„he xorsemen in the

†iking ege iri™ ghristi—nsen

gover sm—ge

en eighteenth ™entury engr—ving of —n eleventh ™entury

È formerly in rulterst—d ghur™h on y l—ndY now lostF „he ins™ription

re—dsX –istrith h—d this stone ere™ted in memory of her hus˜—nd

fjornD qod help his soul9F st surrounds the im—ge of — longEh—ired È

l—dy giving ˜irth @cA to dr—gons under — ™—nopyD preE†iking ege in originX see pFPTSF

„he €eoples of iurope

qener—l iditors

t—mes g—mp˜ell —nd f—rry gunliffe

„his series is —˜out the iurope—n tri˜es —nd peoples from their origins in prehistory

to the present d—yF hr—wing upon — wide r—nge of —r™h—eologi™—l —nd histori™—l

eviden™eD e—™h volume presents — fresh —nd —˜sor˜ing —™™ount of — group9s ™ultureD

so™iety —nd usu—lly tur˜ulent historyF

elre—dy pu˜lished

„he itrus™—ns „he qoths

qr—eme f—rker —nd „hom—s ‚—smussen €eter re—ther

„he xorm—ns „he pr—nksB

w—rjorie ghi˜n—ll idw—rd t—mes

„he xorsemen in the †iking ege „he ‚ussi—ns

iri™ ghristi—nsen ‚o˜in wilnerEqull—nd

„he vom˜—rds „he wongols

xeil ghristie h—vid worg—n

„he ƒer˜s „he ermeni—ns

 ƒim— girkovi™ eF iF ‚edg—te Â

„he f—squesB „he fritons

‚oger gollins ghristopher eF ƒnyder

„he inglish „he runs

qeoffrey ilton iF eF „hompson

„he qypsies „he i—rly qerm—ns

ƒe™ond edition ƒe™ond edition

engus pr—ser w—l™olm „odd

„he fretons „he sllyri—ns

€—tri™k q—lliou —nd wi™h—el tones tohn ‡ilkes

sn prep—r—tion

„he ƒi™ili—ns „he ‚om—ns

h—vid e˜ul—®— „imothy gornell

„he srish „he ƒ™ots

pr—n™is tohn fyrne —nd wi™h—el rerity golin uidd 8 h—uvit frown

„he fyz—ntines „he €i™ts

everil g—meron gh—rles „hom—s

„he ƒp—nish „he engles —nd ƒ—xons

‚oger gollins rel—n— r—merow Bhenotes title now out of print

„he xorsemen in the

†iking ege iri™ ghristi—nsen

5 PHHPD PHHT ˜y iri™ ghristi—nsen

fvegu‡ivv € fvsƒrsxq

QSH w—in ƒtreetD w—ldenD we HPIRVESHPHD ƒe

WTHH q—rsington ‚o—dD yxford yˆR PhD u

SSH ƒw—nston ƒtreetD g—rltonD †i™tori— QHSQD eustr—li—

„he right of iri™ ghristi—nsen to ˜e identi®ed —s the euthor of this ‡ork h—s ˜een

