
Bishops'L:ommrtteecensures drop in tJ.S.film standards

'l D()(tyT) Lt|'g(ls Popc voiccs rrlass Drotcst alar:nt 0\ict' .1 srttu[ clclugc by Cailrolics

\'.\ I'l('.\\ ('l l'\' llis llllint'ss \VASIIIN(11'ON --- A com- ttrgt'tl I'uttc Jolrtt \\lll h:ts rutittcc of U.S. bishops itas ol Iiontc pricsts antl selllinal'lillls ldrled flaslrcs o, lightning to tfft)rts agflirtst the io inten,si{.v lhe $tont'l gnthcring over al- :'rliltl' tichigc" of rnatr-'t'ial in lltc * g n d scnsalionalizirrg in {lclrls ! crrttttttunicittitrn5 IlollJ'rytxrd filrls. 'l'hc I'ivc bishops u'lxr guidc thc mrrk of llre Natirrnal l,cqion of l)cr:rlncv clrargerl lftrllln'ootl rr.ith "bolrl departurcs" fr.our deconcy "an anrl ciillctl for unnristakable nationrl prutcst" bJ' thc cqttntr)"s .10 nrillion Crtholics. INDIANAPOLtS,tNDtANA, DECEMBER l, 1960

STAR OF THE FUTURE?-Displaying carly lhespianic lolent is young Thomas Kevin Nash, son AL(:CM 0F,'tr'ICI{l, of Mr. and Mrs. Jamer Nrsh, of St. Lrwrence parish, lndianapolis. Tommy's DaJ is directing one of lhe lhree one.nct playr being presenled by fhc Crtholic Thaatre Guild at the K of C Hall, 1305 "slrright N, Delaware St.. on December 2,3 rnd 4. Playing lhe man" fqr young Thomas Kevin f)eclares luity must slrure b,lrr,rrt in the phoio ir John McGruley, rnolher Therlrc Guild vclerrn. I IOLilhiOl,: i,\/ lIAI'l'I fo,' blun'ed intuge ,f tlrc Clturclr " OIN(llNNrVl'l Catltolic ruanl' difti.r'cnl s'11's," inclrttl- Church lhal we seek will bo in{: His inrrge," he said, la1'rncn ttrttst shale lltt-' ExpelledArchbishnp "blttt't'ed "\\'lrcn blumc I'ol tltc ittr- O r\ [t'r'tlttcrttly scetitt'iatt :t1t- tltc s'ot'ltl ltxlks at ilti agc" of tltc Cltttt'clt at)rollg ploach lo conrrrrtrnitl' prollltrnrs. ('hrrlclr iI nrttsl scc-*llctontl its accot'elittg to an(l {l{}(nlil--(llrt'ist llirtt- non-Catholic.s, O '\ failulc to undelstantl thll


tuv, tJ tltuv/otL yf I|Llrb LJ.LJ. L/tWa/, ULraua'/at are rsrll-ru,doing uO U, interracialv, uarJ, , )lt justice What [J.5.Catholics J J = io,

The NatiolHl,catnotc w

prrhlit:schools. (.lonturittecon Government Con- 3. lt is our ,irrrlgtlrrrrrtthnI the tlgcts. Oatholic eonscicnee cflnnol ac- 3. Alt lalr employment pro" rn nrr Pnrr uI 'n! "token" il.i,lli'Ell'li;]':.lT'..ii;;'i'J;ii];'T:'iT;.ll,.lI',;T''lJ"i:l.l.ll['...rnchl Coilncih s- A! otrr r! sitittli to iiit(}gfilti(}ii' .cpr, nrerery intcgrarion strllrrtb l,f inviting Ncgt'ocs nntl grams in indurtry and unions tinited' islatcs. , ., ..r ctrivini{* c()untlcss rural nrigr,nnls, ls a nrorally iustifiableconrpli- ;i:i' ;hi.'s;ics nrl.ptod nrnrr)' lnan]' rr:solulions. "to p.fnlancnl rcsirlenr:clhe i,e. in8 local Ir(]licieso[ thc scgl'c- ,carct',ittE!l* gritcrl . ,,i..li*'i"'irfti.h intcu'acialn$jiir.l1i;pdIhIlI'jcffi%"-i^ll.fllllil"},ii"1'l*i"+'l*l*llilllllt'l'l.l;x',,i""'Ti.l.iii'll,'i:' irrsti,ce I ^6qtr ;rd6.lili:ffilq:Fiii.",,- 11q r rr o,,. ,",.1,.i.,", _r'cnl estfttc ln{lirstry, niolt- ;'a:;* iiiiriirrldlliihri{ir"i$ii;.1,;;**;irl*,1*ru1^:'i,t:W-[-ffi lii$$:liilii"*:iTr,iliiilllliu'rrllr'r,rl,\ffiiiiiir*rit:;m:iliilili;il -ry**ii***:,::::,s . lT:{ill'if:}}1ii"j:jill{lf i,i


i;l;;.il$'i;'c;i|;iii.ii'b.otcfils|i$|.0.ldIsnistts.nNc[:nd-ii '.slilil;*iil'"-,iiilli"t.$li$j*:**fu*$i*';'ln$-;i'',::l-fr*Tii':JWil *l'::"r*m;ir,"titl*filffill)'ry ;rx,ilw$r"jr\ri"Jri:3R*"$ il;;; CARDIS SERVIGE [1ffir$!{il;;;';i;;J#-,il.,,,,,*, ##U \r ll I il .<:r 3220EAST WlSHlllGT0ll STREET Mrk br lirt'utctl tlcctolale, \\'c t .'. rh.eshiliisn'r*cirrrorit,il"i,iiij""'iillll,ii cirizr'rrs u.,',,r,illl,'"'iiiill\$nCWr1,ll;i,:ll."Hlll \8nwr1 ME z_082s2-0828 ME 2.0180 'PIQNEERS' cxisrc'cc.rour purrric::ill::illllll pricer you AillONG il iiffi,iiii'',r-,1"ilhli'liil,l't,is lltt't'alcrrttl tvillt itbittttlonrt \g checkCheckourOur Tireri'. PircerEeforelero's Buyluy lii,.r.r'.jiliiri-ri"n"',r,.:;:ii,"itii.r-'i,,"" ':" "i i:ifsii.lii:llilliiils*:lllL4.J lrr'cattsooI inlllllirlior!(rl' lndianapdisCounci|tt$}Ni:1i:1H"l1$a"""-*uu,6K*q*q'€"niiiliffil$'#ffiff"CHsRHSTe/EAS wasacrivared in IgS2 r?.66* fr i'",','il[thl* d\*ilrNt+st-$t*l$ SAEHM fi lti,{*i*in[hiS|)Il)il|l}'(.itl|lt)|l{'s'jl..i.''-""f.:...w,rI:ill,lli;..^.Iji: i..#'i:*$-'t; lu art' tlt:tt lnl lltittll ;l ir,F$ti ;*'f;tn,irr:i1f1fi(4(.,(38:(t(kB{ {.!{{((({{*...... j5*--.i, f,,,i bt.itrt rkxtt' trtttttl' (lailt, $fiiliii:lrr.:lliijii r1,:r,,*ii,'*ii,i1xi-*"-Er.3f 1.'ri''i'r'*'if1';i#iiii-- ,i: ," i ril,',|.lrct.,atlrolit.1|t.'r:.|ilii.$jiW..'..#'lt*g$*p-lx[$:i*-:.jiltdt$ilffil o{ lrulilrttiipolis, lhir in lrr{liiiirir. rr'rrs sct tt}r ir IFI oI l l]irll. iolltrrr in!l a vist

iffirsrffiffiH:lgllk'fdthcnfelnlgsh.hth'nstibDncctf{'f ]nryrd lffi-M.ffiIfi.,,o.,, .EoRG€EVRARD;;;;;- |i[$h;ffi$tffi*l$; ;],,iffi,**t3*o ltr i i ,i ti}Iqi$iIt''iim.',j*''Iu..j}ii1ril$i$.-,'ffi,.:w;liiijl[|li;"lxi:ll"i--l$mffi--iiio*Cotrtittu

