he xorsemen in the iking ege iri ghristinsen gover smge en eighteenth entury engrving of n eleventh entury runestone È formerly in rulterstd ghurh on y lndY now lostF he insription redsX istrith hd this stone ereted in memory of her husnd fjornD qod help his soul9F st surrounds the imge of longEhired È ldy giving irth @cA to drgons under nopyD preEiking ege in originX see pFPTSF he eoples of iurope qenerl iditors tmes gmpell nd frry gunliffe his series is out the iuropen tries nd peoples from their origins in prehistory to the present dyF hrwing upon wide rnge of rheologil nd historil evideneD eh volume presents fresh nd soring ount of group9s ultureD soiety nd usully turulent historyF elredy pulished he itrusns he qoths qreme frker nd homs smussen eter rether he xormns he prnksB wrjorie ghinll idwrd tmes he xorsemen in the iking ege he ussins iri ghristinsen oin wilnerEqullnd he vomrds he wongols xeil ghristie hvid worgn he ers he ermenins  im girkovi eF iF edgte  he fsquesB he fritons oger gollins ghristopher eF nyder he inglish he runs qeoffrey ilton iF eF hompson he qypsies he irly qermns eond edition eond edition engus prser wlolm odd he fretons he sllyrins trik qlliou nd wihel tones tohn ilkes sn preprtion he iilins he omns hvid eul® imothy gornell he srish he ots prnis tohn fyrne nd wihel rerity golin uidd 8 huvit frown he fyzntines he its everil gmeron ghrles homs he pnish he engles nd xons oger gollins reln rmerow Bhenotes title now out of print he xorsemen in the iking ege iri ghristinsen 5 PHHPD PHHT y iri ghristinsen fveguivv fvsrsxq QSH win treetD wldenD we HPIRVESHPHD e WTHH qrsington odD yxford yR PhD u SSH wnston treetD grltonD itori QHSQD eustrli he right of iri ghristinsen to e identi®ed s the euthor of this ork hs een sserted in ordne with the u gopyrightD hesignsD nd tents et IWVVF ell rights reservedF xo prt of this pulition my e reproduedD stored in retrievlsystemD or trnsmittedD in ny form or y ny mensD eletroniD mehnilD photoopyingD reording or otherwiseD exept s permitted y the u gopyrightD hesignsD nd tents et IWVVD without the prior permission of the pulisherF pirst pulished PHHP pirst pulished in pperk PHHT y flkwell ulishing vtd I PHHT virry of gongress gtlogingEinEulition ht ghristinsenD iriF he xorsemen in the iking ege G iri ghristinsenF pF mF ± @eoples of iuropeA snludes iliogrphil referenes nd indexF sfx HETQIEPITUUER @lkF pperA IF xorthmenF PF ikingsF sF itleF ssF eriesF hvTSFgRW PHHI WRV9FHPP±dPI PHHIHPSSWV sfxEIQX WUVEHETQIEPITUUEQ @lkF pperA IH sfxE X IERHSIERWTREU @pperkA X WUVEIERHSIERWTREV @pperkA sfxE IQ e tlogue reord for this title is ville from the fritish virryF et in IHFS on IP pt on y uolm snformtion ervies vtF vtdD ondiherryD sndi rinted nd ound in the nited uingdom y t snterntionlvtdD dstowD gornwll he pulisher9s poliy is to use permnent pper from mills tht operte sustinle forestry poliyD nd whih hs een mnuftured from pulp proessed using idEfree nd elementry hlorineEfree prtiesF purthermoreD the pulisher ensures tht the text pper nd over ord used hve met eptle environmentl redittion stndrdsF por further informtion on flkwell ulishingD visit our wesiteX wwwFlkwellpulishingFom gontents vist of wps vi vii vist of erevitions Acknowledgements xv sntrodutionX ikings heir ege he eim I±W xhssh ev IH Is Pp ewsvsi QV Qg yww xssi exh e ygsesyx TR Rh ssg exh isysi VU S iyvi IIP T yvssg IQQ U e ITV V yu IVW Wi wsqesyx PIR IH e PQT II iix PSI IP p i PUW yhix iiegr QHI ostsriptX w eppendixesX eh xesg s hixssi QPS fh ei QPU g isqr exh w ie i QQQ h riqx QQS eferenes QQU sndex QTU wps I omen of some importne IV PfigmenDFWHH±FIHSH US Q rypothetil territoriesD FUSH±FIHHH WH R ikingEege distrits WS S ndinvin peoplesD USH±IHSH IIQ T he hnish kingdom under gnute ISI U ghiefdoms nd kingdomsD FVHH ITI V smport±exportD VHH±WSH PII W wigrtionD WSH±IHSH PQR IH gults PTH II uneEstone regionsD FWUH±IHUH PUU IP furil ritesD FWHH±FIHHH PVU erevitions ee et erheologiD gopenhgenF eev et erheologi vundensiF erùger erùger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historieD gopenhgen IVTT±F ef edm of fremenX qest rmmurgensis ilesiñ onti®umF ei eltnordishes etymologishes orteruhDtFde È riesF  ep erok fornleiffelgsinsD eykjvik IWUU±F    egrip eF f xoregskonungsogum @edF nd trnsF  wF tF hrisollD vondon IWWSAF exp erkiv for nordisk ®lologiD vund @ghristini