An Analysis Of Politeness In Mandailing Movie ‘Biola Na Mabugang’

Josua Rambe

[email protected]


This is a qualitative descriptive research .After giving the description of the positive politeness in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” by the data and data analysis, finally the writer comes to the conclusion that:Positive Politeness is to show the closeness, intimacy, and rapport between speaker and hearer. It supports the conversation between people run well, and it is used to maintain the social value of community and good manners. There are 77 Positive Politeness are in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” and consist of thirteen types of Positive Politeness that are used in it. They are Notice, Exaggerate, Use in-group identity markers in speech, seek disagreement, avoid disagreement, Joke to put the hearer at ease, Assert or presuppose knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants, Optimistic, Offer, Include both S (speaker) and H (hearer) in the activity, Give or ak for reasons, Give gifts to H, and consist of two types that are not used, they are intensify interest to the hearer in the speaker’s contribution, presuppose common ground.The most dominant type of positive politeness is Give or ask for reasons or type 13 (thirteen) used in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang”

Keywords : positive politeness, negative politeness


Pragmatics is the study of meaning of words, phrases and full sentences. It is how to recognize what is meant even when it is not actually said or written. It is more concerned with the meanings that words in fact convey when they are used. Pragmatics involves the interpretation of what people mean in particular context and how the context influences what is said.

It requires a consideration of how speakers organize what they want to say in accordance with who they are talking to, where, when, and under what circumstances. Pragmatics will make people more aware of implicit utterances or sentences. In conveying pragmatics meaning the speaker will use politeness utterances in their conversation.

Politeness is the norms or principles that consist in society. Politeness in general terms as having to do with ideas like being tactful, modest and nice to the other people to make the conversation runs well. In the study of linguistic politeness, the most relevant concept is “face”. Here, face means the public self-image, this is the emotional and social sense of self that everyone has and expects everyone else to recognize. Politeness can be defined as showing awareness and consideration of another person’s face. In this case politeness becomes important in selecting utterances or sentences in conversation in society. As a Mandailing person the writer knows that Mandailing people have many variations of politeness expressions in conveying their feelings such as sadness, happiness, anger, and joke. It can be also seen in Mandailing movies. According to Richrd J. Wtts (2003: 2) Politeness is a set of strategies to achieve social goals with a minimum of social friction. “Politeness in an interaction, can then be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s face. A face saving act which is oriented to the person’s negative face will tend to show difference, emphasize the importance of the other’s time or concerns, and even iclude an apology for the imposition or interruption. This is also called negative politeness. A face saving act which is

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concerned with the person’s positive face will tend to show solidarity, emphasize that both speakers want the same thing, and that they have a common goal. This is also called positive politeness”. Based on explanations above the writer is only focused on positive politeness, he will conduct a research entitled “An Analysis of Politeness In Mandailing Movie “Biola Na Mabugang”. In relation to the background the objectives of the study are: To find out what types of positive politeness are found in Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” and to find out the most dominant type of positive politeness found in Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang”.

The writer focuses on analyzing the types of positive politeness found in Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” which will be discussed with the theory proposed by Richard J. Watts (2003) . the writer hopes:. This research would enrich the analysis of pragmatics , and enrich the student’s knowledge on how to analyze the positive politeness in Mandailing movie. This study ould be useful for further research.


Generally pragmatics is the study of utterances and sentences meaning which are used in communication, and also the study of meaning in language interaction between a speaker and a hearer. According to George Yule (2010:128) in his book “The Study of Language” Pragmatics is the study of “invisible” meaning or how we recognize what is meant even when it is not actually said or written. It is concerned with the meanings that words in fact convey when they are used, or with intended speaker meaning as it is sometimes referred to. Pragmatics is attempted to analyze how it happens that often more is communicated than said. George Yule (1996:3) Pragmatics is usually concerned with the analyzing of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). Jean Stilwell Peccei (1999:5) said “Pragmatics concentrates on those aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted by linguistics knowledge alone and takes into account our knowledge about the physical and social world”.

According to De Gruyter Mouton (2010:3)“ All aspects of pragmatics may be subjected to cross-cultural comparisons,but interest has centered on two dominant areas, namely speech act theoryand Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness. From the explanations of experts above, the writer concludes that pragmatics is the study of implicit meaning in words, phrases, and sentences that purposed the hearer understands what the speaker refers to and to make the conversation runs well.


According to Sara Mills (2003:74) “politeness can be seen to have a wide range of meanings,both for theorists and interactants, and can be used to describe a very diverse set of behaviours”. According to Robin T. Lakoff (2005:159) “Politeness is a culturally embedded notion. The extensive literature on this line of argument supports this well. To examine the actual manifestations of politeness in various languages and cultures is just to look at social behaviors ofthe speakers of those languages; what these speakers do when they communicate with one another, and what their values are”. According to Arin Bayraktaroglu and Maria Sifianou. (2001:75) “the study of politeness has often been intertwined with studies on speech act use, especially with those that are facethreatening(FTAs) by virtue of the message conveyed. The use of politenessmarkers form part of a ritual for making one’s utterance less face-threatening for both the speaker and the hearer, while fulfilling one’s illocutionary intent. At the same time they also address the sociopsychological needs (i.e. faceneeds) of the interlocutors”.

