
Joint and Bounds in Discrete- / Control of Robot Manipulators Andrea del Prete

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Andrea del Prete. Joint Position and Velocity Bounds in Discrete-Time Acceleration/Torque Control of Robot Manipulators. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE 2018, 3 (1), pp.281-288. ￿10.1109/LRA.2017.2738321￿. ￿hal-01356989v3￿

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Joint Position and Velocity Bounds in Discrete-Time Acceleration/Torque Control of Robot Manipulators

Andrea Del Prete1, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper deals with the problem of controlling Assuming a constant acceleration throughout each time step a robotic system whose joints have bounded position, velocity i, the future position qi+1 and velocity q˙i+1 are functions of and acceleration/torque. Assuming a discrete-time acceleration the current acceleration q¨ : control, we compute tight bounds on the current joint accel- i erations that ensure the existence of a feasible trajectory in 1 q = q + δt q˙ + δt2q¨ the future. Despite the clear practical importance of this issue, i+1 i i 2 i (1) no complete and exact solution has been proposed yet, and all existing control architectures rely on hand-tuned heuristics. We q˙i+1 =q ˙i + δt q¨i also extend this methodology to torque-controlled robots, for A naive approach to bound is to compute the which joint accelerations are only indirectly bounded by the maximum and minimum q¨i such that qi+1 and q˙i+1 are within torque limits. Numerical simulations are presented to validate the their bounds: proposed method, which is computationally efficient and hence   suitable for high- control. max 1 max 2 max q¨i ≤ min q¨ , (q ˙ − q˙i), 2 (q − qi − δt q˙i) Index Terms— Control, Robot Safety, Optimization and δt δt   Optimal Control max 1 max 2 min q¨ ≥ max −q¨ , (−q˙ − q˙ ), (q − q − δt q˙ ) i δt i δt2 i i (2) I.INTRODUCTION This approach is unsatisfactory because the resulting bounds may be incompatible [1]. Several improvements have been NE of the main challenges in the control of robotic proposed, but none of them have completely solved the O systems is the fact that they are highly constrained. problem. Robot joints typically have bounded positions. Moreover, A common approach [1], [2] is to use a larger value of δt in actuators have bounded velocity and acceleration. Velocity and (2), which results (most of the time) in stricter bounds. This acceleration may be not directly bounded, but their limits may helps reducing the acceleration when approaching a bound, be the consequence of other bounds, such as on the motor but does not guarantee constraint compatibility. current, or the gear-box torque. This paper focuses on the Another approach [3] is to bound velocity with a hand-tuned control of joints with constant bounds on position, velocity and linear function of the to the position limit. Reducing acceleration. Even though velocity and acceleration bounds the velocity as you get close to a position bound is surely a may be not constant, they can be often well approximated by sensible idea, but this method does not explicitly account for constant values [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. acceleration limits. First, let us introduce the notation that will be used through- Other inverse-dynamics control frameworks [8], [9] simply out the paper: do not model joint position-velocity bounds, but rather rely

