Robert Peczkowski | 128 pages | 19 Jun 2014 | Mushroom Model Publications | 9788363678173 | English | Sandomierz, Poland The Messerschmitt Me Jet Fighter | Defense Media Network

By Robert Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe. Dorr - July 6, An Me reproduction in flight at an air show. The only flying Me s are replicas that use modern, and safer, jet engines. Photo by Matthias Kabel. Its pilots — intrepid men all, for the Me was cantankerous and dangerous to fly — claimed allied warplanes shot down while sustaining just combat losses. The Me did take a toll from its adversaries. ace Hauptmann Capt. Franz Schall was credited with 17 aerial victories, including six four-engine and ten P Mustangs. An engineless Me captured at an airfield in the area of Frankfurt. Lack of engines was a obstacle to fielding more Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe s. Next to the plane is ammunition for the Mk cannon. Army photo. Generalleutnant Maj. Based on design work that began in and first flown on April 18,initially with a piston engine, the Me evolved into a turbojet fighter with slatted, partially swept wings, tricycle landing gear, and a variety of armament configurations. In most versions, it carried heavy cannon, and all variants used low-pressure tires to allow operation from grass airstrips. It became a formidable weapon in the hands of Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe exceedingly skilled pilot, but the Me was prone to engine failures, and its landing gear frequently Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe. Valmore P. Beaudrault shot down an Me on Oct. photo. During the Insterburg demonstration, the Fuehrer asked whether his new jet could carry bombs and was told that it could. The idea of making the Me a had genuine consequences and possibly owes less to Hitler than to engineer-planemaker Wilhelm E. On Sept. Me A-1 was brought into U. This aircraft was assembled at the Schwabisch-Hall-Hessental factory and lacked camouflage because bombs from U. B Liberators destroyed the paint shop building. Air Force photo courtesy of Robert F. During his conversation with Hitler, Messerschmitt, never hesitant to curry favor, touted the Me II vigorously and also suggested to the Fuehrer that the Me could be modified to carry bombs, apparently because Messerschmitt was promoting it in competition with the Arado Ar and Dornier Do in the fighter-bomber role. This was two months before the Insterburg demonstration, when Hitler had not yet received a detailed briefing about, or seen, the jet. In Mayfollowing up on a subsequent conversation at the Insterburg demo, Hitler ordered the Me fleet converted into fighter-bombers. Only a few dozen were so modified. Belatedly, in Julythe first Me s entered service. In its first combat on July 25,an Me attacked a British Mosquito flying a reconnaissance mission over . Nowotny was killed in a Nov. A new unit under Galland fared better, but the Me was difficult to handle by even the most experienced pilots. Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe Me replica at an air show in July Note the deployed full-span slats. Galland said that persistent allied attacks on Axis fuel supplies also hindered Me operations. Toward the end of the war, Me s were often towed to the end of the runway by draft horses in order to conserve fuel. In addition, many airframes sat idle Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe for engines that never arrived. Although it was the first by a considerable margin, the Me was not the best jet of its era. The first practical U. A fully loaded Me weighed about 14, pounds. After the war, captured Me s influenced western Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe designs. Today, the only flying Me s are a handful of replicas powered by American 2,pound thrust General Electric JCJ turbojet engines. A fine summary. Many had never fired the 30mm cannon before engaging enemy aircraft. My grandfather was s truck driver during the war. While unloading ammunition from a train to the trucks, they were straifed by a He went into the burning train and rescued two fallen soldiers, earning him the Soldiers Medal. He has been gone for 17 years now, but I will never forget sitting with him and talking about his life. Tillman, Your last point is especially well taken. When Hitler witnessed the V6 flying, no one told him the other five had crashed mainly to engine problems etc. Having in his mind defeated the American daylight bombing raids in October, defeating the expected invasion next spring was his next concern, so an unstoppable jet bomber seemed of greater importance than a clear air superiority fighter, when what he had seemed Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe at that moment. To do that, the Westinghouse engineers were ordered by their bosses to derate the engines, ie reduce their power to achieve the contracted reliability requirements without telling the USAAF or the Bell company, regardless of what it did to the performance of the Bell PB, whose engineers were constantly confused why its performance declined as they eliminated other problems. By the time the Bell engineers got the Westinghouse engineers to confess and explain their effective sabotage of the program it was too late to save the Bell P Then there are the tactical limitations of its 30mm cannon being slow firing, in part because the front pair had only 80 rounds, the rear onlywhich among other things meant combat was rather brief. Great comments. If there are any mistakes in the article that need to be corrected, they were introduced in the editing process. The weak link was always the engines, which I felt the article stated. The octane situation is a story in itself, and an underappreciated one. Allied fighters enjoyed significant performance advantages due to the availability of higher-octane fuel than the Germans could dream of obtaining in quantity. Was Galland right? I suspect that with time and numbers, the Luftwaffe would have eventually developed the tactics to make the jets extremely lethal, but there were not enough jets, nor was there time. Dorr - July 6, An Me reproduction in flight at an air show. Dorr Robert F. Dorr is an author, U. Air Force veteran, and retired American diplomat who Sharing Options:. Facebook Comments 6 Archived Comments. Barrett Tillman. Edmond W Holcombe. Bill English. It was slower and uglier. Chuck Oldham Editor. Philip Lyon. A few corrections are in order. The Me was put into service too soon. Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe engines only lasted hours. By comparisons piston engines were expected to last hours between overhauls. 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Cybermodeler Online. Notice: The appearance of U. Air Force, U. Army, U. Navy, U. Marine Corps, U. Three prototypes were ordered inbut these were ready well before the engines, so the airframes were test-flown with piston engines. Bythe Jumos were ready for flight and the Me took to the air for the first time under jet power. By the time the aircraft had entered production and initial quantities were available for operations, there was only ten months left in the war. To delay matters further, Hitler himself protected many US bomber crews by demanding that these aircraft be used as high-speed bombers, despite Willy Messerschmitt, Adolf Galland, and others pleading to the contrary. Thanks Adolf! Adolf Galland was allocated some Me s for air defense and these went to JV 44, which used the Me s to attack the daylight bombing and used Fw D-9s to protect the Me s from the allied fighters that waited for these jets to return home low on airspeed, altitude, fuel, and armament. So the question for the theorists and the Luft 46 crowd is Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe what would have happened if the Air Ministry had pushed up the priorities on Jumo development and subsequent Me production? What if these aircraft entered service in mid instead of the following year? Scary thought! This is easily one of Trumpeter's best kits yet. The kit is molded in the usual Trumpeter light gray styrene and presented on seven trees, plus a duplicate tree containing the nacelles molded clear, and two additional small parts trees containing the windscreen, canopy, instrument panel, gunsight, etc. The landing gear struts are cast in white metal and nicely Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe at that! Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe nosegear struts are provided - one for a narrow tire and one for the wide nosegear tire. If you'd rather use styrene landing gear struts fear not, these are also provided. A small fret of photo-etched parts is included containing seat belts and shoulder harnesses. Look closely - NO photo-etched hinges for the flight control surfaces! While I don't doubt that some enterprising aftermarket company will release a resin cockpit set for this kit, I wouldn't bother! This is the nicest cockpit tub I've seen for the Me and actually one of the nicest I've seen from Trumpeter. The pilot's seat is nicely done, especially with the photo-etched harnesses, and this Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe into a styrene tub with separate side consoles. The throttles, stick, rudder pedals, and other detailing are all present as separate parts. The kit also uses the same sandwiched acetate instrument faces behind the clear instrument panel. The rear of the instrument panel also has detailing when viewed from above and behind the panel. The gun bay is nicely laid out with the cannons, ammo feeds, and electrical junction boxes on the rear bulkhead. You might want to busy up that Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe a bit with some wiring as the bulkhead wall is Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe bit barren. See our photo walk around of the Me to see what I mean. The gun bay access doors can be positioned open or closed. The Jumo engines are very nicely detailed, though detailed engines are one of the Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe that Trumpeter excels at. In this case, you can build and paint up your engines as you'll have the option of replacing one or Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe of the nacelle halves with clear parts to show off your work! One of the other nice features of this kit is the separate flight control surfaces. The ailerons, rudder, Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe, leading edge slats, and trailing edge flaps are all separate parts that can be positioned however you like. The best part is that you can cement them into place and they'll stay there - no photo-etched hinges to contend with! The rear fuselage also receives some nice detailing that will be visible through a positionable access panel door in the right side of the fuselage behind the cockpit. The color profiles in the kit use Gunze Sangyo color numbers. While the exterior colors look fine, be a little skeptical of the interior colors. Look at your references. This is the nicest aircraft kit I've seen to date from Trumpeter. Don't get me wrong, the A, MiG, Su, etc. This kit easily beats any other Me kit released in any scale. Highly recommended! Don't forget, we'll be seeing the Me A-2a kit coming in the next month or so. That version differs from this with only two guns in the nose and provisions for bomb racks - Hitler's well-deserved high-speed bomber can you say 'target'? Cybermodeler Online Celebrating 21 years of hobby news and reviews. Messerschmitt Me Schwalbe | World of Warplanes