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According to George Yule (2010:135) “Politeness can be defined as showing awareness and consideration of another person’s face. Think of politeness in general terms as having to do with ideas like being tactful,modest and nice to other people. In the study of linguistic politeness, the most relevant concept is “face.” Your face, in pragmatics, is your public self-image. This is the emotional and social sense of self that everyone has and expects everyone else to recognize. If you say something that represents a threat to another person’s self-image, that iscalled a face-threatening act. For example, if you use a direct speech act to get someone to do something (Give me that paper!), you are be having as if you have more social power than the other person. If you don’t actually have that social power(e.g. you’re not a military officer or prison warden), then you are performing a face threatening act. An indirect speech act, in the form associated with a question (Could you pass me that paper?), removes the assumption of social power. You’re only askingif it’s possible. This makes your request less threatening to the other person’s face.Whenever you say something that lessens the possible threat to another’s face, it canbe described as a face-saving act. According to Janet Holmes (2001:268) “Generally speaking politeness involves taking account of the feelings of others. A polite person makes others feel comfortable. Being linguistically polite involves speaking to people appropriately in the light of their relationship to you”. Based on explanations above, the writer concludes that politeness is the practical of good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech to show friendliness and solidarity.

Type of Politeness

According to George Yule (1996:62) “Positive politeness is a face saving act which is concerned with the person’s positive face will tend to show solidarity, emphasize that both speakers want the same thing, and that they have a common goal. Negative politeness is a face saving act which is oriented to person’s negative face will tend to show deference, emphasize the importance of the other’s time or concerns, and even include an apology for the imposition or interruption. A positive politeness leads the requester to appeal to common goal, and even friendship, via expressions below :

1) How about letting me use your pen ? 2) Hey, buddy, i’d appreciate it if you would let me use your pen. These expressions do represent a greater risk for the speaker of suffering a refusal and may be preceded by some ‘getting to know you’ talk, of the kind presented below designed to establish the necessary common ground for this strategy.

3) Hi. How’s it going ? Okay if I sit here ? We must be interested in the same crazy stuff. You take a lot of notes too, huh ? Say, do me a big favor and let me use one of your pens. A face saving act is more commonly performed via a negative politeness. The most typical form used is a question containing a modal verb, for example:

4) Could you lend me a pen ? 5) I’m sorry to bother you, but can I ask you for a pen or something ? 6) I know you’re busy, but might I ask you if-em-if you happen to have an extra pen that I could, you know-eh-maybe borrow ? Using this strategy also results in forms which contain expressions of apology for the imposition. It is worth nothing that negative politeness is typically expressed via questions, even questions that seems to ask for permission to ask a question. Janet Holmes (2001:268) stated that there are two types of politeness. Positive politeness is solidarity oriented. It emphasises shared attitudes and values. For instance, when the boss suggests that a subordinate should use first name (FN) to her, this is a positive politeness move, expressing solidarity and minimising

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status differences. A shift to a more informal style using slang and swear words will function similarly as an expression of positive politeness. By contrast, negative politeness pays people respect and avoids intruding on them. For instance, Using title + last name (TLN) to your superiors, and to older people that you do not know well are the example of the expression of negative politeness.

Politeness Strategies

George Yule (1996:65) “The tendency to use positive politeness forms, emphasizing closeness between speaker and hearer, it can be seen as a solidarity strategy. This may be the principal operating strategy among a whole group or it may be an option used by an individual speaker on a particular occasion”.

Politeness strategies are developed in order to save the hearers’ face, face refers to the respect which is had by an individual and maintain self-esteem in every situation. Politeness strategies proposed by Richard J. Watts (2003). They are positive politeness strategy and negative politeness strategy.

Positive Politeness Strategy

According to Richard J.Watts (2003:89)“ positive politeness are those which show the closeness, intimacy, and rapport between speaker and hearer. There are 15 types of positive politeness strategy according to Watts, they are:

1. Notice, attend to H(Hearer) (her/his interests, wants, needs, goods, etc) Examples of strategy 1 Context: (Rudy and Jim are classmate, Rudy wants to ask for Jim’s help to format his computer.) 1) Jim, you’re really good at solving computer problems. (FTA) I wonder if you could just help me with a little formatting problem i’ve got. Context: (Rina is a tall girl, and Rani is Rina’s younger sister, Rani wants to ask for Rina’s help) 2) Rina, I am sure that every boys will like you, because you are pretty and tall. (FTA) Would you mind to take that book ? Context: (Joni wants to ask money to his mother) 3) Mom, you really look pretty with that dress. (FTA) I think my shoes already out of date mom, would you give me 5 dollars to buy a new one? Context: (Joe is a receptionist and Jefri is a housekeeper in a hotel, Joe asks Jefri’s help to carry the guest’s luggage) 4) Jef, you are still fit today, aren’t you ? (FTA) Would you mind to take that luggage upstair ? Context: (Sondang is a lecturer and Ramot is a college. Sondang wants to ask Ramot to buy her meals) 5) Ramot, you are a good boy, aren’t you ? (FTA) Mam’s tired, would you mind to buy me Rujak ? 2. Exaggerate (interest, approval, sympathy, with H) Examples of strategy 2 Context: (George and Jim is a closed friend, they have bee long not met) 1) Good old jim, just the man i wanted to see. I knew i’d find you her (FTA) Could you spare me a couple of minutes ? Context: (Leo got accident on the street, and he brings into hospital. His girlfriend comes to see him) 2) Sweetheart, how is your feeling now ? (FTA) I’m really sorry about your accident last night. Context: ( Elsa is a dean of FBS, and Shakira is Elsa’s Sudent. Elsa wants to confirm that Shakira has paid her tuition.) 3) Who says that Shakira still does not pay her tuition ? (FTA) I am telling you now that she has paid her tuition.

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Context: (Mariah is interested in Pia’s dress, so Mariah willing to lend it) 4) Pia, all of your dresses are pretty nice. (FTA) I am willing to lend this red one, would you mind ? Context: ( Risma feels pity to her friend Dafa, because He got Egg score in his final exam.) 5) How about your score Daf ? You seems not good. ( FTA) don’t worry friend, I will help you in the remedial later on. 3. Intensify interest to the hearer in the speaker’s contribution Examples of strategy 3 Context: (Roni and his friends talk about Fred’s problrm) 1) You’ll never guess what Fred told me last night. This is right up yourstreet.→(FTA) [begins a narrative] Context: (Join tells the hot news in his campus to his closed friend,John) 2) John, I got a new info about Mary. (FTA) Actually, she is not virgin anymore. Context: ( Nima informs her friends about Tsunami in Aceh) 3) Unbelieveble, you know guys ? Last night Tsunami Broke down Aceh. (FTA) May God receives all the victims. 4. Use in-group identity markers in speech:(strategy 4) Here’s my old mate Fred. How are you doing today, mate?→(FTA)Could you give us a hand to get this car to start? 5. Seek agreement in safe topics:(strategy 5) I agree. Right. Manchester United played really badly last night, didn’tthey?→(FTA) D’you reckon you could give me a cigarette? 6. Avoid disagreement:(strategy 6)Well, in a way, I suppose you’re sort of right. But look at it like this.→(FTA) Why don’t you . . .? 7. Presuppose, raise, assert common ground:(strategy 7) People like me and you, Bill, don’t like being pushed around like that,do we?→(FTA) Why don’t you go and complain? 8. Joke to put the hearer at ease:A: (strategy 8) Great summer we’re having. It’s only rained five times a week onaverage.B: Yeah, terrible, isn’t it?A: →(FTA) Could I ask you for a favour? 9. Assert or presuppose knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants:(strategy 9) I know you like marshmallows, so I’ve brought you home a whole box ofthem.→(FTA) I wonder if I could ask you for a favour. 10. Offer, promise:(strategy 10) I’ll take you out to dinner on Saturday→(FTA) if you’ll cook the dinnerthis evening. 11. Be optimistic that the hearer wants what the speaker wants, i.e. that the FTA is slight:(strategy 11) I know you’re always glad to get a tip or two on gardening, Fred,→(FTA) so, if I were you, I wouldn’t cut your lawn back so short. 12. Include both S and H in the activity:(strategy 12) I’m feeling really hungry. Let’s stop for a bite. (FTA = S wants to stopand have something to eat and wants to get H to agree to do this) 13. Give or ask for reasons:(strategy 13) I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink, Jim.→(FTA) Why not stayat our place this evening? 14. Assert reciprocal exchange or tit for tat:Dad,→(FTA) if you help me with my maths homework, (strategy 14) I’ll mow thelawn after school tomorrow. 15. Give gifts to H (goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation): Examples of strategy 15 1) Context: (Dick’s friend offers him for a whisky and tell the secret of it) A: Have a glass of malt whisky, Dick. B: Terrific! Thanks. A: Not at all.→(FTA) I wonder if I could confide in you for a minute or two.

The fifteen strategies above addressed to the hearer’s positive face range over set of structures that can only be interpreted as ‘polite’ in the presence of the face –threat itself. In addition to the prefacing strategies the FTAs also include structures which in terms of (I m) politeness is often interpreted as ‘polite’,in example 15,

