The Ingham County News
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iPages COUNTY NEWS 10 Pages MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1917 NO. 35 Ci;iii:ill!.\TK.S Tr.TH lUltlHDAY. GRIMES REUXIO.V. About sixty relatives and friends T'he eleventh annual meeting of the I, SEARL ISSUES of Mr. and Mrs. James Steinhoft gath lEAT TO BE STREET FAIR Grimes Red Letter Day Association ered at tlieir home four miles north n M was held at Portage lake August 22. east of Mason last Sunday to cele A business meeting was held in tlie iR MEASURE EXCUSE brate Mli-s. Stoinhoff's 7 5th birthday 15G BUSHEL TO BE A afternoon, after which the olllcers for SER16 AT FRONT anniversary. "Uncle Jim and Aunt the coming year wore elected. A ball r.xousio rAKM uovs TO Sue" have been u slogan for a good lOViSHV ItUSillOL SOWN' THIS FAIJi IMCEMIUAI LIST OX I'ACJE 5 OF game was later enjoyed with Art Col Wl UE UXI>ER FAR MOKE I.V ANP HAItVlKi: CKOI'S. ilme and It still held good on this V SHOULO IIK TKI'^ATKI). THIS ISSUE. lins and John Usher as captains, The STISK'T DISOIIMJXE occasion as well. A flue program was score resulted 22 to 11 in favor #)f « '!>) At)use.s Tttkcii Of Kxciisos given In the afternoon. Guests were Twoiity-Jive CeiiLs Wortli Trents Fift.v lltilhMHi Asceiision.s mid Xortliwcstcni Collins. Pleasant lake was the place Ui'ses Filends To WiiUi To All Woys si Spi'liiK lOxciiwt's MiMie Much present from Cement City, DeWitt, )' Bushel—ICquiilly fJo(Hl V.ov Midway Co. Alti-actioii.s—Itif; AKI'I- set for the meeting next year. Tliey Know In Primco As Tliey M()r« .Strlnneiil. Fowlervllle, Bay City, Lansing, Grand And Outs. ciiltiinil Kxlilblts Expected. Are Always Welcome. Ledge and Mason and vicinity. |)iiiol Commissioner P. B. Searl 3tinklng smut causes a loss of 5 Preparations are being made and Another letter has been received by iMsued o war measure excuse, per cent of all the wheat grovvn in the work getting under way In fine NEWS PUBLISHED 1870 i\lr. and Mrs. J. A. Cortrlght, froqi ho lias sent to the directors Michigan and cost the farmers more .shape for. Mason's Street Fair Sept. their son Ion, who Is now in active ill give them permission to ex- than a million dollars every year. 10, 20, 21. The superintendents service with the American Expedi iif I'arin boys from scliool this Tl\ls year grain dealers are required for the different departments have tionary Forces in France. Tho fol help their parents harvest their by, law to dock for the smut that is boon appointed, premiums decided on BY WORKMEI lowing are extracts taken from this These excuses are much more EVINCES PATRIOTISM present and to charge for the washing and attractions sepured. SEAIiEl) C;AN IX HARROW lU.OCK letter; •111. tlian those that were Issued an'd cleaning. Smutty wheat is worth The agricultural exhibits will be OOXTAIXS PAPERS OF IXTEREST DEAR ONES— SIX COUSIN.S IX SKIIVICIO FOU 1 9c a busliel loss than a clean bu,shel. the main feature. Liberal premiums 'Hug. UNCIil!l SAM. Am repacking my trunk and all iig to the great demanas made •All this amounts to one thing, seed h'i^vc been offered for exhibits of live 'apoi'.s i\m\ Copy of Tlil.s Issue of this morning preparatory to going to ihc farmer and the Cact that wheat must be treated before plant- stock, poultry, grain, vegetables, bak Xew.s Sealed In Snniif Can And Paris and the front, or rattier to tho A true patriotic spirit surely exists in'g and the method of treating is ed goods and needlework. i.'lli Is so scarce has prompted in the Tlarnaby family, when it;, is Again Entnuibud, front via Paris for instructions, etc. iirl lo assist lliom in every pos- simple and inexpensive. Tlie foUow- OAving to the busy season and tlie 1 wrote tiie headquarters telling them shown that there are five members iiiB formula is being advised by the lack of liousing facilities, the com- iiy wilhout depriving the boys of the family, all cousins, who are Ill removing the iron posts that this woiiUl never bo a large base for ii('alion they should have. Michigan Crop Improvement Associa iiiilleo decided tiiat a colt show would have supported tho front of tho Dar-troops and therefore no place tor a serving in the United States army. tion,, and it will mean'iiiany dollars be more popular wllli the horse rais .' advantage was taken ol' the T^aMoure, son of Mrs. 