VOLUME 36 0 NUMBER 3 0 DECEMBER 1980 EDITORIAL BOARD Robert R. Wagner, Editor-in-Chief (1982) University of Virginia School ofMedicine, Charlottesville Dwight L. Anderson, Editor (1983) Harold S. Ginsberg, Editor (1984) School of Dentistry, Columbia University University ofMinnesota, New York, N. Y. Minneapolis David T. Denhardt, Editor (1982) Edward M. Scolnick, Editor (1982) University of Western Ontario National Institute London, Ontario, Canada Bethesda, Md. (1981) Nancy Hopkins (1980) Fred Rapp (1981) Amiya K. Baaerjee (1982) Calderon Howe (1982) Dan S. Ray (1980) jeaneth 1. Berns (1982) Alice S. Huang (1981) M. E. Reicn (1982) IH. L Bishop (1982) D. C. Kelly (1982) Bernard E. Reilly (1980) DavlW9otstein (1982) Tlomas J. Kelly, Jr. (1982) Willham S. Robinson (1980) Michael A. Bratt (1980) George Khoury (1981) Benard Ro (1982) Dennis T. Brown (1981) Jonathan A. King (1981) Roland R. Rueckert (1982) Ahmad 1. Bukhari (1981) David W. Kingsbury (1982) Norman P. Salman (1981) Purnell Choppin (1980) Lloyd M. Kozloff (1982) Joseph Sambook (1982) John M. Coffin (1980) Robert M. Knig (1980) Priscila A. Schaffer (1981) Richard W. Compans (1982) Robert A. L i 1981) Sondra S ger (1980) Geoffrey M. Cooper (1981) Richard A. Lerner (1981) Phlp A. Sharp (1982) Nicbolas R. Cozzarelli (1980) Myron Levine (1982) Aaron J. Shatkln (1982) Clive Dickson (1981) Tomas Lindahl (1981) Saul J. Silverstein (1982) Walter Doerfier (1980) David M. Livingston (1980) Lee D. Simon (1981) Harrison Echols (1981) Ronald B. Luftig (1981) Kai Simn (1981) Elvera Ebrenfeld (1980) Robert MartiDn (1981) Alan E. Smith (1980) Robert N. Eisenaa (1982) Lois K. Miller (1982) Patricia G. Spear (1981) Suzanoe U. Emerson (1980) Robert C. Miller (1980) F. William Studier (1981) Lynn Enquist (1981) Gisela Mosig (1982) Lawrence S. Sturnan (1982) Erw* . Fleissner (1980) Bernard Moss (1980) Donald F. Summers (1982) S. Jaze Flint (1981) Joseph S. Pagano (1982) William C. Summers (1980) Robert M. Friedman (1982) J. Thomas Parsons (1980) John M. Taylor (1981) Larry M. Gold (1982) Ulf G. Petterson (1980) Howard M. Temin (1982) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1980) Lennart Philipson (1981) David C. Ward (1980) William S. Hayward (1981) Peter G. W. Plagemann (1980) Ernest Winocour (1982) John J. Holland (1981) Craig R. Pringle (1980) Julius Youngner (1982)

Giseila Pollock, Acting Managing Editor Susan Birch, Production Editor 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006

EX OFFICIO Albert Balows, President (1980-1981) Frederick C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981) J. Mebsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer

The Journal of Virology (ISSN 0022-538X), a publication of Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at the American Society for , 1913 1 St., NW, Wash- additional mailing offices. ington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination offundamental Made in the U.S.A. knowledge concerning of , plants, and animals. Copyright i 1980, American Society for Microbiology. Inves ators are invited to submit reports of original research in All Rights Reserved. all areas of basic virology, including , biophysics, , immunology, morphology, and physiology. Instructions to Authors are published in the January issue each year. The The code at the top of the first page ofan article in thisjournal Journal is issued monthly, four volumes per year. The nonmem- indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article ber subscription price is $90 per year, single copies are $8. The may be made for personal use, or for personal use of specific member subscription price is $21 per year. Correspondence clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clear- back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manu- ance Center, Inc., P.O. Box 765, Schenectady, New York 12301, and general editorial matters should be directed to the for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of ASS Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other 20006 (area 202 833-9680). kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective ai* : idbm 119*lkA ,-1 E 11IrAff,fl ( I fo works, or for resale. Author Index

AAwine, James C., 701 Fujinaga, Kei, 639 Lodish, Harvey F., 719 :jBErson, Steven M., 676 Gerlich, Wolfram H., 787 Marion, Patricia L., 787 Bastow, K. F., 746 Grandgenett, Duane P., 889 Mason, William S., 829 Battula, Narayana, 709 Groner, Bernd, 734 Mbuy, Gustave N., 837 Bearzotti-Le Berre, Monique, Minson, A. C., 746 652 Mitchell, R. L., 805 Bellamy, A. R., 894 Halbert, Donald N., 860 Bernard, Jacqueline, 652 Hanafusa, Hidesaburo, 676 Nayak, Debi P., 847 Boettiger, David, 883 Harris, Tixnothy J. R., 659 Neel, Benjamin G., 676 Dennis 775 Harvey, J. D., 894 Brown, T., Hayward, William S., 676 Peters, Gordon G., 692 Buetti, Elena, 734 Heilman, Carole A., 878 Pignatti, Pier F., 816 Howley, Peter M., 878 Pons, Marcel W., 837 4ai, Enzo, 816 Hu, James, 692 Porter, Mary, 719 Chowdhury, Kamal, 878 Huang, Alice S., 756 Clark, Daniel R., 766 Hulen, Christian, 633 Ralph, S. J., 894 ,~i~,Fulmer, 872 Hynes, Nancy E., 734 Rao, Donald D., 756 Cowra, Jon H., 796 Raskas, Heschel J., 860 Cooper, Geoffrey M., 684 Rentier-Delrue, Francoise, 878 Courtney, Richard J., 665 Israel, Mark A., 878 Robinson, William S., 787 Rosenberg, Naomi E., 766 lxy, G., 746 Jenkins, Nancy A., 684 De, arun K., 847 Sawada, Yukiharu, 639 de Kinkelin, P., 652 Kawka, Douglas, 872 Schiff, Ron D., 889 Demsey, Anthony, 872 Khoury, George, 701 Seal, Geeta, 829 Diggelmann, Heidi, 734 Krzyzek, R. A., 805 Spector, David J., 860 Dorsch-Hasler, Karoline, 837 Steimer, Kathelyn S., 883 Summers, Jesse, 829 Labedan, Bernard, 633 Eberle, R., 665 Lambert, Dennis M., 837 Takemoto, Kenneth K., 878 Erwin, Christine, 775 Lau, A. F., 805 Todaro, George J., 709 Law, Ming-Fan, 878 Faras, A. J., 805 Lazzarini, Robert A., 796 Wildy, P., 746 Feitelson, Mark A., 787 Legault-Demare, Jean, 633 Witte, Owen N., 766 ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The following have served as invited special reviewers for the Journal during 1980, and their help is greatly appreciated. Stuart Aaronson Mike Fried Philip McAllister Josef Aloni Robert J. Galo D. James McCorquodale James Alwine E. Peter Geiduschek Joseph Melnick Christian Anfinsen John Gemn Trudy G. Morrison Ralph B. Arlinghaus Raymond Gilden K. Mullini J. Thomas August Robert Goldberg Frederick A. Murphy Richard Axel Neil Goldman John R. Murphy John P. Bader Michael Gottesman Carrado Baglioni T. Graf Paul E. Neiman L. Andrew Ball Angus F. Graham Robert Newarth Claudio Bascilico Duane Grandgenett Abner L. Notkins Robert Bassin Allan Granoff Robert Nowinski Karen Beemon Maurice Green Stephen O'Brien Thomas Benjamin Beverly Griffin Paul O'Donnell Peter B. Berget Neal B. Groman Michael