
Mythology What is a ?

 A traditional story used to explain beliefs about the world  Uses the supernatural to interpret natural events  The used and the gods/goddesses to explain almost everything  Myths often include Gods/Godesses, Monsters, and Human Heroes The (The Elder Gods)

 There were many of them.  Enormous size, incredible strength  Cronos: Ruler of the titans  : Wife of Cronos The Olympian Gods

 These gods were said to live on  Cronos and Rhea were parents of – (, Jove) – () – () – () – () Zeus

 Roman Name: Jupiter  Supreme of the Olympians.  Fathered many characters in mythology Hera

 Roman Name: Juno  Zeus’s sister and wife  Jealous  Punished the women Zeus fell in love with Poseidon

 Roman Name: Neptune  God of the Seas and Waters  “The Earthshaker” Hades

 Roman Name: Pluto  God of the / Dead  Kidnapped Demeter

 Roman Name: Ceres  Goddess of the Earth and Harvest

 Roman Name:  Goddess of Wisdom and War  Sprang from Zeus’s head

 Roman Name:  God of War  Son of Zeus and Hera  Bloodthirsty and merciless

 Roman Name:  God of Fire/Forge  Son of Zeus and Hera  Kind, unlike his brother

 Roman Name: Apollo  God of Light/Sun and Music  Brother of Artemis

 Roman Name:  Goddess of the Moon/ Hunt  Sister to Apollo

 Roman Name:  Messenger of the Gods  Appears in more myths than any other character  Son of Zeus and

 Roman Name:  Goddess of Love and Beauty  Daughter of Zeus and

 Roman Name: Bacchus  God of Wine and theater  Son of Zeus and Senele

 Roman Name:  Young God of Love  Son of Aphrodite and Hephaestus Creatures of Mythology

~Gods of the  ~ snake woods and haired monsters. mountains. Half There are 3, man, half goat is the most famous.  ~ Goddesses Turn human to who presided over stone arts and sciences  ~ half man half horse. Savage

Heroes of Mythology

~ known to  ~ known for be the strongest triumph over many mortal. Completed monsters. Killed the 12 labors given to in the him by Hera. labryinth Became a god upon  Odyssesus~ King of after his death. . Known for  ~ known for his his quick thinking. idea and his travel s Killed Medusa. home from the