April 11, 2021

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April 11, 2021 April 11, 2021 Mass Times Daily: 8:00am Weekends: Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10am & Noon (Noon is a Spanish Mass) First Saturday: 9:00am Confessions Wednesday: 8:30am Saturday: 4:00pm First Saturday: 8:00am Parish Office Hours Mon. 8:30am - 5:00pm Tues-Thurs: 8:30am - 1:30pm Friday: 8:30am - Noon Public Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm Saturday from 1pm to 5:30pm Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Pastoral Staff Sunday: 1pm - 5:30pm 3900 Pierce St. Sacrament of Baptism Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-4942 Rev. Jason Thuerauf Pastor Baptism Preparation Sessions Phone: 303-424-3706 are required for both parents and Web site: www.peterandpaulcatholic.org Rev. Frank Lomica Parochial Vicar sponsors - classes held the third E-mail: [email protected] Saturday each month. Please call Rev. J. Darrell Schaffer Deacon Scott in the Parish Sts. Peter and Paul Retired Office Catholic STEM School Rev. Mr. Scott Ditch Sacrament of Matrimony Deacon Principal: Sister Faustina Deppe, O.C.D. For marriage preparation, please 3920 Pierce Street Katie Heath Ministry Coordinator call the parish office eight to Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 twelve months prior to the Phone: 303-424-0402 Norma Serrano Negri wedding date. Please call Katie Fax: 303-456-1888 Business Manager in the Parish Office, ext. 26. Web site: www.sppscatholic.com Susan Kullman Music Director Funerals To schedule a funeral Mass Karen Radcliffe Please call Katie in the Parish Administrative Assistant Office, ext. 26 Shawn Schadler **Anointing of the Sick ** Plant Manager Emergency Number Magdalena Maravi 720-233-4952 Church Housekeeper (At the onset of a serious illness or in danger of death, call imme- Dan Slusher Larry Settles diately to assure anointing.) Part-Time Custodians OUR PASTOR’S BLOG Divine Mercy Today, the Church throughout the world acknowledges the gift of God’s mercy for us. The day, referred to as Divine Mercy Sunday, has grown in devotion throughout recent decades. Popularized by Saint John Paul II, people will offer holy hours, divine mercy chaplets and honor the image of Divine Mercy. Our Divine Mercy image hangs in the church above the devotional candles. While we have done Divine Mercy holy hours in years past, this year we will not have that devotion because of the scheduling conflict with Confirmations and First Communions. Nonetheless, I hope that you will find a way to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. To that end, I have pasted some of the history of this beautiful day below. “In a series of revelations to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska in the 1930s, our Lord called for a special feast day to be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. Today, we know that feast as Divine Mercy Sunday, named by Pope St. John Paul II at the canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000… The Lord expressed His will with regard to this feast in His very first revelation to St. Faustina… In all, St. Faustina recorded 14 revelations from Jesus concerning His desire for this feast… Nevertheless, Divine Mercy Sunday is not a feast based solely on St. Faustina's revelations. Indeed, it is not primarily about St. Faustina — nor is it altogether a new feast. The Second Sunday of Easter was already a solemnity as the Octave Day of Easter. The title "Divine Mercy Sunday" does, however, highlight the meaning of the day.” (thedivinemercy.org on 4/5/21) -Fr. Thuerauf Congratulations to all those who will receive The Adoration Chapel News: Can their First Holy Communion and Confirmation you spend some time in the Adoration Chapel on Divine Mercy Sunday: on a weekly or monthly basis? Call Charmie at 303-995-7814 for more information. You can also go to Flocknote for Adoration News. Jack Alcamo – Saint Sebastian Some ways to spend time in the Adoration Brittney Brandt – Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel: Ella Brandt – Our Lady of Fatima Nicholas Brandt – Saint Padre Pio 1. Ask for forgiveness and intercede for others - think of those who have hurt you and request a special Connor Bresina – Saint John the Baptist blessing for them. Ask God to forgive you for all the Jeneva Garcia-Melendrez – Saint Cecilia times you have neglected or hurt someone else. Angelina Mauro – Saint Catherine of Siena Bring before the Blessed Sacrament all those who have asked you to pray for them. Ask the Lord to Margarita Medina-Loya – Mary Mother of God address their concerns. Camden Morelli – Saint Elizabeth 2. Pray the Rosary - Pope John Paul II reminds us, Emma Pavlovec – Saint Rose of Lima “...is not the enraptured gaze of Mary as she con- templated the face of the new-born Christ and cra- Jaxon Ryan – Saint Luigi Scrosoppi dled him in her arms that unparalleled model of love Cadence Smitley – Saint Pope John Paul II which should inspire us every time we receive Eu- charistic communion?” Ask Mary to join you as Stephen Zamora – Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio you gaze on Christ in the Eucharist and as you pray the Rosary. 