• ∧ and ∨ denote the logical quantifiers AND and OR on the design of reference trajectories that ensure their sat- + isfaction. This approach cannot guarantee that the controller • t ∈ R denotes time reaction to a disturbance will not lead to violating a bound. • i ∈ N denotes discrete time steps • δt is the time-step duration of the controller Control barrier functions provide a general framework for handling constraints with arbitrary relative degree [10], [11]. • q(t), q˙(t), q¨(t) ∈ R are the joint position, velocity and acceleration at time t However, these methods do not deal with constraint conflicts, which are the key issue when considering bounds on position • qi , q(iδt), q˙i , q˙(iδt), q¨i , q¨(iδt) • qmin, qmax are the joint position boundaries and acceleration [5]. • q˙max, q¨max are the maximum velocity and acceleration To the best of our knowledge, Decre et al. [6] have been the first ones trying to provide formal guarantees of satisfaction Manuscript received: April, 20, 2017; Accepted July, 30, 2017. of position, velocity and acceleration bounds. They computed This paper was recommended for publication by Editor Nikos Tsagarakis the future position trajectory assuming maximum deceleration, upon evaluation of the Associate Editor and Reviewers’ comments. This and imposed the satisfaction of the position bound for all was supported by the European Research Council through the Actanthrope project (ERC Grant Agreement 340050). The author would like to thank the future states. Their method does not require any hand Nicolas Mansard and Steve Tonneau for the help and the useful discussions. tuning, but it has two critical issues. First, they assumed 1Andrea Del Prete is with the CNRS, LAAS, 7 avenue du colonel constant velocity throughout the time step, so they do not Roche, Univ. de Toulouse, LAAS, F-31400 Toulouse, France. e-mail: [email protected] really bound the acceleration, but a pseudo-acceleration, de- Digital Object Identifier (DOI): see top of this page. fined as (q ˙i+1 − q˙i)/δt. , their method may lead to 2 IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. PREPRINT VERSION. ACCEPTED JULY, 2017 conflicts between velocity and acceleration limits when getting The joint limits have to be satisfied not only at the discrete close to the position bounds. This second issue was later time steps, but in continuous time, so the problem has an addressed by Rubrecht et al. [5], [7]. However, they introduced (uncountable) infinite number of constraints. Because of the some conservatism in the solution, which they suggest to be infinite number of variables and constraints we cannot solve beneficial in case of measurement errors. We believe that the this problem in this form. The main contribution of this paper robustness issue should be tackled explicitly if necessary, and is an efficient algorithm to compute the exact solution of this not through some arbitrary conservatism. Moreover, also this problem. work dealt with pseudo-acceleration bounds. Other relevant results have been proposed in the field of III.PROBLEM SOLUTION online trajectory generation. Kroeger et al. [4] presented online A. Viability trajectory-generation algorithms that can guarantee velocity, acceleration and bounds. While these algorithms are fast We recall now the concept of viability, which we will exploit enough to run at 1 kHz, they treat a different problem from the to reformulate problem (4) in a simpler form. A state is one treated in this paper. First, they do not consider position viable [12] if starting from that state there exists a sequence limits, while we do. Second, they compute minimum time of control inputs that allows for the satisfaction of all the joint- trajectories, while we compute the minimum and constraints in the future. Formally, we can define the viability maximum accelerations that ensure the possibility to satisfy kernel V gathering all viable states as: the bounds in the long term. This means that, for instance, ∞ (q(0), q˙(0)) ∈ V ⇔ ∃(¨qi)i=0 :(q(t), q˙(t)) ∈ F ∀t ≥ 0, motion can be generated according to a task-space criterion, max such as following a trajectory with the end-effector, while |q¨i| ≤ q¨ ∀i ≥ 0 (6) exploiting the manipulator redundancy to satisfy the robot The interest of introducing the viability kernel V is that constraints. ensuring the existence of a feasible future trajectory (i.e. our The two main contributions of our method are: original problem) is clearly equivalent to ensuring that the • it is exact, i.e. not conservative—contrary to [5] next state belongs to V. However, this definition of V does not • it assumes constant acceleration between consecutive immediately provide practical utility: verifying its membership time steps, which allows bounding the real acceleration— amounts to finding an infinite sequence of accelerations that rather than a pseudo-acceleration [5], [6]. results in a feasible trajectory, which is too computationally Section II formally states the problem and Section III presents demanding. In the following we derive an equivalent definition an efficient algorithm to solve it. Section IV discusses a way of V that allows us to check membership easily. Thanks to this, to extend this result to torque control. Section V validates the we reformulate the hard problem of satisfying the position- approach through numerical simulations. Finally, Section VI velocity-acceleration limits as the simple problem of ensuring draws the conclusions. that the next state is viable. II.PROBLEM STATEMENT 1) Continuous-Time Control: Let us start by assuming that we can change q¨ at any instant (i.e. it can vary continuously). Let us consider a robot whose joints have limited position, This results in a set of viable states Vc, which is a superset velocity and acceleration. For one joint, we define the set of of V, namely V ⊆ Vc. all feasible states F as: It is obvious that Vc is a subset of F because all viable 2 min max max F = {(q, q˙) ∈ R : q ≤ q ≤ q , |q˙| ≤ q˙ } (3) states are also feasible, but not all feasible states are viable. Moreover, let us assume that our control inputs are the joint If q is approaching one of its bounds with a large velocity, accelerations, which are also bounded: |q¨| ≤ q¨max. At each then the acceleration capabilities may not be sufficient to stop before the bound. For a given initial position q0, we can find time step, we want to know the maximum and minimum V accelerations such that position and velocity limits can still be the maximum initial velocity q˙M that allows us to satisfy the satisfied in the future. This can be formulated as an infinite- position limits in the future: horizon optimal control problem: V q˙M = maximize q˙0 max q˙0,q¨(t) q¨0 = maximize q¨0 q¨0,q¨1,... subject to (q(t), q˙(t)) ∈ F ∀t ≥ 0 (7) ∈ F ∀ max subject to (q(t), q˙(t)) t > 0 (4) |q¨(t)| ≤ q¨ ∀t ≥ 0 max |q¨i| ≤ q¨ ∀i ≥ 0 q(0) = q0, q˙(0) =q ˙0 fixed (q(0), q˙(0)) The solution of this problem is rather intuitive: the maxi- min Similarly, we can define q¨0 by minimizing q¨0 rather than mum initial velocity is such that, if we constantly apply the maximizing it. Since acceleration can change only at discrete maximum deceleration, we end up exactly at qmax with zero time step, position and velocity between two successive time velocity. Then to solve the problem we can: steps are: 1) write the position trajectory for constant acceleration t2 q¨(t) = −q¨max, q(iδt + t) = q + t q˙ + q¨ ∀i ≥ 0, t ∈ [0, δt] i i 2 i (5) 2) compute the time at which the velocity of this trajectory 0 max q˙(iδt + t) =q ˙i + t q¨i ∀i ≥ 0, t ∈ [0, δt] is zero t =q ˙0/q¨ , DEL PRETE et al.: JOINT POSITION AND VELOCITY BOUNDS 3

