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THE BOURNEMOUTH ORATORY in Formation Sacred Heart, Bournemouth & University Catholic Chaplaincy served by the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratorian Community of Saint Philip Neri ______________________________________________________ Monthly Newsletter ~ JANUARY 2018 ______________________________________________________ Dear Friends, ORATORIANS LAUNCH INITIAL 3 YEAR PLAN of Renewal, Rededication and Mission The start of a New Year gives us all an opportunity for a new start and, after these past seven months since our arrival on 31st May, it is time to move forward with an initial three year programme (followed by strategic development plans for future five year periods) so that we have direction, purpose and structure for the future of the Oratory, the Parish, and our mission here. 2018 will be our Parish Year of Renewal, 2019 a Year of Rededication, and 2020 a Year of Mission. This three year initial programme is designed to build on Bishop Philip’s vision for our Diocese of Bringing People to Jesus through His Church, incorporates his four priorities (mission / evangelization, converting Catholics, trust in God, and looking outwards), and draws on his Christmas gift book “Rediscover Jesus”, to renew our relationship with Jesus and His Church. The Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory are immensely appreciative of the warm welcome which we have received, and the positive and cooperative attitude of so many at Sacred Heart. The recent Parish Census indicators of increased participation, and increased giving in response to ‘Stewardship Sunday’ bode well for the future. While there’s still some way to go to meet the day-to-day expenditure, the separate Parish Development Fund (‘extra money for extra things') enables projects to proceed to enhance the church, for example, with Phase 2 of our restored main entrance on Richmond Hill (which completes the recent disabled-ramp access and new signage) with interior air-lock glass doors to keep the cold out! The organ restoration should be completed early in the New Year. Sanctuary improvements follow for health and safety etc, and then the glass screen across the back of the church will further aid heat-retention, and help keep the church quiet for prayer. Hosting and involvement with Hope4Food has just increased, by our Sunday evening addition to Tuesdays and Thursdays, when nearly 100 homeless rough-sleepers are fed each night in our Catholic Institute halls. This Parish Year of Renewal will renew us all in heart and mind, in our relationship with Jesus and His Church, in our care for others, and in our presentation and renewed living of our Catholic Faith. Father Dominic & Father Peter __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ORATORY Fr Dominic Jacob Oratory Moderator & University Chaplain Fr Peter Edwards Parish Priest CLERGY: Brother Andrew Wagstaff, Brother Francisco Hintikka The Oratory House / Parish Office: 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth BH1 1BZ Parish & Chaplaincy Office open: Monday - Friday, 9am - 12 noon. Telephone: 01202 411140 Website: Parish Deacon: The Rev’d Roger Carr-Jones [email protected] Telephone: 01202 428451 Administrator: Sharon Head, Contact as above. Youth Ambassador: Adam Bussell: [email protected] Email: [email protected] MONTHLY PRAYER PAGE for JANUARY 2018 SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: Sheila Brook, Brian Coburn, Roy (Christopher) Coombs, Liliana Couch, Theresa Fitt, Bronislawa Konstantin, Elfin Leahy, Tony McCarthy, Mary Moret, Arlene Nicol, Laurens Obagi, Merville Pidgeon, Pat Pope, Alf Skee, Rose Smith, Attracta Spears, Michael Sullivan, Maureen Theodore, John & Hilary Timson, Mary Urwin, Marjorie Walsh and Alan Wright. We pray for sick and housebound parishioners during Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration. Holy Communion is taken to them weekly by our Extraordinary Ministers. The Fathers visit all the Housebound during Advent and Lent, and at need, for the Sacraments of Confession and Anointing. Please tell the Parish Office of anyone who needs visiting by a priest. GOING INTO HOSPITAL: If you, a family member, or Catholic friend, are going into hospital, it is important to ensure that the Catholic Chaplain knows you’re there, that your religion is recorded as ‘Catholic’ on your admission papers, and that you ask to be visited by the Catholic Chaplain. Please also let the Parish Office know that you’re in hospital, so that we can pray for you, and that your own Priests can visit for pastoral care. Political correctness now prevents this, unless we know your ward, date of birth, or address. If you’re not yet registered on the Parish Census, it’s important to do this too. Green census cards are at the back of the church. JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH: 1st John Badley, 3rd Norman John Miles, 4th Daniel James Mullarky, W Richardson, Violet