B. A. Oldstone Alan Bernstein Peter Gruss Peter M. Palese S Edward Birkenmeier Ashley Haase Amon Panet 0 J. Michael Bishop Gordon Hager Takis Papas Klaus Bister Stephen C. Harrison Arthur Pardee David Boettinger Janet Hartley Wade Parks Michael Botchan William Haseltine Ira Pastan Sidney Breese Ian H. Holmes Janice Pero Sean Brennan Jerard Horowitz Jacques Perrault Doris Bucher Peter Howley Sidney Pestka Clarence A. Buller S. Hughes William A. Petri, Jr. Janet Butel Anthony Hunter Ralf F. Petterson R. Callahan James Ihle Paula Pitha Allan M. Campbell Mark Israel Robert Pollack Robert Cardiff Gilbert Jay Alan R. Price Esther Chang George Johnson Robert Chanock Richard Johnson Al Rabson Craig Cohen Wolfgang K. Joklik Ulf Rapp Marc Collett David Kabat James A. Rawles Donald L. Court Paul J. Kaesberg John Reeve John Dahlberg Robert Kamen Daniel Rifldin James E. Darnell William Kamen Richard Roberts Vittorio Defendi C. Yong Kang Betty Jo Robertson E. DeHarvin Albert Kapikian Harriett Robinson Albert DeLeu Albert Kaplan John K. Rose Melvin DePamphilis Kathleen Kennedy Jeff Rosen Michael Dexter S. I. T. Kennedy Naomi Rosenberg Ravi Dhar Saul Kit Ellen Rothenberg Heidi Diggelmann Edward Kuff Wallace P. Rowe Giampiero di Mayorca Ching-Juh Lai Sandra Ruscetti Dino Dina Michael Lai M. Sarngadharan Joseph Dipaolo Lloyd Law Andreas S. Scheid Gideon Dreyfus Paul Lebowitz Charles Scherr Edward J. Dubovi Peter Lengyel Milton Schlesinger Peter H. Duesberg Arnold J. Levine Jeffrey Schlom Walter Eckhart A. Lindberg Manfred Schweiger John Elder Maxine Linial Bartholomew M. Sefton Ray Erickson Paul S. Lovett Roland Seif Mary K. Estes Rex E. Lovrien Peter Shank Leonard Evans Douglas Lowy Joel B. Sheffield Hung Fan Roderick MacLeod Thomas Shenk Anthony J. Faras Manley Mandel Charles Sherr Bernard Fields Jack Maniloff Thomas Shih Peter Fischinger James Manley Robert W. Simpson William Folk Stuart Marcus Maxine Singej C. Fred Fox G. Steven Martin Anna Skalka < Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat Malcolm A. Martin D. Peter Snustad Richard M. Franklin Heather D. Mayor Mitchell Sogin William A. Stark Leland Velicer Sue Wickner Jesse Summer Anne K. Vidaver Evelyn Wilkin Raquel Sussman Peter K. Vogt S. G. Wilkinson Waclaw Szybalski Volker Vogt Mark Willingham Peter Tegtmeyer Don Walker Gary A. Wilson Satvir Tevethia Duard L. Walker Eckard Wimmer Robert E. Thach L. H. Wang Owen Witte George Todaro Huber R. Warner Robert Yang Thomas A. Trautner Robert E. Webster Wen Yang Stephen Tronick Robert A. Weinberg Hamish Young Philip Tsichlis I. B. Weinstein Howard A. Young George Vande Woude Peter Weisbeek Jack J. Zakowski James L. Van Etten Sherman Weissman Harold Varmus Heiner Westphal Harold Zur Hausen AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 36

AI-Shaiiwari Abdul J. N., 120 Diggelmann, Heidi, 734 Hawke, Mary, 506 Alwine, James, 143 di Mayorca, Giampiero, 480 Hayward, William S., 676 Alwine, James C., 701 Dimock, Kenneth, 361 Heilman, Carole A., 395, 878 Anderson, Dwight L., 236 Dixon, Richard A. F., 189 Highfield, Peter E., 271 Anderson, Steven M., 676 Doerfiler, W., 22 Hillyard, R. L., 325 Doerfler, Walter, 41 Holland, John J., 627 Dorsch-Hasler, Karoline, 837 Horak, Ivan, 299 Bacchetti, Silvia, 361 Duesberg, P. H., 591 Horodyski, Frank M., 627 Bacheler, L. T., 254 Duesberg, Peter H., 617 Horwich, Arthur, 125 Baltimore, David, 547 Howley, Peter M., 395, 878 Baluda, M. A., 317, 325 Hsiung, G. D., 245 Barwise, A. H., 224 Eberle, R., 665 Walter, 125 Hsu, M.-T., 353 Bastow, K. F., 746 Eckhart, Hu, James, 692 Battula, Narayana, 709 Ehrenfeld, Ellie, 387 Eick, Dirk, 41 Huang, Alice S., 756 Bearzotti-Le Berre, Monique, Hulen, Christian, 633 652 Eisenberg, Roselyn J., 429 Eisenman, Robert N., 62 Hunsmann, G., 291 Bellamy, A. R., 894 Hynes, Nancy E., 734 Bernard, Jacqueline, 652 Ellis, Ronald W., 408 Berns, Anton J. M., 254 Emerson, Suzanne U., 309 Bia, Frank J., 245 Enjuanes, Luis, 299 Ihle, James N., 299 Bishop, J. Michael, 50, 575 Erwin, Christine, 775 Ishimoto, Akinori, 18 Bister, Klaus, 617 Israel, Mark A., 395, 566, 878 Boettiger, David, 883 Fan, H., 254 Ito, Yoshiaki, 566 Bosselman, R. A., 254 Fanning, Thomas G., 109 Briskin, M. J., 325 Fanshier, Lois, 575 Jay, Gilbert, 143 Brown, Dennis T., 775 Faras, Anthony J., 236, 805 Jenkins, Nancy A., 684 Bucher, D. J., 586 Feitelson, Mark A., 787 Johnson, K. M., 465 Buetti, Elena, 734 Fenno, James, 280 Jongstra, Jan, 606 Burnette, W. Neal, 280 Fong, Caroline K. Y., 245 Jovanovich, Susan, 595 Friis, R. R., 22 Cardiff, Robert D., 109 Fujinaga, Kei, 337, 639 Kawka, Douglas, 872 Carlson, Karin, 1 Keith, Jerry M., 601 Cassai, Enzo, 816 Garon, Claude F., 566 Kelley, J. Michael, 309 Cassingena, Rolando, 295 Gerlich, Wolfram H., 787 Kelly, D. C., 224 Chang, Esther H., 408 Gerling, David, 264 Kennedy, S. Ian T., 440 Chattopadhyay, Sisir K., 499 Gershowitz, Alan, 601 Kharitonenkov, I. G., 586 Chen, J. H., 162 Gilmer, Tona M., 271 Khoury, George, 143, 701 Chowdhury, Kamal, 566,878 Goldbach, Rob, 366 Kieff, Elliott, 506 Clark, Daniel R., 766 Goldman, Neil, 143 Kiggans, James O., Jr., 181 Coca-Prados, M., 353 Gomatos, Peter J., 556 Kiley, M. P., 465 Coffnan, Robert, 547 Goodman, Howard M., 50 King, Walter, 506 Cohen, Gary H., 429 Grandgenett, Duane P., 115, 889 Kingpford, Laura, 309 Collins, Fulmer, 872 Green, Michael R., 79 Klimenko, S. M., 586 Condra, Jon H., 796 Gregoriades, Anastasia, 470 Koop, Allen H., 125 Cooper, Geoffrey M., 684 Griffin, James D., 488 Krueger, Robert G., 533, 541 Copeland, Terry D., 115 Grigoriev, V. B., 586 Krzyzek, Richard A., 236, 805 Courtney, Richard J., 665 Groman, N. B., 526 Curtis, Peter J., 133 Groner, Bernd, 734 Labedan, Bernard, 633 Gruss, Peter, 143 Lai, M. H. T., 254 Darby, G., 746 Lambert, Dennis M., 837 Davis, J. F., 586 Haas, Martin, 606 Lander, Marilyn R., 499 De, Barun K., 847 Haberer, Klaus, 264 Lau, A. F., 805 DeFeo, Deborah, 408 Halbert, Donald N., 860 Lavialle, Christian, 295 de Kinkelin, P., 652 Hall, Dwight H., 103 Law, Ming-Fan, 395,878 DeLorbe, William J., 50 Hanafusa, Hidesaburo, 676 Iarini, Robert A., 796 Demsey, Anthony, 872 Harris, Timothy J. R., 659 Lee, John C., 299 Diebold, Mary A., 541 Harvey, J. D., 894 Lee, W.-H., 591 i ii AUTHOR INDEX J. VIROL. Lee, Wen-Hwa, 617 Raab-Traub, Nancy, 506 Spilling, C. R., 224 Legault-Demare, Jean, 633 Rabin, M., 526 Spriggs, Dale R., 533, 541 Leung, Wai-Choi, 361 Rafield, Lori F., 271 Stabel, S., 22 Light, Susan E., 566 Ralph, S.