Quærendo 47 (2017) 199-221 brill.com/qua The Library of Hélion Jouffroy A Survey and Some Additional Identifications Gregory Hays University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA, United States
[email protected] Abstract One of the notable libraries of early sixteenth-century France was that of the Rodez lawyer and canon Hélion Jouffroy (†1529), nephew of the better known cardinal Jean Jouffroy. The younger Jouffroy’s books, which included both printed volumes and man- uscripts, were dispersed after his death. Our knowledge of his holdings depends on a 1530 inventory, first published in 2012 by Matthieu Desachy. This article briefly surveys Jouffroy’s intellectual interests as they emerge from his collection, and offers some new identifications of texts and editions listed in the inventory. Keywords Hélion Jouffroy – libraries – inventories Hélion Jouffroy (†1529) was a doctor of civil law and canon of Rodez Cathedral. Like his better-known uncle, the cardinal Jean Jouffroy, he was a prodigious book collector: at the end of his life he owned well over six hundred manu- scripts and printed volumes. Our knowledge of his library rests on a 1530 inven- tory, first published in 2012 by Matthieu Desachy.1 * I am grateful to David Whitesell for comments on an earlier version of this article. 1 M. Desachy, Deux bibliophiles humanistes. Bibliothèques et manuscrits de Jean Jouffroy et d’Hélion Jouffroy (Paris 2012), pp. 105-150. The introduction to this book is largely identical to Desachy’s earlier article, ‘Bibliophiles d’oncle à neveu: livres et bibliothèques de Jean et Hélion Jouffroy (vers 1460-1530),’ in: Bulletin du bibliophile, n.s.