Bishops'L:ommrtteecensures drop in tJ.S.film standards 'l D()(tyT) Lt|'g(ls Popc voiccs rrlass Drotcst alar:nt 0\ict' .1 srttu[ clclugc by Cailrolics \'.\ I'l('.\\ ('l l'\' llis llllint'ss \VASIIIN(11'ON --- A com- ttrgt'tl I'uttc Jolrtt \\lll h:ts rutittcc of U.S. bishops itas ol Iiontc pricsts antl selllinal'lillls ldrled flaslrcs o, lightning to tfft)rts agflirtst the io inten,si{.v lhe $tont'l gnthcring over al- :'rliltl' tichigc" of rnatr-'t'ial in lltc * g n d scnsalionalizirrg in {lclrls ! crrttt tttunicittitrn5 IlollJ'rytxrd filrls. 'l'hc I'ivc bishops u'lxr guidc thc mrrk of llre Natirrnal l,cqion of l)cr:rlncv clrargerl lftrllln'ootl rr.ith "bolrl departurcs" fr.our deconcy "an anrl ciillctl for unnristakable nationrl prutcst" bJ' thc cqttntr)"s .10 nrillion Crtholics. INDIANAPOLtS,tNDtANA, DECEMBER l, 1960 STAR OF THE FUTURE?-Displaying carly lhespianic lolent is young Thomas Kevin Nash, son AL(:CM 0F,'tr'ICI{l, of Mr. and Mrs. Jamer Nrsh, of St. Lrwrence parish, lndianapolis. Tommy's DaJ is directing one of lhe lhree one.nct playr being presenled by fhc Crtholic Thaatre Guild at the K of C Hall, 1305 "slrright N, Delaware St.. on December 2,3 rnd 4. Playing lhe man" fqr young Thomas Kevin f)eclares luity must slrure b,lrr,rrt in the phoio ir John McGruley, rnolher Therlrc Guild vclerrn. I IOLilhiOl,: i,\/ lIAI'l'I fo,' blun'ed intuge ,f tlrc Clturclr " OIN(llNNrVl'l Catltolic ruanl' difti.r'cnl s'11's," inclrttl- Church lhal we seek will bo in{: His inrrge," he said, la1'rncn ttrttst shale lltt-' ExpelledArchbishnp "blttt't'ed "\\'lrcn blumc I'ol tltc ittr- O r\ [t'r'tlttcrttly scetitt'iatt :t1t- tltc s'ot'ltl ltxlks at ilti agc" of tltc Cltttt'clt at)rollg ploach lo conrrrrtrnitl' prollltrnrs. ('hrrlclr iI nrttsl scc-*llctontl its accot'elittg to an(l {l{}(nlil--(llrt'ist llirtt- non-Catholic.s, O '\ failulc to undelstantl thll <loctlittc lu nat ionill ln] lerdr:r. scll. irnrl thc clrnliil tlrnt rnnrkerl 'lb not Lrrcty sitt sltottltl bc l)l'{}' uill collt'ct tlris fnlstr notion sclibcrl anrl its a ct'intc Ilis evcr'5' rvold anrl action." "tnsh Irlrisltlrl bat'esan [i-Church l)c ir ol hot'oic proltoltions," plot b)' thc statc. HE REFERRED to tlrc rttlcks Noling fhr U.5. hiarrrchy'r said iltltin 11. \\'ork. extcutive O .\n in(:lilrxtion trr usc lr'0s- rrrt llro ('lrrrrclt in lhc lttt:rttt prcsi- rupporl of ralf.rcgulallon, rrlh. drlector ol tht Natiotta! Cottnt'il ll I r\tl I -'r\ t'c'ltltisltol) l"l'illl' trtd a Catltolrc. u as cllr:lctl trt a ''Jlotlelrt sttrc tirctics l'lter-c porsuasiott atttl "iln cr lhrn lcgrl prc. tt't'ltttoloS]' atrtl tltc rlt'rrlill carttpitigrt its {)ppof- rction, fhc car ir:i llt't'sirlt'ttl irt of Llatlurlic ,\[err. IIc etupltasizerl r.:r.ris lroit'ict'. I't'itttatc tlf six.l lelnt t:orrrnrrrnitl' coopclation rniglrt lx: that lnl'cl]' (\)lu{'s." lelcr ccllcd for rcform of lhr srrpt'r'itlttltttl:tttcc ol cottlnttttlitit's thlt lal'rnrn rr'ill nt'cd lor this tunill' $eptcntber', l9;7. IIc carrrr: lrt nrorc cl{'cctivc." "[)ur'(]hurt'h II;riti. t:hrtrgetl hdt'tl tlrlt ltis lt t$ofoltl sottt't'c ttl {lln- "a lttd our lcligion, eodr rdminirlrrlion. po\v{-'t' nrnr' ol lfl)r('setlt l'olk complete and ntatttre ('at'ib- ill.tel trronllrs lltr- "'fltttsc r)ul' condrtct. ouf bclicls, oul' o.\prrlsioll Ir'ottt tlrc qcr'." lltc I-opc totltinttt'tl. rurrthlstuntliug oi tltc Clturclt." nroil follou inH Iltt riou'ntall attrl "\\'ithout plar:tice.s, {)ur socill {lo(:tl'ine rL)l)ul)lic tttt.s ol' il <llnlt'ts at0 [ottnd ip 1x n1'{lIigiitl this kintl o{ knot'letlge l)ean l)ill't lli{lrt crf I)r't,sidcttl. I'lui :\llrgltr,lr'r,r lrl\'(. l)('(.n picce goIr'l'tlltlcnt alltl' rcplorlttctiott ol nraliciotts prrbli' 'rvr) ('arr ncvct'hope to htlp crt- tlte cottli't'sttlicn Iong'stantling in I)eccntllrr, 195(i. ol llrr: ('llu'clt cattrpaigtt. cutlr)n of sublle intclloctrrnl and a tnre inragc of the L-httfch lear'." hc saitl. ate "'l'f Pt esirlcnt [)ttr alit:t' ltirs iiccn (lcvilltions con' ue. nr)t all of it lra.s bcen lnr)r:rl ;ll)(l*nlol'e irt lhc nrinds of ottt ort'tt gcncl'ir- l)olicc st'cl'('tl] atttl :;tttltlettll' llntteling. btrt it!:ntilied as a clrarnpiun of tlur r'rcto-in tltc t'l'r'ot's arrtl c\.ils that ol Nr, \\'ork said rlisnrissinll tlrr Pott' "tlccp tion citizens.'' hustled tlrc Alcltllishop ttl Ncgro rsllrrtl leptrblic's thc ages l)ii{r)ts ils ittcttt'ablt'. tltolc lcrtraitr 'l'ltatrlis' ha\ r r.\istt rl thl'rluql) in rn atltlress at Xaviet l-lniver- att-Pt inctt otrt ol ll;riti ott rvho, bllcks," as rlistinguisltttl Ironr {rrrrl !lrc r ct'l beginning, and (Not. a vnst nrrrubcr of c;tizr'ns to sitt' :l8). giring Da1 . Iit: u';ts allon'ctl thc liglrlcr-skinnerl Clcrrles. IIts llrr.rl r istral t't'pt'odrtclitln anrl dtlp- l)oneath thcil' li)uf autl llreir laek plattc ON AUGUST l9 thc guvclunrcttt takc rvith ltittt ott tlrc flight lcginc lras strlr.it erl scr cfltl l)] llroalls o{ tlte press HE STATED lh:r{ la1'nretr hale of krtou lctlgt-., :rlc curious ;rlxlrrt: issuctl t rralrant fol tlrc Alch- ltt'llion to l\lilnri illlll' th(! clotlttrs on ltis givc picturc yrlots. irtr:lutling un irllr-rt'tirr: tn- attr'l urtllies, rrlriclt t'tttlltssll' ttrttl- fuilcd to a tluc of thc bclieis oli Callrolics anrl rvho lrisholl's arlest, []olice rvenI lo bat'k. his pittispoft itnrl a rtollat' tfsirrtl in Atltitt:il. l1l5:t.lrr a h;rtlrl antl attrac' the (ilrule h to tton-Calhttlics in aIc r)petr lo n l.l{'elcr lrir:tt1i,r oil tu.l]' llteii' irttrtl;es givgrt ltirtt h5'a lri:; r't:oirl.lrri't: tr, tak;' irir. io L(,rt'1, " ltltcst. "crirnes" ol lll lcbcls. all brtt ottc 1;1r'.'ltriur I lr)ll,s. tlre Catholic Chulch than they to