Pag* A-»0 THE PRESS Wednesday, January 17, 1961 North High Is DODGERTOWN REUNION When Coache« Leo Duro- Study Center Torrance Resident cher and Pete Reiser and For Extension rookie catcher Doug Camil- With North High School, Training Manager for li got together at V«ro 3620 W. 182nd St., as the Beach, Fla.. in the Spring of '61, it was a 20-year re­ .Study Center, University of Life Insurance union for the threesome. California Extension will of­ Company Doug, Torrance resident Ste- O'Hare son of Dolf Camilli, fer Torrance adults .some was Los Angeles was a sideline toddler with phcn T. O'Hare has been ap- special gifts chairman of the fifty classes this spring, ac­ pointed training manager ofj whom Leo and Pete used to cording to Leonard Dalton, 1 Pacific American Cancer Society. play "catch" at Cleanvater, Mutual Life it was He assistant principle Principal announced this week by and his wife Phyllis re- Fla., where the Dodgers of the High School and Uni­ W. S. Bagby, comtroller. side at 1106 Levinson Ave. 'trained in '41. versity Extension represen­ O'Hare joined the Los tatives for the area. Instruc-i Angeles-based c o m p a n y's Here's a Bargain Every Day t.ion begins during the week management training pro­ of Feb. 5. gram in 1957. Prior to his Courses will range from appointment as training Art, Business Administra­ manager, O'Hare was super­ tion and Economics t.o En­ intendent, of field office ad­ gineering and Geography. ministration. Largest local group will he He received his Bachelor in the field of Education. of Arts degree from St. "BIO BOTTLE — IIO SAVINGS" TEACHERS John's University, and a Teacher's courses include Master of Arts degree in THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 THRU JANUARY II Psychological Foundations education from Stanford of Education, Educational University. COTTAGE Statistics, The Education of CHEESE.. Exceptional Children, Coun­ TALENT HUNTERS 23 seling and Guidance for the Talent - hunters Harold Handicapped, and Audio-Vis­ Half Gallon ual Media of Instruction, (Lefty) Phillips and Ken among many others. Myers, between them, sign­ Advance registration and ed nine of the forty men on ORANGE JUICE 69 information bulletins listing the current Dodgers' roster. complete information con­ Lefty inked Don Drysdale. "Com* As You Ar«" Scrvio* to Your Car cerning Torrance courses Phil Ortega. Larry Sherry. OPEN 7 DAYS 1:14 a.m. t. 9:00 p.m. are now available on request Ken M c M u 11 e n and Ron to offices of University Ex­ Fairly while Ken brought INGLEWOOD FARMS DAIRY tension (BR 2-6161, station Larry Burright, Dick Nen. 3400 DEL AMO TORRANCI 721) at, UCLA, Los Angeles Willie Davii'and Roy Glea- 24 FR 1-5544 PUBLIC SERVICI Torrance's out- are Gary Shirley, Robert Herbert, son inito the organization. standing citizens, ad members of lo­ Frank Argento, Richard Baker, Gino cal ear clubs, last weekend "went on Trapletti, Guy Wells and Tom Speck- the road" for the local March of meyer. Boys belong to clubs sponsored Dimes campaign. Youths will distrib­ by the Torrance Police Department. ute materials for the drive, all on a Clubs are the Legends, Phonicians, volunteer basis. Shown here with Classics and Hi Jackers. Torrance postmistress Clara Conner t ROOKIE RIOT Dick Nen, the Dodger Expectant Parents Aided rookie first baseman. led the California League (Class C) Through (lass Education in four offensive depart­ Classes for expectant par­ The expectant, parents' ments in his first year of ents conducted by the Los classes a r e an educational pro ball 32 homers, 315 to­ Angelos County Health De­ service of the County Health tal bases, 144 runs batted in partment will begin Thurs­ Department. There are no and 34 doubles. He scored day, Feb. 1, at 1 p.m. at the fees. For additional informa­ 102 runs, stole 25 bases and Torranre Health Center, tion, call FA 8-3310. batted .351. 2.'UK) W. Carson St., Tor­ rance, announced Dr. E. W. Kendrick, district health of­ ficer. The classes are designed Many colors, many to supplement the medical | WHAT'S stiyles. Clutch, supervision of the private over- physician and in no \vav do shoulder, many others. they take the place of early and adequate care. DOING Reg. 1.99 Films, demonstrations and R. S. Pyle, your Telephone Manager in Torrance NOW discussions are used in the class to assist prospective parents in planning and car­ ing for the new baby. Telephone Service Representative Jobs Available The first session will fea­ As fou have probably guessed, ours is a service business and ture a discussion on the growth of the baby before women just neern to have the knack. I know many of you have birth and the showing of talked to the young women about service and billing