Viability Decre et al. [6] Pos-vel bounds Let us assume the worst case, namely we reach the state max Rubrecht et al. [7] Implicit pos-acc (q , 0) while applying maximum deceleration a moment after the beginning of the time step. In this case we need to maintain q¨ = −q¨max for the remaining of the time step (which is approximately δt). At the end of the time step the state will max 2 max max discr then be q = q − 0.5δt q¨ , q˙ = −δt q¨ , q˙ . At that we can bring the joint to a stop by applying max

˙ q¨ =q ¨ for one time step, which would lead us to q = q 0 max 2 max discr discr discr q − δt q¨ , q . In case q and q˙ are within their bounds, then we have nothing to worry about and V = Vc. The conditions to verify are then:

max − min ≥ 2 max max ≥ max (11) q q q δt q¨ , q˙ δt q¨

Fig. 1: State-space plot showing the viability constraints (as Typically these conditions are verified because δt is much computed in this paper, in [5] and in [6]), the position and smaller than 1. For instance, even assuming a value of δt as velocity bounds and the constraints implicitly imposed by the large as 0.1 s, to violate (11) we would need either q˙max to max min position and acceleration bounds for q = −q = 1 rad, be more than 10 smaller than q¨max, or (qmax − qmin) max max 2 q˙ = 5 rad/s, q¨ = 15 rad/s . to be at least 100 times smaller than q¨max. Even if this is the case, we can safely set q¨max to be smaller than its real value so as to satisfy (11). 3) compute the initial velocity such that 0 max q(t ) = q When (11) is not verified the definition of V is much Following these steps we find: more complex than that of Vc. To avoid this mathematical p complexity of limited practical utility, in the remaining of the q˙V (q) = 2¨qmax(qmax − q ) (8) M 0 paper we will assume that (11) is verified, and so V = Vc. Similarly, the minimum initial velocity to ensure viability is:

