
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} A Mermaid - The Magical Adventures of Princess Miranda by Robert W. Cabell Robert W. Cabell. Cabell wurde 1955 in Eugene (Oregon) geboren und lebte von 1990 bis 2012 in New York. Hier arbeitete er in der Unterhaltungsindustrie für Time Warner, HBO, Spelling International, Columbia Pictures und The New York Post. Er schrieb Theaterstücke, Musicals, Romane sowie diverse Zeitungsbeiträge, u. a. für das Shout Magazine. [1] Gegenwärtig lebt Robert W. Cabell in Seattle. Zusätzlich zu seiner Arbeit als Autor und Stückeschreiber ist Robert W. Cabell als Videofilmer und Produzent von Dokumentationen bekannt. 2007 entwickelte Cabell die Multimedia Sets für die Lincoln Center Produktion von „Fly“, die 2008 und 2009 in über 250 Theatern auf Tournee war. Robert W. Cabell drehte im Jahr 2011 in Afrika eine Dokumentation über an Aids erkrankte Kinder in Lesotho. Bühnenwerke. Bei allen genannten Musicals stammen Buch, Musik und Texte von Robert Cabell. [2] Pretty Faces - The Large & Lovely Musical. (Uraufführung in New York 1990) Two Hearts Over Easy (Uraufführung 1994) Saccharine (Uraufführung Lincoln Center, New York 1996) Dragon Myth (Uraufführung Lincoln Center, New York 1996) (CD 1998, Uraufführung New York 2000, DEA Clingenburg Festspiele 2013) I Sarah, The Divine (Uraufführung Where Eagles Dare, New York 2006) Wilde and Divine. Romane. The Hair-Raising Adventures of Jayms Blond (2007) All The Mermaids In The Sea (2012) Pearl, a Modern Day Mermaid (2012) A Mermaid Christmas, The Magical Adventures of Princess Miranda (2012) Weblinks. Einzelnachweise. ↑ Cabell, Robert W. | gallissas theaterverlag und mediaagentur gmbh. Abgerufen am 11. Januar 2018 . ↑ Robert W Cabell. Abgerufen am 11. Januar 2018 . Personendaten NAME Cabell, Robert W. KURZBESCHREIBUNG US-amerikanischer Komponist und Autor GEBURTSDATUM 1955 GEBURTSORT Eugene. Stand der Informationen: 23.11.2020 05:20:38 CET. Veränderungen: Alle Bilder und die meisten Designelemente, die mit ihnen in Verbindung stehen, wurden entfernt. Icons wurden teilweise durch FontAwesome-Icons ersetzt. Einige Vorlagen wurden entfernt (wie „Lesenswerter Artikel“, „Exzellenter Artikel“) oder umgeschrieben. CSS- Klassen wurden zum Großteil entfernt oder vereinheitlicht. Wikipedia spezifische Links, die nicht zu Artikeln oder Kategorien führen (wie „Redlink“, „Bearbeiten-Links“, „Portal-Links“) wurden entfernt. Alle externen Links haben ein zusätzliches FontAwesome Icon erhalten. Neben weiteren kleinen Designanpassungen wurden Media-Container, Karten, Navigationsboxen, gesprochene Versionen & Geo-Mikroformate entfernt. Miranda (Character) Miranda is a mermaid from movies Miranda and Mad About Men . Miranda is played by actress Glynis Johns. Contents. Biography. Miranda is a mermaid with some human DNA in her genetics, since her great-grandfather was human. One day when Miranda was swimming, she noticed a fisherman, and pulled him underwater. She then took him to his cave with an intent to keep him there forever. The man, Paul Martin, however really wanted to go back to his wife, and Miranda eventually gave in, and agreed to take him back, if Paul would show her around on dry land. Miranda suggested a plan to disguise herself as a woman bound to a wheelchair who is Paul's new patient, obviously having thought on often. On land, Paul organized her some clothes and they took a train to London, where Paul let his driver, Charles, to take Miranda to Buckingham Palace, while he went home with a taxi. Miranda complimented Charles often, making him fall in love with her. After arriving to Paul's home, where Miranda was to stay for four weeks, she met Paul's wife, Clare, and they talked for a while. Miranda even tried smoking, but she didn't like it. Miranda spent her night sleeping in the bathtub. The next day Miranda was introduced to Nurse Carey, the only other person who was let on Miranda's secret of being a mermaid. Miranda got her greatest wish to see an after Clare organized a visit with her friend and her fiancé, Nigel. Miranda also seduced Nigel and they set up a secret meetings for him to paint her. Miranda was taken to a zoo by Charles once, where Miranda caught a fish meant for a seal, and ate it, she then even talked