歷史遺珍 探索屯門古蹟 Glimpses of History Tuen Mun Unveils the Secrets of Its Past

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歷史遺珍 探索屯門古蹟 Glimpses of History Tuen Mun Unveils the Secrets of Its Past 2016年3月 March 2016 蘇格蘭酒鄉逍遙遊 SCOTLAND’S WHISKY ISLAND 依水而立的紐約 NEW YORK BY LAND AND SEA 歷史遺珍 探索屯門古蹟 GLIMPSES OF HISTORY TUEN MUN UNVEILS THE SECRETS OF ITS PAST 澳門海事新里程: 專訪黃穗文局長 SUSANA WONG’S SEA CHANGE: A BLUEPRINT FOR MACAU CONTENTS 目 專題 FEATURES 錄 34 潮流時尚 香港 Fashion 鋼鐵風範 Hong Kong The Man of 街頭藝術 Steel Taking it to the 春季男裝的簡潔線條 Street 與耀眼色調 塗鴉藝術家的新天地 Clean lines and strong Festival puts graffiti colours define men’s artists in the spotlight style this spring 49 英國 United 54 Kingdom 新加坡 酒鄉逍遙 Singapore Great Scotch 雋美之家 威士忌以外的蘇格蘭 Patterns of Life 艾拉島 新加坡峇峇娘惹的 There is more to Inner 精緻瓷磚裝飾 Hebrides island of Colourful tiles reveal Islay than its whisky Peranakan culture 14 人物 18 香港 22 澳門 44 美國 58 潮流時尚 Profile Hong Kong Macau USA Fashion 海運新里程 歷史之鎮 啡嚐澳門 在水一方 續領風騷 Sea Change Historic Town Caffeine Rush Safe Harbour Project Runway 專訪澳門海事及水務 自然古樸的新界西部 澳門精品咖啡店方興 紐約歷史與海洋的 時裝專家披露春夏六 局局長 Glimpses of the 未艾 淵源 大潮流 A talk with the Director of the past in the not-so- Speciality coffee shops New York’s history is a Six spring trends from IMAGES. Coffee: Casli Lao. Street art: Stephanie Kam. Fashion: Gordon Lund (Frackeye) Lao. Street art: Stephanie Kam. Fashion: Casli IMAGES. Coffee: Marine and Water Bureau wild west on the rise in Macau story of land and water three top stylists March 2016 Horizon 3 目 CONTENTS 錄 生活專欄 DEPARTMENTS 10 地平線上 On the horizon 澳門、香港及全球盛事指南 72 Events highlights in Macau, Hong Kong and the world 42 心動精品 First Look 源自經典的精品 Ideas for feet, hands and wrists inspired by classics 64 醇美佳釀 Wine 法國波爾多的「紅酒之王」 At home in Bordeaux with the 'king of reds' 66 美食紛陳 10 Dine out 人氣日、韓國餐廳及全蟹宴推介 Korea fever, Japanese masters and a feast of crabs 68 恬謐居停 Horizontal 最豪華的閣樓套房及新酒店推介 Check out where to check in for suite dreams and more 70 時尚家居 Home 趣致動物造型家品 66 Chic creature comforts breathe life into your rooms 74 噴射飛航 TurboJET 創意科技 公司簡介 About our company 72 船隊資料 Vessel information Tech 服務全面周到 Servicing every need 老少咸宜新玩意 推廣優惠 Promotions The latest tools and toys for 美食與飲品 Food & beverages young and old 點滴與心聲 Some thoughts to share Michael Perini of Art Basel. Food: IMAGES. Art Basel: Courtesy 4 Horizon March 2016 編者 EDITOR’S NOTE 的話 噴射飛航開通連接澳門及屯門的新航線,讓 旅客可以親身走進屯門古老的圍村,參觀經 過歲月洗禮的歷史遺跡 Stepping into the past at the site of one of Hong Kong’s oldest walled villages in Tuen Mun, now connected to Macau by TurboJET Spring can be hectic as citizens awake from the winter holidays but in Macau, at least, March is a time to slow down and enjoy life. Known for its laid-back European lifestyle, Macau offers numerous small cafés that are perfect spots to relax for the day. Even here, however, times are changing. Speciality coffee shops featuring exotic blends and 月份,春意正濃,是個值得放慢腳步,享受生活的日子。 roasts have been sprouting in alleys and on street corners across the city. 澳門的生活節奏比較悠閒,充滿歐陸氣息,小小的咖 In this issue, we feature several such shops where you’ll find professional 三啡店是人們偷得浮生半日閒的聚腳處。近年,小城的精 baristas making velvety brews, who happily share their special coffee 品咖啡店猶如雨後春筍,小巷街角,比比皆是。從早到晚,咖啡 knowledge with customers. 