I3:ffi#1*1:;'" *A95'W *^ l2-Ft.''.' only / ffi ,*.,lfi+1ffit$r*lffififi1$5,- i',r,ltil:'.^.,.,o4?1"| t't'-' yD F iiiii*,-*l#ffi$$ffi:|;'Ii,$$l*#,t{$$j.1# Ao i;11.yj::,::..".,""n,*.H,{sQ'g6,es vALuEr :[se. YD' fi Eo,'(EKr{{'{,o'.{r{{€r{,!qr'{'{'{tr,{'(tr}'<{'(,{ ffi,tliit$.tti:4t$ty:ltiiq ffi 'q. C'rtt'pcItrtttl lltrAr')' rllbl)er- Yds, ''' i-i*r#h*ijriffi ".,u.'::'.[ji',':,',3,i'tji,:']"u"]'*x{; *?ls?J-J.7'r" '.$'-Jif*'"{fi.{u*$#jiiiL,ii;,,Io,l;,fiilii:::l":T,ilj"r"bber' i'"lo'd',!'3\tlk lp;o?:'1,,,.c.mp'e'c . rr litfle as 7.65-rrnuonu*,per monlh or r.761.76 per wcek fr For 4E {td{rdct<'q z?4l.tr"ezl nYnrr$!!u||5rRrffi,$ i!'rre[(rErDrD'tt''t}i&9 Your Popular-Price Gift Store l*>lilrrxrrll thttrh>ttalairtnti&htrDr&lrtrfi ?j -r ,[",:?y^]":filfi; Push-ButtonSPRA Y Colors il.ff;;ili';^:il"fiffi,4i * FL00Rl0R-* | 'r,,:*r','fi'f:"L",:;il ',',lii)1,',11,,3ilo I COVERING l^*S'fAi,LA't'lON I *!Nc-r oPENMon. and Fri' e.'nr e ii ,#;,iilt'1,1, Thuru,and Sal. 37()I N. SHAOELAND Tues,,Wed., I iiuilit Si\t,Il Ll 7'541a f'n r,r,r,ar,:i>,r,?i)r;alL hlli*! 'I960 THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 2, PAGE THREE

tllatl :100 THE VATICAN llilt'c ttltt'tt's {l'ottt tlt0ttl lilitislr plir'..1s ittttl sctttittltt'iltrts I Pope John XXlll ltt':lntt ltrr rrh- itllcr llis visil ttr I'optl 'lttlttt. llt" sct\lllt('(' of llis ;1,tll IriI'llltl;t1.Il1' .\lircrrrill;rrt ri lts rlt'l('t)tllt(l il{ l}t(' Cr:lt'lrlalirtg it .\lass itt ltis Ir'irlttc \';tl iclttt { \(}r. :l:}) u'itlt forrttlrl ('llfls' president t'lrl1rr.l lirt' ttrrl'lrl lrr';ltt' illl(l ll{}ttors illl(l rnilitiu'1' gtt;trrls oI 0 tjt'l';N()s ,\il11,)S ,. 'l'll(r I,'Al lt lj.\i\ lis .\ rlt,cisitrtt itr it titrrr rrrritl, llr. t'r'rL'rrk'rl tlllll ht' ltrlllrll'. Irrrsrt. paitl trilrtttc to I Arturo Frondiri ol Ar',lcrtlinir r:itt:rl ptrlrlit: lltts tl'itlls' Ixrtl lottt'rrtrl tltr: tlctlicttlioit ol' ltis I ltt' l't'i llttl ll illisl trl' ;ts il tllitll r:irsrr ittvolvittil l'opt ,lolrrr .\,\ lll antl l'fcsi(l(,n{ "irtspilorl lifo lo Iltt,sc l\\'{} {}}}.1('oli\.('s\\'ll('tl . ltl' it lllr)sl llol)lc llotlitliorr lirr' ltirt'otrltiitl sr'lturtl I,list'rrlrouot' tr!lirittsI erilit.s rvlro rf I).\\"l't)Ni\ llU.\Cll-r\tt cltc- lrc t't'citt'tl lll(' l)l':t\('l'\ ilt ll)o l){'' lttti ctcr;rlctl st'tlso ol tlctlit'ittirttt slrrrlt trls is ttol c-\pccl.c(l Io h(: llil\c al('r:ui('(l his llitr(.1'nIl('nl ol' {irrr rlolk u'lto chitllcttgctl tltc ginrtittg {}l lllc }litis. l{) lris .'iluttll'1' lttxl to tltt' gt'tlitl. gir'orr lri tlrtr ,\lrt:kl Sttllt't,rtttt Pt'tt-crrnnltulisrrr. llr suirl tlrat his righl of a Dria"^t to vote on No- 'l'lrt' irk'lls ttl' lilrt'r't1'. .ittslicc anrl t-'orrll lirr' :rlrorrl lltrt'o rnontlts. gor rlnrllnt is rlt'lclruint,tl lo t'rrtl l!'lr l"alltt't ittt,l lltr' ( ltt'- lrt'tttt t'cntotctl lt'ottt | pllt't'lllitl ilft'l)lll't ol lltc lt'irtli- t'r'nrbcr' I ltits Attn. Gen, Ralph Moody of Aluska iltc sulrr er':,irt' ut'{ir ili(,s (}l r'i}nt- (lirtills ltl(l ()llir'l:tls r)l Il1{' \ llli('illl tlrtr eitl'eouttuissitttt's li.st oI t'lttc- liotrnl ltr,titl.{u of (itt'itt lflititirt." iIl'guo(l l)r,i)r'(. lhc Srtllrcntc L\tttt'l tttrtrtislsitr llris torrnlr',\, ll(' r)ul- afr! tllrliill{ lltr'it' ittttlttltl t't'lrt'ltl, lirrrr otfir:ials. Adam Sheflall tvtts 'l'ltr-. [. lt a t .slr tr lr lliur\l)or'lilli{}tt is litrt,rl lltc \t(,lis 1ll(: (r)\(,1'lun(,nt il t'r'li liltlg l'('l l'(\itl t \or . 1? rhllgcrl u'itlt a t-iolatioll ttf sl:lto AT HOME ugitinsl tltc -rlitlt' f{)nslilttliotl lr('' Itrrs irllr,lrlr llrlir,ti ltgirirrsl llto I llrrpe .lolrrr N\[il bas tlccirlcd l)ttrt, I t is lltirtr: ( {rtt(ilt(lctl l)}' clcetion lav irt (lttcstioltillg tllo citusc it ctitrstilrrtt,stlilt'ct:titl lu rt lit'tls. n lticlt ltirr t ittr.'lrrrletl Ilrc l(r l)r)stl)oll(' a tcltrvisiotr itrtttlvicry Msgr. Pirro 5


\nrASSO}\T'S EASTGATE Rubbis kt sludr I en. Oount:il upl)rne(th promisea t)-ifulu0/5A f-t)\l)(t\.-l'ht: Stirrttlillil ('(]ru . 'l'lris ( ilrri:,trtrii. I itillli ,.rrr,iill {i i'*l lii t' ir I ll)i" llt'\l SfrNANFRY nrittcc of tlrt L'onlelrtrcr-r of Iittt'o- I'rlrrr.t,.,sr,slr,tr:iutt grltotr,'.l1 ' su liitl,'. ltlttl \(, l{)\'(l- pcnrt liirlrbis is exptt'ttrtl lrr tttt'cl I lr'. I't,r'ii,,'i.fi'r' rtir.llt{l;rlrlr'. rl,'sl, rlt' l,itr:ltr'tttltbitre{- ,srnn l(l tlirt'uss thc possihilit,v of I ljlr,:-lI Lrve { ltr' :ltt;ttt, ll{'\\' .l{'!irltl. ,\r':riIltlritl itr ltrlt' narniu!l Jtu ish ullstLt e Ls to tltt- t Lrvorilrr t'olrtt'. l oo. .'\tItl,'tl ltl l t';trlli,lrt: rli;tl gltirt:' GIFTSHOPPING ('ottrtt'il Seconrl |atic:rtt srlnl.i :r,lt lr'.- tltt'rr li1;lr{.trrP l;ri;1irtl1' \\ilt'l} }'rll lilt tlri.: nrrincrl lr.r' l'o1lt: .loltn \\lll, atl-i tolrlitttl to rttt t'rlitot'il! in tltc I SPREE

