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Journal of Virology JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY VOLUME 36 0 NUMBER 3 0 DECEMBER 1980 EDITORIAL BOARD Robert R. Wagner, Editor-in-Chief (1982) University of Virginia School ofMedicine, Charlottesville Dwight L. Anderson, Editor (1983) Harold S. Ginsberg, Editor (1984) School of Dentistry, Columbia University University ofMinnesota, New York, N. Y. Minneapolis David T. Denhardt, Editor (1982) Edward M. Scolnick, Editor (1982) University of Western Ontario National Cancer Institute London, Ontario, Canada Bethesda, Md. David Baltimore (1981) Nancy Hopkins (1980) Fred Rapp (1981) Amiya K. Baaerjee (1982) Calderon Howe (1982) Dan S. Ray (1980) jeaneth 1. Berns (1982) Alice S. Huang (1981) M. E. Reicn (1982) IH. L Bishop (1982) D. C. Kelly (1982) Bernard E. Reilly (1980) DavlW9otstein (1982) Tlomas J. Kelly, Jr. (1982) Willham S. Robinson (1980) Michael A. Bratt (1980) George Khoury (1981) Benard Ro (1982) Dennis T. Brown (1981) Jonathan A. King (1981) Roland R. Rueckert (1982) Ahmad 1. Bukhari (1981) David W. Kingsbury (1982) Norman P. Salman (1981) Purnell Choppin (1980) Lloyd M. Kozloff (1982) Joseph Sambook (1982) John M. Coffin (1980) Robert M. Knig (1980) Priscila A. Schaffer (1981) Richard W. Compans (1982) Robert A. L i 1981) Sondra S ger (1980) Geoffrey M. Cooper (1981) Richard A. Lerner (1981) Phlp A. Sharp (1982) Nicbolas R. Cozzarelli (1980) Myron Levine (1982) Aaron J. Shatkln (1982) Clive Dickson (1981) Tomas Lindahl (1981) Saul J. Silverstein (1982) Walter Doerfier (1980) David M. Livingston (1980) Lee D. Simon (1981) Harrison Echols (1981) Ronald B. Luftig (1981) Kai Simn (1981) Elvera Ebrenfeld (1980) Robert MartiDn (1981) Alan E. Smith (1980) Robert N. Eisenaa (1982) Lois K. Miller (1982) Patricia G. Spear (1981) Suzanoe U. Emerson (1980) Robert C. Miller (1980) F. William Studier (1981) Lynn Enquist (1981) Gisela Mosig (1982) Lawrence S. Sturnan (1982) Erw* . Fleissner (1980) Bernard Moss (1980) Donald F. Summers (1982) S. Jaze Flint (1981) Joseph S. Pagano (1982) William C. Summers (1980) Robert M. Friedman (1982) J. Thomas Parsons (1980) John M. Taylor (1981) Larry M. Gold (1982) Ulf G. Petterson (1980) Howard M. Temin (1982) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1980) Lennart Philipson (1981) David C. Ward (1980) William S. Hayward (1981) Peter G. W. Plagemann (1980) Ernest Winocour (1982) John J. Holland (1981) Craig R. Pringle (1980) Julius Youngner (1982) Giseila Pollock, Acting Managing Editor Susan Birch, Production Editor 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 EX OFFICIO Albert Balows, President (1980-1981) Frederick C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981) J. Mebsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer The Journal of Virology (ISSN 0022-538X), a publication of Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 1 St., NW, Wash- additional mailing offices. ington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination offundamental Made in the U.S.A. knowledge concerning viruses of bacteria, plants, and animals. Copyright i 1980, American Society for Microbiology. Inves ators are invited to submit reports of original research in All Rights Reserved. all areas of basic virology, including biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, immunology, morphology, and