2016年3月 March 2016





34  潮流時尚 香港 Fashion 鋼鐵風範 Hong Kong The Man of 街頭藝術 Steel Taking it to the 春季男裝的簡潔線條 Street 與耀眼色調 塗鴉藝術家的新天地 Clean lines and strong Festival puts graffiti colours define men’s artists in the spotlight style this spring

49 英國 United 54 Kingdom 新加坡 酒鄉逍遙 Singapore Great Scotch 雋美之家 威士忌以外的蘇格蘭 Patterns of Life 艾拉島 新加坡峇峇娘惹的 There is more to Inner 精緻瓷磚裝飾 Hebrides island of Colourful tiles reveal Islay than its whisky Peranakan culture

14 人物 18 香港 22 澳門 44 美國 58 潮流時尚 Profile Hong Kong Macau USA Fashion 海運新里程 歷史之鎮 啡嚐澳門 在水一方 續領風騷 Sea Change Historic Town Caffeine Rush Safe Harbour Project Runway

專訪澳門海事及水務 自然古樸的新界西部 澳門精品咖啡店方興 紐約歷史與海洋的 時裝專家披露春夏六 局局長 Glimpses of the 未艾 淵源 大潮流 A talk with the Director of the past in the not-so- Speciality coffee shops New York’s history is a Six spring trends from

IMAGES. Coffee: Casli Lao. Street art: Stephanie Kam. Fashion: Gordon Lund (Frackeye) Lao. Street art: Stephanie Kam. Fashion: Casli IMAGES. Coffee: Marine and Water Bureau wild west on the rise in Macau story of land and water three top stylists

March 2016 Horizon 3 目 CONTENTS 錄 生活專欄 DEPARTMENTS

10 地平線上 On the horizon 澳門、香港及全球盛事指南 72 Events highlights in Macau, Hong Kong and the world 42 心動精品 First Look 源自經典的精品 Ideas for feet, hands and wrists inspired by classics 64 醇美佳釀 Wine 法國波爾多的「紅酒之王」 At home in Bordeaux with the 'king of reds' 66 美食紛陳 10 Dine out 人氣日、韓國餐廳及全蟹宴推介 Korea fever, Japanese masters and a feast of crabs

68 恬謐居停 Horizontal 最豪華的閣樓套房及新酒店推介 Check out where to check in for suite dreams and more

70 時尚家居 Home 趣致動物造型家品 66 Chic creature comforts breathe life into your rooms 74 噴射飛航 TurboJET 創意科技 公司簡介 About our company 72 船隊資料 Vessel information Tech 服務全面周到 Servicing every need 老少咸宜新玩意 推廣優惠 Promotions The latest tools and toys for 美食與飲品 Food & beverages

young and old 點滴與心聲 Some thoughts to share Michael Perini of Art Basel. Food: IMAGES. Art Basel: Courtesy

4 Horizon March 2016


噴射飛航開通連接澳門及屯門的新航線,讓 旅客可以親身走進屯門古老的圍村,參觀經 過歲月洗禮的歷史遺跡 Stepping into the past at the site of one of Hong Kong’s oldest walled villages in Tuen Mun, now connected to Macau by TurboJET

Spring can be hectic as citizens awake from the winter holidays but in Macau, at least, March is a time to slow down and enjoy life. Known for its laid-back European lifestyle, Macau offers numerous small cafés that are perfect spots to relax for the day. Even here, however, times are changing. Speciality coffee shops featuring exotic blends and 月份,春意正濃,是個值得放慢腳步,享受生活的日子。 roasts have been sprouting in alleys and on street corners across the city. 澳門的生活節奏比較悠閒,充滿歐陸氣息,小小的咖 In this issue, we feature several such shops where you’ll find professional 三啡店是人們偷得浮生半日閒的聚腳處。近年,小城的精 baristas making velvety brews, who happily share their special coffee 品咖啡店猶如雨後春筍,小巷街角,比比皆是。從早到晚,咖啡 knowledge with customers. 香氣四溢,今期,我們駐澳門的作者就為大家推介多家必訪的精 March is also a month for arts events in Hong Kong. But apart from 品咖啡店,專業的咖啡師會在供應香濃幼滑的咖啡之餘,提升顧 the major international exhibitions, don’t miss the graffiti art on the walls 客對精品咖啡的認識。 of buildings as you walk through Sheung Wan and along Hollywood 此外,香港在三月也瀰漫一片藝術氣息,除了多個大型的國際 Road. Street artists from all over the world have let their creativity run 藝術展覽外,當你走在上環及荷李活道一帶,也可以在多幢大廈 wild, transforming dull walls into colourful and vibrant murals. Our 的外牆,欣賞到來自不同國家的塗鴉藝術家作品。他們的創意往 writer talks to the founder of the annual HKwalls festival to see how the 往天馬行空,可以在單調的牆上噴上色彩繽紛的圖案。今期,我 artists have brought street art into daily life. 們的作者專訪壁畫藝術節的創辦人,看他們如何將這門藝術帶進 Travelling can be enjoyable with the right choice of destination. 日常生活中。 Consider visiting the New York City waterfront district and parks, explor- 挑對了目的地,旅遊也可以是一種放鬆心情的好享受。你可以 ing the city’s connection with the ocean, or head to Islay, Scotland’s 考慮在紐約這個大都會的綠洲―海濱公園及街區,慢慢探索這 famous whisky island, for a taste of local life and distilling culture. 城市與海的連繫;你也可以在著名的威士忌產區―蘇格蘭的艾 In additional, I am pleased to let you know that TurboJET has 拉島―體驗當地生活及釀酒文化。 launched a new route between Tuen Mun and Macau. In this and 最後,噴射飛航再有新航點,推出往來屯門及澳門的航線,我們 coming issues, watch for features about interesting attractions and 在今期及未來數期的雜誌內,也會為大家介紹屯門的精彩景點。 activities in Tuen Mun. 祝大家旅途愉快﹗ Bon Voyage.

麥慶儀 Vivian Mak

編輯 Editor Bernard Ho IMAGE. Cover:

6 Horizon March 2016


Published by

Room 2408, 24/F, Dominion Centre, 59 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3921 7000 Fax: +852 3921 7099 Jo Baker Zidira Ling Gordon Lund Website: www.bauermedia.com.hk 作者與年度街頭壁畫藝 Zidira認為在形象設計 攝影師Gordon以鋼材為 Editorial enquiries: [email protected] 術節的幕後推手HKwalls 方面,只有想不到,沒 時裝專輯的背景,凸顯 負責人一同介紹本港街 有做不到。所以敢試、 2016年男裝系列再次突 頭藝術發展的趨勢。 敢做,才有創新。 破傳統,更上層樓。 Executive General Manager, BauerWorks Niall Murphy Writer Jo guides Zidira believes styling By using steel readers through the means to try, do and as a backdrop, Editorial Consultant Susan Skelly development of street break through and that photographer Gordon Editor Vivian Mak 麥慶儀 art in Hong Kong with the only things that wants to highlight Deputy Editor Dennis Lee 李家聰 the mastermind of the cannot be achieved the new horizon Chief Sub Editor Paul Robinson annual graffiti festival are those one hasn't of the men's 2016 Photo Editor Janet Gomes HKwalls. thought of. collection. Senior Designer Alice Cheung 張淑敏 Designer Howard Leung 梁德榮


Managing Director Peter Jeffery +852 3910 6388 | [email protected]

Hong Kong Edward Lee +852 3910 6378 | [email protected]

Hong Kong Arthur Au Yeung Michele Koh Yan Lam Julia Neel +852 3910 6392 | [email protected] Morollo 作者認為喝精品咖啡是 時裝專輯作者Julia深 Singapore & Malaysia Joseph Yap 作者Michele自小與屬 條不歸路,一旦愛上, 信嘗試新的潮流時要有 +65 6337 6996 / +65 9683 9530 | [email protected] 於土生華人的祖母生 無法掉頭。而每一顆精 自信,可以與其他服飾 活,深深為峇峇娘惹文 品咖啡豆就是沉睡的小 互相搭配,如果太在意

化所吸引,當中包括色 精靈,咖啡師施展「魔 自己穿得好不好看,有 Horizon magazine is published monthly by TurboJET and is produced for TurboJET by Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited. No part of this magazine 彩繽紛的瓷磚設計。 法」喚醒它們。 可能功虧一簣。 may be reproduced without the written permission of TurboJET. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 by TurboJET. Opinions in Horizon magazine are the writers’ and not necessarily endorsed by TurboJET. Growing up with a Yan believes that there Julia believes the TurboJET and Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other material. Manuscripts, Peranakan grandmother, is no way back once key to trying out a photographs and artwork will not be returned unless accompanied by Michele has long one falls in love with new trend is to do appropriate postage. been intrigued by all speciality coffee. Baristas, it with confidence, 中華商務彩色印刷有限公司承印 things Straits Chinese, like magicians, awaken as only one's self- 香港新界大埔汀麗路36號中商大厦14樓 including the beauty of and release the spirits of consciousness can Printed by C&C Offset Printing Company Limited Peranakan ceramics. coffee beans. make a look ‘wrong’. 14/F, C&C Building, 36 Ting Lai Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong

8 Horizon March 2016


藝影縱橫 All about Art 三月港澳藝壇大放異采, 藝術展和電影節輪流登場 March shines with art fairs and film festivals



三月的香港藝術氣氛四溢,重點盛事是第四度在港 舉辦的巴塞爾藝術展。逾200間來自35個國家及地區 的藝廊,將於香港會議展覽中心展出由20世紀初至 當代大師的作品,並設有工作坊以及與策展人、收 藏家、藝術家對談的活動和其他表演。 23-26/3 海濱藝展 Sidelight 當代藝術展會Art Central再度於中環海濱上 In Hong Kong, March means art, as the city 演,超過100個參展商展出藝術精英之作。 gears up for the prestigious Art Basel, now in Art Central returns to the Central Harbour- its fourth edition. More than 200 galleries from front with more than 100 exhibitors. 35 countries and regions will present works www.artcentralhongkong.com ranging from the early 20th century to pieces by contemporary masters at the Hong Kong Con- vention and Exhibition Centre. Also on tap are 22/3-6/4 機械裝置 I, Robot workshops, daily conversations with curators, 香港半島酒店與英國皇家藝術學院合作,於 collectors and artists, as well as performances. 酒店大堂呈獻《The ADA Project》,展示 由英國藝術家Conrad Shawcross創作,集 www.artbasel.com 合機械、雕塑和音樂的藝術裝置。 The Peninsula Hong Kong partners with 本月在香港與巴塞爾藝術展互相輝映的藝術活動: the Royal Academy of Arts to display Other art events around town to coincide with The ADA Project - an artwork of robotics, Art Basel include: sculpture and music by British artist Conrad Shawcross in the hotel lobby. 21-26/3 時空瀑布 Time and numbers 日本藝術家宮島達男與巴塞爾藝術展合作,於香港環 www.peninsula.com www.royalacademy.org.uk 球貿易廣場外牆上展示光映裝置《Time Waterfall》。 Time Waterfall is a light installation by Japanese artist Tatsuo Miyajima as part of Art Basel and 巴塞爾藝術展吸引藝術愛好者前來觀賞 is displayed onto the facade of the International (上圖);今年的展品當中,包括藝術家 Commerce Centre (ICC). John Miller的作品(右圖) Visitors admire the exhibits at Art Basel (above); work by artist John Miller (right) will IMAGES. Art Basel and artwork: Courtesy of Art Basel. HKIFF: Imaginechina IMAGES. Art Basel and artwork: Courtesy www.artbasel.com be on display at the 2016 fair

10 Horizon March 2016 21/3-4/4


第40屆香港國際電影節搜羅全球50多個國家近300部電影,除了有世界級 的電影首映,今年焦點是成立25周年的澤東電影公司及導演王家衛。他會主 持電影大師班,還會選映多套由他執導的澤東出品例如《重慶森林》及《花 樣年華》等。影星古天樂今年連續第三年出任電影節大使。

The Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) celebrates its 40th year with a spotlight on the 25-year-old Jet Tone Films and auteur Wong Kar-wai. Wong will preside over a masterclass this year, a complement to a series of screenings of Jet Tone classics such as Chungking Express and In the Mood for Love, world premieres from Hong Kong and Asia and nearly 300 new feature films from more than 50 countries. Actor Louis Koo Tin-lok stars as the festival ambassador for the third consecutive year. 香港國際電影節今年慶祝40周年 www.hkiff.org.hk The HKIFF celebrates its 40th anniversary this year

UNTIL 至3/4


於澳門藝術博物館舉行的《分 離的樂章─奧地利百年繪畫展 美食之港 MASTER CHEFS 1860-1960》,展出克利姆特、 席勒和柯克西卡等19至20世紀 著名的Taste of London美食節落戶香港,變身 代表性畫家共89幅作品,展示 Taste of Hong Kong,集合本地頂尖食府如天龍 奧地利的藝術美學,及其在歐洲 軒、Amber、Tosca 和Yardbird等,於中環海濱 現代藝術發展中所扮演的角色。 為饕客炮製招牌菜餚,還有品酒大師班和超過 50家精品小店的小市集。 One Century of Austrian Art 1860-1960 at the Macao The famous Taste of London food and drink Museum of Art features 89 festival has finally made its way to Hong paintings by Austria’s greatest Kong. Taste of Hong Kong brings together 19th- and 20th-century artists, some of the city’s most celebrated restau- including influential painters rants including Tin Lung Heen, Amber, Tosca such as Gustav Klimt, Egon and Yardbird, with chefs showcasing their Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka. signature dishes at the Central Harbourfront. The exhibition showcases the The event also includes wine tasting classes aesthetics of Austrian art and and a market featuring some 50 purveyors of its role in the development of gourmet products. modern European art. 畫家柯克西卡的作品 《Lily Gesinus-Visser II》 www.hongkong.tastefestivals.com Lily Gesinus-Visser II by IMAGES. Art Basel and artwork: Courtesy of Art Basel. HKIFF: Imaginechina IMAGES. Art Basel and artwork: Courtesy www.mam.gov.mo Oskar Kokoschka

March 2016 Horizon 11 地平 ON THE HORIZON 線上 寰宇 GLOBAL

17-20/3 全速啟動 Start Your Engines

2016年一級方程式賽季在本月正式展開,打響頭炮 的賽事一如過往20年,是在墨爾本上演的一級方程 式澳洲格蘭披治大賽。賽季將會延伸至11月,壓軸 賽於阿布扎比舉行。全球關注2015年總冠軍Lewis Hamilton今年能否衛冕?密切注視他與對手們在墨 爾本賽站的表現,可能會得到一些啟示。

As it has been for the past 20 years, the 2016 Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne is the official beginning of the Formula 1 season, which ends in Abu Dhabi in November. Will Lewis Hamilton, who emerged covered in glory during the 2015 season, be able to hold his own this time around? Melbourne’s race will give the world a taste of things to come. www.formula1.com

至 UNTIL 2/1/2017


當代藝術家Darren Waterston將已故藝術大師

惠斯勒的作品《孔雀廳》重塑成藝術裝置,取名 : Freer/Sackler 《Filthy Lucre》,意思是不義之財,於華盛頓史 密森尼學會的Arthur M Sackler Gallery展出。 Filthy Lucre Filthy Artist James McNeill Whistler created the famous Peacock Room, now reimagined in Darren Waterston’s installation Filthy Lucre at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.


藝術家Darren Waterston重新演繹 惠斯勒的名作《孔雀廳》,展現出 另一面貌(左圖) Artist Darren Waterston’s take on the Peacock Room (left) reimagines IMAGES. F1 Australian Grand Prix: Getty Images. Images. Getty Prix: Grand Australian F1 IMAGES. Whistler’s original Duhamel Fine Art after Botticelli: Courtesy Galleries; Smithsonian Institution. Venus,

12 Horizon March 2016 1975年印花連身裙(右下 圖)和現今最時尚的條紋設 計(右圖),都會在維多利 亞國立美術館的展覽登場 Standouts: 1975’s tutti frutti dresses (bottom right) and the latest takes on stylish stripes (right) at the NGV

5/3-31/7 墨爾本(左圖)上演的一級 方程式本季首站賽事,雲集 頂尖車手一較高下 There will be a powerful line- 時裝之旅 OZ GETS DRESSED up of top drivers at the first race of the Formula 1 season 墨爾本維多利亞國立美術館舉行的展覽《200 Years in Melbourne (left) of Australian Fashion》帶訪客走進時光隧道,欣賞 澳洲服飾200年來的演變。四個展覽廳展出超過90位 設計師共120件作品,它們是由布里斯本最早期的縫 5/3-3/7 紉室以至當代悉尼時裝公司製造,涵蓋澳洲各年代。

120 works, more than 90 designers and two 曠世奇才 centuries of style are presented in 200 Years of ON THE HALF-SHELL Australian Fashion at the National Gallery of Victoria 波提切利(1445至 1510年)公認 Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) is one of in Melbourne. The exhibition spans four galleries 是歷史上最偉大的藝術家之一。 the most celebrated artists of all time and and every era of Australian fashion, from the earliest 本月開始在倫敦維多利亞與艾伯 Botticelli Reimagined, the largest Botticelli dressmaking establishments of Brisbane to Bondi’s 特博物館舉行的展覽《Botticelli exhibition to be held in Britain since 1930, contemporary studios. Reimagined》,是英國自1930年 comes to the Victoria and Albert Museum www.ngv.vic.gov.au 以來最大型波提切利展,展出這位 this month. The show includes more than 文藝復興早期藝術家超過50幅原 50 original paintings by Botticelli, alongside 作,以及多位藝術家受他啟發後的 works by artists influenced by him. 傑作,值得細心欣賞。 www.vam.ac.uk

畫家尹欣作品《仿 波提切利的維納 斯》(左圖)是受 這位文藝復興偉大 藝術家啟發的眾多 作品之一 Venus, after Botticelli by Xin Yin (left) is one of the many works inspired by the great Renaissance painter Courtesy Duhamel Fine Art after Botticelli: Courtesy Galleries; Smithsonian Institution. Venus, : Freer/Sackler Freer/Sackler : Lucre Filthy Images. Getty Prix: Grand Australian F1 IMAGES.

