Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom)

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) 2013 A TREATISE ON NEOCORTEX AND ITS FUNCTIONS IN CONTEXT OF PRINCIPLES OF Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy A TREATISE ON NEOCORTEX AND ITS FUNCTIONS IN CONTEXT OF PRINCIPLES OF HOMOEOPATHY 1 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy 2 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy A TREATISE ON NEOCORTEX AND ITS FUNCTIONS IN CONTEXT OF PRINCIPLES OF HOMOEOPATHY By Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) 3 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy A TREATISE ON NEOCORTEX AND ITS FUNCTIONS IN CONTEXT OF PRINCIPLES OF HOMOEOPATHY By Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) Homoeo Cure & Research Institute NH- 74, Moradabad Road Kashipur (Uttarakhand) Pin- 244713 INDIA First Edition 2013 4 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy Dedication Dedicated To my parents- who dreamt up me! To my family- that sustained me! To my collegues and friends- who shored up me! & To Homoeopathy- which coddled me! cosseted & dissolved me into it! 5 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Gottfried Hahnemann, German physician, Founder of Homeopathy Born: April 10th, 1755, 11.55 PM Meissen Died: July 02nd, 1843, 5.00 AM Paris 6 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy Acknowledgement I am extremely grateful to Padm Shree Dr. (Proff.) Vishva Kumar Gupta (Formerly- Physician to the President of India and Principal- Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, New Delhi) whose sharp intellect, scientific outlook, constant guidance, perpetual encouragement and abundant interest have always enabled me to work hard through out the course of my research work. Without his guidance, this work would not have been completed. I am extremely thankful to him for sparing his valuable time out of his immensely busy schedule. I thank to my hospital staff and my associates Dr. Reena Rawat and Dr. Nancy Rastogi to help me in this regard. I salute to the devotion of my friends and colleagues who, at times, counseled me in this tenure. In last, I thank to my family who suffered silently to support me and sacrificed their rights for the sake of accomplishment of this chore. My hospital personnels and acquaintances also deserve to be acknowledged for facilitating me in this concern. Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma M.D. (Homoeopathy) Homoeo Cure & Research Institute NH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur (Uttaranchal) INDIA, Pin- 244713 Ph. 05947- 260327, 9897618594 drrajneeshhom@hotmail.com, drrajneeshhom@yahoo.co.in 7 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy 8 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy Aims and Objects To study neocortex and its functions. To study that neocortex differs from person to person; hence no two persons can be alike. To correlate theory of individualization with neocortical individualization. 9 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy 10 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy Contents Contents A TREATISE ON NEOCORTEX AND ITS FUNCTIONS IN CONTEXT OF ..................................................................... 1 PRINCIPLES OF HOMOEOPATHY ................................................................................................................ 1 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 1- HUMAN BRAIN ......................................................................................................... 27 CHRONOLOGICAL REVIEW OF BRAIN RELATED STUDIES ............................................................... 27 4000 B.C. TO 0 A.D ........................................................................................................................... 27 0 A.D. TO 1500 ................................................................................................................................. 27 1500 - 1600 ..................................................................................................................................... 27 1600 - 1700 ..................................................................................................................................... 28 1700 - 1800 ..................................................................................................................................... 28 1800 - 1850 ..................................................................................................................................... 29 1850 - 1900 ..................................................................................................................................... 31 1900 - 1950 ..................................................................................................................................... 33 1950 - PRESENT ................................................................................................................................. 35 SOME HISTORICAL MILESTONES ................................................................................................... 35 CHAPTER 2- THE BRAIN ................................................................................................................ 37 Central nervous system .............................................................................................................. 37 Peripheral nervous system ......................................................................................................... 37 Autonomic nervous system ........................................................................................................ 37 MODULARITY OF THE BRAIN ........................................................................................................ 37 ANATOMICAL MODULARITY ................................................................................................................... 37 Anatomy and Functional Areas of Brain ..................................................................................... 38 FUNCTIONAL MODULARITY OF CORTEX .................................................................................................... 39 Functions of the brain ................................................................................................................. 39 FUNCTIONALLY DISTINCT CORTICAL REGIONS ............................................................................................. 39 SPATIAL LOCALIZATION OF FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 40 TEMPORAL MAPPING OF FUNCTIONALITY .................................................................................................. 40 SENSORY CORTEX ................................................................................................................................ 40 Sensory cortex ............................................................................................................................ 40 FUNCTIONAL MODULARITY OF VISUAL PROCESSING PATHWAYS ..................................................................... 41 The Form Pathway ..................................................................................................................... 41 The Where pathway ................................................................................................................... 41 Visual processing pathways ....................................................................................................... 41 ASSOCIATION CORTEX .......................................................................................................................... 41 MODULARITY OF FACE PROCESSING IN TEMPORAL LOBE CORTEX ................................................................. 41 Right Brain .................................................................................................................................. 42 CONVERGENCE ZONES .......................................................................................................................... 42 11 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom) A Treatise on Neocortex and its Functions in context of Homoeopathy PARCELLATED PROCESSING WITHIN THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX ....................................................................... 43 Prefrontal cortical areas given in colour ..................................................................................... 43 MOTOR CORTEX .................................................................................................................................. 43 POSTERIOR PARIETAL CORTEX ................................................................................................................. 44 INFERIOR TEMPORAL CORTEX ................................................................................................................. 44 LANGUAGE PROCESSING AREAS ............................................................................................................... 44 BROCA
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