Mckeon, Scalapino Vie for Presidency Today
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El Gaucho is published every Wednesday Entered as second class matter in the and Friday of the first school semester and post office at Santa Barbara, California, on Fridays during the second semester. No September 17, 1926. Subscription rates, one issues are printed on holidays or during dollar for the first semester and fifty cents examination periods- for the second. VoL XVIII Z59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 No. 44 McKeon, Scalapino Vie for Presidency Today ■$> A.S. Sponsors College Holds Record Balloting Shows Semi-Formal First Annual Runoff Necessary lor m omorrow Speech Meet High Post Candidates Carlos Bee Takes Vice-Presidency in Hoag’s Orchestra Local Department Close Race with Sallie Entz; Daniel, Plays for Dance ^Welcomes Seven Eckles Seek Sophomore Council Office At Rockwood Club State Schools BULLBTIN 0 • "April showers bring semi- • First annual meeting o f . the By vote of the Associated Students council meeting last night, How formals in the spring,” states so State College Council for Speech ard Eckles was elected sophomore representative to the council for next Education combined with the year, the legislators deciding that he had polled sufficient votes for a! ma cial committee chairman Betty jority. The election board had previously announced that he lacked half a first annual Santa Barbara Palmaymesa in explaining the vote to attain office. State College Speech Confereface • An uneasy 23 votes gave Richard McKeon a slight advantage traditional , Associated Students will be held on the campus today and semi-formal dance at Rockwood tomorrow. Purpose of the confer over Robert Scalapino Wednesday when 785 collegians registered Women’s club in Mission Canyon ence is to standardize. and improve their votés for 17 candidates for Associated Students offices in one tomorrow night. The dance is sched speech teaching methods through out the seven state colleges. • In a hotly contested race for the vice-presidency of the Associated Stu uled to begin at 9 p.m., to last un Dean William Ashworth, Frederic dents, CARLOS BEE, left, won out over SALLIE ENTZ, with 405 votes til midnight with music to be fur • Social committee chairman Betty W. Hile and W. Charles Redding to 368 in Wednesday’s election. nished by the orchestra of Doug Palmaymesa is in charge of the an will act as hosts to the delegates who Hoag. Admission to the affair is by nual spring semi-formal dance at will register in the lobby of Admin student body card or by guest cards Rockwood tomorrow night. istration building this afternoon. At Roadrunner Revue Cast Ends which may be obtained in Dean 5:30 a preliminary business meeting will be held under the direction of Lois M. BPnnink’s office. Dean Ashworth. President Phelps Week of Strenuous Rehearsal Although the affair is semi-for College Bills will greet delegates. At 8, the ses mal, men are not required to wear sion will meet in the College Thea • Entering into a week of stren tuxedos or formal dress, but may ap First Carnival ter where scenes from the forth uous rehearsal, cast members and pear in dark suits, according to Miss coming production of Shakespeare’s Cadets directors are concentrating efforts in Palmaymesa. As refreshments, punch "Julius Caesar—in Modern Dress” preparation for presentation of the will be served. In 30 Years will be presented. Mather Slates 8th annual Roadrunner Revue to be Tau Omega Hosts Caesar Cast held on the evenings of May 4 and Final Test 5, with a matinee on the afternoon Complying with the custom start ‘Santa Barbary Coast’ Characters, are Cassius, Carl Jor of May 3 in the college auditorium. ed this year of having a different Provides Theme for gensen; Brutus, Hile; Casca, Dale • Final proficiency test of the Featuring . excellent specialty* acts, campus social organization acting as Anniversary Celebration Bennett; and Portia, Esther Hor semester for cadet teachers will original songs by Bert Fitzpatrick, hosts and hostesses for the affair, ner. Second item on the program be given Tuesday from 2:45 to • "Santa Barbary Coast” has been Jean Smith and Jack Newman, the Tau Omega fraternity and its guests will be a broadcast by remote control 6 p.m. in the College auditorium chosen as the theme of the campus Gaucholand stooges, Bud Burdick, will serve in this capacity for the through Station KDB, of a drama according to Dr. Irving A. Ma carnival to be held on Friday, May Pat Kelly and Lloyd Borstelmann, dance tomorrow night. tized oratorical pageant of N the ther, coordinator of cadet teach the show circulates around a mythi 19, the first to be held at State in Speech Life of Abraham Lincoln. ers. ^Before any cadet teaching Hirsuit appendages, gathered as cal Manhattan nightery "Club de la 30 years. It will