March 2016 Horizon 13 人物 PROFILE 專訪 黄穗文 SUSANA WONG SOI-MAN


隨着珠三角海路交通網絡日益發達,加上早前,中 央政府亦明確了澳門的水域管理範圍,標誌著區 內海上客運發展邁進了新里程。為此,我們專訪 澳門海事及水務局局長黄穗文,暢談海運發展 The sea transport network in the Pearl River Delta region has been developing consistently over the years. Of late, a new milestone has been reached as the Chinese government demarcated the maritime zone of Macau. We talk to Susana Wong Soi-man, Director of the Marine and Water Bureau, about current and future developments

文/Text Jovy Lai

黃局長認為海路交通有助 促進澳門旅遊客源多元化 Susana Wong Soi-man believes sea passenger traffic has helped to diversify the types of travellers coming to

Macau IMAGES. Stephanie Kam

14 Horizon March 2016 IMAGES. Stephanie Kam March 2016



年 前,澳門 海 上客 運 量 約 1500多 萬,至 2015 十年上升至 2300多萬,增幅達五成三。黃局長 坦言,從海路入境的旅客量一直穩佔總旅客 人數的三成多,即使內地高鐵開通後未見受影響。局 長更認為水路客運對客源的多元化及接駁國際航線 方面,均有正面作用。加上中央明確澳門的水域面積 為85平方公里,令澳門管轄的面積擴大近三倍,為中 長期發展帶來巨大契機。

增加航點及優化碼頭設施 現時跟澳門對接的口岸航點有八個,包括香港的上 環、尖沙咀、香港國際機場及新增的屯門;深圳有福 永、蛇口、番禺南沙及珠海灣仔。黃局長表示現時港 澳航線旅客數佔澳門海路旅客總數九成,使用上環碼 頭旅客數佔港澳航線旅客總數的約七成;而近年使用 機場航線服務的國際旅客及澳門居民亦有明顯的增 長 趨勢。 隨著旅遊模式改變,澳門的過夜旅客增加,海事及 水務局一直跟船公司緊密合作,優化外港客運碼頭的 設施及服務;而毗連澳門機場及輕軌站的氹仔永久碼 頭,亦有望於今年內投入服務,相信有效應付未來旅 客增長需要,並發揮好旅客分流的作用。

掌握機遇拓航線 除了各項海路設施,港珠澳大橋亦為旅客提供另 一交通選擇。黃局長表示:「大橋將有助吸引更多珠 江東部的朋友,來到我們珠江的西部,促進區內的整 體客運流量。在這方面,相信船公司的觸覺比我們更 強,他們 一直 努力 開 拓 不 同 類 型 航 線,為將 來 的 機 遇 作 最 好 的 準 備 。」 她續說:「澳門作為旅遊休閒中心,我們希望盡量 開拓海陸空三方面的客源來到澳門。所以我們覺得港 珠澳大橋,或將來的氹仔碼頭,都有助提高澳門的接 待 能 力 。」 人才培訓方面,現時該局附屬的航海學校主要為政 府相關職員提供業餘培訓。為了配合海運發展,黃局 長表示與船公司及業界有合作空間,培育更多專業的 海 事人 才。

海島旅遊創新猶 黃局長表示,中央明確澳門水域管理範圍,令澳門 多了發展空間,自主性也較強,希望藉此機會好好利 用海岸線,建構為一個怡人的海邊城市。她說:「相關 旅遊部門及學者專家也建議,珠海附近有許多島嶼仍 保 留 天 然 原 始 氣 息,我們深 具 潛 力 發 展 海 島 旅 遊,但 具體計劃有待政府作更深入的探討。」

16 Horizon March 2016 黃局長攝於澳門航海 學校,該校為政府相 關的職員提供培訓 Susana Wong Soi-man at the maritime training school, which provides nautical education for civil servants of Macau

en years ago, Macau’s sea passenger demand of travellers and help channel inbound traffic was about 15 million annually. visitors into Macau. TBy 2015, it had increased to 23 million, an increase of 53 percent. According to Susana NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND Wong Soi-man, visitor arrivals by sea have NEW ROUTES been stable, accounting for more than 30 The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will also percent of all visitors to Macau, and the impact provide another option for travellers. “The bridge of the high-speed rail in Mainland China on will help attract more visitors from the eastern arrivals has been negligible. She believes sea part of the Pearl River Delta to the western passenger traffic has helped diversify the types part,” says Wong. “This will further boost visitor of travellers coming to Macau and enhance the arrivals in the region. I believe ferry companies city’s international connectivity. Meanwhile, are even more responsive to the development. the Chinese government’s recent decision to They are making an effort to launch new routes approve the demarcation of 85 square kilometres so as to capture potential opportunities in of Macau’s territorial waters means the the future.” maritime area within Macau’s jurisdiction has “Macau is now positioning itself as a world expanded threefold. This is expected to bring centre of tourism and leisure,” Wong adds. “We immense growth opportunities to the city in the are looking at attracting more visitors who come medium to long term. to Macau via sea, land or air. In this regard, we believe the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and WELL-CONNECTED AND BETTER the Taipa Ferry Terminal will enhance Macau’s PORT FACILITIES capacity to receive more inbound visitors.” At present, Macau is connected to Hong Kong Currently, the maritime training school and southern China via eight different ports. under the Bureau mainly provides vocational In Hong Kong, they include Sheung Wan, Tsim training to civil servants in their respective Sha Tsui, Hong Kong International Airport and fields. To cope with the rising demand for the newly added Tuen Mun. In southern China, maritime talent, Wong says there is room for they are Fuyong and Shekou in Shenzhen, collaboration between the government and Nansha in Panyu and Wanzai in Zhuhai. Wong the ferry operators to nurture more marine says visitors coming from Hong Kong account professionals for the industry. for 90 percent of Macau’s sea passenger traffic, and 70 percent of these visitors use the Hong ISLAND TOURISM Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal. In recent years, Wong also says the Chinese government’s move the number of international travellers and to demarcate the maritime zone of Macau has Macau residents using Macau’s airport has been effectively given greater autonomy for the city to growing notably, too. seek growth. “We hope to take this opportunity Today, more and more visitors prefer to stay to take advantage of our coastal areas to overnight in Macau. To cope with the change, establish Macau as a pleasant, visitor-friendly the Marine and Water Bureau is working closely port city,” she says. “Some tourism-related with ferry companies in order to improve and authorities, academics and specialists are of the upgrade the city’s port facilities and services. view that many islands in the Pearl River Delta Meanwhile, the new permanent Taipa Ferry area have a pristine beauty. Macau, for one, has Terminal is expected to open this year. Located great potential to develop island tourism. The near Macau International Airport and a Light Macau government is going to study the matter Rapid Transit stop, the terminal can meet future before coming up with specific plans.”

March 2016 Horizon 17 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 香港 HONG KONG


屯門歷經大規模發展,但眾多歷史古蹟仍 李小龍的經典電影 《龍爭虎鬥》曾於青山寺 然屹立,處處散發古樸風采 取景;青山寺的入口刻有 「香海名山」四字 While Tuen Mun has undergone (右圖) Tsing Shan Monastery, the massive development, many of its location where Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon was shot; heritage buildings are well preserved and the entrance to the Tsing Shan Monastery continue to display old-time elegance has the engraved Chinese characters ‘fragrant sea’ and ‘prestigious mountain’ 文 (right) /Text Jovy Lai Shan Monastery: Bernard Ho IMAGES. Tsing

18 Horizon March 2016 IMAGES. Tsing Shan Monastery: Bernard Ho March 2016


19 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 香港 HONG KONG

處新界西北部的屯門,是香港第一代新市 位鎮,但 時 至 今 天,仍 保 留 了 許 多名 勝 古 蹟,吸 引不 少旅客 慕 名前往 遊 歷。 屯門於唐朝(公元618年至907年)時是軍事基地及 對外通商中心,更是古代海上絲路途經之地。嶺南大 學香港與華南歷史研究部主任劉智鵬博士說:「要數 屯門的歷史大事,不得不提明代時期中國跟葡萄牙在 屯門對開海域打海戰。」中國在這場1521年的海戰中勝 出。戰火平息之後,屯門發展出精彩的民間故事。

李小龍迷必訪 有人認為沒踏足過青山寺,不算到過屯門。青山寺 又名青山禪院,早在明朝已有記載,為香港三大古寺之 一,也是香港佛教的發源地。劉博士說50年 代 之 前, 泥圍的圍門(下圖)至 青山寺是全港香火最鼎盛的佛寺。正門牌樓上所寫的 今仍完好保留,是屯門 「香海名山」,是由前港督金文泰所題。進入方丈室的 34條圍村中保存得最完 小路上途經的石枱,便是李小龍電影《龍爭虎鬥》的 整的一條 場 景之一。 The gate of Nai Wai, which is the best preserved of www.tsingshanmonastery.org.hk Tuen Mun’s 34 walled villages (below) 革命重地 屯門另一重要歷史景點,是中山公園內的紅樓。紅 樓所在地原是農場,清末成為孫中山先生與興中會革 命志士,策劃推翻滿清政府的秘密基地。紅樓是一級 歷史建築,公園內設有孫中山半身銅像及紀念碑。 地址:屯門龍門路(近蝴蝶邨) 圍村面貌 要窺探屯門原居民的傳統建築,就要到圍村走走。 屯門有34條圍村,當中保存得較完整的首推泥圍。泥 圍是陶族的宗族圍村,原有圍牆包圍著整條村落,後 來復修時僅保留圍門的原貌。建於圍村四角的炮樓, 現已改建為三合土結構,但仍保留了炮樓的神韻。區 內其他具特色的圍村,還有屯子圍及青磚圍。 www.hktmrc.com/villages

噴 射 飛 航 於 本 年 一月 份,已 開 通 了 屯 門 -澳門及屯 門-深圳機場的航線,珠三角地區的旅客可方便快捷地 探索屯門,發掘該區以至香港西北部更多的旅遊及文 化 景 點。

ocated in the north-west New Territories, Tuen Mun is among the first generation Lof new towns in Hong Kong. Its well- preserved historical sites remain the major draw for tourists. A military base and centre for foreign trade during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Tuen Mun was also a port on the route of the ancient maritime Silk Road and was the scene of an epic sea battle in which Chinese forces defeated the

Portuguese in 1521. and ferry pier: Stephanie Kam Shan Monastery: Bernard Ho. Nai Wai IMAGES. Tsing

20 Horizon March 2016

REVOLUTIONARY BASE Another important historical site in Tuen Mun is the Red House in Zhongshan Park, where Dr Sun Yat-sen and his revolutionary comrades plotted to overthrow the crumbling Qing government in the early 20th century. Originally a farmhouse and featuring both Chinese and Western architecture, the Red House is listed as a Grade I historic building. The surrounding park houses a monument and a bronze statue of Dr Sun. Address: Lung Mun Road, Tuen Mun (near Butterfly Estate)

EXPLORE WALLED VILLAGES Tuen Mun’s 34 walled villages give an insight into the heritage of the area’s indigenous inhabitants and the best preserved of these is Nai Wai, one of several built by members of the To clan. The village, in north-east Tuen Mun, was originally surrounded by walls but only the entrance tower survives in its original form. Watchtowers at the four corners retain their “Recalling past historical events in 青山寺內精緻的歷史建築 original shapes but have been rebuilt in cement. (上圖) Tuen Mun, one must mention the sea Other walled villages worth a visit are Tuen Tsz One of the historical battle fought between China and Portugal structures at the Tsing Shan Wai and Tsing Chuen Wai. off the shore of Tuen Mun during the Monastery (above) www.hktmrc.com/villages Ming Dynasty,” says Dr Lau Chi-pang, coordinator of the Hong Kong and South In January, TurboJET launched new services China Historical Research Programme at from Tuen Mun to Macau and Shenzhen Airport. Lingnan University. After the battle, Tuen It is now more convenient for tourists travelling 噴射飛航最新屯門碼頭航線 Mun was mentioned in many legendary (下圖) from the Pearl River Delta to Tuen Mun and the folk tales circulated by storytellers. TurboJET’s new routes at Tuen north-west part of the city to discover the unique Mun Ferry Terminal (below) tourist facilities and cultural attractions. A MUST FOR BRUCE LEE FANS One of the main attractions for visitors today is the Tsing Shan Monastery (also known as the Castle Peak Monastery), one of the three most prominent ancient temples in Hong Kong. Referred to in books dating to the Ming Dynasty, it is considered the place where Buddhism first set foot in Hong Kong. Scenes for the Bruce Lee hit Enter the Dragon were shot at a stone table on the path leading to the abbot’s chamber. Dr Lau says it was the most popular temple for Hong Kong worshippers until the 1950s. At the entrance, four Chinese characters are engraved. They mean ‘fragrant sea’ and ‘prestigious mountain’ – an inscription given to the temple by former Governor Sir Cecil Clementi, who visited it in 1927 and 1928. www.tsingshanmonastery.org.hk

IMAGES. Tsing Shan Monastery: Bernard Ho. Nai Wai and ferry pier: Stephanie Kam Shan Monastery: Bernard Ho. Nai Wai IMAGES. Tsing 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 澳門 MACAU 啡嚐澳門 CAFFEINE RUSH

在咖啡文化大行其道之後,別具風格 的精品咖啡店興起,讓澳門 四處洋溢咖啡的香氣 After a premium caffeine hit? A raft of speciality coffee shops is brewing in Macau

文/Text Yan Lam 圖/Photos Casli Lao

22 Horizon March 2016 著第三波咖啡文化的興起,消費者們也慢慢 隨擯棄即溶及花式咖啡的選擇,轉投還原咖啡 本質(也就是精品咖啡)的懷抱。試問在澳 門這個悠閒的城市,有甚麼比在一個自在的空間來一 杯好咖啡更愜意呢?

offee drinkers have moved on from instant coffee and traditional Italian Cstyles to a third wave of speciality beans. What better way to spend a leisurely afternoon in laid-back Macau than with a nice cup of java?

Blooom的招牌咖啡flat white,口感香濃順滑﹙左 圖﹚;Single Origin 採購 來自伊索比亞著名咖啡產區 Yirgacheffe的Buufata Konga 咖啡豆 Blooom’s signature, smooth and creamy flat white (left); Single Origin purchases Buufata Konga beans from Ethiopia’s Yirgacheffe region March 2016 Horizon 23 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 澳門 MACAU

BLOOOM 前身是咖啡愛好者工作坊的Blooom於去年5月開 設地舖,一半地方僻作咖啡師培訓工作坊及烘焙場 地,創辦人兼歐洲精品咖啡協會認可咖啡培訓導師 Keith Fong希望藉此推廣精品咖啡文化。顧客可以 向咖啡師點選喜好的口味、咖啡豆的烘焙度、沖泡方 法 及 器 具。Blooom包 辦 了 採 購、烘 培、磨 豆 及 成 品, 旗下還有Single Origin及Communal Table兩 家 咖 啡 屋。

Previously a workshop for coffee buffs, Blooom opened its street-level shop last May with half the space set aside for barista workshops and on-site roasting. Founder Keith Fong, a trainer certified by the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE), hopes to push speciality coffee culture forward, with baristas guiding customers to pick their flavours, levels of roast, brewing methods and equipment. It also owns cafés Single Origin and Communal Table. www.blooomcoffeehouse.com SINGLE ORIGIN 於2013年初開業,樓下是咖啡吧,桌子靠近街道,感 覺開揚,樓上則較為隱密。店內只使用一種咖啡豆,保 留著單品咖啡豆原有的口感及風味特性。其呈奉咖啡 的方法挺特別,是咖啡、咖啡粉及熱水三杯一起送上, 老闆Keith Fong說:「我們希望讓顧客了解咖啡香氣 的變化,先聞聞咖啡粉的原始味道,加入熱水後,咖啡 香氣會馬上得到提升,散發出濃郁的香氣,最後當然是 品嚐我們沖好的單品咖啡了。」

Opened in early 2013, Single Origin has an espresso bar with street-side tables and a more intimate space upstairs. Only one kind of bean Single is used for each cup. Owner Keith Fong says, Origin店 “We hope our customers can learn about the 主Keith正在沖 泡一杯好咖啡﹙上 complexity of the coffee, from the original 圖﹚; Communal Table flavour of the ground coffee and how the aroma 供應共14款氮氣冷泡咖啡, can be elevated after water is poured over it.” 這是其中三款﹙左圖﹚ Single Origin owner Keith Fong brews a cup of coffee (top); three of the 14 www.facebook.com/singleorigincoffee options of nitro cold brew (left) are offered at Communal Table 24 Horizon March 2016 Blooom出售自家烘焙的咖啡豆及 泡咖啡器具﹙左圖﹚; 製作一杯冰 滴咖啡需要五至六個小時,所以 Café Philo一天只會供應兩至三杯 ﹙左下圖﹚ Blooom has its own roasted beans and coffee equipment for sale (left); because they take five to six hours to make, only two to three ice-drip coffees are available daily at Café Philo (below left)

COMMUNAL TABLE 該店的標誌是一張簡單的木枱,道出了這裡是與人分 享想法、品嚐好咖啡及食物的地方。大部分的咖啡選 用混合咖啡豆,這裡還不時推出時令推介,比如用咖 啡加果皮、肉桂、丁香、薑、桂圓等沖泡而成的冬季特 飲Cascara,只有微量咖啡因;還有在冷泡咖啡裡注 入液態氮,讓咖啡充滿微細氣泡,口感猶如黑啤。由 於位處商業區,這裡除了咖啡,還提供披薩、烤雞、焗 薯 等 輕 食。

The shop’s logo, a large, simple, wooden table, indicates its philosophy as a place to share thoughts, ideas and happiness over coffee and food. Most of the coffees are blends and include Communal Table’s own seasonal specials, such as Winter Cascara, a low-caffeine beverage of El Salvador Kilimanjaro Cascara, cinnamon, clove, ginger ale and dried longan. www.facebook.com/communaltablecoffee CAFÉ PHILO 於2014年由咖啡師張尤聰開設,採用自家烘焙的咖啡 豆。店舖裝潢以黑及灰色為主調,一邊是可容納10人 的 吧 枱,另 一 邊 是 兩 張 原 木 桌子。阿 聰 說:「這 裡 吸 引 到 愛 咖 啡、愛 思 考、愛 生 活 的 朋 友。」菜 單 寫 於 牆 上, 有espresso、單品、拿鐵、冰滴等,還有非咖啡選擇。 目前只有阿聰一人打理,繁忙時間顧客需耐心等候, 但店裡的音樂、咖啡雜誌及旅遊書均可讓客人享受慢 活 時 光。

Opened in 2014 by barista Cheong Iao Chong and serving house-roasted beans, Café Philo has a bar table that seats 10 on one side and two wooden-top tables on the other. “This shop draws friends who are passionate about coffee and life,” Cheong says. The menu includes espresso, single-origin and ice-drip coffees. Customers can listen to music and read magazines about coffee and travel while waiting for their coffee. www.facebook.com/CafePhilo

March 2016 Horizon 25 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 澳門 MACAU

TRIANGLE COFFEE ROASTER 由三位熱愛精品咖啡文化的年輕人於去年10月 創 立, 店舖結合歐美及日式流行的咖啡店風格。股東之一的 Rid Fu表示,他們堅持從世界多個產區採購生豆,只 要 控 制 好 烘 焙 及 沖 煮 兩 個 環 節,就 能 更 精 確 地 表 達 出 咖啡師想呈現的風味。這裡提供兩款意式咖啡配方, 一是口感較重,宜與牛奶融合;另一乃表現花香及果酸 甜,適合直接飲用。而手沖單品咖啡的選擇也不少,除 南美及非洲的咖啡豆,還有印尼西爪哇咖啡豆。

Set up last October by three young entrepreneurs, Triangle Coffee Roaster is a cross between European- and Japanese-style cafés. Co-owner Rid Fu says by using raw beans from different coffee-growing regions, a barista can, using the correct roasting and brewing techniques, showcase the depth of the coffee. The café offers two types of Italian coffee as well as a single- origin selection. 坐在Wonderwall門 前一邊喝咖啡,一邊 欣賞和隆街的景色 www.facebook.com/TriangleCoffeeRoaster ﹙左圖﹚ Sipping coffee and people watching at WONDERWALL Wonderwall (left) 進門後便是咖啡吧,裡面則是以loft風格為主的用餐 區,牆上的乾花裝飾、皮沙發、長木桌,散發住家般的 舒 適 氛 圍。店 主 之一 Horace Un自言很喜歡旅行,並 愛到不同的咖啡店品嚐咖啡,但要在澳門找一間既有 空間感,同時又提供高質素咖啡的店子不容易,遂於 去年初與朋友開設Wonderwall。店 子 選 用中 南 美 洲 的 精 品 咖 啡 豆,菜 單 從 espresso到 黑 咖 啡,以 至 鮮 奶 類的咖啡都有,未來將會加入單品咖啡選擇。

The first thing guests see upon entering Wonderwall is the espresso bar. But equally as captivating are the leather sofas and wooden tables, arranged loft-style. Co-owner Horace Un Rethink採用了可循環 使用的金屬濾網﹙右 says he had difficulty finding a café in Macau 上圖﹚; Triangle Coffee that offered both the space and the quality coffee Roaster有自家Kapok he so often found on his overseas travels. He 烘焙機 ﹙右圖﹚ and his friends opened Wonderwall early last Handmade coffee is brewed with a reusable year, using beans from Central America. The metal filter at Rethink menu covers espresso and milk-based coffees, (above right); Triangle with single-origin choices to be added in future. Coffee Roaster owns a Kapok roasting machine (below right) www.wonderwallcoffee.com

26 Horizon March 2016 Terra店內的牆上掛著多 張由攝影師陳永漢拍攝的 80年代澳門舊照片﹙左 圖﹚;其三層特飲Latte Shakerato一口喝下去,帶 來三重享受 ﹙下圖﹚ The shop walls at Terra adorned with photographs by Chan Weng-hon in Macau in the ’80s (left); Latte Shakerato, three layers that TERRA COFFEE HOUSE give three different mouth 談到澳門的精品咖啡店,當然不能不提這家開業近四 feels (below) 年的老店。該店走簡潔設計路線,木製桌椅以及落地玻 璃 窗 設 計,散 發 悠 閒 氣 息。店 裡 採 用 來 自台 灣 高 雄「咖 啡林咖啡」的豆,入口帶有焦糖味及果香,味道較溫 和。股 東 之一 兼 咖 啡 師Ron Lo表 示 :「 Terra是土壤的 意思,須知咖啡豆的優劣和土壤密不可分。目前店裡並 沒達到自家烘焙的需求,再說別人有好的咖啡豆供應, 我們為何不用呢?Terra的初衷就是分享好咖啡。」

Established four years ago, Terra is one of the oldest speciality coffee venues in Macau, featuring a simple interior with wooden furniture and French windows. “‘Terra’ means earth in Italian, and the quality of beans is closely related to the earth,” co-owner and barista Ron Lo says. The shop uses beans such as those from Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s Coffeeling Coffee. “We don’t feel the need to roast our own beans just yet; we’re happy to use others’ quality beans.”

