(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Joint Transportation Board, 10/02
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Public Document Pack A G E N D A JOINT TRANSPORTATION BOARD Monday 10 February 2020 at 6.00 pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Royal Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1RS Borough Members: Councillors Stanyer (Vice-Chairman), Backhouse, Bruneau, Lidstone, Scott and Woodward County Members: Councillors Hamilton (Chairman), Barrington-King, Holden, McInroy, Oakford and Rankin Parish Member Councillor Mackonochie Quorum: 4 Members (2 KCC members and 2 TWBC members) 1 Apologies (Pages 5 - 6) To receive any apologies for absence. 2 Declarations of Interest (Pages 7 - 8) To receive any declarations of interest by Members in items on the agenda. For any advice on declarations of interest, please contact the Monitoring Officer before the meeting. 3 Notification of Visiting Members wishing to speak (Pages 9 - 10) To note any members of the Council wishing to speak, of which due notice has been given in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 18, and which items they wish to speak on. 4 Minutes of the meeting dated 14 October 2019 (Pages 11 - 20) To approve the minutes of a previous meeting as a correct record. The only issue relating to the minutes that can be discussed is their accuracy. 5 Update Report (Pages 21 - 22) To consider the proposals set out in the report. Page 1 6 SGN (Southern Gas Networks) Program of Works in (Pages 23 - 24) Tunbridge Wells A presentation on the work of SGN. 7 Banner Farm Estate Proposed Permit Parking Restrictions (Pages 25 - 30) The recommendation that the board endorses the proposal to introduce permit parking restrictions in the Banner Farm Estate, Tunbridge Wells. 8 Zone A Permit Parking Restrictions (Pages 31 - 34) The recommendation that the Board endorses the proposal parking restrictions in the Zone A area of Tunbridge Wells. 9 Zone HA Hawkenbury Permit Parking Zone (Pages 35 - 40) The recommendation that the Board endorses the proposal to introduce permit parking restrictions in additional streets within the Zone HA area of Hawkenbury. 10 Proposed Electric Vehicle Charging Bays: Mount Pleasant (Pages 41 - 44) Road (for information only) To note the results of the public consultation exercise in respect of proposed electric vehicle charging bays in Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells. 11 H ighway Works Programme (Pages 45 - 66) To consider the proposals set out in the report. 12 Topics for Future Meetings (Pages 67 - 68) To agree any topics for future meetings, of which prior notice must be sent to the Chairman and Democratic Services Officer no later than 4pm on the working day before the meeting. There can not be any substantive debate/discussion or any decision on any topics raised, except to agree whether the topic may come forward in future. 13 Date of Next Meeting (Pages 69 - 70) To note that the next scheduled meeting will be held on Monday 20 April 2020 at 6.00pm. Caroline Britt Town Hall Democratic Services Officer ROYAL TUNBRIDGE WELLS Tel: (01892) 554253 Kent TN1 1RS Email: [email protected] mod.gov app – go paperless Easily download, annotate and keep all committee paperwork on your mobile device using the mod.gov app – all for free!. Visit www.tunbridgewells.gov.uk/modgovapp for details. Page 2 All visitors wishing to attend a public meeting at the Town Hall between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm should report to reception via the side entrance in Monson Way. After 5pm, access will be via the front door on the corner of Crescent Road and Mount Pleasant Road, except for disabled access which will continue by use of an 'out of hours' button at the entrance in Monson Way Notes on Procedure (1) A list of background papers appears at the end of each report, where appropriate, pursuant to the Local Government Act 1972, section 100D(i). (2) Members seeking factual information about agenda items are requested to contact the appropriate Service Manager prior to the meeting. (3) Members of the public and other stakeholders are required to register with the Democratic Services Officer if they wish to speak on an agenda item at a meeting. Places are limited to a maximum of four speakers per item. The deadline for registering to speak is 4.00 pm the last working day before the meeting. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 minutes to address the Committee. (4) All meetings are open to the public except where confidential or exempt information is being discussed. The agenda will identify whether any meeting or part of a meeting is not open to the public. Meeting rooms have a maximum public capacity as follows: Council Chamber: 100, Committee Room A: 20, Committee Room B: 10. (5) Please note that the public proceedings of this meeting will be recorded and made available for playback on the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council website. Any other third party may also record or film meetings, unless exempt or confidential information is being considered, but are requested as a courtesy to others to give notice of this to the Democratic Services Officer before the meeting. The Council is not liable for any third party recordings. Further details are available on the website (www.tunbridgewells.gov.uk) or from Democratic Services. If you require this information in another format please contact us, call 01892 526121 or email [email protected] Accessibility into and within the Town Hall – There is a wheelchair accessible lift by the main staircase, giving access to the first floor where the committee rooms are situated. There are a few steps leading to the Council Chamber itself but there is a platform chairlift in the foyer. Hearing Loop System – The Council Chamber and Committee Rooms A and B have been equipped with hearing induction loop systems. The Council Chamber also has a fully equipped audio-visual system. Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 Tunbridge Wells Joint Transportation Board 10 February 2020 Apologies for Absence Procedural Item: To receive any apologies for absence. Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 Tunbridge Wells Joint Transportation Board 10 February 2020 Declarations of Interest Procedural Item: To receive any declarations of interest by members in items on the agenda. For any advice on declarations of interest; please contact the Monitoring Officers before the meeting. Page 7 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 Tunbridge Wells Joint Transportation Board 10 February 2020 Notification of Visiting Members wishing to speak Procedural Item: To note any members of the Council wishing to speak, of which due notice has been given in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 18, and which items they wish to speak on. Page 9 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 1 TUNBRIDGE WELLS JOINT TRANSPORTATION BOARD Monday, 14 October 2019 PRESENT: Borough Councillors Backhouse, Bruneau, Lidstone and Scott County Councillors Hamilton (Chairman), Holden, McInroy, Oakford and Rankin Parish Councillor Mackonochie Officers in Attendance: Nick Baldwin (Senior Engineer, Parking), Mark O'Callaghan (Scrutiny and Engagement Officer), Caroline Britt (Democratic Services Officer), Julian Cook (District Manager), Richard Emmett (West Kent Highways Manager) and Jane Fineman (Head of Finance and Procurement) Other Members in Attendance: Councillors McDermott, Morton and Rands APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE TB59/19 Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Stanyer and Woodward. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST TB60/19 There were no disclosable pecuniary or other significant interests declared at the meeting. NOTIFICATION OF VISITING MEMBERS WISHING TO SPEAK TB61/19 Councillor Rands had registered to speak on Agenda item 11. The Chairman noted that there were 8 members of the public registered to speak on various items. MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED 15 APRIL 2019 TB62/19 Members reviewed the minutes. No amendments were proposed. RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting dated 15 April 2019 be approved as a correct record. MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED 15 JULY 2019 TB63/19 Members reviewed the minutes. No amendments were proposed. RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting dated 15 July 2019 be approved as a correct record. UPDATE REPORT TB64/19 Paul Mason from the Tunbridge Wells Bicycle Users Group had registered to speak on this item and made the following comments: - The Update Report did not include anything on walking, cycling or public transport. - Heavy traffic already existed in villages, towns and the countryside – the air was polluted and child obesity was a serious issue. Page 11 Agenda Item 4 2 - Asked that the Board consider a new style Agenda that included items that actively looked at monitoring targets for walking, cycling, and the progression to a carbon neutral status by 2030. It would then allow action to be taken if those targets were not being reached. - Concern was raised that the aims and objectives included in a number of transport related strategies (Transport Strategy 2015-2026, Cycling Strategy 2016-2020 and the Kent Active Travel Strategy) would not be achieved. Discussion included the following comments: - Recognition that monitoring was important and that particular attention should be given to cycling, walking and the various modes of public transport. - It was noted that as the fleet was being replaced, buses were becoming more environmentally friendly. - That there was a paradox between requests received for free parking in Tunbridge Wells and complaints about congestion and pollution. - To consider a standing report to the JTB’s across the County that gave details on the progress of key projects and business performance indicators. - To note, that the Report did include items on pedestrian safety and pollution. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. ZONE HA PERMIT PARKING RESTRICTIONS, HAWKENBURY, TUNBRIDGE WELLS - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TB65/19 Nick Baldwin, Senior Engineer TWBC introduced the report that proposed to advertise amendments to the permit parking restrictions in the Hawkenbury area of Tunbridge Wells.