Vrsit our Show Roorns

\. or r .'\ ltvi,t.\rs ( lcl; .[)el'stlrlilI Scrvicie \\'irt'rr Yorr (.lirlI orr (Jn.iorr ll'cclc.:r..al

A(ilNCIoll-IFNlll 'I{OPPIHGPtMA GiftsGalore! Saturday,Dec. 10, 9 &.rl' Wasson'sEastgate

'/c(lf l{ere i!, lhe pirrci.' i(-)f you l(t 5crve lturtcire ds oI tiollcrrs o ' llrouscrrrr.lsoi rtotiorrally advertised ilents

Stop in. brorvse crouttd crttciyou v,ill see tlre ttlcrty ilcrtrs 've hove gifts' suilcrirle lor youl rcrfflcs, l:crzoctts' incenfive llrogrorlrs ond level ( tt':at Gar'

{ o-nt(!rttt[t t | \\'cstlarrt' llr';rrrtlr I t ir- | L Shop Wasson's'Easfgate,' M,titt 0llrce, l6l"lE. M;trkel St. ,/ Erolrl Rat]fjlclJfinah, b[i; t. Brir,ilt RippieAre. ,/ UevingionSranch. 60[0 t. {6th St t+tilijrl Jf,ultl'rti J l0 a.m. to 9 lrvnglcrt[inrtch, 5ijl$ [ W,tsltinttonSl ,/ M;rrlisorrArenue Brarrch, 255i Madison Aie. / MitttaRoad Eranr;h, I E. ]6llr 5l Saturday, P.m' Ch.rge -.Morrir Plrn Wesll,ircErlrich. Il3l N MichiranItd THE CRITERION,DE€EMBER 2,1960 PAGE FOUR

llypocrisy is today's only vicious habit without its de- sin. I[ is out of the alleys and onto the avenues. Hypocrisy fenders and apologists. All the old-stan

! THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 2, 1960 PAGE FIVE - Believes needs t FAIIIILY CLIr\|IC Chureh to inrprove public relations Shouldshe tare htrsband back? 't'lris of pct'itltlic llling: ttp tltc sccond tlttcs' 1ct t'r'cn in srtclt citscs, tltc sac' atc in tlrc o[)scfvitttt'tt jttstified ullllonl Eltill'antecs thtt achicvc' contincnce, 1'ott s'ottltl [tc lion I'ou tuttst ansn'cr. IIow will wife not hltsis. Are there limes when a nrenl of lhc strpernatttral pttt" in procccding nrt lltis vottr t:ltilltlrcn bc affected by his to tlctttt'tttitlt: only can, bul should retnain seP' poscs rtf rttitt'riagc if the scp' It's rliffictrlt ivortls antl exatrrplc? tf )'ou fcal "lost" rvitlt his arated from her husband? We're alltrrl sl)orlsLrs coopct'atc rvhctlter ltc ltls lt-'llly that. hc rvill trv to intloctrinate gr:rces lhc snclltnL.lltal nvailalllc tfyillg to I'a- tltonr rvith ltis nerv irleas or tvill married fifteen Years, have four faith or is tnclt-'ly India to bc sil"c irr tlrcir statc of lifc, pt'cvitrtts llL'h:rvior. bc intolclant of their rcligiorts children, and at.' separaled lhe l ionalizc ltis a lrt: ltatl cx' tlnining, a reeorrciliation seuns ldsl three yeers. He'r had an Yott tttctttitrtttrtl that sirtr'(. t(lul' altilrrrlc concctttittg of thc qucsiion. Ilvcn if hc is "elldir," a brerkdown, and is now pclicncctl a hLeakrlorvtt nftct' ltis out of I.964 Congrcss is corLcct, "affait," is non'nor- rluitc tolctlnl., yort rvill still hal'e back lo nornrrl. but hrs losl the I'out rcsponsibilitics nntl thitt he plrilosrrylty of to contend rvith his nagative ex' frith. We've discussed a recon' lr'l rrs lttrn lo lhe qtteslions I'otl Itirrl but hts n ttetr, :tt'c o[tctt qttitc a rnplc. I Iorvovt:r, yrrtl can pt'oll' ciliation, bui I doubl his Position nrrrst itrtsrvcf itt t'tatrlting a tlt'' lifc, Sttclt t1'ptls ttt'tv alrly nctttrnlizc its effocts slrlis' on birlh confrol and fear lhe ef' cision ahottt lt'concililtion. The flnaticnl irt lurltlirtll tltoit in resoh'ing tltoir Inctorili' since yott ltave hittl the leclr of his alheism on lhe chil' filst rloulrt l'ou tttttst rt-'sr)lr'0 is itlcns becnrrsc HAMILTON and GIRARD FERRECA.UX dilficultics they ltol tltcy ontilc tr:rining rntl cottfklertce of dren. Yet he'll probablY remarfY lortt ltttsllttrtl's pt'cscnt position ot'n WATCHES {o irll oI chiltlt'cn thttsc last iltrec if we don't come back. Whal is orr hit'llt t'ottlt'ol. lf ltc rc.iecls Itavo frlttttil lltc solttliorl 1.rlrr' DIAMONDRINGS and SHAEFERpENS pt'oblents. llc[ot'c nt' fs. my responsibililY as e wife? ('ir{lurlir, lr.itcltirtg cottcertting tllis thc n'olld's J,a]:t CusfomJewelry - GenuineOnyr Tie Tocks orr tltc positive sitlo, of cotlt'sc. o inrprrr'lanI point of tttauiagr-' tttot'= {entpting a tcconcilintiott. tttalic Cullured lhc chilrllerr do ttrrctl a fnthcr itntl Peorls Yott ltave taist'rl sotttc r'ot'l'rlif- rls. thotr- srrr.itts littlc rtse in dis' sur'e tlurt ho's c:tllltlllt-. of t'csllet'1,- ctlrlrl rtsc tlte nssistancc ittttl licult qucstiorts. r\lico, bttt. llc[ot'c t,rrssin.-t l I'L.c{)tlciliitliotl. Ilotv- inq or', ilt l('itst, lolt't':ttittl{ .r'ottt' 1'orr pt'acticos. your lrusbltttl cottltl cvet', il- Itr,' tvottl

r. J. (lllo al glvrl s \\'crc Ititt rr o cnt $'hiclt ,ord's ddiltI ttl lrlt hcr h;rtl ,rainetl (.lohn houthoul 1 oi \l:rt rtlk g Itis ifo tlid b0g5.,gin 'l'ltct cvcll sountl- invit rrn ib;t l. rco t tht st poktrpokctr rllr ich .lu(!pf bcgirbclius

got irl)otlt circlt otlrot'--fot' Iltc't' ;tt'tr it'.ttt ltclt't'n. Of irnitctl bt' rl slcfillllL\lltll boiitl t1.t t'lait'-t1c visiltlc ''''1.11]1i.,,.11: rlhiclt c()rlstilutcs lh('nl first cxplicit trrtrosrrc spcar(st)r grat'Lr to urs,,l'r'lr^1. lltcy tl,:,' signs rtttl insl t tl tttt'ttl s of l'r'fol'(rtlc(t \1' c hllf t

ii*i:l:'ti:..:"::lj;':ii;i:l'i:'.li-'':l"i",li.lii::x;li".i",i|v ;iii:l.|ill,l],iillli.li,l'Ji.li,;p[1i;ili;i'[:J,l.}"',T".i'"irlil,.i::|{l'..l'l,r;]|."i]''l.}...,f|i4il|rInli(k'$|iinlnrl'lhct'\\hol|YI|ItJ.nnlnd '"C'a-'d#;,: n,rni o$il tirc $rouh bc rittcdli beautv-..ury on 18rt inchrn.h chain' .h!h. arlArr ,l)ll, i*;?T"'?It'",'l',:;:i'" ;;'ihi c;"-;; ;;i; ;i*;; Edelt,- 166(

