Appendix C. R8bird Codes for Look-Up Tables

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Appendix C. R8bird Codes for Look-Up Tables Appendix C. R8Bird Codes for Look-Up Tables Bird Names AOU Codes AOU AOU Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Num Num (Yellow-rumped) MYWA Dendroica coronata francolinus Myrtle Warbler Black Rail BLRA Laterallus Acadian ACFL Empidonax virescens jamaicensis Flycatcher Black Tern BLTE Cchildonias niger Alder Flycatcher ALFL Empidonax alnorum Black Vulture BLVU Coragyps atratus American Bittern AMBI Botaurus lentiginosus Black-and-white BAWW Mniotilta varia American Coot AMCO Fulica americana Warbler American Crow AMCR Corvus Black-bellied BBPL Pluvialis squatarola brachyrhynchos Plover American AMGO Carduelis tristis Black-bellied BBWD Dendrocygna Goldfinch whistling duck autumnalis American Kestrel AMKE Falco sparverius Black-billed BBCU Coccyzus American Pipit AMPI Anthus rubescens Cuckoo erythropthalmus American Redstart AMRE Setophaga ruticilla Blackburnian BLBW Dendroica fusca Warbler American Robin AMRO Turdus migratorius Black-capped BCCH Poecile atricapillus American Tree ATSP Spizella arborea Chickadee Sparrow Black-chinned BCHU Archilochus alexandri American White AWPE Pelecanus Hummingbird Pelican erythrorhynchos Black-crowned BCNH Nycticorax nycticorax American Wigeon AMWI Anas americana Night Heron American AMWO Scolopax minor Black-headed BHGR Pheucticus Woodcock Grosbeak melanocephalus Anhinga ANHI Anhinga anhinga Black-necked Stilt BNST Himantopus Ash-throated ATFL Myiarchus mexicanus Flycatcher cinerascens Black-throated BTBW Dendroica Bachman's BACS Aimophila aestivalis Blue Warbler caerulescens Sparrow Black-throated BTYW Dendroica Bachman's BAWA Vermivora bachmanii Gray Warbler nigrescens Warbler Black-throated BTNW Dendroica virens Bald Eagle BAEA Haliaeetus Green Warbler leucocephalus Black-whiskered BWVI Vireo altiloquus Baltimore Oriole BAOR Icterus galbula Vireo Bank Swallow BANS Riparia riparia Blue Grosbeak BLGR Guiraca caerulea Barn Owl BNOW Tyto alba Blue Jay BLJA Cyanocitta cristata Barn Swallow BARS Hirundo rustica Blue-gray BGGN Polioptila caerulea Barred Owl BDOW Strix varia Gnatcatcher Bell's Vireo BEVI Vireo bellii Blue-headed Vireo BHVI Vireo solitarius Belted Kingfisher BEKI Ceryle alcyon Blue-winged Teal BWTE Anas discors Bewick's Wren BEWR Thryomanes bewickii Blue-winged BWWA Vermivora pinus Black Francolin BLFR Francolinus Warbler 1 AOU AOU Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Num Num Boat-tailed BTGR Quiscalus major Common Ground- COGD Columbina passerina Grackle Dove Bobolink BOBO Dolichonyx Common Moorhen COMO Gallinula chloropus oryzivorus Common CONI Chordeiles minor Brewer's Blackbird BRBL Euphagus Nighthawk cyanocephalus Common Raven CORA Corvus corax Broad-winged BWHA Buteo platypterus Common Redpoll CORE Carduelis flammea Hawk Common Snipe COSN Gallinago gallinago Bronzed Cowbird BROC Molothrus aeneus Common COYE Geothlypis trichas Brown Creeper BRCR Certhia americana Yellowthroat Brown Pelican BRPE Pelecanus Cooper's Hawk COHA Accipiter cooperii occidentalis Crested Caracara CRCA Caracara plancus Brown Thrasher BRTH Toxostoma rufum Dark-eyed Junco DEJU Junco hyemalis Brown-crested BCFL