—sserted in —™™ord—n™e with the u gopyrightD hesignsD —nd €—tents e™t IWVVF

ell rights reservedF xo p—rt of this pu˜li™—tion m—y ˜e reprodu™edD stored in —

retriev—lsystemD or tr—nsmittedD in —ny form or ˜y —ny me—nsD ele™troni™D

me™h—ni™—lD photo™opyingD re™ording or otherwiseD ex™ept —s permitted ˜y the

u gopyrightD hesignsD —nd €—tents e™t IWVVD without the prior permission of

the pu˜lisherF

pirst pu˜lished PHHP

pirst pu˜lished in p—per˜—™k PHHT ˜y fl—™kwell €u˜lishing vtd


vi˜r—ry of gongress g—t—logingEinE€u˜li™—tion h—t—

ghristi—nsenD iri™F

„he xorsemen in the †iking ege G iri™ ghristi—nsenF

pF ™mF ± @€eoples of iuropeA

sn™ludes ˜i˜liogr—phi™—l referen™es —nd indexF

sƒfx HETQIEPITUUER @—lkF p—perA

IF xorthmenF PF †ikingsF sF „itleF ssF ƒeriesF




IH sƒfxE X IERHSIERWTREU @p—per˜—™kA


e ™—t—logue re™ord for this title is —v—il—˜le from the fritish vi˜r—ryF

ƒet in IHFS on IP pt ƒ—˜on

˜y uol—m snform—tion ƒervi™es €vtF vtdD €ondi™herryD sndi—

€rinted —nd ˜ound in the nited uingdom

˜y „t sntern—tion—lvtdD €—dstowD gornw—ll

„he pu˜lisher9s poli™y is to use perm—nent p—per from mills th—t oper—te —

sust—in—˜le forestry poli™yD —nd whi™h h—s ˜een m—nuf—™tured from pulp

pro™essed using —™idEfree —nd element—ry ™hlorineEfree pr—™ti™esF purthermoreD

the pu˜lisher ensures th—t the text p—per —nd ™over ˜o—rd used h—ve met

—™™ept—˜le environment—l —™™redit—tion st—nd—rdsF

por further inform—tion on

fl—™kwell €u˜lishingD visit our we˜siteX wwwF˜l—™kwellpu˜lishingF™om


vist of w—ps vi

vii vist of e˜˜revi—tions

Acknowledgements xv


†ikings „heir ege „he eim I±W

xhs†sh evƒ IH Is

Pp ewsvsiƒ QV

Qg yww xs„siƒ exh e ƒƒygse„syxƒ TR

Rh sƒ„‚sg„ƒ exh „ i‚‚s„y‚siƒ VU

S€ iy€viƒ IIP

T€ yvs„sgƒ IQQ

U‡ e‚ ITV

V‡ y‚u IVW

Wi wsq‚e„syx PIR

IH € eƒ„ PQT

II € ‚iƒix„ PSI

IP p „ ‚i PUW

yhi‚x ‚ iƒie‚gr QHI €osts™riptX w


eh ‰xeƒ„sg s hix„s„siƒ QPS

fh e„iƒ QPU

g‡ isqr„ƒ exh w ieƒ ‚iƒ QQQ

h„ riqxƒ QQS

‚eferen™es QQU

sndex QTU


I ‡omen of some import—n™e IV


Q rypotheti™—l territoriesD ™FUSH±™FIHHH WH

R †ikingEege distri™ts WS

S ƒ™—ndin—vi—n peoplesD USH±IHSH IIQ

T „he h—nish kingdom under g—nute ISI

U ghiefdoms —nd kingdomsD ™FVHH ITI

V smport±exportD VHH±WSH PII

W wigr—tionD WSH±IHSH PQR

IH gults PTH

II ‚uneEstone regionsD ™FWUH±IHUH PUU

IP furi—l ritesD ™FWHH±™FIHHH PVU


ee e™t— er™h—eologi™—D gopenh—genF

eev e™t— er™h—eologi™— vundensi—F

e—r˜ùger e—r˜ùger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historieD

gopenh—gen IVTT±F

ef ed—m of fremenX qest— r—mm—˜urgensis i™™lesiñ


ei‡ eltnordis™hes etymologis™hes ‡orter˜u™hDtFde È


 ep er˜ok fornleif—fel—gsinsD ‚eykj— IWUU±F  Â

 egrip eF —f xoregskonung—sogum @edF —nd tr—nsF Â

wF tF hris™ollD vondon IWWSAF

exp erkiv for nordisk ®lologiD vund @ghristi—ni— IVVQ±AF