地 址:澳 門 龍 嵩 街 20號富耀大廈地下A舖 Address: Rua Central No.20A 電話 Phone: +853 2893 7943

RETHINK COFFEE ROASTERS 首間以外賣為主的精品咖啡店,因咖啡品質高而迅速 俘虜皇朝區上班族的心。店主兼歐洲精品咖啡協會認 可咖啡培訓導師Andrew Chiang說 :「 如 何 更 快 更 好 地推廣精品咖啡呢?我覺得借鑒市面上外賣飲品店的 形式是一個不錯的主意。」店裡的咖啡豆全是採購自各 國精品級咖啡生豆,再進行自家烘焙,目的就是保留更 好的風味。自家拼配、自家烘焙,風味可以更多變。

The first speciality café with a focus on takeaway, Rethink has attracted the office crowd in Zona Nova de Aterros do Porto Exterior. “How could we promote speciality coffee quicker and better?” asks owner and SCAE-certified barista Andrew Chiang. “I think it’s not a bad idea to learn from the takeaway drinks stores in the market.” Premier beans from all over the world are roasted in the shop.


March 2016 Horizon 27 28 專題 旅行 IMAGE: Stephanie Kam

Horizon March2016 香港 TR A


在前衛的藝術之都,Banksy和D*Face是家傳戶曉 的大師。而香港的Xeme和Parent's Parents等塗鴉 藝術家亦正緊隨其發展步伐 Banksy and D*Face are household names in art- forward capitals. Following in their footsteps are Hong Kong graffiti artists Xeme and Parent's Parents

文/Text Jo Baker

HKwalls創辦人Jason Dembski闡述香港街頭 藝術對藝術家及公眾的價 值,他說:「一切並非只 在於金錢。」 HKwalls organiser Jason Dembski reflects on the value of Hong Kong’s street art to artists and the public: “It’s not just about money”

March 2016 Horizon 29 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 香港 HONG KONG

頭藝術和塗鴉日益受重視,其商業價值亦不 街斷提升,昂然從建築物外牆躍登至紐約、倫 敦和柏林的畫廊。香港的塗鴉現象又如何? 本地的次文化又願意怎樣去繪畫自己的畫布? 只要沿著上環的窄巷漫步,便可略知端倪。如果 你有緣遇到香港年度街頭壁畫藝術節HKwalls創 辦人之一的Jason Dembski,更 可 詳 盡 瞭 解 箇 中 底 蘊。他 指著 一 幀 畫了一 組 巨 大 幾 何圖 形的 畫 作 說: 「這 些 藝 術 家 都 曾 參 與 塗 鴉 創 作,因 此 他 們 仍 然 喜 歡 繪畫大量字母。」如果瞇起眼睛察看,這些字母更有 點像詞彙,「他們正是以善用繪圖的空間而聞名。」 Dembski 是來自美國的建築師及HK Street Art博 客,於 2014年與另一名塗鴉藝術家胡耀祖合力創辦 HKwalls,並且積極推動本地塗鴉合法化。 轉到另一街角,他如數家珍地續說:「這個狐狸頭 由泰國藝術家Rukkit創作;這個則是美國藝術家畫 的 ,意 思 是 九 龍 皇 帝 。」 這些遍地開花的創作,儼然是色彩紛亂的街頭風情 畫,卻又盡展幾何美態。牆壁畫代表了一種流行文化 及 個 人 體 驗,或 純 粹 展 示自己 的 技 巧 造 詣,如 香 港 著 名塗鴉藝術家Xeme便是亞洲首位擅於運用中國字 的 街 頭 創 作 人。 街頭壁畫藝術節的主辦者邀請了約100位本地及 居港的海外藝術家合作,並以贊助資金請來多位享譽 街頭藝術家Egg Fiasco 貿老 區 換 上 繽 紛 的 面 貌。Dembski說 :「 我 們 會 先 拜 (下圖)為上環的大廈外 國 際 的 塗 鴉 大 師,大 家 於 月聚首香港,在為期一周 訪業主,向他們介紹每位藝術家和闡釋他們的作品。 3 牆噴上繽紛色彩 的藝術節盡情發揮創作力。 的靈感源於世 只有得到他們同意,我們才會繪畫。」並不是所有業 HKwalls Egg Fiasco (below) gives 界各地的同類活動,如夏威夷創意澎湃的街頭壁畫節 Sheung Wan the bird with 主也感興趣,但部分香港商家已大方首肯,包括兩家 Pow! Wow!。公 眾 可以 按 照 藝 術 節 的 塗 鴉 地 圖,逐 blues, greens, reds and purples 瑜伽室的東主Melanie Anderson。 她 說 :「 Yoga 一欣賞各街頭大師的精采創作,甚至參加工作坊和閉 BamBam匯聚了不同範疇的藝術家,那麼讓我們的 幕派對。之前兩屆的畫作地點主要集中於上環和赤柱 店外牆變為藝術家發揮的畫布,看來順理成章。」 一帶,今年移師九龍深水埗,以噴漆為這個繁盛的商 此外,地產商南豐集團同樣支持街頭藝術創作,更 請來葡萄牙都市藝術家Vhils(Alexandre Farto) 在其荃灣的紗廠外牆創作了三幅他的招牌雕刻肖像。 現時,紗廠已改裝成為創意基地「六廠」,體現了集團 的 文化保育 計 劃。 其他企業亦同樣出一分力,為街頭藝術錦上添花。 HKwalls將與便鞋品牌Vans合 作,慶 祝 其 50周 年; Solas、奧 華 酒 店、Juicy Couture及Kookaï則委約藝 術創作單位Parent's Parents的 藝 術 家 為 品 牌 創 作。 雖然香港的街頭藝術文化相對全球其他成熟地區 仍然未算蓬勃,但發展進程卻毫不遜色。不少本地藝 術家期望政府更積極推動本地塗鴉合法化,有些則希 望喚起公眾關注街頭藝術。 Dembski認為不論這種藝術形式的商業價值如 何,香港 也會因為塗 鴉創 作而 更 豐富多姿。他 說: 「這是藝術家為大眾創作的途徑,以自由及絕對忠 於自己的方式創作。這項藝術按照傳統是在於對藝 術家是否重要,而非在於金錢。」在香港,這個價值

觀 實 在 是 難 能 可貴。 IMAGES. HKwalls

30 Horizon March 2016 塗鴉藝術家Hopare為上 環一幅外牆大肆粉飾(左 圖);另一藝術家Xeva則 用噴漆徒手噴出拳頭圖案 (下圖) Street artist Hopare adds some colour to a Sheung Wan wall (left); Xeva sprays colour on his depiction of Bruce Lee’s fist (bottom)

s street art and graffiti grow in cachet and commercial value, leaping from Abuilding walls to gallery walls in New York, London and Berlin, what of Hong Kong’s own urban canvas and the subculture willing to paint it? A wander along the narrow streets of Sheung Wan starts to answer that question, particularly if you happen to be with Jason Dembski, co- founder of Hong Kong's annual street art festival, HKwalls. “These guys come from graffiti roots so they’re still painting a lot of letters,” he says pointing to a giant geometric set of figures that, if you squint, look like words. “They’re known for the way that they deal with space within their painting.” Dembski, an American architect and the blogger behind HK Street Art, founded the festival in 2014 with graffiti artist Stan Wu; he also advocates legalising the form. “This fox head is a Thai artist, called Rukkit,” he continues, rounding a corner. “And this one is by an American. It’s meant to be the King of Kowloon.” Just a general sense of where to look (see sidebar) reveals chaotic landscapes of colour, in turns geometric, gaudy and graceful. Murals reference pop culture and personal experience, or simply show off technical prowess. Well known Hong Kong artist Xeme is considered among the first in Asia to master Chinese characters in graffiti. The festival organisers work with many of the territory’s 100 or so local and expatriate artists, and with sponsorship funding bring them together with international names for a week in March. HKwalls takes its cue from other similar events around the world, such as Pow! Wow!, a

IMAGES. HKwalls creatively explosive mural festival in Hawaii. The

March 2016 Horizon 31 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 香港 HONG KONG

public can get a map to HKwalls sites and watch the artists paint, as well as join workshops and a wrap party. While Sheung Wan and Stanley have been the focus of previous festivals, 2016 will see Sham Shui Po, an old and dense trading district in Kowloon, come under the spray can. “We visit business owners who might have a wall or shutter to paint, and we introduce our 泰國藝術家Rukkit創作 artists and their work,” Dembski continues. 的狐狸頭塗鴉,為沉悶 “With their permission, we paint.” Not all, 的外牆注入生氣(右 but some Hong Kong business owners have 圖);Xeva的壁畫融入武 術元素(下圖); been convinced, including Melanie Anderson, Jason Dembski站在藝術家Stern whose two yoga studios have been adorned. Rockwell的塗鴉作品前留 “Yoga BamBam is an eccentric mix of artists, 影(右下圖) and so it seems logical for our studios to Fox’s head by Rukkit (right); become a living canvas for talented performers martial arts by Xeva (below); Jason Dembski with a and artists,” she says. creation by Stern Rockwell Also convinced of the power of street art is (below right) property developer Nan Fung Group, which tapped its own textile history and invited Portuguese artist Vhils (Alexandre Farto) to create three of his signature carved monolithic portraits on the outside of its old cotton mill in Tsuen Wan. Now officially The Mills Gallery, it is part of the Group’s Heritage Conservation programme. Other corporate players are also stoking the scene. HKwalls will partner with shoe brand Vans for its 50th anniversary. The talents of 六廠 Parent’s Parents have been mined by Hong Kong brands Solas and Ovolo Hotels, as well as Juicy Couture and Kookaï. With the movement here still comparatively young, there is little yet that distinguishes Hong Kong from the more mature scenes in other major world cities. Many artists here feel the government could do more to promote legal forms of street art, while others want to boost awareness among the general public. But regardless of whether the art form has commercial value, Hong Kong is richer for having it, argues Dembski. “It’s a way for artists to create something that belongs to the public and in a way that’s free and totally true to themselves,” he says. “It’s traditionally just about what’s important to the artist – and not about money.” And in this city, that’s of real value. IMAGES. Rukkit, Xeva, Rockwell & knifitti: Stephanie Kam. Vhils: The Mills Gallery

32 Horizon March 2016 葡萄牙藝術家Vhils 為荃灣南豐紗廠外牆 創作的其中一幅雕刻 壁畫(右圖),大廈 現已變成創意基地 「六廠」 One of Portuguese artist Vhils’ carved portraits (right) helped turn an old Tsuen Wan cotton mill into The Mills Gallery


在荷李活道下段支路的小巷、大安臺一帶的潮流集中地、 HKStreetart.com的常設系列、無二畫廊(blog.above-second. com)的展覽,以及從3月21至27日於深水埗舉行的 HKwalls 街頭 壁畫藝術節(www.hkwalls.org),都是欣賞塗鴉藝術的好去處。

近年街頭亦興起了另一股針織藝術潮流,備受矚目,而且反應熱 烈。藝術家以色彩繽紛的鉤針品或毛冷,在不同地點為欄杆扶手, 甚至樹木編織「毛衣」。中環砵甸乍街華興大廈外的扶手,就披上 了斑斕奪目的全新外衣,賞心悅目。

The alleys that branch off lower Hollywood Road, the hipster haven around Tai On Terrace, HKStreetart.com’s running collection, Above Second Gallery’s (blog.above-second.com) showcase and the HKwalls festival itself, running March 21-27 in Sham Shui Po (www.hkwalls.org) are the best places to start.

六廠 Another form attracting positive attention is ‘knifitti’ – or ‘yarn bombing’. This guerrilla-style street knitting covers everything from handrails to trees in colourful crocheted or knit yarn. In Hong Kong, the hand rails outside Wah Hing House on Pottinger Street are usually covered with eye-catching displays.

近年盛行針織藝術,本地藝術家Esther Poon便將欄杆扶手變成七彩的藝術品 Knifitti or ‘yarn bombing’, such as this work by Esther Poon, transforms drab handrails into a colourful display IMAGES. Rukkit, Xeva, Rockwell & knifitti: Stephanie Kam. Vhils: The Mills Gallery

March 2016 Horizon 33 潮流 FASHION 時尚

簡潔線條與耀眼色調 構成春季男裝主軸 Clean lines and strong colours define men’s style this spring 鋼鐵風範 THE MAN OF STEEL

34 Horizon March 2016 左圖: PYE 襯衫 Z Zegna 上衣 Cerruti 1881 外套 Boss 長褲 Jimmy Choo 涼鞋

右圖: Calvin Klein Platinum 襯衫及上衣 Blackbarrett by Neil Barrett 短褲 Z Zegna 便服鞋

At left: Shirt by PYE Top by Z Zegna Jacket by Cerruti 1881 Trousers by Boss Sandals by Jimmy Choo

At right: Shirt and top by Calvin Klein Platinum Shorts by Blackbarrett by Neil Barrett Shoes by Z Zegna

攝影 Photography Gordon Lund (Frackeye) 攝影助理 Photography assistant Donald Siu (Frackeye) 製作助理 Production assistant Crystal Leung (Frackeye) 形象指導 Styling Zidira Ling 髮型 Hair Eagco Leung 化妝 Makeup Karrie Yum 模特兒 Model Andrew (Elite)

March 2016 Horizon 35 潮流 FASHION 時尚

左圖: PYE 襯衫 Boss 外套 Kenzo 長褲 Z Zegna 便服鞋

右圖: Kenzo 針織上衣 Gucci 長褲及涼鞋

At left: Shirt by PYE Jacket by Boss Trousers by Kenzo Shoes by Z Zegna

At right: Sweater by Kenzo Trousers and sandals by Gucci

36 Horizon March 2016 March 2016 Horizon 37 潮流 FASHION 時尚

38 Horizon March 2016 左圖: Blackbarrett by Neil Barrett 外套及長褲 Jimmy Choo 運動鞋

右圖: Z Zegna 上衣、長褲及便服鞋 Ports 1961 大衣

At left: Jacket and trousers by Blackbarrett by Neil Barrett Shoes by Jimmy Choo

At right: Top, trousers and shoes by Z Zegna Coat by Ports 1961

March 2016 Horizon 39 潮流 FASHION 時尚

左圖: Cerruti 1881 襯衫 Boss 上衣及外套 Blackbarrett by Neil Barrett 長褲 Jimmy Choo 運動鞋

右圖: Hermès 上衣 Ports 1961 長褲 Bottega Veneta 便服鞋

At left: Shirt by Cerruti 1881 Top and jacket by Boss Trousers by Blackbarrett by Neil Barrett Shoes by Jimmy Choo

At right: Top by Hermès Trousers by Ports 1961 Shoes by Bottega Veneta

40 Horizon March 2016 March 2016 Horizon 41 心動 FIRST LOOK 精品 大師名筆 WARHOL WRITING

藝術大師Andy Warhol逝世近30年,他的創作至今仍廣受愛 戴。萬寶龍以他的得意之作為主題,推出一系列名筆。 Artist Andy Warhol lives on 30 years after his death, here in a range of Montblanc pens featuring his favourite motifs. 源自經典 澳門新濠影滙購物大道一樓1076舖 Shop 1076, Level 1, The Boulevard at Studio City, Macau CLASSIC IDEAS www.montblanc.com

由經典概念取材的新穎別致之作 New signature looks inspired by classics


奢華品牌Salvatore Ferragamo為慶祝參與荷李活製作100周年,與知名的年青 設計師Edgardo Osorio合作,推出女裝鞋履迷你系列,包括這款飾以彩色飛翼 的高跟涼鞋。這個系列是Osorio以充滿玩味的手法重新演繹品牌創辦人於30、 40及50年代的經典設計,新設計是專為現代女性而打造,一如品牌所說,設計 糅合「創意、天馬行空的想像力、舒適及華麗」於一身。

In honour of its 100 years in Hollywood, Italian luxury fashion house Salvatore Ferragamo has launched a capsule shoe collection for women by acclaimed young designer Edgardo Osorio. His shoes, including this feathered creation, playfully channel the founder’s iconic designs from the 澳門銀河時尚匯G082舖 1930s, ’40s and ’50s, and reinterpret them for the G082, The Promenade, contemporary woman. The shoes combine, Galaxy Macau the company says, “creativity and a touch www.ferragamo.com of eccentricity, comfort and luxury.”