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positive politeness strategy 15. I wonder if I could VP. In example 13, strategy 13, why don’t you do X ? It’s really only in the contextual environment of the FTA that the structures realizing the strategy are interpretable as polite. In reality, participants in verbal interaction either do not necessarily classify the prefacing moves as polite, or they find them appropriate to what speaker wants to do and may and may not agree that they are polite, or they may even disapprove of them. For example, in example (1), strategy 1, the FTA resides in asking Jimto give up some of his valuable time and energy to help the speakersolve a formatting problem. But note that it would hardly have been appropriatefor the speaker to have expressed this as an FTA (e.g. Help mewith a formatting problem I’ve got) immediately after prefacing it with theindication that he is paying attention to Jim’s interests, wants, needs,etc. So what do we do with the expression I wonder if . . ., the modalverb could, the hedging adverb just and the diminutive adjective little?If the utterances constituting (1) had really been produced, would Jim,the speaker, or anyone overhearing the conversation have evaluatedthis part of it as ‘polite’, or would they have focused on certain elementsof the language used as expressing ‘politeness’? And if theyhad, would they have felt positively or negatively towards the speaker,i.e. would politeness have been evaluated as a socially desirable or areprehensible form of behaviour? In example (2), strategy 2, it would hardly have been appropriate forthe speaker to have uttered the FTA Spare me a couple of minutes after the prefacing strategy. In using this strategy, the speaker runs the obviousrisk of being evaluated as insincere. S/he might intend the turn to beinterpreted as polite. Jim might indeed recognise this intention, buthe might not evaluate the speaker’s politeness positively. On the assumption that talking about football is a safe topic inexample (5) and that the speaker is agreeing with the addressee’s assume evaluation of Manchester United’s poor showing the previous evening, the change of topic involving the FTA is abrupt enough to lead the addressee to evaluate the preface as a tactical ploy to cadge a cigarettee from her/him, but hardly as being polite. According to George Yule (1996:64) “A positive politeness leads the requester to appeal to a common goal, and even friendship.

Negative Politeness Strategy According to Richard J. Watts (2003) There are 10 types of Negative Politeness Strategies according to Watts (2013:90). They are: 1. Be conventionally indirect. Examples of strategy 1 Context: (In the bus stop, a woman asked the time to a man beside her) 1) Could you tell me the time, please? 2) Execuse me, Would you show me where the nearest Bank around here ? 3) If you don’t mind, May I sit in your seat ? 4) I’m sorry to bother you, could you lend me your phone ? 5) Pardon me, are we in the same bus ? 2. Do not assume willingness to comply. Question, hedge:(strategy 2) I wonder whether I could just sort of ask you a little question. 3. Be pessimistic about ability or willingness to comply. Use the subjunctive: (strategy 3) If you had a little time to spare for me this afternoon, I’d like to talk aboutmy paper. 4. Minimise the imposition:(strategy 4) Could I talk to you for just a minute? 5. Give deference: (strategy 5) (to a police constable) Excuse me, officer. I think I mighthave parked in the wrong place. 6. Apologise: (strategy 6) Sorry to bother you, but . . . 7. Impersonalise the speaker and the hearer. Avoid the pronouns I and you: (strategy 7) A: That car’s parked in a no-parking area.

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B: It’s mine, officer. A: Well, it’ll have to have a parking ticket. 8.State the FTA as an instance of a general rule:(strategy 8) Parking on the double yellow lines is illegal, so→(FTA) I’m going to have. 9.Nominalise to distance the actor and add formality:(strategy 9) Participation in an illegal demonstration is punishable by law.→(FTA)Could I have your name and address, madam? 10.Go on record as incurring a debt, or as not indebting H:→(FTA) If you could just sort out a problem I’ve got with my formatting,(strategy 10)I’ll buy you a beer at lunchtime. to give you a fine. Turning to the negative politeness strategies, it is a little morelikely that participants will attribute politeness to the examplesgiven, but this does not say anything about whether one participantevaluates this politeness positively while another might give a negative assessment. If we look at negative politeness strategy 1 (example(16)), asking somebody for the correct time might constitute an impositionfor that person, but an indirect expression such as Could you tellme the time? is one of the conventionally normal ways to make the request.The linguistic expression that might be assessed as contributingtowards the polite nature of the utterance is more likely to be pleasethan the indirect form of the question. Negative politeness strategy 3(example (18)) only makes sense if the utterance is contextualised asa student addressing a lecturer (If you had a little time to spare for methis afternoon, I’d like to talk about my paper). Using the subjunctive (had)gives the lecturer an out, i.e. s/he can simply say that s/he has no time.But what if the lecturer were to address the same utterance to thestudent, changing the expression my paper to your paper: If you had a little time to spare for me this afternoon, I’d like to talk about your paper?It’s highly unlikely that the quality of politeness will be assigned tothe lecturer’s utterance. The utterance now gives rise to the somewhatominous inference that there is something drastically wrongwith the paper. It is highly unlikely to be interpreted as an instance ofpoliteness.

Mandailing Societies Mandailing is a traditional cultural group in , they are found mainly in the northen section of the island of Sumatera in , it comes from Mandailing Natal Regency,South Tapanuli, North Sumatera. They are closely related to the Angkola and their religion is predominately . The etymology of ‘Mandailing’ is said to be a coupounding of the words mande, meaning ‘mother’, and hilang, meaning ‘lost’. Thus, the name is said to mean “lost mother”. Some research has suggested that the Mandailing are the descendant of the Batak, who migrated to the south before the coming of the Portugueseand Dutch colonisation of Sumatera. Mandailing society patriarchal, employing family name or marga, in the same manner as the Batak, Simalungun, and Karo. The same marga can be found, such as Lubis, Nasution, Siregar, Hasibuan, Dalimunthe, Rambe, Pulungan, Pohan, and etc.