香氣四溢,今期,我們駐澳門的作者就為大家推介多家必訪的精 March is also a month for arts events in Hong Kong. But apart from 品咖啡店,專業的咖啡師會在供應香濃幼滑的咖啡之餘,提升顧 the major international exhibitions, don’t miss the graffiti art on the walls 客對精品咖啡的認識。 of buildings as you walk through Sheung Wan and along Hollywood 此外,香港在三月也瀰漫一片藝術氣息,除了多個大型的國際 Road. Street artists from all over the world have let their creativity run 藝術展覽外,當你走在上環及荷李活道一帶,也可以在多幢大廈 wild, transforming dull walls into colourful and vibrant murals. Our 的外牆,欣賞到來自不同國家的塗鴉藝術家作品。他們的創意往 writer talks to the founder of the annual HKwalls festival to see how the 往天馬行空,可以在單調的牆上噴上色彩繽紛的圖案。今期,我 artists have brought street art into daily life. 們的作者專訪壁畫藝術節的創辦人,看他們如何將這門藝術帶進 Travelling can be enjoyable with the right choice of destination. 日常生活中。 Consider visiting the New York City waterfront district and parks, explor- 挑對了目的地,旅遊也可以是一種放鬆心情的好享受。你可以 ing the city’s connection with the ocean, or head to Islay, Scotland’s 考慮在紐約這個大都會的綠洲―海濱公園及街區,慢慢探索這 famous whisky island, for a taste of local life and distilling culture. 城市與海的連繫;你也可以在著名的威士忌產區―蘇格蘭的艾 In additional, I am pleased to let you know that TurboJET has 拉島―體驗當地生活及釀酒文化。 launched a new route between Tuen Mun and Macau. In this and 最後,噴射飛航再有新航點,推出往來屯門及澳門的航線,我們 coming issues, watch for features about interesting attractions and 在今期及未來數期的雜誌內,也會為大家介紹屯門的精彩景點。 activities in Tuen Mun. 祝大家旅途愉快﹗ Bon Voyage. 麥慶儀 Vivian Mak 編輯 Editor Bernard Ho IMAGE. Cover: 6 Horizon March 2016 作者 CONTRIBUTORS 簡介 Published by Room 2408, 24/F, Dominion Centre, 59 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3921 7000 Fax: +852 3921 7099 Jo Baker Zidira Ling Gordon Lund Website: www.bauermedia.com.hk 作者與年度街頭壁畫藝 Zidira認為在形象設計 攝影師Gordon以鋼材為 Editorial enquiries: [email protected] 術節的幕後推手HKwalls 方面,只有想不到,沒 時裝專輯的背景,凸顯 負責人一同介紹本港街 有做不到。所以敢試、 2016年男裝系列再次突 頭藝術發展的趨勢。 敢做,才有創新。 破傳統,更上層樓。 Executive General Manager, BauerWorks Niall Murphy Writer Jo guides Zidira believes styling By using steel readers through the means to try, do and as a backdrop, Editorial Consultant Susan Skelly development of street break through and that photographer Gordon Editor Vivian Mak 麥慶儀 art in Hong Kong with the only things that wants to highlight Deputy Editor Dennis Lee 李家聰 the mastermind of the cannot be achieved the new horizon Chief Sub Editor Paul Robinson annual graffiti festival are those one hasn't of the men's 2016 Photo Editor Janet Gomes HKwalls. thought of. collection. Senior Designer Alice Cheung 張淑敏 Designer Howard Leung 梁德榮 Advertising Enquires ASIAN INTEGRATED MEDIA LIMITED Managing Director Peter Jeffery +852 3910 6388 | [email protected] Hong Kong Edward Lee +852 3910 6378 | [email protected] Hong Kong Arthur Au Yeung Michele Koh Yan Lam Julia Neel +852 3910 6392 | [email protected] Morollo 作者認為喝精品咖啡是 時裝專輯作者Julia深 Singapore & Malaysia Joseph Yap 作者Michele自小與屬 條不歸路,一旦愛上, 信嘗試新的潮流時要有 +65 6337 6996 / +65 9683 9530 | [email protected] 於土生華人的祖母生 無法掉頭。而每一顆精 自信,可以與其他服飾 活,深深為峇峇娘惹文 品咖啡豆就是沉睡的小 互相搭配,如果太在意 化所吸引,當中包括色 精靈,咖啡師施展「魔 自己穿得好不好看,有 Horizon magazine is published monthly by TurboJET and is produced for TurboJET by Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited. No part of this magazine 彩繽紛的瓷磚設計。 法」喚醒它們。 可能功虧一簣。 may be reproduced without the written permission of TurboJET. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 by TurboJET. Opinions in Horizon magazine are the writers’ and not necessarily endorsed by TurboJET. Growing up with a Yan believes that there Julia believes the TurboJET and Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other material. Manuscripts, Peranakan grandmother, is no way back once key to trying out a photographs and artwork will not be returned unless accompanied by Michele has long one falls in love with new trend is to do appropriate postage. been intrigued by all speciality coffee. Baristas, it with confidence, 中華商務彩色印刷有限公司承印 things Straits Chinese, like magicians, awaken as only one's self- 香港新界大埔汀麗路36號中商大厦14樓 including the beauty of and release the spirits of consciousness can Printed by C&C Offset Printing Company Limited Peranakan ceramics. coffee beans. make a look ‘wrong’. 14/F, C&C Building, 36 Ting Lai Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong 8 Horizon March 2016 地平 ON THE HORIZON 線上 澳門與香港 MACAU & HONG KONG 藝影縱橫 All about Art 三月港澳藝壇大放異采, 藝術展和電影節輪流登場 March shines with art fairs and film festivals 24-26/3 盛事連連 ART MARCHES ON 三月的香港藝術氣氛四溢,重點盛事是第四度在港 舉辦的巴塞爾藝術展。逾200間來自35個國家及地區 的藝廊,將於香港會議展覽中心展出由20世紀初至 當代大師的作品,並設有工作坊以及與策展人、收 藏家、藝術家對談的活動和其他表演。 23-26/3 海濱藝展 Sidelight 當代藝術展會Art Central再度於中環海濱上 In Hong Kong, March means art, as the city 演,超過100個參展商展出藝術精英之作。 gears up for the prestigious Art Basel, now in Art Central returns to the Central Harbour- its fourth edition. More than 200 galleries from front with more than 100 exhibitors. 35 countries and regions will present works www.artcentralhongkong.com ranging from the early 20th century to pieces by contemporary masters at the Hong Kong Con- vention and Exhibition Centre. Also on tap are 22/3-6/4 機械裝置 I, Robot workshops, daily conversations with curators, 香港半島酒店與英國皇家藝術學院合作,於 collectors and artists, as well as performances. 酒店大堂呈獻《The ADA Project》,展示 由英國藝術家Conrad Shawcross創作,集 www.artbasel.com 合機械、雕塑和音樂的藝術裝置。 The Peninsula Hong Kong partners with 本月在香港與巴塞爾藝術展互相輝映的藝術活動: the Royal Academy of Arts to display Other art events around town to coincide with The ADA Project - an artwork of robotics, Art Basel include: sculpture and music by British artist Conrad Shawcross in the hotel lobby. 21-26/3 時空瀑布 Time and numbers 日本藝術家宮島達男與巴塞爾藝術展合作,於香港環 www.peninsula.com www.royalacademy.org.uk 球貿易廣場外牆上展示光映裝置《Time Waterfall》。 Time Waterfall is a light installation by Japanese artist Tatsuo Miyajima as part of Art Basel and 巴塞爾藝術展吸引藝術愛好者前來觀賞 is displayed onto the facade of the International (上圖);今年的展品當中,包括藝術家 Commerce Centre (ICC). John Miller的作品(右圖) Visitors admire the exhibits at Art Basel (above); work by artist John Miller (right) will IMAGES. Art Basel and artwork: Courtesy of Art Basel. HKIFF: Imaginechina IMAGES. Art Basel and artwork: Courtesy www.artbasel.com be on display at the 2016 fair 10 Horizon March 2016 21/3-4/4 光影流年 HAPPY ANNIVERSARIES 第40屆香港國際電影節搜羅全球50多個國家近300部電影,除了有世界級 的電影首映,今年焦點是成立25周年的澤東電影公司及導演王家衛。他會主 持電影大師班,還會選映多套由他執導的澤東出品例如《重慶森林》及《花 樣年華》等。影星古天樂今年連續第三年出任電影節大使。 The Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) celebrates its 40th year with a spotlight on the 25-year-old Jet Tone Films and auteur Wong Kar-wai. Wong will preside over a masterclass this year, a complement to a series of screenings
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