滿園香草 寶貴典範 HERB GARDEN TREASURED CLASSIC Jo Malone的創意香氛讓人煥然一新。 歐米茄新推出的碟飛Trésor腕錶,由1949年 全新限量Herb Garden系列讓人置身香 的原型款式蛻變而成,採用18K黃金錶殼, 草園,五款香味各以精選香草配搭,如 內置30毫米Master Co-Axial強力防磁手動上 酸模配檸檬百里香、旱金蓮配四葉草。 鏈機芯8511。 Jo Malone’s creative scents make us all rethink how we should smell. Her The elegant 18K yellow gold case of Omega’s new Herb Garden of five fresh, limited new De Ville Trésor evokes the 1949 original edition fragrances takes us back to the but it now houses the powerful Omega garden, with combinations like sorrel & Master Co-Axial calibre 8511 movement. lemon thyme and nasturtium & clover. 澳門銀河時尚匯G076舖 澳門銀河時尚匯G064舖 G076, The Promenade, Galaxy Macau G064, The Promenade, Galaxy Macau www.omegawatches.com www.jomalone.com

42 Horizon March 2016



紐約這片土地的歷史與海洋有 密不可分的連繫 New York's history is a love story of land and water

文/Text Joanna Hughes

在自由州立公園海濱漫 步,欣賞地標林立的紐約 The promenade of Liberty State Park provides a panoramic view of New York city landmarks

44 Horizon March 2016 1903 1886 利條件,讓紐約港成為全球最佳天然港口之一。 障,又有多條航道通往大西洋沿岸其他地方。種種有 流(後稱為哈德遜河)的入海口,這裡既有小島作屏 到它是一個極之優越的港口。因為下紐約港是一條河 意 巨像》細膩地描繪出移民的心情與憧憬。這首詩在 吸自由的人們,把一切交托給我吧」,十四行詩《新 開夢想中的新生活。「疲憊貧困、擁擠一團、渴望呼 埃利斯島停靠進行入境手續,然後徐徐駛進碼頭。 時,較為簡陋的船隻則載著歐洲移民抵埗,船隻先在 發前往歐洲,船上彩帶飄揚、香檳源源供應;與此同 越來越多。為方便識別,碼頭只有編號沒有名稱。 第一個碼頭。後來隨著聚居地向北擴展,新建的碼頭 開始於曼克頓南端定居,並於現今的珍珠街附近興建 以及紐約時裝周的舉行場地,展現大都會魅力。 紐約人熱愛自我改造,部分碼頭已變身成時尚夜總會 到布朗克斯區,然而舊碼頭沒有變成荒涼之地,皆因 頭。布魯克林區的船塢早已關閉,富爾頓魚市場也遷 在海港另一邊的新澤西州紐瓦克港及伊利沙伯海運碼 立於紐約港的雕像,亦從此成為美國象徵。詩文在 美好的環境吸引移民落地生根,荷蘭人在 移民經過千辛萬苦的旅程,終於抵達紐約港,展 當年的碼頭十分繁忙。富裕人家登上豪華輪船出 至今紐約依然是豪華郵輪的啟航點,但大部分停泊 年刻於自由神像的基座。 年自由神像揭幕儀式上獲高聲朗讀,而這個屹 但他沒有覺察這裡的地理優勢。 一名探險家哈德遜踏足紐約港,卻清楚觀察 大利探險家韋拉扎諾在 1524 年發現紐約港, 85 1624 年後另 年 huddled masses yearning to breathe free” – free” tobreathe yearning masses huddled Your poor; your 1886 –“Give tired, in me your read dedication at its was Colossus” New “The sonnet the although and of Liberty, Statue the Island. at Ellis of entry ports famous most globe’s at one of the stopping after Europe, from immigrants carrying docked boats humbler while of streamers, ablizzard in to Europe of names. instead numbers had they that many –so more extended piers island’s north, spread tothe settlement As site of Street. Pearl the near wharf first their built and 1624 in tip world. the around beacon for dreamers a became that seaboard Atlantic the along settlements toother links navigable and islands sheltering York New with (Lower bay Harbour), asaltwater into Hudson) flowing (the estuary ariver ideal: It was harbours. natural finest onto world’s – one he what was of the exactly Hudson knew Henry explorer later but 85 years I The people of France presented New York New presented of France people with The wealthy the carried ships busy.It Luxury was southern on Manhattan’s settled Dutch The first spotted New York Harbour in 1524, 1524, York New in Harbour spotted first he when where he was exactly wasn’t sure talian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano March 2016



IMAGE. Liberty State Park: Getty Images 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 美國 UNITED STATES

紐約港海濱每一段都各具特色,參加海上觀光行 程例如登上著名的Circle Line觀光船,即可把岸邊 千姿百態盡收眼底。港口的水質亦在當局努力清潔下 得到改善,鼠海豚、海豚及灰海豹樂於到此一遊。 2009年一條年幼雄性座頭鯨被紐約市的璀璨燈光吸 引,游到布魯克林區韋拉札諾海峽大橋附近,要由海 岸防衛隊引領牠回大海,成為一時佳話。觀光船公司 在特定季節會舉辦觀賞紐約港海洋動物的海上行程。 遊客也可在往來各區的渡輪上,欣賞這個美麗港 口。渡輪除了前往觀光景點埃利斯島及自由島國家公 園,也有往返商業區曼克頓和住宅區布魯克林、布朗 克斯及斯塔滕島。想去遠一點,可乘渡輪到新澤西州 最當風的大西洋高地,和富歷史氣息的北澤西海岸。 在海上暢遊一番之後,是時候回到曼克頓遊覽豐富 的海濱建設。位於下城區的南街海港街區剛完成改造工 程,計有於古根漢美術館舉行、主力展出數碼藝術的展 覽,還有風格前衛的建築物和不少商店及餐飲設施。 想仔細欣賞曼克頓海濱風光,不妨挑選其中一段 斯塔藤島渡輪(右圖)徐徐 曼克頓河濱林蔭道漫步。這條林蔭道圍繞著整個曼克 駛過紐約港,途經自由神像 頓,途經許多別具歷史意義的地方。例如在鄰近哈德 The iconic Staten Island Ferry (right) makes its way 遜河的一段, 多年前一艘艘蒸汽輪就在此泊岸, 100 across the harbour, with 向市內著名生蠔吧供應食材的駁船也在此卸貨。昔日 the Statue of Liberty 這兒還有不少屠房,而54號碼頭是卡帕西亞號郵輪 in the background 當年救起鐵達尼號生還者之後停泊的地方。哈德遜河 公園是整條林蔭道上其中一個最精采、內涵最豐富的 路段。公園由第59街一直往南延伸至砲台公園,途 經砲台公園城、世貿中心以及匯聚時尚文化的翠貝卡 區,並毗鄰格林威治村、別致的住宅區西村,和現已 重塑成為時尚地帶的舊肉品包裝區。 哈德遜河公園亦是紐約港海濱眾多設施中,最受歡 迎的休閒地帶之一。哈德遜河公園之友組織的行政總 裁波洛夫說:「公園綿延四英里,是極珍貴的河濱綠 州。園內四個遊樂場及四個船庫不時舉辦特色活動和 展出裝置藝術品,發揮服務並連繫社區的功能。」 正如波洛夫說,公園是讓人享受美好時光的地方。 哈德遜河公園有適合犬隻和小孩玩耍的設施,還可 以溜冰、攀石、玩高空鞦韆及獨木舟等,或踏上兩旁 綠草如茵的翠貝卡木板道,觀賞鳥類生態。想品嚐美 酒佳餚,可到由142呎長的古單桅帆船改裝成的餐廳 Grand Banks,點一客以可持續發展方式撈捕的生 蠔,配以時令菜式及具航海風味的雞尾酒。 紐約現已發展成一個多元化城市,但如果它沒有港 口、海濱,以至世世代代從事貿易、勞動、捕魚和在 岸上奮鬥的人,就不會孕育出這個大都會。 作家哈米爾在《Downtown: My Manhattan》 書中描繪紐約港動人的一面。他建議旅客「臣服於這 城市的魔力。前往哈德遜河觀看潮水或在寒冬觀賞冰 塊,這些景色在島上渺無人煙之時經已存在。看看船 艇,眺望自由神像或埃利斯島,那裡是紐約人先輩前 來尋找美好生活必經之地。來認識我們紐約族群的故 事,因為無論你在那裡出生,這兒也有你的族群。」

46 Horizon March 2016 New Jersey’s windswept promontory of Atlantic Highlands and the historic North Jersey Shore. Manhattan’s waterfront offers loads to see. South Street Seaport in Lower Manhattan has just finished a major overhaul, with an exhibition by the Guggenheim Museum focused on digital art, cutting-edge architecture, and plenty of shopping and dining. Circumnavigating the island, the 50-kilometre Manhattan Waterfront Greenway teems with history. A century ago, the Hudson side was home to steamship piers, barges supplying the city’s oyster bars, slaughterhouses and Pier 54 – where the Carpathia docked with Titanic survivors. The essential Hudson River Park, stretching from 59th Street south to The Battery, includes Battery Park City, the World Trade Center and artsy Tribeca, and borders Greenwich Village, the upscale West Village and the trendy Meatpacking District. “Hudson River Park is an invaluable four- mile riverfront oasis,” says Gregory Boroff, executive director of the Friends of Hudson River Park. “From unique events to art installations to its four playgrounds and four boathouses, the park consistently serves to bring the community together.” it wasn’t until 1903 that those words were added to the iconic statue’s immense pedestal. While luxury liners still depart from New York, shipping is now mostly handled across the way at New Jersey’s Port Newark/Port Elizabeth. The shipyards of Brooklyn have long since closed and even the Fulton Fish Market has moved to the Bronx. But New Yorkers like to reinvent themselves, and some piers are now home to hip clubs and New York Fashion Week shows. One of the best ways to see the waterfront is

IMAGES. Statue of Liberty: Getty Images/Moment IMAGES. Statue of Liberty: Getty Images/Moment Open. Chelsea Market: Joe Buglewicz. South Street Seaport sign: Corbis. from the water on any number of day cruises, including the iconic Circle Line. Thanks to pollution clean-up efforts, porpoises, dolphins 位於肉品包裝區的雀兒喜 and grey seals are back and, depending on the 市場(左圖)每年吸引600 萬人次到訪。南街海港(右 season, there are cruises for spotting them. 圖)已發展成文化地段,區 (In 2009, a young male humpback whale was 內不時舉行文化活動,並有 lured in by the city lights, making it as far as the 一間古根漢美術館 Verrazano-Narrows Bridge at Brooklyn before Chelsea Market (left) attracts six million visitors each the Coast Guard gently herded him out.) year; South Street Seaport There are also ferries to Ellis Island and (right) has partnered with Liberty National Park, while others zip back the Guggenheim Museum and others for a variety of and forth between Manhattan, Brooklyn, the cultural events Bronx and Staten Island. Further afield sits

March 2016 Horizon 47 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 美國 UNITED STATES

Boroff says having a good time is what the 停泊在南街海港的古帆船與 現代的高樓大廈相映成趣 park is all about. The park offers just about 相關網頁 everything: dog- and kid-friendly activities, ice Vintage sailing ships are set against a backdrop of NEED TO KNOW skating, rock climbing, trapeze and kayaking. skyscrapers at South You can get in touch with both local birdlife and Street Seaport 哈德遜河公園:景點、地圖、開放時間及其他資訊 artists on Tribeca’s grassy boardwalk. And there Hudson River Park: Attractions, maps, tours and more www.hudsonriverpark.org are historic vessels including the Grand Banks, a 43-metre wooden sloop where you can enjoy 紐約水上暢遊活動:Circle Line遊船和船上晚餐等資料 sustainably sourced oysters, seasonal plates and NYC water tours: From the Circle Line to dinner cruises www.viator.com/New-York-City-tours nautical cocktails. There are so many ways to define New York, 南街海港:裝置藝術、博物館、新落成的建築物、購物以及 but without its harbour, its waterfront and the 餐飲等資訊 South Street Seaport: Art installations, museums, new generations who traded, laboured, fished and architecture, shopping, dining and more even fought from its shores, this grand, diverse www.southstreetseaport.com metropolis might never have been. 自由神像國家紀念碑:包括開放時間、交通等資訊及購票 In his book Downtown: My Manhattan, Pete Statue of Liberty National Monument: Information and Hamill advises visitors to “surrender to the city’s ticketing magic. Go down to the Hudson River… Watch www.nps.gov the tides or the blocks of ice in winter; they 埃利斯島:埃利斯島及自由島的資料、活動及訂票 have existed since the time when the island was Ellis Island: Information on Ellis Island and Liberty Island empty of man. Gaze at the boats. Look across bookings and events www.libertyellisfoundation.org the water at the Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island, the place to which so many of the New York 紐約及新澤西州渡輪時間表 tribe came in order to truly live. Learn the tale of Ferry schedules for New York and New Jersey www.nywaterway.com our tribe, because it’s your tribe too, no matter

where you were born.” IMAGES. South Street Seaport: Getty Images/Moment RF

48 Horizon March 2016 TRAVEL 旅行 英國 UNITED KINGDOM 專題


蘇格蘭內赫布里底群島中的艾拉島, 除了出產全球最出色的威士忌, 還有許多別具吸引力的風貌 There is more to Scotland's Inner Hebrides island of Islay than just the world's finest whiskies

文/Text Robin Lynam IMAGES. Casks:Getty Images. IMAGES. Casks:Getty

March 2016 Horizon 49 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 英國 UNITED KINGDOM

格蘭艾拉島著名酒廠Laphroaig有一個很獨 蘇特的活動,名為Laphroaig之友,歡迎偶爾 到訪的遊客登記參加。他們只要繳付登記 費,便可於酒廠附近永久租用一塊一平方呎土地,租 金全免。遊客可隨時到自己的租地,每年更可申領少 量威士忌,作為把土地回租給酒廠的租金收入,但條 款列明不准「開採泥煤、牧羊或提取礦物」。租地在 休耕區,該區成立目的是保護Laphroaig水源清純。 為協助參加者前往他們的租地,酒廠準備了一個承 租者櫥櫃。酒廠經理John Campbell表示,櫥櫃內 有一雙威靈頓長靴、防禦低飛雁隻的保護頭盔,還有 「救生圈和船錨,以防途中被拋出海;一球繩線,用 來繫緊褲管,避免好奇的鼬鼠鑽進去;一條毛巾,當 被愛黏人的水獺苦纏,可用來擦乾身體。」 當然,並非所有Laphroaig訪客都有機會用上這些 設備。許多人來到這個威士忌之鄉,名正言順只是想 品嚐醇香的威士忌。他們或從格拉斯哥乘預定的Flybe 航班飛抵艾拉島機場,或從肯納奎格乘渡輪抵埗。 Campbell賣花讚花:「置身威士忌產地一邊聽著 大海的聲音,一邊細味我們粗獷濃烈的單一麥芽酒, 實在無與倫比。品味過後,就會明白為何Laphroaig 是最教人回味和最具個性的麥芽威士忌。」 Campbell可能有點自誇,但Laphroaig無疑是最 出色(及最著名)的蘇格蘭威士忌之一,而島上八間 究當地塞爾特歷史的學生,都可舒適地住下來。許多 酒廠也各有支持者。艾拉島當然有其他觀光活動(另 旅客鍾情設有煮食設施的村舍,從而體驗內赫布里底 文),然而威士忌旅遊項目始終是該島的經濟支柱。 群島居民的生活。另一選擇是入住酒廠或農場。 當地所有酒廠都歡迎遊客造訪,會安排導賞及品酒。 Ardbeg酒廠內有一間小村屋,它的前身是經理宿 艾拉島威士忌最廣為人知的特點,是帶著一股泥煤 舍,現可接待最多六位賓客入住,實地了解酒廠運 煙燻味。鍾情這種味道的訪客,會前往小島南面的酒 作。賓客即使晚了起床,也不會錯過酒廠餐廳Old 廠參觀,包括Ardbeg、Lagavulin和Laphroaig。 Kiln Café的早餐,又或享受一個悠長的午餐,品嚐本 在這裡,南艾拉酒廠小徑貫穿各酒廠,從Port Ellen 地三文魚、帶子、小龍蝦和龍蝦。 酒廠一直通到Ardbeg,成為清爽怡人的酒之步道。 Port Charlotte精品酒店有10間客房,餐廳 島上西北部的酒廠如Bowmore和Bruichladdich, Dining Room亦以美食馳名,尤其是廚師巧製的本 以及東面的Bunnahabhain和Caol Ila,所釀製的威 地農產、野味、牛肉和海鮮。 士忌泥煤味相對較淡。 若以位置來說最方便的住處,莫過於坐落艾拉島主 艾拉島的烈酒以濃烈辛辣見稱,Bruichladdich的 要小鎮波摩中心的Bowmore Distillery Cottages, 威士忌秉承這項傳統,酒廠將蒸餾所得的新酒送到其 內有六間已翻新的維多利亞風格套房,分別可容納 他地方陳放,並以Port Charlotte品牌推出;帶有極 2至14人。毗鄰的酒店Bowmore Hotel除了提供住 艾拉島以生產濃烈辛辣 度強烈泥煤味的威士忌,則以 品牌出售。 宿,還有在艾拉島亦廣受推崇的餐廳,酒吧則有現場 Octomore 的烈酒見稱,傳統酒廠 艾拉島124年來首間新建的酒廠Kilchoman於2005年 音樂表演,並珍藏逾700種麥芽威士忌。 Bruichladdich的出品就是 投產,同樣生產極重泥煤風味的威士忌。 若想住在威士忌色彩淡一點的地方,可考慮主打生 好例子(右圖) 由於訪客漸多,驅使島上的旅館業也蓬勃發展,從 態環境的Persabus Experience,它是現代化的傳統 Islay is renowned for its intense, pungent spirits 簡單的住宿連早餐度假旅館,到精品酒店一應俱全, 世紀農舍,位於飼有羊及牛的牧場內,由同一家族 16 like these from traditional 經營逾一世紀,有自煮式住宿或住宿連早餐服務。 讓到訪的劉伶、高球客、登山者、觀鳥人士,以至研 distiller Bruichladdich (right) Bruichladdich whiskies: UIG via Getty Images Paul Raftery/Corbis; IMAGES. Visitor Centre:

50 Horizon March 2016 在艾拉島Laphroaig酒廠 的海邊廠房,看著優美的 海景呷一口單一麥芽威士 忌,感覺無與倫比 The best way to enjoy a good single malt scotch such as Laphroaig is to do so at the seaside distilleries on Islay

ccasional visitors to the Scottish island of Islay (pronounced EYE-lah) can, for Othe cost of registration as a ‘Friend of Laphroaig’, acquire a lifetime lease on one square foot of land near the distillery. The lease is free; its terms preclude using the plot to “cut peat, farm sheep or extract minerals.” Leaseholders are, however, entitled to visit whenever they wish and claim a dram of whisky as lease-back “rent” once each year. The land lies fallow to protect the purity of Laphroaig’s water source. There’s also access to the ‘Leaseholders’ Cupboard’ that, distillery manager John Campbell explains, contains a pair of Wellington boots, protective headgear against low-flying geese, “a lifebelt and anchor to safeguard against being blown out to sea, one ball of string for securing trouser legs from inquisitive stoats, and a towel for the leaseholder to dryoff in the event of unwelcome attention from affectionate otters.” Not all visitors to Laphroaig avail themselves of these facilities, but plenty take the scheduled Flybe flight from Glasgow to Islay Airport, or the ferry from Kennacraig, to sip fine whisky at its place of origin. “No moment is more special than savouring our rugged single malt at its source to the sound of the sea,” says Campbell. “To do so is to understand why Laphroaig is the most rewarding and individual of all malt whiskies.” Campbell may be a little biased. Laphroaig is certainly one of the greatest (and arguably best- known) of Scotland’s whiskies, but each of the island’s eight functioning distilleries has its loyal fans. Although Islay has other attractions (see sidebar) whisky tourism is the foundation of the island’s economy. All the distilleries welcome

IMAGES. Visitor Centre: Paul Raftery/Corbis; Bruichladdich whiskies: UIG via Getty Images Paul Raftery/Corbis; IMAGES. Visitor Centre: visitors, offering tours and tastings.

March 2016 Horizon 51 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 英國 UNITED KINGDOM

鹿隻在艾拉島自由奔跑 (右圖)。除了獵鹿,島 上還有許多戶外活動,如 垂釣、觀鳥、騎馬、泥鴿 射擊和高爾夫球等等 Stags roam freely over the island (right), where deer stalking, fishing, birdwatching, horseriding, clay pigeon shooting and golf are among the various recreational pursuits

Those who like the peaty smokiness for which Islay whisky is renowned are particularly drawn to the distilleries on the island’s south side: Ardbeg, Lagavulin and Laphroaig. These are now connected by the South Islay Distilleries Pathway, which runs from Port Ellen to Ardbeg and is a bracing country walk between drams. Less heavily peated spirits are produced at the Bowmore and Bruichladdich distilleries in the north-west, and at Bunnahabhain and Caol Ila in the east. Islay is best-known for intense, pungent spirits, and whiskies in that tradition are also made by Bruichladdich, but they are matured elsewhere and branded as Port Charlotte, or for the “super heavily peated” whiskies, Octomore. Kilchoman, Islay’s first new distillery in 124 years, opened in 2005 and also makes powerfully peated spirits. A thriving business in visitor accommodation has grown up to look after the whisky lovers - and golfers, hikers, birdwatchers and students of Celtic history also drawn to the island - with options ranging from simple bed and breakfasts to boutique hotels. Many visitors prefer self- catering cottages that give an insight into the way the islanders of the Inner Hebrides live. Visitors can stay in crofters’ cottages, at a distillery or on a working farm. At the Ardbeg Distillery, up to six people can settle into the former manager’s cottage. As well as getting to know the distillery intimately, guests can enjoy a late breakfast or a long lunch at Ardbeg’s Old Kiln Café - a great place for locally caught salmon, scallops, langoustines

and lobsters. IMAGES. Deer: Getty Images/Design Pics RF. Laphroaig Distillery: Images

52 Horizon March 2016 艾拉島旅遊資訊 INFORMATION

艾拉島的吸引力除了威士忌,還有讓人目不暇給的野生生態。 每年秋天約50,000隻白額雁和白頰黑雁,會由格陵蘭飛抵艾拉 島。而一年四季都可看到鷹、水獺、鹿、海豹和海豚的蹤影。

在島上也可享受多姿多采的戶外活動,包括高爾夫球、遠足、 踏單車、騎馬、射山鷸和泥鴿、獵鹿和釣魚等等。島上亦有一 些珍貴的歷史古蹟,例如艾拉島古代貴族在菲拉格蘭湖邊的官 邸遺址,還有基爾戴爾頓教堂建於公元八世紀的大十字架。

每年5月至9月有連串節慶和特別活動。如5月下旬舉行的麥芽 音樂節,集合爵士音樂、釣魚、土風舞、步行和沙灘欖球。

艾拉島詳細住宿和景點資料,請瀏覽 www.islayjura.com;若 有興趣參加觀光團,在導遊帶領下認識艾拉島各項特色,可聯 絡Christine Logan(www.ladyoftheisles.co.uk)。

As well as whisky, visitors come to Islay for the wildlife. In autumn some 50,000 white-fronted and barnacle geese arrive from Greenland. Eagles, otters, deer, seals and dolphins can be seen year-round.