Myiarchus tyrannulus Dickcissel DICK Spiza americana Flycatcher Double-crested DCCO Phalacrocorax Brown-headed BHCO Molothrus ater Cormorant auritus Cowbird Downy DOWO Picoides pubescens Brown-headed BHNU Sitta pusilla Woodpecker Nuthatch Dunlin DUNL Calidris alpina Buff-bellied BUFH Amazilia Hummingbird yucatanensis Eastern Bluebird EABL Sialia sialis Burrowing Owl BUOW Athene cunicularia Eastern Kingbird EAKI Tyrannus tyrannus Canada Goose CAGO Branta canadensis Eastern EAME Sturnella magna Meadowlark Canada Warbler CAWA Wilsonia canadensis Eastern Phoebe EAPH Sayornis phoebe Cape May Warbler CMWA Dendroica tigrina Eastern Screech- EASO Otus asio Carolina CACH Poecile carolinensis Owl Chickadee Eastern Towhee EATO Pipilo Carolina Wren CARW Thryothorus erythrophthalmus ludovicianus Eastern Tufted ETTI Baeolophus bicolor Cattle Egret CAEG Bubulcus ibis Titmouse Cedar Waxwing CEDW Bombycilla cedrorum Eastern Wood- EAWP Contopus virens Cerulean Warbler CERW Dendroica cerulea Pewee Chestnut-collared CCLO Calcarius ornatus Eurasian Collared ECDO Streptopelia Longspur Dove decaocto Chestnut-sided CSWA Dendroica European Starling EUST Sturnus vulgaris Warbler pensylvanica Evening Grosbeak EVGR Coccothraustes Chimney Swift CHSW Chaetura pelagica vespertinus Chipping Sparrow CHSP Spizella passerina Ferruginous Hawk FEHA Buteo regalis Chuck-will's-widow CWWI Caprimulgus Field Sparrow FISP Spizella pusilla carolinensis Fish Crow FICR Corvus ossifragus Clapper Rail CLRA Rallus longirostris Florida Scrub-Jay FLSJ Aphelocoma Clay-colored CCSP Spizella pallida coerulescens Sparrow Fox Sparrow FOSP Passerella iliaca Cliff Swallow CLSW Petrochelidon Franklin's Gull FRGU Larus pipixcan pyrrhonota Gadwall GADW Anas strepera Common Grackle COGR Quiscalus quiscula 2 AOU AOU Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Num Num Glossy Ibis GLIB Plegadis falcinellus King Rail KIRA Rallus elegans Golden Eagle GOEA Aquila chrysaetos Lapland Longspur LALO Calcarius lapponicus Golden-crowned GCKI Regulus satrapa Lark Bunting LARB Calamospiza Kinglet melanocorys Golden-winged GWWA Vermivora Lark Sparrow LASP Chondestes Warbler chrysoptera grammacus Grasshopper GRSP Ammodramus Le Conte's LCSP Ammodramus Sparrow savannarum Sparrow leconteii Gray Catbird GRCA Dumetella Least Bittern LEBI Ixobrychus exilis carolinensis Least Flycatcher LEFL Empidonax minimus Gray Kingbird GRAK Tyrannus Least Tern LETE Sterna antillarum dominicensis Lesser Golden LEGP Pluvialis dominica Great Blue Heron GBHE Ardea herodias Plover Great Crested GCFL Myiarchus crinitus Lesser Yellowlegs LEYE Tringa flavipes Flycatcher Limpkin LIMP Aramus guarauna Great Egret GREG Ardea alba Lincoln's Sparrow LISP Melospiza lincolnii Great Horned Owl GHOW Bubo virginianus Little Blue Heron LBHE Egretta caerulea Greater GRRO Geococcyx Loggerhead LOSH Lanius ludovicianus Roadrunner californianus Shrike Greater GRYE Tringa melanoleuca Long-eared Owl LEOW Asio otus Yellowlegs Louisiana LOWA Seiurus motacilla Great-tailed GTGR Quiscalus mexicanus Waterthrush Grackle Magnificent MAFR Fregata magnificens Green Heron GRHE Butorides virescens Frigatebird Green-tailed GTTO Pipilo chlorurus Magnolia Warbler MAWA Dendroica magnolia Towhee Mallard MALL Anas platyrhynchos