' M a n u e l E s t r a d a C a b r e r a s P l a c e i n H i s t o r y ITH entire independence ofjudgment and without any bias whatever on account of nationality or interest in i — e Lat n American politics , nor with any regard to p cu n i a r y gain , but actuated solely by a deep sense of justice , we undertake to publish this pamphlet with the assurance to our readers that every statement contained in its pages is made in conformity with the truth . Having travele d through the Republic o fGuatemala from v one end to the other , we ha e studied carefully and with an open mind the social and economic conditions and customs of the people , and are able impartially to refer to her past , describe o the present and give a glimpse fher bright future . ' Guatemala s geographical position is splendid 'situated b e tween the Pacific and the Atlantic her abundant rivers irri he of gate the fertile lands which , under t influence salubrious climates— temperate in the Central and Northern territory and tropical in the South and along the coasts— are adm irably adapted for the cultivation of the products of every zone of the world . a n d Rich in minerals of gold and silver , until the present almost unexploited , her mines need only ade quate development to extract those precious metals and bless the land with abundant wealth . This beautiful region of the American continent , gifted by t nature with exceptional advantages , is inhabited by an hones and intelligent population , which receives the worthy and enter im prising stranger without discr ination as to race , nationality or rel igious creed . of 1 8 98 The history Guatemala until , may be briefly sum m a r i zed thus : discovered by Spain in the beginning of the Six t een th Century and like all the other countr ies conquered by t those adventurers , conver ed to the fanatical religious creed which predominated in the Middle Ages , her soil became the theatre o fhorrible and bloody deeds which gave the absolute o su dominion over the lands t those audacious warriors , who b i MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN H I S TORY j ect ed the poor Indians—fthe real and lawful owners— to poverty and the exactions ofbrutal force which served as the only and supreme law o fthe land . The events o fthe colonization period are well known without going into details : the same system that governed Mexico was V r adopted in its inexorable form in enezuela , Colombia , Ecuado , Peru , Bolivia , Chile , Argentina , Uruguay , Paraguay, Cuba , f r R o Puerto ico , Santa Domingo and the five portions Cent al V America which then constituted the iceroyship of Guatemala . The Spanish domi nation lasted three hundred long years and 1 821 i n ended in , when the most notable citizens , faithfully t er p r eti n g the public Opinion and in conjunction with the a u thor i ti es 1 5th a nd , proclaimed on the of September the liberty independ ence ofthese countries . m o s u The do ination ver these countrie by A gustin Iturbide , founder of the Mexican Empire , lasted only a brief period , and when it ceased they formed a Federation 'but , unfortunately , of this union was short duration , as they soon separated into five a republics , known geographically as the Centr l American States . i n Guatemala , like the rest of the countries of Latin origin , her i t d e the vices and the defects of the Mother Country, whence we soon discover that since its eman cipation the political system adopted by its people was ofthe same character as that followed — n v by the old dominant regime that is , a absolute go ernment supported by bayonets t o maintain and perpetuate privileged coteries and the aristocratic class which exploited the natives and forced them t o labor like serfs 'and this infamous method “ o f e gov rning a people , which had just emerged from the colonial r i t s d i sm a l yoke , was called Conservatism 'that party exe cised 1 8 71 influence until , when the Liberal Party sprang triumph a n tly into bei ng and inaugurated the Revolution which has of brought a new era liberty , progress and civilization . The contest between the two p olitical parties became then intense 'the advanced element struggled to establish the desired reforms , while the retrograde faction , though already defeated , still maintained its resistance supported by the fanatical grip o fol d traditions which would m aintain the laws ofsemi l feudalism , the franchises , the influence of prominent fami ies , an d the prerogatives o fchurch and clergy 'the latter was rich in worldly possessions and owned the people 's conscience through their ignorance and superstition . ou t the But resolutely following its purposes , Liberal Party wa s victorious and slowly began the great task o fpopular edu MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN HISTORY cation 'in this wa y the country entered the great path ofprogress under the leadership of m en n ofenergy a n d convictions who have m placed Guate ala alongside the great nations of modern time . In 1 8 8 5 died the illustrious chief ofthe Liberal Party 'Justo Ru fin o ' r m em or Barrios , a victim of his ideals , in he oic and l a the ab e combat , martyr to the great idea of uniting five republics and establishing a strong nationality— the dream o fall a good citizens of Central Americ . Though the noble idea failed , the Liberal Party continued l in power , although not always faithfu to its principles , due to ' the weak and vacillating character ofthe new chief executive 1 8 92 who , after the expiration of his term in March , , turned over the affairs o fgovernment t o his successor— and this man had the good j udgment to appoint , as the Secretary of the Interior ma n of and Justice , the great who Since has filled the pages history of his country with many brilliant deeds . f Although very young when appointed to such o fice , his biography up to that time was meritorious and gives an insight of his character , his services and his talents . Manuel Estrada Cabrera was born in the City ofQu eza l t e 2 f 1 8 57 . 1 st o nango on the November , During the early years ' ' of he was under the care his loving mother , who bred into the child the character which afterwards grew and prod uced such excellent results and of whose integrity and energy we have such abundant proof during his long and memorable public career . From the very beginning oflife appear the promising signs o f his future indeed , but few examples of eminent men are known that show at such an early age a d ev el opm en t of mental power equal t o that of the illustri ous personage whose biography we herein briefly describe . His predilection . for the profession of law induced him to or begin very young , without any help from relatives wealthy friends , to study jurisprudence 'meantime , he worked to support his mother and himself , encouraged by the noble ambition that some day he would be able t o realize hi s aim— t o support his good mother during her remai ning years and to devote his talents and knowledge to the welfare a n d advancement of his country . After many years of sacrifices a n d hard study he succeeded —at ' com in obtaining his diploma as attorney law , whereupon he m en c ed to exercise this profession which was to lead him to the highest honors and merited distinction . MANUEL ESTRADA CABRERA 'S PLACE IN HISTORY It would be t oo long a task to enumerate the many cases in which the young jurist distinguished himself . Suffice tha t we copy the followi ng paragraphs written by fon e of his admirers o Exercising his profession in the city his birth , he became famed as intelligent , honest and charitable . “ His intelligence was s o great that he was held to be the most learned in the knowledge oflaw 'the ablest person to interpret and cite the law before the judges and the courts in the defense of hi s numerous clients . “ of Honest , because he would take charge a case not for the a sake of profit as generally happens , but moved by . sense of on o justice , which led him to victory on all ccasions by means of his wisdom in argumentation and his eloquence in speaking . “ Charitable , as he showed when helping the destitute , defend ing them and paying out of his own pocket the expenses o fthe trial 'his only obj ect being that the rich and powerful should m a never deprive a poor n of what legally belonged to him . His integrity was well known and because ofthe confidence all had in his uprightness , he won the appointment as Superior of l ofi e e — t o c d Judge Retalhu eu , which he was oblige to acc pt the great loss ofhis private business and his numerous clientele . l fr im t o o On y a short t e did he perform his duties at this p s , as the governm ent found it advisable to transfer him to the same “ i position in the C ty of Quezaltenango , which office he filled with such great satisfaction, that the people gave him the proud title of the Champion Defender of Justice .
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