Nr. 2/2017 • 1/5778 DISCOVER – GET TO KNOW – ACCEPT Global Challa-Baking Shabbos Project 6 Jews of Skuodas 7 The Bund at 120 10 Sugihara Week 13 The Jewish Year Calendar: 15 Synagogues of Lithuania One Century out of Seven: Lithuania, Lita, Lite 16 Telšiai – the House of Torah Study 18 ISSN 2424-4759 Editor’s Corner Dear reader, Special attention is paid in this issue to heritage and shtetlakh. What's the current state of Jewish heritage in Skuodas? What treasures from the Telšiai yeshiva does the Judai- ca Research Center of the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library conserve? Why were synagogues chosen as the theme of the new Lithuanian Jewish Community calendar? What is the new exhibit "One Century out of Seven: Lithuania, Lita, Lite" initiated by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry about? All this and more in the new issue of the Bagel Shop. We hope you discover many new and interesting things here. We invite your thoughts and suggestions for future issues. Please write
[email protected] Radvilė and Zina NEWS ROUND-UP April 7 Exhibit "Jewish Foreign Cit- May 19 Restored wooden synagogue izens Murdered at the Ninth Fort" in Pakruojis opened to public. The opens at the Ninth Fort Museum in synagogue is to host a children's sec- Kaunas. Exhibit patron Henry Kellen tion of the Juozas Paukštelis Public (1915-2014) who immigrated to the Library of the Pakruojis regional ad- USA in 1946 bequeathed an inher- ministration as well as concerts, pub- itance on the museum. Between 1941 lic events and exhibitions.