngsters wim a dmi H. Leach. Mr. W. L. Weber. Miss Sllle Mossman side or son, O. Edward; "Approch was riower ganist. their Thomas Luster - Brown, Mrs. James Anderson, Mra. F. C. un and scattered rose petals of me aiur The tenlor claaa of the high school, with of spring." Llndsey, duet. Lela and Dot Rerrnm''n, f choco- In the pathway Mrs. H. H. Jones Outlook, departed Tuesday evening a of me vSÍJ'ÜSSt- .... Berry and daughter Jean, Dr. Irby and of bride and bridegroom. entertained a number of , number others, gathered at home vveinrny; "Home, Sweet Home," violin m .. Among mose Chaplain The bride waa the or her friends at Christmas day ,lulc nenion, in. Editor Lus- - or Mr. and Mrs. .W. n. Brunaon laat Sat solo, Eugene present were: Lorene and Resale Granger. Fntnd. recipient two Ilne.i dinner at her , imjirovea Edwards: "Irish Lullahv." Ma. CWlStma Pay was celebrated both spirit- shower, country in Health i honors, given by rair view home, and later In the urday evening to enjoy a few hour to bel Bloys; "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," " 'ware loau. in and Mirgan-- ually and temporally In such a manner that Mesrtames week Mrs. Jones, White Mildred Robots. Ida Lind- Vaughn and Matheson; a kitchen Misa Dorfese and Hoyt Eva Edwards; "Barcarolle." Hoffman, vlo- - and Dlsv It I aire In state not a cement or the post shower, given went to M pent toe holiday. days sey, Petri and nmiy Lemons, by Miss Lucila Manden. Miss San Angelo to' spend a few days wrnMr.'"il.rí and vacation rrom their school aolo, Eugene Edwards: "Firm Nne- - Lorena ion omor mail nappy no cneetrui necause Mr' Mn- " and Lora Olive Locke sang a solo, "Perfect Love." with Mr. Jones, whose headquarter Is at kahii? M " Tu" uiswbat aa a tare- - turne," Leyhach, Alice Merrill. Martin. or the hourly attractions, each, aa it ware, Artar me Mrs. W.. Uie more When on leaving me bride bou- that place. program Dickson or Deming, N. M., I competing with other In bringing threw her Mrs. T. E. Kelley has ... n,,n, ,n rerreshmems were served and a the guest or cheer. At a. m. rhaplam visited quet it was caught by Misa Luclle recovered rrom a non rr hi. pleasant social time enjoyed her sister. Mr. All Davis. the na.. ie. by all. Mr. and Mrs. each bed In me hospital and extended Misa Mildred Fulghum was brides- S AFFORD, ARIZ. rgVl.?l" 'wo- n" gamos were en- - ne younger sot a Edgr Dwson of Coeil u .1 nr enjoyed dance at the Springs re me guests greetings, as well aa a musical number on maid and Fletcher Thomas or San Antonio eveniíait Jií ÜÍ.' Weanlr Joyed until a late hour. Frulta and court house Friday night. of her mother, Mr me Vlctrola. At M the chapel bell rang was best man. The haobv counle left The County where they will alea were served during the out, announcing me scene of Bethlehem, in Teachers' Instituto of Graham their Jjg,?!future home. , , . enrtstma tree was the feature of me their car ror El Paso en route to the home county was called to order Wednesdiy Ttle hnm. rt Ur. T Vit. program partlc.p.ted In by which had been tastefully arranged In the of fro El chapel, wa to receive visitors. The the bridegroom In Newman. Later tbey morning, December to, by 3. C. Hevwood. e " .W "rlvM Paao will be lliiown open ror a reception by chool. at me Preabyterlan chtirch IJnmmTLtL0'' rjS. SSL ready a f.e part nf last week In the m .,- ei..h atur organ played the "Adeste Fldolls" while the win take bridal trip through Texas, r county superintendent. Prof. WlnahlD of ttiy evening. The tree J "oin vainea number or - .', was being filled with worshippers, en route me parent Boston gave an wincUe,wTll.rnnm4,.n .The Z,erler rM- Thursday evening at Hutei Mr. KQd írfSrTwj h6r edifice of Mr. Vettal at Interesting address on the l lano ord.ted Snt Cl.u. JES h0ms and al A a. m. sharp the chaplain began Un San Antonio. About M mings mi", V0rnp"""1 ,DCI 11 uid Mrs. Wooldrldge líl WM2 mends and relatives ureat mat are actualy being done or me r h, crutcher and Mr. and prorrun was rendered to distribute girto'hV rf''tifili?"--hiií .nPl,y'i!r eniVtA solemn and Impressive service known as w messed me ceremony and wished them 1.1 rural schools today." Hi theme for residence In car- - Mr. Elliott cowden will entertain their lo old and young. tome omers bad their fancy the mass, during which large numbers re- Joy and success In their new lire. the arternoon was friend with dancing and rorty two. Bev. Mluret- of " w luuinson was served, ceived tire God In holy communion. A sec- "Information versus Corrine, me year-ol- ,.r Bto it A ioiir mose present were Mr. and Mrs Intelligence," which sublect nrnvad most daurhur u. Mr. mid Mrs. Clareuce Scharuauer and the Presbyterian Th0" Mrs. W.lker's hospitality ond miss was celebrated at A:o o'clock, Mrs. Austin Patty, died L,. MeadNJ m., at- i lick and son, Howard, and Interesting and Mlaa Saturday arternoon. Airs Heniy Halff will give tto young peo- morning were: ames Clay Robert. Ray Miller and the last at 10 a. when a large daurhter Instructiva. MoNuiiv and evening. Im- Crare Flick, of El r Tempe WB raaos at Alamo gordo Main- - ple a John Henderson, L. D. Simpson, tendance was had to enjoy not only the Paso, F. W. Wadllngtop, ( normal gave an Instructive dance on Tuesday evening at me ut. w. B. Bloys la filling Denxll pro- I bis regular ap Harvay, pressive service, but special musical amar Thomas, Prof, and Mra. W. Con- - MUte on "Primary Scharbauer home. pointment at Alpine. John Oardni. Mlas Norm c Readlnr." Durlnr the The ladle or the Baptist reaílxed J. W. ramnh.ii i. Adams, gram given under tbe direction of our way. Misses Mildred Fulghum, Joyce Rey, ent,re ston or me church Mrs. Ella Youugblood haa Uaued invita- rilling hi Emm and Nena Buruam and Mrs Dr. by institute Interest did something over ggi.oo at appointment at Sanderson and Ed organist. Charles Irby, assisted Miss Anna Merrier. Jessie Mandell. Man- - not wane, and December their bazaar held tions for a Forty-tw- party on Wednesday Todd. Seattle and William Lindsay. At me Luclle n closed one of Just In lore Christmas. Marathon. Alva doll, oin-- Locke. Carrie ,De Dei" j end of mass rhaplaln extended greetings Reames, Dette and attended and most Interesting gsth-Lr- J. D. aiternoon. Mr. and Mr. Hill entertained with a the Mentfrow, Harry "ring In me me Cramer and Rev. 8. M. Johnson of .i1 MUX, N. M. to all preaent, assuring mat God would Conway, Casper Basa, history of county. Misses vainer and Theresa Klapproth, u coca uinner unnsun Plates Rev. and Mrs Duncan ""ce carraiioio vliltors Isst week dy. were bless them for their presence. Miss Matheson. Mr. and Th Sarrord gave rsesp-Mr- ThRlraa White and Alma Brunsoir and Tom mm ioi uie gueata: Woman's club a Mr. and Mra. F. J. Sager, lonowing Miss Lillian Mlsse Marie Mary HUI sang In her usual pleasing maimer the Walter Mossman. Mr. McMillan, ma- - Hon to me Mr. and Mr. Patterson and Straughn Cowden aliHlU or Rletter and left teachers at me county Thursday Mr. aie San Antonio. Misa lima 1. "Adeste." as also a solo entitled "The star ternal grandmother or ma '' " rrencn lid and Mrs. Oeorre L rrom M. U., rkéZ ur inursasy to ttend the bride; Mra. Buell, evening, December si, at Masonic home 8. spending the holt M. or Bclhleliein." The two duets sunn y paternal grandmother hall and cirick wero gticsus Sundav evening ... T5BL H2' Lunt- Graves, at the Toiler club. of me bride; Rev. an enjoyable evening was - day. ntUe Mita not Miss Brattle and Mr. Lindsay were spent The Saf- elaborate dinner riven by Mn. Cooper Weatherby and Ray Hill John Harmon, c. E. Harmon and R. E. T fj prnui oi me ioi u orraesira dispensed at Mtoae Cárabe! and Lula Elklna, Bulah Masters Joel Carlton and Sidney good. A To. Deura closed the bride. Mrs. grown excellent music Evans Srhu, all of Camp Stuart. EI Paao, Texas, Vestal baa to woman during me evening and at a Trammel and Tennle Florey are at home isewman In tervlc. hood late hour re Mrs. T. A. Spencer apent toe holidays in entertained honor or L. were caning, on mends here Tuesday en in mis community and la loved by all rreihroents of tamales and correa n from C. 1. A., apeodtng the holidaya. Lamb Christmas night, oaraea ware 8nta Fe wim her parents, were played rout to Elephant Butte dam. cam i o. who know bar and cartiaa with her me Joyed. Despite me Oovernor and Mias Pearl McCall at home from Sim and music ni Tex. holiday buay time me Mrs W. C McDonald. enjoyed tin a lato hour. Re- E. V. Ware, or Stat college, n. M was Tost wishes of all friend. reception was well mons college ror two weeks. freshment were attended and an oppor- Mr. and Mra. Frank Laanet- rennet . aervad to me following- a business visitor tore Wednesday. The member of Company A. Third Ken tunity was me many Miss oltyds Holt arrived home Sunday s mmry afforded atrangera to birth or a daughter Wednesday. canton, Mry Newmn. Kile Lieut. Roben UtUeJohn and R. 0. Wood, tucky infantry, whose home station Bow- PECOS, TEXAS. meet some of num w aaningioii, wuere sne kt In school Fewel. Oldys Sarrord's flrat families.. w. narria ueperted Thurady morning Brook, Cesara. L. Lamb of Fon lillas, Texas, were guests at toe ling Oreen, Xy near me rimou Mammoth Mra, c. r. Brandt Tuesday even- at National Park seminary. M. Grave, Eapey MiUer. l returned .o., o.ooi ,1,.,, venus, ann omer points In John Newman, Hill home on Tueaday. i Cave, were hosts at a dance here Wednes- Mrs. 0. N. Gentry or Midland Is lo town to ing from Tempe, aba Ml Mary Barron and Paul Barron are Carlton. t where ha been ror wuero ne win apend a month Mr. N. C Bloater and Mrs Ben Hamas day night About two hundred guests spend the holidays yaai six weeks vumng vis at home rrom Baylor university ror me . L. Lamb with ner par- Itlng frlenda end relsttve. lert ror his horn in Waco motored to La Cruces Wednesday to a hop. from me Mesilla valley country Rev. T. Oray or me ents. .Mr. Brandt met his noiidaAS. Texas, Tuesday attended W. Methodist orphan-s- wire at Bowl. m.m. wnuain gone morning. . 0. S. Jameson came up from El Paao to toe dance, which was held In me new was Lieutenant IJams urvin na to New Mr. apd Mr. E. R. Thomas and children Mra. J. at Waco in Pecos last Sunday and and Privates Dial and Orleans for an extended vlalt me t. Dunlble and Mlaa Eva Dunible spend the week end with friends. school building Muale waa by rilled toe me Broshear were holiday at old are visiting relative in several point In arrived home Monday furnished pulpit at Methodist church vlslmrsroto Naco after (pending rew Mr, and Mrs J. T. Pierre and family re me Third Kentucky Infantry band and re- In mo Company B, Arlsona Oklahoma. month in morning. First Injintr.v. nr. ann Mr. John M. Rice or Halves ton. moved to La C rucas, where they will re- freshments were aervad at a lata hour, Mrs. Joe camp la me Sergeant Joa Swift aptVTChrlattnas , Parson Mr. and Mr. W. S. Hill and eon. Clif Mrs. H. M. me " spending holidaya with iou goioen annlver-sar- Jones entertained wim bridge side tn future. company A leaves soon Bliaa, guest or his parent, o., meir wedding ford and Carroll, are visiting south for Fort alter as Mrs. Howard Collier. returning to Naco Tuesday Christmas day. in Tuesday arternoon in honor of Mlas Eva Charlea HIU, who baa been slightly doing xo days patrol duty hare. Mrs. Pat Wilson or mornlnr. Texas Adrlance. Quito was visiting O. Z. Finlay went to Rorwell Monday, his recovered and wa able to go to with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vlckers Saturday afternoon, Mrs. E. H. Dr. and Mra. W. lit Curtía and aon Wy last week. and where he expect to remain The lollowlng young people motored to La Cruces to attend to business matter. ADDITIONAL ON Mlaa Alberta we,-- ho.,-..j- aeveral daya nne ere spenoing ennsuu TRI STATE SOCIETY L Lherstadt left last TbursdST Colton 7 .r . wuti Valentine to attend a dance Christma Fred Vanavery, of Central City. Texas, Curtis' family In Kentucky. Pag NINE. ror ner oia nome at jerrereon to spend me l me nome or Mrs. E. H. Lar- - m. o. T!""son- ut. raden was in Three Rivera m. hoiidays. - There were four tablea of bridge Thursday on tars. h. Clayton and children are ' wnlch husmea. spending holidays Mr.. A. B. Cooky spent last weak In Proved a dcllgtitrul and enjoyable A "Tom Thumb" wedding the in Sherman. ,mn,ber- D. will be given c liarles Kiappiotn and Oliver are town visiting In the hornea or Mra. Albert Mrs W. French won me -- m,o cnurcn Fannin isk prise for toe rirt Frinav mmih at home from State spending nd Allien cooksey. highest core. Miss Maria January 6. Cocal talent nun .., university, Jess Willard Trains for Big Mr. and Mrs. Will Evans Jc(Jbeou second prUe. inn holidays. went to Graham and Mrs. Rose me Miss Florence MeKnlght or Roswell last Thursday to spend consolation. Atter me acores is Misa Anna May Klapproth, a nigh school Cbrlatmsa. ware added here visiting her sister, Mra. Frank Miller Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berr of Fort Stockton nlM were served lee cream, cake P. Lacey waa teacher at Snyder, is (pending me boll lo Carriaoxo rrom White day at bom wim are truest or relatives and friend for me hearts, diamonds, clubs and Oiks Thursday. her mother, Mra. Mar Bouts With man klappruUl. Nuxated Iron inlays nlV ; sMaWSttkU h coffe' aprlga Dr. Thos. w. Watson ws m aev.o.i Mrs. John Hlbdon returned from Toyah "tm a now or red Mra. J. Allen Battle Is spending the were the ravors. ribbon holidays on Saturday. Among those preaent were Mr. Miller in Cleburne Says Iron Mrs. D. Frank dellrfatrullv is greatest of all Mrs. Sam Prewin lort last Sunday arter- - W. French Mes t ed a or aii.iii. World's Champion reveals secret of hit tre u..ik.. number ladles at her home Friday HAt.l.ltMAN, N. M. i n ror Mississippi to spend toe Christmas Mr. Harry Solomon, Mrs Phil Freudenmal strength builders. 1 mr sister, miss Flor- - tune with relatives. W 8niuel, Mrs Ed Lehman. Mrs MeKnlght, who her guest rrom strength and power. ated Iron, I am convinced Mrs. Frank Roney of was Rose, Mrs. H. 0. Warner. Mra i.- - Ro. mendous force, that th lives of Fort Stockton ir.. thousands or person might be saved, who iting In Pecos last Wednesday imm asane jacobion, Miss Mary French i now die every year rrom UI spending raw day pneumonia, grippe M. and Mrs. R. L. .' "r- - "1M Ml mis W. James, W. (, James and L. It Burck Sander of Manabans v"ta Kno. Effi Han week In Santa Fe attending to, business consumptlotc kidney, liver and heart trou- ruests or mend here last Sunday ' matters. motored lo Roswell Wednesday. How ordinary nuxated Iron often in ble, etc. The real and true causa which anil Monday. "TBn' m. H H. started thslr diseases waa nothing more or 7Z. Larson and W. A. Reynolds or Alamogordo Mr. P. Burck ha been alck for aev 1 Sol wayer was rrom la her than a wealtmad condition brought on In Toyahvale last aiueria colton entertained wim a vl,u'nT bl eral day a. endurance or In blood. Saturday. Tbe SSLS" tlstar, Mrs E. j. creases the strength and by lack iron the Iron la absolute P."T V"" room were Shields, and family. '. me ly nareairy to Pansy rustically Smith of Roawell (pant Uirlst enable your ttle Blossom Cochran la home decorated wim holly and mutle Dr. Robert T. mas Mood to change rood II - me toe, giving Lues wa in Parsons houuays visiting Hagenuami friends. folks into rrom Academy or Mercy at Stanton ror beutirul fecuve appearance Wednesday on professional Davenport of delicate, nervous over 200 without It. no to the rooms. The business Clarence and family of Fori matter"u.how the holidays. Her mother went over ror winner of toe prixea Mary Rum, ma M., much or what you had infant daughter f Mr. Sumner, N. motored to llageriuan to eat, your rood , her. excepuonaljy high scores, as did me and Mr. Ed merely pas,, majority or me R. Kelley, recoving rrom pena me holiday wim hi mother, Mr. per cent in two weeks' time. through you without doing r- mis Vida Drummonds Is spending me guest, and Mrs. Antoiie evere attack or la you ny Jacobson scored toe grlpp. tieveiipoi'l. good. You don't holidays wim her parent, Mr. and Mrs. highest ror me ladlea' A quiet home wedding the strength of rirst pne. O. M. took place a me Tbe Adam Zlmmennan family came In out it end is W. H. Drummond. MU Vida la a student Hibner carried orr Uie Harrl ranch, near Three STKCIaL NOT- - Dr S. aaaar. stuaMae. wto has you become gentlemen Rivera. Weunas from men- ranch near Lovlogtou and apent wIUkI wkMr la to thU aa . ava at the Academy of Our Lady or Mercy at rirst prUe, and Mra. Prlnd wa day at 10 a. wuntrr ka a the m. when Miss Jeffle Ray Har uie noiiuay aeeaun in i. ii. bb.i i !,, a ituawuafa III 'ii H tint Into tsa weak, pal and tlckly loklng Jut like Stanton. wrded coruolauon, a uny muale rls and Mr. tigerman. ,1 aaaar an aadursaaa f or box, upon or Charles A. Flanuory were unit- ,al am Ua sresi o,lUi. plant trying to grow In a soil deficient Roy and Van Camp are tore rrom Mid- receipt which to called to me ed In me holy Tbe various churches gave Christina tmm WllUr. and Uw aianuus rllu af uvuuvtad lean aa you owe bond or mttrtmony. Th taaUoar. Iron If you r not strong or well land to spend toe holiday wim relatives meir paruiera ror a dance rmony waa treat lo me giupn of lb Sunday aehools mauii causingT'"" performed by m Rev Ar- It ft youraeir to make the following test: and mend. much merriment. Amona ih. Msrston. on suiiuay morning. war Mr. thur pastor or the Mem'udlat being sW bow long you can work or how far you Mlas Lola Stamper Is spending (he and Mrs. E. w. Clayton. Mr. and of NEW YOllk. - non liitervieared at hla bo- church crrlxoo. The young emin)e Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shepperton and chil In Hotel Ulllal-- can walk without becoming tirad. Next take nus wim parent at the Ho Mr. Prlnd, Mr. and Mr. John F lert acartmenl the Colonial her ranch at Weber llatoly for Chicago, where may dren of Fun Sumner, N. M are spending I nave a chemist with to tudy grain of ordinary nuxated Mr. and Mr. D. M. HUmar. Mr. Mra' win .ni "Vaa tn tero five labials Pan and wlU return to Abilene, where abe and make their future home. the chin, una i wim Mr. shepper- - value, or foods and product par day meal for two - Clarence Mclnnsy, Mr. istmo the different Iron three limes after a popular teacher in Simmons college at ato Mrs Arthur 8' M Mrs. C. M. to meir bower lo produce great itreugth your strength again and rernn, Mr. ato Mra. wVin.in n"1 N,ctlu' ml little son, ,,i.i. sajuford week. Then teat mat place for me opening or school Jan- W. a. chamber Mr and rndurmre. both of which ire ao nt-r- ror yourself bow much you gained. and Mra. H. J. Doodle. Mra. B. F. Ochrnan I very ill at her home On his tea bv uary s. Mr. and Mra. L day from their in h., In the pine ring. - down (ínter, Mr. t ranch weal of town. I uuaaseu I have aean dosen of MTVou run Mrs. Yarbrougti or Pecos I also a guest and Mra. Antone Jaoobaon Dr Blanch lion nave orien laaen nun ami i nd Mrs. Mjas tlarvin apent m holiday An interesting program waa oaetiiiilai lv advocated Uie free use of people who ware ailing all the while, double si III ranch home of bar parent, Mr. and MeWhlrt, Dr. and Mr. U. M. Mufr lo chnattu ik Mr. and Mra Mai ...,, reiaovei anu rrleud given Friday afternoon to Mlaa iron by all thoae. who wiah lo obtain great their strength and rnduranc Mad entirely Mrs. M. A. Stamper, and will remain until urtssard, Mr. Allc . Pardita i.livtn-a-l niaiital I, II Ml Morgan's room. Mia Morgan and owei Without gal rid of all ytaMms of dragapis, liver alter (to Htm Yar. Poster. Mlaa E. Henley, Mrs MUM. entertained am sure i wouiu never nava us su able mw A. kt AMI. TEXAS. me prunary room, Ml inai and other trouble ut rrom ta to fourteen M MeCollum, and Masara. Powell, Cooper which u taught by IP so Clifford 8. Weaver and E. w altes, ma Jtrk Johnaon compisteiy Mm simply by taking tn me samuri and M. Lsjrton. Lucy Tbotua. aa I did, while ror dtya' tro utter the president or Texas Chriattan uni- RsrrMime,,ta or Voun'bk rully and usmiug proper rona And this Ussy had Hi ice cream, catoa, corre Peün' "Jf '"ft Sunday for avevaral of Uta room had Christina my (out with Frank Moran, I regularly rtr versity or Fort Worm, war or and nun ...... I .... . aom casa been doctoring for months guU aervad. Baga " Earn child put a ..lain l eco mends laal weak. crab in prcol ubitiulng any benehL But don't take Ed for another rhlld, whose name be pre- lhal it a a moat imp- ilaot factor ill he families of a Lehman left Wedneadav .... had I the old forma of reduced iron. Iron relate Sam Mean and Woody a., ounuay . ,.r my winning so eully shall train for v mm aneniooo ntiar viously drawn. or tincture of Iron simply to few owning, Jr.. are speeding me holidays ".. ut ...oioo nr. Lehman peut peopta cam rrom all ui i.i.ia with nuxated iron." -- ovar ttlg spring, to Mi. James is suffering rrom Uie ' Mi cut You must take Iron In a form thai can i. in Mr. and Mrs Joiui Means at their uia mouier u, law, Mrs MIS Susie u.n Dr Muer ald. Wtliard'a be absorbed and Hit onvea and to take in the case I on which sully aialmllsfd ranch home. Mra. Laaua aawt dnr grip." only of hundred Iron If you wlab It to do you any good, am. that arMlog at tto Yakl hotel, Mr. and Mra. Mrs L. W. Anderson ha with for u.uauwr win villi wim Mr. Ltoman'i by alrsa rich carter ato children may prove woraa san uwtaes. her motoer mm lb young men or Midland TIhjm ar apeudiug Uie the Yuletld season Ml until after New ChilaUua vacatto wim bar eistor. Colon yr's. wfio mad up tto crowd were. Mrs Mr. Mloiiiahing power of iiuiáted iron any an athlete or fkjsSar has won 1 Wm. Moore Clay on Hark carter people at cgrlatod, M. M. prie Prewltt, who student at m don Ian aha I sirrngin ami viiaiity eves me diy bacau university. "snn... now. stiaaea charlea tram, Lena restore ' tlmaly ha th ert Tuesday night ror San Rich any Arthur Wlnutorly and Harold i chronic l kJw Mr and Mra. M. A. Stamper served Diego. Cal . whir ai dson, and Wt, most oinpliisted uitditioui of great atrength and ndurano and rilled h. wu nis tile Piicoat Uuuule Andar Miller, who ar Múdenla at tto New ! blood Iron star lots, r beautiful and bountiful Christina dinner Au wire. aoa. Dr. Har I W with a went the Mra. F. E. krlder, .aster Fisher, Cm sute Urn al Albuquerque, fray, while many aaaWkair gone to at ranch home Monday. oc-- i klrkpstrlck to lenity are v aM in their last The been conriued itanaun, jack Hanuuond and Jim Tarry waa bear half deraal sluipiy ah k of Iron a was a happy to bar bed ror the past tan tcietiretiug the Ghiieunaa vacauou wim mu a fVorloua far hk ion one a It brought to days wim a came over lswr and war thru- eaeoru tu alve lilto ureliiiin.au lamina M D. severs esse or la u their respecuve familiee Hon I mat- l uo: bout their twp daughters, who arc grippe. the dance, for lif üiaurtnce. wa jU, after which they exijoved a NewuMan MOTtV Nuuuü teacher In me Peso and ro ,uu splendid ato Mr. W. motored to ed lo llnd htm wim the blood pressure Ahíleos college, McVtot f " lunch. 10 or reapecttvely. r,,ort? Hageruuw Sunday fruau to DlSaOoto X of a boy of ttd full vigor, vim o of M 1,1 nd a a youug man. n. a Tolley tto rrteod of Mr. c. ranch to apend ChrUuua vito Mrs New viuiily fan hay mood p. VcrJtatou wa m town from Mr. of uratom, motoar of Mr ner planned an youi.g luwi raallr b wa nolwlthatamJ nd unexpected pleasure fur man's mother, Mrs A. Davenport farm home last Tuesday ato Wadn- - Mrs Wm kirkiand. u aerwiafly iu st tor laat Tuesday n hla as. Th rrt he said wsa bom. atsruoua. It waa hear mi reru Morgan, teacher of use round tak ng iron nuxated Irog l,m rilled him hr birthday, ao each on came wim autus ud firm grades of me life. katd Mr. llaaeruiau public wim raiiewed Al a be wa in .Wl.. Beulto J- Wilson want up to ato and. Mra. By C. Byrd of Henna mo- prepared dlah for the luncheon sellouts, conducted play given b bar Health. t t be wa carwoni and near . iKir mmt pi ty of roa t-- i tored lo oiotie i Pass City laal Saturday evwing ato will to spend Uiriauua wim ra. which rourluUed Uie afleinoou a reMlvtUe. pupil on Friday afternoon al me high ly all in Now at to. after using Nux i tad a of vitality remain unUI after tto Year tlve and rrlmd. un. una prent were made aai ehuul Iron miracle and bla Nv and tto auditorium The play waa enui'au la,.- te amuig with the buoyancy or 1 Ml Ad! Lloyd wa hoateaa lo uie mem weanesosy evewog. IMeMStor the an- "re isBas wa enjoyable. Tto who A to aa kha ft. look Trip Bar," and cJAltdrm were youth. A 1 hve mm hundred here tor class and at a pret- nual installation of offlaara at aaa ttl part Ui the iurprlae were peciaJ quuva ef factor Mcadamea La ia tome ti wa pleasing limes ovei, iron Ule greatest of all tily appointed party last Tuesday evening. d tostoro sur wm held aM (to rol tow heal. Ciavtoa k Bell B c. Utadley, A. J Many Ui Senglh If people only mg naltor., weie atlandauce would A lovely program of auieruiiuueiii bad officers aere installed Worttur Heard and EUl Cow dea. Mlaa Nod PIU, vtto tunda me throw aw but.patent medli inc. and nau auina llagar tsfce - toau arrancad for tto pleasure at tto Mrs W. D. Frark; wnrtfajr oatroa, aaaoeh, Uaa eou coni oetlous and simple uux- ri LeW Friday evening junior ui th man high school, left Saturday Iw Fort 22 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916