exƒ engloExorm—n ƒtudiesF

e€ er™hñologi— €olon—D ‡—rs—w IWSV±F

e‚p enn—les ‚egni pr—n™orum @edF €ertz —nd uurzeD

r—nover IVWSAF

eƒg engloEƒ—xon ghroni™leF

eƒf „he enn—ls of ƒt fertinD tr—nsF tF xF xelsonD

w—n™hester IWWIF

eƒgix engloEƒ™—ndin—vi—n ingl—ndD edF tF hF xiles —nd

wF emodioD w—ryl—nd IWVWF

eƒ€ eppro—™hes to ƒwedish €rehistoryD edF „F fF v—rsson

—nd vundm—rkF

eƒi engloEƒ—xon ingl—ndD g—m˜ridge IWUP±F

eƒƒer englo ƒ—xon ƒtudies in er™h—eology —nd ristoryD

yxford IWVU±F

eƒwe espe™ts of w—ritime ƒ™—ndin—vi—DedF

yF grumlinE€etersonD ‚oskilde IWWIF

e „he enn—ls of lsterD edF w—™eirt —nd ƒF w—™xio™—illD hu˜lin IWVQF

viii e˜˜revi—tions

e h erkñologiske udgr—vninger i h—nm—rk IWWHD

gopenh—gen IWWIF

e ƒe „he eudien™e of the ƒ—g—sD edF vF vonnrothD P volsD È

qothen˜urg IWWIF

Ê f †on eged—l ˜is w—ltX hie sk—ndin—vis™hen ‚uneninsE

™hriftenD „F firkm—nD ferlin IWWSF

fe‚ int fritish er™h—eologi™—l ‚eportsX sntern—tion—l ƒeriesD


fygy tF hownes —nd „F €oll—rdD „he voved fody9s gorrupE

tionD ql—sgow IWWWF

f ƒy furi—l —nd ƒo™ietyD edF gF uF tensenD IWWUF

get g—m˜ridge er™h—eologi™—l tourn—l IWWHF

ggg gont—™tD gontinuity —nd goll—pseD edF t—mes rF f—rE

rettD „urnhout PHHSF

gr gelti™— relsingiensi—D edF eF ehlqvist et —lD relsinki


gr‚sƒ „he ghristi—niz—tion of ƒ™—ndin—vi—D edF €F ƒ—wyer

Ê et —lD elings—s IWVUF

grƒ „he g—m˜ridge ristory of ƒ™—ndin—vi—D edF unut

relleD g—m˜ridge PHHQF

Ê gi€ƒ gentr—le pl—tser ™entr—l— fr—gorD edF v—rsson —nd

Ê r—rdhD vund IWVVF

gw gollegium wediev—leD yslo IWVV±F

Ê gyxfev„ gont—™ts —™ross the f—lti™ ƒe—DedFeFr—rdh —nd

fF ‡yszomirsk—E‡e˜—rtD vund IWWPF

gyxsv e gomp—nion to yld xorsen±s™el—ndi™ viter—ture

—nd gultureD edF ‚ory w™„urkD fl—™kwell PHHSF

gƒe gurrent ƒwedish er™h—eologyD ƒto™kholm IWWQ±F

hef hu˜lin —nd feyond the €—leD edF gonleth w—nningD

fr—y IWWVF

hehe h— h—nm—rk ˜lev h—nm—rkD €eter ƒ—wyerD gopenh—E

gen IWVV —nd PHHPF

hif he—th —nd furi—lD volF R of ‰ork gonferen™e on

wediev—l iuropeD edF „F hi™kinson —nd fF t—mesD

‰ork IWWPF

hs€ higging into the €—stD edF ƒF rv—ss —nd fF ƒtorg——rdD

e—rhus IWWQF

hv h—nm—rks lñngste udgr—vningD edF yF ylsenD

gopenh—gen IWVUF

hxw hi™tion—ry of xorthern wythologyD ‚udolf ƒimekD

tr—nsF eF r—llD ‡ood˜ridge IWWTF

h‚ h—nm—rks ‚uneindskrifterD edF vF t—™o˜sen et —lD P

volsD gopenh—genD IWRI±SPF

hƒ h—nske ƒtudierD gopenh—genF

e˜˜revi—tions ix

hƒted h—nm—rks ƒtedn—vne @snstitut for x—vneforskningAD


hudo hF of ƒt uentinX ristory of the xorm—nsD tr—nsF

iF ghristi—nsenD ‡ood˜ridge IWWVF

idd— see ƒni —nd €iF

ii in™omium immñ ‚eginñD edF elist—ir g—mp˜ellD

vondon IWRWF

iq itudes germ—niquesD vyon G €—ris IWRT±F

irh inglish ristori™—l ho™umentsD volF sD edF hF ‡hiteE

lo™kD vondon IWTVF

ir‚ „he inglish ristori™—l ‚eviewD yxfordF