V p max min q˙ (q) = − 2¨q (q0 − q ) (9) m B. Reformulating (4) in Terms of Viability We can conclude that the set of viable states is: Now that we derived a simple definition of V, we can c V V V = {(q, q˙):(q, q˙) ∈ F, q˙m(q) ≤ q˙ ≤ q˙M (q)} (10) exploit it to reformulate problem (4). Given the current state ∈ V, we need to find the maximum (or minimum) This definition of Vc allows us to check easily the viability of (q, q˙) value of such that: i) the next state belongs a state by just verifying three inequalities. q¨ (q(δt), q˙(δt)) to V, and ii) the whole trajectory leading to the next state Fig. 1 shows how Vc and F may look like in a state- belongs to F. Note that the first condition alone is not space plot. The same plot also depicts the joint velocity limits sufficient: the trajectory between two viable states may violate computed using the methods presented in [5] and in [6]. The a constraint. Viability only ensures the existence of a feasible method proposed by [6] is conservative in the context of future trajectory, meaning that, even starting from a viable acceleration control because it was derived assuming velocity state, you can end up violating a constraint. In mathematical control. Moreover, we can see a discontinuity when approach- terms we reformulate (4) as: ing the position bounds. The second method [5] fixed the issue of the discontinuity, but it is conservative (even assuming ve- max q¨0 = maximize q¨ locity control). Finally, Fig. 1 also shows the state constraints q¨ implicitly imposed by the position-acceleration bounds, e.g. subject to q(0) = q, q˙(0) =q ˙ starting from qmin with zero velocity and applying maximum (q(t), q˙(t)) ∈ F ∀t ∈ [0, δt] (12) acceleration we find the maximum velocity we can reach for V V each state. q˙m(q(δt)) ≤ q˙(δt) ≤ q˙M (q(δt)) 2) Discrete-Time Control: If the control can only change at |q¨| ≤ q¨max discrete time steps, we have to pay attention to what happens after we reached the position boundary (e.g. qmax) with zero This problem is much simpler than its original version be- velocity. In case of continuous-time control we can switch cause: i) it has a single variable (rather than an infinite immediately to q¨ = 0 after reaching qmax, so we can be sure sequence of variables), and ii) its constraints concern only that no constraint violation will occur. In case of discrete-time the trajectory in [0, δt] (rather than in [0, ∞]). However, even control instead we need to maintain q¨ = −q¨max until the problem (12) is hard to solve because its constraints are i) end of the time step in which we reach qmax. In theory this infinitely many, and ii) nonlinear. In the next three subsections may lead us to violating the lower position or velocity bound. we reformulate the inequality constraints of problem (12); each However, in practice, this is extremely rare, as we argue in one will give us a lower and an upper bound on q¨, which we the following. will combine in Section III-F. 4 IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. PREPRINT VERSION. ACCEPTED JULY, 2017

