The Blood Money Trail: the greatest theft in history, and the USA, UK and France were involved!

London, United Kingdom , Germany 4 3 4 Western Armenia, Paris, France Ottoman New York, United States Empire Constantinople, 5 2 1 6 Incirlik Airbase,

1. Western Armenia: six million Turkish gold pounds plus property (20,545 buildings, 2,549 religious sites and 1,082 km2 of land), and wealth were stolen from about 1.5 million unarmed Armenians murdered from 24 April 1915 (some of this was used to pay the Turks and Kurds who committed the killings, so Armenians effectively paid for their own genocide). 2. Constantinople: during 1915-1916 looted blood money was transferred to the State Treasury in Constantinople. 3. Berlin: five million Turkish gold pounds of Armenian assets was funnelled to the Reichsbank in 1916 in exchange for promissory notes to pay for German weapons and aid during WWI. On 29 October 1918, Dr. Nazim Bey took 65,000 Turkish gold pounds and 600,000 Turkish gold pounds worth of jewellery, when fleeing a death sentence to Germany. 4. London/Paris: During the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, the Armenian delegation assessed USD3.7 billion of losses (US$50 billion+ today, compared to Nazi bank theft of US$5.6 billion) just by the Armenian Church. Instead of returning the Armenian wealth, the UK and France sold it to the United States via J.P. Morgan Bank in Paris to New York, for U. S. Treasury Certificates – thus the ‘ethical’ West laundered money stolen from a murdered minority. 5. New York: in 1918, the Turkish government attempted to get the money from 2,400 New York Life insurance policies of Armenians it had killed, arguing that there were no identifiable heirs to the policy holders, but did not succeed. 6. Incirlik: the United States spends billions supporting Incirlik Base in SE Turkey. Unlike France which has the courage to recognise the Armenian genocide, shamefully the United States and the UK do not because Turkey threatens access to Incirlik if the truth is recognised (