physiology. Instructions to Authors are published in the January issue each year. The The code at the top of the first page ofan article in thisjournal Journal is issued monthly, four volumes per year. The nonmem- indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article ber subscription price is $90 per year, single copies are $8. The may be made for personal use, or for personal use of specific member subscription price is $21 per year. Correspondence clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clear- back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manu- ance Center, Inc., P.O. Box 765, Schenectady, New York 12301, and general editorial matters should be directed to the for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of ASS Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other 20006 (area 202 833-9680). kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective ai* : idbm 119*lkA ,-1 E 11IrAff,fl ( I fo works, or for resale. Author Index AAwine, James C., 701 Fujinaga, Kei, 639 Lodish, Harvey F., 719 :jBErson, Steven M., 676 Gerlich, Wolfram H., 787 Marion, Patricia L., 787 Bastow, K. F., 746 Grandgenett, Duane P., 889 Mason, William S., 829 Battula, Narayana, 709 Groner, Bernd, 734 Mbuy, Gustave N., 837 Bearzotti-Le Berre, Monique, Minson, A. C., 746 652 Mitchell, R. L., 805 Bellamy, A. R., 894 Halbert, Donald N., 860 Bernard, Jacqueline, 652 Hanafusa, Hidesaburo, 676 Nayak, Debi P., 847 Boettiger, David, 883 Harris, Tixnothy J. R., 659 Neel, Benjamin G., 676 Dennis 775 Harvey, J. D., 894 Brown, T., Hayward, William S., 676 Peters, Gordon G., 692 Buetti, Elena, 734 Heilman, Carole A., 878 Pignatti, Pier F., 816 Howley, Peter M., 878 Pons, Marcel W., 837 4ai, Enzo, 816 Hu, James, 692 Porter, Mary, 719 Chowdhury, Kamal, 878 Huang, Alice S., 756 Clark, Daniel R., 766 Hulen, Christian, 633 Ralph, S. J., 894 ,~i~,Fulmer, 872 Hynes, Nancy E., 734 Rao, Donald D., 756 Cowra, Jon H., 796 Raskas, Heschel J., 860 Cooper, Geoffrey M., 684 Rentier-Delrue, Francoise, 878 Courtney, Richard J., 665 Israel, Mark A., 878 Robinson, William S., 787 Rosenberg, Naomi E., 766 lxy, G., 746 Jenkins, Nancy A., 684 De, arun K., 847 Sawada, Yukiharu, 639 de Kinkelin, P., 652 Kawka, Douglas, 872 Schiff, Ron D., 889 Demsey, Anthony, 872 Khoury, George, 701 Seal, Geeta, 829 Diggelmann, Heidi, 734 Krzyzek, R. A., 805 Spector, David J., 860 Dorsch-Hasler, Karoline, 837 Steimer, Kathelyn S., 883 Summers, Jesse, 829 Labedan, Bernard, 633 Eberle, R., 665 Lambert, Dennis M., 837 Takemoto, Kenneth K., 878 Erwin, Christine, 775 Lau, A. F., 805 Todaro, George J., 709 Law, Ming-Fan, 878 Faras, A. J., 805 Lazzarini, Robert A., 796 Wildy, P., 746 Feitelson, Mark A., 787 Legault-Demare, Jean, 633 Witte, Owen N., 766 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The following have served as invited special reviewers for the Journal during 1980, and their help is greatly appreciated. Stuart Aaronson Mike Fried Philip McAllister Josef Aloni Robert J. Galo D. James McCorquodale James Alwine E. Peter Geiduschek Joseph Melnick Christian Anfinsen John Gemn Trudy G. Morrison Ralph B. Arlinghaus Raymond Gilden K. Mullini J. Thomas August Robert Goldberg Frederick A. Murphy Richard Axel Neil Goldman John R. Murphy John P. Bader Michael Gottesman Daniel Nathans Carrado Baglioni T. Graf Paul E. Neiman L. Andrew Ball