3,085,854 United States Patent Office Patented Apr. 16, 1963 2 3,085,854 the production of alkali bromite solutions of higher con PRODUCTION OF BROMINE OXYGEN centrations is a practical possibility, and they have suc COMPOUNDS ceeded in preparing, from such solutions, crystallized al Jean Meybeck, Mulhouse, René Kircher, Argenteuil, and kali bromite which was never previously produced. Jacqueline Leclerc, Paris, France, assignors to Societe We have further discovered that alkali-earth bromites d’Etudes Chimiques Pour Industrie Agriculture, could be prepared in a similar way. The existence of Paris, France these compounds has never been mentioned in the litera Filed Apr. 19, 1957, Ser. No. 654,041. ture of which the applicants are aware, whether in solu Claims priority, application France Apr. 24, 1956 tion or in solid form. 20 (Caims. (C. 23-85) 0 Since the general conditions for preparing concentrated This invention relates to a method for producing con solutions both of alkali and alkali-earth bromites are ceiltrated solutions of metal bromites and to alkali metal broadly the same, the said general conditions will be and alkaline earth metal salts of bromous acid produced disclosed hereinafter without the particular cation con by this method. templated being specifically pointed out. To clarify the Various authorities have shown that solutions of alkali 5 description however, some typical numerical data will be hypobromites when subjected to suitable conditions evolve given by way of illustration, which relates to sodium, it gradually to a condition wherein the hypobromite is par being understood that the sodium cation is selected for tially converted to the corresponding bromite.
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