Other recreational options include golf, hiking, cycling, horse- riding, woodcock and clay pigeon shooting, deer stalking and fishing. Historical attractions include the ancient settlement of Finlaggan, seat of the Lordship of the Isles, and the 8th-century Kildalton Cross.

Islay has a programme of festivals and special events running from May to September. The Festival of Malt and Music in late May has events devoted to jazz, fishing, country dancing, Another favourite gourmet venue is the 10- walking and beach rugby. room boutique Port Charlotte Hotel where The Dining Room is also known for skilfully Full details of accommodation and attractions on the island can be found at www.islayjura.com. For a well-informed guided tour prepared local produce, game, and seafood. taking in all aspects of Islay, contact Christine Logan Perhaps the best place to stay from the location (www.ladyoftheisles.co.uk). point of view is Bowmore Distillery Cottages, 前往艾拉島交通資料 six comfortably renovated Victorian units Getting to Islay sleeping from two to 14, in the of Islay’s principal town. The nearby Bowmore Hotel has 由格拉斯哥起飛航班 Glasgow flight accommodation and one of Islay’s best regarded www.flybe.com restaurants; the bar is known for live music and 從肯納奎格乘渡輪 Kennacraig ferry Laphroaig酒廠的巨型銅製 a collection of more than 700 malt whiskies. www.calmac.co.uk 蒸餾器(左圖)製造出烈酒 For a slightly less whisky-soaked perspective, 後,會放在酒桶陳釀。製作 艾拉島住宿資料 the environmentally themed Persabus 材料只需大麥、酵母和水 Stay on Islay Enormous copper pot stills Experience has self-catering or bed and breakfast at Laphroaig Distillery (left) accommodation in modernised but traditionally www.ardbeg.com produce spirits which are styled 16th-century cottages on a functioning www.portcharlottehotel.co.uk then aged in casks. Barley, sheep and cattle farm, worked by the same www.bowmorehotel.co.uk yeast and water are the only www.persabus.co.uk ingredients required

IMAGES. Deer: Getty Images/Design Pics RF. Laphroaig Distillery: Images family for more than 100 years.

March 2016 Horizon 53 54 專題 旅行

Horizon March2016 新加坡 TR A VE

SINGAPORE L 設計精巧、顏色花俏,新加坡峇峇娘惹裝飾瓷磚 Peranakan community through the culture's culture's the through community Peranakan PATTERNS OF LIFE 雋美之家 Picture the heydayPicture the of Singapore's intricately painted ceramic tiles intricately 見證族群的璀璨歲月 文 /Text MicheleKohMorollo

IMAGES. Shophouse exterior: Getty Images/Gallo Images 許多現存的峇峇娘惹瓷磚 東南亞古董愛好者來說,峇峇娘惹陶瓷製品 or lovers of Southeast Asian antiques, (左及下圖)是在舊房屋拆 是最具收藏價值的珍品之一,例如餐用器皿 Peranakan ceramics – including crockery, 毀後的瓦礫中採集回來。瓷 對 磚設計精緻,糅合建築細節 和 以 裝 飾 為 主 的 花 瓶。而 眾 多 瑰 寶 當 中,在 ornamental vases and particularly 並具有生動色彩(上圖) F 峇峇娘惹族群傳統家居使用的瓷磚尤其珍貴。瓷磚上 tiles used in traditional homes – are some of Many tiles (left, below) were 的圖案往往結合了華人社會吉祥物,例如魚、鳳凰及 the most prized collectables. The captivating rescued from demolished 獅 子 等,配 以 鮮 艷 的 色 彩以 及在 馬 來 西 亞 或 印尼 蠟 染 buildings. Tiles were often motifs found in Peranakan tiles often combine combined with architectural 布料上常見的複雜線條,呈現迷人風采。 auspicious Chinese creatures such as fish, details and vivid colours 峇峇娘惹(土生華人)是東南亞曾經盛極一時的 phoenixes and lions with the bright colours (above) 富裕族群,他們的獨特文化近年再次引起注視。族群 and the intricate patterns seen in Malaysian or 起源可追溯至16世紀,當時前往南洋經商的華人在 Indonesian batik textiles. 馬六甲、檳城及新加坡等地定居,與當地說馬來語 The Peranakans were once a glamorous, 的女性通婚,所誕下的後裔就稱為峇峇娘惹族群。 wealthy segment of Southeast Asian society, 他們大多受到良好教育、見多識廣,能說幾種語言包 one that has gained renewed attention in recent 括英語、華語及馬來語。族群的傳統生活風俗和習 years. This vibrant community first emerged in 慣,至 今 仍 然 在 區 內 流 傳。 the 1500s in places such as Malacca, Penang and 2008年新加坡上映一套以20世紀峇峇娘惹家族 Singapore as a result of intermarriage, mostly 為題材的電視劇,大受歡眾歡迎。同一年土生華人博 between Chinese traders who had settled in the 物館亦於獅城開幕,展出源自峇峇娘惹文化的手工藝 region and the local Malay-speaking women. 品。遊客可透過一件件華麗奪目的展品,進一步認識 Peranakans tended to be sophisticates, often 這個充滿活力和創意的族群及其歷史。 speaking English, Chinese and Malay, and the 土生華人博物館總監Alan Chong指 出 :「 要 把 way they lived still resonates in the region today. 峇峇娘惹文化歸類並不容易,因為它不僅有明顯的 In Singapore, a 2008 television drama about 華人民族元素,也有顯著的馬來文化成分。此外,由 a 20th-century Peranakan family became a 印度洋文化以至在殖民地時期葡萄牙、荷蘭及英國 huge hit with audiences. That year, the city also 之間建立的貿易網絡,都在峇峇娘惹文化中留下痕 saw the opening of the Peranakan Museum, 跡 。」 Alan Chong認為人們毋須對峇峇娘惹文化 where visitors can admire artefacts from the 的根源太執著,因為細心欣賞其洋溢生氣的裝飾風 culture and learn more about the history of this

IMAGES. Shophouse exterior: Getty Images/Gallo Images 格,已 經 叫 人 心 滿 意 足。 dynamic and creative community. 旅行 TRAVEL 專題 新加坡 SINGAPORE

新加坡瓷磚生產商Aster by Kyra其中一位東主 Victor Lim,是峇峇娘惹族群後裔,他自1970年代 開始收藏及修復峇峇娘惹古董瓷磚,至今收藏了近 8,000塊,並舉辦工作坊教導收藏家修復古董瓷磚的 技巧。他的珍藏大部分有過百年歷史,全是他幾經艱難 從1970年代末至1980年代被清拆的新加坡舊店屋搶 救回來。所謂店屋是指下舖上居的舊式房屋。 據Victor指出,大部分峇峇娘惹瓷磚是由新藝術運 動時期的瓷磚演變而成。在維多利亞時代後半期,坐 落於不列顛群島市郊的房屋普遍使用新藝術運動時 期瓷磚做裝飾。歐洲瓷磚的圖案以花卉為主,但新加 坡瓷磚多數以華人視為吉祥的圖案為題,例如鳳梨及 孔雀等。當時峇峇娘惹族群利用這種瓷磚裝飾他們在 加 東 區 及 翡 翠 山 的 樓 房,甚 至 在 羅 尼 路 附 近、俗 稱 咖 啡山的武吉布朗墓園中,也有些墳墓是用這些瓷磚裝 飾。久而久之,人們就把這些充滿異國情調的瓷磚稱 為峇峇娘惹瓷磚。 Victor說英國人在1920年代,曾將製作峇峇娘惹瓷 磚的機器運往日本。他說:「我們目前搜集到的瓷磚, 許多都是來自日本。日本人聘請華人藝術家,在瓷磚上 繪畫各式吉祥圖案,包括龍、花朵和石榴等水果。這些 特別針對華人喜好的設計深受華人愛戴,日本人因而 在 東 南 亞 做 了 許 多 生 意。」 “Peranakan culture defies easy classification,” 峇峇娘惹瓷磚於1935年左 右停 產。部 分用來 生 產 says Alan Chong, director of the Peranakan 的原材料包括鉛、銅、鈷等,因為發現含有有毒物質, Museum. “It has clear elements of Chinese 不會再用來製作瓷磚,所以這些古董瓷磚是無法複 identity as well as components of the Malay 製的。物以罕為貴,稀有瓷磚的價格隨著時日飆升。 world. The cultures of the Indian Ocean have Victor說 :「 價 格 一 直 穩 步 上 揚 , 1978年時只需1新加 also left their trace, as have the colonial trading 坡 幣(約 6港 元)就 可 以 買 到 一 塊,有 時 甚 至 不 用 錢, networks of the Portuguese, the Dutch and the 現在每塊最少要45甚至450新 加 坡 幣 。」 British.” But Chong also believes we should 他又指出,與現今製作瓷磚的物料相比,以前的釉 perhaps worry less about the ethnic origins 藥優點是顏色歷久常新,並且能令瓷磚更堅固。由於 of Peranakan culture and simply revel in its 峇峇娘惹瓷磚日益罕見,在新加坡歷史文物收藏家眼 vibrant decorative art forms. 中,已成為稀有的瑰寶。 Victor Lim, co-owner of Singapore-based ceramic-tile manufacturer Aster by Kyra, has been collecting and restoring antique Peranakan tiles since the 1970s. Of Peranakan 新加坡翡翠山一間在20世 descent himself, Lim has a collection of about 紀初落成的排屋(上圖), 入口通道鋪設了高雅的峇峇 8,000 Peranakan tiles and conducts workshops 娘惹瓷磚。一些以中國吉祥 to educate collectors on how to restore these 物為主題的大塊瓷磚(左 pieces. Most of the tiles in Lim’s possession are 圖),至今仍然妥善保存 more than 100 years old and were painstakingly An early-20th-century terrace house in Emerald Hill uses salvaged from old Singaporean shophouses that tiles in its entryway (above). were torn down in the late 1970s and ’80s. Some larger tiles with According to Lim, most Peranakan tiles are auspicious Chinese motifs variations of Art Nouveau Majolica tiles that

(left) still survive IMAGES. Emerald Hill entranceway: Getty Images. Shophouse exterior: Images/Lonely Planet of NUS Baba House Images. Baba House: Courtesy were used in late-19th-and early-20th-century has made prices for these tiles increase over suburban houses across the British Isles. The time. “It has been increasing, from free or S$1 tiles used in Europe had predominantly floral (about HK$6) in 1978 to a minimum of S$45 to motifs, but in Singapore, symbols that were S$450 apiece now,” Lim says. considered auspicious by the Chinese, such as He says that compared with the materials pineapples and peacocks, were also popular. used in tile production today, the original Peranakans used them to decorate their houses glazes used in the past had the advantage of in Katong and Emerald Hill, as well as tombs in preserving colour and adding strength. And Bukit Brown Cemetery near Lornie Road. Over with their rarity, Peranakan tiles have become time, these exotic tiles became known simply as treasures to those who seek an authentic piece Peranakan tiles. of Singaporean history. In the 1920s, according to Lim, the British sent the machines used to make Peranakan tiles to Japan. “A lot of the tiles we have today come from Japan,” says Lim. “The Japanese employed 發掘文化底蘊 Chinese artists to draw auspicious elements UNCOVER A CULTURE such as the dragons and flowers, and fruit such as pomegranates on the face of the tiles. These 土生華人博物館 原裝的峇峇娘惹瓷磚(上 圖)部分帶有新藝術時期風 designs are specific to, and appreciated by, the PERANAKAN MUSEUM 格,或中國和傳統馬約利卡 Chinese, and the Japanese sold a lot of them in 土生華人博物館收藏的峇峇娘惹文物非常齊全,遊客可於總共 風格圖案。從歷史建築物峇 Southeast Asia.” 三層的展覽空間細心欣賞峇峇娘惹紡織藝術和珠飾工藝品,館 峇屋(下圖)可見,瓷磚曾 藏瓷器更是令人讚嘆不已。博物館附設娘惹菜餐廳和禮品店, 是廣泛使用的室內裝飾物料 The production of these tiles ended around 售賣娘惹瓷磚墊等紀念品。 Original tiles (above) use 1935. Many of the raw materials used in the The Peranakan Museum showcases a comprehensive Art Nouveau, Chinese and manufacturing process – lead, copper, cobalt collection of Peranakan objects over three floors of gallery traditional Majolica motifs. and others – are now known for their toxicity space. Visitors can see textile art, beadwork and an impressive The Baba House (below) ceramics collection. The museum also has a restaurant serving shows how tiles were often and no longer used, so the look of the antique Peranakan cuisine and a gift shop with souvenirs such as used in interiors pieces can no longer be replicated. Scarcity Peranakan tile coasters.

www.peranakanmuseum.org.sg 新加坡國立大學峇峇屋 NUS BABA HOUSE

峇峇屋原本是一間住宅,現已改建成博物館,由新加坡國立 大學管理。它可說是文化博物館的典範,訪客踏進這間展 館,可一睹20世紀上半期典型峇峇娘惹家居的風貌。 A former residence, Baba House is overseen by the National University of Singapore (NUS). It is a great example of a heritage museum that offers visitors the chance to see what a typical Peranakan family home looked like in the first half of the 20th century.


ASTER BY KYRA 顧客在瓷磚專門店Aster by Kyra,除了可以購買峇峇娘惹古董 瓷磚,更可按自己喜好,訂製以峇峇娘惹風格設計的瓷磚。 You can purchase antique Peranakan tiles or create custom tiles in a Peranakan design of your choice at tile specialist IMAGES. Emerald Hill entranceway: Getty Images. Shophouse exterior: Getty Images/Lonely Planet IMAGES. Emerald Hill entranceway: Getty Images. Shophouse exterior: Images/Lonely Planet of NUS Baba House Images. Baba House: Courtesy Aster by Kyra.


March 2016 Horizon 57 潮流 FASHION 時尚 入型入格 GET THE LOOK

續領風騷 PROJECT RUNWAY 三 位 頂 尖 形 象 設 計 師 親 授 秘 訣,讓 你 輕 易 跟上本季最有趣卻最難駕馭的潮流,打破 時裝展天橋與日常衣著的界限,讓你穿得 有型有款 Fashion on the catwalks often seems to bear little resemblance to real life, but you can get the look! Three top stylists find ways to interpret spring's most interesting trends

文/Text Julia Neel

皺褶花邊是春季主要潮流, 與花紋圖案一起大行其道。 Roberto Cavalli的淑女和華 麗款式,均以此為主軸 Ruffles and flourishes: ruffles are a major trend for spring, whether ladylike or flamboyant like these from Roberto Cavalli IMAGES. Roberto Cavalli: Getty Images. IMAGES. Roberto Cavalli:

58 Horizon March 2016 IMAGES. Roberto Cavalli: Getty Images. March 2016


59 潮流 FASHION 時尚 入型入格 GET THE LOOK

南韓名模朴秀珠(右圖)演繹 Just Cavalli的印花時裝。Gucci套 裝裙(右下圖)設計簡約,綴上 配飾後顯得朝氣勃發 Korean model Soo Joo Park (right) wears a supremely eclectic mix of prints from Just Cavalli. At Gucci (below right) a simple skirt suit really pops with a mix of accessories

Grace Lam 建 議 如 何 演 繹: 90年代糜爛風格和幾何圖案的潮流 Grace Lam on how to wear: '90s grunge and geometrics

少女氣息:90年代 我最喜歡的90年代時裝風格,是街頭糜爛風格。 Alexander Wang設計的運動型長褲,很適宜日間穿 著,若配皮外套可令整體造型更低調。今季工人褲潮流 回歸,周末外出時以高跟鞋和首飾配襯,非常有型。若 出席雞尾酒會,可穿一襲Saint Laurent蕾絲裙,配皮 外套和運動鞋或平底鞋,添上一點糜爛風格。

左配右搭:大膽創新 Gucci春季系列大膽搭配各種圖案和印花,讓 人拍案叫絕。不妨以條紋T恤配襯花卉圖案裙子和 金屬色高跟鞋,又或以蝴蝶領結襯衫配珠片裙。 Dries Van Noten短褲令修長美腿鋒芒畢露,可配秀 氣襯衫、厚底鞋和特大太陽眼鏡。 SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT: THE ’90S Street-style grunge is my favourite look from the ’90s. Alexander Wang’s tracksuit-style trousers are a great option for a day; add a leather 生於香港的Grace Lam,是亞洲 jacket to tone down the look. Dungarees are back. 由短褲至厚底鞋(上 最著名編輯兼形象顧問之一, For an on-trend weekend look, add heels and layer 圖),Dries Van Noten 讓各種圖案盡情交織。 在歐洲以及亞洲地區工作超過 on jewellery. Give cocktail wear a grunge edge 18年,先後參與多份國際時裝 Saint Laurent的糜爛公 雜誌的編採工作。她的客戶包 by wearing a Saint Laurent lace dress and leather 主造型(右圖),令 括連卡佛、Estée Lauder、MAC jacket combo with a pair of trainers or flats. 90年代風格精彩重現 Cosmetics、Harvey Nichols、 Dries Van Noten pulls Lanvin和J.Crew。 off an eclectic mix of Grace Lam is one of Asia’s most ALL MIXED-UP: SUPER ECLECTIC patterns, from shorts prominent editors and stylists, Gucci’s raved-about spring collection fearlessly to platforms (above) with more than 18 years of mixed and matched patterns and prints. Team a while Saint Laurent’s grunge princess experience in Europe and Asia. striped tee with a floral skirt and metallic heels, Born in Hong Kong, she has (right) does the worked for international fashion or pair a pussy-bow blouse with a sequined skirt. ’90s with class magazines; her client list includes Show off great legs with Dries Van Noten’s Lane Crawford, Estée Lauder, mid-thigh shorts, teamed with a neat blouse, MAC Cosmetics, Harvey Nichols, platforms and oversized sunglasses.

