' M a n u e l E s t r a d a C a b r e r a s P l a c e i n H i s t o r y

ITH entire independence ofjudgment and without any bias whatever on account of nationality or interest in i — e Lat n American politics , nor with any regard to p cu n i a r y gain , but actuated solely by a deep sense of justice , we undertake to publish this pamphlet with the assurance to our readers that every statement contained in its pages is made in conformity with the truth . Having travele d through the Republic o fGuatemala from v one end to the other , we ha e studied carefully and with an open mind the social and economic conditions and customs of the people , and are able impartially to refer to her past , describe o the present and give a glimpse fher bright future . ' s geographical position is splendid 'situated b e tween the Pacific and the Atlantic her abundant rivers irri he of gate the fertile lands which , under t influence salubrious climates— temperate in the Central and Northern territory and tropical in the South and along the coasts— are adm irably adapted for the cultivation of the products of every zone of the world . a n d Rich in minerals of gold and silver , until the present almost unexploited , her mines need only ade quate development to extract those precious metals and bless the land with abundant wealth .

This beautiful region of the American continent , gifted by t nature with exceptional advantages , is inhabited by an hones and intelligent population , which receives the worthy and enter im prising stranger without discr ination as to race , nationality or rel igious creed .

of 1 8 98 The history Guatemala until , may be briefly sum m a r i zed thus : discovered by Spain in the beginning of the Six t een th Century and like all the other countr ies conquered by t those adventurers , conver ed to the fanatical religious creed which predominated in the Middle Ages , her soil became the theatre o fhorrible and bloody deeds which gave the absolute o su dominion over the lands t those audacious warriors , who b i MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN H I S TORY j ect ed the poor Indians—fthe real and lawful owners— to poverty and the exactions ofbrutal force which served as the only and supreme law o fthe land . The events o fthe colonization period are well known without going into details : the same system that governed Mexico was V r adopted in its inexorable form in enezuela , Colombia , Ecuado ,

Peru , Bolivia , Chile , Argentina , Uruguay , Paraguay, Cuba , f r R o Puerto ico , Santa Domingo and the five portions Cent al V America which then constituted the iceroyship of Guatemala . The Spanish domi nation lasted three hundred long years and 1 821 i n ended in , when the most notable citizens , faithfully t er p r eti n g the public Opinion and in conjunction with the a u thor i ti es 1 5th a nd , proclaimed on the of September the liberty independ ence ofthese countries . m o s u The do ination ver these countrie by A gustin Iturbide , founder of the Mexican Empire , lasted only a brief period , and when it ceased they formed a Federation 'but , unfortunately , of this union was short duration , as they soon separated into five a republics , known geographically as the Centr l American

States . i n Guatemala , like the rest of the countries of Latin origin , her i t d e the vices and the defects of the Mother Country, whence we soon discover that since its eman cipation the political system adopted by its people was ofthe same character as that followed — n v by the old dominant regime that is , a absolute go ernment supported by bayonets t o maintain and perpetuate privileged coteries and the aristocratic class which exploited the natives and forced them t o labor like serfs 'and this infamous method

“ o f e gov rning a people , which had just emerged from the colonial r i t s d i sm a l yoke , was called Conservatism 'that party exe cised 1 8 71 influence until , when the Liberal Party sprang triumph a n tly into bei ng and inaugurated the Revolution which has of brought a new era liberty , progress and civilization . The contest between the two p olitical parties became then intense 'the advanced element struggled to establish the desired reforms , while the retrograde faction , though already defeated , still maintained its resistance supported by the fanatical grip o fol d traditions which would m aintain the laws ofsemi l feudalism , the franchises , the influence of prominent fami ies , an d the prerogatives o fchurch and clergy 'the latter was rich in worldly possessions and owned the people 's conscience through their ignorance and superstition . ou t the But resolutely following its purposes , Liberal Party wa s victorious and slowly began the great task o fpopular edu MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN HISTORY cation 'in this wa y the country entered the great path ofprogress under the leadership of m en n ofenergy a n d convictions who have m placed Guate ala alongside the great nations of modern time . In 1 8 8 5 died the illustrious chief ofthe Liberal Party 'Justo Ru fin o ' r m em or Barrios , a victim of his ideals , in he oic and l a the ab e combat , martyr to the great idea of uniting five republics and establishing a strong nationality— the dream o fall a good citizens of Central Americ .

Though the noble idea failed , the Liberal Party continued l in power , although not always faithfu to its principles , due to ' the weak and vacillating character ofthe new chief executive 1 8 92 who , after the expiration of his term in March , , turned over the affairs o fgovernment t o his successor— and this man had the good j udgment to appoint , as the Secretary of the Interior ma n of and Justice , the great who Since has filled the pages history of his country with many brilliant deeds . f Although very young when appointed to such o fice , his biography up to that time was meritorious and gives an insight of his character , his services and his talents . Manuel Estrada Cabrera was born in the City ofQu eza l t e

2 f 1 8 57 . 1 st o nango on the November , During the early years

' ' of he was under the care his loving mother , who bred into the child the character which afterwards grew and prod uced such excellent results and of whose integrity and energy we have such abundant proof during his long and memorable public career . From the very beginning oflife appear the promising signs o f his future indeed , but few examples of eminent men are known that show at such an early age a d ev el opm en t of mental power equal t o that of the illustri ous personage whose biography we herein briefly describe .

