Eloquence, Varieh at Chamber Dinner
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fv-r : - T-■ \ " y ' ■ f ' \ y -Ti / t y » r : -V . r . f /. ' ^ NET PRESS RUN - THE WEATHER . _ AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION ForecMt br t). a. Wv«th«x Baresa, for the Month of March, 1029 tfa.ai Bav«a ^ . ♦ • 5,326 Member ot the Aodlt Bureau of ■x„ Cloudy and cooler tonight. Wed> Cireolallons nesday,showers followed by fair. M r VOL. XLIII., NO. 149. (Classified AdTertising on Page 10) SOUTH M A N C H j:SpR , CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1929. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS S-. OIL MAGNATE With Calies in the Field ELOQUENCE, VAR IEH • i MUST SERVE «- AT CHAMBER DINNER HIS O T E N C E Dr. D. D. Vaughan, Inspira SOCIAL WORKERS WiU Be Treated Just Like tional, Rev. Colpitts, Hit as TO HEP MOTHE Other Prisoners in Dis Lawyer Also Furnish^ Toastmaster, Frank Lane trict of Columbia Jail; Broker With $1,000 An Unusual Entertainer. Has Six Children and Must! Will Have to Work. A ll About While Police Were Hang Though coming later in the year Serve 250 Days for Sell-1 ing for Him— Was Told to than ever before and following on Washington , April 9.— From a New York, April 9.— “ Every-* Mr. Heflin grinned feebly and the heels of two torrid days that forty room house to an eight-by- thing is so faded, I can’t recall a {shrugged his pajama-clad shoul had wilted the enthusiasm of the ingLiquor. ten brick cigar box with a single thing.” ders. Keep Healey in the Dark community, the annual banquet of barred window. Thomas Heflin, Jr., speaking. That’s the astonishing transition Mr. Thornton threw up his hands the Chamber of Commerce at Speaking from his bed at the Hotel and muttered: Cheney Hall last night turned out Boston, April 9.— Touched by facing Harry F. Sinclair, multi-mil McAlpin where he tried to remem Concerning His Finances; lionaire oil magnate sentenced to “ Terrible! Terrible!” \ to be not only the very best in the the pathos of a mother of six chil ber just what happened on that organization's history but the most serve ninety days in the District of rather joyous voyage up from When the youth was asked about thoroughly enjoyed. The dinner, dren who was sentenced to 250 Columbia jail. Panama. the extent of his drinking on that Broker Bares Story of Ifis by Osano, was perfect— it always is days in jail after she failed to pay All through the lower and in J. L. Thornton, secretary to ocean trip, he replied that said and that part is just taken for a fine of $125 on a charge of selling ' termediate courts his trial for con young Heflin’s father, the militant drinking was “ only a little spree.” Career Here and in Other tempt of the Senate Teapot Dome liquor, efforts were undqr way here Dry Senator from Alabama, was “ Oh, , js,” fnterposed Mr. Thorn oil investigating committee has there, too. The house physician ton, “ Mr. Heflin’s drinking is just to bring about her release. Social wound its tortuous way, only to end came in once or twice, but wouldn’t spasmodic, just spasmodic, that’s States. workers started an organized pro in the Supreme Court with the say why. Heflin said, however, that all.” test, while others sought to raise original sentence of 90 days and a he will be able to leave for Wash- | He added soothingly: “ All that a fund to pay the fine. $500 fine unanimously upheld. ington to face Senator Heflin this is just a bad memory now'. Mr. Hartford, April 9.— That William The mother had immediately be Must Go To Jail afternoon. , Heflin is young and, really, I don’t F. Egan, attorney on trial before gan a hunger strike upon being And now, unless his famous Judge Isaac Wolfe in Superior “ What are you going to tell your ! see why his acts should cause so Court for conspiracy in the case pf taken to jail, but today, weak and “ million dollar defense” can per father?” he was asked. much excitement.” hungry, she yielded to requests of form a legal miracle, the man who Roger W. Watkins, broker, gave jail authorities and partook of listened nightly to tho cream of Watkins $2,700 before, Watkins nourishment. Broadway’s lilting melodies and fled, last year, and furnished him Has Si.\ Children slept on downy pillows will get another $1,000 while police were VICE-PRESIDENT CURTIS hunting him, was the declaration Mrs. Stacia Kowalska, mother of what sleep he can on a canvas cot MARJORIE CHENEY PICKS RACE WINNER six children, the youngest of whom to the croon of “ I’se in the Jail- made by Watkins today while be was ten months, was placed in a j house now”— as* rendered variously ing cross examined by Egan's law Bowie, Md., April 9.