-J., 894 Stabel, Silvia, 41 Linial, Maxine, 62, 280, 450 Rao, Donald D., 756 Stamatos, Nicholas M., 556 Livingston, David M., 488 Raskas, Heschel J., 860 Steimer, Kathelyn S., 883 Lodish, Harvey F., 719 Rawlins, Dan R., 611 Stephenson, John R., 374 Long, Deborah, 429 Regnery, R. L., 465 Stern, David F., 440 Lowy, Douglas R., 408 Rentier-Delrue, Francoise, 878 Suarez, Horacio G., 295 Luciw, Paul A., 50 Reynolds, Fred H., Jr., 374 Summers, Jesse, 829 Rezelman, Geertje, 366 Summers, William C., 245 Rhoades, Marc, 622 Maandag, E. C. Robanus, 254 Richards, Oliver C., 387 Takemoto, Kenneth K., 878 Maniloff, Jack, 264 Robinson, P. J., 291 Marion, Patricia L., 787 Thomas-Powell, Ann L., 506 Robinson, Robin A., 204 Todaro, George J., 709 Martin, G. S., 591 Robinson, William S., 787 Maryak, Jean M., 408 Traub, Franz, 220 Roeder, Robert G., 79 Trofatter, Kenneth F., 103 Mason, William S., 62, 829 Rohrschneider, Larry, 280 Mbuy, Gustave N., 837 Rosenberg, Naomi E., 766 McKennett, M. A., 254 Rotter, Varda, 547 Vance, Ralph B., 204 Minson, A. C., 746 Rowe, Wallace P., 499 Van de Ven, Wim J. M., 374 Mitchell, R. L., 805 Rubin, Harvey, 488 van Driel, Roel, 220 Moore, N. F., 224 Russell, Diane L., 103 Van Kammen, Albert, 366 Morrison, T. G., 171 Varmus, Harold E., 50 Moscovici, Carlo, 575 v.d. Putten, H., 254 Moss, Bernard, 601 Sargent, R. Geoffrey, 103 Vennstrom, Bjorn, 575 Muzyczka, Nicholas, 611 Sarkar, Nurul H., 556 Verma, Inder M., 254 Sawada, Yukiharu, 639 Vidali, G., 353 Schaffer, Priscilla A., 189 Villarreal, Luis P., 595 Nayak, Debi P., 847 Schiff, Ron D., 889 Neel, Benjamin G., 676 Schirrmacher, V., 291 Wagner, Robert R., 93 Schneider, J., 291 Wahl, Jeffrey M., 622 O'Callaghan, Dennis J., 204 Schwartz, Joanna, 622 Walker, I. O., 224 Oroszlan, Stephen, 115 Scolnick, Edward M., 408 Watts, Susan L., 236 Seal, Geeta, 829 Wiktor, Tadeusz J., 133 Seif, Roland, 421 Wildy, P., 746 Parsons, J. Thomas, 271 Shank, Peter R., 450 Witte, Owen N., 547, 766 Pass, Franklin, 236 Shih, Thomas Y., 408 Wunner, William H., 133 Pater, Alan, 480 Showe, Michael K., 220 Pater, Mary M., 480 Simmons, Daniel T., 519 Pedrali-Noy, Guido, 457 Simpson, D., 171 Yang, Den-Mei, 181 Peters, Gordon G., 692 Smiley, James R., 361 Yang, Wen K., 181 Pignatti, Pier F., 816 Smith, Paul F., 120 Yoshida, Kouichi, 337 Pons, Marcel W., 837 Souza, L. M., 317, 325 Young, Howard A., 408 Porter, Mary, 719 Spadari, Silvio, 457 Pritchett, Randall F., 152 Spangler, Gregory J., 488 Zakomirdin, J. A., 586 Puma, John P., 109 Spector, David J., 860 Zakowski, Jack J., 93 SUBJECT INDEX VOLUME 36

Abelson murine Avian Fujinami virus antibodies against P50, 547 phosphorylation of nonstructural , 617 mutants deficient in kinase activity and lymphoid Avian infectious bronchitis virus cell transformation, 766 mapping intracellular RNA species to , 440 P120-associated kinase activity, 374 multiplication strategy, 440 transformation-defective mutants, 374 Avian myeloblastosis virus Acholeplasma laidlawii acute myeloblastic leukemia-associated restriction mycoplasma virus MVL3, 264 endonuclease fragments, 317 Acholeplasma laidlawii strain JAl amino acid sequence analysis of reverse transcrip- cellular components, 120 tase subunits, 115 mycoplasma virus type 2, 120 chicken cells, 162 Adeno-associated virus endogenous, 162 genome transcripts, 79 genome identification, 317, 325 mapping of major , 79 restriction endonuclease analysis of DNA from A Adenovirus proviral recombinants and leukemic myeloblast human cell line 293, 860 clones, 325 regulation of integrated sequences, 860 Avian oncovirus Adenovirus type 7 mutant (SE21Q16) deficient in genomic RNA, 450 DNA fragment-transformed cells, 337 provirus deletion, 450 unique mRNA species from early region 1, 337 Avian Adenovirus type 12 pp32 DNA endonuclease, partial phosphorylation in DNA integration sites, 22 vivo, 889 hamster cell line T637 revertants as tools in analysis Avian of integration patterns, 41 polymerase proteins, synthesis and processing, 62 mRNA mapping, 639 wild-type and mutant, 62 transformed hamster cells and hamster tumor cells, Avian sarcoma virus 22 circular DNA molecules, 50 Adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 molecular cloning and characterization, 50 chimeric splice junction, new, 143 molecular cloning of closed circular DNA, 271 hybrid viral mRNA, 143 nonpermissive and permissive cells, 805 AKR virus protein kinase activity, pp6OsC and src, 805 endogenous ecotropic virus ofMus musculus molos- recombinant clones, structural and biological char- sinu, 499 acterization, 271 Amber codon reverse transcriptase, 692 construction in simian virus 40 T- gene, 611 selective packaging of tRNA's, 692 site-directed mutagenesis, 611 Amino acid sequence analysis Baboon type C viral DNA avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase sub- infectious, 709 units, 115 integration sites, 709 Anogenital physical map, 709 human papillomavirus, 236 lambda Aphidicolin Moloney murine leukemia viral DNA, molecular DNA polymerase inhibition, cloning, 254 457 Bacteriophage T4 vaccinia virus DNA polymerase inhibition, 457 cytosine-containing DNA, 1 Aphthoviruses endonuclease SalI, KpnI, BglI, and BamHI, 1 foot-and-mouth disease viruses, 659 gene 63, suppressors of mutations, 103 RNA nucleotide sequences, 659 genetic map and map of cleavage sites, 1 Asymmetric recombination preheat proteinase zymogen, 220 nondefective , 591 RNA ligase, 103 Avian acute leukemia viruses tail fiber attachment, 103 phosphorylation of nonstructural proteins, 617 Bacteriophage T5 Avian erythroblastosis virus deletion mutant, 622 molecular cloning of genome, 575 heterogeneity, 633 mRNA's, 676 second-step-transfer DNA injection, 633 oncogenic virus recovery, 575 BALB/c mice transfection of chicken cells, 575 Moloney leukemia virus, 299 .m iv SUBJECT INDEX J. VIROL. splenic T-cell cell line, 299 DNA injection unique defective type C virus, 299 bacteriophage T5, 633 BALB/c myeloma retroviruses second-step-transfer, 633 immunological analysis, 533 DNA integration sites mink cell focus-inducing activity, 541 adenovirus type 12, 22 peptide mapping, 533 transformed hamster cells and hamster tumor cells, ppl2 structural protein, 533 22 BHK-21 cells DNA nucleotide sequence heterogeneity Sindbis virus membrane protein distribution, 775 strains Towne and AD169, 152 Bottom component RNA DNA polymerases cowpea mosaic virus, 366 aphidicolin inhibition, 457 cowpea protoplasts, 366 herpes simplex virus, 457 vaccinia virus, 457 Chicken cells DNA-protein complexes endogenous avian myeloblastosis virus information, herpes simplex virus, 816 162 Circular DNA molecules Ebola virus avian sarcoma virus, 50 virion nucleic acid, 465 molecular cloning and characterization, 50 Endonucleases Sall, KpnI, Bgil, and BamHI bacteriophage T4 cytosine-containing DNA, 1 avian infectious bronchitis virus, mapping intracel- genetic map and map of cleavage sites, 1 lular RNA species to genome, 440 Envelope assembly mutant multiplication strategy, 440 Rous sarcoma virus, 883 Corynebacteriophages Epstein-Barr virus heteroimmune, 526 restringently infected, growth-transformed cell line, superinfection exclusion, 526 506 Cowpea mosaic virus viral RNA, 506 