His predilection . for the profession of law induced him to or begin very young , without any help from relatives wealthy friends , to study jurisprudence 'meantime , he worked to support his mother and himself , encouraged by the noble ambition that some day he would be able t o realize hi s aim— t o support his good mother during her remai ning years and to devote his talents and knowledge to the welfare a n d advancement of his country . After many years of sacrifices a n d hard study he succeeded

—at ' com in obtaining his diploma as attorney law , whereupon he m en c ed to exercise this profession which was to lead him to the highest honors and merited distinction . MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN HISTORY

It would be t oo long a task to enumerate the many cases in which the young jurist distinguished himself . Suffice tha t we copy the followi ng paragraphs written by fon e of his admirers o Exercising his profession in the city his birth , he became famed as intelligent , honest and charitable . “ His intelligence was s o great that he was held to be the most learned in the knowledge oflaw 'the ablest person to interpret and cite the law before the judges and the courts in the defense of hi s numerous clients . “ of Honest , because he would take charge a case not for the a sake of profit as generally happens , but moved by . sense of on o justice , which led him to victory on all ccasions by means of his wisdom in argumentation and his eloquence in speaking . “ Charitable , as he showed when helping the destitute , defend ing them and paying out of his own pocket the expenses o fthe trial 'his only obj ect being that the rich and powerful should m a never deprive a poor n of what legally belonged to him . His integrity was well known and because ofthe confidence all had in his uprightness , he won the appointment as Superior of l ofi e e — t o c d Judge Retalhu eu , which he was oblige to acc pt the great loss ofhis private business and his numerous clientele .

l fr im t o o On y a short t e did he perform his duties at this p s , as the governm ent found it advisable to transfer him to the same “ i position in the C ty of Quezaltenango , which office he filled with such great satisfaction, that the people gave him the proud title of the Champion Defender of Justice . One year afterwards , of at a general election, his fellow citizens made him Mayor the o r r t o city, at a time when dis rde reigned eve ywhere due the hard f , struggles o local political parties . “ Says on e of hfis bi Ogr a pher s : This was indeed a post of r w honor , though di ficult and troublesome 'it bu dened him ith the gravest duties and responsibilities , which he assumed and ful

filled with dignity, satisfaction and such success that, in recog n iti on b of his eminent services , he obtained y unanimous vote at the general election , a seat in the National Legislative Assembly ' for his own Department . He was always known as a loving son and a diligent student ' as a learned j urist and a just and upright j udge 'as a good patriot r e and an unselfish citizen . Hitherto , his great qualities had cei v e d o recognition in nly a few departments , but now we see him placed before the eyes of the entire nation as the representa tive ofone of the richest and most important Departments of the

Republic . M ANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN HISTORY It was precisely at this time that the public life of this ex cepti on a l man began 'it was then that judicious a n d patriotic citizens could foresee the bright future of the young orator , who in eloquent speeches displayed 'the extent of his political and economic knowledge . While from his parliamentary seat he advocated the i n a li en o f able rights of the people against misuse and usurpation power , which everywhere is found more or less tyrannical and lawless ' he also , when finding it necessary , expressed vigorously his opinions in the press for the purpose of enlightening the pro l et a r i a n masses regarding the principles of democracy and teach ing them their duties and their rights as good ciftizens . o High , indeed , the noble character this eminent ' stands i statesman , who , w thout the aid , protection or influence from any source , but solely through his knowledge and talents , ascended to the first place among the many distinguished public men of the t o w Liberal Party , hich he owes allegiance and which represents the genuine interests and aspirations of the Guatemalan People . t Such a personality na urally brought to the new government , G os ' presided over by eneral J Maria Reina Barrios , valuable

assistance and prestige acquired through long and , distinguished i n services , and this was the high political consideration which d u ce d that government ' to appoint him Minister of the Interior and Justice .

It would take many pages if we were to state i n detail the many measures that through his initiative and indefatigable l for abor were executed the betterment of public affairs , which until then , in all branches , had been more or l ess neglected . As a matter of course he devoted special attention to the reformation of a ll departments that came u nder his immediate up er v i si on and for six y ears these departments we r e greatly benefited through his direction and assi duous labor . As a jurisconsult ofsuperior abi lity his decisions bore ample fruit a n d resulted i n greatly improving the judicial a dm i n i s t r a ti on and placing it on an equality with those to be foun d in the most civilized countr ies of the world . of m One his first achieve ents , which reveals his expertness o f as a jurist , was the compilation the civil and penal laws i n i n code form , which was accomplished such a systematic manner as to obviate the trouble and difficulty that obtained before when those wishing to apply or consult t hem had t o resor t to newspapers and other scattered publications ' 1 0 MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY

i Although it would take much space , as we sa d before , to enumerate the improvements that Guatemala derived from the endeavors of the Secretary o fthe Interior and Justice during the six years that Manuel Estrada Cabrera held office , we believe it ou r duty t o mention some o fthe most important . It is highly commendable to note the interest he took in reorganizin g the General Hospita l which was in great need of such attention and which through his care became thoroughly equipped and put under regulations similar to those maintained l in Europe and the United States for the benefit o fthe poor c ass . While in the Capital City the homeless sick and those de r i v e d d u p of means of subsistence received e attention and care , a y m n reforms were also , through his generous initiative , intro d u c e d a n d in all other hospitals of the Republic , many charitable institutions were established in all the principal centers and towns that were in need of them . In looking after the welfare ofthe little ones— which are s o dear t o him— he has always shown his solicitude for poor and neglected children who are most entitled to the consideration of noble souls . He has personally prescribed new rules governing children in the Orphan Asylum , providing better care and atten a n d tion , improving the food bettering their conditions , also appointing especially selected and competent teachers for their education . The conditions in the prisons and penitentiaries were d epl or able , as according to the barbarous custom of olden times criminals were considered deserving only o fharsh and cruel m n l em en t punish e t . This e legislator abolished the penalties of which those unfortunates were the victims , bettered their food a n d and other living conditions , also inaugurated classes to teach trades and occupations to enable them to earn an honest living


li fi n . when set free and refstored to ordinary e the community o The population the City of Guatemala , which has increased '

f . on o C in later years , was greatly in need a new water supply o f i sequently, its complaint against the government the munic a li t for p y negligence was justified , as it had failed to provide this necessity and exposed the health and welfare of the people to i fi . f a ll d grave danger Manuel Estrada Cabrera , overcoming “ ' cu lti es , at once took steps to buy the landed property Aceituno , in order to utilize the river Acatan and construct substantial of aqueducts , by means which the city was abundantly provided

. with all the water needed for consumption by the people . ' MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY 1 1

In narrating historical events we are compelled t o lay aside all other considerations and must be confined strictly t o the so o ofm truth , even if in d ing we should hurt the sensibilities so e who are still living or for whom we entertain the best feelings of respect and esteem .