TO BUY, TO SELL TODAY, TOMORROW TO TRADE, TO RENT AND EVERYDAY To . Tin (mi TmnMr will Monay A of Imporunr in you In Mr onn It tha TIMES CLA SSIFIED DS Trmrr't lwt Classified Columns m is s THEY HIT THE MARK s tsi s Classified Columns MUTT AND JEFF MUTT'S FRIEND CERTAINLY HAD A NEW YEAR'S GROUCH BY BUD FISHER iCopyrltriit. by H. C. Flshsr. Tmd Mark Ret U. Pat. Oft) I i tEI V y t . Ps: I YOU ÍVtT I AN'T i it fcor kl ípov V I ' ' 1 Mr SeOP4 .TIS TH6 tKlTV ta. - ...... - - I' 0tt . - .. I .a. ttNt?h- ata, .7, mtvi. II N6vJ VEA I -Jitter. 0 ..... TM nwt nwmr WITH fVxM i roar y .VirVrVl - Tk . i.ik.i To T"la O'jivjuw'-- r 1T . 's8p7 - ,r, I ra,l i" A' I I - PSs

Cnr.e. mi. wot C FM

. ADVKRTIBING RATE CARD I'miolr Help Wantd. Bnalnem Opportiinltlcs. IIURltlCraS ipnrl lllllllcs. Him i ki i iiim: Rooms for Rent. 34 Real Entrite and afire Insnrniit-e- aunnni. 0 Whlla ,ln HOUSEKtbriN. RO J MS. 1007 N. El PaiaT BROAOOUB 4 LÉ BABOpT rMt wreM CO'li tl.ll a woaa. Prion BpU SM. . 1H miu nr nrd oo MH). I rente par word recto aw Hoiiaol A. P. COLES 1 BROS. Ileal rotate I II M Mr lino per rurrnth. Furnlshctl Iloom for Rent. SS Mnrchm.e Blrrt rhone 1B rjrruretnea WANTtO alrl. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES GEORGE W. CRUTCH! 4 SON. tryuwuni tafllab. looaala, apera liarfod Tin wrrra i nona hm. I, Mreotehlet Blocb. Phone PP4. B. San La re hlorL Hotel Al- - run tiw on liironflnlle porlrrd (L f.) toban WANTED Girl lor Hint ho RL. aiuUl old DOUGLAS C. CROWELL. No ad aarta. Mn II Torn smllil. Tie. Heme ar.d ln.urenio. 5Í4 Mill. Bldf. tnr too tatesnbosra. Orrtor to .lUouunlUiuo It f.l ROOMING HOUSES inuai be Biede Ui errttlnr WANTED (loud Olnlni rooat flrl. hoo. till. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, adlelnlnf bath In C. A. KINNE CO. Real Patate and Inpuranca. aro duo altor Hrat In family tor ona two healthy - V W WIU.IAMS. Inpuianre Arrnunta for rLsaeinal 4 arooary. ar faatlemaa. mai.Bfrr Drpt Not raapvaasLbls for mora than one Ineorroot Wanted aioiuiaa. mommii poeltn Ctmrctand Square. 2IS U HOB. onion leomi traaaioat; owner loavlnp elty pood leai" n proved Calllornla are party far RICHARD H. TH0RNE. 403 Mill. Bldf. rent; tl KÁTMRYNE HOTEL F urn lined outalde room., l Irialde bixaltyeae 1mJi UW1AI. ADVKItTIfllNQ. heap how turnMurr. Prion II ft Whet hayo yoej pot? end riroTorty. Main mu. Help WnnKnl. IIS r nlobt; $8 aad up. kept. odrortloüia ai loral rato linnli week Mnm II0V 8. HORÁCETbT 6TEVEÑS. Lol Mfel'IV Al) SPACE. Stanton, ever Savoy roataurant. Real látate and In.tir.nrvy. Opon (lot rata, woaa clai. por oalarnn olrta, In, Vallay pon NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, area fanaja. IÍñ B. F. HAMMETT 4 SON. oarh InaorUon, Toe. Kmhrrn ialua Aporjr la on oolr. at RESTAURANTS BaminMt Hl.uk Hi 101. Herald ri.,o Sama, unitarl. oa laaarUoa. Uc Bldf. HED ROOM: 7 mfaaatl HtaniUna 1lipl MIN WOMEN. w leoae; eheep rant. tl.OOO will pat (tlapUT a1 apar or 2t III Lao Ap. IK 'ontrarta for largo ajn ounU of addroaaot. No oonaaaalo Knd ttaoip. Itrawt. Phoae 77U R Real Estate and In Property. aaüora ub)on u t. Mi depoeM of 11.000 by tilt. Co.. It, Billlniarr LARGE FRONT ROOM! HX ACINI NOTI frU Peed eheep huadlad rlpht. cnoh bio meney producer. Salllni lultablr far two bu.lnaa. WANTED EXPERT B0OKKEEPEPI aad naneara lee, rent. II. two caah will mtle. up tain. Phoae 2712. CI3 UcU. por tina, aaori Inoorti, lie. Her. Addraai W. 114. care Time.. npbell VERY DESIRABLE BEDROOMS lor permnnont ata S id nun Wntltcd. S Set 803 Eait Rip Grande. Ptaae 401 L TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS: olee, mall fura- - OFFICES ALEtMEN WANTED at oaoa to toll OOr puaran TIMES BRANCH load ?.oaral watohee dlrael to wearer en oa ahrd arartmrnt. third floor. Phone SS32. XL PAao Tunw i'omtawt Imtallmrot payoimh) of only .50 monthly, retail NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, imall private Will Build to PuMlabon Kl 1'aoo Mnmlni Tlmoa prlne eitroonrly najiaabto. Wa pay ttrejpht alary family. Ill Arlroaa. Pbeae Mil. Suit Tenant month, M aaejmhv I Paoo. Taraa. tlOO all eipeneet and extra The Louie and Security Co. NICE FRONT BEDROOM lar rant. New heuee. new n Tima elonai eea moo la dif, investment Close-i- II patrón tha vrer'a Can aovoral Star fog a mi, anion ro oootraet lurnlturr: ne ilek. Phono . on Corner Icanrli ofnroo at llto rolloortni plaroa: forent Addraaa THE POPI 00.. Loaavtow. roaloulna NICELY lucnl.hod bedroom.: .team Hranrh loo Trao atroot. 502 503 Bui ding heat: ole la. t aad Kl and Trut I II Davta BranrH U lalollranl - Tir onond W ANTEO aalaameo to carry oor Irae al triinke, Bt on Mesa Ave. bada, oaaea oa a FURNISHED RCOM. fantaeo heat, If dnalrod. FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY ' alaooSaS lull aad leather aevoMat tide PHONE 1200. larape WORK. Prior mora, IllibloBi; Park. Ilea ee) a ton per eent com m In loo outfit Phono . Kail Alonioda atroot. aetli. rWI " porta lit of eatalotuo and order raaok; none but APARTMENT HOUSE I room., completely luralih- - FOB RENT 8 teem. hoe trd room o I Boulorard and Floran oa ad. olwey. pot I tin ii ttr- 2S J. fl. Smith & Sons Boulorard Unir Uno. and eiporlenood aalojaaoa aaod apply. full: food Income: te mil. M00 Mlwwllanctius. IS Autos and AtX'o.rvirlm. Phan SOOt. PETEnBOURU TRAVEL! ING GOODS CO. down, batanee eoay. SIB North El Paie. adrorUalni aoraptod al all NINE BUS. Ph. FINE FRONT ROOM. In pood and Pocanbiiri, Vo. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPENING lar .uburban dru PAS&FNÜER 1ITN1 e375. brandiao. SALESMAN Eanollont. rormaooal peel Itpo. Splendid lera In II Peep. Son ma quick' Time., B. 402. pTjPtTrctol 1418 opoalnf lor IBI7. Capable aaleaaiao la Toaaa RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP. OMnl aeo PHONOGRAPH RECORD EXCHANGE. Hotter. aft loot Staple i aaea. 1100 N. Flora St. Phone . llar lar retail trade. Liberal oeeh bu.raeaa: centrally eea ted. forme. Ph. tica YOUR ROOF CALL RUBY. minion, WEEKLY ADVANCE. RALPH IDE, 2. ff LEAKS. 2054. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. tit FOR SALE Rmall tiananipt oa Stal WILLIAMS I1LDG DETROIT. pnnllnt for Sale. 14 H. Co., If N. Kaaaaa. ROOM, in..!! tttly paynieriU. Appit lid Ora, a, Hi riirnliuro NICE atete la. SEV'ENTV-riV- TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS COOb RESTAURANT FOR SALE In Heart af arty". I'errHinnU. FURNISHED ROOM. weakly lor Irae laloaintia aetlloi larpa Ilea of Aura Far other apaadarrloa. lalermallon phaea 1310. Wanted Olla. Oreatea. Paleta aad Daa't AT ONCE. be allr.fltJd. Get our propeelHee. Falrfaa Relióla, All kln.l mod houie and ufTIca lunilUire Will per Co.. fjiPVOlaNd Hoaril and Room S7 ICoomliiK HouHen for Hale. fair price for eBiable fooda. boa or pbooa ret at T r-- rr SALESM IN Caaebla apiclalty maa lar Taaaa aUple SAN ELI2ARI0 SANATORIUM AND R"fTRANC"H i A..' vaoaaey BALDHEAD SI5 par weak. laplaoas tuboroolar una en and aorna. PIERCE FURNITURE CO.. ssrumi aad rf.rsa by Timo Branch itw lAtlriiuaaL taodad may pat ama oalllnf al tha eeae. Attr. otlrr comrnluloa centraat' lar 1117. IM Ill Teaai St Phono let medical attention Hat aad cold runalnt WBtar, etc. IU Toaaa . waoaty YOUR HAIR FALLING OFF? Ph..n El Peso 1800 or Cllai 111. Offro. lei ciponeai. Mllea f BUIar Co.. NEW FURNITUR EXCHANGED, Cariln in. j Clavolaad. 0. FURNISHED APARTMENT OF TUT "Jrt t BF1I " DON'T PA) 1'NTII. YOI.lt EIBHT ROOMS. lor ..Id Will buy i, liaud looru. Your credit II till 3Kon IltiX il.1i.. NI.W IIIUJiANR WANTED An A l itoerk lajesnaa. Np Pttior need Steam Heat ia find, rióte .i.l .are inrmer. HOME FUR- v apply. II cora Timo. NITURE CO.. Illl.l N. Staetea St. ilKT inerrlfil: larpr. I.and.uinolj lllimiietert nietnmoti alned surta. 2481 TrsMaat. Hlfhlaod B Central Location tal mailad ITlKl: H. Jalm. SL Paul Park par. Pot ,14,1 IV I'U. ...ni tun tor Bate TEXAS FURNITURE CO will buy. .oil ..r A 1111 w Sltiial ioiiH Wnnutl Male. S nee mriiltnre lor id. TEXAS FURNITUHr CO., too 8 Ki feei. si. PTynne 400T. HAIR good, laáautaoturwft. H. 4 H. Co.. Ill N. Kan W A FIRST CLAM 0R0CERV departaieal ejaaaoor. Hit B St EXCHANGE NEW FURNITURE rh,. with toed, clean raoerd. open te loveatlyatlon In Offlt-ea- . ROOMS AND BOARD tint eleam host, Ift healthy; tor Kumltu Ca., lit 12 SUre and ola: araeent poaltlon yoarti I peek Spaauh; water la aash roam. Mn. C t. Leery. 314 1 alder .alary under 11.000. Wrot Mteeaart. Mule l!cl antea. Addraai .. ..are Theea. FURNITURE el apartment tar Np. eby apt ee. Apcrtmeat far rent. Autta Apart. 7. USO CASH LITE t'RANCE SALESMAN make I014T ling Health A Aaotd.ht lr.iur.er on the 35 por month. no ud no latamt: near rasa i. EMPLOYERS' CLEARING HOUSE. JTSr' iln.n National. NEW HOME FOR CONVALESCENTS: Steam bast: aaetew: hardwood floon. built, la tarura .lea. Furelthari al Aaaldaat wee alee. Na. I Chamber ftlll-i- MlMt'llilllfOIIS. 10 trained nurse: tree tray .enrloe. Phone 7832. TECHNICAL MEN. of .... Blda. Now Furatluro LARGE FRONT ROOM nd board tor two" peetlemao. 8188 CASH MINE MEN. Rio Groada. Phone 43M. Boteaoo like rant: new buaeelow: hardwood PERMANENT POflTION. da. Ire empkeriaeat Satur- 2tt Wnt . MILL MEN. exponence. built-l- foaturn. foaoe. fere fa. sidewalks. STENOGRAPHERS day alteraaoaa. Elpfit yean' efnea who will bo per meaent. Anewer with luH pertlcu- FOR RENT la 100 block en Tatas St., aa BOARD wllh ur without room. 417 North El Pat. Jtoars. G. 0. 6IS. eere Tlmoa. Coaiparo thla little hobd with len. oare Tlmai. Pnoao 7IM. Name oca Inf. spy other la too etty you 10 NEW ONES. IF YOU NEED EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR a. THE SALVATION ARMY will o.lf lor ct-.f- . PORCH? ROOM AND BOARD tar lady llti'klmia't Tea bow 4 aad buafalerwi: all wall leceted eanaot fiad lb eeual. estate e'oaaea tamper arlly. r.ddreei P. 0. Box 201. City. NETTIE M. VAN EPP8, Sole Apaet. lurnltur. mjgulnn, papers. Phoae 4SM. Ideal localloa. ultabli lor ra ar Priva e kemc Phone SCI3. Thno home, are li.it balaf cam fletad aad are epaa MILLS BLOG far your lo.poolo Far sate WANTED Situation by a tlrat alaea auto repair man 102 Mna i a. Phoae ? EXCELLENT hams tar Mnval Ph.n. 27. aa any payment.. eopaple of hnadllao .hop. Addrau Tlroaa. Itusineaa C'ltancea Wanted. 10 MACON REALTY CO. broker ae. effloe freuad fleer. For Informa. ROOM AND BOARD. 17.30 per Papas 4783 PbPPS M7I. 421 Milk Bldi WANTED A pealtlea by experienced double entry ENERGETIC YOUN0 MAN with rapltol. da- - IdB waltroaa. Arlrene 100. uai ROOMS AND BOARD: cera heel 323 A SS04. to nee poaltlpa bajslBasa MO, Wl areeakeeplnor; roferwaoaa Na. I. Phaae lire locate Kerr. el. with ,ii) .E 10 room.. 4 50A0 L. CONVALESCENT, 18. 7111 Mapa; eloaplno perohea. Ilea phen. aad ask for S. Daets. Phoae houao. Ariroa hou.a Aoierloaa. plaoo: .Infle, pood heaare. In houeekoeplnl auluey; alt radiad: I 80AKD-I3- Wyomlnt. Phen. 8872. wart. Nrw tS: 2,7 w uiaeable root: Berth .Ida. cleee In. I2 work. Neo I u let --t iss: lit Llséb-- P "' MITCHELL Irt'NUiakliii(. 11 FALL Speelek. Apply Orapoe handy II South at. BARGAIN le I rreoo Roa-- d AH -- WANTED Flratolaea ,10 lalaamen to 111 Up.ee avanua. WANTEO Orsstmaklat. Any kind Pi taorlat Pane and Room Wanted. New 5 Room Bungalow prapirty out of taw act bo heart or. Traetpor roeePBBMy. Pbpaa . lion. roa toad. Lllerotore. mapa Sliiiallonn Wini.il I 4 em m la I lea Haply elvlnf Ixrflt 10 Pressed $2 by lady popeV and Found. Eduoatlon and InHixuctlon. IsmHy or first boardlap: mtent teka roam with Brick, 250 Pwrtofllea bo. oar. Cuy. WANTED you as Pf rartoeaaet aad elan then, reniñen e oompaMen far old arty lady or LOST A dart brow a Jkplec, with .Ilk prald SPANISH LESB0KS out board. Deal miad paeiaf lar errant las oood TO auto buelneo. la Ellh GOOD CHANCE LEARN meada tutor lor ablldroa; ao ebieeUee to Uoarallpf. For oroement. aMher la Boeleyen IRpe MtwooB Aaeaa ra mm. ' STOREROOM HEART OF BUSINESS DISTRICT Detroit, aaaerteaoe apt modérelo .al- a.llliarv ralm. loaa pleaae addraai P. 0. Baa Ma. Elootra. Too. OSO UOfXoe Ave. or Montana juna botw.eii Cenen 20x1 lull beaeei.nl. Available ianuary 3. WANTED. 