bottom component RNA expression, 366 Equine herpesviruses cowpea protoplasts, 366 hamster embryo cells, 204 Cowpea protoplasts oncogenic transformation, 204 bottom component RNA expression, 366 Equine herpesvirus type 1 cowpea mosaic virus, 366 persistent and oncogenic transformation of CV1 cells hamster embryo cells, 204 nuclear transcript leakage, 595 Escherichia coli simian virus 40-infected, 595 polyoma small T antigen, 125 Cyanogen bromide-cleaved peptides carbohydrate content, 309 vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein, 309 Focus formation Cycloheximide ecotropic murine leukemia viral genome, 18 herpes simplex virus thymidase kinase transcripts, S+L- mink cells, 18 361 Foot-and-mouth disease viruses Cytomegalovirus RNA nucleotide sequences, 659 DNA nucleotide sequence heterogeneity, 152 Friend strains Towne and AD169, 152 possible cell surface receptor, 291 Cytosine-containing DNA glycoprotein complexes, 291 bacteriophage T4, 1 Gene 63 Defective interfering particles bacteriophage T4, 103 vesicular stomatitis virus, 627 RNA ligase, 103 vesicular stomatitis virus RNA synthesis, 756 suppressors of mutations, 103 Deletion mutant tail fiber attachment, 103 bacteriophage T5, 622 Glycoproteins gA and gB Densonucleosis virus herpes simplex virus type 1, 665 structural proteins, 224 Glycoproteins gD and gC Dinucleotide sequences herpes simplex virus type 1, 429 vaccinia virus mRNA's, 601 synthesis and processing, 429 DNA cloning GPXV genomic, 395 new endogenous herpesvirus of guinea pigs, 245 human virus, 395 GR mice DNA fragment mouse mammary tumor virus, selective amplifica- cloned, 566 tion, 109 oncogenic potential, 566 Ground squirrel hepatitis virus pBR322, 566 surface , 787 polyoma virus, 566 Guinea pigs VOL. 36, 1980 SUBJECT INDEX v herpesvirus, new endogenous, 245 M protein interaction with viral lipid and phospha- tidylcholine vesicles, 470 Hamster cell line T637 virus adenovirus type 12-transformed, 41 M-protein incorporation into liposomes, 586 revertants as tools in analysis of integration pat- Influenza viruses terns, 41 defective interfering, 847 Hamster cells MDBK and HeLa cells, 847 adenovirus type 12 DNA integration sites, 22 persistent infection, 847 transformed, 22 5-Iodo-2'-deoxyuridine and mitomycin C Hamster embryo cells cooperative effect, 295 oncogenic transformation by equine herpesvuses, simian virus 40-Chinese hamster kidney cell inter- 204 action, 295 Hamster tumor cells adenovirus type 12 DNA integration sites, 22 JC virus Harvey murine sarcoma virus human amnion cell transformation, 878 genetic sequences, dual evolutionary origin, 408 HeLa cells defective interfering influenza viruses, 847 Leukemia persistent infection, 847 acute myeloblastic, 317, 325 virus avian myeloblastosis virus genome, 317, 325 Pekin ducks, 829 restriction endonuclease analysis of DNA, 325 Herpes simplex virus restriction endonuclease fragments, 317 cycloheximide, 361 Lymphomagenesis DNA polymerases, mechanism ofinhibition by aphi- abrogation, 606 dicolin, 457 radiation leukemia virus-induced, 606 DNA-protein complexes, 816 thymidine kinase transcripts, 361 MDBK cells Herpes simplex virus type 1 defective interfering influenza viruses, 847 glycoproteins gA and gB, 665 persistent infection, 847 glycoproteins gD and gC, synthesis and processing, Membrane-associated proteins 429 localization by hydrophobic membrane probes and immediate early protein VP175, 189 cross-linking reagents, 93 temperature-sensitive mutants, fine-structure map- vesicular stomatitis virus, 93 ping and functional analysis, 189 Mink cell focus-inducing activity Herpes simplex virus type 2 BALB/c myeloma retroviruses, 541 reversion to thymidine kinase-negative phenotype, Mink S+L- cells 746 ecotropic murine leukemia viral genome, 18 thymidine kinase gene-carrying cells, 746 focus formation, 18 Herpesvirus Minus-strand RNA biological and molecular characterization of new 3' end, 387 endogenous, 245 heterogeneity, 387 guinea pigs, 245 replicative form, 387 Histone modifications Molecular cloning simian virus 40 nucleoprotein complexes, intracel- avian erythroblastosis virus genome, 575 lular forms, 353 avian sarcoma virus closed circular DNA, 271 Human amnion cells bacteriophage lambda, 254 cloned human polyoma virus JC DNA, 878 Moloney murine leukemia viral DNA, 254 Human cell line 293 oncogenic virus recovery, 575 adenovirus-transformed, 860 recombinant clones, structural and biological char- Human acterization, 271 Pekin ducks, 829 transfection of chicken cells, 575 surface antigens, 787 Moloney leukemia virus Human papilloma virus BALB/c mice, 299 cloning of genomic , 395 splenic T-cell lymphoma cell line, 299 homologous polynucleotide sequence analysis, 395 unique defective type C virus, 299 Human papovavirus Moloney murine leukemia virus RF virus, arrangement of the genome, 480 molecular cloning of DNA in bacteriophage lambda, Human polyoma virus 254 cloned JC DNA, 878 Mouse mammary tumor virus human amnion cells, 878 GR mice, 109 Hybrid viral mRNA proviral DNA characterization, 734 adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40, 143 selective amplification, 109 chimeric splice junction, new, 143 site-specific molecular clones, 734 M protein Influenza influenza, 470 vi SUBJECT INDEX J. VIROL. viral lipid and phosphatidylcholine vesicles, 470 antibodies, 547 M-protein Papillomavirus influenza virus, 586 anogenital warts, 236 mRNA mapping human, 236 adenovirus type 12, 639 Papovavirus mRNA's human, 480 avian erythroblastosis virus, 676 RF virus, arrangement of the genome, 480 mRNA species Tau antigen characterization, 519 adenovirus type 7 early region 1, 337 pBR322 unique, 337 polyoma DNA fragment, 566 mRNA translation Pekin ducks virus, 133 virus related to human hepatitis B virus, 829 Xenopus laevis oocytes, 133 Phosphorylation Multiplication strategy avian retrovirus pp32, 889 , 440 Poliovirus RNA-containing viruses, 440 minus-strand RNA, 3'-end heterogeneity, 387 Murine leukemia virus replicative form, 387 ecotropic, 18 Polycytidylate-dependent RNA polymerase activity focus formation by S+L- mink cells, 18 small reovirus-specific particle, 556 Murine sarcoma virus Polymerase proteins core polyprotein cleavage, 872 avian retroviruses, wild-type and mutant, 62 defective particles, structure of and alterations to, synthesis and processing, 62 872 Polynucleotide sequence analysis envelope proteins, 872 homologous, 395 Murine type C retrovirus human papilloma virus, 395 covalently closed circular DNAs, 181 Polyoma virus cycloheximide-treated cells, 181 cell transformation, 421 Mus musculus molossinus cleavage with BamHI and EcoRI, 566 AKR virus, 499 cloned DNA fragment oncogenic potential, 566 endogenous ecotropic virus, 499 cloned human JC DNA, 878 Mycoplasma virus MVL3 early gene region, 566 Acholeplasma laidlawii, 