Moreover , disregarding all scrupulous feelings , it is our solemn duty to statfe the bare facts without any concealment or con o o f sideration those guilty doing wrong to their country, even though they may no longer be living . For while we may respect their memory , we must discharge our full duty as impartial and reliable historians . The l ast acts ofthe administra tion ofReina Barrios were full of errors and the country felt the effects t o a marked degree . Hence arose the misunderstanding between the President and his adviser , the Secretary of the Interior . The suggestions offered by the latter were n ot accepted and as a consequence the blunders occurred which he had foreseen and which he had sought t o prevent . There was n o other alternative for the profound statesman than to tender his resignation as member of the cabinet , which he did, and his resignation was accepted 'he was then appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the govern st a ' he ment of Costa Rica , in which country, during his short y , discharged the trust confided t o his care successfully and won

' the respect and esteem of all classes . n In the mea time , we must confess , the mistakes and blunders i ssa t i s on . d committed in Guatemala were , the increase Great faction was felt everywhere , and as the sad result a revolution broke out , which the government suppressed only after making many sacrifices “ To make the unfortunate situati on worse an economic d ep r es sion began which assumed great proportions . The government considered it necessary to raise a nominal loan 'the schools were a nd closed , the National Treasury was suppressed all public

t . works suspended opera ion Indeed , we must acknowledge with

: deepest sorrow the country was in a terrible crisis , bankrupt and on the brink of an abyss . of o f Reina Barrios , though a patriot good intentions , but f o mediocre intelligence , needed the advice and directing force the powerful mind that had been his right arm and guide during the memorable and best years of his administration 'and left to the mercy of men without ability , tact or experience , he was like hi wr eck a ship without a compass and on the verge o fs p . His proposal to prolong the presidential term for fou r mor e years 1 2 MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN HISTORY

has been characterized by some as arbitrary , by others as foolish , but most critics are of the opinion it would inconvenience the t country and be detrimen al to the good fname of the government . To put the preconceived plan into ef ect , its authors exercised — a ll their i n flu en ce almost coerced the members of the National fr i o Leg slative Assembly, without due consideration , to vote l e av m extension of the governmental term to four years , g no time fo r the nation to express its Opinion in regard to such a difficult and important question . From what we have thus briefly stated one may comprehend n on the perilous condition of Guatemala , whe the night of 8 1 8 98 a ssa ssm at ed February , , General Reina Barrios was by ' Oscar ollinger , an alien criminal .

In accordance with the Constitution it fell upon Manuel Estrada Cabrera as V ice—President to assume the Presidency of the Republic . He had returned from Costa Rica only a few days before and intended to withdraw from politics and resume his law practice i n fact he was making preparations t o establish his office from which he could go forth with the assurance of winning a com et en c p y in the profession in which his talents , prestige and popularity were sure to succeed . the Scarcely had tragic event taken place , when in the pres ence of the corpse of the unfortunate President , the members of his cabinet were in con sultation seeking means to thwart the Constitution and place in the high office some one selected from their own coterie instead of the one designated by law— i n order that they might keep on enj oying the benefits and privileges of power . t o The Conservative Party , up that moment in a state of half slumber , thought this a good opportunity to strike the r mortal blow, conquer and c own its ambition to establish its r retrograde system , by demolishing with uthless hand the work of progress inaugurated by General Justo Ru fin o Barrios and r e—establishing the ol d system of domination over the people by the prifvileged and aristocratic class and exploitation and servi r o tude the natives .

It is certain that the Conservative Party has brought ruin , shame and degradation to Spain and all Latin ' American R e on e publics , as any may learn by reading with dispassionate eyes the history o fthose countries and impartially observing the horrible trail ofthe party dur i n g its long and absolute dominion . M ' C ANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLA E IN HISTORY . 1 3

Really , that political faith , well defined by the Chilean pub li sher V n M cKen na as , Benj aminficu a , is as terrible the Colonial o System itself which it is the spectre and the scythe . T he Secretary ofWar sold himself to the leaders of the Con s er v a ti v e Party to which he belonged 'seduced by promises and encouraged by assurances that several officers in active servi ce in the barracks of the capital would co —Operate in the criminal a plan , he bec me disloyal , betraying the most precious gem of honor in the eyes of the gallant Guatemalan army , stained his

record as a military officer , and gave his allegiance to treason . Manuel Estrada Cabrera understood perfectly the grave r e


sponsibility duty imposed upon him .

Without fear or vacillation , and fortified in his conscience by the sacred obligations devolving upon him before his country

and history , he presented himself in the midst of the conspiring r membe s of the cabinet , calmed all turbulence , subdued the a n revolutionary soldiery , intimidated the ambitious d muffled capitalists through his extraordinary presence of mind and hi s of direct application the law, restored order with imperturbable r e— h energy and established t e government in peace .

Indeed an extraordinary man this student , lawyer and coun s ell or own , who in the moment of struggle when his life was at stake , challenged danger and appeared in person before his enemies with head erect and stout hear t to perform his duty and maintain the Constitution inviolate , the sacred ark of covenant v where the people keep their honor , life and ital interests .