C. Position Inequalities M M M q¨1 q¨2 q¨3 The position trajectory is a second-order polynomial, which q¨M q¨M q¨M we want to remain bounded within the position limits: 1 3 2 M M M q¨2 q¨1 q¨3 qmin ≤ q + tq˙ + 0.5t2q¨ ≤ qmax ∀t ∈ [0, δt] (13) M M M q¨1 q¨2 q¨3 q¨2 q¨3 q¨1 The classical approach in the literature is to ensure that these M M M q¨ q¨ q¨ q¨2 q¨1 q¨3 inequalities are satisfied only for t = δt. If the velocity does 3 2 1 M M M not change sign in the current time step, this is actually enough q¨3 q¨1 q¨2 q¨2 q¨3 q¨1 to guarantee the satisfaction of these constraints over the whole interval [0, δt]. However, in case of a change in the sign of (a) The six possible orderings of (b) The three possible orderings M M M q¨1 , q¨2 and q¨3 . The region in of q¨1, q¨2 and q¨3. The region in the velocity, the constraints may be satisfied for t = δt, but red represents the feasible accel- red represents the feasible accel- violated for some value of t between 0 and δt. Let us focus eration region according to (22). eration region according to (26). first on the upper bound. To reduce the infinite number of Fig. 2: Possible orderings of the variables used in our algo- constraints to a finite number we rewrite the upper-bound rithm. constraint in (13) as: f(¨q) ≤ qmax, (14) Algorithm 1 accBoundsFromPosLimits min max where: Require: q, q,˙ q , q , δt 2 M f(¨q) = maximize [q + tq˙ + 0.5t q¨] q¨1 ← −q/δt˙ t∈[0,δt] (15) M 2 max q¨2 ← −q˙ /(2(q − q)) M max 2 To find the time at which the position trajectory reaches its q¨3 ← 2(q − q − δt q˙)/(δt ) m 2 min extremum we set its derivative to zero: q¨2 ← q˙ /(2(q − q )) 5: q¨m ← 2(qmin − q − δt q˙)/(δt2) ext 3 q˙ + tq¨ = 0 → t , −q/˙ q¨ (16) if q˙ ≥ 0 then LB m The extremum is a maximum and it is reached in the interior q¨ ← q¨3 M M of the time step if and only if: if q¨3 > q¨1 then UB M q¨ ← q¨3 M q˙ > 0, q¨ ≤ −q/δt˙ , q¨1 (17) 10: else q¨UB ← min(¨qM , q¨M ) If these conditions are satisfied the maximum position is: 1 2 else ext ext 2 − 2 UB M f(¨q) = q + t q˙ + 0.5(t ) q¨ = q q˙ /(2¨q) (18) q¨ ← q¨3 m M if q¨3 < q¨1 then Constraint (14) then becomes: LB m 15: q¨ ← q¨3 −q˙2 else ≤ M (19) q¨ max , q¨2 LB M m 2(q − q) q¨ ← max(¨q1 , q¨2 ) LB UB If instead the conditions (17) are not satisfied then the max- return { q¨ , q¨ } imum position is reached at the boundaries of the time step, so we only need to ensure that the constraint is satisfied for t = δt, which gives us: is the upper bound. In the other three cases the upper bound is the minimum between q¨M and q¨M . 2 1 2 ≤ max − − M (20) Repeating the same analysis for the lower bound we get the q¨ 2 (q q δt q˙) , q¨3 δt computation summarized by Algorithm 1. Now we can put all of this together. If q˙ ≤ 0 the acceleration M upper bound is simply q¨3 . If q˙ > 0 things are more D. Velocity Inequalities complicated instead: if (17) is satisfied then the upper bound M M Since the velocity trajectory is a line we just need to ensure is q¨2 , otherwise the upper bound is q¨3 . We may then rewrite (14) as: that the velocity bounds be satisfied for t = δt: 1 1 (¨q ≤ q¨M ∧ q¨ ≤ q¨M ) ∨ (¨q > q¨M ∧ q¨ ≤ q¨M ), (21) (−q˙max − q˙) ≤ q¨ ≤ (q ˙max − q˙) (23) 1 2 1 3 δt δt or equivalently: E. Viability Inequalities M M M M q¨ ≤ min(¨q1 , q¨2 ) ∨ q¨1 < q¨ ≤ q¨3 (22) Let us consider the upper bound of the viability inequality: M M M p Depending on the values of q¨1 , q¨2 and q¨3 , one among them q˙(δt) ≤ 2¨qmax(qmax − q(δt)) is the real acceleration upper bound. Fig. 2a depicts the six (24) ≤ p max max − − − 2 possible scenarios. The third case results in a disconnected q˙ + δtq¨ 2¨q (q q δt q˙ 0.5δt q¨) set of feasible accelerations, which is impossible because V is This constraint is clearly nonlinear in q¨, but we can derive M M M connected. When q¨3 > q¨1 (i.e. the first two cases) then q¨3 an algorithm to reformulate it as a simple upper bound. Since DEL PRETE et al.: JOINT POSITION AND VELOCITY BOUNDS 5