264 Escherichia coli, 125 adsorption, capping, and release, 264 human amnion cells, 878 Mycoplasma virus type 2 pBR322, 566 Acholeplasma laidlawii strain JAl cellular com- small T antigen, 125 ponents, 120 ppl2 BALB/c myeloma retroviruses, 533 Newcastle disease virus immunological analysis, 533 glycoprotein synthesis, stability, and cleavage in peptide mapping, 533 absence of glycosylation, 171 pp32 DNA endonuclease Nonstructural proteins avian retrovirus, 889 avian acute leukemia viruses, 617 partial phosphorylation in vivo, 889 avian Fujinami sarcoma virus, 617 Protein kinase activity phosphorylation, 617 Abelson murine leukemia virus transformation-de- Nuclear transcripts fective mutants, 374 avian sarcoma virus-infected cells, 805 leakage in simian virus 40-infected CV1 cells, 595 Nucleic acids impaired P120-associated, 374 respiratory syncytial virus, 837 pp60 and src, 805 Nucleocapsid assembly Protein synthesis vesicular stomatitis virus-infected permeable cells, translational control, 719 796 vesicular stomatitis virus infection, 719 Nucleoprotein complexes Proviral DNA histone modifications, 353 characterization with site-specific molecular clones, simian virus 40 intracellular forms, 353 734 Nucleotide sequences mouse mammary tumor virus, 734 aphthovirus RNAs, 659 Proviruses foot-and-mouth disease virus RNAs, 659 exogenously acquired, 684 Rous-associated virus-0, 684 Oncogenic transformation equine herpesviruses, 204 hamster embryo cells, 204 mRNA translation, 133 P50 Xenopus laevis oocytes, 133 Abelson murine leukemia virus-induced tumors, 547 Radiation leukemia virus VOL. 36, 1980 SUBJECT INDEX vui lymphomagenesis abrogation, 606 nucleoprotein complexes, intracellular forms, 353 Rainbow trout small RNA mapping and characterization ofsynthe- viral hemorrhagic septicemia, 652 sis, 701 Rat genetic sequences spliced and unspliced late 19S RNAs, 595 dual evolutionary origin, 408 T-antigen gene, 611 Harvey murine sarcoma virus, 408 Tau antigen characterization, 519 Receptors Simian virus 40-Chinese hamster kidney cell interac- Friend murine leukemia virus, 291 tion Reovirus 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine and mitomycin C coopera- particle with polycytidylate-dependent RNA po- tive effect, 295 lymerase activity, 556 virus replication, 295 subunit structure of spike, 894 Sindbis proteins Replication membrane association, 775 vesicular stomatitis virus-infected permeable celLs, Sindbis virus 796 membrane protein distribution, 775 Replicative form wild-type virus- and maturation-defective mutant- minus-strand RNA, 3'-end heterogeneity, 387 infected BHK-21 cells, 775 poliovirus, 387 Small T antigen Respiratory syncytial virus Escherichia coli, 125 nucleic acids, 837 polyoma virus, 125 Retrovirus Spike protein covalently closed circular DNAs, 181 reovirus, 894 cycloheximide-treated cells, 181 Superinfection exclusion murine type C, 181 heteroimmune corynebacteriophages, 526 Retroviruses Surface antigens BALB/c myeloma, 533 ground squirrel hepatitis virus, 787 mink cell focus-inducing activity, 541 human hepatitis B virus, 787 peptide mapping and immunological analysis of ppl2, 533 Reverse transcriptase Tail fiber attachment avian sarcoma virus, 692 bacteriophage T4 gene 63, 103 packaging of tRNA's, 692 T antigen Reverse transcriptase subunits low-molecular-weight, 488 amino acid sequence analysis, 115 simian virus 40-transformed cells, 488 avian myeloblastosis virus, 115 Tau antigens RF virus characterization, 519 genome arrangement, 480 papovavirus-transformed cells, 519 RNA expression simian virus 40-infected monkey cells, 519 bottom component, 366 uninfected monkey cells, 519 cowpea mosaic virus, 366 T-cell lymphoma cell line cowpea protoplasts, 366 Moloney leukemia virus-induced splenic, 299 RNA ligase unique defective type C virus, 299 bacteriophage T4 gene 63, 103 Temperature-sensitive mutants RNA synthesis fine-structure mapping, 189 defective interfering particle transcription and rep- functional analysis, 189 lication, 756 herpes simplex virus type 1 immediate early protein vesicular stomatitis virus, 756 VP175, 189 Rous-associated virus-0 Thymidine kinase gene exogenously acquired proviruses, 684 herpes simplex virus type 2, 746 Rous sarcoma virus reversion to thymidine kinase-negative phenotype, asymmetric recombination between deletion mu- 746 tants, 591 Thymidine kinase transcripts envelope assembly mutant, 883 cycloheximide, 361 nonconditional mutants, 280 herpes simplex virus, 361 nondefective, 591 Transformation-defective mutants viral glycoproteins, synthesis and processing, 280 Abelson murine leukemia virus, 374 impaired P120-associated protein kinase activity, 374 Simian virus 40 Translational control amber codon construction by site-directed mutagen- protein synthesis, 719 esis, 611 vesicular stomatitis virus infection, 719 CV1 celLs, 595 tRNA packaging histone modification, 353 avian sarcoma virus, 692 low-molecular-weight virus-encoded T antigen, 488 reverse transcriptase, 692 nuclear transcript leakage, 595 Type C virus viii SUBJECT INDEX J. VIROL. Moloney leukemia virus-induced splenic T-cell lym- transcription and replication, 756 phoma cell line, 299 translational control of protein synthesis, 719 unique defective, 299 Viral DNA infectious baboon type C, 709 Vaccinia virus integration, 709 dinucleotide sequences, 601 physical map, 709 DNA polymerases, mechanism ofinhibition by aphi- Viral glycoproteins dicolin, 457 synthesis and processing in Rous sarcoma virus mRNA's synthesized in vitro, 601 nonconditional mutants, 280 Vesicular stomatitis virus Viral hemorrhagic septicemia cyanogen bromide-cleaved peptides, 309 polypeptide synthesis, 652 defective interfering particles, 627, 756 rainbow trout, 652 glycoprotein, 309 thermoresistant virus variant, 652 membrane-associated proteins, localization by hy- wild-type virus strain, 652 drophobic membrane probes and cross-linking re- Virion nucleic acid agents, 93 Ebola virus, 465 nucleocapsid assembly, 796 VP175 permeable cells, 796 herpes simplex virus type 1, 189 persistently infected cells, 627 replication, 796 Xenopus laevis RNA synthesis, 756 rabies mRNA translation in oocytes, 133 JOURNAL