iwi i—rly wediev—l iuropeD yxford IWWI±F

i xy iurope—ns or xotcD edF xF flomqvist —nd

ƒEyF vindquistD qotl—nd IWWWF

iˆ„‚e ix™h—nge —nd „r—deD volF † of wediev—l iuropeDedF

r—llD rodges —nd gl—rkeD ‰ork IWWP±F

i‰w ix™—v—tions —t ‰ork winsterD iGP herek €hillips —nd

frend— reywoodD vondon @rwƒyAF

pe pr—gment—ry enn—lsX see ‚—dnerF

piƒ„yv pestskrift til yl—f ylsenD edF tF ƒteen tensenD

gopenh—gen IWVVF

pixƒy pennos™—ndi— er™h—eologi™—D relsinki IWVQ±F

psw pinskt wuseumD relsingfors IVWQ±F

pur pestskrift til uristi—n r—ldD edF €F endersen et —lFD

gopenh—gen IWURF

pv‡ ploren™e @tohnA of ‡or™esterF

pwƒ pruhmittel—lterli™he ƒtudienF È

p‚iƒ polke og ressurser i xordenD edF tF ƒ—ndnes et —lFD

„rondheim IWVQF

p‚yƒe prom ƒ—g—s to ƒo™ietyD edF qF €—lssonD in®eld IWWPF Â

qihs qerm—ni™ hi—le™tsD edF fF frogy—ny —nd

„F urommel˜einD emsterd—mG€hil—delphi— IWVTF È

q‚ qerm—nis™he ‚eligionsges™hi™hteD edF rF fe™kD

hF illmers —nd uF ƒ™hierD ferlinGxew ‰ork IWWPF

qr—g—s idF uF u—rlsson et —lFD ‚eykj—vik IWWPY p—rtly  Â

  tr—nsl—ted —s qr—g—sX v—ws of i—rly s™el—nd ˜y

eF hennisD €F pooteD ‚F €erkinsD volF iD ‡innipeg


qut— s—g— idF rF €ipping in qut— v—g o™h qut— ƒ—g—D

gopenh—gen IWHS±UF

q w quld m—gt og troX qoldD €ower —nd feliefD tùrgensen

—nd €F †F €etersenD gopenh—gen IWWVF

Ê q† qotl—nd —o nD edF qF ‡estholmD v—nsmuseet p— È È

qotl—ndD qotl—ndskt erkiv PHHRF È

x e˜˜revi—tions

rsry her historis™he rorizontD edF uF r—u™kD qottingen È


réuy rùvdinges—mfund og kongem—gtD edF €F wortensen

—nd fF wF ‚—smussenD gopenh—gen IWWIF

rsk reimskringl—F

r„ @hA ristorisk „idskriftD gopenh—genF

r„ @xA ristorisk „idsskriftDysloF

r q rugurD edF gl—ude v—™outeux —nd yF qru™hetD €—ris


sfe @I —nd PA snter˜—lti™ golloquiumX ystseekolloquiumD IWWI —nd


sqq sdeeD qest—ltD qes™hi™hteX pests™hrift to †on ƒeeD

ydense IWVVF

sw€e sm—ges of the €—stD edF xF ‚oym—ns —nd pF „heuwsD

emsterd—m IWWIF

sƒgi†e srel—nd —nd ƒ™—ndin—vi— in the i—rly †iking egeDedF

rF gl—rke et —lFD hu˜lin IWWVF

te‚ tourn—l of er™h—eologi™—l ‚ese—r™hF

tfeƒ tourn—l of the fritish er™h—eologi™—l ƒo™ietyF

the tourn—l of h—nish er™h—eologyF

tiq€ tourn—l of inglish —nd qerm—ni™ €hilologyD sllinoisF

tie tourn—l of iurope—n er™h—eologyD eldershot IWWQ±F

twr tourn—l of wediev—l ristoryD emsterd—m IWUR ±F

up u—up—ng punneneD edF gF flindheim et —lFD P volsD

yslo IWVI —nd IWWWF

urv uulturhistorisk veksikonD PI volsD gopenh—gen


usg uingsD gurren™y —nd —n™esD edF wF fl—™k˜urn —nd

hF humvilleD IWWVF

usuy„ uontinuitet i kult og troD edF fF xilssonF

uo™k hen xorskEssl—Èndsk— ƒk—ldediktningenD P volsD vund


u‚sƒ uristn—ndet i ƒverigeD edF fertil xilssonD pps—l—


uƒ unytling— ƒ—g—

vegyx v—ngu—ge gont—™t in the fritish sslesDedF

€F ƒF rel—nd —nd qF froderi™kD „u˜ingen IWWIF È