Biola Na Mabugang Biola Na Mabugang movie tells about forbidden love of Tofsir and Baiti, because they have a same blood line, their parents do not agree with their relationship, so they decide to go out from their village and live in a jungle, since then they never get in touch with their family and society. They have two sons, they are Safei and Maliki, these two brothers live in a jungle together with their mother after their father was passed away. They live in a plain hut, their sons also never socialized with others. One day, Kareen is a student from university in Taipeh came to Mandailing to do research about plantation meet with Safei and Maliki in that jungle. In the first sight, Safei fell in love to Kareen but Maliki also too, because Maliki knew that his brother loved Kareen, he hides his feeling to Karen. These are the actors and actresses in that movie; Aulia Sanni, Daina Kayla, Fadli Lubis, Ilham, Abdur Rozak, Dedi Saputra, Septian Saleh, Anggi Alisano.This movie is produced by Maulana Production and Tympanum Novem Films in 2011.

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Pragmatics is a division of linguistics dealing the speaker meaning orthe meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). In society, in doing social interaction, they sometimes practice pragmatics meaning to convey their thoughts, and to deliver it, the society also use polite words or sentences in their conversation in order to create politeness in speaking. Including in movie, politeness is also used by the actors or actresses in conveying their utterances or sentences. The conversation in the movie will be interesting when the actors or actresses use politeness in their conversation. The writer is interested to watch movies such as Dear John, Ice Age, Puss in boots, Hunger Games, and Biola Na Mabugang movie. The writer will concern to analyze Mandailing Movie “Biola Na Mabugang”, he tries to find out the type of politeness in that movie, and classify the conversation based on the type of politeness. From the explanation above, it is important to understand that politeness has a big influence to make the conversation runs well and to get what you want from the other person.

2. Research Method A research method is a way that is conducted in order to research that intended goal. This research is conducted by using the qualitative method approach.

According toJohn W. Creswell (1994:21) “A qualitative approach is one in which inquirer often makes knowledge claims based primarily on constructive perspectives (i.e., the multiple meanings of individual experiences meanings socially and historically constructed, with an intent of developing a theory or pattern) or advocacy/ participatory perspective (i.e., political, issue-oriented, collaborative, or change oriented) or both. It also sues the strategies of inquiry such as narratives, phenomenologies, ethnographies, grounded theory studies, or case studies. The researcher collects open-ended, emerging data with the primary intent of developing themes from the data”. The purpose of this research is to find out the types of politeness in Mandailing Movie “Biola Na Mabugang”.


The data are taken from Mandailing best seller movie entitled “Biola Na Mabugang” produced by Maulana Production and Tympanum Novem Films 2011.

Data are very important in this research. The data are conversation in Mandailing movie. The writer collects the data of Mandailing movie using by this following steps:

1. Watching and listening Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” on DVD. 2. Transcribing the utterances of the actors or actresses of Mandailing movie”Biola Na Mabugang” based on the conversation in the Mandailing movie. 3. Underlining the positive politeness utterances. 4. Classifying the types of positive politeness strategy. 5. Write the meanings of positive politeness strategy in words. 6. Tabulating the types of positive politeness strategy. 7. Concluding the findings.

Examples of the conversations Scene 1 ( Setting : at the jungle, in the morning )

Maliki : Ma…, dapot au sada uma.

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Safei : Au dua uma.., na unggodang muse pado natuarian. Baiti : Olomada aya… Maliki : Disombom ma dabo uma… Baiti : Ho mei, ikahua pe tabodo dilala hoi Safei : Uma, tutumg uma jo batu ni sibodaki Baiti : Homa dabo amang, pamilas aek dope uma bo Safei : Uma ma dabo, so utolongi uma naron manjalaki batat-batat ni gadong Maliki : Ho langa manutungna, uma sajo giotmu karejo, naloja dope uma Safei : ngamalo au dabo abang, mangkar do naron u baeni Maliki : Mala na mangkar langa mangua ? namangkarpe I panganko do Baiti : Olo mada..ribut sajo hamu, mate au tongkin nai songon diama hamu nadua on ? isedo nangkan mangurus kamu ? ayahmu pe madung jumolo. Ile baya,, songon dia noma hamu amang ? Maliki : Ulang tangis dabo uma. Baiti : Ibo roha ni uma dabo amang.Songonon ma bo, menek-menek amu ma itinggalkon amangmu, magodang-godang nadi arangan tombakon ma amu baya. Taro so adongpe dapot angoluan naumpade.