Lanvin and J.Crew. Cavalli, Roberto Laurent, Noten, Saint Van Dries Park, IMAGES. Soo Joo Getty Images Dolce & Gabbana and Nicole Warne:

60 Horizon March 2016 白天穿上Céline緊身蕾絲上衣配 西裝款休閒外套(右圖),亮麗迷 人。Roberto Cavalli晚裝集露肩與皺褶 設計於一身(最右圖) Paired with a blazer, a slinky lace- embellished top from Céline (right) can go anywhere. Roberto Cavalli pairs bare shoulders and ruffles in an edgy evening dress (far right)

建 議 如 何 演 繹: Veronica Li(又名vnikali) Veronica Li 是造型顧問兼時尚博客,先 睡衣/內衣款和露肩裝 後在溫哥華和日本居住及攻 讀時裝設計,現居香港。她 的博客粉絲無數,全球各大 Veronica Li on how to wear: 時裝品牌均邀請她出席大型 Pyjamas/negligees 時裝活動。 Veronica Li, aka vnikali, is a and bare shoulders fashion stylist/style blogger, who studied fashion while living in Vancouver and Japan. Now in Hong Kong, 惺忪之美 she works as a stylist. Her blog has garnered so many Alexander Wang、Dolce & Gabbana和 followers that she is in great Givenchy今季都有模仿絲質睡衣的設計。穿起睡衣 demand at A-list fashion 款的上衣、鬆身的boyfriend風格牛仔褲或配直身半 events around the world. 截裙,再襯上一雙高跟鞋,便很不錯了。晚上穿一件 漂亮的內衣款式絲質蕾絲吊帶裙,外加一件剪裁出色 的外套或修腰外套,均賞心悅目。

香肩魅力 露肩裝跟皺褶款式一樣,讓女士們在晚上顧盼生 輝。吳季剛和Roberto Cavalli的晚裝集兩者之長。 設計誇張的耳環,最能凸顯肩膀之美。不要用掛肩 袋,就帶一個手拿包,展示肩膀優美的線條。 I WOKE UP THIS WAY Silk pyjamas for daywear were in at Alexander Wang, Dolce & Gabbana and Givenchy. Wear just the pyjama top with boyfriend jeans or with a pencil skirt paired with stilettos for day. Wear beautiful lingerie-style silk and lace slip dresses for evening with a structured jacket or Dolce & Gabbana睡衣款長 even a coat nipped in at the waist. 裙(上圖)剪裁飄逸,最 適合度假時穿著。知名時 裝博客Nicole Warne穿上露 COLD SHOULDERS 肩皺褶款式(右圖),出 Just like ruffles, bare shoulders shine at night; 席巴黎春夏時裝展 Jason Wu and Roberto Cavalli combined both for Dolce & Gabbana’s flowing evening looks. The best accessories to accentuate take on the nightshirt (above) bare shoulders are big statement earrings but is perfect for resort wear. Nicole Warne wears off-the- lose the shoulder bag: go for a clutch to keep shoulder ruffles (right) at the your shoulders totally bare. Paris spring/summer shows IMAGES. Soo Joo Park, Dries Van Noten, Saint Laurent, Roberto Cavalli, Cavalli, Roberto Laurent, Noten, Saint Van Dries Park, IMAGES. Soo Joo Getty Images Dolce & Gabbana and Nicole Warne:

March 2016 Horizon 61 潮流 FASHION 時尚 入型入格 GET THE LOOK

Olivia Croucher Buckingham 建 議 如 何 演 繹: 皺褶和圖案條紋 Olivia Croucher Buckingham on how to wear: Ruffles and graphic stripes

縐褶和花紋 只要設計簡潔俐落,在春季即使每天穿上皺褶款 式,也不會厭倦,可參考吳季剛的作品。到了晚上, 即管披上Chanel的多重皺邊晚裝。不過皺褶款式有 時候太搶鏡,不妨蓋上皮外套或禮服外套,以收平衡 生於香港的形象設 之效,至於配飾則愈簡單愈好。 計師Olivia Croucher Buckingham,是時刻打扮 亮麗的社交名人。她在倫敦 條紋天下 升學,回港後為一本本地雜 條紋是今季其中一個大熱潮流,差不多所有設計 誌擔任時裝編輯助理,從而 師都推出條紋款式。 將一條條幼細線條整齊排 晉身形象設計行業,並擔任 Prada 時裝廣告拍攝統籌和個人形 列,形成像電腦條碼的設計,又或Roksanda的飄逸 象顧問。 款式,均為你添上摩登風采。若穿著西裝裙套裝或簡 Well-known socialite, ‘It’ girl 單的連身裙,則可隨意配搭條紋和顏色。 and fashion stylist Olivia Croucher Buckingham was born in Hong Kong and RUFFLES AND FLOURISHES attended school in London. You can wear spring’s ruffles for every day by Returning to Hong Kong, she keeping them simple and clean, as Jason Wu did. landed a job as an assistant to the fashion editor at At night, you can go all-out in frothy frills à la a local magazine, which Chanel. But ruffles can be overwhelming, so add launched her career as a a leather jacket or tuxedo blazer to avoid over- personal stylist and fashion shoot coordinator. doing it and keep everything else very simple. STAR STRIPES 精采的條紋設計(由上而下): Stripes were one of the strongest trends of Roksanda的波浪款式、 Dolce & Gabbana的度假裝、 the season, with almost every designer featuring Prada褐土色調套裝裙 lined-up looks. Embrace the new modern linear Don’t change your stripes: From top: look with the thin, structured barcode-like stripes Roksanda’s billowy look, Dolce & at Prada or Roksanda’s floaty take. Don’t be afraid Gabbana’s holiday-ready dress and Prada’s earthtone skirt suit to mix stripes or colours, whether it is a head-to-

toe skirt suit or even a simple shift dress. IMAGES. Samantha Angelo, Nadiia Shapoval, Roksanda, Dolce & Gabbana Getty Images and Roberto Cavalli:

62 Horizon March 2016 在春夏時裝展,時尚博客 Samantha Angelo穿上條紋 款式(最左圖),模特兒 品牌一覽 Nadiia Shapoval(左圖)演 STOCKISTS 繹露肩的吊帶皺褶花邊裙 Blogger Samantha Angelo in stripes (far left) and model Alexander Wang Nadiia Shapoval (left) in 澳門銀河時尚匯1054B舖 bare-shouldered ruffles at 1054B, The Promenade, Galaxy Macau the Spring Summer fashion www.alexanderwang.com shows Céline 澳門銀河時尚匯G098舖 G098, The Promenade, Galaxy Macau www.celine.com Chanel 永利澳門渡假酒店永利名店購物區 Lobby level, Wynn Esplanade, Wynn Macau www.chanel.com

Chloé 澳門四季酒店澳門四季名店一樓1050舖 Shop 1050, Level 1, Shoppes at Four Seasons, Four Seasons Hotel Macao www.chloe.com Dolce & Gabbana 澳門壹號廣塲G36-38舖 Shop G36-38, One Central, Macau www.dolcegabbana.com

Givenchy 澳門銀河時尚匯G101舖 G101, The Promenade, Galaxy Macau www.givenchy.com

Gucci 澳門壹號廣塲G24-26及118-120舖 Shop G24-26, 118-120, One Central Macau www.gucci.com

Prada 永利澳門渡假酒店永利名店購物區27舖 Suite 27, Wynn Esplanade, Wynn Macau www.prada.com

Roberto Cavalli 澳門新濠影滙購物大道一樓1157舖 Shop 1157, Level 1, The Boulevard at Studio City, Macau www.robertocavalli.com

三款皺褶花邊裙各具姿采:(左上圖起)Chanel 的設計端莊得體;Roberto Cavalli的款式別具文藝 Saint Laurent 澳門銀河時尚匯 舖 復興風格;還有層層疊疊的Gucci印花皺褶花邊裙 G102 G102, The Promenade, Galaxy Macau Ruffles times three: From top left: Chanel’s www.ysl.com demure dress, Roberto Cavalli’s Botticelli-like gown and Gucci’s mix of cascading printed ruffles IMAGES. Samantha Angelo, Nadiia Shapoval, Roksanda, Dolce & Gabbana IMAGES. Samantha Angelo, Nadiia Shapoval, Roksanda, Dolce & Gabbana Getty Images and Roberto Cavalli:

March 2016 Horizon 63 醇美 WINE 佳釀

紅酒之王 MASTER OF WINE 與知己良朋共享有「紅酒之王」美譽 的Cabernet Sauvignon紅酒,欣賞它 廣受尊崇的地位 Often called ‘the king of reds’, Cabernet Sauvignon is as revered as it is sociable

文/Text Peter Bourne

萄品種Cabernet Sauvignon被視為紅葡 全球最多人珍藏的紅酒。中國對葡萄酒的需求現已超 智利(上圖)和世界各地許 多葡萄園都種植了 萄之王,釀成的美酒別具王者風範,味道散 越英美兩大傳統市場,令波爾多一年一度的品酒大會 Cabernet 葡 Sauvignon;用它釀成的紅 發著貴族般氣派,它的單寧飽滿並可陳放多 更加熱鬧。美酒收藏家珍視Cabernet Sauvignon 酒陳放後,與硬芝士是絕配 年。Cabernet Sauvignon原產於法國波爾多地區, 葡萄酒的陳放和升值潛力,而愛酒之人則欣賞它的優 (左下圖) 當地首屈一指的酒莊例如Château Lafite Rothschild 良品種和崇高地位,樂於與好友分享珍藏。畢竟與知 The grape is found in 及Château Latour,都選用它釀製一級葡萄酒。在波 己把酒言歡共享快樂時光,正是美酒的價值所在。 vineyards around the world, like this one in Chile (above); 爾多最廣泛種植的葡萄品種或許是Merlot,但要數最 match a mature wine with 尊貴的,則非Cabernet Sauvignon莫屬。 hard (below left) Cabernet Sauvignon猶如一位勇敢遊客,走遍意 大利、西班牙、南美洲、南非和紐西蘭,在這些地方 茁壯成長,甚至成為北美西岸主要種植品種,當中以 納帕谷生產的最為優質。它的足跡也遍及幅員遼闊的 澳洲,以庫納瓦拉及瑪格麗特河一帶的品質最上乘。 一陣陣濃郁的黑果香氣,是Cabernet Sauvignon 的特徵。在黑加侖子、桑莓及藍莓果香中,隱約滲著 薄荷、丁香及茴香芬芳。豐富而實在的單寧也是這種 葡萄一大特色,由於酸勁與單寧平衡,因此適合長年 陳釀。年輕的Cabernet Sauvignon確實不易入口, 因此通常會加入一些Merlot一起釀製以軟化酒身。 Cabernet Sauvignon經過時間洗禮之後味道更佳, 最好陳釀年期為10年甚至20年以上。 年輕的Cabernet Sauvignon葡萄酒宜配蛋白質 豐富的美食,年份較長的佳釀則與車打芝士或格魯耶 爾芝士等硬芝士最匹配。由於這款葡萄酒可以陳放,

在英國葡萄酒貿易歷史上又扮演重要角色,因而成為 IMAGES. Wine and selection, vineyard: Corbis

64 Horizon March 2016 佳釀推介 WINES

2013 Robert Mondavi Cabernet be a bit stern; a splash of Merlot is often used to Sauvignon soften its severity. Time is the friend of Cabernet 美國加州納帕谷 Sauvignon, with the best maturing gracefully for Napa Valley, 10 or 20 years - or more. California, USA Young Cabernet Sauvignon demands protein 散發黑莓、黑李、香草及紫 while mature bottles willingly pair with hard 羅蘭的馥郁香味,隱隱滲著 舊皮革的芬芳。質感豐富, cheeses such as cheddar or gruyère. Cabernet 單寧強勁,餘韻悠長。 Sauvignon’s longevity, coupled with its historic Deep aromas and flavours of connections to the British wine trade, makes blackberries and dark plums, dried herbs and violets with it the most collected red wine in the world. a subtle hint of worn leather. Bordeaux’s annual en primeur tastings fuel the Opulent texture, sinewy hype with Chinese demand now outstripping tannins and a luxuriously long finish. the traditional markets in the UK and the USA. While collectors revere its cellarability 2013 Wynns and investment potential, wine buffs love ‘Cab Coonawarra Sauv’s pedigree and nobility, willingly sharing Estate Black Label their special bottles with friends. And that’s, Cabernet Sauvignon after all, what good wine is all about. 南澳庫納瓦拉 Coonawarra, South Australia

擁有野莓、黑橄欖及大黃的 香味,以及肉豆蔻和猶如雪 abernet Sauvignon is the ‘king of reds’: 貴為紅酒之王的Cabernet 松般的橡木氣息。黑醋栗的 a regal wine with an aristocratic flavour Sauvignon(左圖)無論產 濃香讓齒頰留香,單寧柔滑 自波爾多或庫納瓦拉,都一 profile, firm tannins and a prodigious 細膩,有足夠的酸度平衡。 C 樣出色,值得與好友共享 Wild berries, black olive and longevity. Cabernet Sauvignon has its home in the Bordeaux or Coonawarra, rhubarb with fragrant notes Bordeaux region of France where it is the backbone Cabernet Sauvignon (left) is of nutmeg and cedary oak. variety of Bordeaux’s most revered first-growth the ‘king of reds’, one meant Rich cassis flavours stretch to be shared with friends the palate with fine, powdery red wines, such as Château Lafite Rothschild and tannins and acidity adding Château Latour. Merlot may be Bordeaux’s most poise. widely planted grape but Cabernet Sauvignon is undoubtedly the most prestigious. 2013 Pavillon Rouge Cabernet Sauvignon is an intrepid traveller, du Château Margaux 法國波爾多梅鐸 making guest appearances in Italy, Spain, Medoc, Bordeaux, South America, South Africa and New Zealand. France It’s a major player on the west coast of North 這款Château Margaux酒莊 America, reaching a pinnacle in Napa Valley. 的副牌酒含84% Cabernet Cabernet Sauvignon thrives across the vast Sauvignon葡萄。濃郁的黑 Australian continent, shining in Coonawarra 櫻桃果香帶綠薄荷、紫羅 蘭、可可及泥土氣息。口感 and Margaret River. 柔滑令餘韻更趨細膩。 Intense black fruit flavours are Cabernet This Château Margaux Sauvignon’s trademark — blackcurrant, mulberry 2nd wine is 84% Cabernet Sauvignon. Compelling and blueberry with savoury overtones and hints black cherry aromas with of mint, clove and aniseed. Firm, taut tannins are spearmint, violet, cocoa its hallmark, balanced by an energising acidity, and earthy tones. The soft, polished texture flows with both attributes ensuring long cellaring effortlessly to a refined finale.

IMAGES. Wine and cheese selection, vineyard: Corbis potential. Indeed, young Cabernet Sauvignon can

March 2016 Horizon 65 美食 DINE OUT 紛陳

名廚薈萃 Star-Studded Cast

位於永利澳門酒店的「泓」日本料理,經裝修後現 已重新營業,更邀得三位日本星級廚師助陣,包括壽 司大師嶋宮勤、天婦羅大師元吉和仁及鐵板燒大師吉 田純一。三位大師與「泓」的團隊合作,分別採用新 鮮運到的北海道海膽、青森的金鎗魚和沖繩的石垣 牛,為賓客炮製富傳統風味的和食,顧客亦可安坐吧 枱前欣賞大師的手藝。此外,客人踏進餐廳時,亦可 欣賞到由美國雕塑家Gerardo Hacer設計、以鋼材打 「泓」呈獻令人垂涎 造的摺紙藝術品《Dogami》。新餐廳以紅白色為主 的日本八重山和牛鐵 調,還綴以日籍現代藝術家Sush Machida的畫作。 板燒 在「泓」用餐是場百分之百的藝術盛宴。 Juicy teppanyaki Yaeyama wagyu beef tempts tastebuds at Mizumi


今次的韓流由英倫襲港,於倫敦享 A new wave of Korea fever has 負盛名的新派韓國餐廳Jinjuu,最 gripped Hong Kong, led by stylish 近登陸香港中環蘭桂坊,由美籍韓 Korean restaurant Jinjuu in Lan Kwai 裔名廚Judy Joo主理,把韓國「安 Fong. Founded by Korean-American 鮑魚天婦羅是「泓」日本料理重新 酒」文化(即邊輕鬆喝酒,邊享用 chef Judy Joo, it showcases the anju 開業後的主打菜式 料理)帶到香港,所以其燒酒選擇 culture of “eating while drinking” Abalone tempura is among the 是全港數一數二,亦有供應燒酒雞 with cocktails such as Kimchi Mary delights at post-renovation Mizumi 尾酒Kimchi Mary。菜單包括經典和 and food including Korean tacos, 街頭美食,如韓式卷餅、餃子及炸 dumplings and . Mizumi, the Japanese restaurant at Wynn Macau, has 雞,主廚Judy保證食物定會讓顧客 www.jinjuu.com/hk reopened after renovation. Three celebrity chefs, 「念念不忘」。 Tsutomu Shimamiya (sushi) Kazuhito Motoyoshi (tem- pura) and Junichi Yoshida (teppanyaki) are working Jinjuu的招牌菜 with the Mizumi team to create authentic Japanese 式Tong Dak炸 cuisine, using sea urchin from Hokkaido, tuna from 雞,配以多款 配菜及醬汁 Aomori and marbled beef from Ishigaki Island. On Tong Dak, fried entry, diners are greeted by the steel Dogami sculpture chicken with a by American artist Gerardo Hacer. Theme colours are variety of side dishes, is a predominantly red and white, with decorations incor- signature dish of porating the works of Japanese artist Sush Machida. Jinjuu www.wynnmacau.com

66 Horizon March 2016 酒出新意 FOOD AND GRAFFITI

日本星級名廚元吉和仁 新派火鍋店「酒鍋」位於九龍尖沙咀,以經典火 (左圖)於「泓」獻藝; 鍋店的佈局配襯塗鴉,凸顯其別樹一幟的風格。吃 紫蘇海膽天婦羅(下圖) Tempura master Kazuhito 火鍋食材要新鮮,湯底亦同樣重要,酒鍋的選擇多 Motoyoshi (left)in action 不勝數,包括「椰青、清酒花甲椰子雞鍋」及以獨 at Mizumi; sea urchin 特木瓜鍋組合而成的五合一湯底「酒火入鍋」,想 tempura (below) 為湯底加味,就要投下「清酒炸彈」或「麻辣炸 彈」,讓你的味蕾一觸即發。

The Drunken Pot, a trendy hotpot restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui, combines the hotpot experience with a hip graffiti backdrop. It offers a wide range of soup bases including the signature five-in-one ‘Drunken Pot’, illuminated by a ‘flaming papaya’. The optional Sake bomb or Spicy Szechuan Bomb can add that extra zing to your meal.

www.thedrunkenpot.com 五合一湯底「酒火入鍋」是 愛好火鍋人士的必然之選 The five-in-one ‘Drunken Pot’ 特色蟹拑凍是 is a fitting centrepiece for any 上海佬蟹莊的前菜 dining table Chilled crab claw jelly is a Shanghai Lo appetiser


位於香港灣仔的上海佬蟹莊提供的螃 crab dishes, offers an abundance 蟹品種繁多,包括來自日本的澤蟹、 of choices – including Japanese 江蘇大閘蟹、阿拉斯加帝王蟹、澳洲 freshwater crab, Jiangsu hairy crab, 水晶蟹、法國麵飽蟹、香港奄仔蟹及 Alaskan king crab, Australian green 越南軟殼蟹,還有南中國海的紅花蟹 crab, French brown crab, Hong 和美國珍寶蟹等,炮製成特色滋味蟹 Kong swimmer crab, Vietnam soft 饌。愛吃蟹的饕客又多一個好去處。 shell crab, Chinese flower crab and American jumbo crab. Restaurant Shanghai Lo in Hong Kong’s Wan Chai, specialising in www.shanghailo.com.hk

March 2016 Horizon 67 恬謐 HORIZONTAL 居停


坐落於蘇黎世玉特利貝格山山腳的Atlantis酒店,曾經盛極一 時,接待過的名人包括影星Steve McQueen和歌手 Freddie Mercury。酒店現已全面翻新,並重新命名為 Atlantis by Giardino,選用了奢華的建材及訂製傢俬,遙望山 林景致一如以往壯麗動人。酒店內有兩家頂級餐廳,設有長25 米的戶外泳池及阿育吠陀式水療中心,市中心近在咫尺。

In its glory days, the Atlantis Hotel at the foot of Zurich’s Üetliberg mountain hosted the likes of Steve McQueen and Freddie Mercury. The hotel has been completely redone (they kept the spectacular mountain and forest views) using luxurious materials and bespoke furniture, and renamed Atlantis by Giardino. It now features two top restaurants, a 25-metre outdoor pool and an Ayurvedic spa 面積偌大的客廳可變身為宴會 and is just a short hop to the city centre. 廳;頂層露台面積達2,500平方 呎(右圖) www.atlantisbygiardino.ch The living room doubles as a ballroom; the rooftop terrace spans 2,500 square feet (right) 夢幻之閣 Suite Dreams 紐約The Mark酒店頂層將住宿體 驗,推上非凡境界 A penthouse suite is one thing. The Mark Hotel’s penthouse is another

一絲不苟的The Mark酒店全新閣樓套房,提供全方位頂級享受。

有何特色? 位於紐約上東城的The Mark酒店建於1927年,是裝飾藝術風格建 築。頂層閣樓面積達12,000平方呎,有五間睡房、六間浴室和四個 壁爐。設施齊備的廚房,讓專業廚師展示廚藝時更得心應手。飯廳 可容納24人之多,而客廳更可改裝為標準宴會廳。賓客步出2,500 平方呎的天台露台,紐約天際線和中央公園的美景即呈現眼前。體 驗頂級設施與享受,盛惠每晚75,000美元。

翻新後的Atlantis by Giardino酒店,室外依然有廣闊優美的景觀(最上 圖),而室內則有設計時尚的訂製傢俬(上圖) 有哪些餐飲選擇? Sweeping views outside (top) and contemporary bespoke furniture within 尊貴的住客們可以僱用私人廚師,酒店餐廳The Mark Restaurant by (above) at the renovated Atlantis by Giardino in Zurich Jean-Georges也提供24小時高級客房餐飲服務。在天台陽台用餐,