0y an. at yoott sou pie. board add ary advancomoat te mea wlahlef lo loare. Write wa today. Well aad WORK day. white woexaa. Phone . Are. aad Maple, or ee .tread In above .ootlaa. Fiador Raasoaabie root. Baa two rwaaii. today. Addraaa AUTOMOBILE. TSd Woodward, Do An toa A(Merttoritis. L. MARK let 33x te Bitot SL aad pleaae return te Ceirmarclal Otllre Supply Co.. 200 and IAMEB A 400. Stats details and price te Alta Vi.ta qnojt, MMo. Taxa St.. aad reeolve reward. SM Saa Aattalo JPbpp 4M0 6'eupta, lohsol. tatas ta - Dada. tt. rbere Tlasa. batid six of Orne and two WANTED-Ge- .tenoprapher. headn aaperlenoa Miuiiili.il- Wanted Male at hemn ad remain LOST Sleet peekatbeet Kt pearl feoteear. eea. DodM tearinf WHETHER IT l A Met OR SM 10t alroody boon oaatrracted Par. a and key. trrauUnj .umpa. HOUSTON T C0L0REU MAN AND WIFE Maa aa opee. ma. aa 'ialas .erao a. toilet artielea. Fiadar will you will fa S tl drson ad sao the piase add tha pmteera. .olory at ohaurrour. Coa lurobh rafereeeae. S. Leo SL Piado roture key. Bad pot reward. Phoae 1171. Chalmon rourtnf . TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.. Uio orujlnetur. of Caa you arpard rlpht . Addrre. P. c oo Tlpjoa. Ill HupuHibl:. you are Irosa Mleeourl. Iilteatotk for Sale. "ri LOSf-- Oa Ororl.nd b. Papa. tearlft toa low coat of urrrlaf. If raat what you saa ant a heme oa ween Steeloa aad El Chaadler Aarenta. puree, eeataialni cheek aad aoaey. Reward. piiono fIS. I oar. prod eel Of tersas Ilka tntsaf will be plated) Phone III MA7. Chaadler etrt FOK RENT rula aar day. Chase tar caah a Heyaea roe deter Pheoe MBS. boa loom Spats. WE START IN BUSINESS, lurarahlef everrthlef, LOSf A Warataaea oa Teeae treat wllh traes ape. darlnf retaron ca. reaul.ad Chloe Pataeo Co Bold ..ten with moncarea R. B. E fob M te 1100 weakly oporotlnp aw B Vaklaad R. H. TH0RNE FINE H0LSTEIN HEIFER. years aMTWiH Mayfield with a boar aad Be year eaal. PSaae 417. f Pddapar I Building BARStK ThAUi TaUSpii al Toaao rTarbor uaaey r aeuene. home or 88 mm Bidt Ptaae to. treat la Lbs sprlas- - Prisa 100. op Reword. ' Ml. Pasas lofoa world', (raateet; wben rwlboteni .mall aeareealae. Oaoortualt. Thais can ars la perl eot meek aaleal coedlrtee aad OFFICES, Aaorteaa Baak RAQS0ALE 00 LOST White lea. ate "tee larri poppy. 7 old. TWO aasaad 'leer Bldf.. FOR SALE CHEAP 2 aad t cans. Psray and Impsovement Co. ra. hlet In Draw a aoath. are fuaraataad: oath or term.. 0a Batatal of tha aarasa treat te Pasa del Maris; Y atete, m. ' Reward. Ratera Frt.ee Cafa. 1001 Ft St. CI Pata, lha fraa .atranco Petomaa. Taxa BOY he wapta te loara the pota, toe uroop.. j. t lente above eon wo sen Lata alear teta la ar will la any. laqulre Now Syalem WANTlDOia part pay aay at meat aaatral teaatlea maWIe etrtua ead ihap wart Mad plaoo far ee IM.S0 STARTS apw terpl tímate aoAerprtao 20.00 F0UÑ0 Strayed mare aad eolt. laiulrp al prleeta' see. Id a dlamend. aa a oat ee tha Deotl.ra. la bulldlaa. A BUNCH af food Aaarlrae breed mam tar sala. boy Col 407 Myrtle. profit duly mal or woolly aa earn eon realdeeee. Y lata. Toaaa , son adetrttted. Paul Cmwell Team Mkfttep.. brlfbt al 4 ROOMS, third Ilea., ultakle lor iterBas: la canter Addm. l.er. HAVE KNOWLEDGE Upa. BP caevaealaf. peay. LmjWyllla. Ky. LOST Buildop briadlo eater, while nook. Reward. AUTUMOBILC AUCTION SALE al W. Oyerle.d Bad MUST of elty. laoulre Haw Systaa Deals, ca.. tl JERSEY COW. BaraalB. Ptaae SBSS. OF BOOKKEEI'INI STATE EXPERIENCE AND A8EHTS New pama lar alear tere., barbar ehepe, Pheoe 7117 and ban Aateaw aña, SALAR EXPECIIU í. S TIMES. ate. Eeey tojo .aliar Parttoolor. trae. U altad taabraapprd Ce,. N. J. tteiie Mlm villa ' MEN lliur.liele.1 laUAliaruo eap.aiiie hi.o . Tr.alee. For iirvtma. II Hcwrvea a Moler tí"-- for Rent. UarntNat VehicJesa. 40 teaeti 'lar tayyrjer ue.ia uukwi. nielleü ti A BARK 0PPORTUNITY-W- III eetl or lea.. C. By an. Ma and y TQBaa. llualiit'HM Utportunltleti. J. MOUSES FOR RENT Harbor .rilep r.ici .vi. elty two tharovfhly tea lad remedie, ail 1378. Olftea with Tri Steto M BO0O EXPRESS eVACON aad sot el baraass. WIN MADE neeae. aad addroaaea tarad trade a art. pad tnwtala. edual U aai w A Wllllaau, Auotteaeer. SH KMrtllltl take MO II ssld OBOO. 3808 Ora Patata MM. 121.00 WEEKLY antlr Nlaa trae:; py ataee MS si Na aaaraealef ParDeolara Mr .Lamp Tha Guido te. aedlateea aa aorta oaaaee ear a tarluaa rattan. It Arlene Mempeii Tona. Th. Willi.. Rea.ly Co. 201 W. Owartai - ri KNIttllKIl CeaifMt w ti Cft - ' n Flat rasa a W yam lef tiraot. ttosa ta 8K Ramey Bros. Can Sell It EVERS BARBER COLLEGE Wapaa while leal e FOB SALE Oea aaod bona, Huron Pet Mink, ' al. wart lour ream. tt II rat wttt llat CatalPeue mailed freo. E. lith. Fort Worth. ar ride, wortk lad. ft ANDERSON FILLER. wILt Ill eaite bap, like rOi SALt-r- .lT Oaataakaa das, Stirtpaf u. wa will bra tat trtot. You Looking eea. Ill 102 Tl E WANTED Petroleum eaolopl.t aad mlnoroleftol. olí Are for par aoat above prloae. tod Taiaa St. con. Phase III. aat ttr T. Head. wort Iloom Ne. I. Hotel it minadla Tiaaa TflusiMa in ipleidid RENT Tarda rapan iMiplot parok te lentideeU.l Jalfar pap ntliiuAC lib FOR aad nnatt anut, FOB BALE Caah rsatitei. IS8: ibaar eeae DITION. lh at tuurinu H aeaaoo aa oar llae: MS FLnt Not. Beak bUY wttt wheel le er la drof atoro food wbbob. a Any paas, til. AND VELIE TOURING WITH ALL THE NAME est lead pert at IMS Dakota Bids. Busintss of aoe hew aad .test t aai 101 417 lit. aa menlh. Cefrln bundles ae alfkt arart. N. 0 reama. Cell III Milk bulidlap IMPLIES. SEE DUGBAN AT VELIE MOTOR II7.M lesuire Poultry and Katsra. 41 WANTED Competeal mea eook lar .moH family SALES CO. OOTTAuE -- Ley. orpahda. Oaks aadl T0atS Kind? LUMBER I can afford stea raw aatraordlaary WHITE LE u HORN HENS. moatke std oklaka; Addraa. P. 0. Bao Mt. prune, BARGAINS IN USED OAR.' .trout. IU. CABSIOY 4 NEIL. II I I II you seal apa aa; wa aro oa flnl ote I brwwB I optara baas, eeae atar 17 odd. LEA BN arteiBl arjU lojairtel' ara, saw Lumbal lleraruiioul Overland, anfor. ttkt y ear I aedM. aoath. I. kt 0. 1, IdJ In SO Neaeea. loarlai lew a Call at 1728 Tuiareap. A frdB, live' WIRES, aad kerne tea SAME. raadator. Ktar ii tied Houteea for Rent. ar BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL S auaSTOaP- ealllraoojp 14. 17 SALE 1a elaad roans. annMalm Wa baoe SB. Aa. FOR Elfht Vlatrela raeard.. pari eel apa KrK than WANTED Amertoaa dotlaory lapy wfIS irtapT aMli dlUea. Vsaal aad laelruaaatal. Goad muelo. "líhai Fa lord. 114. par, uriHahad. roe edkartmeeta paUeola. phase 1200 atudaaaksr, aeaa.paaaeaaar. I FEW of the SPECIFICATIONS: TLfTru room lure eeo- - pteaud loetaai sprat. "allJ WANTEO Boy aboot II dMoi aad la. CLOTHINO EXCHANBE-- Wt pay the klabssl prise All la peed eeneiráea Rapt Money to Ittan. .teas pillars, tl in San, podntal laosrtery ken tab. Pps 'f 0 ranlly alths aklldraa. Prletlni la yeui .eat ell tteftlef. Ill Tees. Pbeae tlel. TNOMAS MOTOR 00. A MONEY TO LIST YOUR BUSINMB WITH W. eulrad ISM oaio Tlaw. LOAN "T! rV. W ANTE 0 BOO K 1 1 PER APPLY X.. TIMES I0R 8ÁLK Cheep. He... kapey pad ler Ill Ovorlaad. Matea A Lawyers. I. WE NAVE THE BUYERS. baraon 0E8IRÁDLE SEVEN ROOM reald.oee, fere le ed iadklaa. parape with a aaaat Mead .trate II Oped YOU TO or will .,11 eaparats. OM Tuae SL Ph. 4014 roa SALA Salts 117. Flnl Nat Blda, drln.ay.0e ja WANTEO deHaary V. Pt.ee. SH WANT BUY, LXABB OB Jot. Pee a fW Sltee bospatew drttrtet. Vm kan NEVER SELL. CALX IN AND TALK IT REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, naii.lr. Baballtt At Heeds. artan. First Peer. Cavalry, lard osar- beaa eflarod Ml asm la luly: aid Bar, peed a T i To toe Maa Psoas 27tl les Bar. fad tsarlaa M.SM: MM .eat bajuno te Fesrtale tleJp Wanted. HI tawnier .mall Fard tmok two leed elrtean kali. aat OR POOL TABLES. Í aasb , Usable use.ti.od. paeollas all C0-- WOMEN WANTED all tima .pare Urna a BAtll ret ata host loattras: raadlai aíÍUKte","AlTy f III. N. Co. autre tot Meee Ave. leap., eaap turafturo. lellvary akaat Jas. S. Law -- MS. aa hour eel ilea toerealaod Wear Proof Heeler, te a Buchón t Wanted to Kent. oemailiry Wear Proal MHO HOTEL SHELDON BUIL0INB. . wparjrEeaarteBBB Wanlrd to Huy MLveM llaiu-ous- WANTED Te latee I te 7 roan keoaa, Py mpeoal .ill to .oil eaABs seestWa, Iaa eery PboBO TIT. Pbppp 7 IS lerna L aTWD Leoty far umporery wort, Wanted-f- or spot casm. k.u.ai.id asad., addratotaf amaapt oat I hOHlSS Motor Co. wttt a) pa i Iter aoooraey eoarora. epood ateo II. tora erflc. lareNure anteara, Saa Franeteae CI aad ooe apeeieiM aad Rajalrtao. Ill SL. Pas. Tea. aaearp. Apply to U apt Time. Olftee. la- I a la Oaalpad Ford Baa MM paode. I 7 Rooms-Furnish- rln.ieaoe We bow ws II srt. a Met, ajhpttt, piaaa ed 4 r 1121. knew sad da ilabt paead. I Saa lap I Six atero your oar ead aiwey. aa Pata bu. ar An Aderan W. III. one not.. 8 PS HH paaaV Late of iooa tt tea ret Mna has. II plaaaa. ataña) H psaata. Oarasr pad DOCTOS ADEN. éTa bT a ut A I HI XL are Tiaee. leíales if I erne. Plaem MNiasrt. fMraali témele deeaoooo. Mayaaaa I tiivt rraee ear. i urwee. Baa. treat. I break. toen. Tas esry ptan lor INljiil J mi 0 WANTED-O- m raan ml ddMB. Kb IN fa. SopeeUte. Bid. Pb. ll" FOR IT St-- . ..all troat boa boa. bra at. I treat. I break sen a bar roano. Meey salte m lb Kl Peeo. For JIU I Ceil! DON T WAIT IHRIE MONT Ho Iter s.llvsry. 1811 SatSSM. I troat. keener. toa. I I AT IS ladle, te i l aulles toadle. hueste. boa MCE trnrel. doaepa rKSW oera Time.. par I trust. I trust treat. I tort a" all aataaaayebod Bony te oor W. pox II to M ot. salt asta. eoea .avian to OlaJ Ttatb Ce 1U W Martsl St LniW atTSrS vtulpmrnl U7I (all tor 8a east. Walendap. tea Uilrd II a. a.. 114 Sea Fr Bastees BBS 'misviFast Nat. Baak Bead OOe. ReJIamad fam Sjjjll mm' Blda a oil. Tiis. W. A. arptan. A4V GRANO CHEVROLET, earpt WtSlp WANTED tar SM ar I.SM betttl ... will AMe. liiayni api op vamea IP aopO pas . -- 'ÜT' dv axaavUiai wetue .aamhle Kuduoaa Bota te m.a.r I l.O .. St.. j btM'sl Port SM t iaa ra.a.n ata. Toaaa, WAN TE O ilsa luae iBattartte, Ma ata, Faiaaaad. boated r b, tear paj I AS WANTED ilJCAN. WIIITK BAOB WILL mtA!&iEI'!irzS!TW aorocot Phono 7881 M. at a te. WAN TES raorl .eairql kaaeawort, apt te fiar louieoll Adaeppat Cebarle PAY lar moat bu oil bailh.ai I'tuNTR aua, Vie . aad .tarta WIN rail katfc Per MM. atetHB aad beop oare lar ehlldree Apply 1ST err.vl .. I'll. Pol IP, HtáUttlIKIi AT ,..i Very ílü íe.e. l ikllI'llh in el: la,. OKtll Alt arf IU iXKAN. 8a. tan al Sbtln M'pa I n i I. SS Best Buy of the Basas BUV AMALGAMATED OIL pao peal a ekare. t in AtratriAneniai for Km 'lié WANTEO - atetara "to WANTED BUADSTEB. Matt M to pood aaadlttee oa tar nal los Barí BoaaraJ bpoee- Mr Peot dlrldoaat M So dope pan III i, arodoottev eansra: seusl Is food FDR MINT Ot yea waat .est strictly andero raer, aeadeUaa. -- fM.. tara Tina. S.a HoMaaa. Meelaoa Sara. Mil Mea aa. Season wort: ayaal atop oo Pao pteaa-- AaoaW IpM Beta aeay abalee Ir .boot, eoe oaat a tears, Phetie laid. ma luoenaa... Uaolsd ..ule . átelas dttan Say eaerlof naoklaa. af p Itetlant II n. ead yvo will Sat tarar. ere arm WILUAMS. Is h addran 0 401 ear Tlasn. Will fl In teat WILLIAMS 0 aaaaon. c.iy aaio WANTEO te be, Urartsa ratr ay sarape ar vary n d CanaJratem Erra ' PABUaEMGEB FORD MAS: OaTtos Ckpar O? WANTED A partear la aa aid nrat.lt III llvt en. FSB SENT TWoa-- i unmssL 8427 Said. laratira . - tala aad rranai kiulpni. Ap aaaeaaMt masoral.!asa r- - o a : atatatas " ir rraua. WASTE R.W8M.S8 ttr aad aeaerai kaaae rao maáa MASS aar Bsaaan. AdaWea 't Tleaea I fill teV Rent Thmt Rnnm SI CO kU HAND CAD ILL At: ao us la apio pi Bn HiiUra. 4tVttl4i lUerWUS Iter itt'tet. 44 Ml. Upo. iSTm. Sa"v"0o4í?M. WNITSSIOC A . ICAT A. AUCTION! t paaaa CmZ2 Through modi lea. 77 pf. be.raa.npi op left. parróme pi the Want Ads. -- ao. teta) Arla.ee at. wsr JSPJm? I ipil PMM 4S8I. bar.zetSlVsfte. SSM atan ptyaaL VSZ: í 'tZJ' Partf ft i i 4 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1916. 23