Scene 2 ( Setting : at the river in the jungle, in the morning ) Maliki : Dehe bo… Safei : Naloja dope dongan iba Maliki : Loja mangua dei, manyogot dope ari Safei : Bo lojama ari-ari on marsambat naso unjung dope dapot. Maliki : Bo angkon nasobar do iba bai Safei : Nasobar tong iba, ise dope nangkan nasobar ? hitama ia di harangan on. Maliki : Ima, ulang be bahat caritomu.male naron uma,napotangin pe pusuk ni andudurma ita pangan, malango noma dila niba. Adope roma ho tuson..naso dong dope boto napasuo, gayokna jadi. Safei : Nadong be pasuo I, ari-ari on tong di dehe,patutma nga abisi ? Maliki : Na ari-ari tong songon dia do, tapi ari-ari ondo ita mangan. Safei : Olo dabo, au bariba on ma u dehe, ampot dapot museng naron lelan nagodangi Maliki : Lelan mantong nimmu, si punting pe jadi, namarngarokma lala butuha on.

3.The Data Analysis

The data are taken from DVD of Batak Mandailing Movie “Biola Na Mabugang”. It is published by Maulana Production and Tympanum Novem Films 2011. They are conversation in the form of Mandailing movie. In this movie, the writer finds 77 data, it can be seen in the table below:

Table 1. Table of Data

No Data English Translation 1 Baiti: Olomada aya… It is good sweetheart..

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Maliki : Disombom ma mom, I hope it is roasted 2 dabo uma Baiti : Ho mei, ikahua pe It’s up to you, boiled or toasted is just the The data 3 tabodo dilala hoi same to you are Baiti : Olo mada..ribut “shoo!” always quarrellinging about it 4 analyze sajo hamu d using Maliki : Ulang tangis dabo Don’t cry mom please 5 the uma theory Baiti : Ibo roha ni uma I really pity of you sweetheart 6 of dabo amang positive Safei : Olo dabo, au ya ya, I will search over here 7 bariba on ma u dehe politene Baiti : Anggo nung jodo dabo If we are planned to be a couple, there is no ss 8 abang songon biape panyerakna one can separate us. strategy lek narongkap dei by Baiti : Maradianma ita Let’s take a rest for a minute darling Richard 9 dabo abang J. Watts, Safei : Uma,, ligi uma Mom,,look at the sky, there’s a star fall and 10 dabo odunbo marlojong indun down follow bintang the 11 Baiti : Olo tieh Oh yes, that’s true procedu Baiti : Nga binoto dabo We don’t know which one will be coming 12 res of ayah true sweetheart Maliki : Gari baya, murak If only, our mother’s cough can be healed.) analyzin 13 musema batuk ni umai g data as Safei : Uma caritohon Could you tell me what is the traditional have 14 langa songon dia pokeni ? market look like mom? been Safei : Nagodang ma iba I already grown up propose 15 baya d in Baiti : Urus naron take care of you younger brother Malik 16 previous anggimu Malik chapter. 17 Maliki : Ita painte majolo just wait here After 18 Safei : Loja au abang da I’m tired, can we take a rest brother ? identifyi Safei : Auma abang tu I search from south and you from north 19 ng the julu, abang tu jae convers Maliki : Tapi tajalaki we seek her slowly 20 mulak marpalan-palan ation in DVD of Mandailing Movie, there are 77 data from all of the conversation in the movie, but the writer just explain a part of the data, for the complete data can be seen in the appendixes, below is the data that are randomly explained.

Context 1: Baiti is Maliki and Safei’s mother, Maliki is the oldest son and Safei is the youngest one, in this scene, Safei is a bossy character, and Maliki is an obedient character to their mother. Safei often asks his mother to do his wants, but Maliki helps his mother to do his mother’s job. ( Setting : at the jungle, in the morning ) Maliki : Ma…, dapot au sada uma. ( “Mom.. I get one.”) Safei : Au dua uma.., na unggodang muse pado natuarian. (“I get two mom..,it is bigger than yesterday.” )

(Data 1) Baiti : Olomada aya… ( It is good sweetheart..)

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The utterance “Olomada” is categorized as positive politeness. It is used by Baiti to give sympathy to Safei for getting bigger fish. This strategy refers to Give gifts to hearer.

(Data 2) Maliki : Disombom ma dabo uma… ( mom, I hope it is roasted )

The utterance “Disombom ma dabo uma” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Maliki to show his interest to get roasted fish. This strategy refers to Notice.

( Data 3) Baiti : Ho mei, ikahua pe tabodo dilala hoi ( It’s up to you, boiled or roasted is just the same to you )

The utterance “Ikahua pe tabodo dilala hoi” is categorized as Positive Politenes. It is used by Baiti as approval. This strategy refers to Exaggerate.

( Data 4) Baiti : Olo mada..ribut sajo hamu, mate au tongkin nai songon diama hamu nadua on ? isedo nangkan mangurus kamu ? ayahmu pe madung jumolo. Ile baya,, songon dia noma hamu amang ? (“shoo!” you always quarrelling about it, Later on if I die what will be both of you ? who will take care of you ? Your daddy has passed away. “shoo!” what will you be, sweetheart ? )

The utterance “Olo mada..ribut sajohamu “is categorized as Positive Politenes. It is used by Baiti to avoid disagreement to her sons’ quarrelling attitude. This strategy refers to Avoid disagreement.