What did he do on this memorable o cca smn after being recog ' n i ze d f m o legally as the Supreme Chief of the State , in the idst the enthusiasm of the p eople and o fthat Army which professed its adherence to honor and loyalty ' s f o m His grand oul , full noblest senti ents , could find no trace

' of hate , vengeance or spite against those who had plotted his ruin , political downfall and death . To forget and to forgive wa s his only thought : I am a Guatemal an and my desire is that the first act o fmy government shall be t o pardon those who have done wrong against me per s on a l ly . A s it happens in all Spanish countries after disturbances of t this kind , the general expec ation was that the treacherous Secre tary ofWar and his conspiring frien ds and accomplices would be shot in the publi c square as an example and warning to others ' n n ot r instead he se t them to their homes and told them to fea , but that they mus t respect the law t o which he was bound as i t s most faithful guardian . ' 1 4 MA'UEL E STRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY

An equal act ofclemency is n ot on record in the annals of human history . We must acknowledge thfat when Manuel Estrada Cabrera o became the chief executive the nation , he represented more

‘ than Legality 'he wa s more than the person designated by the Constitution t o rule the destiny of his country 'he symbolized something that is felt in the human conscience , something worthy

. el ev a t Of respect , sympathy and veneration It is that pure and ing sentiment which naturally is engendered within us when we admire that which is above the low and paltry things we com m on ly find in life . Magnanimous hear t o fa great man whom the Providence Of nations selected t o d o wonderful things to save his r u m ' country from , devastation and anarchy

As soon as the country became tranquil again , it became necessary to consul t with the people in order to realize his aims for good government , and he hastened to publish a beautiful manifesto offeri ng liberties and guarantees to all . He announced that all political refugees residing in foreign lands might return to their beloved country and assist in the “ work ofregeneration which he proposed to commence . We '

. need Peace and Concord , he told them , to make Guatemala great and happy .

of One his first decrees Opened the schools , which as we ' A dmi n i s stated, had been closed in the last days of Reina Barrios ‘ t r a ti on P u b li c I n st r ucti on , and ordered the Secretary Of to make a rigid investigation and repor t concerning the competency Of the teachers and other conditions relating t o the school system . in “ order to Obtain the information required to supply what was l acking and improve it . We have come to an important point in our narrative and cannot leave it without commending Manuel Estrada Cabrera fr o the interest he has shown in behalf Of popular education , which after all is the foundation upon which real progress Of nations is based . If we study philosophically the state o fprogress or retro r es si on f a g of a country , says an eminent educator , the e ficient c use will be found in the character of the public instruction that t o former generations impart their children .

' 1 6 MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY great energy finished the great task o fbuilding the Northern Railroad that connected the Pacific with the Atlantic and which constitutes the real foundation for the greatness and prosperity ofthe country . Upon t he complet ion of this extensive and costly line which on connects the Capital City with the sea ports both oceans , he . devoted his energies t o the construction ofother lines and by these means shortened the distances and brought the more i m m t o a d portant towns into com unication with each other , the vantage and development Of industries and cfommerce . o Likewise , he ordered the reconstruction roads and high ways to make tra ffic easier between the villages and smaller r towns , thus facilitating intercou se between farmers merchants and travelers

In a country essentially agricultural in ch a racter like Guate mala , the attention Of public officials ought to be constantly directed towards the protec tion of agriculture 'in this respect Manuel Estrada Cabrera has used all his energy and care to ' better this branch of his country s resources , which is the real fountain of the prosperity and happiness of the people . On e ofthe most praised measures is the one that provides for the adjudication of agricultural lands t o persons without hr u h ' h f means : t o g t e operation O this law many have been saved from misery and the lands have provided sustenance fo r num b er l es s families, contributing t o increased national production . The cause ofthe immense accumulation Ofwealth in the United States is based upon the cession Oflands t o p oor imm i s who grant from Europe , by their labor have made the wilder ness productive and brought forth immense harvests . At the end of the eighteenth century, when she was liberated from

Great Britain , her population was less than four millions , while

' today, according to the last census , she numbers ninety nine millions . This fabulous increase is due t o the good judgment ofits government , which distributed the lands among the most needy classes , attracted the immigration from the Old continent , thus building upon the surest ofall foundations the marvello us great ness of this admirable country .

Thus , also , this economist with the great forehead , great talents and broad views , understood what was required t o go vern

Guatemala , and to him is due the great advance made in agri 98 culture since 1 8 t o the present time . MANUEL E S TRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE I ' HISTORY 1 7

We have n ow briefly described some ofthe foremost acts of M anuel Estrada Cabrera , and it necessarily remains to proceed t o g1 v e an idea as complete as possible of his character as a n d politician , ruler , patriot philanthropist . We shall n ot be diffusive 'we shall state the facts plainly and concisely just as they occur , but without neglecting the critical attitude which mus t accompany any history o r attempt k at s etching the truth .

We shall remain true to this principle and duty as chroniclers , as we hope we have already shown and also hope to follow t o the end .

Owing t o the stupid intervention of General Barillas 1 n the tw o affairs of , when the brothers , Carlos and Antonio E zet a , assaulted and assumed power , Guatemala lost the influence and respect which she had enj oyed in all other Central American t States , since each of them constituted a free and independen

Republic . t o It is sad have to acknowledge this , but , as we promised , it

ou r t : a n d on e is purpose to hold o the truth, we shall not deviate iota from ou r principle . f After making an inef ective protest and ridiculous boast ,

Barillas dispatched his troops to the frontier , and several weeks after without fighting a single engagement withdrew them , again shamefully causing great displeasure and regret to the entire country and especially t o the office r s and soldiers of that valiant army that never had laid down arms and always been accustomed to heroism and victory . Through his blamable behaviour the foolhardy President brought upon himself the ill will of the maj ority of his fellow citizens , and having by his blunders in the Salvadorean campaign reduced the prestige and sense of honor of the Guatemalan l ow soldier , he became worse than unpopular , even considered and contemptible . It was impossible from any point ofview that after such of r e — t ffailure he could even think being elec ed after his term in o fice expired , and though of scanty intelligence , he understood the situation and that he ought to retire to private life and never again seek to become a factor in the public affairs Ofhis country . During his six years Ofadministration Reina Barrios Ob E l served the strictest neutrality with the border states , Salvador ' 1 8 MANUEL E STRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY

W and Honduras , hich by reason thereof unjustly imp uted this ' t o f r i r em en t o s tu di e d et to be due fear , which , course , increased their scornful Opinion o fGuatemala 'and from these circum sta nces arose those false conclusions and thoughts which inter fere with the natural considerations upon which must be : founded guaranties ofcontinued existence and the preservation Of honor able and permanent peace . M anuel Estrada Cabrera was determined to ma intain peace wi thout humiliation . Let us enj oy that precious gift for the

a n d , people , he said to Guatemala , but I shall demand it frankly with dignity . n e1 hb or i n Wherefore , he made it clearly understood to all g g countr ies that he maintained such cordial relations as ought to

. w a s exist among sister republics This his great desire , as he i n by nature is of a peaceful disposition , loves peace and order his own as well as in other countries .

But , though desirable , it was impossible to preserve peace , because El Salvador , encouraged by the weakness and inactivity ' of the preceding administrations of Barillas and Reina Barrios , continued systematically its former acts of provocation 'accord e i n gly it became necessary to take precautions for the main t en a n ce ofnational interests and honor which had been confided r t o his ca e by the nation . Soon he found himself obliged t o accept the challenge sent t o o Guatemala and t ok steps t o repel the outrage by armed force . In a few days the Guatemalan army able to demonstrate _was b its strength , indomitable valor and fine discipline y defeating r t o the insolent invading a my which had flee , leaving behind it t o f o the victors their banners , cannon , and even the corpse the leader who had provoked the conflict . After this memorable campaign in which the G u a t em el a n soldier heroically vindicated his good name by demonstrating his m superiority, all the remaining Central A erican countries entered into relations ofmutual respect and friendship s o generously

Offered them by the victor .

Manuel Estrada Cabrera , though only a civilian and diplomat an d by temperament education , has a very wide and profound knowledge of military law 'having studied deeply the history Of m c hu anity and its many wfars , he was able to dire t with skill o the military operations the Salvadorean campaign , placing the army under the command o fcompetent generals who executed

r faithfully the orders Of the chief executive o fthe state . M ANUEL E STRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN HISTORY

'or many years Guatemala endured the abusive behaviour of b Mexico , her Northern neigh or , who imagined that all she had to do was t o command an d that it was the duty of Guatemala t o m Obey without mur ur or delay . I t was really a scandal t o Observe the humiliations that time and again were imposed by Mexico upon a nation of the pride

and dignity ofGuatemala .

This increasing arrogance , we repeat, took the form of a sort of n d a tutelage , to which former administrations had submitted under which they acceded t o every demand from Mexico through

fear o fconflict with this larger neighboring state . But such con

d i ti on s were impossible to be endured by such high ' minded and

strenuous a character as Manuel Estrada Cabrera , who combining a s s energy with great gifts state man , soon was able to put an end l to this intolerable domination and established a new , stab e and respected administration o fthe international relations with c b e Mexico , thereby restoring mutual onfidence and friendship e tween th se neighbors .

Before mentioning a v er v delicate matter we Offer a few words Ofexplanation . However much we should desire to avoid any a ll u s1 on to the o f subj ect , we are compelled to deal with it by reason our high duty as historians to search out all facts of our day fo r the bene fit offuture generations and to dispel and overthrow the many falsehoods and calumnies which are engendered through envy i n and malice 'wherefore , we proceed with firmness and ardor ou r endeavor t o relate the true facts . To prove our veracity as faithful reporters , we may mention that we are foreigners and consequently entirely impartial and unconcerned in Central American affairs .

We were born in Scotland and left our beloved mother coun ' try in order to visit the American continent , through which we n have traveled extensively . We had o intention of relating ou r o f impressions travel , but as we have entered upon the task , we must remind ou r readers what W e told them 'fi n the very beginning o f O this pamphlet , we do it from motives justice and for the sake oftruth .

Manuel E st r a d a C a b r er a devoted from the beginning ofhis y government all his energies t o the solution of the difficult and ' 20 MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY complicated political problems that affected Guatemala 'and o r thanks t his labor and effo ts in this behalf , he secured and established peace and orderly conditions in place of the i n security and anxieties that prevailed in the country during former administrations . To find the means to effect his purposes with infinite tact — and wonderful skill this was the giant task he carried ou t during the eighteen years that brought about such magnificent results .

of ' In surveying the condition Latin American countries , Ri o t from the Grande to the Strait Of Magellan , we find tha those who have reached the highes t degree ofadvancement are those that devote themselves t o labor and enj oy the peace that a

f . stable and e fective government offers and guarantees

of Without such benevolent influence , the only support free institutions under the protection Of ‘ which are developed all material advantages , like the arts , sciences and public education , and everything that con stitutes that wonderful chain which we a call Civiliz tion , there is nothing , nor could there be anything , in a community to attract the attention and respect ofother countries . This is the particular thing to which we are driven to refer and which was regarde d with lamentable indifference before Manuel Estrada Cabrera took charge ofthe executive power of the republic .

