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MARINETTE COUNTY HISTORY -– NIAGARA TOWNSHIP – NIAGARA NEWS COLUMNS [Compiled and Transcribed by William John Cummings] Iron Mountain Press, Iron Mountain, The J.F. Mason company’s store now Dickinson County, Michigan, Volume 1, closes at six o’clock on Monday, Number 52 [Thursday, May 20, 1897], Wednesday and Friday evenings. page 8, column 1 Barney Houle, a barber, was bound over to circuit court this week on the The town which is being built at charge of assault with intent to do great Quinnesec Falls has secured a postoffice bodily harm. The complaint was made by [sic – post office] and will hereafter be his wife. called Niagara. John Stovekin, Jr., was The new spire on St. Anthony’s made postmaster. church is nearly completed and the new bell has already been placed in position. NOTE: Beginning in 1904 the Iron This is the result of Rev. Father Therrien’s Mountain Press began running columns energetic labors in behalf of the church. from the various settlements in and Several agitators endeavored to stir up around Dickinson County, Michigan. trouble among the paper mill employes There is a great amount of detailed [sic – employees], but were unsuccessful. information contained in these columns The men are thoroughly satisfied with the on smaller settlements which is of great conditions here. They receive better wages interest to historians and genealogists. and have better houses to live in than the men in the Fox river valley. A two-room addition is being built to the school-house, which makes six rooms, 1904 besides the basement. The two rooms in the basement are used for training school Iron Mountain Press, Iron Mountain, purposes and are in charge of Miss Amy Dickinson County, Michigan, Volume 9, Drotning, who gives instruction to the girls Number 9 [Thursday, July 21, 1904], in sewing and to the boys in carpenter page 5, column 3 work. Peter Stoveken has the contract for the NEWSY NOTES FROM NIAGARA. construction of the new wagon road between Niagara and the Quinnesec The N.M. club will give a party at bridge. The road is 520 rods long and will Naveau’s Hall this evening. be cut twenty feet wide, and turnpiked Merchant Mason is expected home sixteen feet wide, and will cost about $800. soon from his extended western trip. Mr. Stoveken expects to have the work Mrs. J.L. Jewell left last Friday evening completed by the first of September. for Manistique to visit relatives. The pulpwood drive has reached the Iron Mountain Press, Iron Mountain, storage booms of the Kimberly-Clark Dickinson County, Michigan, Volume 9, company. Number 10 [Thursday, July 28, 1904], Mrs. Dr. Farrand and daughter, Miss page 5, column 2 Isabelle, left last Thursday for Calumet to visit relatives. NEWSY NOTES FROM NIAGARA. 1 MARINETTE COUNTY HISTORY -– NIAGARA TOWNSHIP – NIAGARA NEWS COLUMNS [Compiled and Transcribed by William John Cummings] Mrs. Jewel is visiting relatives at Niagara last Sunday and took some fine Manistique. views of the falls. Miss Amy McGregor is visiting at Miss Mildred Brown has resigned her Marquette. position as assistant bookkeeper at the J.T. Charles Webb, of Oshkosh, is visiting Mason store and left last Saturday for her Dr. R.T. Farrand. home at Park Falls, Wisconsin. John Stiles, of Menominee, was a Mrs. W.C. Bronson, of Manistique, is Niagara visitor on Sunday last. visiting her daughter, Mrs.C.A. Robinson, Rev. Joseph Therien attended the and will leave next week for Winona, consecration services at Green Bay last Minnesota, where she will make her future Sunday. home. Mrs. Albert Thoms and daughter Alex Nine-tenths of the population of Niagara Thoms are visiting friends at Racine, have [sic – has] signified their intention of Wisconsin. attending the Barnum & Bailey circus at Miss Helen Verplank is visiting friends Iron Mountain, Tuesday, August 16th, and in Milwaukee since her return from the every available livery rig has already been world’s fair. engaged for the occasion. James Carpenter and C.T. Winegar, of The pulpwood drive of the Kimberly- Iron Mountain, visited Dr. R.T. Farrand Clark Co. has been finished. There were last Sunday. several million feet of pulpwood in the drive. The friends of O.N. Durrand will be John LeRoy, the contractor who had pleased to learn that he is greatly improved charge of the drive, is said to have made in health. about $6,000 out of it this spring. Daniel McAnulty was in Green Bay A.W. Wilson has just completed taking last Sunday and attended the consecration the school census and reports four of Bishop Fox. hundred and eighty-three children of school Miss Florence Mason has accepted the age in Niagara, twenty-seven in the positon of assistant book-keeper for the Summit district and forty-seven in the J.T. Mason company. Morrow district, near Sand Portage. Mr. Sullivan’s orchestra, of Escanaba, will Wilson estimates the population of Niagara give a concert and dance at Mason’s Hall, village at about 1,200. Monday evening, August 15th. W.J. Hatcher, of Baraboo, Wisconsin, Iron Mountain Press, Iron Mountain, agent for the Hartford Fire Insurance Dickinson County, Michigan, Volume 9, company, is the guest of Dr. R.T. Farrand. Number 11 [Thursday, August 4, 1904], Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Mason are at page 5, column 1 Denver, Colorado, enroute from the Pacific coast are expected home about the DOINGS OF NEIGHBORS. 