cxplain his against lrlitttled ltts rvcrt: saitl b1' tltc gott'1'tttllolll lo nttrir havr-." Alclrbislrop ['oit'it'r' ilrc statc. IIe lcfusctl to acconr- oll ltostility ol. Itc Cttllatts. cxpulsiort thc panl' thcnr. horvelcr', and on Aug- A PRINCIPAL ii:Ji.';,,.'1,1:51000 Ceylollcsc nrotlrcl's rlistoltion is the Ilaitiln ['rcsitlcttl l"t'attcois I)tt- 'i0 ,.j"1:,:,*$]".'1il r us{ tllc rv;rflan[ rr,as suspcnrletl. lrintscl{ rvell inragc of tlrc Lllrurr:lr entt:t'tnined ltc saitl is Iralt antl cr;tttrittc r';tlict"s re1;itrrc. l'llrt:lt ln \or crrrber'. l95t), thc \yafr;rnl lr.r' uon-Catlxrlics r:r'nters orr thc il col)stiltll t'lfot't itr 'iii:'llill'..'.i"l"Tll'll',:ili-'11,"i. cat'11 tn1.l oll rr';rs u'itlrdlau-rr af tct' 1,'()sselva- lolc ot 0l'ficiarl la.1'urcrr. .,\lr', l\trrk said. rvot'k of tltc lii intt'r'lt'tc \rilh thc tolc publislrctl l rcrnittrlct' tltat tltt' l)oPe sitid s titgg 'IASS clcmons tratiorr (.'lt t'clt. lr('ft.rltctt." tt ( irnrlll ltr\\ pttst'l'illt's c\c()illnllilti 'l'hc ttt'gcd tltr: plicsts ''alrsultttclY latiort lirl tiro-sc tvltu violate tlrc Pr)pc als,r (l()l-t);\llX), (-e1'lon-lloIc thau HE BRAND€D as \r.urirlauan: to etrcottt'iri{e tlle lilrclt-r' ol hish,r1l5. an(l :].()U) Ce}'loncsc nlothel's ntarcltctl falsc antl ttttt't'll rvttltutlt l1)tln(la' Irrrtlrtul to rt'atl tlrc I]iblc. lgnot'- llirristcr"s resitlencc grllt'ttttt.tcttt t'litittts that lte l,'ollou'inl.1 his cxprrl.su;ln [r'orrr "is on lhc I't'inrc tiun" totlal' (ilienenburgct' anec of tlre Sct'iplttlcs to seeli a hnlt to tllc govcrnlnent's ga\ r' S?.{llt(}trl ,ilIiliittq. ('ulllllrll' llaitr, I"atlrrr' s:'itl fot' iinl' st'll' tlull' ttnpirldonablt' ruationalizrtion of Catholic nrsl.inlhtclttlotl ttttttct'stt1' sltl- itt Ncu Yolk lhat lf :iitr n;rs a ht stiilctl. "r'r,:rl ltslttctiug Cltholic." sclrorrls. duris. p0licc rtilt(j'' i!n(l llre |r) "altiir:kint{ 'l'lrr.] pottting ii,i.r llr:ltt tilt tlrc lle ut'gcd all to t'cati slltrrrifit'ally allitcrl in a rain ('l'hc irt)'1r:at"ulrl :\t't:ltbtsltolt *ilii{r ri:ll{) in the rllorrling. At g::.|0 higlrr:r' lcr cls of tlrr: Catlrolic lh(- t\\o cpisties (}f:it. I'cter, ai flerr ltrlttr ltttttt to Nctv Yol'k. atttl l() RS thL' policc tokl tltcnt l'rinre r\[inistcr "wc ltct't: lto ar- fhrrlelr." u lrich he tt-lclt'etl t\\'o lfol this nrislakcrr notion tlrcn otr to l'at'is. it fir\t p()pc. Siliuravo tlantlnranaike s'ottld sec l le is it tta- llc statc(l tlrat anii-Catholic clc. cnc\'(:li(:ltls 0f thc Itavc only orrtselt'cs to blarttc," t'ive({ No\ t'rttlrci llti. o{ tlte rttalcltct's aI a tlclt'gitti,.ltt tit-c ttf l"t'attt:c. rrrcrrls harl tlit'rl for sonle lintc to Itc sairl. ' I t ;1i0. "\\'r. rnakc trortblc" fot' r\rr:ltbislrop hlvc n()t assrrrnt:ti oru' ( tr) \'tttir'ittl ('il,r.
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