68 Horizon March 2016 天台泳池和露台的設計,為悉尼 注入型格和都會氣息 The rooftop pool and terrace bring a cool, urban vibe to Sydney


新開業的五星級悉尼鉑瑞酒店,由悉尼舊水務局大樓改建, 各項設計極力保留原有的裝飾藝術建築風格。由172間客房的 室內裝潢,以至Wilmot餐廳和大堂酒吧等公共空間,都保留 著1930年代的華麗氣派。頂樓泳池和露台的設計,營造出猶 如紐約大都會的氣氛。

The new five-star Primus Hotel Sydney has emerged after a heritage-sensitive retrofit of the former Sydney Water Board building, a beautiful example of Art Deco architec- 氣氛更是一流,酒店可安排由米芝蓮三星級廚師Jean-Georges Von- ture. Interiors of the 172-room hotel reflect the glamour of gerichten設計獨特菜單,讓賓客一邊居高臨下觀賞紐約市美景,一 the 1930s, especially in public spaces such as The Wilmot 邊與親朋享受美饌,留下美麗回憶。 restaurant and The Lobby Bar, while the rooftop pool and terrace channel a pure New York vibe. The Mark Hotel’s new penthouse is sky-high in every way. www.primushotelsydney.com What’s so special about it? The 12,000-square foot Penthouse Suite, which tops The Mark Hotel’s 1927 Art Deco building on New York’s Upper 設施完備 WE ARE ROYALS East Side, includes five bedrooms, six bathrooms, four fireplaces, a chef-worthy kitchen, a dining room seating 24 people, and a 上海虹橋美侖美居酒店最近落成投入服務,有239間客房和高 2,500-square foot rooftop terrace with breathtaking views of the 級套房以及6間設備齊全的會議室。餐飲選擇眾多,包括大堂酒 city skyline and Central Park. Just in case you need one, the living 吧、Fuji日式料理和西班牙餐廳Grand Bodega。由本地廚師主 room can be converted into a full-sized ballroom. Oh, and then 理的中式餐廳R Kitchen,悉心烹調道地滬菜和粵菜。 there’s the price: US$75,000 a night. The new Mercure Shanghai Royalton features 239 gues- What about food and drink? trooms and suites, as well as six fully equipped meeting While a private chef can man the kitchen, guests have access to rooms. Food and beverage options include a lobby lounge 24-hour room service by The Mark Restaurant by Jean-Georges, and bar, Japanese (Fuji) and Spanish (Grand Bodega) restau- can request an al fresco dining experience on the terrace with an rants, and R Kitchen, featuring Cantonese and exclusive menu prepared by chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten of his Shanghainese dishes created by top local chefs. eponymous three Michelin-starred restaurant. www.mercure.com www.themarkhotel.com

March 2016 Horizon 69 時尚 HOME 家居

栩栩如生 Animal Attraction 動物造型家品為家居添生氣 精靈小鼠 MOUSING AROUND 在派對上用1970年代設計的Mice corkscrew開瓶器開啟陳年佳 Breathe life into your rooms with 釀,讓可愛的木雕小鼠為賓客增添歡樂。兩款設計獨立出售。 these chic creature comforts Vintage wines deserve vintage carved wood like these Mice cork- screws from the 1970s. Sold separately, these little charmers will 文/Text Jade Lee-Duffy add a touch of whimsy to your next party.


靈蛇美態 SNAKE CHARMER 由René Lalique於1924年設計的Serpent花 瓶,現以紅色水晶重新製作,並加入特定顏 料及黃金,從而呈現深紅色澤。 Designed by René Lalique in 1924, the Serpent Vase has been reissued in red crystal, with added pigments and gold to create the intense hue.


貴氣天鵝 SWAN SONG 在法國陶瓷名鎮利摩日用人手製造 的天鵝造型瓷碗Swan Bowl,由Elad Yifrach設計,並以手工鍍上24K金,靈 感源自19世紀法國皇帝採用的瓷器。 Inspired by 19th-century Empire porcelain, Elad Yifrach’s Limoges china Swan Bowl is handmade and hand-finished in 24K gold.


70 Horizon March 2016 賢龍鎮守 GUARDIANS OF KNOWLEDGE 上海灘出品的一對不銹鋼銀龍書擋Dragon Silver Bookend設計精緻,是力量、護佑及財富的象徵。 Liven up your bookshelf with Shanghai Tang’s Dragon Silver Bookends. The intricately designed stainless steel pair are a powerful representation of strength, protection and fortune. www.shanghaitang.com

魚躍歡騰 KETTLE OF FISH 美國建築師Frank Gehry為Alessi家品 公司設計的Pito水壼用不銹鋼製成, 水滾時壼上的紅木魚裝飾會響起哨 聲,提醒你可沖茶了! Make your tea sing with the Pito Kettle by architect Frank Gehry for Alessi. The stainless steel mirror-pol- 富貴之象 ished kettle signals boiling water BANK ON IT when the mahogany fish whistles. Georg Jensen出品的不銹鋼大象錢箱 Moneyphant with Twins,助小朋友培養儲 www.alessi.com 蓄習慣。這個新款錢箱附有一對橡木小象擺 設,可與大象嵌為一體。 Teach kids to save with Georg Jensen’s stainless steel Moneyphant with Twins. This new-generation coin bank has expanded with nesting oak elephant twins.


March 2016 Horizon 71 創意 TECH 科技

BTUNES耳機無線轉換器 不亦樂乎 BTUNES AUDIO JACK VOXOA的BTunes轉換器可以把普通有線耳機,變成無線藍芽耳 機。將BTunes插入耳機的3.5毫米音頻插口(另備2.5毫米插口款 Playthings 式),便不用再受電線束縛,最長可連續播放10小時音樂。 老少咸宜的玩樂器材, BTunes from VOXOA turns your regular wired headphones into 將快樂帶到身邊 a Bluetooth headset. Just plug it into the 3.5mm audio jack (also available in 2.5mm) on your headset and get up to 10 hours of Tools and toys for all ages wireless music streaming.

www.thebtunes.com 文/Text Nathan Taylor

AXIS VIDIUS航拍機 AXIS VIDIUS CAMERA DRONE Axis Vidius號稱為全球最細小的第一身操控 航拍機,能夠攝錄及串流420p畫質影片, 電池續航力達五至七分鐘。

Axis Vidius, the world’s smallest first- person-view camera drone, can record and stream at 420p and has a battery-powered flight time of five to seven minutes.


MECCANO MECCANOID G15及G15KS機器人 MECCANO MECCANOID 熱門程式 HOT APP G15 & G15KS Meccano推出全新Meccanoid機器人, TRIPOSO WORLD TRAVEL GUIDE 有兩呎的G15型號和四呎G15KS型號以供 TRIPOSO全球旅遊指南 Triposo製作的城市旅遊指南質素高, 選擇,可裝嵌成不同形狀及輸入程式, 而且主題廣泛。但若果你想用一個指南 也可透過智能電話控制,具備語音辨識 走遍世界,不妨試用它的World Travel 及動作模仿功能。 Guide。這個指南網羅全球數十個主要城 市的觀光、餐廳、酒店、貨幣及交通資 Once assembled, Meccano’s new 訊,內容非常豐富。 two-foot G15 and four-foot G15KS Meccanoid robots are reconfigurable, Triposo makes a variety of excellent programmable, controllable with a city-specific travel guides, but if you smartphone and have voice recognition want one guide to rule them all, you and movement mirroring. can try the World Travel Guide, which includes sightseeing, restaurant, hotel, www.meccano.com currency and local transport informa- tion for dozens of major cities. www.triposo.com

72 Horizon March 2016 INU摺疊式滑板車 INU FOLDING SCOOTER 全新INU摺疊式電動滑板車,備有智能電話座及應用軟 件,讓用家透過控制台操控電話的媒體播放及導航功 能,並可遙遠控制自動摺疊系統,充電後可走40公里。

INU, a new electric folding scooter, comes with a smartphone dock and app that lets you control the phone’s media playback and navigation on the scooter’s console, and can even remotely control the automatic folding system within a range of 40 kilometres. www.inu.city

LUMA路由器 LUMA ROUTER 備有多款顏色的Luma路由器,有效解決無線 上網最重要的覆蓋問題。用戶可將多個Luma 放置在家中不同角落,組成強大信號網絡, 全面覆蓋家居。

Luma’s multicoloured routers tackle the big problem with WiFi: coverage. They can be placed around your home and link up in a mesh to give a stronger WiFi signal.


CANON POWERSHOT G9 X 數碼相機 CANON POWERSHOT G9 X 外型洋溢復古風格的Canon全新PowerShot G9 X相機,設計俐 落輕巧,內置2,000萬像素影像感應器及三倍光學變焦鏡頭。

In addition to its funky retro styling, the new PowerShot G9 X from Canon is sleek and light, with a 20-megapixel sensor and a 3X optical zoom.


March 2016 Horizon 73 噴射飛航 TurboJET // 公司簡介 ABOUT OUR COMPANY //


信德中旅船務管理有限公司擁有約20億 Shun Tak – China Travel Ship Management 香港 Hong Kong 澳門 Macau 航行時間:約 小時 港元資產, 旗下員工逾2,100人 , 航線以 Limited, operating under the brand name 1 服務時間:每日24小時,0700至2400 「噴射飛航 」命名。公司擁有逾 TurboJET 50 TurboJET – has a total asset value of about 每15分鐘一班 年船務經驗,是港澳高速客運服務翹楚,更 HK$2 billion and we employ a team of more Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour 是首間提供24小時渡輪服務的船公司。2003 than 2,100 maritime professionals. We have Service Hrs: 24 hrs daily, every 15 min 年,公司與香港國際機場合力開拓海天客運碼 more than 50 years of shipping experience between 0700-2400 頭,並創立「機場航線」,成為海空中轉服務 and are the first ferry company to operate 九龍 Kowloon 澳門 Macau 的先驅,為旅客帶來免辦出入境、行李直掛的 a round-the-clock jetfoil service. We are the 航行時間:約1小時 快捷海天接駁選擇。 recognised leader in the Hong Kong-Macau 服務時間:每日0700至2230每30分鐘一班 high-speed passenger transportation indus- Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour try. In 2003, the company teamed up with Service Hrs: Daily from 0700-2230, every 30 min Hong Kong International Airport to establish the SkyPier. We then launched the airport fer- 屯門 Tuen Mun 澳門 Macau ry service and became a pioneer in air-sea in- 航行時間:約40分鐘 ter-modal services. As a result our guests can 服務時間:每日0740至2050 Sailing Time: Approximately 40 minutes enjoy an integrated ferry and airport check-in Service Hrs: Daily from 0740-2050 and a baggage tag-through service. 屯門 Tuen Mun 深圳機場 Shenzhen Airport 航行時間:約40分鐘 服務時間:每日1130至1700 Sailing Time: Approximately 40 minutes Service Hrs: Daily from 1130-1700

澳門 Macau 深圳機場 Shenzhen Airport 航行時間:約1小時 服務時間:每日0815至1930 Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour Service Hrs: Daily from 0815-1930

澳門 Macau 蛇口 Shekou 航行時間:約1小時 服務時間:每日0815至2045 Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour Service Hrs: Daily from 0815-2045

香港國際機場 HKIA 澳門 Macau 航行時間:約50分鐘 服務時間:每日0730至2200 Sailing Time: Approximately 50 minutes Service Hrs: Daily from 0730-2200

香港國際機場 HKIA 廣州 (南沙) Guangzhou (Nansha) 航行時間:約1小時 服務時間:每星期四及六0930至1115 Sailing Time: Approximately 1 hour Service Hrs: Every Thursday and Saturday from 0930-1115

香港國際機場 HKIA 深圳機場 Shenzhen Airport 航行時間:約50分鐘 服務時間:每日1120至1730 Sailing Time: Approximately 50 minutes Service Hrs: Daily from 1120-1730

74 Horizon March 2016 船隊資料 Vessel information

至尊噴射船 噴射船 Premier Jetfoil Jetfoil

乘客量 / Seating Capacity 乘客量 / Seating Capacity 普通位 / Economy Class 103/72 pax 普通位 / Economy Class 207 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 67/70 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 32 pax 尊豪位 / Premier Grand Class 28/40 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax (1/2 cabins)

超級噴射船 超級豪華雙體船 Foilcat Tricat

乘客量 / Seating Capacity 乘客量 / Seating Capacity 普通位 / Economy Class 169/169 pax 普通位 / Economy Class 276/282 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 136/148 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 48/45 pax 尊豪位 / Premier Grand Class 56/45 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4/6 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax (4 cabins)

澳斯達雙體船 「飛貓型」雙體船 Austal Cat Flying Cat

乘客量 / Seating Capacity 乘客量 / Seating Capacity 普通位 / Economy Class 326 pax 普通位 / Economy Class 238/241 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 72/76 pax 豪華位 / Super Class 59/121 pax 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 4 pax (2 cabins) 貴賓廂 / VIP Cabin 6 pax

March 2016 Horizon 75 服務全面周到 Servicing every need

噴射飛航至尊貴賓室 For more details, please contact: TurboJET Premier Lounge Protocol & Guest Services 24-hour Hotline: Hong Kong (852) 5196 0951 / Macau (853) 6221 0388 噴射飛航至尊貴 Email: [email protected] 賓室位於信德中 Fax: (852) 2517 6256 心地下G03舖及 澳門外港客運碼 行李搬運服務 頭二樓離境層, Porter service 特定乘客可在此 享用免費 無 WiFi 香港及澳門碼頭的多個位置均可為乘客提供行李搬運服務。 線上網服務及飲 Passengers can take advantage of the porter service available at 品小食。 designated points in both Hong Kong and Macau ferry terminals. The TurboJET Premier Lounge is located at G03, Shun Tak Centre and at Level 2, Departure Hall of 行李服務 Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal. Selected passengers can enjoy free Luggage service Wi-Fi service as well as food and beverages at the lounge. 20公斤以下的自提行李可免費運送到目的地碼頭。 乘客接待服務 Self-carried luggage not exceeding 20kg will be delivered to your Meet & greet service destination terminal free of charge.

噴射飛航一向本著以客為尊的精神,不斷優化各項顧客服務,以滿足乘客 行李寄存 的需要為目標。現推出一系列嶄新的貼心接待服務,為乘客提供專人協助 Baggage storage 及妥善的安排,包括於各碼頭/口岸的專人接待服務、辦理各項登船手續、 行李搬運及托運、以至接駁交通安排等等,務求讓乘客享受一個舒適無憂 香港信德中心G02舖之至尊貴賓室及澳門外港客運碼頭行李服務部均設有行 的海上旅程。 李寄存服務。收費為每件每小時HK$/MOP 20。 服務範圍: For maximum pre-boarding convenience, luggage storage service is • 往返各碼頭接待服務,包括全程專人接待、船票安排、行李搬運及托運服務等 available at TurboJET Premier Lounge at Shop G02 Shun Tak Centre and • 年幼乘客接待服務(7-16歲) also at the Luggage Services Counter at Macau Outer Harbour Ferry • 到澳門指定酒店預先辦理登機/登船手續(適用於機場航線) Terminal. The charge is HK$/MOP 20 per piece per hour. • 陸上接駁交通安排 • 上門行李搬運服務(只適用於澳門) • 租用位於信德中心地下G02舖之服務中心或噴射飛航船隻 快遞服務 詳情請聯絡: Courier service 禮賓及顧客服務24小時專線 :香港 (852) 5196 0951 / 澳門 (853) 6221 0388 電郵:[email protected] 噴射飛航除了客運服務,還提供快遞運輸服務,為客戶提供港、澳及珠三角 傳真:(852) 2517 6256 等地的點對點貨運和代辦貨物報關等服務。對急件、運輸時間有要求及不宜 Taking customers’ priorities as our own, TurboJET is proud to introduce a 高溫的貨物特為合適,危險貨品除外。如對本貨運服務有任何查詢,請瀏覽 comprehensive range of one-stop guest services to truly meet the needs 網址www.turbojetcargo.com,或致電客戶服務熱線 (852) 2859 7125。 of our passengers. Our professional team will be assisting you not only TurboJET’s courier service between Macau, Hong Kong and the when you are onboard TurboJET but also ensuring a seamless transition Pearl River Delta is ideal for parcels with time constraints and limited to and from your sea journey. Our range of services include full escort transit time, or those that require controlled temperatures, with the meet & greet service at our service ports, check-in service, porter and exception of dangerous goods. Customs clearance can be provided luggage service as well as land transportation arrangement, making it the for unaccompanied commodities. Please visit www.turbojetcargo.com one-of-a-kind guest service that caters to your every need. or call (852) 2859 7125 for further details. Services: • Meet & greet service at service ports, which include full escort by our 客艙美食 Guest Service Team, ferry ticket, luggage check-in and porter services etc. Onboard meals • Unaccompanied minors service (7-16 years old) • Advance check-in service at designated hotels in Macau 尊豪位及豪華位的乘客可免費享用船上的精選美食及冷熱飲品。同時亦備有 (for Airport Routes) 多款小食及飲品以供選購。 • Land transportation arrangement Premier Grand Class and Super Class passengers may enjoy a • Home baggage pick-up service in Macau selection of complimentary hot meals along with hot and cold • Rental of TurboJET Premier Lounge at Shun Tak Centre or charter of beverages. In addition, a variety of snacks and beverages are also TurboJET vessels available for sale onboard.

76 Horizon March 2016 海空中轉平台 通行無阻 噴射飛航機場服務 Inter-modal linkage –乘客須知 TurboJET airport 機場航線 Airport routes service – passenger reminders 噴射飛航的高速渡輪航線覆蓋珠三角,貫穿香港 和澳門;更首創海空中轉接駁,提供區內唯一穿 噴射飛航機場線櫃位截止登記時間 梭三地機場的渡輪航線,銜接海上及空中客運交 TurboJET airport counter 通,與世界各地聯繫。旅客不但有更多行程選 check-in closing time 擇,更可於各碼頭同時辦理登船和登機手續,以 及行李托運安排,體驗真正一站式的海空中轉平 澳門/南沙/深圳碼頭: 台,展現真正的國際視野。 • 開航時間前30分鐘 TurboJET is a pioneer in air-sea inter-modal 香港國際機場: services, as we’re the only ferry operator • 開航時間前60分鐘(需要托運行李) that connects the airports of Hong Kong and • 開航時間前30分鐘(毋須托運行李) Macau. Along with more transit options, our Macau/Nansha/Shenzhen port: guests can enjoy an integrated ferry and airport • 30 minutes before ferry departure check-in and a baggage tag-through service. Hong Kong International Airport: • 60 minutes before ferry departure (with checked baggage) • 30 minutes before ferry departure 上游港口預辦登機服務 (without checked baggage) Upstream airline check-in service 使用空海直掛行李服務之乘客 噴射飛航與深、港、澳三地機場指定航空公司合 Passengers with air-to-sea 作,提供全球獨有的一站式「上游預辦登機服 tag through baggage service 務」,讓您可以於噴射飛航登記櫃位同時領取登 機證及托運行李,快捷方便,接連登上港澳兩地 • 乘客須於開航前最少30分鐘到達香港國際 機場之航班。 機場 ﹣噴射飛航登記櫃位 Through cooperation with Hong Kong and • 乘客使用服務前,請先向旅行社及航空公司 Macau airports as well as designated airlines, 查詢最新資料 we offer a unique one-stop check-in service 澳門上游港口預辦登機櫃位 • Passengers should arrive at the TurboJET at upstream ports. Passengers can obtain Macau Upstream Airline Check-in Counter Check-in Counter at HKIA at least 30 minutes boarding passes from participating airlines prior to ferry departure at TurboJET check-in counters and check in • Passengers should also check with their their luggage at the same time. Luggage will travel agents and airlines for updated be directly transferred to their destination for information before using this service a truly hassle-free trip.