( Data 5) Maliki : Ulang tangis dabo uma. ( Don’t cry mom please. )

The utterance “Ulang tangis dabo uma is” is categorized as Positive Politenes. It is used by Maliki to show his sympathy to his mother because she is crying. This strategy refers Exaggerate.

( Data 6) Baiti : Ibo roha ni uma dabo amang.Songonon ma bo, menek-menek amu ma itinggalkon amangmu, magodang-godang nadi arangan tombakon ma amu baya. Taro so adongpe dapot angoluan naumpade. ( I really pity of you sweetheart. Here you are still young your father has gone, you are grown up in this jungle. There is no a better life we got.)

The utterance “Ibo roha ni uma dabo amang” is categorized as Positive Politenes. It is used by Baiti to show her sympathy to her sons condition who have no father since they were kids. This strategy refers to Exaggerate.

Context 2 : Maliki and Safei go to look for fish in the river, in this scene Safei is lazy to catch the fish and he always complains, he is pessimist person, but Maliki is still eager to get the fish, so that they can bring back home the fish to cook. ( Setting : at the river in the jungle, in the morning )

Maliki : Na ari-ari tong songon dia do, tapi ari-ari ondo ita mangan. ( if not day by day what will you eat ? cause everyday have to eat food. )

( Data 7) Safei : Olo dabo, au bariba on ma u dehe, ampot dapot museng naron lelan nagodangi. ( ya ya, I will search over here, who know I get a big Lelan fish like yesterday).

The utterance “Olo dabo” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Safei to show his cooperation with Maliki in catching the fish. This strategy refers to Give gifts to hearer.

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Context 3: Flashback story, Tofsir is Baiti’s husband, in this scene Baiti is telling to her two sons about her sons’ father when Tofsir asked her to get merried without permission from their parents. (Setting : In the village, in afternoon) Baiti : Tudia do langa ita abang ? ( Where are we going ) Tofsir : Sanga i diama dapot sopo paradianan, naron dopot kalai muse ita,inda jadi muse namarbagason. ( Until we see a hut, I am afraid they catch us, later we can’t get merried.)

( Data 8) Baiti : Anggo nung jodo dabo abang songon diape panyerakna lek narongkap dei.( If we are planned to be a couple, there is no one can separate us. )

The utterance “Anggo nung jodo dabo abang songon diape panyerakna lek narongkap dei” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Baiti to show her optimistic that they would be a couple. This strategy refers to optimistic that the hearer wants what the speaker wants.

( Data 9 ) Baiti : Maradianma ita dabo abang, inda tahan au be. ( let’s take a rest for a minute darling ? I can’t stand anymore.)

The utterance “Maradianma ita dabo Abang” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Baiti to show her want to Tofsir because she is exhausted. This strategy refers to Notice.

( Data 10) Safei : Uma,, ligi uma dabo odunbo marlojong indun bintang

( Mom,,look at the sky, there’s a star falling down)

The utterance “Uma,, ligi uma daboodunbo marlojong indun bintang” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Safei to ask her mother for a reason, that is because there is a falling star. This strategy refers to Give or ask for reasons.

(Data 11) Baiti : Olo tieh, anggo tarida boto nasongoni, I paidoma ning kalak pangidoan niba i. ( oh yes, that’s true, If the star is falling down, you can make a wish.)

The utterance “Olo tieh” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Baiti to show her sympathy to Safei’s want. This trategy refers to Give gifts to hearer.

Safei : Ooo, ahado uma ipangido i? ( Owh..what we request mom ?) Baiti : Hasonangan bope nasinadongan. ( Happiness and richness ) Safei : Rado langan umai ? ( Is it fulfilled mom ?)

(Data 12) Baiti : Nga binoto dabo ayah sanga diado namanjadi i? Modom ma dabo ayah so copatko magodang. ( We don’t know which one will be come true sweetheart, It’s better for you to sleep sweetheart so that you can grow up fast.)

The utterance “Nga binoto dabo ayah” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Baiti to show her notice about Safei’s question. This trategy refers to Notice.

Context 4: Baiti, Maliki, and Safei have relaxed under the big tree, in this scene Baiti suppose her husband were still alive, she tell her sons the cause of her husband is passed away to her sons. (Setting : At the jungle, in the morning)

( Data 13 ) Maliki : Gari baya, murak musema batuk ni umai. ( If only, our mother’s cough can be healed.)

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The utterance “Gari baya, murak musema batuk ni umai” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Maliki to show his sympathy to Baiti. This trategy refers to Exaggerate..

( Data 14 ) Safei : Songon dia do pokeni uma?Uma caritohon langa songon dia pokeni ? ( What is the traditional market look like mom ? Could you tell me what is the traditional market look like ? )

The utterance “Uma caritohon langa songon dia pokeni ?” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Safei to ask her mother about the traditional market. This strategy refers to Give or ask for reasons.