that son-in-la- w of pas P4'5 USEFUL FOR DEMONSTRATING PURPOSES BY WELLINGTON jfcjffiffySr t'rgiSf pe. THPfr ta. i ft

Itonl and Otty Property 48 Reel 5tate and City Property 4S Real Rotate and City Property. 48 lttc PRICES OF WHEAT HEADQUARTERS FOR Newman Investment Co. Curtías, Manning & Co., REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. BONDS. Comminution Stock Brokers. Some Holiday Bargains Ctonropondcnla of Ioaan at BRISKLY ADVANCE JSSM. 17 2 RM. apta. A (tan llalli. lata. I Mu BUNGALOWS 140 rnrTntyahm New ft. eeparate bach yard, tar aaah preperty. faaata. Brian. of the fraat tore far avary aaartmeal alii rental. 1 Ml York Htor-- Kiehanft-o-. A Few of Our Classy Ones aaah, bal. II 10 par year. The Times is the M5O0 io room nadara name. 1000 bid. Maataaa PRIVATE I,KAKKI WIRK I ROOM MONTANA STREET: HARDWOOD FLOORS, FURNACE HEAT. BUILT-I- FEATURE. St. 2 full South fraat baa), beat bay an thl, fine TO M l, MARKETS. Day Pit Sees l CHEAP, treat. J25O0 aaah, I. 4 yre. Last in for 1916 RIOO: TERMS. THIS SOME HOUSE AND MIGHTY I 4 AVENUE: A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE: QLASÍED IN SLEEPING PORCH. BASE- IMOO. 40 RM. raatal list, Man. teaameat. 1.1 nm Notable Jumps; However A Recognized Curtí 44, Manning & Co., MENT. HOT AIR HEAT. 14.750; TERMS. SPLENDID BUY. aaah. hal. .art. Media ROOMS HUECO STREET: BUILT-I- FEATURES. HOT AIR HEAT. CORNER LOTS. FEET. Ui4 A 1 IMii.no Close Is Nervous. IS A 14750. I RM. adera heme. fall hate. 700 blk. IR22 nnd :iTil 4.JM; TERMS. THIS POSITIVELY DANDY. andy Are. tanaa ta i ROOMS MONTANA STREET: HOT AIR HEAT. HARDWOOD FLOORS. BUILT-I- FEATURES. A cult iniibaaar. Sheltltin Hotel. El I'lUari, Tex. CRACKER. JACK HOME AT A BARGAIN. 5 200: TERMS EASY. 15000. NEW 7 RM. bun,. I atari ae. Eaat fraat. I TO rlaaa In. raal Ill Aaanrlaterl Trena. ROOMS BLISS STREET: NEW AND UP DATE IN EVERY RESPECT. 4150. TERMS EASY batíala, take aa Utah ae llooo la lau. For Real Estate. prtre 9 ROOMS MONTANA STREET: NEW BUILT-I- FEATURES. FURNACE HEAT. HARD WOOD FLOORS. bal. eery aaay. Chlreso. Per.. M Votabla lump. In market tha (tner nf yaar In lha wttrat Iraate. Bparulalnr. M.SM; TERMS EASY. 14000. I RM. bnnmlaw, ala. porch, beautiful For Rent Houses. the 1 GLASSED-I- llarrd who laat Ihrnvarfrra wrrr ROOMS BT. VRAIN STREET; CORNER. LAROE PORCH. BASEMENT. MODERN. anula Ihaara. botamen!. 1004 blk. El Paaa. alfnranrd tlir rranutlmt lane Ui re ImDrrrved ahlp HARDWOOD FLOORS. S4.150; 400 CASH. BALANCE EASY TERMS. Alta Villa eecllon, 1400 atan, bal. 140Eta month or For Investments. anttwt make detlrtrlfM Hume 4 ROOMS RIO GRANDE STREET: NEW. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HEATING PLANT AND EVERY- tall. int naidtllmi, hal In ailvatrcaa Ion, on rmirr THING COMPLETE. EASY TERMS. BOND DEALINGS DURING YEAR. 1 I3.M: 1140. RM. bona- aattaaa. Now Ortaaaa St. For all kinds of wants. ilcfrrnil .tollvattra The rlnnr waa nrrrmja, 14 In 4 ROOMS TUL AROSA STREET: GLASSED-I- SLEEPING PORCH. BASEMENT. BUILT-I- FEA- dletrlct, lull baar.rn.nt, laraia. beautiful Ry Aearatajalarl Preae I ratti net hlatirr. with May at 11.74 to It U TURES. HARDWOOD FLOORS. LOT 40 FEET. M.400; KM CASH, BALANCE EASY 1400 ISO For the Automobile. 1.2, and July to 11.41 I lit lawn. caah, par ma 4 Interact. Near Tart. Per 10 - Ihaallnaa In tvanl. on Urn at 11.41 14 I tont TERMS. 11100. 1 RM. BUNG. 2 stealth frt. In 1 raaata, and oat. la al 14. 4 TO lota. Crane Nm t talnnl II ROOMS HUECO STREET: SLEEPING PORCH 26 FT. LONG. UP DATE AND CHEAP AT Are. Grand View, raal 1400 bal. For the beat Jewelers. Tora euank m iltirln Uia yrar rmvKl..!.. rtiilah. ittiiltaniTrl bb 25 rente 13.500. WILL TRADE PART BALANCE EASY TERMS. hártala. aaah. .. hither LOTS: 13000. 4 RM. BUNG, lana Ha. paren. 87', ft d.avarl yaaunlay uytalnd a par rafa nf l,15a.:o400 In earu. aa In wheal, thrra waa a erurnttm to frt. Orchard Park, 1100 For the best Department Stores. drive way walk,. caah. bal. ropnrrt. In oarf on Hie pan nf rlrten hour arara te lull. and art a nam Tita total Ills aae tara. These High Houses For the beat Clothiers. MI.Tpa.0Olt alan Uflr.l a. a rreull ahlnlnt aira, aald to at Are All Class and All praleir :M)rt.niit t,tiltel,. an tn bt drllrrrad at tha TVtal daallnta In alouka lOlft were .10 150(1 For the best Furniture Stores. fia M4II.4M eatrm eratarard nlthlti day,. Hate hardener! on Terms 120 aar ma. In nthrr Trade, Bargains Reasonable 2175. RM. BUNG. H P. a .harm, ormtnanvt with I71.MII.000 In lull The l"lrr irreal.. aw. 400 oaah. 440 For the best Music v.ilnmV aludlaa Interact. House. vrar'e rlnlliuja In .Girma have Imnrt naiailei1 only WE ALSO HAVE 7. t. AND I0 R0OM HOUSES. r.otu! .liariHt tin- rirainca, nf train thjtn raa- - COTTAGE. Blihee St. 40 aaeh. .itt thraa nrnnlona. In 1001. 1W.'. anil lam. 125 par ma. In fact, for anything of the best quality. aUQaaBetttg thin Wai4t rurnrd out In 11600. R I. 2. SLP. perche 70 ft. frt. Pled rae Ttir rarnrd waa M In laon wtlh M4.M5.t5l ahana. .it the total If you want a home or residence Property for in- SL 1300 aaah 25 ser mo. Ineludlm Interact. Ttvrre wara earnty.etx ilara iliirtitf tlin ynr In SOU. M. COTTAGE, pared IV, brat, I'ltmlnt guntallnii. Wheat May 74 .treat. alilt-- ato.4 rotriiajtia Indine; akraaderl two rnllllnn II vestment, come to Headquarters h. 20 aar me. Jut: II 41 I a. corn alar. Mr; Jala. i v. tana and ask for HI M. COTTAGE. 1 Sauth treat tana. tdiam and an flaraanber II Inuiurtltmi raacbetl the -- May. M 4. July. II INak l.tniirv IJT: r lane corcha,, completely tunllhad. 100 mark nf mora than a mlllltat eharew, JENKINS. He likes to talk and show houses. . aalt. 1850. 2 RM. SLP. corchea 2 lata. blk. ear II an. SIM on I. YEAR'S INFLOW OF OOLO. Ill IIT Kaaeaa City Grain 36 Al A,lalr.l, I'l Now lm-- HI Ttin Infnma id ndd Kau.a. tit). Mo, Int. 0. tVhrat No : herd G. St CO, wrv'k nut,. lite i4.) of llin vaar'. Ijinv.rt. II, ft a M. No t red II. 7a a at. lha n 1177. N. BUGHOZ itt4.70n.lHHi. Ttila I. hy lar lha treatnet amitutit May II 71 Ml July II. M. HOTEL SHELDON BUILDING. Newman Investment Co. tolti to hint tin 1,'nltail Mutra In a allttlh vet Oaa Nn nauxad no 15 a n0 j while POr; Pttaaa US. 140 Baa Aatan la Tlin iotal of Inuae-l- lor tita ..k In Mtalf No. s yalkra mi a te; Hcraantar. Mr. Mu M St the Krltlah trraaun aniounU tu 141.000, 001. T haary fxrtajutlnti id ellllnurnta alnoa laat Monday Hal, Nn Bargains! Bargain si CLASSIFIED Business, Telephone and Professional PRODUCE MARKET Business Property NEW YORK FINANCIAL. Aovlatml ITaaa. aaraar: will take half tha Iter- III -- paper, value re.ld.nce pnparty la trade. Now York. MrnaanUle laltyi Thk pre party priced i.i matyiiaj ttit", H lower than 14 71 W rt tulle aa hatika. riantiirnial rsntity. wtiolMalt, par Urn 35,120 laat M South El Pu, at at only S40. ethan adMalas. 14. dranajt.l. IK. .lav btllt. fl. M raldna. 14 70 A.fA.f M.a fort. IS iur neat untar market. U4 what', mora, CTQRY Mralimn Vtt Dale ou you liar tllrrr. duller., Alfalfav. Nu. 1. per ton won't fat It If oon't harry. SDIRE Kr. 5r.0 i. 1!N 'tiriio loana, taalar, 00 and and nttmUu. par twin 4ac4 .Tl Hanf, ThU Up In Your Horns or Office for Quick It Will rat ratlL 2 Downtown butincaa earner at law thaa arica. 1200 a foot. Refsrencs Save Call Tfl(tt. pat 4) (oat. day mi,ic. .taa.tr i' rant; low. .'.I Juet Ilka tlndlm 12.100 tha You Tims. You Want Your Business 60SO late-- 1; If Usttid Her Call rulltlf lent loth. ."a. rioalni Mil. 1, r ta i Ippvd mis. dead, can ta cur nmoe aad tan 3fr.i20 FEET Chaca la n Tnaa St.: al 1V. Taxu :. Mr. Mullíala). brand new hauaa: rant 11.011 a year. and Ask for the Advertlslns Department. TViU rr rtlppad OCtB, i M OOUOLAS C. CROWELL. Aaenoy. Thle property will increase In value METAL MARKETS. Clino. wli..U4.a. par cwt. 1.S4 224 Milla Bldi. J mere thaa double la ene year; priced luip. --Mail, pa'' l I.U far ten day aaly at 110.500; tanaa. AOOU NT ANTS. NEW AND GOOD. Al Nam Y ark. M rbotye Il Praaa Ilrmn. lelall. t 01 New 4 Ut In POGSON BROS. 4 CO.. Mllle BUU. 1MÍ EXCHANGE yin, uld furniture Iih oca tv Aaervitlad ' bunteiaw. KANSAS STREET Nerth at traaaa: Maw ( lilckaii nlttdaaaie, par cat aaeh; hall tamaaefjnp badr P. W. Poaraon. Baaldent Partna. York. In i'h 2:6 4 foot fraat aad five ream heu.r; and quarter facKl. retail. Bar rwt renta far 40 par take half a suntoo. Wntn thlnl riilin fli aenth: ACCOUNTANTS CERTIFIED. ..n tlaarly. N't, Nonttmi. riin.TTtr. ilihaiala built-i- taaturaa: olotho. chut, eak trade: 10.500. nta, ftirriKhtd try Taiaa Prralrna t n. I. TNURÍTOS-C- . IM4. N'trtheni, IM.00I4M.IU1; No. bu.mneot and haatjat plant; front aad Hda T. A. M. aaiélÉ.. Ptwoa .1. nana. nvr. ptvlna Nn. s ftnufliMti. mii.i r.n .t2i. l7o: torch. Iarete, aaniaat alrlva aad aldaaralka; UallS CORNER Sauth Stautaa St.. OIF NaUonel Bank Bld. fr: rlrneeait, llh- - Hurt.. paid, yam traded aad eaddad. $20 mi brie. 2 brfniUti oo par month net price aauth fraat lata. A bmaatfful hiwna tar w.ooo ADDINa MACttlWlS. Phaaa ua tar appalntnieat u lao If. D. S. ARIA, with tlf l New rtrat Ha Al London. Ilullnr. Itrcl rrrautirry. bcr ta uti.t i'i .n.l Splendid Warehouse Fisk-Ramse- y Realty Co. PIANOS. Ry Aaaorletod I'reaa Taxaa err,, in laj) pat KL I'ASO iIANO OI,llX,u.rtaÍcr Loradoa linn. M. Tha lata werth tha Nat much money 1471. 0l l.niland. Property ASSAYERS, CHEMISTS. METALLURGIST. mí: vum- - as Bsat PRODUCE MARKETS. SCOTT SALES REALTY CO. Crttehe t 4 Fanuaan. rapr.aatall.ee far are ar 4 wart a ' ts larail. (211. 10. Al Chícate. Umpire 414 Mile Bid Phaon 7714 Oleee la. anana la El Paaa etaettar. aad central PLUMBERS Ily opeokalty. Analyal. af coal, attar, ata. El Paaa. Tan. 31 Kuril, r. (SI. Preaa around 104, IM brtok bulldlnp I045a. THY THE CITY PLUMBING .a tput, (HI. 10,; fuluroa. 10a; earrVrr- lil. atn. Ileo o Butter klrhar. Creamery, IN EXCHANGE FOR VACANT LOTS .OR COTTAGE paaat Boa 7l1. CO. Better llui (lit. Ha IN EL PASO. with traes as apar for Ire. I'l ;n,. Uj N, OamptJl Irtla, (IM. 4 raaa,. Market CASSIOY 4 NEEL'8 RECK HART'S ASSAY OFFICE. 107 Ban Prattclano nm Twenty aeree alxby mile, frem Co ue Chrtett. near renrai. liu.oov; larmt. Tin MM, lira. It,; futurq. (ISO. LIST OF BARGAINS CALL SERVICE PLUMBER lar raal Idrlú'r. Wa han a lerpe laat af wail .elected prepnrtlw la teniae. Ph. I44L Raal nice aattaaa. Pantana, Cal. all parta tha city aad oaa fill yaur want, la all LIVESTOCK MARKETS. . Beeaamar, Cata. af SCALES HI AIHINI,. brlah. Stanton Street Corner 114V. Vender. Han nata, far oattnae. Ma ar laad. PASADENA t. SCALES REPAIRED. IM S. Saeta Ft St. At Kama. City. Al Elfla. Flaa arahard near Y lota, Hn prayed laad. Oaartaad. Phaaa 171b. Ilr A .tort. tad rroaa. 34.000; tortee. SCALES. tu Han dawa tha valley. aaly 11.500; aaraar kaaataa ally; mu.t .all. BARBECUkD MEATS. Hanaaa 11)', liar. 30 lliw. lion Mar Butter rtrrtr lana cold Canaan an Teatt etraat. at banaln AN EXCELLENT HOME af ream, DETROIT AUTOMATIC SCALES. hot alaaa.ly Bulk, MaOarlOlc, linear. 10 Unit I aad alaaalai EL HA80 BARBECUE. DiS) UI1U L Charlee Builn.ai t penh: 2 full hat. elate ta Natal 4.4M; Hurliuier, lu;i Nurtli hanaaa I'none 14.41 inuaart an llor.gelOM, Hai l Din: 141. M; trap, aae City. Arizona St. Bungalow CHINA PAINTINS. II Malo lauajrl.U. ily rertaaa. EWBUNGALOW. Suaaat Halaba. I ream, aad Callan Banetuta. 1.0O0 Market eUadr Plima Aaanriatad l'rra. aa El Paaa etraat far LESSONS and rtrltuj Uuulon Studio. airara, 110 .101140: waatant aUmra f,0e4 0 fl; cur. laor. M. BuUar. erra and poultry. Elaht noamt. 