0. A. narn- row block for the past '17 years work- skillod athletic man, while up there lltioniil war excuse of last lo Inglnim county farmers if used ers at this lime of year than a dis mon discovered a sealed can in one of in the "rest" cniiips I could be of no aby of Lansing, and 'grandson of Mr. this fall: play of animals that would be needed and boys were kept out of and Mrs. G. L. Barnaby of this city, tho supports. It was opened and service. Tills is the result that Lex- wliiMi not noodod and when in tlio work. Cattle, sheep and found lo contain a copy of the Ing pectod. is now a private hi Ballory A, Jlicli- The NeWsC'i)n(;oi»1rnlo(l Formalin swine exhibits were arranged in class work on tlio farm. Because igaii- Field Artillery, and was on duty ham Comity News dated July 21), 1 hate to leave so'pieasant a place 1 11 was nocessary to work out at tlio border last summer. U'realineut foi- the Siiint of Oixts, es that will cause the exhibitor tlie :iS7n, also a number of olhjjr Inter- to live as this, i)ut will see real action • v syslom or deprive worthy COVCTLMI .Smut of liufley MIHI least possible trouble lo get ready. osting papers that were written by witli a capital "R". I can tell you "Horace, Jr., and Loraine, sons of j Stihkinft' Siiiiit (liuiil of Wheat. The poultry show will be complete in llio services of llieir sons for Mr. and Jlrs. Horace Bnrnaby of Iiromiiiont citizens of that time and very little about it I suppose, but will days (0 put in and liarvest Use fiirmalln solution at the every detail and steel coops will be printed matter used by business lirms try to lot you know I am 0. K, Will Grand Rapids', is witli the 32nd In vale of one pint (cost about 2!') provided for exliibitors. Judges from 'I'lie dii'octor will have an ini- fantry. of 1S70. bo within the lines, so will be under I iiart and will liavo lo assume cents) to fifty bushels of grain. tlie U. A. C. will be secured and The News was published by K. Kit- far more strict disciplino, censorship Lylo and Charles, sons of Mr. and ,Pul tlie fresh formalin, just as it premiums paid on ail classes. How • ibilily. Defore a boy Is ex Afrs. Elmer Barnaby of Grand Uap- trodgo at tiiat time and in faded Ink and all that, ilic parent iiiiist certify that .'conies from the druggist, into a ever birds failing to score 75 points under his name is written "J. C. 'Will also got my uniform today, ids, are also In service, Lylc with the ;'pint or quart .hand spray(»r (cost out of a possilile 100 will not be en • •.\'s services are absolutely noc- ;!2nd Infantry and Charles, who has Squires, foreman." Tho paper sold tliey arc not half bad. PractlcixUy , tlial lie cannot obtain other had three years of, service with the ' 75 cents) and spray the grain- titled to a prize. for $1.50 per year, .$1.00 six months that of a regular private with a visor- '> do that work and thai he will Michigan National Guards, joined the which has been spread out on the The grain, fruit and vegetable ex and "always in advance."- Advertis ed cap, as the olllcers, aiid a "Y. M" •.>'ly agree to keep his son in State Constabulary Forces a short barn floor. Spray tlie grain as it hibits, which necosRllatc a great deal ing rates varied from $1.00 per inch chevron on arm and cap. 1 wlien not actually employed. time ago. Lyle and Horace, Jr., also is shoveled over and over. Keep of work both to exhibitors and the to $.12.00 per column-and was well Just completed a new athletic field • • tills excuse Is granted', the gave service on tho border at El Paso. the sprayer close to the grain and local committee, has been turned over patronized by local merchants. The here and had'one game on it before nr is asked to recommend that tho penetrating odor of tlio for to the rurAl carriers of the Mason lirst page columns are filled largely leaving. Going to ta*e a swim, to Lawrence, the 11-year-old brother malin will give no discomfort. .. ranted and agree to report any of LaMoure, is doing his bit in ai postoUice. Each carrier believes his with miscelleanous stories and day for the last in some time, I guess. ions of the same. In this way silent way and wishes he was old) When the right amount' of for patrons are better farmers than the poetry, while there are editorials on Where I am going was described I oped lo iirevent the abuses of enough to be No.