April 11, 2021 Mass Times Daily: 8:00am Weekends: Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10am & Noon (Noon is a Spanish Mass) First Saturday: 9:00am Confessions Wednesday: 8:30am Saturday: 4:00pm First Saturday: 8:00am Parish Office Hours Mon. 8:30am - 5:00pm Tues-Thurs: 8:30am - 1:30pm Friday: 8:30am - Noon Public Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm Saturday from 1pm to 5:30pm Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Pastoral Staff Sunday: 1pm - 5:30pm 3900 Pierce St. Sacrament of Baptism Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-4942 Rev. Jason Thuerauf Pastor Baptism Preparation Sessions Phone: 303-424-3706 are required for both parents and Web site: www.peterandpaulcatholic.org Rev. Frank Lomica Parochial Vicar sponsors - classes held the third E-mail:
[email protected] Saturday each month. Please call Rev. J. Darrell Schaffer Deacon Scott in the Parish Sts. Peter and Paul Retired Office Catholic STEM School Rev. Mr. Scott Ditch Sacrament of Matrimony Deacon Principal: Sister Faustina Deppe, O.C.D. For marriage preparation, please 3920 Pierce Street Katie Heath Ministry Coordinator call the parish office eight to Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 twelve months prior to the Phone: 303-424-0402 Norma Serrano Negri wedding date. Please call Katie Fax: 303-456-1888 Business Manager in the Parish Office, ext. 26. Web site: www.sppscatholic.com Susan Kullman Music Director Funerals To schedule a funeral Mass Karen Radcliffe Please call Katie in the Parish Administrative Assistant Office, ext. 26 Shawn Schadler **Anointing of the Sick ** Plant Manager Emergency Number Magdalena Maravi 720-233-4952 Church Housekeeper (At the onset of a serious illness or in danger of death, call imme- Dan Slusher Larry Settles diately to assure anointing.) Part-Time Custodians OUR PASTOR’S BLOG Divine Mercy Today, the Church throughout the world acknowledges the gift of God’s mercy for us.