20th of August. The Niagara Gun club will have a R. Oshinsky, of Niagara, has made shooting contest next Sunday. The best arrangements to open a large clothing marksman is to receive a gun, gun-case store in Menominee. and shell-box. Drs. Husband and Copley, of Norway, Iron Mountain Press, Iron Mountain, with a party of ladies from Peshtigo, visited Dickinson County, Michigan, Volume 9, 2 MARINETTE COUNTY HISTORY -– NIAGARA TOWNSHIP – NIAGARA NEWS COLUMNS [Compiled and Transcribed by William John Cummings] Number 11 [Thursday, August 4, 1904], lands, lying between Niagara and page 5, column 3 Pembine, which comprises a tract of land recently purchased from Cook & Bullet. NEWSY NOTES FROM NIAGARA. The land is adjacent to the St. Paul track and there is a small saw-mill located on the Mrs. Harvey Sharon is visiting friends property, about two and one-half miles from at Marinette. Cataline siding. About eighty acres of the A.W. Quirt, of Iron River, was in town land is under cultivation and about one-half on business last Tuesday. of the entire tract is covered with a heavy Nate Oshinsky left last Monday night growth of hardwood and hemlock timber. for St. Louis to visit the world’s fair. The soil is of good quality, suitable for Misses Ellen and Clara Sundstrom, of farming purposes. This will be a good Iron Mountain, were the guests of Miss opportunity for anyone wishing to secure a Florence Mason. farm. Misses Ora Corning and Erna Wright visited the Misses Alice Strong and Iron Mountain Press, Iron Mountain, Florence Mason last Thursday. Dickinson County, Michigan, Volume 9, The three paper mills of the Kimberly & Number 12 [Thursday, August 11, Clark company at Appleton, -- the Vulcan, 1904], page 5, column 3 Tioga and Telulah – resumed operations on Monday with non-union men. NEWSY NOTES FROM NIAGARA. Mrs. Joseph A. Rochon, a former resident of Niagara, died last Saturday at Henry Bohan is in Milwaukee on Groveland, Texas. Mrs. Rochon had business this week. many friends at Niagara who will mourn her Miss Helen Ver Planck is visiting departure from this world. friends at Nashotah, Wis. The Niagara Gun Club held a shooting Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Burden are the contest last Sunday for a prize of a shot- proud parents of a baby boy. gun, gun-case and shell-box. The test was Robert Roe, Jr., returned on Sunday twenty-five shots at clay pidgeons [sic – from a trip to Neenah. pigeons] and Louis De Cremer carried off Dr. J.A. McIndoe, of Iron River, will the prize by hitting twenty-two out of the visit Niagara next Monday. twenty-five. The following is the score: Daniel McAnnulty was in Green Bay Louis De Cramer [sic – De Cremer]…....22 on business last Monday and Tuesday. Louis Karls…………………..…………….21 Miss Alice Strong returned last Wm. Nabbenfeldt………………..………..19 Tuesday from a visit with friends at Iron Fred Haupt………………………….……..18 Mountain. John Douglas……………………….....….16 Morris C. Hatcher, of Milwaukee, was John Kearly……………………….…...….15 a guest of Dr. R.T. Farrand the past week. Henry Rangs…………………………..……4 Wm. J. Hatcher, of Baraboo, Wis., was E.A. Lee, of DePere, secretary of the the guest of Chas. A. Robinson, last Pembine Land & Lumber company, was Monday. in town last Tuesday making arrangements E.A. Burden purchased a fine team of with Patrick Goodyear to place on the draught horses last Monday from Kurz market 3,000 acres of farming and timber Bros., of Iron Mountain. 3 MARINETTE COUNTY HISTORY -– NIAGARA TOWNSHIP – NIAGARA NEWS COLUMNS [Compiled and Transcribed by William John Cummings] Rev. Perry Miller, of Milwaukee, Harry Sharon has returned from a visit presiding elder, held quarterly conference with friends in Menominee. at the Methodist church last Sunday. Miss Helen Ver Planck returned last Mrs. Dr. Farrand returned last Friday Saturday from Nashotah, Wis. from a three weeks’ visit with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Mason returned last Mrs. Dr. A.A. Davis, at Calumet. Friday from their trip to the Pacific coast. Miss Anna Hillery, who has been The M.E. church Sunday school held visiting Mrs. Edward Cook for the past their annual midsummer picnic yesterday.