Green-winged GWTE Anas crecca Teal Mangrove Cuckoo MACU Coccyzus minor Groove-billed Ani GBAN Crotophaga Marsh Wren MAWR Cistothorus palustris sulcirostris Merlin MERL Falco columbarius Hairy Woodpecker HAWO Picoides villosus Mississippi Kite MIKI Ictinia Harris' Sparrow HASP Zonotrichia querula mississippiensis Henslow's HESP Ammodramus Mourning Dove MODO Zenaida macroura Sparrow henslowii Mourning Warbler MOWA Oporornis Hermit Thrush HETH Catharus guttatus philadelphia Hooded HOME Lophodytes Nashville Warbler NAWA Vermivora ruficapilla Merganser cucullatus Nelson's Sharp- NSTS Ammodramus Hooded Warbler HOWA Wilsonia citrina tailed Sparrow nelsoni Horned Lark HOLA Eremophila alpestris Neotropic NECO Phalacrocorax Cormorant brasilianus House Finch HOFI Carpodacus mexicanus Northern (Yellow- YSFL Colaptes auratus shafted) Flicker House Sparrow HOSP Passer domesticus Northern Bobwhite NOBO Colinus virginianus House Wren HOWR Troglodytes aedon Northern Cardinal NOCA Cardinalis cardinalis Indigo Bunting INBU Passerina cyanea Northern Goshawk NOGO Accipiter gentilis Kentucky Warbler KEWA Oporornis formosus Northern Harrier NOHA Circus cyaneus Killdeer KILL Charadrius vociferus 3 AOU AOU Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Num Num Northern NOMO Mimus polyglottos Red-shouldered RSHA Buteo lineatus Mockingbird Hawk Northern Parula NOPA Parula americana Red-tailed Hawk RTHA Buteo jamaicensis Northern Pintail NOPI Anas acuta Red-winged RWBL Agelaius phoeniceus Northern Rough- NRWS Stelgidopteryx Blackbird winged Swallow serripennis Ring-necked RNPH Phalaropus lobatus Northern Saw- NSWO Aegolius acadicus Pheasant whet Owl Rock Dove RODO Columba livia Northern NOWA Seiurus Roseate Spoonbill ROSP Ajaia ajaja Waterthrush noveboracensis Rose-breasted RBGR Pheucticus Olive-sided OSFL Contopus cooperi Grosbeak ludovicianus Flycatcher Rough-legged RLHA Buteo lagopus Orange-crowned OCWA Vermivora celata Hawk Warbler Ruby-crowned RCKI Regulus calendula Orchard Oriole OROR Icterus spurius Kinglet Osprey OSPR Pandion haliaetus Ruby-throated RTHU Archilochus colubris Ovenbird OVEN Seiurus aurocapillus Hummingbird Painted Bunting PABU Passerina ciris Ruddy Duck RUDU Oxyura jamaicensis Palm Warbler PAWA Dendroica palmarum Ruffed Grouse RUGR Bonasa umbellus Pectoral PESA Calidrismelanotos Rufous RUHU Selasphorus rufus Sandpiper Hummingbird Peregrine Falcon PEFA Falco peregrinus Rufous-crowned RCSP Aimophila ruficeps Sparrow Pied-billed Grebe PBGR Podilymbus podiceps Rusty Blackbird RUBL Euphagus carolinus Pileated PIWO Dryocopus pileatus Woodpecker Saltmarsh Sharp- SSTS Ammodramus tailed Sparrow caudacutus Pine Siskin PISI Carduelis pinus Sandhill Crane SACR Grus canadensis Pine Warbler PIWA Dendroica pinus Savannah SAVS Passerculus Piping Plover PIPL Chradrius melodus Sparrow sandwichensis Prairie Warbler PRAW Dendroica discolor Scarlet Tanager SCTA Piranga olivacea Prothonotary PROW Protonotaria citrea Scissor-tailed STFL Tyrannus forficatus Warbler Flycatcher Purple Finch PUFI Carpodacus Seaside Sparrow SESP Ammodramus purpureus maritimus Purple Gallinule PUGA Porphyrula martinica Sedge Wren SEWR Cistothorus platensis Purple Martin PUMA Progne subis Semipalmated
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