Healing Powers by God Two More Than 2,000 Persons Are Seated In,The Massive Tent Where Evangelist A

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Healing Powers by God Two More Than 2,000 Persons Are Seated In,The Massive Tent Where Evangelist A THE WQRLD-WIDE SALVATlQN-HEAL,!NG REVIVAL VOICE 0):THE NOVEMBER 1951 PRICE I , .I 15 CENTS i I I , 1 SIGNS == WONDERS == MIR'ACLES BLESS MULTITUDES---BAFFLE UNBELIEF I MIRACLE OF CLUB FOOT AND SkO NEWSPAPER VERIFIES M I MIRACLE ENABLES KENTUCKY ARM LEG AMAZES COM- ING AWAY BRACE AFT AND SPEAK MUNITY-(See "After" Pidure . (See page 2) (See page 74) and Testimony page 3) MAN HEALED OF BLINDNESS, DEAFNESS AND SKIN DISEASE IN TANNENBAUM CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS REPORT MIRACLES MEETING I had been blind since the age of 11 years. IN A. C. ’VALDEZ, JR. CAMPAIGN I am 34 years old. I had been treated as a (The arricle ag4earing below was taken verbatim from the VICTORIA TIMES and is but one of a number blind man, and my records are at the Uni- of friendiy articks abpem‘ng in that publication. This article was accombanied by the bhoto oy our cover show- versity of Minnesota Hospital, where I was ing the man casting uway his leg brace. The words gf the headline shown below are exactly as the newspafler operated on in 1940. The Blind Association is published them. However, none of our Evangelists lay claim io the ,term “Healer,” since Christ the only of Minnesota handled my case. I received Healer.) a blind pension. On the 24th of July, I was given the “blind News and Candy stand (vending stand) at the Hibbing Post Office. , Brother Tannenbaum prayed for me, and God instantly opened my eyes, and they are getting better all the time. I also was deaf MIRACLE ON QUADRA ST.? in my left ear, and that is also healed. I had skin disease, which caused much dis- comfort, and thank God, it is now healed. I came to Hibbing, Minnesota, to attend the revival, from the residence of my brother- THOUSANDS SEE HEALER in-law, Morris West, 118 W. 7th St., Duluth, Minnesota, and I am sure if anyone contacts him, he will verify my testimony. LAY HANDS ON FAITHFUL John Dent 2301 4th Ave., Hibbing, Minn. By HUMPHRY DAVY In a tense atmosphere a young man holds The preacher moves to another patient. This had told him his ear drum was gone, he said. ’ ‘in one hand a steel leg brace which had sup- time to a young Chinese girl on a stretcher. “When Mr. Valdez touched my ear I went He touches her. The girl cries out: “Thank you through the same sensations as I did at the time , ported his lame limb for over a year. God, thank you God.” Her small voice pene- I lost my ear,” he related. “There was a rumb- “My leg is healed,” he gasps. “I can walk trates to the far corners of the tent. ling sound and a crashing noise. Then I heard.” normally again.” That is what this reporter saw in the big Mrs. Harold Ker, 1744 Duchess Street, “Glory Halleluja,:’ exclaims a large con- tent. ’ daimed her two-year-old niece, Lee Anne, gregation in amazement. “A-men ... Amen There were many testimonies of cures. Walker of Leduc, Alberta, who had been un- ...A-men.’’ Jean Parker, 545 Hillside Avenue, claimed able to walk, had been cured by the faith The scene is‘ a big tent at the corner of sight was restored to her !eft eye. healer’s power., I Quadra and Pembroke Streets where for two C. J. Rodway, 38, 1848 Hollywood Crescent, There were many other testimonies of cures weeks hundreds of sick and ailing people have ’ reported his left leg, injured two years ago and partial relief from pain. passed through in the hope of finding some , in an accident, had healed. Physicians had ex- GIVEN POWERS TO HEAL‘ . relief for their afflictions ...hopeless cases pressed the fear that he would never again of medical science. have full use of his limb because the main The evangelist explained it all this ,way: ligament and muscles were damaged, he said. “1- was given healing powers by God two More than 2,000 persons are seated in,the massive tent where Evangelist A. c. Valdez, w. c. Astrope, 921 Darwin, testified that years ago. But people must have faith and. Jr., of Arizona, is conducting a faith healing he could hear with his left ear, damaged by an must humble themselves before God. I do not service. The congregation is composed mostly exploding shell in First World War. Doctors heal.” .. of Victorians, but some have come from distant parts of British Columbia and the United States to see the “miracles.” The young evangelist, a thick set, dark- haired man, wearing a light-grey suit, a white NOVEMBER, -I 95 I shirt and bow tie, stands on. a raised platform. There is nothing striking about his outward INDEX appearance. His speech, however, is dynamic, forceful and sometimes deeply emotional. VOL. IV WHOLE ‘NO. 44 WAIT FOR MIRACLE Articles Page Articles Page Waiting in an aisle is a ‘long line of suf- News and Notes. and,”’Names, ...... 