Context 5 : Baiti get lost in the jungle, Maliki and Safei look for their mother in the jungle until midnight, but they do not find their mother. (Setting : In the jungle, in the evening)

Safei : Natudia don tong uma abangi? ( Where mom is going do you think ?) Maliki : Tudia tong bayai, onmabo magolap ma ari, un sora ni urindikma ia tarbege. ( I don’t know, it is already evening, crickets already singing.) Safei : Ampot naliludo baya uma. ( I think, mom’s get lost )

( Data 17 ) Maliki : Ita painte majolo ( just wait here )

The utterance “Ita painte majolo” is categorized as Positive Politeness. It is used by Maliki to include him and his younger brother in the activity to find their mother. This strategy refers to include both speaker and hearer in the activity.

Table 3. of Data Analysis

No Data English Types of Positive Politeness Translation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Baiti: Olomada It is good √ aya… sweety.. 2 Maliki : Disombom mom, I hope it √ ma dabo uma is toasted 3 Baiti : Ho mei, It’s up to you, √ ikahua pe tabodo boiled or toasted dilala hoi is just the same to you 4 Baiti : Olo √ mada..ribut sajo always hamu argumenting about it 5 Maliki : Ulang Don’t cry mom √ tangis dabo uma please 6 Baiti : Ibo roha ni I really pity of √ uma dabo amang you sweety 7 Safei : Olo dabo, ya ya, I will √

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au bariba on ma u search over here dehe 8 Baiti : Anggo nung If we have √ jodo dabo abang matched, there songon biape is no one can panyerakna lek separate us. narongkap dei 9 Baiti : can we take a √ Maradianma ita rest for a minute dabo abang darling ? 10 Safei : Uma,, ligi Mom,,look at √ uma dabo odunbo the sky, there’s a marlojong indun star fall down bintang 11 Baiti : Olo tieh yes it is √ 12 Baiti : Nga binoto It could be √ dabo ayah sweety 13 Maliki : Gari baya, If only, our √ murak musema batuk mother’s cough ni umai can be healed.) 14 Safei : Uma Could you tell √ caritohon langa me what is the songon dia pokeni ? traditional market look like mom? 15 Safei : Nagodang I already grown √ ma iba baya up 16 Baiti : Urus take care of you √ naron anggimu younger brother Malik Malik 17 Maliki : Ita painte just wait here √ majolo 18 Safei : Loja au I’m tired, can √ abang da we take a rest brother ? 19 Safei : Auma I search from √ abang tu julu, abang south and you tu jae from north 20 Maliki : Tapi we seek her √ tajalaki mulak slowly marpalan-palan Total 11 5 3 2 2 6 1 3 4 5 24 1 13

Note : Types of Positive Politeness

1 => Notice

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1 => Exaggerate 2 => Intensify interest to the hearer in the speaker’s contribution 4 => Use in-group identity markers in speech

5 => Seek agreement in safe topics

6 => Avoid disagreement

7 => Presuppose, raise, assert common ground

8 => Joke to put the hearer at ease

9 => Assert or presuppose knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants

10 => Offer, promise

11 => Be optimistic that the hearer wants what the speaker wants

12 => Include both S and H in the activity

13 => Give or ask for reasons

14 => Assert reciprocal exchange

15 => Give gifts to herer

Findings After analyzing the data, the writer found some findings as follow, There are thirteen types of Positive Politeness that are used in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” They are Notice, Exaggerate, Use in-group identity markers in speech, Avoid disagreement, seek agreement in safe topics, Joke to put the hearer at ease, Assert or presuppose knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants, Optimistic, Offer, Include both S and H in the activity, Give or ask for reasons, Give gifts to hearer, and there two two types that are not used, they are, intensify interest to the hearer in the speaker’s contribution, presuppose common ground. There are 11 Notice, 5 Exaggerate, 3 Use in-group identity markers in speech, 2 seek agreement in safe topics, 2 avoid disagreement, 6 Joke to put the hearer at ease, 1 Assert or presuppose knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants, 4 Optimistic, 3 Offer, 5 Include both S and H in the activity, 24 Give or ask for reasons, 1 assert reciprocal, 13 Give gifts to hearer in Batak Mandailing Movie “Biola Na Mabugang”. Give or ask for reasons is the most dominantly used in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang”.

3. Conclusions After giving the description of the positive politeness in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” by the data and data analysis, finally the writer comes to the conclusion that: 1. Positive Politeness is to show the closeness, intimacy, and rapport between speaker and hearer. It supports the conversation between people run well, and it is used to maintain the social value of community and good manners. 2. There are 77 Positive Politeness are in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang” and consist of thirteen types of Positive Politeness that are used in it. They are Notice, Exaggerate, Use in-group identity markers in speech, seek disagreement, avoid disagreement, Joke to put the hearer atease, Assert or presuppose knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants, Optimistic, Offer, Include both S and H in the activity, Give or ak for reasons, Give gifts to H, and consist of two types that are not used, they are intensify interest to the hearer in the speaker’s contribution, presuppose common ground.

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3. The most dominant type of positive politeness is Give or ask for reasons or type 13 (thirteen) used in Batak Mandailing movie “Biola Na Mabugang”



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