The Senate of Canada Le Sénat Du Canada Interim Report on the Canadian News Media
THE SENATE OF LE SÉNAT DU CANADA CANADA INTERIM REPORT ON THE CANADIAN NEWS MEDIA Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications Chair The Honourable Joan Fraser Deputy Chair The Honourable Leonard Gustafson April 2004 Ce rapport est disponible en français. MEMBERSHIP The Honourable Joan Fraser, Chair The Honourable Leonard J. Gustafson, Deputy Chair and The Honourable Senators: Willie Adams Janis G. Johnson *Jack Austin, P.C. (or William Rompkey, P.C.) Laurier L. LaPierre Eymard G. Corbin Pana Merchant Joseph A. Day Gerard A. Phalen John Trevor Eyton * John Lynch-Staunton (or Noël Kinsella) B. Alasdair Graham, P.C. Mira Spivak * Ex Officio Members In addition, the Honourable Senators Raynell Andreychuk, Norman K. Atkins, Tommy Banks, Gérald A. Beaudoin, Catherine Callbeck, Pat Carney, P.C., Gerald J. Comeau, Joan Cook, J. Michael Forrestall, Jerahmiel S. Grafstein, Elizabeth Hubley, Mobina Jaffer, Serge Joyal, P.C., Raymond Lavigne, Marjory LeBreton, Rose-Marie Losier-Cool, Paul J. Massicotte, Jim Munson, Donald H. Oliver, Lucie Pépin, Marcel Prud’homme, P.C., Pierrette Ringuette, Nick G. Sibbeston, Herbert O. Sparrow, Peter A. Stollery, Terry Stratton, and David Tkachuk were members of the Committee or participated in its work at different stages of this study during the Second and Third Sessions of the Thirty-Seventh Parliament. Research Staff: David Black, Special Advisor to the Committee Joseph Jackson, Analyst, Library of Parliament Terrence Thomas, Analyst, Library of Parliament Till Heyde Clerk of the Committee NOTE: Jasmine Solomonescu, Researcher with the office of the Chair, also contributed to the Committee’s research program. The Committee also recognises the particular contributions of Céline Ethier, Helen Krzyzewski, and Mirella Agostini, with the offices of the Chair, Deputy Chair, and Clerk, respectively.
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