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T H E U O I C E 1952 THE UOICE Of PRICE 15 CENTS SPECIAL MISSIONARY ISSUE .-- brought a cry of defense from 500,000 citizens who acclaimed him a man of God. President's Secretary, far left, was converted. In the middle are Evang. Erickson and Rev. John C. Jackson, missionary. Right: In spite of heavy persecution, Osborn'r campaigns in Venezuela were a great victory. ~ad!!!a~- New Site Of TVH Headquarters Present Location Outgrown; Facilities Inadequate HE VOICE OF HEALING announces that it will soon move its head- T quarters to Dallas, Texas. The move seems to be advisable for several reasons. Shreveport printers are unable to handle the growing volume of Below: TVH circulation. Each month the magazine goes into well over a hundred thousand homes, and if we estimate five persons to a family, it means that view; Of bzcilding site ilz Dallas, the magazine directly influences over half a million people. Texas, where work jl15t The cost of the freight alone, in shipping We regret to announce that our highly magazines from the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, efficient assistant editor, Miss Anna Jeanne Moore, who has been with us since our be- is nearly one half our entire postage charg- ginning, will be learing us in a couple of es. Taxes and other charges are also con- months. She glans to engage in evangelistic siderably higher here than in Dallas. work for several months on the continent of Europe before returning to America. The new offices are to be located at 1600 Bonnie View, which is in the South part of IS the city, just three and a half miles from WHO ELIGIBLE TO BECOME the heart of the business district. As the ASSOCIATED WITH THE picture shows, the property lies in a set- VOICE OF HEALING? ting of trees. At the time of writing, the We get many inquiries from time to time foundation has been laid, and during the as to the qualifications of those who desire coming week, the walls will be in the proc- to become associated with THE VOICE OF ess of erection. The plans envisage a modern HEALING. Briefly we may say that they office building, with approximately 6500 should: (1) Have a mature'healing ministry. square feet of floor space. (2) Be willing to accept and abide by the articles of the constitution. (3) Have a On April 1, the associate editors met at character that is without reproach. (4) St. Louis, Missouri, for the purpose of rati- Be willing to practice the ideals of THE fying our new constitution. After two days VOICE OF HEALING fellowship. (5) La- of prayerful consideration, the constitution, bor for the unity of God's people. (6) Be with certain amendments, was passed unani- willing to help to the best of their ability mously. Besides the two original directors, in increasing the circulation of the maga- five new directors have been added, which zine. (7) Be an evangelist and not a pastor. include Gayle Jackson, Raymond T. Richey, Velmer Gardner, Jack Coe and L. D. Hall. Brother William Branham has graciously OUR BUILDING PROGRAM IN DALLAS accepted the position of honorary director. This gives the directors the benefit of his The new building in Dallas will be a- advice without necessitating his presence at modern office building in every respect and all the business sessions, which he would be , when finished will perhaps have a value of unable to attend, because he is out of the over $30,000.00. Brother Jack Moore is country much of the time. superintending the building, and the editor is giving much his time with the The constitution of TVH provides assur- of job. ance that the unique policies of TVH will Nevertheless, the financial burden of this be nernetuated. No funds from the cor- move is extremely heavy, and we shall ap- pora'tid may go to an individual (except preciate the Prayers and interest of 01.11 in the payment of salaries) but must be readers in this undertaking. We are cer- Plan Now to Attend used in the promotion of the Gospel. tain God will see us through. 4fh Annual I t S t Voice of Healing C INDEX ic IS VOL. IV WHOLE NO. 51 Convention Articles Page Articles Page TVH Moving to ...........'' Featured Evangelists ............10-19 DECEMBER 9-10-1 1 The Branharn Story Tested ........ 3 The Corning Presidential Election Questions and Answers. ........... 