Memoirs of Hydrography
MEMOIRS OF HYDROGRAPHY INCLUDING B rief Biographies o f the Principal Officers who have Served in H.M. NAVAL SURVEYING SERVICE BETWEEN THE YEARS 17 5 0 and 1885 COMPILED BY COMMANDER L. S. DAWSON, R.N. i i nsr TWO PARTS. P a r t I .— 1 7 5 0 t o 1 8 3 0 . EASTBOURNE : HENRY W. KEAY, THE “ IMPERIAL LIBRARY.” THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 8251.70 A ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS R 1936 L Digitized by PRE F A CE. ♦ N gathering together, and publishing, brief memoirs of the numerous maritime surveyors of all countries, but chiefly of Great Britain, whose labours, extending over upwards of a century, have contributed the I means or constructing the charted portion óf the world, the author claims no originality. The task has been one of research, compilation, and abridgment, of a pleasant nature, undertaken during leisure evenings, after official hours spent in duties and undertakings of a kindred description. Numerous authorities have been consulted, and in some important instances, freely borrowed from ; amongst which, may be mentioned, former numbers of the Nautical Magazine, the Journals of the Royal Geographical Society, published accounts of voyages, personal memoirs, hydrographic works, the Naval Chronicle, Marshall, and O'Bymes Naval Biographies, &c. The object aimed at has been, to produce in a condensed form, a work, useful for hydrographic reference, and sufficiently matter of fact, for any amongst the naval surveyors of the past, who may care to take it up, for reference—and at the same time,—to handle dry dates and figures, in such a way, as to render such matter, sufficiently light and entertaining, for the present and rising generation of naval officers, who, possessing a taste for similar labours to those enumerated, may elect a hydrographic career.
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