Algorithm 2 accBoundsFromViability min max max 3 1 Require: q, q,˙ q , q , q¨ , δt 5 a ← δt2 2 b ← δt(2q ˙ +q ¨maxδt) c ← q˙2 − 2¨qmax(qmax − q − δt q˙) 4 q¨1 ← −q/δt˙ 5: ∆ ← b2 − 4ac 0 if ∆ ≥ 0 then √ UB q¨ ← max(¨q1, (−b + ∆)/(2a)) Fig. 3: Feasible state space for qmax = −qmin = 0.5 rad, else max max 2 q¨UB ← q¨ q˙ = 2 rad/s, q¨ = 10 rad/s , and δt = 0.1s. Region 1 0 represents the unreachable space, while region 1 represents 10: b ← 2δt q˙ − q¨maxδt2 the space that is not viable. In each of the other four regions, c ← q˙2 − 2¨qmax(q + δt q˙ − qmin) a different acceleration upper bound dominates the others. In ∆ ← b2 − 4ac region 2 it is the one coming from the position inequality (13). if ∆ ≥ 0 then √ In region 3 it is the one coming from the velocity inequality q¨LB ← min(¨q , (−b − ∆)/(2a)) 1 (23). In region 4 it is the acceleration upper bound q¨max. In 15: else LB region 5 it is the one coming from the viability inequality (24). q¨ ← q¨1 LB UB return { q¨ , q¨ } Algorithm 3 Compute Joint Acceleration Bounds Require: q, q,˙ qmin, qmax, q˙max, q¨max, δt q¨UB ← [0, 0, 0, q¨max] the right-hand side (RHS) of (24) is always positive, if the q¨LB ← [0, 0, 0, −q¨max] left-hand side (LHS) is negative then (24) is satisfied: (q¨LB[0], q¨UB[0]) ← accBoundsFromPosLimits(...) q˙ q¨LB[1] ← (−q˙max − q˙)/δt q˙ + δt q¨ ≤ 0 ⇔ q¨ ≤ − q¨ (25) δt , 1 5: q¨UB[1] ← (q ˙max − q˙)/δt ( LB UB ← accBoundsFromViability(...) If instead the LHS is positive we can take the square of both q¨ [2], q¨ [2]) return {max( LB), min( UB)} sides: q¨ q¨ (q ˙ + δtq¨)2 ≤ 2¨qmax(qmax − q − δt q˙ − 0.5δt2q¨)) (26) aq¨2 + bq¨ + c ≤ 0, F. Final Algorithm to Solve (4) where: Finally, to compute the solution of our original problem a = δt2 (4), we just need to compute all the upper and lower bounds b = δt (2q ˙ + δt q¨max) (27) of q¨, and then select the minimum among the upper bounds and the maximum among the lower bounds. This procedure is 2 − max max − − c =q ˙ 2¨q (q q δt q˙) summarized by Algorithm 3. If ∆ = b2 − 4ac ≥ 0 this parabola is equal to zero in two Fig. 3 shows the feasible state space divided into six different regions. Apart from the non-viable region and the points q¨2 and q¨3 (which coincide if ∆ = 0): √ √ non-reachable region, in each of the other four regions there is −b − ∆ −b + ∆ a different active constraint in (12). Note that the size of these q¨ , q¨ (28) 2 , 2a 3 , 2a regions depends on the values of the time step and the position, velocity and acceleration bounds. In some cases certain regions Since a > 0 by definition, the inequality (26) is satisfied for may even disappear. q¨2 ≤ q¨ ≤ q¨3. If instead ∆ < 0 then the parabola is always positive and there exists no value of q¨ that satisfies (26). Putting it all together we can rewrite (24) as: IV. TORQUE CONTROL

(¨q ≤ q¨1) ∨ [(¨q > q¨1) ∧ (∆ ≥ 0) ∧ (¨q2 ≤ q¨ ≤ q¨3)] (29) During the last 15 years robots are switching from ve- locity/acceleration control to torque control [13], [14]. This Similarly to what we did for the position inequalities in section presents one way to apply the methodology proposed Section III-C, we can analyse the different scenarios depending in the previous section to a torque-controlled robot. In order on the values of q¨1, q¨2 and q¨3 (see Fig. 2b). Here we have to do so we have to face two issues. only three possible scenarios because by definition q¨2 ≤ q¨3. First, so far we have assumed a constant acceleration during The third case results in a disconnected set of feasible accel- the time step, while now we have a constant torque. Con- erations, which is impossible because V is connected. In the sidering an n-degree-of-freedom manipulator, the relationship other cases the bound is given by the maximum between q¨1 between and accelerations is given by: and q¨3. Repeating the same analysis for the lower bound, we get the computation summarized by Algorithm 2. τ = M(q)¨q + h(q, ˙q), (30) 6 IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. PREPRINT VERSION. ACCEPTED JULY, 2017

