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THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1970 PAGE TWENtY-EOUR iJtanirljPBtfr iEwnitts Averasre Daily Net Press Rnr for The Week Ended The Weather / Cub Scout Pack 251 will hold of a 19-bay garage and work by Jane 27, 1980 appointment only,.he added. Fair and mild tonlg;ht; low In a father and son softball game GOP To Meet Paving Program ZBA Asked 60s. Tomorrow mostly sunny, A b o u t T o w n Woodbury pointed out that tomorrow at 6 p.m. at Keeney • Town Engineer Walter Sen- warm, humid; hlg;h 85'to 90. Full dospel CJhristlan Fellow; St. School playground. Refresh Next Wednesday another business which occup 1 5 ,6 1 0 •Up, Interdenominational, will kow has listed the following GARAGE SALE Sunday — fair. Warm, humid. ments will be served Edter the To Act Soon ies part of the same building Manchester—A City of Village Charm have, a Bible study and open game. The next meeting of the Man streets for paving operations has already been granted a tomorrow: Elm Ter., from discussion tonight at 7:S0 in chester Republican Town -Com general repairer’s license by July 25 26 9 a,m»~5 Orange Hall. Pine to Park Sts.; West St., On License VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 250 Cadet Michael D. Belcher, 21, mittee will be held next July 29, the board. (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1970 (ClaaaUled Advertlainf net Face 17) son of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bel from Cooper Hill St. to Because of that circumstance, PRICE TEN CENTS The Couple’s Club of South cher, of 363 Spring is re and not Aug.
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