Oval black genuine Cocol beads mounled on unbreak' cble double wired Slerling Sil' ver chain. Unusual engraved Sferling Silver crucifix. ScaP' ulrr center. Length l7 inches. Gift Boxed ' . ... t4.50 "Lighf The Rosary of ihe Wor!d" by Chambers

o!India' -_ - -" lrq+ffigt'fir.gl,grgr(rk,,fri.,.#qqiql*..ql.ere+(K!.€t#tg+e"{lii r,t,,;clr:it: rrras.'l'irotrsirrrrls::,,,:rirr::,tliql'ii1u;1$';"-ll::liol llt.trrgt'r.s s(:itttel'cd tht.otrghoir, ll n'S Tlft[ET0 PLANY0UR llil llcarrtifrrlslatuc of ()ttr lilcssod "llonrr"'[,)l lrir\e nol i){,('n tllo tllil'tocr]Cltr.istnrlscs; nr,itlrcr l)irst ll -trtl-rl. l - I I ltl, lli; Nltilltt'r'--tlctit;tlt'15' t'olot'c

Phone and Mail Orders Filled on DaY Received - Opon All DaY Saturday - il.,*"'-**s***u'u*dttnationtoaninstiirrtionttfntert.vcaringlortheAsFd.or.||.lJ||lU-li= !l$ --'-i---- plriltls, Lelprs. liofusoes: illissionarl ill.dicfll Kit (g?5], l|tas! Il ll tl llook (S'1.5),I'rilrs Supply of )tass ('andles (S?0), Retigious pic- (Slir), (Sl5), ll \ llij iule Pyr .\ltrrr Stone (Sl0). ll _. ll !t lsomHnGHunc*l Supptv (Formerly Wm. F. Krieg & Sons) THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 2,1960 PAGE SIX 'King T Basfretbull' t{I,Kesouer CYO sporfssp oilisht

'l'hc coacltt's ltave bctltt blit'led; CYO Council sels Christnras party rnost tt'atus ltave beclt goitrg hald irr plactice fol tlrt'ec rvccks; tltc g)'lls al'o itll scettlotl, tltc cltccl'- leltk'r's halc tht-ir rottlincs tlttrvtr I):lt^ Itr slxrlt, cvtr)'tltittg scctus io bc set as Itl CYO baskctball ttatrts itr thc lntliattapolis l)t'ntt- cr.r' srviug ittlo trgulitt' scasort aetion ovcl tht: conrirtg rvcck-cntl. 'l'lrc "{i7" Cilrlct arrtl kragtti:t'$ lt ll'ect f,odcn Collega Fjdited h.r the ,Ierruit, Clcrics :rlc lilst off rvith l]8 initill cuu- bc sinrpl)- a utattor of ltelsottitl tesls slatt'tl, all httt otttl o[ tltotu lnwtluerneilt glirt_-'their ottn Ptt'sonal gain. orr Sa{ultlaS' tttot'nitrg or aftcr- n()orl. Inclutled itr thc ficltl arc o.c ttrrrrll, srtulrls fnrnr Nltilit.r attrl St. .\ll r.r rrnc.:rrrl socs ",,tn?,u.lttortltll flirtttiitt|iil: tllc'\lalttltt saitl thal all |cpre' l.,it$!'{.tncc. ltotlt ttctt' t'tttries itt tlrc cADET GRID CHAMPIoNS-Above is the Little Flower radet football lcrm which won fhr f?6o.ft.*- .\rrrl it. lits, ltavc botltt tttttlt'r tltc tlrt schoollrol utitxittt. ll:r1'l-rc }'ou llti-trlilln r:irt:rrit,'l'lriltl--serr-ort of ilupl'essi()tl tlrlrt rcligiotr too. r..-itlr a lurnch ol grade.-sclroOl ttlislitkott. tlte trrlttrs tvill ltr: t:ltitsittg tlefentl- (lo\\'n 'l]lt-l).,llltrsttrtaI rtffrtit" :r tttat' lll'irtit;', tootl)illl tllirlcrs s\\ilg{cring l::t itr{ [ciriiuc t:ltiturpiott Iluly rrt. srrco,on rrrtir,,,';,;;,,;i;:;; Nith iln cxll'il (')(t citst tttt d0anoty l,l:,.iJ f;:i[l..]',]?,li'-l;li"'j'1,',',: totrLnunrcrtl, kittlls St. llottita antl \r31- hontr lturtt t tottsittg I ittot'1 . cOttltl llC fnt'tltcr ft'ortr lIc ,\ltlrrriil llull' Nuurc, *ho n'ill hc trying 'fhcl il. t't t't'] tlttc of thcttt, "N. ffi tttcnlt t'u11. .ran is att islantl." 5jg:;ffi$j$ifli$iilm*rqjf*U.,'wri'*1,ffiffi p'udg.db. rh..rh, lll1fl to .qllb a lcaguc titlc {or thc lit'st L.. Ev.n!. Fi^'. lu. u'ill lt'ltt lr *'lto pttsltt's ttnc Donttg. nn ],;19- i,itilllJl:ili",.lff ls fiLsI rr.r.oltr .lollt tr illiiliilillll r (iat'n lllc. of thcrn nlorrrrtl l'itltottt il lish poct of thc 1?th rentur'1 ; iurd 'J'loritas go()rl r0tis()lt--ot' rt'itlt olle , Itlr th:lt ,\lot tutt itr ortt' og'tt tla1, illil"'lll'"llllll""Jfit1l;1;HllI \ t,)nt' fot' all. ;rnd all for ls:"II"'lllill'l'llll.:X'llil'1. luutttr'l'. ltirs tillcrl onr) i)f his books n'itlt ,{.,,L?flr-,f,:l: ,, Plans ar.e anrounce6 no"r " o rrdncrscdnsisrs'! {Jilr'. llrc sntnc stiltctnollt. p,i!.r$ ll' Btrt lalu'. llt'ltert' tl ot' noi. tllllt \\'lrirt

z t ri J

ME,8-2388 | 'a' ,iE' A f' '.GD' ittiiCt:fr INNERSPRING atl]' gitnros (sotur tlo. s()llle ffiffi SofaSleeper rltin't). antl thc grring latc is 25t ffi Itfiattress tttr adults. lUc fut' grarle sr:lrool l@ucr or Grean, Brown, Orrngc strr(lellts, pru-st:hool chiltlr.err flee. IIrrl.r' ('rrrs-s gl ru lras a norninal Print 1{)(: cltilt'g(! lol' each BoxSpring Two I,la}'tr'. Sleeps q.t'rk "; tlcorcs and stitrtrlin'js ltch Bulfonless Colonial Style rt-ill bc t,arlietl in The Crilerion, Twin or Full Sirr l,oo,o * (ouR PRrCE) (ouR PRrcE) and these f,!;f rcsults rrill irrcluda -,.,,^" I: le- f;:,"iJi, pot'ts itoru aii iivt-. krr:ai lcagues. rL 7'0063 plrrs arrl' uut.of-losn nes's havittg NDIAN.f,PoLts $38.00 $98.00

tll,utt rt WlIll'E SEIIVICE. Ili{]. ROLL.A.WAY t LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU HollywoodBed ALWAYS OPENI BED COMPLETE wA 4-538t Polly Foam Malfress CIJ' 0ll Maltress-SPring 28" wide ive thc Wood Legs*Headborrd Only 7" Thick ttcrrtir-rtr Twin Sire OnlY Full Length ENGINES-All Mokes ond tlil:ute {ouR PRIcE) {ouR PR IcE } Models I DoyInstolloiion $44.00 $29.00 Guqrorrleed1O000 Miles or 120Dcyr

Crankshofl Exchongc, Cylinder Hends lxchonge All Mokes& Models CompleteMochine Shoo Service BTD-I{.DTI\

Ll 6'8917 ilt00RE anrl KIRK {435 N. Keyslonc MORTUARIES Ott ttcd auel Onelated bt' Tressie Kilk rOWN & COUNTRY 2530Station 5f, Ll. 6.1564 5342E, WashinglonSl, FL, l.ll5? I'ltLtt's..Sat. 805t E. 46rh 5t, FL. t.5t40 lo I il||T0nEXCllAllGE Jlun.. \\ td.. I r'r. I\it': , g tll tt) 5::lU t052 W. Wrshlnglon Sl. CH, {,ft7f , J 3oo s. tAsr sT, l0 tu 9 3417Collesa Ave. WA. 6{0te THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 2. 1960 PAGE SEVE}{