Algorithm 4 Estimate Acceleration Bounds From Torque to bound accelerations (2) with the approach proposed in this Bounds paper. Our first test focuses on joint-space acceleration control, Require: qmin, qmax, ˙qmax, τ max,N while in our second test the robot joints are torque controlled ¨qUB ← [∞,..., ∞] and the task is executed by the end-effector in Cartesian- ¨qLB ← −[∞,..., ∞] space. All the and dynamics quantities have been for i = 1 → N do computed with the Pinocchio library [16]. q ← random(qmin, qmax) 5: ˙q ← random(− ˙qmax, ˙qmax) A. Joint-Space Acceleration Control M ← computeMassMatrix(q) In this test we use the following joint-space acceleration h ← computeBiasForces(q, ˙q) controller: for j = 1 → size(q) do minimize ||q¨d − ¨q||2 ¨qmax ← (τ max[j] − h[j])/M[j, j] ¨q (31) lb ub 10: ¨qmin ← (−τ max[j] − h[j])/M[j, j] subject to ¨q ≤ ¨q ≤ ¨q UB UB max ¨q [j] ← min(¨q [j], ¨q ) The desired joint accelerations are computed as: ¨qLB[j] ← max(¨qLB[j], ¨qmin) ¨qd = k (qr − q) − k ˙q, (32) return {q¨LB, q¨UB} p d + where kp, kd ∈ R are the proportional and derivative gains. The values used for the simulations are kp = 1000, n n p where τ ∈ R are the joint torques, ¨q ∈ R are the joint ac- kd = 2 kp, δt = 0.01 s. We carried out several simulations celerations, M(q) ∈ Rn×n is the inertia , h(q, ˙q) ∈ Rn using different methods to compute the acceleration bounds are the bias . According to (30) a constant torque does ¨qlb, ¨qub and verified which ones were successful in preventing not imply a constant acceleration because q and ˙q change constraint violations. To incite the hitting of a joint bound we during the time step. However, since time steps are typically set the reference position qr for the first joint outside its valid short (i.e. between 1 and 10 ms), h and M do not change range (i.e. 0.1 above its upper bound). The results are much between the beginning and the end of the time step. summarized by Fig. 4. Hence we can assume that accelerations are approximately 1) Naive Acceleration Bounds: Using the naive approach constant throughout the time step. (2), the first joint violated the upper position bound, as shown The second issue is that joint accelerations are not directly in Fig. 4a. Fig. 4b shows that using a larger value of δt for bounded, but they are indirectly bounded by the torque limits computing the acceleration bounds [1], [2] helps mitigating the τ max. This means that the acceleration bounds depend on the issue, but it does not completely solve it. The impact velocity system state. Trajectory generation under torque constraints is reduced, but the constraint is still violated. requires solving a complex optimization problem [15], which 2) Viability-Based Acceleration Bounds: Using our algo- we cannot afford inside a control loop. We suggest a conserva- rithm, position and velocity bounds are reached multiple tive solution, that is to estimate offline worst-case acceleration times, but never violated, as shown by Fig. 4c. The system bounds and use them in our algorithm. never reached the steady state (qmax, 0)—as it would if the Algorithm 4 shows a sampling-based procedure to estimate controller were continuous time. The joint velocity oscillates these bounds: i) we generate a large number N of random around zero, while its acceleration is discontinuous. Even if states, ii) for each state we compute the upper/lower accel- unpleasant on a real system, this behavior is sound, because eration bound at each joint, assuming that the other joint we did not bound jerk. We can easily get rid of these accelerations are zero, iii) for each joint we select the worst- discontinuities by using larger values of δt for computing the case bounds. This procedure is not completely conservative acceleration bounds, as shown in Fig. 4d. because it computes the acceleration bounds for a certain joint assuming that the other joint accelerations are zero—while this B. Cartesian-Space Torque Control is unlikely the case in reality. However, typically only one joint In this simulation we show the importance of correctly at a time will have its state on the boundaries of the viable bounding the joint accelerations during task-space control. We set V. When this happens, only this joint requires maximum used a task-space inverse dynamics controller [17] to reach a acceleration to stop before its position limit, and the tracking at desired configuration with the end-effector of Baxter’s arm. the other joints can be temporarily degraded to accommodate At the same time, a lower-priority joint-space task is used to this need. However, if needed, a more conservative procedure stabilize the null space of the end-effector. The controller also to estimate worst-case acceleration bounds from torque bounds guarantees the torque and acceleration limits. At each control can be used. loop we computed the desired joint torques by solving the following Quadratic Program: V. SIMULATIONS minimize ||v˙ d − J(q)¨q − J˙ (q, ˙q) ˙q||2 + w||¨qp − ¨q||2 In this section we validate the proposed method through τ ,¨q numerical simulations with the 7-degree-of-freedom arm of the subject to τ = M(q)¨q + h(q, ˙q) Baxter robot1. In both our tests we compare the naive approach ¨qlb ≤ ¨q ≤ ¨qub, |τ | ≤ τ max, 1http://www.rethinkrobotics.com/baxter/ (33) DEL PRETE et al.: JOINT POSITION AND VELOCITY BOUNDS 7