Barbara Jacobs, 5th Clive Roberts Burden, 7th Linda Hywood, Camille Louis Moret, 9th Pierce Gilson, 10th William Charles William, 11th Doris Perrington, Joyce Marion Sageman, 13th Nina Logan Laurie, 14th Winifred Elsie Turner, John William Henry Pearce, 15th Mary Jermany, 18th Ellen Higgins, William McCusker, 20th Mariannina Forte, 23rd Agnes Bretherton-Watt, 24th Cynthia Agnes Ulriga Devas, Josef Madlener, 25th Monsignor Patrick O‘Mahoney (former Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Church), 26th Antoinette Juliette Ferrer, 28th Martina Mary B Taylor, 29th Alice (Ann) Margaret Styles, 31st Anna Dorothea Francis. Please pray especially for: Margaret Ellis, who died on 6th December 2017 (18th December Funeral); Rose Howarth, who died on 18th December 2017 (Funeral to be confirmed); Pauline Browning, who died on 12th December 2017 (8th January Funeral); Peter Nye, who died on 22nd December 2017 (Funeral to be confirmed); Pam Brigden, who died on 26th December 2017 (Funeral to be confirmed). Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them. May they Rest in Peace. Amen. MASS INTENTIONS for JANUARY 2018 Sunday 31st December Sunday 7th January 2018 Sunday 14th January Sunday 21st January Sunday 28th January Sat. 5pm For a Priest Sat. 5pm Holy Souls Sat. 5pm Gerald Suh Sat. 5pm Filipino Sat. 5pm For a Priest 8:00 Holy Souls 8:00 Pro Populo 8:00 Pro Populo Community, thanksgiving 8:00 Pro Populo 10:30 Krystyna Kania 10:30 Gen & Enrico Marzoli, 10:30 AJ Ware Family 8:00 Pro Populo 10:30 Mike Cross, RIP 4pm Pro Populo RIP 4pm Gertrud Blendey, RIP 10:30 Maria Angela Ware 4pm Kilian Cheo 4pm For the Pope 4pm Souls in Purgatory Monday 1st January 2018 Monday 8th Monday 15th Monday 22nd Monday 29th 7:30 Oratory Vocations 7:30 Krystyna Kania, Sick 7:30 Oratory Vocations 8:00 Oratory Vocations 7:30 Oratory Vocations 12:15 Thanksgiving to St 12:15 Eleanor Wright 12:15 Robert Pruett, RIP 10:30 Aurelia Ngwa, 12:15 All my Family’s Anthony wellbeing Souls Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 9th Tuesday 16th Tuesday 23rd Tuesday 30th 12:15 Oswald & Mary 12:15 Benedetto Di Adamo, RIP 12:15 John F Mosley 12:15 Sharon Afanwi, 12:15 Ayabulela Selebe, Marchesi, RIP wellbeing wellbeing Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 10th Wednesday 17th Wednesday 24th Wednesday 31st 7:30 John & Joan Corr 7:30 Oratory Benefactors 7:30 Oratory Benefactors 7:30 Oratory Benefactors 7:30 Holy Souls 12:15 Nesia Manning 90th 12:15 Annette & Ameii Wilson 12:15 Christopher 12:15 Ivan & Stephen 12:15 Thanksgiving Birthday Smithies, RIP Blendey, RIP th Thursday 4 Thursday 11th Thursday 18th Thursday 25th Thursday 1st February 12:15 Mary Rees, 12:15 Anne Doran, wellbeing 12:15 Christopher & Sophie 12:15 For a Priest 12:15 Edgar & Nora Thanksgiving Ware Ashton Kinder, RIP Friday 5th Friday 12th Friday 19th Friday 26th Friday 2nd 7:30 Oratory Benefactors 7:30 Wilfredo Gonzales, RIP 7:30 Kilian Cheo, wellbeing 7:30 Rev Mgr Patrick 7:30 Oratory Benefactors 12:15 Beth M. 12:15 Oratory Vocations 12:15 Nicola Blendey, RIP O’Mahoney, RIP 12:15 For the Oratorians Ŧ 6pm Roy Ware, RIP 12:15 Thanksgiving 40 Days at the Sacred Heart for Life in Bournemouth Ŧ 6pm Roy Ware, RIP Saturday 6th Saturday 13th Saturday 20th Saturday 27th Saturday 3rd 12:15 Aurelia Nywa 12:15 Nikki Cullen, wellbeing 12:15 Thomas Bowman, 12:15 Holy Souls 12:15 Melissa Varela, RIP thanksgiving Ŧ Extraordinary Form Mass 6pm on 1st Friday of each month BISHOP PHILIP’S PASTORAL LETTER - Bringing People to Jesus through His Church. The Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham (24th September 2017) was the fifth anniversary of my Ordination as your Bishop. Much has happened in these past five years, much for which to thank God. So here are my hopes and aspirations as your Shepherd and Pastor. They revolve around four priorities. First, mission and evangelization. In the past decades, as Catholics, we have been good at catechising and ‘sacramentalising’, but much less effective at evangelizing and converting. 3.129 million people live within the area of our Diocese, of whom 230,000 are baptised Catholics. Through friendship, word, service and example, Jesus sends us out as His ambassadors - to connect with all these souls so they can hear the Gospel, meet Him in His Church, find happiness and one day come to heaven. Think of it like this: the Holy Spirit has gone before us and, as in the Parable of the Tenants (Matthew 20:1-16), the harvest is ready. So let’s go into the fields and ask: How can we gather it in? How can we reach those millions of others? The proximate goal of evangelization is the individual, but the ultimate goal is to leaven society and culture, the arts and sciences, politics and economics, all that people do. Second, converting Catholics. Our practice rate is just 13%. What can we do about the other 87%? If everyone brought one not-yet-practising Catholic to Mass, we would double our congregations and transform our communities.