1'lrirter:rr scrri()rs Choir scheduletl for'l'V TTtouieA- &ppeer&nce :rt Mar:iiltl tnttkt: and Jsleniaion izations schcduled to appear o! the sclies of progrants. Tic Tacker 'Who's ilililuil1ilililil1ililmnilnuilil1il1ilililililililililn1ililililtilililt1 Who' lisl. NIIW YORK *'l'he National PAPAL MESSAEE liliiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiliiliiiiliiitiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiillllilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll [lruncil of f]athoiic llcn has an- .,\t this tinre ol -r'r'at'ncarll' c1't'1't',tne tltirtks of L'ltt'isttnas-rnd the nouncerl this lineup of its Dccent- VA'I'ICAN CITY-HIg Holincss bc'i tclcvision pro. lncvitablc gift list. Ih'ctl ntctltbct's of tltc clcrlll' cntort:tin sttctr nta= anrl ra

Presdilts ['A'r'IIEIt 11DWAItD SillI'l'lI'S A l\l0ll'l'Uz\ItY "(l:\T'liCIIISill " PASTOR STRIeKEN--Falher Dennis Sp.rlcling, ilil5lot' of ll()l)' Cf,ASS Cross (-'htttclt, Itttltattlpolrs, cnllapst'tl on lhc Strrrth (llnvtr (itrlf errrrrsr.. Mirristering to f he naedr ()lt'l'hlnksgilirru lnilianlrpolis. drrlirrrSlr l'(rult(l l)rr1'. llc rvrs lnoinlcrl and comforl of thc people. hy Falhtr.llerts ['. IIigcins, I)r)llcc J)(,1)ill'tnrt'ntcharplaiu, trntl nrshctl . . . One built on service. IUlonday,December 5th through to St. \'ittcrttt's IL'sIilll. l)or't{)l's hlvo rrrrl lrottr ahle lo tlitrgrtoso lhc trils(' il(.('llt':rii.lr'.lrrrl lt'r'l tlurt llrt itlllrrk u:rs It'ltrlt.rl llt it sl()nlit(.ll c(rndltl(ln Itttnl ul:ifh I llllfl'SPlrl,lrrr{ lnr: rirrllt'r't'tl lirl lr rtrrrnbtl of Friday,Decl$i",n 5'eirrs, \\'c ilri'!litiri\','{ir;('i:irit iltiii I'itllti,i is ttrrrv |1t.k lurilc anrl ilRs ftsulnt'rl his lralrslt tltttics. llis trro rrorrrpnnirrrrsrltrr.irrg the golf StevensMortuary Radis TV nratch rvcle R bltrlhrr, Jrmas F. Spalding, of llol)'Nanre parish, and Programr tlroprl of thr f lo*ur' IXOIANAPOTII ARTA lleech {ilirre, arrtl Fred W, Frics, rrrnnuuirrr-tr.tlitrir ttf The Crilcrlon. Sundry fcl.yirlon d t1 J'r \.r;dt! A!,,;r ...... (13) I i() ,t )1-s.,crert tlrdlt ,,...... ,..,.,.(B) It1,l0 a rr - (irrisloflrcrs .,,.,...,...... (6) Itr00 r,.. Ir]rp Unlo l\lV fcet ,...... ,18) ilonday llrru trid.y I?leviiion /..11,1d |!. LtrJi)cl [)..cr ...... 18 friday lodio 6.00 t.nt..-5..'r,l tlcFl,,..,,.-....llit,\ls Sundry lrdio CONGRATTJLA'I^lON5- llr'{ rr'i:lrr.s [o Mr. rnd Mrr. Ler.oy Andrer A,l5 t.rn,-.srcrrtl lir.drt -.-,,..,,,,.W1SIi 8,:|0 a.nl,*Av. [1ffra TFFECTIVENOVEMBER 27,1960. ". St, Prtrl'r prrish, ||our ,....,.,,.\YlnC oI Srllolsbrrr-s, l'ho obscLvcd thctr ljth \Yedding 10,30 p,nt.--llour ol St. f,.ncit ...... Wr811 ..\tttttut t's:rt'y thrs plsl rr rrok. I 3n r r\,.-(.lholic llour . . , .....,. ,!vlRt ilond.y thr$ [ridty /,,|J r nr.*Ro:.try llour,,'-...,....".W1Rt c0NNfnSvlU,f ArrA 9r','r" t?4. F Itl Rndio - 5!nrlrt llC.) r'r" -S,,. rI i!'r't .. ...,....',\aritj

rvANSJtttt AnIA 5unday Ielevisiol II rf,O r.nr,-"lero l9dO' ..,,...... ,(l.l) I I rJO l.nr.-Chirrtophcrr ...... ,....,..(l) iif!rd.y l;15 i.m.-'Crrdo ..,....,...... "....(lbl Reriio Frogramr Sund iy t!:30 [lilrd l1o0f SOMETHINc NEW-.'l'lre ar.clrrlioct-sarr sclurols (lre t.rt.-r1vt ...... -...WJF5 stafft,rl hv 8r45 t.nl.'H lrr ol Sl, frnnet!...... ,'rlti)rt ..1)t'(l(llnl11,' Srslr,r'. i'f St. I'r.;rrrt.is.()lrlcnlrtrr'{. nfa :lilr.a('ll\c ('lrrrstnras L30 D.or.-(dtlrolrc lir.ur . .. .., ...,.ltG8l Srlur dry car

llddio-5undry 9 30 a.nr.* llour oi 5t. frarrcrs ..,...U/5|-lvl

ItLt- ctIY ntIA fddio-D.ily 6ilo i\,|..-ll\o Ro.! y ...... f1tCJ ..,,. ..tii:7!1. Ridio--Jurd.y ., ltc6" ' /:1)0 a rt..-sd.icJ :.-:|... :., ...... ,...Wt11 ':,1..:i : /.1: a.|r --ltrO Li jriro!)rrt! ...... r\iil /:ilo r.d.-llovr tl!r (rufltird..,,.Wil1 tt: ot a, . .,.''.:itr.rl::i 9:.10 !.rt..-Ave :\l.1rrdfi0ur ...... t!lll I l r0() a.m.-Sturent! dl !i. Bd(letr . -, .Wt fl llrl5 r,nr.-lloL;r ol 5t. Franls ...... W1I1 I u rrd,ry-- I c lcv i r i o n ?.30 r.nr -toof: tJo ail,l ilvf . ... , .WIil'.TV R.!dio_Sund.y Jri5 a rn..-fhe {.iri,;1,!r.tr',t,.,,.,...U,111' plan IIRRI HAUlE ft trfX,#nrnn ARTA Wit}r MERIDIAI'fMUTUAL,S exclusive . . . VILLAGEIIIII 5a lurdny- lelevil ion I r00 o.rn.-Relr,1rd, rr: ljilrs -.. .,.','iII{!.fV 6.00 a.rr.-'Srcrcdtlrd,t ...,.,.-,.,utIt proudly prcsenls F.dio-Ilntly 8r.15 r nr.-Crtncrrc il(rlr , .. ..,...... WIlll d,esignecl,for sul:ed,riuers wh,o are proud, of their good,credit ! Brorynsl)nr.g If .votr rlrralif;-. y()tl can s:ive on atttontobile financing with lorr' bunk rates, and cash dividends, eartred anttttall.y, s P.M, TO lO P.M. olJblccl [v opc oi' fut{ia1n's loldilg financial inst,it,r.ttions. for 1,'win 'Sirver bctrefiL-s,yr-ritr i\lertcttarr r FEENEY'S hirn A Fiesto Delight of Your TAVERN Yorl r,.a1save again*.as ntuch rrs 15 per cent-on handle all the rlctails for vort' C:all fovorile Seo Foodr IvIcritliatt}Irr|rrali,[email protected],agcs.""ortrtailLlriscorrpotr.