2 hntlai plant: 2 lata. Price 4.400. PACIFIC STORAGE WARE HOUtíl CO. utflt o IMmu l CASSIDY 4 NEEL. Phaaa 424. TVfr Co. U.USI.M: baaV Or. M.MaiO.M: ral ana. MOO N. konmaat aad bastías pleat. H CHIMNEY SWEEPS. nnamit ratal. I'h far at W. CARL Baaamaal Robar t, Banner bid, Mil M. aw Casta. Ptttim 4 in carne pana; parase, oaa chimney .weep. Steve, repaired mhomn. ItrntwlPta, nona alnada NEW YORK COTTON. Bids 41 aaw far SIMON VIESCAS. STOVE REPAIRING. Muta lamlr. raatlnn 440 meoth. aad .al up. Phaaa IZbl. 414 a. atannaa au 113 Tía i.i 10 70W117:.; I. tu iKlral Preaa. Hornee will brtnl total af 44 manth. STOVE REPAIRING Now pine made and ranted York. 10 C.HIi.i arf. llalli; tulrldllnr FREE GRATIS 4,244; 11.004 aaah. CIVIL ENCINEEHa. for all matea of alneaa. L. J with U. a uplai.ua. lil la. No ealaa. rulurra rtoer.1 ataady n. Iron Work., .ornor jrtfUl H 11 Janu.i-- 117 n7; Manir, May. L. RIDER, ti) Herald "bona Mil. and or cor. tin. Al Cklaata. If.tk; 17.57; July. 45,120 feat aa Sauth Santa Fa .treat near W. Hid. lf.t4. III. IS. We live you half If yau buy tha ether half, 117 March, , on wot, Sea Mr. Mulllkln. W. F. PAYNE CLEANERS AND PKESSCRa. t'.!. ilinal u II for with tha l i.ik. Buy From Owner TRANSFER AND iIORAGE. lint rlnelu lauanty alead) nal unctuuirad Ur DOUGLAS C. CROWELL. PHONE II 'i.i- - WORKS, Traaaler 110 40 llrtu II 51110 IB.- han hlrtuar 224 Milk Bids. 441 Maaa Ave. WILSON. MltlCAN OLEANING aad tarapé, ratar trata lar IU Mi. 17 YYIuu you I 1101 at. ida. loa lha beet mare ran eat ctaata Careful marina. Alea m.ve kuddlapa . 00. SNAPS SNAPS SNAPS. bultt-l- Martial llaady. NaUea harn EL PASO SMELTER QUOTATIONS. fnturae. tanulaarar. tm F frame la Grtadvte eddlttaa. futnl.hed ean la. IT2IHI1.I0: woaUni cintra II Ii'imrtaat Hail) hy I(tnd A Hanaunl UNION HAT TAILORINS ala rlaauad aad o ltll ni al ota; 024: taran. laawtal atty. 2MS BUw .treat. 4 i.l.1l.5: aa, t.lóKIO.M: nalrva, Har ellrru. fiat', aattaaa, dearly palatad 317 K. Mantón. I'hxte SSS. laatd.ai haul, rod prewad brio wait.M til . Id. ekeapiai feeldoaoe Han Ja. Into Pa 1711 Hhnrv I.M. WaUrnra. I uta n Cnn bat. IIG.I-- and fletad, lana aarah. feat JAP CLEANING WORK. Sil ... Eaat Nevada St. M.ndaV WaVth lully 4.000. TYPEWRITERS. lanilla, ll 1011.110 Ilr lead, n year and tat aala pre party with far DENTISTS. Ltit raatal aa TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. At St. Laula. nan) rnealta. 6R. A. t. BROWN, dmitlat. 4M Milla Blot All malum Iriavwrilara euld, ranlaij, LYONS. Teaaa St. repaired Ofrica Hy Aatarlalad Pi ( Ill nua miiu '"hone atsr aupvlloa. ruulmr elampe AaeuU t uruna and Huyal than. M H IlmmllHa. 7.000. Mar Vista Sr. bauchert. nitu 204 Alta tipownter. Mill. HI Phone .41 a lomar Urku. llo.liaiOM; plaa. If.rsas.3l; That Four roam, DETECTIVE AGINCIÜ BAGS BAGS BAGS TwO'Story Home Great Big Corner atacad- TYPEWRITERS abaotulrly r.bulli by fartor, ., aal bean fit 45Mlti railk, IIOIOll.45. mreb. tile finer la bath. baa. meat, heatlot plant, THE WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AGENCY fur all matea i file I. am Markat ataady NaUe Itavti you an aack aaleT laundry, bat BEN ihanna. Suollaa of aaarhlnca Ua for A beauty. Sauth fraat. full baaemeeL araaa. driveway, aeulh front let. elaae la eahaal aad veallaethi mtde ut leli aad cama. 118 17 liullt Typawrllv Co. M Meea. Phnaa 1747. rnarlliuja. HHtUW; you buy water bant, plenty at nrwoed aad the aaaarai ajuar er linee. Prtae M.1M, MM aaah. Ill aad I ataree! flmavj M.M4M.M; .ttaduaa. 15 lotylTfS. tlo want to nan? tha prion. Oaly 4,000 Piral National Heuk Uldt 4444, r anea 44 par aaat can thaa TANKS. PHONE 945N& Ju,l think Walalni dmlaaoe. IMP E. BOULEVARD DRUG 4T0RE4 Saw Mr. Mulllkln. all etraat ear, paint aaat; itraata Tata aw aúnenlo ir. aptaaM-l- tbMMSf Al St. Jania. Taxaa Bottle tJc J unit Co. DOUGLAS C. CROWELL. paved aa aaiaa. paved .trait Prlaa 11.100. IMO SUN UBUO 00. Ily Aamnalad I ban bin af tract E Tetaa. Cor atari ton I 'hone I .it . HsiahtML. 224 Mljte Bids 144 feat an Bau lavare. IM feet aa caah. Ill aad Interaat IK film. I han. 10 Han Bmptoni M4. ..rnt r in and Pled rae. 120 laat wt Una. aver al OWi, t. HTUHE A K. Baas. Ihraajnaamt. Oaa 11 artel la IK- lowclr 110 15. bulk M.lowlO.II. feat an allay. Wa ban tenant SUNSET HEIGHTS BARGAIN all nUjl.1 I'lniuaa H 111 lai ttln Nr raradptt. ir SMriial untabantrad Hiaarr. hauaa, aaad larae lamlly, aaa be 21 era, Step Right In reaay far aa lar WAKNKK'H IIBUU f i.umll hair ll.7taill.lll. taita. aulldiai reeled la aaandTeata. 40. aaah; .Umplni in Tuialiiaa POMEROY'S EL PASO TRANSFER I 17 i.uvVll '.It Will pat IIM par aaala raal tar Ml faar uatl.vnea. tit. limplPtMr 'farnlebad: lurnitu pat eh ce. tata bathe, parata, paaia aad eldewalk. paid. oreion Ior hataca, and fiaianl Mtarlr No rmmlrta kl km etoa.t). laJBUa 111 Ml RAILROAD TIME TABLE worth 4.001: aulldlaa. Prtae af Uta ekev. (TORE. at. laaat 1.000. All far 5.400; barm. arauad la 4.000. Ceel N Ht will call 4.100, II. PM eaah, balance la BEX ALL DRUG 1'lo.ne 1444 le.lt; amaa, 14 May al All etraat pavlai Olbeon Sal EHeeUee 7. lila. 111 a. m. Tku will aaamr a cult purehaeer. Paréale', irrut store. Atomía for matar and I PAI 0 TRANSFER CO ..u, be cheap Ban Anlaaala. 111 ar Ftu.ic III! auuioard lloaaj aaala. Oatlea ea atrae Hi. t omita.. Ill fttaue 7l CI p, 4 ay, torn thaa the price "GOES UP." Realty Co. Piuca the hut H AD. wita Creel WIG TO RENT Hearer. Onto M. abtto I Ctlifuriiit t ORSSSMAKINa. liar km .umdy llaaaf elaart. 14 a! RAMEY BROS.. SWITCHES AND PUFFS atada fl Mat I H I at thU MS Flrtl Nat. Bank Bid a. MRS. CALLAHAN. W.. MU U .tfrte. M ftaf 4. euaibara uul fi I .M b u. eiplraa. Would aaaaldar come trad It Ph.ne 111', Marry Purrly a 2.1. M. ytou, dm Waal 120,104. You - looail Arn.t earner en Beaileewd. What Have to Trade? a EDUCATIONAL. Iluta- etmadoa. M. Markmt 14 knarat. Tan IIP IS I Uclilaa Stalo Uuillad nt. month; eame trade; thl. a e Mea la hulk MTPwIuao k t npa. .al i aa. Far wall located Maaahmm. raaplap la arta fraa MUN0Y Hallbu Prtva . Klnerart.e. Pk. M47 R. VETERINARY SUBOE0NS. ..rarer ClD .Ma CASSIDY M. alca.lt latiuba. Hut urn S.au. tad inuaii i FEED ANO FUEL. R. C. F. PI0PIN, eutaaama lo ir. It a uuan.. I :J i. 4 44 p. UL NaapltaJ for 4 SPECIALTY. WALTER S. CLAYTON. Oeaaa aad Farat Ba. Inlay loam, and duaa Mlf Tun Phone. UuLlau atale UUitlml 1 BARGAINS OUR was. inalii 71M. I ..... kl rtao lam 8 S I2JS4 BUYS A I ROOM haace la Alta Vats dto M4. Paaa. ua far aura toad, atoa ba aad mala. i. mi Iroaaifi delivery. MAX MASER. I, v h Pho.,. 1157 or irar ti,, 4 Prompt TMI Uitja Bmnduu. I,M. Martat Hat Tap. tu in . BfaMd an etepaat Real Eatate, Parma. Itairtaea IMaM Maaa. ehade aaeiaaaa. tailA. I t. I av baraaie-a- ac FURNITIiBE PACKIN AND RkPAl RING. M.M1.S. ' us bead That h) a aaaulaa af th. BEST i aula Itaaadxu. I.M, lAntodlnt IM minee Itaaf IT.I. F. tuyahma. we pao Itry. pardon...... th. MANY nre CONTINUALLY arterial. Come In and See Us atfaa. .eMaaaa far frail aad REPAlRlNB. PACKING HOMING ANO SHIPPING WELDING. .umra. U, Ifll; bulb, la Ml ll tint Niain and Eaat Artlra gJaeaey pay mea ta. Write t. R. WMle. an... eta aiaaa. dtilnn ttul trum...i.l furultura. Kurullurt WELOINS Sbma Taaujmia, IS, tujatta aldtvtly. Uaxi.au Irtaaiee asm. maliail imt Olea ua a .M Ul Flrat Nat Bank fcndi Phaaa fkiiil ut tlilmnl trial 111 ml Paau I't iimirar HEIGHTS. Yam will la Xeaeej. U U baniol Purutuire aal HEAVY kut bay hufuU Imparl BRkNTWOOD 1'h. w, MACHINE aiat euloarobUc NaaT mUaa Iron, uoetufrtta ou pared road, bjajn IF YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME IN ANY PART tl.tlraa. tar Uvry a. M 111 I .1) and . eti dairy altaa lxmrai NoikxTa. 02 ..I.aao aaat Mall My a eiABIARTIN FOI hAIROREStING EL PASO CO AUTO STAGE LINES tl. BUNGAl BENT PROPERTY OF ANY WELDINS 4a ulnar a faaifla 4anae4 Caaual by, tern 'REALTY NO. IMt. Urn H AD LOCK 00. KINO 0 If YOU WANT TO SELL, HAIRORESSING. maul, urln and marlnell freem. lr.ru. SIM Atrita lai Taaaa Si. WE HAVE THE STATE OF TEXAS. Mina tutlaaaaá Btatrli m l PASOLAS ORUCIS AUTO LINE. I hunaa Laiaeae ( M. as THE BUYER. TO V- BHSairV OB ANT I tlNaTABUt OP EI. Bt WAGON YARDS. BURNING TIMES DELIVCaY. 144 GOOD BUY T- HIDE AND WOOL. Sanaad ltd Flareaaa. PASO tXMlNTY. tlhr.rriM. NANSAS WAS0N YARD Huraco far re can laaea lka.aar Plata, front uf B. ef lava ut KINhSOAN HeUJW.N Hide., aoul ualtt, laiaaa. t.lie, horeee Guarded nwaa.d ;.. Brio daei dally aad Sunday I.M a. in III aanaat lunulml Suata am a KarUa KaiNiletralia aula I to E4S WM al I 4 atnydmr. fUad El Pea,,. Tat Alouauatuue. a at liuaajlae. Faroe El ut t euuuuo. 15c. ... Ma Ivttaaf Tu.au!,. CHjliuabae. Pata tun HF-ST- Intllá ArU Puoeritt, Arta, Aria; a a M; Parti, i " N. O. I.U Ku.al AO i ata arate. II Maauuitt. IIM. Maallla tl; Lt- uyA BucbozCo. of ald I. i. uiW Llmme ta iruaa DM IUJ nuuaal mfa ts be dmfdatratil FUEL. ami bátate E T. J am. KJO U1L4NOK It E AND It EL CO P Pura lltoUUml aum eallld-,- , YOC Aaa naaXJlT HMKasbUt. lUal bp pa. all par, af tka eet that ata ara aetHaa aa PUT. IhmUllad Walea TUuee aBrtfc::::::::::::::::::.vlffl yarn aaala nf UUe Wrtl fur lam TWenu In i la Maka raamvalaona uto ubrhl battar at affV. 1.1 tacata. aa, pead tarme aad will b. Mad a talk to el data PI. a.. 1110 AIN !Asl ... eaplele aar paaa.. R. F. Tupaar, with Kl IB IP it prUltad In Uta anéenla af Be Paaa. you IduTaJal, -- - MAOON REALTY CO. tire due uutum M tit panel, telaraalaal In Iba IfWELRV REPAIRINS kuiaWELi. cÁiiaisodo Mali, u .1 4M JIMto JMjt M7I Annami fat Ku Bailaata! af aald Eal.la. ta a WAKaUSS aae. i r?pár:::::::-1':::::- . , Pa. STREET CORNER Vila illa and ftr aamr aad nan land lb aeaa. kf tha aaa praaaar. ataatca lire All (roñare Jen dry a p.. dunda., fi n. Kur Iba Itmyttt aaTMey. Id- - Fan dittiirai. Laa.iU)n and tata Qet In Before teaaa th January Term. 111. Mad fount. Cwan. lamai f I anuoa ttail $ 100 Down, $30 Monthly It's sjj L... I 111 a Paaat e.tedale tnm a inaoual. dally I .vanmaaiitn aad It) ba brdrtoa al Hat un rlaa.. - 7a H It I SaallSai kare.lal tala.Mp at A baaaUfal 4 ream baaialen aa aaat traal lata. JUNK DEALERS ' ettat i In OJlf af Jaaa. cm Ut aaar A an Teaaa- aaa.ei aaa wa-- awnaaa aam. wm Too Late aald la la IBON ANO METAL CO.. san trackage pattaa el Let ae Mana ya day af January. A. D 1117 in the rear. I !aaa?"l Ital I laaat Bl Paaa l I 44 a. u Auao at aaaaita. Ma ta raal' haauma lu acra treat, rut. ii a, P S W. and lpllratipa wLU M anead a bp aald OaarL luawati 144 a 4 irala ub aat I'h a.e MM I If sold this week. M aa. laaty a i 1411 $300.00 trlt tflLin BtAtTV OS. Plkaaa my mamd aad I a aay. Oltaa I'Nuaa nal a BOTTLE AND JUNK CO eerei r M imatTaa aa lata aue Bwamatl ur tar Una city THA S, BOSSaVOBOUSM OVER CaMt, M ear ulTtae la a B Paaa. H pef front foot; r terms. aaaatluu inarnu ir bat MHa) Bld Himaa Ma. A. J IMA I 111 aumada M aamad daa. C. Oovernment Hill Lots, lia. Ub aw if HLINOIS SOTflE AND JUNE CO.. iM Eta Corner this aide held H Britton Davis StTtl. ad fama lahfyl, af I ! AUSO Cheap Clark i 'manly Haul Paau Cuuuu. Tan. ' $650.00 front foot. Call BalMt ttul lllrerana. Pbuma Itt I. O. JaJMAMAJMlMr. ap. MOVING I . aaaaSkby 1 MM. UKL Davis & Smith IM m aaa Mak Saal ad, uf A. li i . M Mart aa ma, SMMta&La araLi - t., IMS. 'ING all u Tiau im i at office. Do not phone. ámala fha. aiovataaa. rkjbl at aar aaa. Prtat aaa HT aaala, MalM .mi I da- I .. .. wlllmake Ike lama ha bmald Mr aaa asxiOAN aoNSv -Í,mm,V'&mc CO Ptaaaa I "fair STOCK BROKERS PHILLIPS REALTY 141 But aPt Bata laean. IrtHT a rd. m,Eba. be etere BEECHt Ninth 4 vU mam.au TAKE TIM leiima inte vvan Amaaajjtt ajaatjlaaa 111 IM ram No tlaata ttaaa. a. DULI1U Kami. aaaeree ea latararta-- a ajad paewd raad M aarmj la ralii. 230 Masa Ave. aeare. 4 aeree jraaaa. 14 aera, heart at pear, Owaar lAV F K NO A COMPANT ijbjma Ea faaatta. aaamMB aaat, aja, aVefa Capaae ay a a BaTTAjfT. Cat Vkmmm 7940 and 7M1 444 Bada. Pama. MM aaaatLON a NOTICE OF STOCKHOIDEBS MEETINfl In. nAuitaii automobile H Sole Agenta. WANTED TO BORROW Nlllll to amata Mama Mai the aae.al mattli Dally peaeeehaer tarrlyo u. mad fnmt ail sataU SPECIALTY ar lha mom oat Retjart avtuaaar Bbt SMS a a lima baetUet e. btyaatm at tor MN Rio vaaaut MUSICAL. B. p. MM. AMBPTRUST COMPANY will M Copper - aat. aaiaaimi a. Baa Ariaom Stoalfa FOB SALE aa aauaar. aa aeaa aa. a arwra aayta- M art new WOK H0U4E af aad to bmaaaat aad all j. remaa aaaaww ma... mill Si mi "saz. aat . ltTaa?''. iSt hSeWonthJ Kaaae PpbNi . i2 Ilea. ar. pal, .vánate. sTÑlÁWTtmao IMS N. 4 limn, w 24 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1916.



