During and After the Syltian

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During and After the Syltian Meded.Werkgr. Tert. Kwart. Geol. vol. 20(2) pp. 67-91 2 fig., 1 tab., 2 pis. Leiden, juni 1983 NewIsland otoliths of from Sylt the Syltian(Federal (Late Miocene)Republic of the of Morsum, Germany), Cliff, and the palaeogeography of the North Sea Basin during and after the Syltian by Pieter+A.M. Gaemers Leiden Gaemers, P. A. M. New otoliths from the Syltian (Late Miocene) of the Morsum Cliff, Island of Sylt (Federal Republic of Germany), and the palaeogeography of the North Sea Basin during and after the Syltian. - Meded. Werkgr. Tert. Kwart. Geol., 20(2): 67-91, 2 fig., 1 tab., 2 pis., Leiden, June 1983. Additional otoliths enlarge the knowledge of the Syltian fauna. Two two new genera, viz. Doyenneichthys and Conferencea, and new species, viz. Pseudocolliolus curvidorsalis and Melanogrammus morsu- Other for the mensis, are described. species new Syltian are Clupei- darum sp., Trisopterus capelanus, T. incognitus and ?Berycidarum sp., increasing the total number of species to 46. The Syltian corresponds to the Doyenneichthys syltensis Range Zone of the (otolith zone 16, Gaemers, in press). The evolution Doyen- neichthys lineage demonstrates the presence of a large hiatus between the Syltian and the Kattendijkian. This hiatus can be explained by the reported world-wide regression during the Messinian, which probably of shelf above caused the emergence of a large part the North Sea sea- level. Otoliths found in the Venlo Graben show that the Delden Member represents the Syltian in the Netherlands. Fully marine Syltian deposits localities Denmark and The were recognized at 20 in NW-Germany, Netherlands, demonstrating a much more extensive transgression during the Syltian than previously thought. Dr P. A. M. Gaemers, Zwenkgras 3, 2318 TH Leiden, The Netherlands. Contents: 68 Samenvatting, p. Introduction, p. 68 Biostratigraphy, p. 70 Palaeogeography, p. 71 Systematic part, p. 74 87 References, p. 68 Samenvatting Aanvullend otolietenmateriaal het Morsum-Klif het eiland de het van op Sylt, type-lokaliteit van Syltien, wordt in deze publikatie beschreven. Er zijn twee nieuwe soorten, namelijk Pseudocolliolus curvidorsalis en Melanogrammus morsumensis. Andere soorten die nieuw zijn voor het Syltien van Sylt zijn Clupeidarum sp., Trisopterus capelanus, T. incognitus en ?Berycidarum sp., waardoorhet de otolieten bekend 46 Ook worden totaal aantal soorten beenvissen waarvan zijn op is gebracht. er nieuwe worden enkele twee genera beschreven, namelijk Doyenneichthys en Conferencea, en soor- ten gerediveerd. Een zorgvuldig verzameld en uitgepikt monster van het Niveau met Aporrhais toont aan, dat otolieten in deze laag aanzienlijk sterker geconcentreerd zijn dan in de lagen die er onmiddellijk Het otolieten sediment 100. onder en boven liggen. aantal per kg droog bedraagt meer dan Het Syltien correspondeert met de Doyenneichthys syltensis Range Zone (otolietenzone 16; Gaemers, in press). Er moet een groot hiaat aanwezig zijn tussen het Syltien en het Kattendijkien links” in de De op grond van “missing Doyenneichthys- evolutielijn. aanwezigheid van dit hiaat kan verklaard worden door de wereldwijde regressie tijdens het Messinien (Vail et al., 1977) waardoor waarschijnlijk een groot deel van het continentaal plat van de Noordzee droogviel. In de Venlo Slenk zijn otolieten van Doyenneichthys syltensis gevonden in de Delden Member. Deze otolieten tonen aan, dat de Delden Member het Syltien vertegenwoordigt in Nederland. Volmariene het herkend 20 afzettingen uit Syltien zijn op vindplaatsen in Noordwest-Duitsland, Denemarken en Nederland. Hieruit blijkt, dat de transgressie tijdens het Syltien veel uitgebreider was dan men tot nu toe had aangenomen (zie fig. 1). Introduction Additional material of the type locality of the Syltian became available and is described in this Furthermore it to taxa. of the material of paper. was necessary revise some The re-examination the total number of Therefore a new some species caused some changes in specimens per stratum. distribution table of the species is given (tab. 1). Mr U. von Hacht (Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany) placed a fine otolith collection at sorted my disposal from the Aporrhais bed (see Bosseau & Klockenhoff, 1977). These otoliths were out from a sediment sample of about 10 kg (wet weight) collected by him in October 1978. The residue yielded 930 recognizable otoliths, but the real number of otoliths certainly was higher because of a considerable number of fragments which could not be identified at species level. Probably the sample contained over a thousand otoliths. It can be concluded that the number of otoliths sediment well 100. This number is much than the per kg (dry weight) was over higher figure obtained for the samples collected by Mr A. W. Janssen (Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mine- ralogie, RGM, in Leiden) (Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1982, p. 119). The big difference in number of otoliths per weight unit of sediment can be explained as follows. The Aporrhais bed is a very thin horizon (about 4 cm thick) which is very rich in fossils, also in otoliths, whereas the beds immediately fossils. difficult from below and above it are poor in It is to collect large samples this thin bed which have not been mixed with sediment from the surrounding horizons. Mr Von Hacht apparently succeeded in collecting a very pure sample from the Aporrhais bed; earlier samples of this horizon 69 c c G 0 -a 0 bedi 2bed XI bedI 0 0 w common common common0 u w u u ■H ti 44 44 44 •c 1 ■ ■ in s: <1) u u 0 V4 en most most0 imost 44 1 I 0 c Hacht) 0 Aporrhais X Ditrupa Aporrhais D. 0 3 a 144 of ■44 f of 0 "5 "2 ■o c 0 Weinbrecht) of0 £ 01 0 0 bed >von Ul +j 4J 0> .□ 01 01 unknown 01 ■H 01 •H •H .H with 01 with 3 tj* wit3 ! w • a* collections DU. F.F. ifl | ■H C a u 13 4J tn C +J V) 0 C 01 0 0 ■c - c 01 C 01 N -rH N In 04 -H -~ 01 --. 0) -H £ u u ■H £ ■H 01 In --I O 0 ■H o u Species 0 14 U O M 01 u u 14 J= 0 01 Percentages Horizon H 01 Horizon Aporrhais Percentages species Horizon (coll. Horizon0 IX speciesa 0 K Percentages 0 +4 C3, (coll.u oi a. (RGM) o> (RGM) speciesa other o> — X — — 0. X 0. U) X 0 i: V) o. to 1. Congridarum acutirostris Gaemers a& Schwarzhans, 1982 - 1 - 1 - 2. Clupeidarum opisthonomus Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1982 1 8 1 2 - 3. Clupeidarum sp. 1 - - - - 4. Osmerus janssenijansseni Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1982 - 1 - - - 5. 2 1 1 - - 5. Argentina sp. 6. Maurolicus spinus (Heinrich,(Heinrich, 1969) 2 2 - - - & 1982 5 2 1 2 - 7. ?Synodidarum xenosus Gaemers Schwarzhans, 1982 - 8. Notolepis inconspectus Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1982 1 - - - 9. Diaphus debilis (Koken,(Koken, 1891) - 5 2 2 - & - 10. Myctophidarum biexcisus GaemersGaemers 8. Schwarzhans, 1982 - - - - - 11. Raniceps sp. - - - - 12. Colliolus friedbergi (Chaine & Duvergier, 1928) 91 11.5 311 9.2 578 188 20.2 19 13. Pseudocolliolus curvidorsalis n. sp. - - - - 5 14. DoyenneichthysDoyenneichthys syltensissyltensis (Gaemers(Gaemers & Schwarzhans,Schwarzhans, 1982) 516 65.4 2092 61.9 2217 569 61.2 36 - - - IB.15. Gadichthys venustus (Koken, 1891) 1 1 16. Conferencea irregularisirregular! s (Gaemers, 1973) 129 16.3 621 18.4 195 58 6.2 28 & 17. TrisopterusTrisopterus angustus Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1982 1 0.1 83 2.5 51 29 3.1 - 18. 1 18. TrisopterusTrisopterus capelanus (Lacepede,(Lacepede, 1800) 1 - - - - - - 19. TrisopterusTrisopterus incognitus Gaemers, 1976 1 1 - 20. MelanogrammusMeJanogrammus morsumensis n. sp. - 1 - 1 21. Phycis tenuistenuis (Koken, 1891) 7 0.9 88 2.6 57 39 4.2 2 Ciliata 7 2 - 22. Ciliata simplicissimasimplicissima (Schubert, 1906) - - - - - - 23.23. EnchelyopusEncheiyopus sp. 1 -' 24. Gaidropsarinarum sp. 1 - - - 25.25. Merluccius albidus (Mitchill, 1818)1818) 10 1.3 52 1.5 24 16 1.7 1 - - - - 26. Neobythitinarum sp. 1 Morone rectidorsalis 27. Morone rectidorsalis Gaemers && Schwarzhans, 1982 1 4 3 3 - 28. Argyrosomus holsaticus (Koken, 1891) - 2 1 - - 29. Sciaenidarum 2 - 29. staringi Posthumus, 1923 - 1 3 30.30. Sciaenidarum beseli Gaemers & 1982 - 6 Schwarzhans, 1982 3 - - 31.31. Percoideorum fitchi (Gaemers && Schwarzhans, 1982) 8 1.0 31 0.9 2 4 1 32. 32. Hyperoplus sp. - 1 1 1 - 33. Gobius 1893 - 14 33. pretiosus ProchSzka,ProchSzka, 5 2 - 34. Pomatoschistus sp. 5 5 - - - lobatus & - - 35. Lycodes Gaemers & Schwarzhans,Schwarzhans, 1982 - - - 36. Perciformorum - sp.sp. - 1 - - 37. - 4 - - Scorpaenidarum sp. - 38. boschi & 1982 Trigloporus Gaemers & Schwarzhans, - 6 - - - 39. 1 ?Berycidarum sp. - - - - 40. aff. miocenicus 4 13 - 4 40. ArnoglossusArnoglossus Weiler, 1942 - 41. Lepidorhombus klockenhoffi Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1982 2 5 5 1 Schwarzhans, - 42. - - - - Lepidorhombus sp. - 43. medius 1958 - 1 - Phrynorhombus Weiler, - - 44. aff. 44. BuglossidiumBuglossidium aff. approximatumapproximation (Koken,(Koken, 1891) 3 7 2 2 1 45. Soleidarum 1 - sp. 1 1 1 - - 2 46. Soleidarum 2 - 46. sp. - - - - Total numbers 789 96.5 3382 97.0 3156 929 96.6 93 Table 1. Distribution of otoliths in the Syltian of the Morsum Cliff (see also Table 1 in Gaemers & Schwarzhans, 1982, p. 153). 70 must have been mixed with a large amount of surrounding sediment. We were already aware of this kind of contamination and for that reason it was mentioned that the otoliths came from an horizon Gaemers including the Aporrhais bed (horizon with Aporrhais bed = Niveau mit Aporrhais-Bank, of Mr Von Hacht the bed & Schwarzhans, 1982). The otolith collection proves that Aporrhais of sediment than the contains at least over 10 times more otoliths per kg dry surrounding sediments, otoliths. probably even several tens of times more A small but also valuable collection was sent to me by Mr F. Weinbrecht (Glucksburg, Federal Republic of Germany). Although the precise horizon of this sample within the Syltian Morsum Cliff section is unknown, it is still of stratigraphical importance owing to the presence of the new species Pseudocolliolus curvidorsalis.
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