Politics , rightly defined , is the Science of governing the people correctly 'investigating their condition for the purpose of i m provement , studying their customs in order to guide them wisely e according to th ir inclinations , probing their necessities in order t o d assist them in every way possible , consi ering their tendencies in order to aid them practically and with a view t o achieve a wise realization oftheir aims . With great experience in the management Of public affairs o t ll and keen and constant attention , he g acquainted with a the d a n d t o con itions proceeded better them , issuing directly and as soon as required the proper orders necessary to accomplish the general good . of w Well learned in the customs and usages his people , ith perfect understanding of their aptitudes and desires , and under the most democratic system , he took proper steps to rule them with just and sound principles of law . As a true and enlightened statesman he provided fo r the need s of all classes in society that required immediate help , and spared e t n o effort t o relieve th m according o the means a t hand . ' MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY 2 1 Imbued with the same desires and aims as his people for ow n whom he thought and labored incessantly, sacrificing his ease , personal comfort and health , he led them onward upon the of n a f O path permane t peace toward the highest ide ls order , liberty and justice . o f This in epitome is the work Manuel Estrada Cabrera , W her eb v such brilliant results have been achieved for Guatemala today and upon which firm and vast foundation its future pros r i p e ty and progress rests .

In a words we may give an accoun t Of the actual economic 'few i cond tion of Guatemala . The grave financial complications of the United States an d

Europe , which countries provide the markets for the products an d the mart for the financial transactions of Latin Amer ican n e a cou tri s , have caused a great depression in their monet ry systems . Of To this cfause is due principally the unsettled condition the financial af airs of these countries during the last twenty years , not only in , but in the Southern continent as well .

To remove false impressions we must illustrate this point . The Republic of Colombia has experienced the greatest diffi cu lti es in regard to her financial transactions , unless it be Mexico , ever since that country became constantly involved in disorder through the terrible internal struggle still going on . V enezuela , Ecuador , Peru , Bolivia , Chile , Argentina , Uru y gua , Paraguay , Cuba and Santo Domingo , Costa Rica , Nic aragua , Honduras and El Salvador suffer more or less the terri 1 1 f b e o l consequences of this er s s , aggravated in some the countries through the annual increase in interest on the enormous foreign debts .

Guatemala could not escape becoming likewise involved , wherefore the effects ofthis crisis Were felt alsothere .

: 1 8 98 Upon his ascension fto power in , Manuel Estrada Cabrera encountered a very di ficult financial situation , which he ameli a a the f w o orated in the best y possible , ided by great resources the country and through his own ability and honesty . By amortizing and paying all foreign interest charges p u n c t u a lly this debt has been reduced t o insignificant proportion s as compared with the imm ense production of this prosperous coun try— one o fthe richest and most beautiful on the American con d t i n en t . ' 22 MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY

By reason of this fact it is easy to understand W hy n ow the credit ofGuatemala is so well established both in Europe and in the Un ited States . As due to the meritorious endeavors o fManuel Estrada Cabrera all the political problems o fGuatemala were solved sat fa r i l i s ct o y , so were also its economical difficulties lessened and improved in a manner to indicate the permanent adjustment in the near future of this great problem W hich now affects every n ation in the world .

f l Through the acts we have briefly related , the reader wil easily grasp the magnitude of the undertakings prosecuted by h t e illustrious statesman we herein honor . To him may well and appropriately be applied W hat Castelar said o fGambetta at the end of the Franco —P russian War in 1 8 70 “ H e saved his country from ruin like the Savior saved Lazarus ' from death .

t oo i m os We repeat again , it would be great a task , indeed p i t o d es cr ib sible , e in detail every act performed by Manuel Estrada Cabrera 's administration in behalf of Guatemala and through n which it has risen to the high state of development it owenj oys . Such an undertaking would fill a big volume and would require more time than is at ou r disposal . ou r a r e Notwithstanding , however , that we must be brief in pp 1 c ation of his record , it is necessary herein to concisely describe the principal measures that have advanced Guatemala during the last eighteen years .

' a As lready related , we know that during Reina Barrios administrationfin which Manuel Estrada Cabrera held the post o of Secretary the Interior and Justice , the latter modified the judici al system and introduced a great many reforms in keeping with his skill as an attorney a n d his valuable experience as a jurisconsult . Subsequently during the years he occupied the presidency of d the republic , he pursue with commendable zeal and energy this work and succeeded admira bly in that he insisted that in every ou t t court justice should be meted impartially , and o that end


Special attention has been given to the legislativ e require ments o fthis branch and a t el egr a phi c code adopted which has produced excellent results 'besides , steps have been taken to extend and further improve the organization ofthe system .

1 8 8 1 At the end of September , , telephones came into use in 1 25 Guatemala . When President Reina Barrios died , there were

— tel ephones in the capital and forty six in the departments . A few months after the comm encement of the administration of Manuel strada Cabrera the number had increased t o 3 90 located E f , o in all parts the country, and today they have trebled in num ber and the instruments compare well with the lates t and best e patents us d in the United States .

o ffi sm c 1 8 71 P st o ce e The Department is well organized , and ha s 1 898 it been improved during the succeeding years until , when the governm ent decided that it should be equal to that of any modern country . In fact at the present time it is subject to the international conventions and regulations which were accepted and ratified by

Guatemala at the Universal Postal Union in Switzerland , and in that connection we publish the following from a recently pub “ li she d pamphlet : To facilitate postal communication and i n f a o of crease the speed the service 'to improvfe the means tr ns O mission 'to protect the public in the use the mails , by means of n d constant supervision and Observation of the laws , orders a regulations 't o induce the employees to faithfully Observe the rules , particularly in regard to preserving the inviolability Of the mail 'to improve the service by instructing the postmasters o f the republic 'to provide the offices with the required facilities to supply local needs 'to enlarge the postal lines to increase the m f o d nu ber mail boxes , and establish elivery routes in every town for local convenience 'to adopt measures ofeconomy and a s t o for the betterment of the service , so expedite in every way possible this international branch o fpublic service 'this has been the great aim and work performed in Guatemala since the happy day that Manuel Estrada Cabrera assumed the presidency of the republic .

t o As we referred the war with El Salvador , which Guatemala w as compelled to prosecute in order to defend her honor , we men MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE I ' HISTORY 5 ti on e d that Manuel Estrada Cabrera is a devout adherent of n ot of peace , only by reason his natural disposition and educa s tion , but al o by reason Of his intellectual qualification in com prehending that it is absolutely essential to preserve peace , if he would succeed in developing the wealth and natural resources of the country and make the people happy and prosperous .