TENTS AND AWNINGS BEGIN I IN THE SOUTHWEST Money 1 The new yoar right by paying a small payment down on a home We Will Save You Years of experience, beet of material, high grade work- If you are going to build. It will pay you to see us and pay the balance like rent. We have several to show you. first. manship that a why oar Tents and Awnings stand the test of time. We have more houses under construction than any other builder in the city. Phoenix-E- Paso Building Co. See us about our easy payment plan. PORCH, LAWN and l CAMP FURNITURE 'SUPERIOR HOMES" Macon Realty Co. Largest and most com- 426 Mill. Bldg Phone 6679 107 TEXAS STREET PHONE 4061 plete stock in El Paso and at the lowest possible prices. JOk Largest Lime Hydrating Plant El Paso Tent and Awning Co. in the Southwest 314 SAN FRANCISCO ST. PHONE 2044 Brick, Lime, Cement, Roofing, Fire Brick and Fire Clay, Coal Wood, Grain and Hay Chumbar of Commerce Next Door H. J. Collin.. Mgr. MT. FRANKLIN FUEL AND FEED CO. Wholesale and Retail Goods EL PASO, TEXAS Electrical OTOee and Yaras Ooé. Piedras and G II S. A. Tracks. Phones 186, 5144

f It's to Your Interest to Visit j Our Store 5 WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES ON ELECTRIC GOODS IN EL PASO. Start the New Year Right

