E-Collection 2020 JOURNALS, SERIES, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENTATION CENTER Philosophy Documentation Center’s E-Collection Content and Access Options The Philosophy Documentation Center’s E-Collection contains over 200 scholarly journals, book series, conference proceedings, and other publications in philosophy, applied etihcs, and religious studies. Coverage of most titles is complete—all issues, all volumes. We offer a range of access options, and special arrangements can be made with professional organizations for member access to bundles or single titles. Text is displayed in PDF or HTML formats, and all text is fully searchable. We provide access to continuing publications and archival collections, and a selection of open access titles is available. Open access titles are identified with this symbol . PDC also offers print and print + online options for many publications. New titles in several languages are added each year. More information is available at www.pdcnet.org/ecollection. Philosophy Documentation Center P. O. Box 7147 Charlottesville, VA 22906-7147 Tel: (+01) 434-220-3300 Fax: (+01) 434-220-3301 Toll Free Phone: 800-444-2419 (US & Canada)
[email protected] www.pdcnet.org The Acorn: Philosophical Studies in Pacifism and Nonviolence. Semi-annual. ISSN 1092-6534 (print), 2153-8263 (online). Online (includes all issues): Institutions $65; Individuals $25. www.pdcnet.org/acorn This peer-reviewed journal is devoted to the philosophical examination of the theory and practice of activism, nonviolence, organizing, pacifism, and resistance, especially as it relates to models such as M. K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Jane Addams. Established in 1986 by Ha Poong Kim, the journal is published with the support of Texas State University.