ASSORTEDAPPETIZERS AND l- /\.-.,1 /, A /, r\ ^\ n n n n n n n /\nn n nn/\n n RETISHES

Ar.rYou cAN rAr $2,75r", yry Childrsn (Undsr l0l Portionr \tz grica

', '', l** 29ss.A N, MERIDTAN . tNDtANAPoLls' INDIANA l{bit.hmu1 ;,;;: * rNcoMP@ ; I :: : F=;i ----i---- l':j: lr -- L" :=' NAME--.-_-- ^'^"' I SMORGASBORD- - Ask About Our Speciol ADoREss- Roles i All You Con Esl -?il[ \ s|: *1s =7' crrY, --__.=--s'rArt=_--- . BANeurrs o ruNcHtoNsI turov MoNDAyaND wrDNrsDAy u ill crr ft Al p.M. p.f't,' tu prcre . sAt[s MrtilNGs I Ntcxr (5 ro l0 =::i l4y nl Aulo Poli.'t rxpircl . rxPt'lTcAIiRrRS APPEilZTRSAND REHSHES GAtORt i- i clll:-Tll:5 PoRrroN\l PcrcE o Wedding Breoklqsis I SWANKS ondReieprions i i-?i'.['r:i#;:ilj;:[:, ,u,rl c.o** i:'::: i: ::'-i:i:'- : ::: :: i -_ - - _ - _ _ i:Tl'j'i - - - Why Poy More? FL. 7-l I 84 2l stond Arlington High Quality & Low Prieer ?AGE EIGHT THE CRITERION.DECEMBER 2, t960

. ANNE CAT.KIN t fames Spalding heads lay alumni Remember Them In Your Prayers .lames F. Spalding is the new Columbus, on November Zi, cathcdreI' Novcmbrr 'o' *o't,tlT;, tilii; Mrs'wirrBrd clousr' president of wrrc'Hercn (' :'"'j'#l:' ,T:ilt*t"'l"u:' the Indianapolis other new officers incrudc: l:l'i,,,l.Y:"illl:: chapter of the St, Meintad Lay Robert Armbruster, vice.presi- Alumni Ashamed of her home '-'{,4i':iti"iir.Jl::-ff Association. He was dent; Joseph McCarthi;-;e;. elecled at a meetjng ol the organ. taryi john l*i#t#r#:''*i:#,i:,'iiirfiik1':'':':,ffnus,bird' tred' and' "- - - tvlcMulidn,-ii."- plotlrtcc fake kind of snobbish- hdely ttallting it,i* o,,o clocstr'f. tlti:ization at Council a ;;uehhr;; mclri- 4.cf{;-9.n1 ivlrrr.'i1","i".i'il ii"t;, \""','*'iii","illr,jiJl!: nl?, Knighti of surli. ness rvhich is contagiotts, kttotu. drtyut(ry lluo lrorlllls ogo sisiirs, rina t, sorrij,i, r'roiv r'riii-r,rdl,-iiiiil iila"illlt?L'lj.rln.--'- ,rn-.o, bclh J. llilgenberg. yoriviii;, ,nd Mary, o, . ;if J;:'it1^iJ11H".,'T9",?if,.f,ry;# t cnrrcilEil nrx fiiiEr, ro, c'ee." Shc's tulottg, istt'C- s'lte? i":ll"lili*l*';';,';'l*;l,t{'::'i$ii 1.,.0*0,,,,,,','T.1t:'i"" .r'urch, xo. Denr llliss CrrlL.j,.: 'Ilnt's GrinsteinerFuneral M,s. cccillc comi,llar brorhers, frlrr. John, Home rulurL he ougltl Lo cull lter, ,,,ifiJl.rmi:. lhonlaJr Anlhony rnd Mork' t""#ifi"...Tij"1:' ^i,Tt'tiT; Establighed lVftnt c.re ilorr. n-l{ppo.scd lo do istt'l' it? H0riison, bolh or rerrc Hdure. lnd Mr\- l8S4 Auq-usla Rl(llilotl0 Eraliaiilail of Eltrit, brolherr Wallsr r|iflr lenron pecl thot Ild{rts R, E, ot DdYlon' dEORGEil. GRIIISTEINER (hurch, ohio' I' fIAROLDD. UNGER Is il I Jollll ,{ttltt{o, 76, 51. trlary'i No- rrror,lld in o /ittger boutl? ol; v.mDer zr. tlHrotr 2-l!7il I)ear. R. Ii,; t FtAilt( ,. ftnBonsf, 7/, St. Joteoh Church. 160! lorr Ncr york Et lo srJrrdcJd ir? .r (A**Rrilr 'j]',jl B. B. .She's rvrong, Wcbstct' tvill tell oorilT,',,,*, sr. Mory,s*'111"',?'^Y ll;"f ff,llllllil;nt:'i:'".;'j "{iance," Nov€mbir 25. survivorst husbrnd, Minn., brorher,ctdrenil Oear B. B.: you the man is the the ,"fl:rrn, li ?llij,.ll##r.rd, "Iinnccc"; wollan, tho horvevcr, JOSfP[ XUnff, e9, St, Andrcw'sChurch, O.K.l It celtainly is not. The lhis is casc of itlelttical prontltr- t Ipset a '{il:tr,lll; Icmon pctl, or it ntight be a ciation. Card par [y sla terl purely Mich,;n,iii:tir;,'*;,1'q*111[:f Mrs, Rusrell Whqlscll. Pico Rivera. W" lkrrver is decorative. O. Dtat' Upscl: (rllf.1 IOI\ES Mrr, Wrllcr Willc, Mrs. Rlchard $ IlantlsolT... Mad. RUG CLEANERS lt'. Finteui Baltz Xli;.nni*ii;'1,iltitii5;;1iy;;il:f at Sacretl [Ieart 4440N. KEYS'ONE o (arl, Iro, tnd Hcrmrn, all of Richnlond. tt. 6.t5oa Thc Sacrctl Ueart Altar Socicty Ilca r llis..' t,'ull;irt; clies at age of 67 rvill havc a prc-Cltristmas Card lye lopc n cottsitt tr.rho is e.tlt'o Party, I-riday, ftcccmber ?, at 'J'lrr:re's lt p.nr. prirrr. nrtd J)t'oller. abso- S'f. llF)lNRr\D. Ind.--I'ttnct'al in tlrc school annex, l50g sclviccs for Fathcl Fintan Baltz, S. Lelidinn Street, Indianapolis. 0.S.8^, ii?, rverc hcld harc I\Ion. Thc procecds of this party will [Iospital Guild day, Nov. 28, in the Archabbcy hc uscd to purchase nerv altar FtAl{ilERHOUSE H0IrlES, [{C. Clrur'eh. l'ather l'intan tlictl nt vcshncnts. sets luneheon Ilubois County i\lentorirl Ilos- All games rvill be playcd. Thcre BUILDYOUR OWN HOME pital, Thttrstlay, Jasper, Inrl., on tvill also he a largc numbcr of Nor'. ?,1. IIe rvRs a native ol Naslt- rropolD ThruSelf-Help - WirhOrher Families ville, Tenn. ,'i,'.il?i-'.',:**t;;t',,,',1',,,^t?y,litff,: l'"rifiiffilif;,1;:i:':'t,lll'#fii Survivor.siI witc, Cnthorin!, 1'ollot'ing his ordin:rtion to l.hc _sons,.fiipt', ,ii be- givCn arVay, pliestltood in 1$27, lj'ather !'intnn iqii',.'"ilii,tylji;$,T'[i,3'{, l','ir,!'lil;,.'tff,f; ri.l."'b"i."thy fiehacrcr,prcsi. Alexrndcr rnd servc

CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES-1234 Prospact SOUTHPORT CHAPEL-38 Union 5t. ffi$?$w GRE ENWOOD CHAPEL-S. Madison-Greenwood BURKHART CHAPEL-371 W. Main-Greenwood HILF Everyhodylikesthe great STRAIG}|T Ward's 0fll0llEsT-T0-0000l{Ess BarberShop thestffiry lSlh & Shcrmrn New Hourr i.i illllSll; 6 Barbers to Scn'e Yort jri-sfas frte eouerageJ,bu hdie from your autbnobile insuransdi$ Lt 6.0937 you iurporiant as thc money you save! Farmers Mutual makes s111e go have full protection, and expet'ieirced, efrcient claims service to in your with its low, low ratcs. Are you gei,ting the conplete sfory give automobile insurance? Your nearl:y FARMERSItffIUAL agent can you complete details. Contact him today!