to a seal, to everyone's surprise. Miranda met with each man privately, she even spent an evening with Paul, swimming in a lake. Miranda gave each men a token of her love in form of a locket with a lock of her hair. During another opera visit with Paul, Miranda took an opportunity to sing. Returning from the opera, Clare hinted that she knows Miranda is a mermaid and compared her with a sea cow. Miranda was very offended by the comparison, and confirmed her suspicions. Miranda then pretended she would allow Clare to see her tail, but once Miranda left the room in the wheelchair, she escaped to the pier, and jumped into the . Some time later Miranda had a baby, but it's unknown who the father is. However only Paul knew that Miranda was a mermaid, and both Charles and Nigel affirmed to Clare earlier that they were gentlemanly, and never took a peek of Miranda's legs. Years later, Miranda spent time in a cave under the Cornwall village with her friend Berengaria. They were heard by Caroline Trewella, a woman who looked exactly like Miranda. Miranda then revealed her heritage, and connection to Trewella family. Miranda saw it as an opportunity to spend some time on land again. Miranda took Caroline's place under pretense that she had an accident and is bound to a wheelchair for a few weeks, while Caroline was on a cycling tour with her friend. Caroline contacted Nurse Carey, to look after Miranda once more. Miranda didn't like Caroline's dresses, so she sold some of her old Spanish coins she had collected and bought new ones. Miranda also disliked Caroline's current fiancé, and was determined to find her a new suitor. As before, everywhere Miranda went, she men. She picked out two who she liked most, an older man, Colonel Barclay Sutton, and a younger man Jeff Saunders. With Barclay, Miranda went to a dinner, and later horseback riding. With Jeff, Miranda did simpler things, like boat rides and fishing. Miranda even gave Jeff a secret fishing location which made him sort of a hero in town for a record catch. Both men wanted to marry her to keep her in town, and Miranda postponed her answer so that it would be Caroline who gives the answer. Miranda also got rid of Caroline's current fiancé when he decided to visit Cornwall and sell the house Caroline inherited there by pouring cold fish soup on him. Barclay's fiancé, Barbara however had found out that Caroline is a mermaid, without knowing that Miranda had taken her place, and planned on revealing it to the world on her concert where she was performing. Fortunately Caroline returned early, and they switched back sooner than planned, with Caroline taking the , and Miranda singing under the hall with a microphone. Miranda's singing was interrupted by Berengaria, which made Barbara sprung her trap. When Caroline revealed her legs and danced on the stage, Barbara was humiliated, and Barclay took her home. That left only Jeff as a new suitor to Caroline. Miranda looked over Caroline and Jeff for a while and swam away when she was sure that Caroline and Jeff will be together. The Little Mermaid episode list. This is a list of episodes from the 1992–94 TV series The Little Mermaid . The series ran for three seasons and made its world premiere on September 11, 1992, three years after the original movie, starting with the premiere episode "Whale of a Tale". The last episode "A Little Evil" aired on November 26, 1994. On October 2, 1995, Disney began rerunning the episodes once a day on the and on Toon Disney until the program closed on February 13, 2009. The episodes were last shown on . Contents. Series Overview. Season Episodes Originally aired Season premiere Season finale 1 14 September 11, 1992 December 5, 1992 2 9 September 18, 1993 December 1, 1993 3 8 September 17, 1994 November 26, 1994. Season One (1992) Ariel befriends a baby killer whale that was separated from his family because of human poachers, but Triton insists that he be sent away once he has been taught how to survive on his own. (Note: The title is also that of a song from Disney's 1954 movie 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea ). Sebastian tells Triton that he is capable of making a deal with the Sharkanians (a race of shark-like merfolk with an attitude that