— Charles yers today. cell at the county jail in Salem up by his fellow prisoners. Curtis, former jockey, and now on a court capias when she failed to There’ll be no special prepara RAPS SCHOOL PLAN Watkins told how Egan had a/i- vice-president of the United vised him to get rid of J. Verner pay the fine. She had been found I tion for Harry Sinclair at 200 States, can still pick winners at guilty on March 23 of keeping and j Nineteenth street. S. E.. where the E.x-President Calies of Mexico, Anderson, one of Watkins’ aides in who is leading an apparently suc the races. He visited the track the brokerage business here. exposing liquor for sale. big red jail stands. It has received here yesterday and picked the The husband, John Kowalska, cessful drive on the revolutionists “ Anderson is an old woman who many prisoners. It expects the oil in that country, is pictured here Objects to Degrees to Be long shot Pagan Laddie, which unemployed and penniless, tried! magnate in two weeks or a month, would blab’’ Watkins said Egan in the field with his federal troops. won the race, but it was not re told him. vainly to raise the money in a can- ; depending on whether his counsel ported that he made any wagers vass ot relatives. He said that his Above are Calies and General Or 4 Given by Arnold College; “ Did you tell Mr. Egan and elects to delay matters 25 days by tiz holding ail impromptu confer- " ' on his choice. wife had sold the liquor in an ef- making a seemingly futile appeal. Frank E. Healy you had money eiice on the railroad tracks near Bermejillo. Below’ , Calies is shown -< S > . fort to keep their six children from Sinclair will be “just another pris planted?” Watkins was asked. ! starving. / hearing the plea of the wife of a captured rebel general who is about to Her Amendment Lost. “ Egan told me not to tell the old oner,” according to W. L. Peak, be executed and a closeup of Mexico’s “ iron man.” jail chief. He’ll have a number, man the story?” Watkins replied. Dr. David D. Vaughan “ He told me to keep Healy in tfho somewhere near the 10.000 mark. Hartford, April 9.— Miss Mar SOVIETS’ SYSTEM Just Another I*risoner dark. He said “ don’t tell Frank granted — but the entertainment NATIVES HAVE FOUND jorie Cheney, of Manchesteiv today anything.” And as “ just another prisoner” objected to giving Arnold College was more diversified, the speaking the millionaire oil man will endure Only a “ Story.” intensely interesting, the singing of for Hygiene and Physical Educa OF VOTING QUEER Then Watkins declared, the story LONG LOST AIRPLANE a tedious routine accorded black EXPECT 10,000 ANGLERS tion, a New Haven institution, the the Men's Choral Club a delightful and white alike. about having money planted was innovation and the basket of tricks right to confer degrees, declaring “ just a story” told to Mr. Healy at When he is committed his finger- that as it seemed to be purely a of the single professional enter pi inis will be taken, he'll be search the suggestion of Mr. Egan. tainer exceptionally clever and I Ship Sent Out to Verify Report physical Educational affair, it ed— and washed. Then he’ll be as Watkins then said that he had amusing. A fetching decorative That Four Flyers Have Been TO BE OUT ON MONDAY should be given the right to grant 85 Per Cent Voted But Three given Egan about $20.0,COO in cash signed to a cell, not alone, for the deci'ees only in that’ subject. Miss scheme, the novelty of many scores Discovered. between November and April before of gas tilled balloons cavorting and jail is crowded. His cell mates may Cheney then offered an am^dmeut Watkins departed this region. be bank robbers, bootleggers, al to the billi limiting the powers as Per Cent Got Almost All occasionally exploding all over the Sydney, X. S. W., April 9.— Asked if he had papers to show place and the presence of another most anything: they don’t segre to conferring degrees. Only t|e 'these payments Watkins declared Natives brought an unconfirmed re gate for offenses. Double Thai Number ^ 'H l' degree ot Bachelor'or Sdlence and of Oliver Toop's handpickod bevies port out of the bush today that the CHICAGO BANDITS ffie Offices. that he made memoranda of the af of nou-professional waitresses add He will be placed in a cell with Physical Education could be coa- fairs and that “ Egan took them.” missing plane Southern Cross, two or more while male inmates of ferred under her plan.