WORKING PAPER / 2010.07 A Fake Inquiry on a Major Event. Analysis of the Mutsinzi report on the 6th April 1994 attack on the Rwandan President’s aeroplane. Filip Reyntjens Working Papers are published under the responsibility of the IOB Thematic Groups, without external review process. Comments on this Working Paper are invited. Please contact the author at <
[email protected]>. Institute of Development Policy and Management University of Antwerp Postal address: Visiting address: Prinsstraat 13 Lange Sint Annastraat 7 B-2000 Antwerpen B-2000 Antwerpen Belgium Belgium tel: +32 (0)3 265 57 70 fax +32 (0)3 265 57 71 e-mail:
[email protected] WORKING PAPER / 2010.07 A Fake Inquiry on a Major Event. Analysis of the Mutsinzi report on the 6th April 1994 attack on the Rwandan President’s aeroplane1. Filip Reyntjens May 2010 1 Republic of Rwanda, Independent Committee of experts charged with investigation into the crash on 06/04/1994 of Falcon 50 Aeroplane, registration number 9XR-NN, Report of the investigation into the causes and circumstances of and responsibility for the attack of 06/04/1994 against the Falcon 50 Rwandan Presidential Aeroplane, Registration number 9XR-NN, Kigali 20 April 2009. The report is available in French, English and Kinyarwanda on TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 ABSTRACT 6 RÉSUMÉ 7 1. INTRODUCTION 8 2. PLOT AGAINST PRESIDENT HABYARIMANA 10 3. SEQUENCE OF THE ATTACK 11 4. ACCESS TO THE CRASH SITE 13 5. CLEARING THE RPF 13 6. ATTACK WEAPON 15 7.