VOLUME 36 0 1980 EDITORIAL BOARD Robert R. Wagner, Editor-in-Chief(1982) University of Virginia School ofMedicine, Charlottesville Dwight L. Anderson, Editor (1983) Harold S. Ginsberg, Editor (1984) School ofDentistry, Columbia University University ofMinnesota, New York, N. Y. Minneapolis DavW T. Denhardt, Editor (1982) Edward M. Scolnick, Editor (1982) University of Western Ontario National Cancer Institute London, Ontario, Canada Bethesda, Md. David Baltimore (1981) Nancy Hopkins (1980) Fred Rapp (1981) Amiya K. Banerjee (1982) Calderon Howe (1982) Dan S. Ray (1980) Kenneth 1. Berms (1982) Alice S. Huang (1981) M. E. Reichmann (1982) David H. L. Bishop (1982) D. C. Kelly (1982) Bernard E. Reilly (1980) David Botstein (1982) Thomas J. Kelly, Jr. (1982) William S. Robinson (1980) Michael A. Bratt (1980) George Khoury (1981) Bernard Rolzman (1982) Dennis T. Brown (1981) Jonathan A. King (1981) Roland R. Rueckert (1982) Abmad 1. Bukhari (1981) David W. Kingsbury (1982) Norman P. Salzman (1981) Purnell Cboppin (1980) Lloyd M. Kozioff (1982) (1982) John M. Coffin (1980) Robert M. Krug (1980) Priscilla A. Schaffer (1981) Richard W. Compans (1982) Robert A. Lazzarini 1981) Sondra Schlesinger (1980) Geoffrey M. Cooper (1981) Richard A. Lerner (1981) Phillip A. Sharp (1982) Nicholas R. Cozzarelli (1980) Myron Levine (1982) Aaron J. Shatkin (1982) Clive Dickson (1981) Tomas Lindahl (1981) Saul J. Silverstein (1982) Walter Doerfler (1980) David M. lvingston (1980) Lee D. Simon (1981) Harrison Echols (1981) Ronald B. Luftig (1981) Kd Simons (1981) Elvera Ehrenfeld (1980) Robert Martin (1981) Alan E. Smith (1980) Robert N. Eisenman (1982) Lois K. Miller (1982) Patricia G. Spear (1981) Suzanne U. Emerson (1980) Robert C. Miller (1980) F. William Studier (1981) Lynn Enquist (1981) Gisela Mosig (1982) Lawrence S. Sturman (1982) Erwin J. Fleissner (1980) Bernard Moss (1980) Donald F. Summers (1982) S. Jane Flint (1981) Joseph S. Pagano (1982) WEUam C. Summers (1980) Robert M. Friedman (1982) J. Thomas Parsons (1980) John M. Taylor (1981) Larry M. Gold (1982) Ulf G. Petterson (1980) Howard M. Temin (1982) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1980) Lennart Philipson (1981) David C. Ward (1980) William S. Hayward (1981) Peter G. W. Plageman (1980) Ernest Winocour (1982) John J. Holland (1981) Craig R. Pringle (1980) Julius Youngner (1982)

Gisella Polock, Acting Managing Editor Susan Birch, Production Editor 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006

EX OFFICIO Albert Balows, President (1980-1981) Frederick C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981) J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer

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Volume 36 Contents for October 1980 Number 1 Animal Viruses Lack of Focus Formation of S+L- Mink Cells by the Ecotropic Murine Leukemia Viral Genome. AKINORI ISHIMOTO ...... 18-21 Integration Sites of Adenovirus Type 12 DNA in Transformed Ham- ster Cells and Hamster Tumor Cells. S. STABEL, W. DOER- FLER,* AND R. R. FRIIS ...... 22-40 Revertants of Adenovirus Type 12-Transformed Hamster Cell Line T637 as Tools in the Analysis of Integration Patterns. DIRK EICK, SILVIA STABEL, AND WALTER DOERFLER* ...... 41-49 Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Avian Sarcoma Virus Circular DNA Molecules. WILLIAM J. DELORBE,* PAUL A. Luciw, HOWARD M. GOODMAN, HAROLD E. VARMUS, AND J. MICHAEL BISHOP ...... 50-61 Synthesis and Processing of Polymerase Proteins of Wild-Type and Mutant Avian Retroviruses. ROBERT N. EISENMAN,* WILLIAM S. MASON, AND MAXINE LINIAL ...... 62-78 Transcripts of the Adeno-Associated Virus Genome: Mapping of the Major RNAs. MICHAEL R. GREEN AND ROBERT G. ROEDER* 79-92 Localization of Membrane-Associated Proteins in Vesicular Stoma- titis Virus by Use of Hydrophobic Membrane Probes and Cross- Linking Reagents. JACK J. ZAKOWSKI AND ROBERT R. WAGNER ...... 93-102 Selective Amplification of Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus in Mam- mary Tumors of GR Mice. THOMAS G. FANNING, JOHN P. PUMA, AND ROBERT D. CARDIFF* ...... 109-114 Amino Acid Sequence Analysis of Reverse Transcriptase Subunits from Avian Myeloblastosis Virus. Terry D. Copeland, Duane P. Grandgenett, and Stephen Oroszlan* ...... 115-119 Interaction of Mycoplasma Virus Type 2 with Cellular Components ofAcholeplasma laidlawii Strain JAl. ABDUL J. N. AL-SHAM- MARI* AND PAUL F. SMITH ...... 120-124 Expression of the Gene for the Polyoma Small T Antigen in Esche- richia coli. ARTHUR HORWICH, ALLEN H. KooP,* AND WAL- TER ECKHART ...... 125-132 Rabies mRNA Translation in Xenopus laevis Oocytes. WILLIAM H. WUNNER,* PETER J. CURTIS, AND TADEUSZ J. WIKTOR ...... 133-142 New Chimeric Splice Junction in Adenovirus Type 2-Simian Virus 40 Hybrid Viral mnRNA. GEORGE KHOURY,* JAMES ALWINE, NEIL GOLDMAN, PETER GRUSS, AND GILBERT JAY ...... 143-151 DNA Nucleotide Sequence Heterogeneity Between the Towne and AD169 Strains of Cytomegalovirus. RANDALL F. PRITCHErr . 152-161 Expression of Endogenous Avian Myeloblastosis Virus Information in Different Chicken Cels. J. H. CHEN ...... 162-170 Synthesis, Stability, and Cleavage of Newcastle Disease Virus Gly- coproteins in the Absence of Glycosylation. T. G. MORRISON* AND D. SIMPSON ...... 171-180 Covalently Closed Circular DNAs of Murine Type C Retrovirus: Depressed Formation in Cells Treated with Cycloheximide Early After Infection. WEN K. YANG,* DEN-MEI YANG, AND JAMES 0. KIGGANS, JR...... 181-188 * Asterisk refers to person to whom inquiries regarding the paper should be addressed. CONTENTS Fine-Structure Mapping and Functional Analysis of Temperature- Sensitive Mutants in the Gene Encoding the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Immediate Early Protein VP175. RICHARD A. F. DIXON AND PRISCILLA A. SCHAFFER* ...... 189-203 Oncogenic Transformation by Equine Herpesviruses. II. Coestablish- ment of Persistent Infection and Oncogenic Transformation of Hamster Embryo Cells by Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 Prepa- rations Enriched for Defective Interfering Particles. ROBIN A. ROBINSON, RALPH B. VANCE, AND DENNIS J. O'CALLAGHAN*. 204-219 Densonucleosis Virus Structural Proteins. D. C. KELLY,* N. F. MOORE, C. R. SPILLING, A. H. BARWISE, AND I. 0. WALKER .. 224-235 Anogenital Warts Contan Several Distinct Species of Human Pap- ilHlomavirus. RICHARD A. KRZYZEK,* SUSAN L. WATTS, DWIGHT L. ANDERSON, ANTHONY J. FARAS, AND FRANKLIN PASS ...... 236-244 New Endogenous Herpesvirus of Guinea Pigs: Biological and Molec- ular Characterization. FRANK J. BIA,* WILLIAM C. SUMMERS, CAROLINE K. Y. FONG, AND G. D. HSIUNG ...... 245-253 Molecular Cloning of Unintegrated and a Portion of Integrated Moloney Murine Leukemia Viral DNA in Bacteriophage Lambda. ANTON J. M. BERNS,* M. H. T. LAI, R. A. BOSSEL- MAN, M. A. MCKENNETT, L. T. BACHELER, H. FAN, E. C. ROBANUS MAANDAG, H. V.D. PUTTEN, AND INDER M. VERMA 254-263 Molecular Cloning of Avian Sarcoma Virus Closed Circular DNA: Structural and Biological Characterization of Three Recombi- nant Clones. PETER E. HIGHFIELD, LORI F. RAFIELD, TONA M. GILMER, AND J. THOMAS PARSONS* ...... 271-279 Synthesis and Processing of Viral Glycoproteins in Two Noncondi- tional Mutants of Rous Sarcoma Virus. MAXINE LINIAL,* JAMES FENNO, W. NEAL BURNETTE, AND LARRY ROHR- SCHNEIDER ...... 280-290 Possible Cell Surface Receptor for Friend Murine Leukemia Virus Isolated with Viral Envelope Glycoprotein Complexes. P. J. ROBINSON,* G. HUNSMANN, J. SCHNEIDER, AND V. SCHIRR- MACHER ...... 