-H MAD|SoNADrsoN1,fifrscoNsrN 1' wtscoNSlN

- €,R tulo. ilRE.Tlt EFT. ilABlilTy. H0$plTAilZAT|0l{. $lcl(llE$$ and Accl0EllT \l INEURANCECO' LIFE INSURANCEthroush our wholly owned affiliate AMERICAN1AMILY LIFE

Cltarles R. Atlaurs \\'ilbu,r ll. Cook .Iosenh L. ll;tttltcws 6047 E. 25th Sr. ir{)l5 Englislt At c. 82 S. Kitley Ave. Indianapolis, Incl. lrrclianapolis l. Itrtl, Indiananolis 19. Ind. FL 9-9143 !'L 7-7riB5 F-L 6.6260

Not'tnan L. irlcilIillatt Enioy the brighl tingling refreshment of Eugene Askin l-larl IL l-loucltin ?ll0 Madison Ave. 296i N. Sherman lJr. 3621 Gcorgetoln Road Wiedemann'r You see, there's nothing- Southport, Incl. Inriianapolis, Itrcl. Indianapolis, Ind. realty nothing-like the great straigtrt taste sT 7-5341 LI 5-0067 z\X 3-1028 of Honest.to.Goodness Beer. Try it, ancJseel Nolman L. Beinekc Calvcll C. Iinirpp Donald L. Itoller 2225 \Y. l'Iorris St. 2050 Irishcr St. 327 Paciiicr St. Indianapolis, Incl. ,specclu,ay 24, Irtd. lndianapolis, Incl. CAPITOLCITY SUPPLYCO,, Inc, IVIE 1-0112 ctl 1-0842 s'f 6-1708 Distributors THOMAS M, FITZGERALD,Presidenr 2!4 E.ST. CrAtR ST. INDIANAPOIIS,IND. *t1 I I THE CRITERION, DECEIT,IBER 2, t960 PAGE NINE I rrrrrlrlrlrrrlllrlrlrlrrlrrrr*l'!'||'3IH||"'r*rrrrrrrrrrr i NOPE. THrsfs wHAr I. srnorgasbond---O TJALENL,AR sef sun do^y, Dee.uvrl. llrO WANT FoR cHRrs-.MAs.t CALENDAR U', 4th 'Jllre lllllllllllllllllllllllllliltiilillililillllilllttillttillllllliit Iloosier Srnorgasborti nrarle mcnI of vegctables and desserts. Iantous by parishionc|s at DECEMBER I Nativ. Dinncrs afa 91,50 {or adults; ?l-rc !()it.yit.v vrruvnChulchchu.ch rviUrviuwru bcDc prcsente(tplcsentetlp'csentetl Sl. Rita,s Social bcuinsbcgins at {i:il0 {;:,{} lorfor childrcn;chirdrcn; an

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it::aa', St. Bernadette Chrrrch l',:u ,.;: li rl Indiarlapolis Parish ShoppingList rf..l rloay, Dec.r 9 . ,i: il, ,,

8 p,m. to I a.m. l,i',,i, 4800 Fletcher Admigsion ,,, Assumption Holy Name Little Flower * * St. Francis * $1.50 .,

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C. t, i/ I I Foxworthy Co., Inc. Ed | | Martin sl{'ly_r_I:_t Harry l- | | A. Sharp Co. | | Jerry AtclerrrrarrFord ] [ X,rttieta Motors, Inc. *"r McKay Ford, Inc. IAUGHNER'S I I CAFETERIA Imorron ot lOth If. 7.0001

"oooo fooo .V'RY OAYA

. * Nativity f ,UIENWOflIEN * St. Jude * Full or Part-tirne DAVIS CROCERY CO. airoccrier lllents !'rltitr .t vegetot)lnr rtltrrtittgs Holy Angels tiakerr Goo(h \\'t' slill lt;rvc ir lru' fot' * rl)(ll tjtlt.t,titlp AVI; cL. o.?,lrI lrtll atrti plrr'l.lirrrt' rlot'k. Sitltr:r ('\l)('t'i{'n('{' hollrlrtl lrttl lrrrt lloc- rtssiu). I[ 1'r,ttinc otet'l]l rvitlt BRALIN & SCHOTT lul lc:tsl :r high scltool ctlttcaltott fv{ARKE'f 111111;1 rllsirc t{r ('ilt'tl lr sttbstirn- ll$r 10th I.r' Sl, 11.t. 6..10t;: Sacrbd Heart liaI ittcotttc lottL opJtottttttities * Fine l\,lt-at.r * llc rrnliurilctl. \\'t tt'ltitt 1'ott atttl Qualltt l;'rllit! nrl(l Vr){rrill)lat Itrttrish lrrrr rr,illr ctt'cllt.ttI icnris bltt'lictl rr;r lrl art tsIt'ttsive a


Qurltt.y in.l S.n,lca r'\ue oEltvultY

KEYSIONE PHARMACY * St,Mark * - - -Prescriplion Speciclirts- Churt:trr'-School Ilome Vlaintenance thrllplcto Llilc ot Slck lloorn Supplict - tl'rrlr*e tors srr pplicrs - l:llectrir:ia's - Grrlrr:orcrs St. Ann lt I rrm br:rs - l)lls tercrs - [)ain turs - lienci n g

CAPITIILGLASS c0MPAl{Y,ilt0. * St. Bernadetle * t Slore Fronlr

r Furnilure lopr ,,BROOKVILLt DINIR" I Window Glo:s All th6 JtcK s.\l,.\loii tl can .t lor 75c I Mirrorr Stta lir, Shrlnrp, tlhlek,,.n-Sen.lslchcr Onrry 0uts*(llored Suttrlstr PhilipNeri St,Philip Neri r Alsyniie Fibre Glqsr 5t. Monica * St.Philip Neri *l * St. * i* * Slll Btookvilh lld. l"L t.0095 l-r r Boiley Glosr Sliding ! I JOHANTGEN'S SCHWINN BICYCLES Chester B. Ellis, D.C, Doorl Gillic Hardwaro & Supplr PHARMACY t l{008YsuPPLlrt l50l €rrtlolh 3.303 itlli. o8u3E RURAL .CHIROPRACTOR r lhermopono Ensliih aYr. MICHIGAN CYCLE CO. 39 Yrs. on Ea::lSide Roou lsllt PAINT and r,10[.- ",JED.& [Rl. irtlrr Fintah, ?209 [. MichiE,n Sl. p.m, Xourccloonlng tupplicr 1.5 6'8 rrl. {illttcr|, 0Dert'lil 9 o.rn, iJt't{ I'hInblnf,] furn|t. ll9Cr. fillfru I fitlintt furntcet, LEADEDGLASS !r t.:.r ra ge., C. D^-L 5t. Michael rJtr l\t/lll t aa lfun.! lJdf! STAINEDGLASS B airt lrthclta MAFFETT ,It i'iia rrii Hqnd.Polntcd Spaciol Dcsign: lr{odr U Safeway Quality Foodr JOIBEIAN mutg, for Chvrch Windows PURVIJ srAf{oARD StRVrCl: 'flaBs MORROW'S PHARMACY .[ zrcr. rvE. ra t,aI.AYEtftF talr. Churrh Windowr Repaired 'wo PrescrlptloD SPtclalJttt \' & tiur- ADDreclnle Yout luslneJs" "ltesb Cholcc Cut" lleerr Home {'ltlt Funerul ;ttl:RlDlAN tT' 6T. r,r91: Englirh t lmcrion fl 7{9El l96t s. 432 l Mirrourl ME. !.lSOl *Homc 'U.S. ol Personal .9crvtcC' Postotflce sul>stalioD Nolt Opott) Indionopolir 34 Hour ArnbulaDc. S.rvtca I1*"*xel St. Patrick *tB' Fa3fi Tlor St. Catherine * 3{26 E; l0tb d(, St. Thomas Hel,ar Jordan. Owner UE, S'{tils LCDOl( |.t Ur supplt lou. "Dn 8 NrGdf t; MORROW'S PHARMACY FloridE Fish & PoultrY dl'. a1tt,lo . gc! ,.?02 Famoflr tOr Ottt tloall Ji f .) itruMtNout (,lluraoltltlA-hl (..'l ErtEoad) pavrNo FIJH . oys'rErr8 . tHa6r:? E{ lP-lClAL-Oll Pcrmar.nf r-f8.50 P.O. Sub.Statioo up lgth rtrd plasqytrulr tA e*lll -L (0pen Evenrngs Dy Afrl)ointntenl) Sil ixcAvAlroNt * Preecription Specialictr * E, * St. Philip Neri * St. Thomas J !\ ROAD OIUNO F. S. GRADY & SONS Vbit our Nrtcr| tl.tLat . r ' rNc. PAT DOLLEN'S 915 l, Somorret CH.4-3343 slt t9est i'd. CL t{ll| ..1ri:sH (' (P.O, Box 21004, W,l. Srorlon) ul al&alar -,-| llo bur out owo ]tultn rBd vctolrDlcl lrom Growcrr. fhlr lulu1r, tta ,t6ah. HORNBERGEN'S BAR o"r! aod tood quglltt' Cook'r Glag & Mirror Co .IVHTRIfRIENDS I,IEEI- Ctrsr'lon*-Alt!ilndr PATRONIZETHE llrrrots--NoB nnd Reflnir-heo Iry DUI frosl.d gl&Iar. .\ny Ktnd (ilrs Heplrced Corlrpletc ['rckage llrllrot strd I,ATRONIZIITIIE ADVIIRiI'ISERS ADVERTISERS AtJiU cLAS.S (bld Bcor To Qo, r?oJ w. illo8Bts cB. a.al$i It34 Shrlbr 3lrr.l lt. a{?0t ?I.IE CRITERION,DECEMBER I, 1960 PAGE TEN