Hash Insta! a Gas Water Heater

Lights BUILT BY RAMEY BROS. HOT WATER Contractors and Builder. as want and whenever The largest and most com- SOB Pint Nat l Bank Bid. Phone 8 IS. As much you yon plete stock in the city. want it, if you use a gas water heater. Keeps your kitchen clean; it occupies but little ARNOLD VIBRATORS ELECTRIC COOKING space, and it operates as easily as your gas DEVICES OF ALL KINDS. range. The more we leam about the science of living the more hot water we use. Hot Texas Electrical Supply Co. water is the one ever available enemy of germs and microbes, one division of the germ f 19 NORTH STANTON PHONE 1120 ' army succumbs to the hot water we bathe in Whsrs Quality and Price Count We Win. and other millions to the hot water we use in $33,000.00 WORTH the sink and laundry tuba. Of building now under construction. These figures are more convincing than words. Hot water is unquestionably a powerful We equipped to do your rush jobs. SPORTING GOODS are factor in civilization. Visit our display room and see this splendid hot water provider in Plans and Estimates Free. FU hW-- Wi nrtiilir, Fob, Remington, L. A. Smith and operation. PsnW Shot Gun. Rifles of all makes. Hunting coats, halts and aB B;nsssorÍMS hunter require. EL PASO GAS CO. BIG STOCK OF BROS. NAVAJO RUGS RAMEY asliara nm, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDERS Offto and 430 North Chacon Street 609 First Nat'l Bank Bid PHONE 613 Shelton-Payn- e Arms Co.

317 Tamas Street Our Trunks Never Plead Prospective Home Builders "HARD LUCK" Home Builders Too many trunk heath down befóse their tame. Their trouble Is waah cosaaTawtlosv Before letting your contract for your new home, be sure Today's Real Estate Columns that you and your contractor have complied with the law, offer many attractive home-sit- e Uor Trema, last. They tit made ml Cite vary I and hjr skilled ASK THE aasaheasse. AB eer escasa fc haadsnn to k ataidj aa si. iho l and mm Ote wide una of Iraafcs and baas bargains. Look through ease a large mm .ilaaiH of law wWt low El Paso Building Material the classified pages today. Men's Ass'n. EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY You may find just the oppor- 40 Capia. Bids. Phone 10 PHONE 1064 tunity you are seeking. Nest to tuaalu.a Theatre. PHONE 1064 MUMMIMtttUMtK i l 5tt tifoaI ll3Vuí aaR -- M ., r. 1 ' r"Tk i i - r? m LíKfeTMP mm ry. r.,Tr;LsiBT i; i i jj" 1' 1 i ; n mi Polly Pa Saw and Was Conquered. . i 1 i : mu "T Loro I ,tí The T Jt st tojj ckwtp.wd ost Moveo ovrm AftdtertTi t .Jpttift'ft. --- z-u ' I L'RaaM m I MLM DnJ ,rw . ii utu M . LPWn AIÉVÉR SWO UtR The ExPLd5t! li

ll&JT 1 I . ,45 Al)fc4R?A tT LftVfc 1 ITS LL 4T T4Ü6hTO V&R 0 WHAT All SUl ibO fUtfrl FrS tJ U'OaitT 333 M

herí ! k,a -- 5w Mio-rtT- I - iHhX'TT ÜL, ti i Half of Enemies greatness increase with i grit

TPU r r Ti me rcui ui rcacc l New Do at this stage of the war will place Europe This i Make Year a Year PEACE By HERBERT KAUFMAN position of a patient who has endured all the horrors of major surgery up to the point of Make the new Year a do year. It won't be different if you remain the same. All dates are removing the cause for the operation. who do not Since the belligerents have already paid such a alike to men change their ways. ghastly price to the knife, it would indeed be a calamity f There are always three hundred and sixty-fiv- e First of Aprils in the fool's calendar. if they quit fighting with the conn belli still in their systems. is Opportunity reserved to the shrewd and energetic. The scale of the conflict and the wastage are so You'll fare as you dare. There's a "p" in luck it stands for perception, persistence and awrui tnat civilization welcomes the stoppage of t slaughter on practically any terms. But there is val patience. ground for the opinion which holds anv treatv uri If you want a better chance, take one, make one. to a definite decision of strength as merely postponij Success bargain the subsequent rounds of this battle royal. ' won't with those who haggle for certainties. Nothing is sure except the States are multiplications of individuals and as insecurity of a little job. The competition for insignificance is the hardest struggle in life. such are subject to same impulses which rule indi- Persons viduals. who. don't employ imagination and enterprise are constantly seeking employment. If A and B engage in a scrap and stop before either There are ten applicants for every piking place and one competent aspirant for each ten is thrashed, it is rather safe to figure that there will be big posts. further trouble between them. Nothing in human and nation nature is more stub- Do you want higher wages, lighter labors and easier hours? Then come to the front with born than the desire to know one's exact strength and as few put them matters stand, neither Entente nor Allies are willing to an idea ; take a of them out of your head, on your tongue and place them in concede inferiority. our hands. Much as we wish to see this carnage cease, it does We're calculating some enormous undertakings during the next twelve months and discover not appear that hostilities have reached a determining stage and if the war is to persist, it is perhaps for the an appalling shortage in the finer qualities of human material. best that the combatants shall go the limit and be thor- Sound thinkers are required in all the important organizations. There's more work in oughly cured of war fever. Cold-blood- as it may sound, it is better to have prospect than existing facilities can handle. the job finished here and now than take an indefinite We're carrying the industrial burden of two worlds. Factories and fields, alike are behind recess, revive strength and meanwhile prepare for a future melee of even vaster extent. orders. Can you help us out ? If either group submits to the other, convinced Trifling economies in minutes and motions mean staggering savings in production that later there will be far more favorable opportunity costs. to impose dominance, such colossal naval andwnilitary Just be practical. We don't require genius so much as plodding common sense. This Krograms will be engineered that every country will to maintain bankrupting establishments the sudden haste has led to wastes which can be reduced at a hundred points. bulk of intelligence and earnings will be commandeered for defence economic hap-haza- - half-traine- progress denied necessary funds We've been forced to use emergency stuff rd machinery- d craftsmen. and talent will be indefinitely delayed unthinkable The clock has spurred us to extravagances which thought and observation will easily reduce. taxation budgets imposed upon peoples rthe world mind kept centered on military problems science, com- What improvements can you suggest ? Unlock the long disused laboratory in which you merce, therapeutics, philanthropy and general develop- ment everywhere thwarted. once experimented with possibility. Scheme again. Dream again. If peace with satisfactory guarantees for the secur- let disappointments discourage confidence. You You ity of tomorrow can be arrived at, eternity will applaud Don't early quit too quickly. were the statesmanship which secures it. thin-skinn- thick-heade- ed rather than d; there's the secret of that period of failure. If peace means nothing but recuperation for the repetition of the past three years, then in Mercy's Courage, not ability was lacking. Will surrendered before skill had a fair show. name, let the war go on until man is forever sickened But times have changed since then. The trade of the entire Universe is diverted herewards of trial by combat. and the commerce of the earth has been turned over to your country. Hope The has voice in the present situations. Folks who formerly conservative crowd no ran T71XULTANT in vouf Dunv nride. affairs are out of the running. W4j You bridge the torrent side to side. I build upon a nobler plan, You can't be too radical after the surprising results achieved by the last crop of leaders. The stars themselves my arches span. We're in a receptive mood for extremes in originality. I walk in desolation's track; I follow where the Furies sack ; Look about, see an exposed position and seize it. Where plague has gorged and cannon drum And flame has fed to full, I come Be a spark plug START SOMETHING. To turn the lining of the cloud And whisper where the rainbows crowd. He Didn't Know It Couldn't be Done Our Changing automobile was a foundling fathered by enthusiasm and inexperience. Strain THE Street was not its god-fathe- r. Bankers first sneered at the new notion and generation witnesses the addition of then feared it. Too much money was running around on wheels. The sacred EVERY prominent alien element to our already Mm' saving account was behaving in a most unorthodox manner. Folks who considered variegated blood. a brougham and pair irrevocably beyond their means were riding by the First Na- The Anglo-Saxo- n element is rapidly losing promi- tional in an ever lengthening line. nence in the national mixture. Once strange peoples The manufacturers hadn't time to explain the phenomenon to finance. They from Baltic Provinces and Mediterranean kingdoms were too occupied with problems of output. More cash was being shoved at them are contributing more and more corpuscles to the Babel this, the last, be Conscience LET than they could take. With a bit of leisure on hand, they might have demonstrated strain, introducing Slavic, Levatine and Semitic im- pulses, D.y to the gentlemen, with whom they were Rtoring millions, that the automobile as a time enriching the vernacular with their idioms ; af- energy -- paying proposition. fecting our ideaJs, And gire the "inner man" hi and saver, was a self Perhaps they weren't really sure ideas with their stimulating the com- how all the demand did come about it was so unexpected and far reaching. Not mon imagination, ingenuity. way. one sponsor of America's fastest spreading institution is on record with a predic- We rub elbows and erase prejudices and antag- He know how often you be- tion that fits the facts. Few of them were versed in the ways and means of great onisms. At contact we find that the main difference affairs. Opportunity met them as salesmen and mechanics young college grad- between most us is a trayed and of matter of aocent, tailors and uates. Precedent gave them the least assistance. Unbiased by past performances table-manner- s; intrinsically we're pretty much the The trad you held, the pledge they evolved tneir own lines of promotion and codes of efficiency. Had they known same. Racial dislikes are founded upon hearsay far you made: more they might have .grown less. oftener than experience. Occasionally we achieve beyond the average simply because we are not in- In 1811, Nile's Register bewailed What debts to duty most he paid. the overcrowding formed of the difficulties in the road. One of the prominent figures in the automobile of the United States and urged an immediate restriction Before it is too late, repent. world still chuokles over the circumstances which placed him at the head of a sales of immigration, with especial emphasis upon the Ger- Before yon meet year fate, relent. nrganizat ion. lit those days, machines were not sold in winter and he was sending in mans and Irish, to whom unbelievably ridiculous orden straight through the cold months. The officials of the company decided that morals and habits were attributed. Repeal the message hatred sent : he must be a genius and telegraphed him a proposition to take charge of their agen- Thus, ignorance has counseled bigotry straight Reveal the love which anger pent. cies. After the contract was signed, the admiring chiefs asked him to dioloee his through history. We believe the worst of those whom looked Clean the old scores: marvelous secret. The man at them in amazement. "Why, I didn't know we have not met. No one particular land breeds super- the automobile had a season. I simply worked at the game all the time." men. The melting pot detects few differences in the Heal the old sores. if this weren't a true story it would be a better parable. Consider it as such brains and veins it blends and fuses. Open your heart and yosjr check- - and apply it to your own field. Go soft in your criticism of certain fellow citizens. Any who know be off uiiiidien-in-ia- hook and doors. man doesnt that it can't done is apt to pull surprising You'll probably have a few of them for stunts. later on. OriieM, me, hy miasrs Kmcn Or.t Oflssta mm am ot(.r night Wmmea uranilnteinpctsffomcicnGeaniLie

