Fighter Aircraft
NEI b I .r.7 FIGHTE] AIR RAFT ..:, I c .:{ ii o Report of the DefenseScien ce Boafd rce -L at) FO rr p( € oc) :1,'::',;j a o(d o6q a o- t (n oo aE O r-r \+{ o Volume o> o BASICREPORT it{+!r!!q# ]J H fiJ gE Ai . ri :.1 +J(d _ l' : : , t{d ," aua nii xv o M, I Mqy I968 .B >d B'v <(, I M.1 ^,F- t1* 4g ^, ?t3r-. I t{l 6b trt \o "" -(Jo o'. *..-- H H 1/') t'r O > t- 3' ln oddition lo securily requirementsthot opply to this documentond mu$Ae compliedwith, eoch rionsrittol outside the Deportmentof Defensemust h\e @ the prior opprovolof the Office o{ the Director of DefenseReseorch ond Ergineering \o t-r -.44 ro GROUP rrrifrIf .:#ftHF, Downgraded at 3-y rrLl{ltr\LFT declassified afte tt:t-,c',#o€oK6 r,5r4DL_ nc4-1iAti!i$.P.+ FIGHTER ATRCRAFT Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force Volume II: Basic Report I May 1958 l I I I ' r ,;r;.lj 'a:. !,q I I I This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States with_ !1the meaning of the EspionageLaws, Tiile 18,U. S.C. , Sections?93 and ?94. The trans- mission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by taw. Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering Washington, D. C. --ltt ' -.-, ,-.-.-. Ii. i SEER.ET lllt$Lhsruttll MEMBERSHIP of *:tl!&ii&ri{* DEF'ENSE SCIENCE BOARD TASK FORCE on FIGHTER AIRCRAF'T Dr.
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