matches), but in truth, he is petrified of them and Ariel and Flounder must tag along to help him make the process go smoothly. Ariel rides a wild seahorse against her father's wishes and gets lost in the wilderness with the seahorse. Ariel befriends an orphaned merboy who has fallen in with the underwater gangster 'Lobster Mobster'. (Note: this is the first appearance of Urchin). Ariel babysits two mischievous mertwins. As lively as the twins are, matters are complicated by the Lobster Mobster, who kidnaps the twins to gain their mother's pearl necklace. Ariel befriends Simon, a lonely sea dragon, after she, Sebastian and Flounder discover his message he sent in a bottle. Ariel puts on a human bracelet and then can't take it off. When she tries to use the key to take it off, she gets trapped by a giant whirlpool and in a horrible underwater nightmare when she runs away from home, afraid of how her father would react after he destroyed a magnifying glass (referred to by her as a "biggermajiger") she discovered earlier. Ariel believes her father King Triton is setting her up for an arranged marriage with a snobbish merprince of Olympia named Prince Thor, and she and her friends go to great lengths to prevent this from happening. Ariel unwittingly frees a dark figure known as the Evil Manta, who tries to take over Atlantica using deception and lies to turn its people against each other. To the extent that he even tries to turn Flounder against Ariel. When a pirate's boot falls into the sea, Ariel, Sebastian and Flounder try to figure out what it is, culminating in the Lobster Mobster and the Evil Manta mistaking it for a weapon. (Note: In this episode, Prince Eric, along with Max, his sheepdog, makes his first appearance) A magic spell turns King Triton into a merboy, and Ariel has to play mother to him. Before a family trip to the Carnival of Tides on the tide, Ariel and Arista get into a fight and are 'beached' (grounded); two gators attempt to steal treasure. Ariel and Arista not only learn more about each other and have an adventure together, but they also learn to work together and to get along. Ariel looks for the perfect Father's Day gift to give King Triton, but it leads her to misfortune, when a giant octopus traps them in a cave, forcing Urchin to try and steal the trident so he can save the day. Pearl, a mermaid who is obsessed with partying, takes Ariel and her sister Alana to Eel-Ectric City instead of to her house, while Sebastian and Flounder follow. In the end Ariel and Alana are 'beached' (grounded). This is Ariel's second time getting 'beached' (grounded). Season Two (1993) Sebastian quits his job as King Triton's royal advisor and tries to make a new life for himself. At the same time, the dreaded Red Tide returns and threatens to consume Atlantica. King Triton wants Ariel to play the sea calliope; an instrument resembling an organ. However she instead wants to play the new harp she found. The music from the calliope awakens the Seaclops. It is up to Ariel and friends to find a way to put the Seaclops to sleep again (in this episode, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has a cameo appearance). King Triton's grandfather also appears for the first time. Spot, the killer whale from the episode, returns. Spot and Sebastian get captured by a crazed circus owner, and Ariel has to save them. Ariel rescues a Bad-Luck Creature, putting all of Atlantica in a panic, and must make her own luck when Ursula comes after the creature. A grumpy sorcerer blowfish's magic spell causes Ariel to create seaquakes whenever she laughs, then Flounder and Sebastian switch bodies. Music: "The Sound of Laughter", performed by Samuel E. Wright. A big wave grabs a ballerina music box during a thunderstorm, and Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian try to get it, but they are unable to reach it. Ariel befriends a deaf mermaid, and both of them decide to seek out the magical Wishing Starfish to make their dreams come true. (Note: This is the first appearance of Gabriella. Also, the title is a play on a song from the animated film Pinocchio ). Sebastian feels threatened by Zeus, an old arch-rival who is than him at everything, while Ursula works on a plan to turn Triton, Ariel, and