ve‚ vund er™h—eologi™—l ‚eviewD vund IWWS±F

 vf v—ndn—m—˜okX „he fook of ƒettlements tr—ns rF Â

€— lsson —nd €F idw—rdsD w—nito˜— IWUPF Â

viep ve—ther —nd purD edF isther g—meronD quildford


w ‚unes —nd „heir yriginD irik woltkeD gopenh—gen IWVSF

e˜˜revi—tions xi

wewwix w—mmenX gr—vD kunst og s—mfund i vikingetidDedF

wette sversenD —nd tF †ellevD rùj˜jerg IWWVF

wiƒge wediev—l ƒ™—ndin—vi—F en in™y™lop—edi—DedF

€F €ulsi—noD xew‰orkGvondon IWWQF

wqr wonument— qerm—ni—e ristori™—F

wseƒ wilit—ry espe™ts of ƒ™—ndin—vi—n ƒo™ietyDedF

eF xùrg——rd tùrgensen —nd ferthe gl—usenD gopenE

h—gen IWWUF

wuƒ workinskinn—

Ê wv rw weddel—nden fr—n vund niversitets historisk—


wy‚ wyte og ‚itu—lD edF tF €F ƒ™hjùdtD ydense IWWRF

wƒ wediev—l ƒ™—ndin—vi—D ydense IWTV±F

w‰‡y wythologi™—l ‡omenD edF ‚F ƒimek —nd ‡F reizE

m—nnD †ienn— PHHPF

xee xordi™ er™h—eologi™—l e˜str—™tsD ƒt—v—ngerD


xe‚ xorwegi—n er™h—eologi™—l ‚eviewDysloF

xs‰ xorges snnskrifter med de yngre runerD edF wF ylsenD

Q volsD yslo IWRI±SRF

xyrih xordisk redendomX et symposiumDedF

qF ƒteinsl—ndD F hro˜in et —lD ydense IWWIF

xyxy „he xorse of the xorth etl—nti™D edF qF figelow

@eeD lxiAD gopeh—gen IWWIF

xy‡ivi xorthE‡est iurope—n v—ngu—ge ivolutionD ydense


x‡ x—menweltenD edF eF v—n x—hlD vF ilmevik —nd ƒF

frinkD ferlin G xew‰ork PHHRF

yte yxford tourn—l of er™h—eologyD yxford IWVP±F

yw yl—us w—gnusX — hes™ription of the xorthern

€eoplesD edF €F pooteD Q volsD vondon IWWT±VF

yxp‚eg yld xorse —nd pinnish ‚eligions —nd gulti™

€l—™eE x—mesDedF„Fehl˜—™kD ƒto™kholm IWWHF È

yxsv yld xorse s™el—ndi™ viter—tureX — griti™—l quideDedF

gF glover —nd vF vindowD sth—™— IWVSF

È È ygld ystorgotl—nd @ƒ‡AF È

é€yvsƒ ékonomiske og politiske sentr— i xordenDedF

iF wikkelsen —nd tF rF v—rsenD yslo IWWPF

y „ yutl—nd se in €reindustri—l iuropeDedF

rF enderssonD irsg—rd —nd iF ƒvenssonD vund IWWVF

yˆ†su „he yxford sllustr—ted ristory of the †ikingsDedF

€F ƒ—wyerD yxford IWWUF

€eg €—g—ns —nd ghristi—nsD edF „F rofstr— et —lD qroningen IWWSF

xii e˜˜revi—tions

€e€ €eople —nd €l—™es in xF iurope SHH±ITHHDedFsF

‡ood —nd xF vundD ‡ood˜ridge IWWIF

€i „he €oeti™ idd—D tr—nsF gF v—rringtonD yxford IWWTF

€sƒwe €oetry in the ƒ™—ndin—vi—n widdle eges @UthsnterE

n—tion—l ƒ—g— gonferen™eAD edF „eres— €—roliD ƒpoleto


€v €—trologi™— v—tin—D edF wigneF

€yxy „he €opul—tion of the xordi™ gountriesD edF iF sregE

ren —nd viljekvistD vund @er™h—elogi™—l ‚eportD xlviA


€ €r—ehistoris™he eits™hriftD ferlin G xew ‰ork IWHW±F

‚fx ‚om und fyz—nz im xordenD edF wF wullerE ‡illeD È

ƒtuttg—rt IWWUF

‚i‚ ‚egions —nd ‚e¯e™tionsD edF uF tenn˜ertD vF v—rsson

et —lFD vund IWWIF

‚q ‚odulfus ql—˜erX yper—D edF —nd tr—nsF tF pr—n™e —nd

xF fulstD yxford IWVWF

‚sfi ‚i˜e ix™—v—tions IWUH±UTD edF wF fen™—rd et —lFD R