rubrics he[orc thc lir.sl_ r_rfJanu. Clothing site set Issue remintler: aly, l9$1. rvill not satisfy canon. ical obligation ot thc Divrne pian ()fficc " co,lted Ministersbatk schoolaid in Terre llaute 0n revised rubrir:s t's England-The, cotnnrittec of Brightorr's Religion lJltlCill'l0N, etlucation I Vi\'l'ICAN CITY-Thc lou,n council votctl to suhsidize scholarships to a Catiiolie llrotliels' Sacred I Congregation of Rites has issucd school hcre efter an Anglican' r'icar antl a Congrcgationelist min. I a reminder that the nerv code of I istcr l:ackerl the proPosal. rubrics, making changes in thc 'l'ltc I Anglican vicar, Canon Kceling, told thc jarrrnred conrntittce Rornan missal and lrrctiary, ma5'l nl(re(ing: nr.rt be uscd until January 1. I I kty " 'l'hc .i l'r'obal-rl1' l'ul ,ighrs thc first tinrc in histor.y the llontan Catholie changes rvere announccd j hum{iln I Plunrblrrg and Ileatins Clrulch and thc l'ree chulches-and nos' rn1'self as Vicar ol Blighton last July 25 b1, 11i. floliness I'ope I Rcmodellng i and Repelr Sfork I -,stand toijetltcr in nratter. place John XXI|l. They were pulrlishedl ., * at \\'otttlsiock (r\ld,) Cullc$tt--tt'ns this I mvselti firmly on the sitle i \\rr\SIIlNti,l'ON, ll. t--. r\ -Since o[ thc Roman Cntholic Church-no maltcr u'hat may be happcning in Vatiean City antl go into effectl I92l- all n..c,' tJ January l. ,, ciltrro ric: t heorogi l:'.'l:l'11,1]]::il'"'iii'il.''i,l'{ J,,.1'11 in Ronre." I 'l'hc Gas or Electric hcrc tltat tltc religiorrs dtlg' l)i'irrit.r sch,'1. 'l'hc renlin(lcr Congrcgationalist rninister, thc llcv, H. A, ltamilton, \vas of the c[l'cctivc I !\ratef }leaterr itrtl.tlc 'lf 'l'1c part rlate \r'a; signerl by lrlsgr. Enrico nla ol lllitll ils llte sr u''rsi,nl \vils oi applnttdcrl u'lten lte said tltat 50 )'eafs ago a non-Anglicnn Protestant I l)antc. sccretarl,of the Congrcga- Dishuaslrerr I Dispo.loh Liod lrtrs lostct'erl lhc politi- Gtolse \\riishiuglotr [)nivct'sill's rvoultl cet'tainll' havc opposed the nttrvc. [Jut hc saitl he rvoulrl likc | philosopltl ligltts. Lrl'c \Vcck. "rve tion of Rites'. i{e saicl that r.u, l cal oI ltutttan !0th Alnlual Ileligiorr itt to l'ccl tlrat ttxlay ar'e erring on tlte side rrl'trilelance rathcr hcgirn ltis talk lnols havc .spread that the nerv I l,.atlrrtr. .lohn cour.tncl tr[ur.r.n1" li'irtlrcr' trlttt't'a1'. lhan on thc sitlc of right," JohnH, Gottemoller p.lrR(loli' rublics can be used immediatety. I S.J., lolrl I sl tttllositttu (Not'. lll) b1' posin{ a 'l'he 'fhi$ crrnrrttittcc thcreupon loterl tG to ll in [ar,ol ol'the torvn's runlor, I\lsgr Dante said in I "is anilSon paf iug thc tuition of a nurnbol o{ I}r'iglrton stutlcnts at Xatcriau his nolice, tlevoirl of anyi Collcgc. .iuritlic funrlanrent and thcleforc I 3852 Corneliur Avr. rvhoever recites the canonical I AT. 3.3033 iiiii1iiiitiiit1 Irours according to the ( ncw)

Bishops' conrmittee FUND CAMPAIGN It lLWAUlillU-t\lalrlucttc Uni- Dobbg ond Cqvqnogh Hots l,efsity ryill sholtly begin a li45 "The nrillion funrl-raising rlrivc to BESTol yourprice- financc a l0-J'r:ar devclopnrcnt no mofler whot your proglanr, price!" HE SAIO tlrc rrlrpusing pat'ts of tlrc palatlox r:rrttld bc t'ccottcilcrl. [. STRAUSS& CO. " ltcligiou is pt'inralily about "lJut God." hc statctl. it is also 'sacrcdttcss' ahout rnan. i\lan is a Irt'clusr' lrc hus bctttt visitcd b1, tiorl. Also, ir'ligiott hrrs taught rnltr nlrorrt hinrsclf."

r\l tlris point tlrt theologinn nrtrlc his assrrttion that thc lcli- TermiteControl Service gious "Thc doctlinc ol nurn as lhc irn- codc can bc rnd rhovld (iod agc of ar:{crl ;rs ir lc;rtcn in bc r brslion of slrcngfh for fhc (6 FREE STATEWII}B socie(1, plovirlc tlrc polil.ical induslry agrinri rnorally rnd rloctrinc oI thc tights o[ mln. socially irrcsponribh produccrr TERi\IITE INSPECTI0N and cxhibllorr who, if un- checked, will feod rnd pandsr Eyes Exomined r tifetimeGuorontee Plon lo lhc baser insllncls of fhc Glcsrer Mcdo public," lhey rrid. r ConvenienlTermr MILESTONE iloosllilt r References:Numeroul Cotholic S'l'.LOUIS - The Knislrts ChurchesThroughouf the Stolc Colunrbusnorv has r billion.dol- OPTICALCO. lal insrrrancebrrsiness, Suprenre Knight Lukc E. Ilart said at a Or. Jono f' Kcrncl l'ourth Dcgrce cxcmplification Dr. Donald R, Hldtt JJffit"l,IA. 3.3393 clrutxrt ltflr'c it both tt'al's s'ith the horc. OPTOfvlIIRISIS "lt corle. nrttst rlesist ltoln tltat,: lrlpoclisy anrl rlrrplicity. rvlrtrrcbl'll TERfrItTEC0I|TBOL ,L?: flEAtr rflE Nt)w I ,,TIRSIIN IERMIIECONTROI" ii-".i1;lifii:l.,i,'lii,'",i"'1".,j'lil'',.,f,1iilllcorur.roicaru | 2dl{. PEI{}|. sT. 2N05 No. Meridion 3t., Indisnqpoli. is ulosontlylargclJ' incffectivc,"ll WINTER SPINET ftiE. 5.9629 tot) I tlrci' srrirl. I I ?irnor I Ha!f Itas :o{ ,r'{tr{ter(Krc(rt'?(tlt

FOR MOTHER Rugs& Carpets Religious cameo' &tr. soarkling rosaf.Y. lllls' sll. ke:'- cltain. blitcc' *:K:kkkre SAUEVa-Vg-r/z;:1" K lct.. Books, books' FEENEY'SFINEST FUNERALS

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