3. Sit quietly and just “be” in the presence of God - Think of a visit to the Blessed Sacrament as coming to see your best friend. Sit quietly and enjoy being in each other’s company. Instead of talking to the Lord, try listening to what He wants to tell you. SCHOOL NEWS: April 2-9: Spring Break April 13: 8th grade chastity rally The East Campus Development will include: drop-off/pick-up area with sidewalk and curb, enhanced back school entrance with signage, a picnic area and engraved pavers, playground with basketball court, half soccer field, volleyball court and play structures, Marian prayer grotto, outdoor STEM classroom and school garden, fencing for safety and envi- ronmentally responsible designs. We have raised 75% of the funds needed to complete this project THIS SUM- MER! Donate $500 or more and receive the opportunity to engrave a paver with your name or the name of someone you would like to honor. To learn more go to www.sppscatholic.com/east-campus- development. There will be no need to quarantine after Easter vacation but do use prudence and caution during travel and every- day activities. It remains imperative that students stay home if someone is sick at home and is getting tested for Covid. Peter & Paul Dragon Dash will be held on Thursday, April 29th We were so blessed to have during the school day. This is the Prayer in the Square replacing the annual 5K fundrais- Traveling Madonna last er and this year we are raising month. This beautiful stat- funds for the East Campus De- ue was purchased by this velopment. More information to organization on the 100th follow….. Anniversary of Fatima. The founders of Prayer in Parish Offertory Update the Square purchased the statue which is one piece of Fiscal Year to Date Offertory Actual vs Fiscal hand carved African hard- Year to Date Offertory Budgeted (%) as of March wood and was sent to Por- 30th, 2021: -3.03% tugal where it was painted in the original image of Our Lady of Fatima. She has Offertory 03/27-03/28: traveled to over 50 parishes in Colorado and they have distributed over 125,000 rosaries. Prayer in the Offertory- Palm Sunday: $8,614.62 Square’s mission is to pray for an end to abortion, an Offertory-Easter: $455 end of persecution of Christians and for our priests. Offertory Holy Thursday- $225 A truck needed to be purchased to transport the statue Offertory- Good Friday (Holy Land): $190 along with a gurney to gently carry her. Three gentle- men are responsible for helping in the mission to School East Campus Development: $745 bring Our Lady to our parishes: Sam Perry, Tom Maintenance Fund:$340 Maroney and Mike Phelan. Votive: $118.01 Rice Bowl (Catholic Relief Services): $20 Several of our groups participated in praying the ro- Other Church Donations: $300 sary while she was here: The Catholic Daughters, Fatima Family Apostolate, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Total Faith Direct (Electronic Giving) Deposits Legion of Mary along with parishioners who prayed for the month of March: $8,231 before her. Parish Events for Coming Week: Schedule of Mass Intentions for Coming Week: Saturday, April 10: Saturday, April 10: Confessions at 4:00pm, Fr. Thuerauf 5:00pm †Giuseppe Barbato Generosa Barbato Fr. Lomica Sunday, April 11: Sunday, April 11: Morning Masses 7:00am †Matthew Ramirez Grams Fr. Schaffer 8:30am ♥Adelia Capra Capra Family Fr. Lomica Monday, April 12: 10:00am ♥Logan Sigmund Grandma & Grandpa Fr. Lomica RCIA at 7:00pm in BigMac Noon: Our Parish Family Fr. Thuerauf Wednesday, April 13: Monday, April 12: Confessions at 8:30am in Church, 6:45am All Souls in Purgatory Thai Nguyen Fr. Schaffer Fr. Lomica 8:00am ♥Deborah Marek Gladys Leonardi Fr. Thuerauf Fatima Family at 10:00am in Church Lord Teach Me To Pray (LTMTP) Tuesday, April 13: 4:30pm in Church 6:45am ♥Trudy Falagrady Falagrady Family Fr. Lomica Knights of Columbus at 7:00pm in Big- 8:00pm †Nicola Capra Generosa Barbato Fr. Lomica Mac Friday, April 15: Wednesday, April 14: Divine Mercy at 3:00pm in Adoration 6:45am All Souls in Purgatory Thai Nguyen Fr. Lomica Chapel 8:00am †Evelyn Marshall Mack Marshall Fr. Thuerauf And Family Saturday, April 16: Confessions at 4:00pm, Fr. Lomica Thursday, April 15: 6:45am ♥Alberto O’Connor Father Thuerauf Fr. Thuerauf Sunday, April 18: 8:00am Souls in Purgatory Thai Nguyen Fr. Lomica Morning Masses Friday, April 16: 8:00am †Gaetano & Lucia Joanne Ruggiero Fr. Lomica Readings for the week of April 11, 2021 DeGregorio Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22- 24 [1]/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-3 Saturday, April 17: 5:00pm †Joe Appelhanz Family & Friends Fr.
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