Campus Fraternities Administer Pledgeship to Thirty Two Men at Meetings on Monday Night

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Campus Fraternities Administer Pledgeship to Thirty Two Men at Meetings on Monday Night SfllflCfl- El Gaucho is published every Wednesday SIOTG~C0LLGG€ Entered as second class matter in the and Friday of the first school semester and post office at Santa Barbara, California, on Fridays during the second semester. No September 17, 1926. Subscription rates, one issues are printed on holidays or during dollar for the first semester and fifty cents examination periods- for the second. Vol. XVIII Z59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Ì, 1939 No. 37 San Francisco Campus Fraternities Administer Seeks Concert Pledgeship to Thirty Two Men By Symphony Exposition Heads At Meetings on Monday Night Ask Dr. Eiehheim To Gather Group Social Organizations Shortens *' Heaping more honors on the Initiation to Four Weeks9 Set All-Southern College symphony orchestra, Dr. H enry Eiehheim, Dates for Formal Induction famed conductor of the group, • Thirty- two men students became revealed yesterday that the or- pledges to the four campus social chestra had been invited, to play at Sororities fraternities last Monday, according the Golden Gate International Ex­ to Administrator Paul A. Jones. position in San Francisco. The let­ Fete Pledges Conforming with the new policy set­ ter which Dr. Eiehheim received re­ quested him to organize a musical up by the Inter-fraternity council group of college students to play in At Meetings last semester, the prospective mem­ Western States Auditorium some Sa­ bers were launched into a shortened turday in July at 4 p.m. Tau Gams, Delta Zetes, period of pledging at regular meet­ In charge of arranging the gather­ Alpha Thetes Discuss ings Monday evening. ing of students will be heads *of the Plans at Sessions Monday local college, president Clarence L. The period will last a month, cul­ Phelps announced yesterday that let­ • Going into the second week of minating with Hell week between ters had been sent 13 presidents of pledgeship, the campus social sor­ March 20 and 25. On the following K colleges in Southern California re­ orities met Monday night, with the Monday the men will become regu­ questing participation in the musical prospective members holding the lar members at ^formal inductions. venture. A definite date will be set­ spotlight in activity. Five more weeks Beta Sigma Chi led the fraterni­ tled upon between March -25 and of pledgeship remain for the wo­ April 1, the deadline set b^ Exposi­ men’s organizations, with formal in­ ties in number of pledges chosen tion officials. • Custodians for the semester for itiations and rites being planned by with 14 taking part in initiation 29 Station Broadcast the fraternity scholarship cup are the various groups. ceremonies Monday. Sigma Alpha members of Tau Omega, headed by The All-Southern California Sym­ Meeting at the home of Barbara Kappa selected eight men, Gamma MALCOM WOODHEAD, ahove, phony concert, an annual affair, Ellis, 1606, Tau Gamma Sigma Woodhead set his brothers an ex­ Sigma Pi asked seven and Tau which was presented last night at sorority made plans for a sorority am ple by placing in th e first ten) m en Omega three. the Lobero theater, received its great­ party for all-southern California of the campus scholastically* est recognition to date when it was symphony concert held last night. The pledges are as follows: broadcast over 29 stations of a na­ An informal party, to be held in the Beta Sigma Chi: Ralph Albert, tional network. At the last minute, near future was also discussed. Clyde Cadwell, Don Estey, plater Tau Omega Alpha Theta Chi sorority met at local officials were informed that Gregory, Bot Hatcher, Jim Long, the presentation would be available. the home of Mrs. Paul Jones, spon­ Robert Miller. Jack Richards, Fred Previous plans had called for the Wins Trophy sor. A "Mother Goose” dinner was broadcast to be heard in Santa Bar­ given by the attive members in hon­ Richardson, Marvin Sands, Clifford bara alone. or of the pledges. Nursery rhymes Wrightson, Gordon West, Edward provided a theme for the dinner. Doty and Harvey Wilson. • Immediately preceding last night’s performance by the all-Southern California symphony concert, DR. HENRY Santa Barbara State’s recognition For Grades A discussion of the Bowery Dance EICHHEIM, extreme right, explained some of the finer m usical intricacies to three attentive listeners. 'Pictured from at the Fair received another boost Sigma Alpha Kappa: Bud Bur­ to be given, by the alumnae on left to .right are students LOUISE JACKSON, MARGARET JONES and MRS. ANITA COCHRAN PRIEST. when it was learned this week that • Winner of the cup semi-annually dick, Bob Cottam, Bob Hall, Pat March 1 was also held, with plans An almost capacity crowd packed the Lobero theater last night to hear the collegiate musicians perform in the thé Plays and Players club, campus awarded the social fraternity on the Kelly, Gilbert McKeon, Dale Snyder, being made to arrange the annual annual musical event, while 29 stations broadcasted the concert over a national network.