Wars are also equally justified , for example , when the North ern States raised the great army to crush the confederates who sought to divide the American Union in order to mainta in the infamous slave traffic 'when the colonies on this continent under i courageous leaders like Washington , Bolivar , San Mart n and Carl os Manuel de C'spedes raised the standard of rebellion and heroically fought for liberty and independence 'and finally when Justo Ru fin o Barrios in the name Ofmodern civilization and at the head of the Liberal Party in 1 8 71 made an end of the Ol d and retrograde party which had so long lorded over Guatemala . Those were struggles that have seared men 's souls in order to save and redeem principles for which humanity marches forward , crushing all errors and sins of the past .

As we justify wars for humane purposes , we condemn other wars and revolutions which have had no other aim than to satisfy fr r o o ignoble lust power gold , wars that brought ruin and loss of pr estige to the countries that conducted them . H ow sad to see Mexico in perpetual convulsion , its sons killing each other and destroying the future of their country, without being able to point to a single honorable or patriotic principle to justify the terrible slaughter . In the same manner we see other republics of Spanish origin Often deliver themselves t o indiscriminate cutting of throats 'and this spect a cle is common in all countries where criminal leaders are permitted in this way to satisfy their ambitions to acquire power for the sake of becoming wealthy . Guatemala is on e of the few exceptions in the roll of those

U . nfortunate countries Like Costa Rica , Chile and Argentina, she enj oys permanent peace and good order , because Manuel Estrada Cabrera has given her a government that guarantees all rights and liberties , protects liberally agriculture , industry and m n of u commerce , fosters the acc ulatio wealth , and improves th who the condition of e working people , are satisfied with their way Oflivin g and therefore remain deaf to all promises Ofpoliti a nl t o cal leaders , who , without trace of principles , o y endeavor deceive them , in their desire to gain ignoble ends by means of disturbances and revolution . ' 6 MA'UE'ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY

d d As previously state , Manuel Estra a Cabrera took Office as President Ofthe republic upon the death of Reina Barrios in conformity with the Constitution of the St ate . Although he did n ot aspire to occupy the high Office cast uponf i t ha Ve o him by patriotic duty , would been a serious breach civic virtue on his part to have withdrawn and like a coward permit himself t o be eliminated and thereby give opportunity t o cunning politicians to consummate the crime , thus turning the law into a farce to satisfy their personal ambitions and selfish interests . To have acted in such a manner would have subj ected him to o f n who e h a d the censure his fellow citize s , would hav the undoubted right to take him t o task for his c onduct as a public hi s servant , and name in history would have been branded with scorn and shame . But he was not the type of man who forgetting all sense of honor and self respect would have thus disgraced himself and run away like a hunted deer , as perhaps some people imagined he would d o .

On the contrary, his proud character and soul imbued with e pur st patriotism defied all danger , as his long and honorable b public life has proven and demonstrated eyond suspicion . and the entire world know full well that in the f , discharge O duties imposed upon him , his heart retained its o f e imperturbable calm in the midst shot and sh ll , as more than once happene d during foul plo ts to assassinate him and from which he saved his life only through his great courage and cool headedness .

It was his desire to retire t o private life after ending his p r o ' visional term , when he intended to attend to his personal affairs and assist with his experience and ability the newly elected gov er n m en t , and to that end he set a day for the election which was held through all parts Ofthe republic under conditions Ofutmost freedom . dm His numerous friends and a irers , however, did not acquiesce 1 n f o his purposes , as they were the opinion that his work was only begun and should be continued , wherefore they cast their votes for hi m and thus elected him President Of the republic for a f his first term of six ye rs , in accordance with the provisions o the Constitutfion , and as soon as this term expired he was again s o returned to o fice by an immense maj ority, that under his wise M ANUEL ESTRADA CABRE RA'S PLACE I ' HISTORY 2 7 direction the country has been permitted uninterruptedly to reach its present high state of proficiency .

en thu These elections , carried almost unanimously among the

“ si a st i c voters who understand the extraordinary merits Ofthis great statesman and leader , to whom they entrust implicitly the f the o destiny their country, disclose good judgment of the citi of who e zens Guatemala , through the experi nce already acquired by past misfortunes , are justified in their fear that the affairs of the nation might fall into h a nds of men without knowledge and experience . This unlimited confidence reposed in him demonstrates the o f gratitude his fellow citizens , who in thus doing him justice , compel him also t o yield t o the will Of the people and continue in that high office performing his services in behalf of further progress . At this very time when he insists upon his purpose to retire definitely and rest from his lab ors upon the conclusion of his present term , the Guatemalans unitedly protest against such a step and are planning at the next election again to make him s their choice as the only man pos essing the sympathy , respect and love ofhis fellow citizens . Reviewing impar tially the facts stated in the preceding para l graphs and considering what we shall say in those that fo low , the reader may j udge the noble sup eriority ofthe great patriot Manuel Estrada Cabrera and will understand the reasons and motives that prompt the people of Guatemala in expressing their determination and hOp e Of r e—electing him for the next presi dential term .

He is of an exceedingly modest character , Of plain habits , and his entire life is spent in the performance of his duties and his studies , which together constitute his daily work . He is s o regular that there are no exceptions in his daily

: n o on routine 'each day is a working day and t e is devoted t o rest . His strong physica l constitution has failed him once in a while from overwork , but fortunately each illness has been of short t o o duration , owing the g od care he has always taken of his bodily health . r 1 s es a n d at He early keeps busy at work until very late night , attending to the grave and important matters of state , without any sign Offatigue until compelled by exhaustion t o seek a few ' o h urs rest. ' 2 8 MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY

Never— n ot even in youth— was he addicted to pleasures an d enj oyments s o comm on t o that period in life . It seems he had a presentiment o fthe heavy a n d grea t responsibility destiny had prepared fo r him —as he was always serious and circumspect a s from childhood through all the succeeding years , all devoted before stated to the welfare of the nation .

n Fra k and with a fine education , he possesses the skill and power to attract the good will and confidence of all persons who h i n cr ea s come into personal contact with him , t ereby constantly ing the number of his friends .