3 Featured Evangelists ............9-I 4 fering humanity, young and old, some with faces distorted with pain. Nearby are stretcher What to Do When Death Strikes Donald Gee Column ..............I5 cases, cripples in wheel chairs, old people who BY Gordon Lindsay. ............ need some support to stand. They are all LetterstotheEditor........ I .....16 waiting ...waiting for a mirade to happen. Divine Healing Revival Within Evangelists‘ Address Directory. .....16. The moment has arrived. All is tense. The the Local Churches. .............5 faith healer walks to a wheel chair where a Schedules of TVH Evangelists., .....I7 thin, pale young man sits. ,He is paralyzed Questions and Answers. ............ 6 World-Wide Revival ..............20 from the waist down. Signs-Miracles-Wonders ........ 7 “Affliction I curse thee,” says the evangelist. Prophecy Marches On, ...........22 “Stand up now, you are getting better.” Demon Possession By Oral Roberts.. .............. 8 Our Book Selection. ............23-24 The man stands. Spectators gasp. Tears .roll down the face of a bell-dressed grey-haired business man kneeling in prayer. THE VOICE OF HEALING, November, 1951 1 Mews and Notes and Names .- REPORTS OF SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE I FROM SALVATION-HEALING REVIVALS KENTUCKY COMMUNITY STIRRED BY MIRACLE (See Photo on Cover) This is to .certify that we the undersigned attended the Collett Healing meeting at Race- land, Kentucky, and saw with our own eyes, Lucille Kinholt the little boy, Danny Leo Glancy, of Hitchins, Kentucky, who was a cripple when born. We INSTANTLY DELIVERED FROM saw the child walking perfectly after Brother NEED OF BRACE Collett had prayed for him. The leg was 1fi inches shorter and the toes turned backwards, I had arthritis of the spine; which was but God performed a perfect miracle on this rapidly spreading to my arms and legs. My child, and today his foot is normal-a fact spine was also torn loose from the pelvis, verified by physicians in Kentucky and Ohio. and I had to ‘wear,a brace with a piece of steel on either side of the spine:I could only Rev. Walter E. .Pyle walk a short distance without the brace, then Wheelersburg, Ohio. I would lose control of my legs. Reu. William Mosley A bone specialist in Chicago told me to So. Shore, Ky. wear the brace and return in a year; and if the spine had not fused back together, (TVH also has on record many other sig- they would have to graft bone, providing the natures of persons who witnessed this mir- arthritis had quietened, down. I was in much acle.) pain the night Brother Stewart prayed for me. Then I felt the hand of God upon me and was instantly healed of arthritis. I had for- 4 gotten to tell Brother Stewart about the spinal Photo at left shows Danny Lee Glancy after, condition. The next night, he prayed for me again, and I felt my spine being twisted and Danny Lee .Glancy miraculous healing had taken place. Comfiare - exact length of legs as shown here with cover pulled, then set down upon the pelvis. photo, which shows one leg shorter than the I thank God today that we have a living other. Savior who loves us enough to reach down in the filthy pit of sin, cleanse and heal our broken twisted bodies, and pour forth His light upon our souls. Praise God for what RAYMOND T. RICHEY FLINT, MICHIGAN PASTOR RE- He has done for me. OLD TIME REVIVAL AND HEALING PORTS-W. V. GRANT REVIVAL Lucille Kinholt 1lOGyZ Connelly St., MEETINGS OUTSTANDING Clovis, N. M. Brother Richey has taken a leave of ab- By M. A. Jollay sence from’ his church, The Evangelistic Tem- MINISTER ‘PRAISES GOD FOR ple, Houston, .Texas, and has re-entered the Pastor, Riverside Tabmacle GARDNER TENT REVIVAL evangelistic field. Good reports are coming By E. IV. Raimer in of souls being saved and bodies being We have witnessed one of the greatest out- Pastor, Wayne, Mich., Assembly of God healed in the Raymond T. Richey revivals. pourings of the Holy Spirit in the W. V. I Grant meeting to ever visit this part of the am writing this Sunday night. I just took country, As near as we could ascertain, there a picture of the Gardner tent with the large For many years, Brother Richey conducted number of cars parked along one side and big revivals all over the country. During were between 400 and 500 who received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, during the five to the rear of the tent. What a glorious meet- World War 11, .he used the big red, white and ing it has been.
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