δt=2x δt=5x δt=20x 2 2 q [rad] q [rad]

2 2 ˙ q [rad/s] ˙ q [rad/s] ] ] 2 12 2 12 ¨ q [rad/s -12 ¨ q [rad/s -12 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Time [s] Time [s] (a) Acceleration bounds computed with the naive approach (2) and the (b) Acceleration bounds computed with the naive approach (2) and larger same δt of the controller. values of δt than the controller.

δt=2x δt=5x δt=20x 2 2 q [rad] q [rad]

2 2 ˙ q [rad/s] ˙ q [rad/s] ] ] 2 2 12 12 ¨ q [rad/s ¨ q [rad/s -12 -12 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Time [s] Time [s] (c) Acceleration bounds computed with the approach proposed in this (d) Acceleration bounds computed with the approach proposed in this paper and the same δt of the controller. Even if these acceleration paper and larger values of δt than the controller. discontinuities may be undesirable on a real system, this behavior is sound because we did not limit the jerk of our trajectory. Using a larger value of δt in the acceleration bound computation makes them disappear. Fig. 4: Trajectories of the first joint of the Baxter arm obtained by using different techniques to compute the acceleration bounds. For this simulation we had δt = 0.01 s, qmax = 2 rad, q˙max = 2 rad/s, q¨max = 12 rad/s2.

3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 q [rad] q [rad] 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Time [s] Time [s] 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 . 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ˙ q [rad/s] −1.0 Time [s] ˙ q [rad/s] −1.0 Time [s] −2.0 −2.0 30 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 30 0.2 0.3 0.5 ] ] 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time [s] ¨ q [rad/s

¨ q [rad/s Time [s]

−30 −30 (a) Using the naive approach the joint reaches its lower position (b) Using the proposed method position, velocity and accelera- bound at 0.36 s with a velocity of −1.4 rad/s. tion bounds are satisfied throughout the whole trajectory. Fig. 5: Trajectory of the elbow joint using either the naive approach or our approach to compute the joint acceleration bounds. In both cases we used a larger δt (2×) than the controller to avoid discontinuities. 8 IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. PREPRINT VERSION. ACCEPTED JULY, 2017 where J(q) ∈ R6×n is the end-effector Jacobian, and w ∈ R is bounds, this approach is conservative and further research the postural-task . The desired end-effector acceleration is necessary to fully exploit the robot capabilities. and joint accelerations are computed as: • An exact knowledge of the state and the model of the

d −1 d robot was assumed, hence the computed bounds are not v˙ = kp log(H(q) H ) − kdJ(q) ˙q robust to uncertainties. p r (34) ¨q = kp(q − q) − kd ˙q, • We did not deal with the case of physical interaction with

+ the environment, in which unknown external forces may where kp, kd ∈ R are the proportional and derivative gains, d lead to constraint violations. Moreover, rigid contacts and H, H ∈ SE(3) are respectively the measured and desired constrain the robot motion, coupling all the joints, thus rigid transformation from world to end-effector frame. The the proposed method would not be directly applicable. values used for this simulations are k = 10, k = 2pk , p d p • −3 We did not account for jerk limits, which would be δt = 0.01 s, w = 10 . certainly useful in practice, even though we expect them We selected the initial and final pose of the end-effector so to substantially increase the algorithm complexity [4]. that the elbow joint moves towards its lower bound. We carried out several simulations using different methods to compute REFERENCES the acceleration bounds ¨qlb, ¨qub and checked for violations of joint limits. The acceleration bounds were estimated offline [1] K. C. Park, P. H. 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