Angus F. Graham Robert Newarth Claudio Bascilico Duane Grandgenett Abner L. Notkins Robert Bassin Allan Granoff Robert Nowinski Karen Beemon Maurice Green Stephen O'Brien Thomas Benjamin Beverly Griffin Paul O'Donnell Peter B. Berget Neal B. Groman Michael B. A. Oldstone Alan Bernstein Peter Gruss Peter M. Palese S Edward Birkenmeier Ashley Haase Amon Panet 0 J. Michael Bishop Gordon Hager Takis Papas Klaus Bister Stephen C. Harrison Arthur Pardee David Boettinger Janet Hartley Wade Parks Michael Botchan William Haseltine Ira Pastan Sidney Breese Ian H. Holmes Janice Pero Sean Brennan Jerard Horowitz Jacques Perrault Doris Bucher Peter Howley Sidney Pestka Clarence A. Buller S. Hughes William A. Petri, Jr. Janet Butel Anthony Hunter Ralf F. Petterson R. Callahan James Ihle Paula Pitha Allan M. Campbell Mark Israel Robert Pollack Robert Cardiff Gilbert Jay Alan R. Price Esther Chang George Johnson Carol Prives Robert Chanock Richard Johnson Al Rabson Craig Cohen Wolfgang K. Joklik Ulf Rapp Marc Collett David Kabat James A. Rawles Donald L. Court Paul J. Kaesberg John Reeve John Dahlberg Robert Kamen Daniel Rifldin James E. Darnell William Kamen Richard Roberts Vittorio Defendi C. Yong Kang Betty Jo Robertson E. DeHarvin Albert Kapikian Harriett Robinson Albert DeLeu Albert Kaplan John K. Rose Melvin DePamphilis Kathleen Kennedy Jeff Rosen Michael Dexter S. I. T. Kennedy Naomi Rosenberg Ravi Dhar Saul Kit Ellen Rothenberg Heidi Diggelmann Edward Kuff Wallace P. Rowe Giampiero di Mayorca Ching-Juh Lai Sandra Ruscetti Dino Dina Michael Lai M. Sarngadharan Joseph Dipaolo Lloyd Law Andreas S. Scheid Gideon Dreyfus Paul Lebowitz Charles Scherr Edward J. Dubovi Peter Lengyel Milton Schlesinger Peter H. Duesberg Arnold J. Levine Jeffrey Schlom Walter Eckhart A. Lindberg Manfred Schweiger John Elder Maxine Linial Bartholomew M. Sefton Ray Erickson Paul S. Lovett Roland Seif Mary K. Estes Rex E. Lovrien Peter Shank Leonard Evans Douglas Lowy Joel B. Sheffield Hung Fan Roderick MacLeod Thomas Shenk Anthony J. Faras Manley Mandel Charles Sherr Bernard Fields Jack Maniloff Thomas Shih Peter Fischinger James Manley Robert W. Simpson William Folk Stuart Marcus Maxine Singej C. Fred Fox G. Steven Martin Anna Skalka < Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat Malcolm A. Martin D. Peter Snustad Richard M. Franklin Heather D. Mayor Mitchell Sogin William A. Stark Leland Velicer Sue Wickner Jesse Summer Anne K. Vidaver Evelyn Wilkin Raquel Sussman Peter K. Vogt S. G. Wilkinson Waclaw Szybalski Volker Vogt Mark Willingham Peter Tegtmeyer Don Walker Gary A. Wilson Satvir Tevethia Duard L. Walker Eckard Wimmer Robert E. Thach L. H. Wang Owen Witte George Todaro Huber R. Warner Robert Yang Thomas A. Trautner Robert E. Webster Wen Yang Stephen Tronick Robert A. Weinberg Hamish Young Philip Tsichlis I. B. Weinstein Howard A. Young George Vande Woude Peter Weisbeek Jack J. Zakowski James L. Van Etten Sherman Weissman Paul Zamecnik Harold Varmus Heiner Westphal Harold Zur Hausen AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 36 AI-Shaiiwari Abdul J. N., 120 Diggelmann, Heidi, 734 Hawke, Mary, 506 Alwine, James, 143 di Mayorca, Giampiero, 480 Hayward, William S., 676 Alwine, James C., 701 Dimock, Kenneth, 361 Heilman, Carole A., 395, 878 Anderson, Dwight L., 236 Dixon, Richard A.
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