4 1952 and Prophecy ...............20-2 I Evangelists' Address Directory by Goidon Lindsay and Schedules ................b-7 Fair Park Auditorium .22 StartlinAg Incidents and Amazing Prophecy Marches on. ............. Dallas, Texas ~ Answers to Prayer.. ...........8-9 By Chaplain Howard Rusthoi PHE VOICE OF HEALING June, 195 THE BRANHAM STORY TESTED BY C. P. A. INVESTIGATOR The following remarkable letter tells the interesting story of J. H. Buzzell, a C.P.A. Specialist who decided to launch an impartial investigation into the authenticity of the Branham story. This unsolicited account of Mr. Buzzell’s findings will open the eyes of many doubters. The Voice of Healing of August 27th with these words, ‘The ex- his condition, the uselessness of one of his Shreveport, Louisiana planation of the actiom of the ‘demon possess- legs, the left as I recall it. Gentlemen: ed’ man, and his quotations from the Bible An eye-witness told me of his having at- While I have always believed that the prom- explaining it, was most interesting to me?’ tended the Kansas City meetings. He told how ise of Christ should be fulfilled, that “These In appreciation of this reporter’s work I a woman near death from tuberculosis was i I brought by stretcher a distance of one hundred signs shall follow those that believe-they forwarded him a copy of the book. mention shall lay hands on the sick and they shall re- this because it had a bearing on future ac- and fifty miles to attend the meetings. She cover”, I felt that due to man’s failure to avail tions on my part, upon which I shall touch was placed in a wheel chair and when after himself of this gift through the centuries it a little further along. two days her case had not been reached, her had perhaps become lost. husband, with the aid of some of the men, I confirmed the healing of Mr. Daugherty’s lifted her bodily, chair and all. on to the Of course, from time to time I had heard daughter in St. Louis, as described on pages platform. Upon seeing her, Mr. Branham of “cures” but when an attempt to trace them 86 and 87; I confirmed the healing of Miss wheeled and said something like this, “Wom- down was made, it developed that the person Carter, as told on page! 200, and have Miss an, your faith has healed you,” and he turned who had reported them had not personally Carter’s letter stating that she is now “well and to the husband and said, “Sir, your faith has seen them, that it was a friend, and when that happy today”. healed your wife”, and then, turning back to lead was followed it was found to have been The Waukegan News-Sun, of Waukegan, the woman he commanded in the name of a friend of a friend who had seen it, until the Michigan, sent me clippings from their paper Christ that the illness leave her. The eye-wit- evidence became so far removed ,,that it telling of Mr. Branham’s visit to that town, dropped into the category of mere rumor”. ness told me that the woman jumped from the Jelfersonville Post, of Jeffersonville, In- her chair and walked two or three times With this background, when my wife se- diana, sent me a copy of their publication of across the platform, with her arms in the air, cured a copy of the book “William Branham, November 3, 1949, telling of Mr. Branham’s doubtless in a gesture of thanksgiving. This A Man Sent from God,” I read it, and as we visit there. man tells me that from all over the auditorium were scheduled to be at our summer home in Another case which I investigated was that one could see the flesh reappear on her arms, New Hampshire for the next two weeks I of a man in Calgary, Alfa., Canada, who had limbs and cheeks, and see the clothes swell decided to check the accuracy of the reports. an injured vertebrae disk. The incident is de- out as the body regained its weight. The next While I little like the needless display of scribed on page 162. I checked with a sur- day she appeared before the meeting and an- titles, yet it perhaps is not out of place for geon that only surgery could help such a nounced that within the past twenty-four me to call attention to the fact that one of case. I wrote the “Albertan”, one of Calgary’s hours she had gained twenty-eight pounds. my profession has to be accurate in the ex- newspapers, and received a reply from Mr. One branch of my business is that of busi- treme and must be well versed in making S. McClelland, Assistant Circulation Manager, ness counselor and in that capacity I naturally checks of facts and figures, rather than take in which he told me that their supply of the have to get into the labor situation. I observed some one else’s “say-so”. This education and particular edition I desired had become ex- a newspaper article by a New Hampshire man training stood me in good stead in such an hausted, but he had his stenographer give me which I thought to be erroneous and I wrote investigation as I was about to undertake.
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