
SESSION II Part One 23.III.2014 Preparing

Young Adult SITE Worship Space & Sacred Objects Seating, Lighting, Sound & Projection

COMMUNITY Readiness & Catechetics Planning & Announcements

First Principle: A Contemporary Spirituality The Church in the Modern World Inculturation: The Good News





Gestures Second Principle: Full Participation "Actiosa Participatio" Dévoirs Liturgiques The Checklist

Congregation's melodies

Sound check

Rehearsal of (s)

Lectionary, Sanctuary, &

Special blessings, colection, or announcements

Acolyte(s) Liturgical Bummers - "Ho'opilikia" (Would that these were fictional)

Your has just caught a cold and you have been asked to be substitute while your guitarist is needed as .

At the last minute you have been asked to include music your musicians have never played.

You can't get into the to turn on the sound because the Sacistan had a flat tire.

The previous service has taken too long, so you know you wil not have time for the musicians to go over the new ofertory song with the people.

A famous singing star is coming to and wants to sing Amazing Grace as a solo, and the said OK because he didn't want to ofend the hosting family who recently gave $10,000 to upgrade the P.A. system in the church. Third Principle: Mystagogy Entering into Preguntas . . .

Does this Liturgy point to, or encapsulize, a particular teaching?

Do the songs, , Prayer of the Faithful and various announcements have a unified theme?

Does the music, in content and mood, fit the particular moment and flow of the Liturgical action? Is the over-al music seamless and unified?

Does everything invite and encourage attentive participation by the people?

Would this Liturgy reflect to a non-Catholic visitor what our Church teaches and stands for and how it should pray?

Does this Liturgy in some way cause me to enter more intimately into the mystery of the presence of Christ in the Assenbly and in my personal life?

In this Liturgy do I feel in touch with reality yet also in some way in a special realm? Steps in Preparing To Shape a Liturgy Moment-by-Moment

Balance & Complementarity 'Symphonic' Model Invitatory to Eucharist


Meditation Music

Cantoral Greeting

Brief Rehearsal or Preparatory Demonstration The We come together with song, acknowledging one another.

Koinonía - The Community Penitential Rite

The Confiteor I confess to Almighty God....

The Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. The Gloria

Gloria in Excelsis, Deo

Glory to God in the Highest! The and Prayers

Let us pray...... through Christ Our Lord. "...The Spirit of Truth...will bide with you forever."

Kerygma - The Word Readings

Verbum Dei

Proclaiming the Word Responsorial Psalm

"I wil give you thanks, O Lord, upon the ten-stringed lute and the harp....."

Cantoral Art and Ministry

"Let us sing to the Lord!" Acclamation

Canite, Tubæ! Universal Prayer

¡Óyenos, Señor! Presentation of the Gifts

Seed, Scattered and Sown Incensing Let our prayers rise like . Orate, Fratres

That our sacrifice may become acceptable. Dialogue

Lif up your hearts. Trisagion Mystery of Faith Commemorations

The Living The Church Stipended Intentions The Departed Those Present Great Amen Paternoster Sign of Peace

Behold the Processional Meditation Announcements A celebration of Community Ite, Missa est! Go, you are sent forth!

Diakonía - Service Agape Call to Ministry "Come, foow me!" Liturgy as Ministry Participation as Leadership Acolye, Crossbearer , Thurifer Lector or Commentator Communion Environmentist, Sacristan Usher, Greeter Cantor, Musician, Psalmist, Chorister Liturgy Planner, Catechist of the Word Deacon at the Altar Concelebrant Celebrant Congregant Vocation The Universal Ca to Holiness Ecclesia Semper Reformanda

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism