Rioting Spreads Beyond Los a Ngeles
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Weather THEBMLY Today T tin. tempermiBTe 7». Fair, mm aad humid today, tonight 24,400 and Ttatday. High In the Mi. \ Red Bank Area f Low tonight in the Ms. Wednes- Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. day, cloudy, warm and humid. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS RR NO 35 InM dally. Itomur through Friday. Sacond Clui PosUK MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1965 7c PER COPY BO, «U. OO p^i u £, 3^ j^u Add&ioMl l£«lll« Offlcel PAGE ONE Troops Hold Main Trouble Area in Control; 30 Dead Rioting Spreads Beyond Los A ngeles By JAMES BACON and A high-ranking police officer —Nightriding gunmen, Identi- —In San Diego, 129 miles the night riders, they claimed vacation, returned here, and yes- gathered, and police added extra ing in a white section in the WALTER GRAY said the .attacks last night and fied by witnesses as Negroes, south, Negroes rioted through a virtual control over the Negro terday toured a Watts area sub- crews. harbor district was set afire last LOS ANGELES (AP) - Vio- early today seemed "planned and blasted shot at homes in all- 30-b!ock area. A white man was section where rioting first dued by more than 14,000 Guards- The terror in the streets caused night by a gasoline bomb. Po- lence spilled over from a Negro organized." He didn't say by white Sylmar in the San Fer- stabbed. Three, stores were set erupted six days ago. Tlie lirst men and, 1,000 police—but still a rush among white citizens to lice and firemen controlled it. area encircled by massed troops whom. nando Valley. afire. incident: an arrest of a Negro ringing with bursts of sniper arm themselves. Homeowners —A hidden gunman fired at »nd spread today to other south- The death toll stood at 30. —Firebombs flared on Holly- —In suburban Van Nuys a drunk driving suspect by white fire. with guns watched through the cars on the Golden State Free* ern California cities. After five days of senseless wood Blvd. in Hollywood, and warehouse burned, police cap- police. Thousands of rioting Ne- Brown's party turned back just night in countless homes. way last night in Los Angeles. For the first time in six days and seemingly spontaneous shoot- lumberyards were set afire in tured nine Negro men and shot groes drove police from Watts. short of an area where gunfire Violence When police got there he was of bloody violence, lawless Ne- ing, burning and pillaging, peace Wilmington, at _ the harbor, and and wounded a Negro woman. Guard In Action blazed. Among the acts of violence: gone. Jgro bands carried the attack to seemed near at dusk yesterday. near downtown' Los Angeles. Although police couldn't halt Guardsmen from the Califor- Early today the statistics told —A 47-year-old Negro woman's "We know some of the terror- all-white sections with sniping, Then, with the dark, came nia 40th and 49th National Guard results of six days' rioting: legs were "almost cut off" yes- ists are sneaking out of the Watts fire-bombing and rioting. spreading violence: Armored Divisions began to tip Killed: 3D. terday by a burst of 20 rounds area," said a high police official. the scales Saturday night after from a National Guard machine The sudden spread of terrorist —Negroes rioted in a colored Injured: 801. "We stopped cars of men head- section of Long Beach, 15 miles Lt. Gov. Glenn Anderson, acting gun at a Watts roadblock. ing toward white sections from attacks came as authorities de- Arrested: 2,603. clared the main riot area—the south of the old riot center at in the absence of Qov. Edmund Guardsmen said she refused to Walls with loads of gasoline 42-squafe mile Negro area in Watts. Long Beach officer Rich- G. Brown, declared a state of in- In every southern California halt. Police said her car held bombs." South Los Angeles-rvirtually un- ard Lefebre, 23, fell, mortally surrection. community with big Negro popu- a dozen Molotov cocktails. I Inside the military perimeter der control. wounded by a shotgun blast. Brown cut short his European lations tension mounted, crowds —A two-story apartment build-i (See RIOTING, Page 3) Massive Problem: Bomb Saigon Police HQ 2.4)00 Prisoners SAIGON (AP) — Terrorists set off a car loaded with ex- ' The car later was found abandoned on the outskirts of plosives in South Viet Nim's national police headquarters Saigon. LOS ANGELES (AP)—A massive legal problem—handling today and sprayed the area with machine gun fire. Three po- The attack was the first serious terrorist incident in Sai- more than 2,000 persons arrested during rioting in South Los licemen and a civilian were reported killed and at least 15 gon In seven weeks. More than 40 persons were killed Jun* Angeles—confronted county and city prosecutors today. persons were injured, most of them only slightly. 25 when terrorists set off explosives at the My Canh res- As city and district deputy attorneys worked around the taurant on the Saigon riverfront. A U. S. police adviser reported that a policeman said he Clock to process mountains of formal paperwork, other officials Elsewhere In the war: shot one of the terrorists. But the wounded man reportedly sought out enough judges and court space to try the defen- was helped into a getaway car and escaped. U. S. Marines killed five Viet Cong In the Da Nang area dants, the largest such number in local court history. and recovered the bodies, U. S. spokesmen said. ... "Arrangements were made to handle this tremendous prob- A U.S. spokesman said three American servicemen were Vietnamese authorities claimed 36 Viet Cong were killed lem so that several thousand persons can be arraigned and. slightly wounded by flying debris. None was hospitalized. As Saturday in a clash in an Xuyen Province, 16D miles south- tried," said restrict Attorney Evelle J. Younger last night. many as 20 other Vietnamese may also have suffered slight west of Saigon. No U. S. military personnel took part in the injuries from flying debris. operation. "And we still must be certain that the cases are tried in a manner which will not deny any individual his constitutional The roof of the home of the national police director was Twelve hundred more marines landed at Da Nang yester- day, following up 2,800 who landed at Chu Lai Saturday. In rights and privileges, and will guarantee to each a fair and brought down by the explosion and a wall was blown out. all, 6,400 are to come ashore in the next few days. •peedy trial." * The wall of another building also collapsed. Younger's chief deputy, Harold J. Ackerman, said prosecu- The headquarters consists of three buildings in a block- tors plan to ask that no bail be granted to felony cases arising long complex of police buildings. from the riots. SABBATH SCENE — Sunday serenity in Watts yester- Poaching Incident day had this appearance — a desolate panorama of Witnesses said the raiders drove into the compound in HIGH BAIL two cars. Those in the lead car sprayed the guards at the destruction through which only firemen, police and Na- Presiding judges already have issued directives to set bail gate with machine gun fire. The second car stopped in the $3,000 above normally scheduled amounts. tional Guardsmen moved. Negroes who looted and yard and the driver leaped into the first vehicle which sped Arrest Expected off. The car in the yard exploded. "There are some precedents for denying bail in an ex- burned the area in five days of savage rioting were driv- HIGHLANDS — The pick-up Detective Manning also re' The terrorists also opened fire on a police station about treme emergency situation," said Ackermati, "but they have en from the streets by a vast military maneuver, leav> truck which allegedly brought ported that thefceosote can be- never been tested here before," seven blocks from the headquarters conipound, killing a po- four men to Highlands B asi n lieved used in the incident was ing a scene like a World War II battleground. liceman standing outside. Aug. 5 who dumped creosote found In Sea Bright a few days The Lincoln Heights jail—previously abandoned—has been into the "Evelina," has been ago and that its contents, along activated to handle the flood of prisoners. Court rooms where traced to Belford, Police Chief with creosote from the Evelina, drunk cases once were heard will be used for rioting and loot- Howard Monahan reported last are being analyzed by the state ing cases. night. crime lab in Trenton. Extra judges from throughout sprawling Los Angeles County Republican Candidates Agree Local, county and state police Meantime, state game warden have been called—forewarned that they will work at least are co-operating jn the case. Matthew Ferrigno, New Shrews- doiible and possibly triple shifts. County Detective Andrew B. bury, said the Sandy Hook Bay > Courtrooms will double for felony hearings in the morning Manning said he believes arrests and coastal region is now being and' will revert to misdemeanor courts in the afternoon. are imminent but that more in- patrolled with a beefed-up force Rutgers Should Fire Genovese of high-powered speedboats, heli- "We're going to keep going until-these cases are heard," vestigation will be completed be- fore a move is made. He con- copters and private airplanes. said a spokesman for the district attorney. "This is going to be Assembly nominees Joseph Az- By WILLIAM HENDERSON Eugene Genovese, the controver- would be .guaranteed by The firmed that the truck and its Some of the equipment is an overtime operation." zolina, Middletown, and James sial figure at Rutgers.