The Messerschmitt Me Schwalbe English: " Swallow " was the world's first operational jet-powered . Compared with Allied fighters of its day, including the British jet-powered Gloster Meteorit was much faster and better armed. Me pilots claimed a total of Allied kills [8] although higher claims are sometimes made. Engine reliability problems and attacks by Allied forces on fuel supplies during the deteriorating late- war situation also reduced the effectiveness of the aircraft as a fighting force. In the end, the Me had a negligible impact on the course of the war as a result of its late introduction and the consequently small numbers that were deployed in operational service. After the successful test flights of the first jet of the world, the Heinkel Hethey adopted the jet engine for an advanced fighter aircraft. As a result, the Me was already under development as Projekt P. Plans were first drawn up in Apriland the original design was very similar to the aircraft that eventually entered service. The progression of the original design was delayed greatly by technical issues involving the new jet engine. Funding for the jet engine program was also initially lacking as many high-ranking officials thought the war could easily be won with conventional aircraft. By that time, problems with engine development had slowed production of the aircraft considerably. One particularly acute problem arose with the lack of an alloy with a melting point high Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe to endure the high temperatures involved, a problem that by the end of the war had not been adequately resolved. He initially designed the wing using NACA airfoils modified with an elliptical nose section. The configuration of a high-speed, light-payload "fast bomber" was intended to penetrate enemy airspace during the expected Allied invasion of France. His edict resulted in the development of and concentration on the Sturmvogel variant. It is debatable to what extent Hitler's interference extended the delay in bringing the Schwalbe into operation. He rejected arguments that the aircraft would Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe more effective as a fighter against the Allied bombers that were destroying large parts of Germany, and wanted it as a bomber for revenge attacks. According to Speer, Hitler felt its superior speed compared to other fighters of the era meant it could not be attacked, and so preferred it for high altitude straight flying. Although the Me is often referred to as a "swept wing" design, the production Me had a leading edge sweep of only On 1 Marchinstead of moving the wing backward on its mount, Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe outer wing was repositioned slightly aft; the trailing edge of the midsection of the wing remained unswept. When the BMW engines were installed, the Jumo was retained for safety, which proved wise as both s failed during the first flight and the pilot had to land using the nose-mounted engine alone. This airframe, Wrknr. It was subsequently lost in Augustthe US test pilot parachuting to safety. The conventional gear — producing a pronounced tail-down attitude on the ground — of the Me V3 caused its jet exhaust to deflect off the runway, with the wing's turbulence negating the effects of the elevators, and the first takeoff attempt was cut short. On the second attempt, Wendel solved the problem by tapping the aircraft's brakes at takeoff speed, Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe the horizontal tail out of the wing's turbulence. Test flights continued over the next year, but engine problems continued to plague the project, the Jumo being only marginally more reliable than the BMW Airframe modifications were complete by but, hampered by the lack of engines, serial production did not begin untiland deliveries were low, with 28 Me s in June, 59 in July, but only 20 in August. Even when the engines were completed, they had an expected operational lifetime of approximately 50 continuous flight hours; most s lasted just 12 hours, even with adequate maintenance. A pilot familiar with the Me and Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe engines could expect approximately 20—25 hours of life from the s. Changing Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe engine was intended to require three hours, but this typically took eight to nine due to poorly made parts and inadequate training of ground crews. Due to their low compression ratios, early turbojet engines developed less thrust at low speed than contemporary propeller powered aircraft, and as a result, low-speed acceleration was relatively poor. This was particularly noticeable in the Mesince early jet engines before the invention of afterburners also responded slowly to throttle changes. The introduction of a primitive autothrottle late in the war helped only slightly. Used tactically, this gave the jet fighter an even Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe speed advantage in climb Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe in level flight at top speed. Fuel was usually brown coal-derived J2, with the option of diesel oil or a mixture of oil and high octane B4 aviation petrol. Unit cost for an Me airframe, less engines, armament, and electronics, was RM 87, It was the first victory for a turbojet fighter aircraft in aviation history. Essentially a trials and development Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe, it holds the distinction of having mounted the world's first jet fighter operations. Trials continued slowly, with initial operational missions against the Allies in August allegedly downing 19 Allied aircraft for six Me s lost, although these claims have never been verified by cross-checking with USAAF records. Despite orders to stay grounded, Nowotny chose to fly a mission against an enemy bomber formation flying some 30, feet above, on 8 November He claimed two PDs destroyed before suffering engine failure at high altitude. Robert W. Stevens of the th Fighter Group. It is also possible he was hit by "friendly" flak. By JanuaryJagdgeschwader 7 JG 7 had been formed as a pure jet fighter wing, although Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe was several weeks before it was operational. In the meantime, a bomber unit —I GruppeKampfgeschwader 54 KG 54 —had re-equipped with the Me A-2a fighter-bomber for use in a ground-attack role. However, the unit lost 12 jets in action in two weeks for minimal returns. Galland was able to draw into the unit many of the most experienced and decorated Luftwaffe fighter pilots from other units grounded by lack of fuel. During March, Me fighter units were able, for the first time, to mount large scale attacks on Allied bomber formations. On 18 March37 Me s of JG 7 intercepted a force of 1, bombers and escorting fighters. They shot down 12 bombers and one fighter for the loss of three Me s. Although a ratio was exactly what the Luftwaffe would have needed to make an impact on the war, the absolute scale of their success was minor, as it represented only one per cent of the attacking force. Serving with 10 StaffelNachtjagdgeschwader 11near , these few aircraft alongside several single-seat examples accounted for most of the 13 Mosquitoes lost over Berlin in the first three months of As the two-seat trainer was largely unavailable, many pilots made their first jet flight in a single-seater without an instructor. Despite its deficiencies, the Me clearly signaled the beginning of the end of piston-engined aircraft as effective fighting machines. The Me 's top ace [Notes 5] was probably Hauptmann Franz Schall with 17 kills, which included six four-engine bombers and 10 P Mustang fighters, although ace Kurt Welter claimed 25 Mosquitos and two four-engine bombers shot down by night and two further Mosquitos by day flying the Me Most of Welter's claimed night kills were achieved in standard radar-less aircraft, even though Welter had tested a prototype Me fitted with FuG radar. B G of the th Bombardment Squadron was lost on the mission to Ruhland, Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe on 22 Marchit was hit first by Flak, then finished off by an Me Eight of the crew survived as POWs. The Me was so fast that German pilots needed new tactics to attack American bombers. Therefore, a roller-coaster attack was devised. When they were about 1. Target acquisition was difficult because the jets closed into firing range quickly and remained in firing position only briefly, using their standard attack profile, which proved more effective. You whack in at your bomber. It was never meant to be a dogfighter, it was meant to be a destroyer of bombers The great problem with it was it did not have dive brakes. For example, if you want to fight and destroy a B, you come in on a dive. The 30mm cannon were not so accurate beyond meters. So you normally came in at yards and would open fire on your B And your closing speed was still high and Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe you had to break away at meters to avoid a collision, you only had two seconds firing time. Now, in two seconds, Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe can't sight. You can fire randomly and hope for the best. If you want to sight and fire, you need to double that time to four seconds. And with dive Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe, you could have done that. Eventually, German pilots developed new combat tactics to counter Allied bombers' defenses. Me s, equipped with R4M rocketsapproached from the side of a bomber formation, where their silhouettes were widest, and while still out of range of the bombers' machine guns, fired a salvo of rockets with Hexogen -filled warheads. One or two of these rockets could down even the famously rugged B Flying Fortress. Though this tactic was effective, it came too late to have a real effect on the war, and only Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe numbers of Me s were equipped with the rocket packs. Some nicknamed this tactic the Luftwaffe's Wolf Packas the fighters often made runs in groups of two or three, fired their rockets, then returned to base. On 1 SeptemberUSAAF General Carl Spaatz expressed the fear that if greater numbers of German jets appeared, they could inflict losses heavy enough to force cancellation of the Allied bombing offensive by daylight. The Me was difficult for its opponents to counter because its high speed and rate of climb made it extremely hard to intercept. As with all other early Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe, the Me 's engines did not provide a lot of thrust at low air speeds a key criterion for good turn performance at low speedsand throttle response was slow. Another disadvantage all early jet engines shared was a relatively high risk of flameout if the pilot used the throttle too aggressively as is common in a . German engineers introduced an automatic throttle regulator later in the war but it only partly alleviated the problem. On the plus side, thrust at high speed was much greater than on propeller-driven aircraft. The plane had, by contemporary standards, quite a high This, coupled with the low thrust at slow speeds and high chance of Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe flameout if the throttle was worked too aggressively, resulted in Me pilots being told to avoid low speed with the Allied piston-engine fighters. This problem faces any aircraft that approaches another from behind at much higher speed, as the slower aircraft in front can always pull a tighter turn, forcing the faster aircraft to overshoot. The one above Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe went into a steep right-hand turn, his pale blue underside standing out against the purple sky. Another banked right in front of the Me's nose. Violent jolt as I flew through his airscrew eddies. Maybe a wing's length away. That one in the gentle left-hand curve! Swing her round. I was coming from underneath, eye glued to the sight pull her tighter! A throbbing in the wings as my cannon pounded briefly. Missed him. Way behind his tail. It was exasperating.