291-294 Simian Virus 40-Chinese Hamster Kidney Cell Interaction. V. Co- operative Effect of 5-Iodo-2'-Deoxyuridine and Mitomycin C in the Enhancement of Virus Replication in Infected Cells. HoRACIo G. SUALREZ,* CHRISTIAN LAVIALLE, AND ROLANDO CASSINGENA ...... 295-297 Bacterial Viruses Correlation Between Genetic Map and Map of Cleavage Sites for Sequence-Specific Endonucleases SAIl, KpnI, BgiI, and BamHI in Bacteriophage T4 Cytosine-Containing DNA. KARIN CARLSON ...... 1-17 Suppressors of Mutations in the Bacteriophage T4 Gene Coding for Both RNA Ligase and Tail Fiber Attachment Activities. DWIGHT H. HALL,* R. GEOFFREY SARGENT, KENNETH F. TRo- FATTER, AND DIANE L. RUSSELL ...... 103-108 Probable Localization of the Bacteriophage T4 Prehead Proteinase Zymogen in the Center of the Prehead Core. ROEL VAN DRIEL,* FRANZ TRAUB, AND MICHAEL K. SHOWE...... 220-223 Adsorption, Capping, and Release of a Complex Bacteriophage by Mycoplasma Cells. KLAUS HABERER, JACK MANILOFF,* AND DAVID GERLING ...... 264-270 CONTENTS Volume 36 Contents for November 1980 Number2 Animal Viruses Characterization of a Unique Defective Type C Virus Associated with a Moloney Leukemia Virus-Induced Splenic T-Cell Lym- phoma Cell Line. IVAN HoRAK, JOHN C. LEE, Luis ENJUANES, AND JAMES N. IHLE* ...... 299-308 Separation of Cyanogen Bromide-Cleaved Peptides of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Glycoprotein and Analysis of Their Carbohy- drate Content. LAURA KINGSFORD, SUZANNE U. EMERSON,* AND J. MICHAEL KELLEY ...... 309-316 Identification of the Avian Myeloblastosis Virus Genome. I. Identi- fication of Restriction Endonuclease Fragments Associated with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia. L. M. SOUZA AND M. A. BALUDA* ...... 317-324 Identification ofthe Avian Myeloblastosis Virus Genome. II. Restric- tion Endonuclease Analysis of DNA from A Proviral Recombi- nants and Leukemic Myeloblast Clones. L. M. SOUZA, M. J. BRISKIN, R. L. HELIYARD, AND M. A. BALUDA* ...... 325-336 Unique Species of mRNA from Adenovirus Type 7 Early Region 1 in Cells Transformed by Adenovirus Type 7 DNA Fragment. KoUICHI YOSHIDA AND KEI FUJINAGA* ...... 337-352 Intracellular Forms of Simian Virus 40 Nucleoprotein Complexes. III. Study of Histone Modifications. M. COCA-PRADOS, G. Vi- DALI, AND M.-T. Hsu* ...... 353.-360 Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase Transcripts Are Absent from Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm During Infection in the Presence of Cycloheximide. WAI-CHoI LEUNG,* KENNETH Di- MOCK, JAMES R. SMILEY, AND SILVIA BACCHETrI .. 361-365 Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus Transformation-Defective Mutants with Impaired P120-Associated Protein Kinase Activity. FRED H. REYNOLDS, JR., WIM J. M. VAN DE VEN, AND JOHN R. STEPHENSON* ...... 374-386 Heterogeneity of the 3' End of Minus-Strand RNA in the Poliovirus Replicative Form. OLIVER C. RICHARDS* AND ELLIE EH- RENFELD ...... 387-394 Cloning of Human Papilloma Virus Genomic DNAs and Analysis of Homologous Polynucleotide Sequences. CAROLE A. HErL- MAN,* MING-FAN LAw, MARK A. ISRAEL, AND PETER M. HOWLEY ...... 395-407 Dual Evolutionary Origin for the Rat Genetic Sequences of Harvey Murine Sarcoma Virus. RONALD W. ELUS,* DEBORAH DEFEo, JEAN M. MARYAK, HowARD A. YOUNG, THOMAS Y. SHIH, ESTHER H. CHANG, DOUGLAS R. LOWY, AND EDWARD M. SCOLNICK ...... 408-420 Factors Which Disorganize Microtubules of Microfilaments Increase the Frequency of Cell Transformation by Polyoma Virus. ROLAND SEIF ...... 421-428 Synthesis and Processing of Glycoproteins gD and gC of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1. GARY H. COHEN,* DEBORAH LONG, AND ROSELYN J. EISENBERG ...... 429-439 Coronavirus Multiplication Strategy. II. Mapping the Avian Infec- tious Bronchitis Virus Intracellular RNA Species to the Ge- nome. DAVID F. STERN* AND S. IAN T. KENNEDY ...... 440-449 CONTENTS Avian Oncovirus Mutant (SE21Q1b) Deficient in Genomic RNA: Characterization of a Deletion in the Provirus. PETER R. SHANK* AND MAXINE LINIAL ...... 450-456 Mechanism of Inhibition ofHerpes Simplex Virus and Vaccinia Virus DNA Polymerases by Aphidicolin, a Highly Specific Inhibitor of DNA Replication in Eucaryotes. GUIDO PEDRALI-NOY AND SILVIO SPADARI* .457-464 Virion Nucleic Acid of Ebola Virus. RUSSELL L. REGNERY,* KARL M. JOHNSON, AND MICHAEL P. KILEY .465-469 Interaction of Influenza M Protein with Viral Lipid and Phosphati- dylcholine Vesicles. ANASTASIA GREGORIADES .470-479 Arrangement of the Genome of the Human Papovavirus RF Virus. ALAN PATER,* MARY M. PATER, AND GIAMPIERO DI MAYORCA .480-487 Identification and Initial Characterization of a New Low-Molecular- Weight Virus-Encoded T Antigen in a Line of Simian Virus 40- Transformed Cells. GREGORY J. SPANGLER, JAMES D. GRIF- FIN, HARVEY RUBIN, AND DAVID M. LIVINGSTON* .488-498 Close Similarity Between Endogenous Ecotropic Virus of Mus mus- culus molossinus and AKR Virus. SISIR K. CHATTOPADHYAY, * MARILYN R. LANDER, AND WALLACE P. ROWE .499-505 Epstein-Barr Virus RNA. V. Viral RNA in a Restringently Infected, Growth-Transformed Cell Line. WALTER KING, ANN L. THOMAS-POWELL, NANCY RAAB-TRAUB, MARY HAWKE, AND ELLIOTT KIEFF* .506-518 Characterization of Tau Antigens Isolated from Uninfected and Simian Virus 40-Infected Monkey Cells and Papovavirus-Trans- formed Cels. DANIEL T. SIMMONS .519-525 BALB/c Myeloma Retroviruses: Peptide Mapping and Immunolog- ical Analysis of the ppl2 Structural Protein. DALE R. SPRIGGS AND ROBERT G. KRUEGER ...... 533-540 BALB/c Myeloma Retroviruses Have Mink Cell Focus-Inducing Activity. DALE R. SPRIGGS, MARY A. DIEBOLD, AND ROBERT G. KRUEGER* .541-546 Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus-Induced Tumors Elicit Antibodies Against a Host Cell Protein, P50. VARDA ROTTER, OWEN N. WITTE, ROBERT COFFMAN, AND DAVID BALTIMORE* .547-555 Small Reovirus-Specific Particle with Polycytidylate-Dependent RNA Polymerase Activity. PETER J. GOMATOS,* NICHOLAS M. STAMATOS, AND NURUL H. SARKAR .556-565 A Cloned Polyoma DNA Fragment Representing the 5' Half of the Early Gene Region Is Oncogenic. KAMAL CHOWDHURY,* SU- SAN E. LIGHT, CLAUDE F. GARON, YOSHIAKI ITO, AND MARK A. ISRAEL .566-574 Molecular Cloning of the Avian Erythroblastosis Virus Genome and Recovery of Oncogenic Virus by Transfection of Chicken Cells. BJORN VENNSTROM,* LOIS FANSHIER, CARLO MOSCO- VICI, AND J. MICHAEL BISHOP .575-585 Incorporation of Influenza Virus M-Protein into Liposomes. D. J. BUCHER,* I. G. KHARITONENKOV, J. A. ZAKOMIRDIN, V. V. GRIGORIEV, S. M. KLIMENKO, AND J. F. DAVIS .586-590 Generation of Nondefective Rous Sarcoma Virus by Asymmetric Recombination Between Deletion Mutants. G. S. MARTIN,* W.-H. LEE, AND P. H. DUESBERG ...... 