Well informed through study, meditation and experience , he is admirable in his conversations . The thoughts and expressions coming from his lips charm every person ha v m g the fortune to hear him . American and European diplomats who have known him intimately acknowledge the impossibility of evading the ' subtle influenc e of Manuel Estrada Cabrera s conversation 'his easy and elegant discourse becomes eloquence in dealing with grave and complicated social , political and economic questions . Even his countenance portrays something attractive and a potent that reveals the mind of the m ster . In his appearance n o e distinguishes the man Of eminence . We have Often heard of his charming manner and attractive personal bearing concerning which we may corroborate the following statement '1 n fact as d we stood before him , we formed the impression that we stoo in

— the presence of a great personality that of a renowned chief , a political and administrative gen1 us .

It would seem , judging from all the well known facts , as

“ n ot hitherto stated , Manuel Estrada Cabrera should have had a n b si gle enemy, as he at all times had een inspired by high ideals and intentions in promoting the prosperity and legitimate inter ests of Guatemala .

Such supposition , however , would be erroneous , for history demonstrates that those who have made the greatest sacrifices for their country, and however much they may have earned the of gratitude the maj ority Of their contemporaries , nevertheless through their acts engender the envy if not hate Of those who listen only to their lower passions and the instincts Oftheir per sonal ambition . G who eorge Washington , is the symbol Of disinterestedness M A'UE 'ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE I ' HISTORY 29

m n and patriotism in its ost noble form , suffered i sults from his

i ' , adversarfes Abraham Lincoln the martyred redeemer, was the O victim severe and harsh criticism by his enemies 'Bolivar , the u liberator of five co ntries , was denigrated by the very men who owed to his sword their right Ofbeing called free 'in truth the history Ofthe world demonstrate s the impossibility ofciting a single instance when a great m an and benefactor was n ot exposed

— to the cabal and ill will of small and wicked minds . And this fact is d u e to the inevitable result of a great boon bestowed upon the maj ority that a few must suffer diminution Of their particular interests 'that no community lacks ambitious individuals W ho view with the hatred o fa hyena the altitude reached by Others superior to themselves 'consequently the envy of these wretches boils and flows over without check when con t empl a ti n g how high capacity and merit rises above impotent mediocrity and disgraceful cowardice . Unhappy law of human nature which is verified in every country and clime , and it rules in Guatemala like in every other part Of the world .

The unwarranted enemies OfManuel Estrada Cabrera have only one weapon against him , and they use this constantly and

m v ehem en tly thi s instrument is calumny and slander . There is not a single act in his private or public life that his Opponents have not traduced 'in their rage they have not spared even the most sacred sentiments and relations of life , those of a s on , a father and a husband Any one visiting the country e ven for the shortest peri od is convinced that there exists the most complete freedom i n Guate

e b . mala , such as never exist d efore The press which had b een subj ected to restraint and severe censorship is not hindered in any way sm ee hi s government came into power 'consequently writers are able t o express their V iews without fear of being molested or prosecut ed . And owing to this c ondition , there are more pr inting offices and double the number of newspapers than existed under the previous administration .

Although this fact is fully known, his Opponents , in their t o efforts injure his reputation among foreigners , have published articles in Spanish and English stating all k inds o ffalsehoods and representing him as an arr ogant dictator who does not toler ate the least criticism . We have observed this ruler capable ofgovernin g a grea t n o ation worthily and with distinction , thr ugh his great capacity ' ' 3 0 MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA S PLACE IN HISTORY

h h f a c W o o but to repe t on e more , t ose hate him from motives per or h sonal interest , ambition , enmity ate engendered by envy , and a who are powerless to h rm him in any other way , those are the persons who heap insults and calumnies against him , using these l ow methods thereby misleading the unwary a n d ignorant and in aki n g them believe that Manuel E strada Cabrera is not the wise el em en t un i v er sa ll v ruler , the and generous character , as he is acknowledged to be b y all who have written concerning his publi c and private life . Regarding the absurdities which his enemies publish the whol e

d them v er . country laughs and fin s _ y amusing Of course such ' things when mentioned i n newspapers and at the “ clubs evoke only n s reflections up on their authors , who are the o ly one injured and who constitute a group of voluntary exiles sworn n ot t o return t o Guatemala until they may occupy the most important positions at present denied them by their fellow citizens . ‘ Unfor t u n at el v there are many persons in other Central an d

South American States , as well as in the United States and d t o t o Europe , who give cre it these false statements be found in venal pamphlets and newspaper s— these persons take no trouble to investigate the facts or ascertain for themselves the truth or falsi ty ofwhat they read or hear In t aking up the pen t o describe present conditions ofGuate an d a exe cu mala , its form Of government the ch racter of its chief

kn own t he . tive , our only purpose is to describe and make history n of that republic during the last eightee years . We had no desire to portray the paltry methods ofthose who t s in their Obsession cannot weigh evidence or understand real fac . But it was impossible entirely to overlook them in our endeavors t o ou r i a r e fulfill mission as faithful histor ans , wherefore we compelled to expo se their nefarious intention of blackening the character of one ofthe most prominent figures in human history .

Manuel Estrada Cabrera , as is generally known , is the son of ' a most excellenft woman , who with her mother s love inculcated O in the heart her child the most tender and noble sentiments , which glorified his character and shed lustre over his private and public life . To his mother Joaquina Cabrera de Estrada it was supreme satisfaction t o think and t o do good . To aid the unfortunate by her own hand in her ow n honored home was the happiest event in her life .