—Cut Courtesy News-Press dramatic organization would present campus maintaining the highest Everett Tozier and Belan Wagner. - "Petticoat Fever” on October 28. grade average was announced as affair. Gamma Sigma Pi: Paddy Cau- Entertainment by pledges featured The local department was invited by Tau Omega yesterday by the Inter- dillo, Robert David, Howard Eccles, the meeting of Delta Zeta Delta at Elsa Maxwell, who appeared in San­ Fraternity Council supervised by Bill Elliott, Tom Guerrero, Nemie the home o£ Carol Lambrecht at rGreatest9 Orchestra Hits Peak ta Barbara at the Lobero theater Captain Paul Jones. The fraternity’s Navarro and Oliver Sholders. 518 E. Pedregosa^ The meeting took last week." consistent 2.10 was good enough to Tau Omega: Robert Brady, Wes­ Win the ' coveted award for Inst se­ the form of a supper affair. Plans Previous Cancellation ley Linda, Craig Snasdell. mester. for the presentation of the pledges A short rush period preceded the The Plays and Players, undee-'the With Eiehheim Conducting In order of rating the other three March 17 at La Hacienda were an­ pledging. One open house was held ' direction of Frederic W. Hile had fraternities were Gamma Sigma Pi, nounced by Helen Whittaker, social by each fraternity* last week, after Originally scheduled the presentation with an average of 2.48; Beta Sigma . chairman. which names of men the fraternities of "Petticoat Fever” for the current • The modern adaptation of the word "$ymphony” to imply per? Pi, 2.66; and Sigma Alpha Kappa» AH seven of the campus sororities desired to become members were fil­ semetser, but were forced to cancel fection, harmony, unity, mechanistic exactness was never more in 3.08. made plans for attendance at the all­ ed in Dean Jones’ office. Nine Students it to allow the faculty to present southern California symphony con­ Ten highest individual grade ave­ A unique system of announcing a place last night when Dr. Henry Eiehheim conducted the All-South­ "A bie’s Irish Rose.” cert, with each group reserving a rages v^ent to R obert Scal^pino, prospective’s selection, is then fol ern California Colleges Symphony orchestra in two hours of precise No definite date has been set for special box. Next meeting of the Enter Second Gamma Sigma Pi, with an average lowed. He is informed by Jones tha official Santa Barbara State college^ organizations will be held one week and beautiful music at the Lobero theater. of 1.0 or straight A; Bruce Davis, his membership is desired in a fra day, according to Graduate*1 Manager from Monday night. Gamma‘Sigma Pi, 1.25; Fred Mon- ternity. He is asked to state the or ' Opening in a cheerful and happy Speech Round Don Follett, but it is believed that it son, Sigma Alpha Kappa, 1.50; ganization to which he would likr realms o.f music lovers was done with will take place when the Gaucho mood, the orchestra played Brahms* Mark Jones, Gamma Sigma Pi, 1.61; to belong, and if it corresponds with • Contestants in the intramural ex­ contingent travels to San Jose for a mixed-medley of students* songs of splendid magnificence by the group Bob Reynolds, Tau Omega, 1.76; Revue Practice the one that wants him he becomes temporaneous competed for the right gridiron game. around 1830 in his "Academic Fes­ when they played Bach’s "Air on Pat Quinn, Tau Omega, 1.7^2; Carl a pledge. tival** overture when he p aid his the G-String” and the generous ap­ Yo enter the semi-finals yesterday Jorgensen, Tau Omega, 1.80; Clar­ The new mca will partake in a Àrtinian thanks to the University morning. Of the nine students en­ Takes Form plauding house paid ovation after ence Lair, Tau Omega, 1.82; Mal- number of the usual pledging ac­ of Breslau for a doctor’s degree. The tering the second round seven were Woosleytv Lists com Woodhead, Tau Omega, 1.89; tivities for the next month. Formal, ovation for it- Entirely resting on • "Club de la Noche” rehearsals are rising and falling of the Symphonic and Charles Bailey, Sigma Alpha initiation follows on March 27. the versatility of the strings, the selected for the next round. in full swing, and Director Carlos adaptation of the conglomeration of Kappa, 1.91, "melodies of the campus** filled the music leaves one’s acceptance of its The contest was held in room 82 New Calendar Bee is confident that the show is Last semester’s winner of the tro­ house. meaning entirely to the scope and during the assembly hour with Dr. set to be the best of a long line of satisfaction of one’s mental straits.
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