591-594 CONTENTS Leakage of Nuclear Transcripts Late in Simian Virus 40-Infected CV1 Cells: Quantitation of Spliced and Unspliced Late 19S RNAs. Luis P. VILLARREAL* AND SUSAN JOVANOVICH 595-600 Dinucleotide Sequences at the 5' Ends of Vaccinia Virus mRNA's Synthesized In Vitro. JERRY M. KEITH, ALAN GERSHOWITZ, AND BERNARD Moss* ...... 601-605 Abrogation ofRadiation Leukemia Virus-Induced Lymphomagenesis by Antisera to Thymotropic but Not to Ecotropic or Dual- Tropic Viruses. MARTIN HAAs* AND JAN JONGSTRA . 606-610 Construction of a Specific Amber Codon in the Simian Virus 40 T- Antigen Gene by Site-Directed Mutagenesis. DAN R. RAWLINS AND NICHOLAS MUZYCZA* ...... 611-616 Phosphorylation of the Nonstructural Proteins Encoded by Three Avian Acute Leukemia Viruses and by Avian Fujinami Sarcoma Virus. KLAUS BISTER, WEN-HwA LEE, AND PETER H. DUESBERG* ...... 617-621 Viruses Isolated from Cells Persistently Infected with Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Show Altered Interactions with Defective In- terfering Particles. FRANK M. HORODYSKI AND JOHN J. HOLLAND* ...... 627-631 Bacterial Viruses Superinfection Exclusion by Heteroimmune Corynebacteriophages. N. B. GROMAN* AND M. RABIN ...... 526-532 New Deletion Mutant of Bacteriophage T5. MARC RHOADES,* JOANNA SCHWARTZ, AND JEFFREY M. WAHL ...... 622-626 Plant Viruses Expression of Bottom Component RNA of Cowpea Mosaic Virus in Cowpea Protoplasts. GEERTJE REZELMAN, ROB GOLDBACH,* AND ALBERT VAN KAMMEN ...... 366-373

Volume 36 Contents for December 1980 Number 3 Animal Viruses Mappings of Adenovirus 12 mRNA's Transcribed from the Trans- forming Region. YUKIHARU SAWADA AND KEI FUJINAGA* ... 639-651 Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia of Rainbow Trout: Selection of a Thermoresistant Virus Variant and Comparison of Polypeptide Synthesis with the Wild-Type Virus Strain. P. DE KINKELIN,* MONIQUE BEARZOrrI-LE BERRE, AND JACQUELINE BERNARD 652-658 Comparison of the Nucleotide Sequence at the 5' End of RNAs from Nine Aphthoviruses, Including Representatives of the Seven Serotypes. TIMOTHY J. R. HARRIS .659-664 gA and gB Glycoproteins of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1: Two Forms of a Single Polypeptide. R. EBERLE AND RICHARD J. COURTNEY* ...... 665-675 Avian Erythroblastosis Virus Produces Two mRNA's. STEVEN M. ANDERSON,* WILLIAM S. HAYWARD, BENJAMIN G. NEEL, AND HIDESABURO HANAFUSA ...... 676-683 Integration, Expression, and Infectivity of Exogenously Acquired Proviruses of Rous-Associated Virus-0. NANCY A. JENKINS AND GEOFFREY M. COOPER* ...... 684-691 CONTENTS Reverse Transcriptase as the Major Determinant for Selective Pack- aging of tRNA's into Avian Sarcoma Virus Particles. GORDON G. PETERS* AND JAMES Hu ...... 692-700 Simian Virus 40-Associated Small RNA: Mapping on the Simian Virus 40 Genome and Characterization of Its Synthesis. JAMES C. ALWINE* AND GEORGE KHOURY ...... 701-708 Physical Map of Infectious Baboon Type C Viral DNA and Sites of Integration in Infected Cells. NARAYANA BATTULA* AND GEORGE J. TODARO ...... 709-718 Translational Control of Protein Synthesis After Infection by Vesic- ular Stomatitis Virus. HARVEY F. LODISH* AND MARY PORTER ...... 719-733 Characterization of Endogenous and Exogenous Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Proviral DNA with Site-Specific Molecular Clones. BERND GRONER,* ELENA BUETrI, HEIDI DIGGEL- MANN, AND NANCY E. HYNES ...... 734-745 Properties of Cells Carrying the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Thy- midine Kinase Gene: Mechanisms of Reversion to a Thymidine Kinase-Negative Phenotype. K. F. BASTOW, G. DARBY, P. WILDY, AND A. C. MINSON* ...... 746-755 RNA Synthesis of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus. X. Transcription and Replication by Defective Interfering Particles. DONALD D. RAO AND ALICE S. HUANG* ...... 756-765 Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus Mutants Deficient in Kinase Activ- ity and Lymphoid Cell Transformation. NAOMI E. ROSEN- BERG,* DANIEL R. CLARK, AND OWEN N. WITrE ...... 766-774 Intracellular Distribution of Sindbis Virus Membrane Proteins in BHK-21 Cells Infected with Wild-Type Virus and Maturation- Defective Mutants. CHRISTINE ERWIN AND DENNIS T. BROWN* .... 775-786 Structural Relationships Between the Surface Antigens of Ground Squirrel Hepatitis Virus and Human Hepatitis B Virus. WOLFRAM H. GERLICH, MARK A. FEITELSON, PATRICIA L. MAR- ION, AND WILLIAM S. ROBINSON* ...... 787-795 Replicative RNA Synthesis and Nucleocapsid Assembly in Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Infected Permeable CelLs. JON H. CONDRA* AND ROBERT A. LAZZARINI ...... 796-804 Association of pp6Osrc and src Protein Kinase Activity with the Plasma Membrane of Nonpermissive and Pernissive Avian Sar- coma Virus-Infected Cells. R. A. KJRZYZEK, R. L. MITCHELL, A. F. LAU, AND A. J. FARAS* ...... 805-815 Analysis of Herpes Simplex Virus Nucleoprotein Complexes Ex- tracted from Infected Cells. PIER F. PIGNATTI* AND ENZO CASSAI ...... 816-828 Virus of Pekin Ducks with Structural and Biological Relatedness to Human Hepatitis B Virus. WILLIAM S. MASON,* GEETA SEAL, AND JESSE SUMMERS ...... 829-836 Nucleic Acids of Respiratory Syncytial Virus. DENNIS M. LAM- BERT,* MARCEL W. PONS, GUSTAVE N. MBUY, AND KAROLINE DORSCH-HASLER ...... 837-846 Defective Interfering Influenza Viruses and Host CelLs: Establish- ment and Maintenance of Persistent Influenza Virus Infection in MDBK and HeLa Cells. BARUN K. DE AND DEBI P. NAYAK...*...... 847-859 CONTENTS Regulation of Integrated Adenovirus Sequences During of Transformed Cells. DAVID J. SPECTOR, DONALD N. HALBERT, AND HESCHEL J. RASKAS* ...... 860-871 Structure of and Alterations to Defective Murine Sarcoma Virus Particles Lacking Envelope Proteins and Core Polyprotein Cleavage. ANTHONY DEMSEY,* FULMER COLLINS, AND DOUG- LAS KAWRKA ...... 872-877 Cloned Human Polyomavirus JC DNA Can Transform Human Am- nion Cells. PETER M. HOWLEY,* FRANCOISE RENTIER-DEL- RUE, CAROLE A. HEILMAN, MING-FAN LAW, KAMAL CHOW- DHURY, MARK A. ISRAEL, AND KENNETH K. TAKEMOTO ...... 878-882 Envelope Assembly Mutant of Rous Sarcoma Virus. KATHELYN S. -STEIMER* AND DAVID BOETTIGER ...... 883-888 Partial Phosphorylation In Vivo of the Avian Retrovirus pp32 DNA Endonuclease. RON D. SCHIFF AND DUANE P. GRANDGENETT* ...... 889-893 Subunit Structure of the Reovirus Spike. S. J. RALPH, J. D. HARVEY, AND A. R. BELLAMY ...... 894-896 Bacternil Viruses Evidence for Heterogeneity in Populations of T5 Bacteriophage. II. Some Particles Are Unable to Inject Their Second-Step-Trans- fer DNA. CHRISTIAN HULEN,* BERNARD LABEDAN, AND JEAN LEGAULT-DEMARE .633-638 INDEX TO DATE OF ISSUE

Month Date of Issue Pages

October 9 October 1980 1-297 November 30 October 1980 299-631 December 20 November 1980 633-896