航空公司最短接駁時間 Airline minimum 香港預辦登機櫃位 Hong Kong Upstream Airline Check-in Counter connection time

預辦登機櫃位 接駁航機之機場 • 乘客須於航機出發前110分鐘到達海天客運碼 Check-in counter Airport for connecting flight 頭辦理登機手續,個別航空公司仍需要120分 鐘前到達,詳情請瀏覽噴射飛航網頁。 香港港澳碼頭信德中心地下G02舖(的士站旁) • 乘客使用噴射飛航服務前,請預先查詢有關可 Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal Shop, G02, Shun Tak Centre (next to taxi stand) 於海天客運碼頭辦理登機手續的航空公司資料 澳門國際機場(直通快線) • Passengers should arrive at the SkyPier 110 九龍中國客運碼頭 Macau International Airport (Macau Express Link) China Ferry Terminal, Kowloon minutes before flight departure for airline 深圳機場福永碼頭 check-in procedures. Some airlines still Shenzhen Airport Fu Yong Ferry Terminal maintain an MCT of 120 minutes, please visit 深圳機場 TurboJET website for details 澳門外港客運碼頭二樓離境層 Shenzhen Airport • Passengers should check for the airline Level 2, Departure Hall, Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal 香港國際機場 check-in facilities at the SkyPier before Hong Kong International Airport using TurboJET Airport Service

March 2016 Horizon 77 推廣優惠 Promotions

噴射飛航480港元電子船票 TurboJET HK$480 ETicket

噴射飛航電子船票讓你輕鬆往來珠三角。每張電子船票定值480港元,適用所有噴射飛航營運及指定 代理航線,憑儲有餘額的電子船票,更可享有半價購票優惠,節省高達1,404港元。

TurboJET ETicket allows you to travel conveniently within the PRD regions. Each ETicket contains a fixed credit of HK$480. Customers can redeem or reserve ferry tickets on designated routes managed and operated by TurboJET. Customers are also entitled to enjoy a 50% discount on the purchase of one regular fare ticket upon presentation of an ETicket with residual credits. Save up to HK$1,404.

電子船票於下列地點發售:ETickets are available at the following outlets: 噴射飛航至尊貴賓室 TurboJET Premier Lounge — 信德中心地下G02鋪 Shop G02,Ground Floor, Shun Tak Centre — 澳門外港客運碼頭二樓 Level 2 Departure Hall, Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal 須受條款及細則約束 查詢 Enquiries: 香港 Hong Kong (852) 2859 3333; 澳門 Macau (853) 2855 5025 Terms and conditions apply 國際免費電話 International toll-free 00800 3628 3628 www.turbojet.com.hk

噴射飛航「個人儲值卡」優先優越一卡盡享 TurboJET Personalised Stored Value Card brings you exclusive benefits 「個人儲值卡」持卡人每次購買噴射飛航船票均可累積分數(噴射飛航淨票價1港元=1 分), 所得積分可用作換取禮品。持卡人現更可於香港港澳碼頭及澳門外港碼頭候船大堂憑積分即 時換取客位升級,有關詳情請瀏覽噴射飛航網頁。

Personalised Stored Value Cardholders can accumulate bonus points with every purchase of TurboJET ferry tickets (HK$1 TurboJET net ticket fare = 1 bonus point). Cardholders may also redeem an upgrade using bonus points whilst waiting to board in Hong Kong and Macau waiting hall.

查詢 Enquiries: 香港 Hong Kong (852) 2859 3333; 澳門 Macau (853) 2855 5025 國際免費電話 International toll-free 00800 3628 3628 www.turbojet.com.hk

嶄新「尊豪+」無縫連接 New "Premier Plus": Your seamless connection on land

「 尊豪+」全方位為尊豪位乘客提供免費專車接駁服務,行程管接管送,海陸空接駁無間。 尊豪+機場 : 香港國際機場 上環港澳碼頭 尊豪+澳門 : 澳門外港碼頭 澳門境內目的地

Extending Premier Services beyond the sea, the new "Premier Plus" provides Premier Grand Class passengers with complimentary land transfer. Premier Plus Airport : HK International Airport HK Macau Ferry Terminal Premier Plus Macau : Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Destination in Macau

* 須提早預約 Advance reservation is required 查詢 / 預約 Enquiries / Reservations: 電郵 Email:[email protected] 電話 Tel: (852) 5699 1800 / (853) 6380 9900 噴射飛航櫃檯:香港國際機場一號客運大樓第五層(E2轉機區) TurboJET Check-in Counter: Level 5, T1, HKIA (E2 Transfer Area)

78 Horizon March 2016 一卡盡享禮遇 Red carpet privileges

標準及個人儲值卡 JETPASS公司商務卡 Get more with a Stored Value Card Corporate JETPASS card

噴射飛航是區內首個提供儲值卡服務的渡輪公 Stored Value Cards – both Standard and 噴射飛航JETPASS公司商務卡專為經常往 司,透過標準及個人兩款儲值卡為乘客帶來更多 Personalised – are available at a minimum value 來香港、深圳、澳門公幹的公司員工而設。 優惠。個人儲值卡持卡人可在售票處或透過網上 of HK$500 at all TurboJET ticketing offices. 職員憑此卡可尊享掛帳服務,毋須即時以現 系統 www.turbojet.com.hk增值及預訂船票, Cardholders can top up their account value 金交易。 並在售票處或自助票務機取票。個人儲值卡持卡 and book tickets at ticketing offices, or online 人可享有更多折扣優惠、參加積分獎勵計劃,並 at www.turbojet.com.hk for collection later, or The corporate JETPASS card is a frequent 獲得優先提前登船服務。兩款儲值卡的最低儲值 at one of our Self-Service Ticketing Kiosks. traveller card for company staff to issue 額皆為500港元,於各噴射飛航售票處發售。 Personalised Stored Value Cardholders can TurboJET ferry tickets on a credit basis enjoy more benefits, participate in our bonus for business travel. It’s a convenient way points programme and enjoy priority seating for staff to travel frequently by TurboJET when using our Early Departure Service. without making cash payments.

強大銷售網絡 Extensive sales network

噴射飛航於中、港、澳及海外旅行社設有100多個銷售點,各碼頭及 自助票務機 Self-Service Ticketing Kiosk 香港國際機場亦設有售票處。乘客也可以在網上或通過手機APP 預訂船票。 TurboJET tickets are available in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and overseas outlets. Ticketing counters are located within each ferry terminal and at the HKIA. Passengers can also reserve tickets online or by mobile APP.

售票處 Ticketing outlets

香港 Hong Kong 澳門 Macau 香港國際機場第五層 澳門外港客運碼頭二樓離境層 自助票務機設置於以下地點 網上訂票 / 網頁 (E2轉機區) Level 2, Departure Hall, Macau Locations of Self-Service Online booking / Website Level 5, Hong Kong International Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Ticketing Kiosk www.turbojet.com.hk Airport (E2 Transfer Area) 氹仔臨時客運碼頭 香港港澳碼頭 (上環信德中心 Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal 三樓東橋、西橋入口及地下G02 用App訂票更方便 信德中心三樓 舖噴射飛航貴賓室) Mobile APP reservation 3/F, Shun Tak Centre 澳門國際機場(入境大堂) Hong Kong Macau Ferry Arrival Hall, Macau International Terminal (Shop G02, TurboJET 中國客運碼頭 Airport Premier Lounge) and East & China (HK) Ferry Terminal West Bridge, 3/F Shun Tak 信德旅遊 Shun Tak Travel Centre, Sheung Wan 中旅社港九各分行 澳門外港客運碼頭 ( 二樓離境層 ) All China Travel Service 深圳機場 Macau Outer Harbour Ferry branches Shenzhen Airport Terminal 福永碼頭 Fu Yong Ferry Terminal (Level 2, Departure Hall) 信德旅遊(信德中心地庫) 深圳機場福永碼頭 Shun Tak Travel (Basement 深圳機場候機樓 Shenzhen Airport – Floor, Shun Tak Centre) Arrival Hall, Shenzhen Airport Fu Yong Ferry Terminal 噴射飛航

March 2016 Horizon 79 尊豪位/豪華位餐膳預訂系統 美食與飲品 Reserving Premier Grand Food and beverage Class / Super Class meals 1. 登入尊豪位/豪華位餐膳預訂系統 尊豪位/豪華位熱餐 Superb dining on Premier Grand Class / Super Class www.turbojet.com.hk 2. 輸入印於船票上的訂票編號、啟航 日期及時間 3. 於船票號碼選項,選取ALL以便為所有 乘客選擇同一款式的餐膳,或為每位客人 獨立選取不同款式的餐膳 4. 在完成選取餐膳款式後,點擊提交 5. 畫面會列出有關餐膳預訂之詳情,你可 打印一份作為記錄 6. 請於登船後,向船上服務員出示船票,以 便享用已預訂的餐膳

1. Access Premier Grand Class / Super Class meal reservation online at www.turbojet.com.hk 2. Enter reservation number printed on 圖片只供參考 ferry ticket, departure date and time Photo is for reference only 3. Choose ALL (ticket number) to select 尊豪位及豪華位的乘客可免費享用船上的精選美食及冷熱飲品。同時船上亦備有多款小食及飲品以供選購。 one type of meal for all the passengers Premier Grand Class and Super Class passengers may enjoy a selection of complimentary hot meals along with OR choose different meal options for hot and cold beverages. In addition, a variety of snacks and beverages are also available for sale onboard. each different passenger 尊豪位餐牌 豪華位餐牌 4. Click submit after completing the meal Premier Grand Class dining menu Super Class dining menu selection process 金沙骨配飯 叉燒飯 5. Print a copy of the booking details Golden Pork Spareribs with Rice Barbecued Pork with Rice for reference 香煎加拿大豬鞍扒配薯菜 泰式咖喱雞球飯 Pan Fried Canadian Pork Loin Thai Style 6. Submit the ferry ticket to cabin 燴法式大蝦直通粉 火腿忌廉直通粉 attendant to redeem the reserved Braised Prawns with Penne Rigate Creamy Penne Rigate with meal upon boarding 牛仔柳扒配意粉 日式咖喱肥牛飯 Fillet with Spaghetti Beef Curry Japanese Style 香蒜雞扒配飯 雞肉漢堡意粉 服務細則 Remarks: Grilled Chicken with Garlic Sauce and Rice Chicken Burger with Spaghetti 訂餐或更改預訂均需於啟航時間前24小時 叉燒皇配飯 XO 醬海鮮炒飯 進行 Online meal reservation must be Supreme BBQ Pork with Rice Fried Rice with Seafood XO Paste made at least 24 hours prior to departure 咖喱海鮮飯 粟米肉粒飯 乘客必須依照船票上之航班時間登船方可享 Seafood Curry Pork and Corn with Rice 用預訂的餐膳 The reserved meal will not be 黑椒牛仔骨配意粉 洋蔥豬肉腸意粉 provided if there is a change in sailing time Spareribs Black Pepper Sauce with Spaghetti Onion Pork Sausage with Spaghetti 只適用於香港––澳門之航線 Only applicable 以上餐牌僅供參考,如有變更,恕不另行通知 The menu is subject to change without prior notice on HK and Macau routes

免稅煙酒 Duty free cigarettes and liquors 555金 / 555 Gold (20支/20s) HK$15 硬盒薄荷白萬寶路 / Marlboro Menthol White KS (20支/20s) HK$21 藍健 / Kent Blue Futura (20支/20s) HK$21 硬盒薄荷黑萬寶路 / Marlboro Black Menthol KS (20支/20s) HK$22 健牌薄荷浩白 / Kent Mintek In na (20支/20s) HK$21 萬寶路黑冰 / Marlboro Ice Blast (20支/20s) HK$23 藍登喜路 / Dunhill Blue (20支/20s) HK$21 黑芙蓉王 / Furongwang Blue (20支/20s) HK$32 卡碧(特纖幼)/ Capri Superslims (20支/20s) HK$21 Choya 梅酒迷你組合 / Choya Extra Series (3 x 0.05L) HK$63 好彩 / Lucky Strike Mentha Piperita (20支/20s) HK$21 百利甜酒1公升/ Baileys Irish Cream 1 Litre HK$189 硬盒萬事發 / Mevius Original Box (20支/20s) HK$21 芝華士12年威士忌1公升 / Chivas Regal 12 Yrs Whisky 1 Litre HK$289 硬盒天藍萬事發 / Mevius Sky Blue Box (20支/20s) HK$21 麥卡倫卓越木桶單一麥芽威士忌1公升/ The Macallan Select Oak 1 Litre HK$590 硬盒薄荷綠沙龍 / Salem Menthol Green Box (20支/20s) HK$21 尊尼獲加 XR 21 年威士忌 0.75 公升 / Johnnie Walker XR 21 Yrs Whisky 0.75 Litre HK$897 中華硬盒 / Chung Hwa Box (20支/20s) HK$40 貴州茅台酒 0.375 公升/ Kweichow Moutai 0.375 Litre HK$1,600 硬盒萬寶路 / Marlboro King Size (20支/20s) HK$21 馬爹利藍帶干邑1公升 / Martell Cordon Bleu 1 Litre HK$1,779 硬盒白金萬寶路 / Marlboro Gold KS (20支/20s) HK$21 馬爹利XO1公升 / Martell XO 1 Litre HK$2,082

以上香煙及洋酒售價只供參考,如有變動,恕不另行通知 Cigarette and liquor prices are for reference only and subject to change without prior notice

特區政府忠告市民:吸煙引致癌症 HKSAR Government Health Warning: Smoking Causes Cancer

凡滿十八歲的旅客,可以免稅攜帶19支香煙進入香港 A passenger aged 18 or above is allowed to bring 19 cigarettes into Hong Kong

80 Horizon March 2016 飲品 Beverages 送上咖啡芬芳 Coffee on us 瑞士高比為噴射飛航的尊貴乘客獻上 PERLA MORA完美優質咖啡。嚴選自哥倫 比亞、巴西、肯尼亞及世界各地高品質的 Arabica咖啡豆,由瑞士烘焙師專業烘焙。 咖啡芬芳濃郁,餘韻回甘,令人一試難忘。 由2012年7月起,豪華位的乘客可免費享用 即磨精品咖啡,普通位的乘客則可以推廣 優惠價購買。

Presented by KOLB COFFEE, PERLA MORA is now onboard TurboJET for adventurous coffee lovers who demand superb quality. The deluxe coffee blend is roasted in Switzerland, displaying a rich almond aroma and toffee flavour to create a full palate experience. From July 樽裝及罐裝飲品 熱飲 2012, Super Class passengers have Bottled & canned drinks Hot drinks enjoyed this freshly ground coffee for 蒸餾水 / Distilled Water HK$25 大紅袍中國茶 / Da Hong Pao Chinese Tea HK$25 FREE. Economy Class passengers 維他檸檬茶 / Vita Lemon Tea HK$25 好立克高纖營與美 / Horlicks High-Fibre can continue to purchase it at a 果粒橙橙汁 / Orange Juice HK$25 Nutritious Malted Drink HK$25 promotional price. Awaken your taste 無糖可樂 / Coke Zero HK$25 朱古力 / Caotina Chocolate HK$25 buds and order from our counter now! 可口可樂 / Coca-Cola HK$25 西冷紅茶 / Ceylon Tea HK$25 寶礦力 / Pocari Sweat HK$25 港式茶餐廳奶茶 / 道地極品烏龍茶 / Hong Kong Style Cafe Milk Tea HK$25 Tao Ti Supreme Oolong Tea HK$25 咖啡 / Coffee HK$25 加多寶 / Jiaduobao HK$25 意大利濃咖啡 / Espresso HK$25 雀巢絲滑咖啡 / Nescafé Smoovlatté HK$25 意大利泡沫咖啡 / Cappuccino HK$25 太興奶茶 / Tai Hing Milk Tea HK$25 桂格燕麥片(杞子銀耳味) / Quaker Oatmeal 藍妹啤酒 / Blue Girl Beer HK$40 (Wolfberry & White Fungus Flavour) HK$25 福佳白啤酒 / Hoegaarden Beer HK$45 紅酒-赤霞珠 / Red Wine - Cabernet Sauvignon HK$45

食品 Food 話梅 / Preserved Plum HK$15 陳皮 / Mandarin Peel HK$15 彩虹糖 / Skittles Original HK$15 四洲甘栗 / Four Seas Chestnuts HK$15 淮鹽花生 / Roasted Salted Peanuts HK$15 卡樂B熱浪薯片 / Calbee Potato Chips HK$25 卡樂B蝦條 / Calbee Prawn Cracker HK$25 固力果百力滋 / Glico Pretz HK$25 辛辣麵 / Shin Ramyun Noodles HK$35 吞拿魚三文治 / Tuna Fish Sandwich HK$35 圖片只供參考 火腿芝士三文治 / Ham & Cheese Sandwich HK$35 Photo is for reference only 熱狗 / Jumbo Hot Dog HK$35 味味一品牛肉麵 / 海鮮麵 / 船上只接受港幣 / 澳門幣 / 人民幣 / 美金 外幣兌換率﹕ 只接受下列面值的鈔票﹕ Wei Wei Premium Noodles (Beef/Seafood) HK$45 We accept HK$/MOP/RMB/US$ only Exchange rate: The only denomination 韓式即食拌飯-泡菜味/ 每張收費單只接受一種貨幣結算 Only one • MOP/HK$: 1/0.97 banknotes accepted are: Korean Delicious Instant Rice - Kimchi Flavor HK$45 currency will be accepted for each bill • RMB/HK$: 1/1 • US$: 20 兌換價以元位計算 Exchange rates will be • US$/HK$: 1/7.50 • MOP: 100 以上餐牌僅供參考,如有變更,恕不另行通知 counted in dollar units • RMB: 100/50 The menu is subject to change without prior notice

March 2016 Horizon 81 點滴與心聲 Some thoughts to share

馮子茵 Fung Tsz Yan 阮穎宜 Yuen Wing Yee 胡洁雯 Wu Kit Man 大副 Chief Officer 客艙服務部高級客艙服務員 碼頭服務部服務員 Wharf Service Attendant 由見習甲板生晉升到現在擔任大副這個崗 Senior Cabin Attendant, 尤記得初入職時因不懂一些工作上的術語而 位,要經過多年努力學習和於船上工作累 Cabin Services Department 鬧出不少笑話,慶幸得到各同事指導,很快 積經驗,我衷心感謝公司一直給予機會和 隨著香港、澳門及珠三角地區交通日益頻 便投入工作,現在回想起恍如昨天。工作有 培訓,使我能夠學以致用,明白到船隊的 繁,公司不斷開發新航線及增加航班,以應 如一件藝術品,每一過程都一絲不苟才會做 運作有賴於各部門的同事互相合作,發揮 付旅客的需求!客艙服務部每天接待來自世 出好作品,正如我們的服務,在船班的協 團隊精神,才能為乘客提供既安全又舒適 界各地的旅客,他們對服務要求不盡相同, 調、時間掌握、人潮控制及分配都要細心準 的愉快旅程。 但我相信只要憑著專業認真的態度和團結精 確,做好每個環節乘客才能享受一個安全、 神,必定能為乘客帶來賓至如歸的感覺,在 愉快及舒適的海上旅程。 It took me years of study and experience on 未來日子公司業務繼續穩步上揚! board to be promoted from Deck Cadet to When I started, it became quite an inside Chief Officer. I’m extremely grateful for all In order to meet the demand of passengers joke that I wasn’t familiar with the work- the opportunities and training offered to me from Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River place jargon. Luckily, with the help of my by the company so that I could put what I Delta region, the company has continued to colleagues, I settled in quickly. My work learnt into practice. I’m fully aware that inter- launch new routes and schedules. The Cabin is similar to creating a piece of art, for I departmental cooperation is an integral part Services Department greets tourists from have to pay attention to the details of each of smooth fleet operation; we work closely around the world on a daily basis, while procedure: to coordinate ferry schedules, together to provide a safe and comfortable we take care of their different needs and manage time, control passenger traffic journey for our passengers. expectations of our services. I believe we can and make seat arrangements. By doing make our passengers feel most welcome each step well, we can provide a safe, with professionalism, sincerity and team pleasant and comfortable journey for all cooperation. I hope the company’s business passengers. will continue to grow in the future. IMAGES. Travis Chan IMAGES. Travis

82 Horizon March 2016