Rioting Spreads Beyond Los a Ngeles
Weather THEBMLY Today T tin. tempermiBTe 7». Fair, mm aad humid today, tonight 24,400 and Ttatday. High In the Mi. \ Red Bank Area f Low tonight in the Ms. Wednes- Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. day, cloudy, warm and humid. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS RR NO 35 InM dally. Itomur through Friday. Sacond Clui PosUK MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1965 7c PER COPY BO, «U. OO p^i u £, 3^ j^u Add&ioMl l£«lll« Offlcel PAGE ONE Troops Hold Main Trouble Area in Control; 30 Dead Rioting Spreads Beyond Los A ngeles By JAMES BACON and A high-ranking police officer —Nightriding gunmen, Identi- —In San Diego, 129 miles the night riders, they claimed vacation, returned here, and yes- gathered, and police added extra ing in a white section in the WALTER GRAY said the .attacks last night and fied by witnesses as Negroes, south, Negroes rioted through a virtual control over the Negro terday toured a Watts area sub- crews. harbor district was set afire last LOS ANGELES (AP) - Vio- early today seemed "planned and blasted shot at homes in all- 30-b!ock area. A white man was section where rioting first dued by more than 14,000 Guards- The terror in the streets caused night by a gasoline bomb. Po- lence spilled over from a Negro organized." He didn't say by white Sylmar in the San Fer- stabbed. Three, stores were set erupted six days ago. Tlie lirst men and, 1,000 police—but still a rush among white citizens to lice and firemen controlled it.
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