IVVQ±AF ex engloExormn tudiesF e erhñologi olonD rsw IWSV±F ep ennles egni prnorum @edF ertz nd uurzeD rnover IVWSAF eg engloExon ghronileF ef he ennls of t fertinD trnsF tF xF xelsonD wnhester IWWIF egix engloEndinvin inglndD edF tF hF xiles nd wF emodioD wrylnd IWVWF e epprohes to wedish rehistoryD edF F fF vrsson nd vundmrkF ei engloExon inglndD gmridge IWUP±F eer englo xon tudies in erheology nd ristoryD yxford IWVU±F ewe espets of writime ndinviDedF yF grumlinEetersonD oskilde IWWIF e he ennls of lsterD edF weirt nd F wxioillD hulin IWVQF viii erevitions e h erkñologiske udgrvninger i hnmrk IWWHD gopenhgen IWWIF e e he eudiene of the gsD edF vF vonnrothD P volsD È qothenurg IWWIF Ê f on egedl is wltX hie skndinvishen uneninsE hriftenD F firkmnD ferlin IWWSF fe int fritish erheologil eportsX snterntionl eriesD yxfordF fygy tF hownes nd F ollrdD he voved fody9s gorrupE tionD qlsgow IWWWF f y furil nd oietyD edF gF uF tensenD IWWUF get gmridge erheologil tournl IWWHF ggg gonttD gontinuity nd gollpseD edF tmes rF frE rettD urnhout PHHSF gr gelti relsingiensiD edF eF ehlqvist et lD relsinki IWWTF grs he ghristiniztion of ndinviD edF F wyer Ê et lD elingss IWVUF gr he gmridge ristory of ndinviD edF unut relleD gmridge PHHQF Ê gi gentrle pltser entrl frgorD edF vrsson nd Ê rrdhD vund IWVVF gw gollegium wedievleD yslo IWVV±F Ê gyxfev gontts ross the flti eDedFeFrrdh nd fF yszomirskEertD vund IWWPF gyxsv e gompnion to yld xorsen±selndi viterture nd gultureD edF ory wurkD flkwell PHHSF ge gurrent wedish erheologyD tokholm IWWQ±F hef hulin nd feyond the leD edF gonleth wnningD fry IWWVF hehe h hnmrk lev hnmrkD eter wyerD gopenhE gen IWVV nd PHHPF hif heth nd furilD volF R of ork gonferene on wedievl iuropeD edF F hikinson nd fF tmesD ork IWWPF hs higging into the stD edF F rvss nd fF torgrdD erhus IWWQF hv hnmrks lñngste udgrvningD edF yF ylsenD gopenhgen IWVUF hxw hitionry of xorthern wythologyD udolf imekD trnsF eF rllD oodridge IWWTF h hnmrks uneindskrifterD edF vF tosen et lD P volsD gopenhgenD IWRI±SPF h hnske tudierD gopenhgenF erevitions ix hted hnmrks tednvne @snstitut for xvneforskningAD PS volsD IWWP±F hudo hF of t uentinX ristory of the xormnsD trnsF iF ghristinsenD oodridge IWWVF idd see ni nd iF ii inomium immñ eginñD edF elistir gmpellD vondon IWRWF iq itudes germniquesD vyon G ris IWRT±F irh inglish ristoril houmentsD volF sD edF hF hiteE lokD vondon IWTVF ir he inglish ristoril eviewD yxfordF iwi irly wedievl iuropeD yxford IWWI±F i xy iuropens or xotcD edF xF flomqvist nd EyF vindquistD qotlnd IWWWF ie ixhnge nd rdeD volF of wedievl iuropeDedF rllD rodges nd glrkeD ork IWWP±F iw 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È qotlndD qotlndskt erkiv PHHRF È x erevitions rsry her historishe rorizontD edF uF rukD qottingen È IWVVF réuy rùvdingesmfund og kongemgtD edF F wortensen nd fF wF smussenD gopenhgen IWWIF rsk reimskringlF r @hA ristorisk idskriftD gopenhgenF r @xA ristorisk idsskriftDysloF r q rugurD edF glude vouteux nd yF qruhetD ris IWWUF sfe @I nd PA snterlti golloquiumX ystseekolloquiumD IWWI nd IWWPF sqq sdeeD qestltD qeshihteX pestshrift to on eeD ydense IWVVF swe smges of the stD edF xF oymns nd pF heuwsD emsterdm IWWIF sgie srelnd nd ndinvi in the irly iking egeDedF rF glrke et lFD hulin IWWVF te tournl of erheologil eserhF tfe tournl of the fritish erheologil oietyF the tournl of hnish erheologyF tiq tournl of inglish nd qermni hilologyD sllinoisF tie tournl of iuropen erheologyD eldershot IWWQ±F twr tournl of wedievl ristoryD emsterdm IWUR ±F up uupng punneneD edF gF flindheim et lFD P volsD yslo IWVI nd IWWWF urv uulturhistorisk veksikonD PI volsD gopenhgen IWST±UUF usg uingsD gurreny nd ellinesD edF wF flkurn nd hF humvilleD IWWVF usuy uontinuitet i kult og troD edF fF xilssonF uok hen xorskEsslÈndsk kldediktningenD P volsD vund IWRWF us uristnndet i verigeD edF fertil xilssonD ppsl IWWRF u unytling g vegyx vnguge gontt in the fritish sslesDedF F F relnd nd qF froderikD uingen IWWIF È ve vund erheologil eviewD vund IWWS±F  vf vndnmokX he fook of ettlements trns rF  lsson nd F idwrdsD wnito IWUPF  viep vether nd purD edF isther gmeronD quildford IWWVF w unes nd heir yriginD irik woltkeD gopenhgen IWVSF erevitions xi wewwix wmmenX grvD kunst og smfund i vikingetidDedF wette sversenD
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