ptoblems. You get 20 the motion picture "From This is the service rep. She must be able to talk interestingly gay hued 60-PIECE HOME Generation to Generation." to the general public, but particularly to our frierKb in Torramce. Tough -TaHored Later sessloni will show blouse beauties films on childbirth, formula But women are women, and even our most efficient top salaried Extras in every preparation and Dr. Spock's gals have a way of leaving to become wives, mothers ,and girl Smartly tailored Wash JN[ Wear blouses WORKSHOP method of child care. scout leader*. As a consequence we are always on the look out roll-up sleeves. Spread collar style in Dacron Heovy duty 2.6 amp 1/4" electric drill with stand, handsome set of sanding discs, grinding wheel, for personable young ladies to handle communication problems. polyester-and-cotton, boy-collar in a* cotton. lamb's wool bonnet. 3 conductor cord, pegboard. I OA $UPI* Scientific Talks If thi« sounds like your type of work, come in and see UK, Pink, green, blue, gold, beige, All 60 Piecet JUVV TWILL To Be we're eager to meet you. lilac, sable, black, white. 32-38. 1.98 Given Regular 20.00 gg You wouldn't think so to WORK CLOTHES Through January LADIES' Only 14 Lectures by induntrial sci­ look at it, but your tele­ SEAMLESS NYLONS Terrific value*! Flattering seamless nylon hose entists on topics of current phone is a really com­ Sizes 8V4 to 11. Suntone - Beigetone. interest will be given at the plex: arrangement of 472 FABRIC SALE Famous California Museum of Sci­ separate precision parts. 00 Mill's Remnant. Mostly percales and broadcloths in ence and Industry, Exposi­ REGULAR 79c EA. 2 - *1 new patents and colors. 2-13 yard lengths. 36" wide. tion Park, each Saturday Spread out, they'd cover and Sunday at 2 p.m. during a desk top! Yet teams of 00 January. I skilled people at Western REGULAR 39e Yd.i4 - *1 Opening tht series on Sat­ Electric, manufacturer LINED PLASTIC DRAPES urday, Jan. 6 was Dr. for the Bell System com­ Real decorator draperies. Odorless, dust and water­ John Rowe, Atomic Corpora­ proofed. Nnon flammable. 72" wide to pair. 87" long. tion of America, who panies, can make a phone LADIES' WALLETS spoke on "Atomic Energy from scratch in Just Assorted styles, assorted color*. Plasitic, Marshmallow. Today and Tomorrow." R about 45 minutes. Regular 1.00 Pr. Pr. Milton Wilson, Aerojet-Gen­ 66 At Western Ulectric's Regular 1.00 ......................... NOW eral Corporation, discussed main "The Role of the Chem­ plant some 30,000 88 ist in the Space Age" on telephones a day come FIBERGLASS IRONING BOARD Sunday, Jan. 7. off the assembly lines. PAD AND SILICONE Other topics scheduled COVER for This takes plenty of Pad and silicon* cover. Fits all standard table*. following week ends include: technical know-how. It GIRLS' DRESSES Bimilarities in wave beha­ also Prices Sloshed for Clearance vior, space platforms, the takes a constant search for new and more efficient Regular 1.00 Now processes, tools, and work methods. J . 6X and 7 - 14 role of the biochemist in me­ 52 27 ONLY The result of this I dical research, miracles from teamwork: keeping up with Califor­ Regular 1.9? ...........u.................... NOW ' petroleum, micro-miniaturi­ nia's and the nation'a fast-growing telephone needs with zation 26 ONLY I | and effects of modern high quality products that help us serve you better. KLEENEX TISSUE Regular 2.99 ...............................NOW computers. Big 400 count in pop-up box. White, pink, The lectures yellow 26 ONLY ar« spon turquoise. Regular 3.99 ........................... NOW 2.99 sored by the California Mu­ I've seen o number of arti­ seum Foundation and the cles lately on how to im­ 00 Tr«at Southern California Indus­ B<»<« 'em rough-I*« tailor* *Mi prove one's reading speed. LADIES' COTTON tough! Tailored SIMS for perfect try-Education Council. There fit! Sanforiied! Shaped waiata Is no admission charge. Now that's something in ahirta. Comfort-rut Mate in our Information opera­ KNIT BLOUSES panta. No-fade colors, matched Antique Chest tors are very interested ALL VACUUM CLEANER BAGS Lightweight and yet 90 warm! or separate. 20 Tough-Tailored in. So they can give you NOW DISCOUNTED 20 Only QftC extraa make 'em your bent b«y An all metal Wells Fargo All Major Brand* Carried Regular 1,59 ...............____.NOW 00 in dreRa-t«iior*d work clotheef chest and carpenter's tool quick, accurate informa­ LEE must look b*tt*r, fit bettor, )"» were given to the State tion, they've taken com­ Set 25 Only | ([A wear longer or your mon«jr back Kirk System by Jim Tyson pany Rapid Reading 67 Regular 2.79 NOW 1.30 ,..ora NEW GARMENT FREE! of Folsom.
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