Ln the Ghain Gouncillors
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNGIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, THE CtTy OF FL|N FLON, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY g,2OO{, AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT ln the Ghain Moyor Dennis BALLARD Gouncillors: Col HUNTLEY Bev JOHNSON Dovid KENNEDY Dovid LAW Angelo SIMPSON Tom THERIEN RESOLUTION NO. I Moved By: THERIEN Seconded By: SIMPSON Resolved that the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 19,2000, be adopted as received. Carried 7-0 GORRESPONDENGE was dealt with/referred to Committee as follows: 1. Letter, dated December 15, 2000 from Colleen McKEE, Special Events Co- Ordinator, FLIN FLON FRIENDSHIP GENTRE, relative to 14th Annual Sled Dog Races. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. (Councittor KENNEDY volunteered). 2. Letter, dated December 13, 2000, from W.D. (Drew) GODDARD, Community Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Division, MANITOBA JUSTIGE, relative to auxiliary policing initiative. Referred to the Protective Services Committee. 3. Letter, dated December 19,2000, from Joseph P. DION, Director, Policy and Public Affairs, FEDERATTON OF GANADIAI{ lf,UillClPALlTlES (FCM), relative to resolutions for annual conference. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. 4. Letter, dated December 20,2000, from David SHEFFORD, General Manager, NORIIAN REGIONAT DEVELOPilIEI{T GORPORATION, relative to membership renewal. Referred to the Finance Committee. Minutes - Council Meeting Page2 January 9, 2001 GORRESPONDENGE (cont'd.) 5. Letter, dated December 21,2000, from Bert LAGIMODIERE, Chairman, IiANITOBA AIRPORT OPERATORS COMMITTEE, relative to annual general meeting. Referred to Councillor Dave LAW. 6. Letter, dated December 22,2000, from R.S. (Bud) OLIVER, Mayor, GITY OF SELKIRK, to The Honourable Gord MacKINTOSH, Minister of Justice, relative to Victim $ervices Program.
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