low to PREVENT Simple HEALTH MEASURES That Will KEEP EARS, NOSE and THROAT FREE At the Left, of INFECTIONS of the HEAD Infl nenia Bacillus. Mag- :0LDS in the nified 900 Diameters. nolds prior to the onset of the Infec- At the Bight. h & I tious disease. of the The best protection against further of the Pneumonia Germ, spread of purulent infection BECOMING middle ear Is prompt incision of the rom Also Magnified 0j' BSBsV aÚmU drum membrane as soon as a middle 900 Diameters. ear abscess forms. Gradually the m public Is being taught this fact still consider DISEASES dirty plunges Many cases of mas- - phate, one part to a million. A hag Nevertheless there is angerous prejudice against opening ths toidltls, and Mme occur that containing copper sulphate Is able deaths, the number of should be and can be prevented by drawn along the of the water drum membrane. The (From an Addreti by Dr. Hilt Hattina of Lo Anortes, at the surface been greatly keeping people with "colds" from until all Is dissolved, a procedure mastoid operations has Detroit Convention of the American Medical Aociation.) years, and swimming, and especially from dlv- - that takes about 16 minutes, reduced In the last ten certainly credit must be given to the NE of the problem con- - produced typical "colds" In 41 per tng. Another preventive measure against that preventive measures of removing the cent 01 SB sudjocis inocmsteo. as The sanitary control of gymnasium "colds" Is the care In handling the fronts the physician U how to and adenoid growths In chil P organisms the various plunges, various baths and athletic nasal secretion of an Infected mem-clu- tonsils teach public how pre- - . to the prompt Incision of the to f f the Dneu. plunges Is a problem that In only iter of a household Kandkerdhlefs dren, and In-- membrane when a middle It, or at least help to prevent, mocoe.eus. the mloro-oocc- of ca- - of being recognised. There is, of cheesecloth should be used as the drum late has formed. Jons of the ear, nose and throat tarrah, Influenza bacillus and In some cases, a widespread Ignor- - much as possible and burned. In the ear abacees the dangerous practices that tend example, a "cold In the head" many organisms can be grown ance and complete Indifference on early stages of a "cold" sneesing Is The other of the purulent infec complaint, from purulent nasal secretions, the part of those In charge of them, not a harmless pleasure. to the spread till considered a trivial of the nasopharynx into the ear being recognised Infections, atmospheric changes. A recent Investigation gives some The problem of protecting the "Sneezing Still Occnpiei a Polite Hons arache" Is Just may be summarised as follows: symptom, and factors, such as low-- Í To Keep Nasal Passages Olear on this subject baaed on the sal accessory sinuses from infections the public as a serious drafts other the Plaoe in the Public's Manners," use of naaal douches of the prompt la atlll being ered body resistance from excessive examination of a college swimming that often become chronic depends The attention Says Dr. "Handker- glass-duc- t the head thrown the Nostrils Should Be Gently - Hastings. type, with Allayed by use of "laudanum ratrgue ana inaiscret ions in aiet, tena pool. largely on one factor, that of main- aaate-ria- the Should Be back, tends to force purulent - to congestion of mucous mem Frequent changes of the water of a talnlng good drainage of caw chiefs of Cheesecloth Bps," and also delayed by the ignor- the Sprayed with a Small Tipped these up eustachian tube Into the brane of the nose. swimming pool, at least once a week, ties during a "cold." That can be Used the dmt belief that "to cut the eardrum and Burnt" ear cavity. The same applies to snuf Beans hearing." The public is not sufficiently aware Atomiser. with periodic cleansing of the bottom well done only when It is realized destruction of The depends on the same factor, that of flng salt water up the nose, of certain preventive measures, which and sides of the empty pool with or-- that pAtlents with acute nasal Infec- - Waatold ábscesses and deaths in good drainage, which now can be Forcible douching of the nose with Mery community not con-- may oe oneny summaxizeo as "colds." and salt water plunges, dlnary lime bleach (calcium hypo- - tion should he referred when are still Fresh done by conservative Intranasal sur- - syringes, particularly where the large with the primary cause. "Spit- - lows: by nasal and throat se-- chlorite) Is a safe measure. Where ble to ear, nose and throat SpeClal- - tip, completely n( gcry. Drainage by the simpler sur bulb tabooed and regulated A dally cold bath. If the cold tub cretions, especially during epi tVi. ni la inrh thai the lata ' Unh la nnl onnnvullv Iho r.,,.. wg" Is the . . . . 3 . mil nostril, ueaure ... - m. ' deal ninaatirna has almost mi nut closes the against, but "sneeiing" atlll occupies bath produces too much shock, a cold 'demlc periods of nose and throat in water must De useu again, it is reoom- torn, ine ruie miner is to sena sucn 7 y harm " the dangerous radical procedures with a small tip syringe Is lesa polite place in the public's man- - sponge bath about the face, neck, feet Ions. are. often far more danger that th water" he' nmnd nation, later after th. .mniiion. - may substl a filtration plant, empty have advanced to an extent l" jpers. Sputum is considered danger- chest and shoulders be ous than some other conditions for Into the that ""f" "r""1" ". Blowing me nasai cleansed, and the water be cause serious concern antrums, etc. secmion out, whereas, nasal secretions are re- tuted. which strict health regulations are tank long the nose with too much force. bed- - again, problem pro- - will be fewer garded by the public only as disa- Fresh, circulating air In the enforced. Hundreds of Infections of pumped back and disinfected The of curing a large MIaamorl Swimmlna: and particularly diving, chamber. The sleeping porch accom- - occur In the by the use of copper sul- - portion of the complications largely '.', greeable. the ear, nose and throat from tank It nwvw duringTcoíd in the head." The general public largely depends pllshes result. The fad for out gfpn? rhin this generally understood that a persist- - There is notable ignorance on tne on newspapers and popular medical door aleeplng, while in the main good, lng nasal discharge requires prompt part of the public on this point, par Writers for much information about can be abused. Some people, par- - attention. tlcularly In that it is a common he the care of the body, yet people in tlcularly some children, off are better The best protection against infec- - Hef that one who has recovered from - TRAGIC EVENTS general are not aware of the serious- Indoors, especially in cold, damp Many NOTABLE and tlon of the ears, especially In chll- - a "cold," and yet whose nose Is nesH of "colds," nor alive to the pre-- weather. i. (h- - i inn .ti,ff.t with thick, nasal secretion, is Ventive attempt t.n. measures against the serious The to "harden" children A AIUXXl T A adenoids. It Is likely no exaggera- relieved by diving in plunges and es complications arising from neglected who are susceptible to bronchitis and If rj WADQ V plunges, or In tlQVP DDTVm Oil 1 O on to say that nothing has done so peclally In sail water Scolds In the head." That over 90 laryngitis, by forcing them to sleep tlllLélliLiJ lldfV ElJt UJI that eon fMsss infec- - the ocean. The purulent material 'per cent, of the cases of mastoiditis outdoors in bad weather, is especial-resul- t tiona and conserve the hearing of the washed out is a danger to others: and from ordinary colds and sore ly to be condemned. Dr. J. L. Morse By RENE the water, In order that nothing In the way of sub- population now growing up to adult the diver himself runs a risk of fore cold- - BACHE sistence might be obtainable by enemy. throats is alone sufficient excuse for in an Instructive piper on the the life as the widespread practloe of re- - lng some of the pus into bis middle making more public experiences In cases, re-- Exactly Ave years later, on 1, 1781, an lnct- - the air treatment pneumonia V I VL'VTd nf nlmml hlltArlA tmnnrt nP mini nt Jan. moving the tonsils and adenoid ear. of the medical profession In handling marks' that he has seen no ill effects dent very alarming to the cause of the American growths of chlMren. The majority Many cases of mastoid abscesH oc them tragic in character, are associated with noth-Ne- acute infections of the nose and cold coon,u occurred at Morristown. N. It was - swim-cu- r ear, from fresh air treatment of E J. of mastoid abscesses In children oo- cur from this cause during the tients with lobar pneumonia, but Year's day. lng less than a revolt of troops of the Pennsylvania In those whose tonsils and ade- - mlng season. At large ear, nose and - nad ,or The an infection Is the paramount lieves harm la done in pneumonia It was on the first day of January, 1618. that Juan j,ne- who, n"a 'hree ""A"' nold growths have not .been removed, throat Institutions. It Is commonly in production of a "head cases complicated by bronchitis. This expired, they discharge. - swimming season In- factor the Diss de Soils, the explorer, coasting in a sailing vessel i0' Also, It is noteworthy that In the in- noted that the eold" is generally accepted. It may has been the experlenoe of laryngolo- - The lnc,plent rebel,lon was promptly suppressed, fectious such variably brings on "a crop of along esstern shore of South America, discovered dlseasea. as diphtheria, be that the infecting organism can- - gists for a long time in regard to the however. fever, measles, etc., no form lolds." not always be Isolated. The recent acute inflammation of the upper air and entered the mouth of a mighty river. He called On the first day of January, 1801, the astronomer of local treatment of the nose and The advlco to keep out of the ara Plassl, Palermo, dlaeevered Cerea, - - experiments of Dr. O. B. Foster, Jr., tract. it (by reason of the date) the January river, or Rio at the first of the throat has so adequately protected ter until n .'heew-etv- evrrfeely- fil-- minor planets, or "asteroids," revealed by are interesting, in showing that a Anothei preventlte incastiie against de Janeiro, the name It bears and which Is also tbe ear from purulent infections as cleared up cannot be loo strongly Im virus, apparently free from "colds" is the avoidance of plunges, the telescope. It Is loss than 600 miles in diameter, - terable borne by the city capital ths removal of the tonsils and ade- pressed on Uto public. any demonstrable especially during epidemics of at its mouth, the of Brasil 81nce tnen a gre,t many of these baby sisters of ths at the present time. earth have been "spotted" by enterprising The tragedy, in this Instance, came later. Three though none of them is so big ss Ceres. One of them years afterward the same adventurous explorer again 1 twins, two little globes revolving about each other.E' Up to date, 822 of these minor planets Makes FISH BITE A WIRELESS Code CHART were suspicious havs ELECTRIC Lure Secret entered the river mouth. The natives Deen discovered of his Intentions, and when landed they captured to OW that there are so many the letter on the outer disk, opposite he The flrst day of January, 1810, was made mem- - N a recent patent of a device fo coeds make himself comfortable. The fish soon crowd to view tin' amateurs in the wireless field, the letter which forms the word on and killed him, and within sigbt of his ship roasted orable In East Haddam, Ct., by a happening that was I fishing by electricity the inventor disk. This gives com 'ta way wholly extraordinary. There were In the . . , , . . electrical display and when one at- N it is often found very conven the inner the his body over a fire and ate it. Thus perished a man " - V1 young women, and It had been .rrnu.. temptl to reeve the nook of U to use a secret code tor any com- who, in his day, was reputed the ablest of living navl- - "nmr'ed ana electric ngnts wmcn is ient decided that husbands must be found for them. Ac-- " naileries munication which it is desired to cordlngly. In the spirit of an enlightened public ssld to Induce timid fish to venture (keep more or less private. Esteban Murlllo, greatest of the terprise, nnc men agreed to marry them, and on the from their hiding places In drifts, A "secret" code chart, which a Spanish painters, was born on the first day of Jan- - date all of them became wives, an into the open water, where they may writer In the Electrical Experimenter uary, 1618. For many years his services were em- - labórate ceremony and much rejoicing signalizing be easily caught by the patient and claims has the great advantage of ployed by the churches and convents of Seville, theri8JrTÍ persistent fisherman. containing many different comblna-- I : Years day. 1814, London experleneed a The device is described as consist- which were enriched by bis incomparable master- - tions which may be easily de- molt remarkable fog. the city was Immersed In a ing of an electric lamp Incased In n ciphered. Is made as follows: pieces. He earned by his art a considerable fortune, sea of suspended moisture that extended for a strong gtsss container. A float reg- Two circular disks are out from st the height of his fame he was invited to Unoe of 70 miles beyond its outskirts. Business was ulates' the depth of the glasi and cardboard, one about 1Í4 inches less Cadiz, and there executed his magnificent picture of at a standstill and many people lost their Uvea by s coll of wire and a rew batteries In diameter than the other. The cir- St. Catherine, the mother of Jesus. Just as the work falling into the Thames river and into canals, energise the lamp. The wires are cumference of each is then divided was on the point of completion he fell from a scaffold Four years later, on the first of January, 1118, Insulated from the water by a length Unto 36 equal parts and radial lines and was killed. the White House (which had been burned by the Brit-I- t of rubber tubing and the batteries through history should take the ish troops in August, 1814) was for ths flrst stored In a portable box are drawn these points, BBS aeems rather odd that tims on shore. rilóles are then out through the ce- trouble to record the death, on Jan. 1, 1630, of so thrown open to the public after that tragic event, at The flexibility of the tubing, how Desired nares of the disks and the disks put Bótate Inner Disk Until unimportant a person as Thomas Hobson, a carrier a New Year's reception given by President Monroe, evar, doss not permit It to bend un- ' A together and fastened loosely, with Letter Is Opposite Letter on Outer of Cambridge, England. He made a business of hiring Even then, however, the building was still undergo-ou- t der the stress of flowing water. A Small Eleotric Lamp Is Placed ,nS repairs, which were not completed for more 9n "easy rivet," so that the disks Disk Be Code, horses. than small switch mounted on the out- losa to the Hook Which Is Baited to Sent in a twelvemonth. It bad newly received Its flrst coat ffpay be rotated Independently. Hobson was merciful to bis beasts, and enforced side of the box completes or opens in the Usual Way. jK Letters aro marked on the clrcum-- blnatlon. Then substitute the letters a rule that required for each one of them a certain of white paint, to conceal the marks of Are that the circuit to the letup at will. Bsrence of the disks In the spaces as on the outer disk for the adjacent measure of rest. Those which had not hsd their marred the brownish stone of which it was built. The When the fisherman Is ready for the angler pulls him in. After all of Indicated In the accompanying Ulus- - letters on the Inner disk. Each card proper time of rest he would not allow to go out. cost of reconstruction was $846,40. operations he sets his float at the the flsb at one placo have been drawn - On flrst day of January, 1826, Great tration. gives 36 different combinations. Vari- "This or none," he would say, indicating tha horse the Britain proper place and drops the lamp Into from their hiding places, the flsher- - - fa- - reeognlzed the Independence of H To use: Rotate the inner disk to ous cards msy be made with the let- that was available for hire. Whence came the the South American the wster. He then allows bis line man turns off his light sad draws It j,,the combination desired. Then send tors in different sequence. , miliar ternj, "Hobeoa'a choice, this or none." republics. to hang alongside the lamp and pro- - shoreward. On the flrst day of January, 1776, the town of Paul Revere, hero of the famous ride, was born Norfolk, Vt., was burned, not by the British, who Jan. L 1786. were threatening the place, but by its American In- - Mason and Slldell, the confederate commissioners, 5EAWEED Substitute for GELATIN habitants. Lord Dunmors, the royal governor of the left Fort Warren for England Jan. 1, 1S62. Making PAPER from COTTON Stalks colony, having abandoned the town and sought safety President Lincoln Issued bis proclamation eman- 1, 1868. made by low family, SUBSTITUTE for Imported to S00 parts of water yields a jelly an board of a ship (one of a number of vessels that clpattng the slaves Jan. the the most important his command in harbor), found him- - These are only a few of the many notable events ANNOUNCEMENT office producing group gelatin is made in the Philip- - oollng. were under the at of plants In the self In distress for provisions. that have marked New Year's day In history. To give Orossllchterfelde, Germany, A from a kind of seaweed Th" nount "?WWM world, the stalks of the cotton plant pine, The frigste Liverpool, on arriving, threatened to anything like a comprehensive list of them here could .'. ? brought in now ,f f" sea that paper can be manufacturad from contain a long fibre suitable for mak brought in by the fishermen and sold eaQügh to meet the loca, emlJA turn her guns loose upon Norfolk, because ths people not be attempted. Some of ths most Important hap- cotton stalks Is vary Interesting and tng paper. It has long boast In the markets, according to a receat (or gelatin. The cheapness of the refused to furnish food supplies, but In response ths penlngs of ancient times. In Rome, In Greece and elss known associated timely. of Commerce Reporta The imported article prevents a greater Inhabltants set Are to their houses and even wiped where, an also with the first day of ths thst the bark of these stalks contains Issue - for a long distance back from year. Like all the species of the mal- a jute-llk- at- ame women use It to produce os- - demand for the local substitute. out the plantations flhe fibre and various tempts its simitar to those made else- - have beeu made In this coun try to bring It Into use. It has been from gelatin. Foreigners also rhere demonstrated beyond a doubt thai a it a good substitute for gelatin Rood Bbre can be prepared, from the It is similar to the dried sub How PROGRESS in Making PUMPS PARALLELS Advance of SCIENCE bast not only for paper but also for stances brought Into the Islands thread, twine and oosrsa cloth. According to the Dictionary Eco- prom Japan and China, after being HEN primitive man wanted and pumps are absolutely necessary only aoout seven leei, loosv i in.cn u imudcq a pump , lummurr, u of i, . iv, one ous must oe wuraeu in uuuiuer in jars, i ins types nomic Products of indis. Vol. IV., cot extracted from various kinds of ses- - . n k.. h. piuil from contrivances Barmen wueei in existence. water the grow- - sones to get the water up is ariven oy a senes or cruae wooa- - rne suction pump, wiin cynnui auwu uiu . Weed by the Japanese and Chinaos, W bs level to another to wwt y iMrted and form of port It any little he carried log crops. emosjwmeiiis. nu '""' L" T.TZT:. ' ' hVr marketed in lbs dlsunce. J" "T.! ,7 7. . . ' T.T . . V f i7v.i.a. . iñ.iw ' many typos. mended the use of the cotton fibres how ,, before the flrst of early water water WUng machine is also exten the jars sre dipped a d filled la the .palkTte -- p. Uaarlieot Z- --- - .toTT Z tho bark and SSSAl.ate imported burn and probably one of the flrst ofKVT.all Is the shadoof, wmcn is suit pwyeu ... sw-- i-i - - "J T;" is W?L2!i "'""T ..'! JC.'I, "P'SLaS.7. 7..:" I7lV. the ll.naous uortiou of lb m sale at Wl pre-- is merely - " . , , , pssnssssaisl snot is Man needs but little water for him land it issjw . Z" 77 . I, ., .1 . . .. i .muartMonn at thla time not iw. This up-- operates 11 oy running oax-- r. by extracUttg ib.tai.ee self, and he needed even less In pole or sweep, balanced ou an e.ús. naner a.u pared 1 4 the -nrire of it. de. tb a buck- 'rpe vw.a "n - 7 - v.ilh tKUling water. "' variety and a coun- - P--ent w- mhtee .ppr. In . wide al. Otlw DiodiKi. and tSMSa SSuTZ - ff B oaally earrted la a It only TÜttSrZ-- 4ght th . other Along toe "51 before cfettUU into Mrif m lahth Jar, 0. asesan. - ' h Z this motlc. or remote control. Th. mere Zl'ZZlXpaper making are becoming scarce , .. . . iinld of a iadh Id. TBW Stn-s- mww , , a Z'Za., tar ar.ln flour, etc. throwing of a hand swiicn win suvn espasuswe uu m ssw asee moosss- . - t r ttrf uitrli-lll- l urn rilbC tfl HIXI1 UU UU1M 1U lrtll.fJ - ,h. " iL hn ia Inr minuet IlUSll ' .., th,. i, lllt - U common stop largest pump, rressiug sio.e o. .uus m re- - invention of wkel. op- Prom was evolved the or the ,e .pp.j SsUss a Uve pump wss born. Irrigation mis syimlllve way. the Persian - -- ma sometimes as To euain pumps of today 'l be cnsln a nuttoa control me amanar uu. J quires enormous quantities 01 a snaaooi can raise Water erated by oxen or camels the sW . One part of th substance iiw "" 1 rr COMIC SBCnON

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