volsD is˜jerg IWVH±WIF

‚yw e—rskrift fr— ‚oskilde wuseumD ‚oskilde IWVHF

‚‚sw ‚e™ent er™h—eologi™—l ‚ese—r™h on the ssle of w—nD

edF €F tF h—veyD fe‚ fritishƒerFD ™™lxxviiiD yxford


‚  sp ‚unenins™hriften —ls uellen interdisziplin—Èrer

pors™hungDedFuFhuwelD ferlin IWWVF È

ƒee‚ ƒ——mi ‚eligionDedF„Fehl˜—™kD ƒto™kholm IWVUF È

ƒehy ƒtudien zur er™h—Èologie des ystseer—umesD edF enke

‡esseD xeumunster IWWVF È

ƒev ƒettlement —nd v—nds™—peD edF gF p—˜e™h—nd

tF ‚ingtvedD e—rhus IWWWF

ƒexe ƒ—kr—le x—vneD edF qF pellowsEtensen —nd rolm˜ergD

pps—l— IWWPF

ƒe€ ƒo™i—l eppro—™hesD edF ‚oss ƒ—msonD ql—sgow IWWIF

ƒeƒ ƒtudi— enthroponymi™— ƒ™—ndin—vi™—F

ƒf ƒ—g— fook of †iking ƒo™ietyD vondon IVWP±F

ƒgi ƒ™—ndin—vi—ns —nd iurope VHH±IQSHD edF tF ed—ms

—nd uF rolm—nD „urnhoutD PHHQF

ƒq ƒ—xo qr—mm—ti™usX ƒq @phAX ƒ—xo qr—mm—ti™usX

ristory of the h—nesD tr—nsF €F pisher —nd rF iF

illis h—vidsonD P volsD ‡ood˜ridgeY ƒq @igAX ƒ—xo

qr—mm—ti™usX h—norum ‚egum reroumque risE

tori—D tr—nsF iF ghristi—nsenD fe‚ sntF ƒeriesD lxxxivD ™xviii @i —nd iiAD IWVH±VIF

e˜˜revi—tions xiii

ƒreƒ „he ƒhip —s ƒym˜olD edF yF grumlin €etersen —nd fF

wF „hyeD gopenh—gen IWWSF

ƒshu ƒiedlungen im deuts™hen uustenge˜ietD edF qF uosE È

s—™k et —lD PvvD fonn IWVRF

ƒtr ƒ™—ndin—vi—n tourn—l of ristoryD ƒto™kholm IWUT±F

ƒkj@e —nd fA hen norskEisl—ndske skj—ldedigtningD edF pinnur

tonssonD R volsD gopenh—gen IWIP±ISF Â

ƒwiyv ƒtru™ture —nd we—ning in yld xorse viter—tureDedF

tF vindowD IWVTF

ƒwrh ƒ™riptores winores ristoriñ h—ni™ñDedF

wF gF qertzD gopenh—gen IWIV±PPF

ƒ€ix ƒpe™ulum xorroenumD edF F hronke et —lFD ydense


ƒni ƒnorri ƒturlusonX idd—D tr—nsF eF p—ulkesD vondon


ƒƒ ƒ™—ndin—vi—n ƒtudiesF

ƒƒrf ƒ™—ndin—vi—n ƒettlement in xorthern frit—inDedFfF

gr—wfordD vei™ester IWWSF

ƒ„x ƒtudi— xeophilologi™—D ysloGƒto™kholmD IWPV±F

„‚rƒ „r—ns—™tions of the ‚oy—l ristori™—l ƒo™ietyD


„‚yq „r—dition og historieskrivningD edF uF r—strupD

e—rhus IWVUF

„† „he †ikingsD edF ‚F „F p—rrellD vondonEghi™hester


xre†i ntersu™hungen zu r—ndel und †erkehr der vorE und

fruhges™hi™htli™hen eitD ptF ivD edF uF huwelD rF È È

t—nkuhn et —lFD qottingen IWVUF È

†e †iking ertif—™tsD tF qr—h—mEg—mp˜ellD vondon


†egyx „he †iking ege in g—ithnessD yrkney —nd the xorth

etl—nti™D edF gF f—tey et —lFD idin˜urgh IWWQF

†exy †olker —n xord und ystsee und die pr—nkenD edF von È

preeden et —lD fonn IWWWF

†g V „he €ro™eedings of the iighth †iking gongressDedF

€F poote —nd yF ylsenD ydense IWVIF

†g IH €ro™eedings of the „enth †iking gongressDedF

tF iF unirk @v—rkollen IWVSAD yslo IWVUF

†g II „he €ro™eedings of the ileventh †iking gongressD see


†g IP „he €ro™eedings of the „welfth †iking gongressDedF

fF em˜rosi—ni —nd rF gl—rkeD hevelopments eround

the f—lti™ @firk— ƒtudies iiiAD ƒto™kholm IWWRF