others into sea polyps by using a magic stone. A human explorer known in the episode as the author of The Little Mermaid story, Hans Christian Andersen, boards a primitive submarine to explore the undersea realm, and crosses paths with Ariel when his submarine is damaged and starts to leak. Ariel enters a magic cave to become a sea witch and uses her powers to make Sebastian a great big crab. Unfortunately, she is not quite specific about the size she wishes Sebastian to attain. Season Three (1994) Ariel meets Scuttle for the first time and must use his help to rescue Sebastian from a gang of pirates. This marks the second appearance of Prince Eric. Sebastian realizes that his parents are coming to visit and must try to create a huge scheme to make it appear that he is the king of Atlantica like he wrote in his letters to them. A mad scientist captures Sebastian and tries to use him for sinister experiments, while Sebastian bonds with his young apprentice. During a trip to the north pole, Ariel finds frozen dinosaurs and thaws them with her father's trident. Somehow they are aquatic and cause chaos before King Triton makes a refuge for them on land. Apollo, a great Atlantican hero comes to visit and Ariel wants to go on an adventure with him, only to learn that he isn't all he's cracked up to be. Flounder is bitten by a howling hairfish and starts to turn into one. Gabriella returns to visit Ariel as she shows her all of her new human things. However, Ursula's spell causes her treasures to go crazy and begin attacking innocent fish and merpeople. Prince Eric makes his third appearance. The Evil Manta returns and introduces his son, who he wants to be just as evil as he is. Unfortunately, when his son befriends Ariel and goes to school with her, he starts to get other "good" ideas in his head. A Mermaid Christmas - The Magical Adventures of Princess Miranda by Robert W. Cabell. Guess what's swimming to shore later this month? The holiday film A Mermaid for Christmas , which stars a bevy of daytime actors who are ready to set fans' holiday spirit into a pearlescent mermaid-tailspin! Soap Central originally shared the news of the film earlier this summer via an in-depth interview with the film's star and , (ex-Rex Brady, ; ex-, The Bold and the Beautiful), and now we can report that the family-friendly film will be available for rental and purchase on Amazon Prime Video beginning Tuesday, November 26. As previously reported, A Mermaid for Christmas stars Lowder as the film's leading man, Travis Hunter, who falls in love with a mermaid named Daphne, played by Jessica Morris (ex-Jennifer Rappaport, ). Other favorites featured in the film include Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker, DAYS), Nadia Bjorlin (ex-Chloe Lane, DAYS), (Dr. Liesl Obrecht, ), and (ex-Duke Lavery, GH; ex-Dr. James Warwick, B&B; ex-Ian McAllister, DAYS; ex-Dr. Greg Madden, ), who is set to narrate the heartwarming film. Written and directed by Michael Caruso, A Mermaid for Christmas is filled with warmth, humor, whimsy, and a touch of magic. It combines classic Christmas themes with a element that only a mermaid can provide. "With the title A Mermaid for Christmas , people have an expectation of what it's going to be about, and they're right -- it's a mermaid during Christmas. But more than that, I think people will be pleasantly surprised to find that it's not what they might think, and it's a very heartwarming story, a very deep story, and the characters have a lot of depth, and it's a beautiful message," Lowder tells Soap Central. "Michael describes it as very whimsical and magical and Christmassy and lighthearted and cute and funny and all that, but there is also a deeper story, a deeper message that is perfect for the holiday season." Says Caruso in an official press release, "We are excited to team with California Pictures to bring A Mermaid for Christmas to all major domestic and international film markets to share the magic of the film worldwide. So that our U.S. may enjoy A Mermaid for Christmas , WFL Productions are releasing it for a limited time this year during the holiday season exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. We hope that people everywhere enjoy watching the film as much as