celebrate the 30th The cast includes Narrator, Harry may start, this test must be tak a result of the almost-week old Whis- anniversary of the founding of San N oche.” kerino now in progress on the cam Wollin; Abraham Lincoln, Carl Jor en, Dr. Mather states, while stu ta Barbara State college, will mark gensen; Stephen Douglas, Clyde dents especially interested should "Club de la Noche” operated by pus need not be sacrificed to razors, the end of the annual Whiskerino, "Curietti”, played by Alfred Ar- according to the Social committee Cadwell; Miss Laura Keene, Wini; be those in the junior high, ele BOB SCALAPINO DICK McKEON and will figure as part of the en tuso, stars Don Estey as "Mike”, head. fred Nichols; John Wilkes Booth, mentary or kindergarten-primary tertainment for the visiting ■ athletes Jimmee Fullerton; Asa, Cyril Hane- departments. popular crooner, and feminine in of the highest voting tabulations in the college’s history. Harold Committee Heads who will come to participate in the sen. A ll m em bers of- the ju n io r high terest, songbird "Judy”, portrayed "Bus” Bolas, third presidential candidate fell behind the two leaders Members of the Social committee California Collegiate Association by Gerry Pilling. I___!______ | _____|--------1------ L—----------~(S> Tomorrow delegates meet to dis- department must take thp. exam who are arranging the dance are Sports Carnival scheduled for May with 59 digits while McKeon scored ouss Campus Philosophy, Goals and ination at this time and all sen Ted Tod takes the part of "Car- Margaret Parks, who is in charge 20 . 369 and Scalapino garnered 346. Methods in relation to the , various iors and juniors who failed in one son”, night club press agent, Paul of v decorations; Dolly Emmons, who Bill MArthur, genPral chairman speech, arts. At 9 the conference is or more divisions of this test in Gazin, will be "Steel Simon”, villain Tozier9 Sykes Bee Ejected will handle the invitations; ^ill of the event, requests the coopera in charge of the discussion leader January will be expected to re columnist, Carlos Bee will be seen Carlos Bee pushed himself to the Sears, in charge of dance programs; tion of each and every organization from San Jose State college. Speech take those parts. Students whp as "Lee Baker”, master of ceremon fore early in the counting to claim Bill Lambourne, who arranged for on the campus by originating novel James Give students . of W. Charles Redding will were unable to finish the January ies, while Jean Smith ix the female victory in the vice-presidential fight the orchestra; and Miss Palmay ideas for booths, side shows, and demonstrate the psyhoyalvanomet- test also should plan to complete menace, "Terry Grayson”.^ with 37 vote distance between his 405 mesa, in charge of refreshments. other concessions. Each campus or er, lie detector machine, and a major their work at thtis time. Sopho Johnny Austin’s 14 piece swing Music Recital and Sallie Entz’ 368. A re-vote on a ganization will have the opportun Invited to act as faculty sponsors round atble will be given under the mores or freshmen who have de band will provide background music hair-breadth technicality will be ity to operate a concession for a for »the dance are Dr. William H. direction of Hile. finitely settled their major field for the show as well as rendering • Bradford Tozier, violinist, Don held today also on the candidates Ellison, Dr. and Mrs. Russell Bu percentage of the profits and a in one of the above departments Students Perform several arrangements of popular ald Sykes, baritone, and Wesley for the Sophomore class. Marvin chanan and Mr. and Mrs. Frederic chance for the silver lovng cup to will be permitted to take the test musical numbers. James, pianist, were presented in a Sands was excluded from the race be awarded the best concesson. At 11, the discussion! will be led at this time. W . H ile. The A Cappella chorus under the recital sponsored by the music de although he lacked only four votes The oncession committee, with by a representative from Fresno direction of Mrs. Anita Cochran partment, Tuesday afternoon, in the from tieing J. T. Daniel. Howard which all ideas and themes for State college. Eight students from Priest will offer two numbers, "Shad- music hall. Eckles who claimed more votes than booths will have to be registered, is Santa Barbara State will describe trach” and "Begin the Beguine”, Nearly 100 guests, faculty mem the other two candidates together AMS, AWS BiU headed bv Betty Howell, and all and display methods of work in re Council Elects while a quartet composed of Ethel- bers and students attended this pro did not receive the necessary one rules and regulations pertaining to gard to Dramatic Interpretation and rose Orloff, Mildred Meacham, gram, the first in a series to be giv vote over one-half of the votes cast.