we enjoyed making it." Adds Lowder, "From the moment Michael Caruso shared his vision of combining a mermaid and Christmas along with the heart-warming message that this film delivers, I have been excited to share it with the world. The work on display from everyone involved, both in front of and behind the cameras, is inspiring." The additional cast of A Mermaid for Christmas includes Sheree J. Wilson, Cole Smith, Chadwick Armstrong, and Emma Demirjian. Check out the trailer for the film below and let us know your thoughts in the Comments section at the end of the article. Michael and Barbara Caruso Productions is a full-service production company located in , CA. The company's previous projects include DeVanity , Winterthorne , Ladies of the Lake , and Ladies of the Lake: Return to Avalon . UPDATE (November 19, 2019): Christmas is coming early for soap opera fans! Michael Caruso, the producer of A Mermaid for Christmas , surprised fans with the ahead-of-schedule release of the film today! "Surprise!! Because we love our fans & because you have all been so incredibly supportive we are releasing the movie EARLY!!" he shared on Twitter. "We hope you enjoy & please be sure to leave a review. Happy Holidays!!" Head to Amazon to purchase or rent the holly and jolly film that stars Kyle Lowder, Jessica Morris, Arianne Zucker, Nadia Bjorlin, and Kathleen Gati. Christmas is coming early for soap opera fans! Michael Caruso, the producer of A Mermaid for Christmas , surprised fans with the ahead-of-schedule release of the film today! "Surprise!! Because we love our fans & because you have all been so incredibly supportive we are releasing the movie EARLY!!" he shared on Twitter. "We hope you enjoy & please be sure to leave a review. Happy Holidays!!" Head to Amazon to purchase or rent the holly and jolly film that stars Kyle Lowder, Jessica Morris, Arianne Zucker, Nadia Bjorlin, and Kathleen Gati. What do you think about the trailer, casting, and premise of A Mermaid for Christmas ? We want to hear from you -- and there are many ways you can share your thoughts. Mermaid Adventure in the Magic Shed. Once upon a time there were two girls and they were best friends so it was lucky that they were neighbors. They were both 7 years old and loved adventures. Their names were Molly and Sophie. Molly wore a bow, a ballerina skirt and a white shirt. Sophie wore a flower in her hair, two bracelets, a shiny dress and a big red belt. One Saturday morning, Molly got dressed to go to Sophie’s house after breakfast. Molly and Sophie went to play in Sophie’s shed. Molly found a loose plank in the shed wall with water pouring out of it. Molly removed the plank and found a tunnel. Molly called Sophie who was looking at all the old gadgets. “Look at this” Molly whispered. “It looks like a tunnel” said Sophie. They went inside the tunnel and at the end there was a door with a knob. Sophie opened the door and the saw the ocean!! There was a type of portal that stopped the water from coming in the tunnel. Molly went through the portal and a spark of light went around her. She turned into a mermaid! Then Sophie quickly went through the portal and she turned into a mermaid too! Just then, Sophie heard a voice calling “Help! Help!” She said to Molly, “I hear someone calling for help and it’s coming from that cave. Let’s go and check it out.” So the two friends swam down to the spooky cave. “It looks like a prison” said Molly. “I see something glittering…it’s a crown!” said Sophie. “A princess must have been kidnapped,” said Molly. “I wish we could turn into sharks then we could get the keys guarded by those sharks.” Instantly they turned into big, toothy sharks! They were able to trick the real sharks into giving them the keys and they freed the princess. She had silver hair, aqua green eyes and coral pink skin. Molly asked “How did you end up in the prison?” “Kidnapped” she said. “Sorry I haven’t introduced myself. I’m princess Oceana of Pacific and thank you for freeing me. Now follow me to my father’s castle.” When they reached, the king was so overjoyed that he gave Sophie and Molly two magic necklaces so they could visit anytime. They used the necklaces many times for lots of new adventures but that’s a story for another time!