SENATE -6245 Resolution with .Reference to Defeat O! Legjs -On, and That Mr
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-1948 _·_ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE -6245 resolution with .reference to_defeat o! legJs -on, and that Mr. BATES of Massachu diana [Mr. JENNER], the Senator from 'lation titled "The Subversive Activities Con setts, Mr. ARENDS, Mr. COLE of New York, Wisconsin [Mr. McCARTHY], the junior tr_ol Act"; to the ComQlittee on _Un-American 'Mr. BROOKS, and Ml, SASSCER were ap- _ Activities. _ Senator from New Jersey [:i\4r. SMITI:I1, , . 19e2. Also, _petition_ o! Miriam Hammel pointed managers on the part of the and the Senator froni Utah [Mr. WAT- _and others;, petiti~ning consideration of their ·House at· the conference. · KINS] are necessarily absent. resolution with reference to defeat of legis· The message also announced that the The. Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. lation titled "The Subversive Activities Con House had agreed to a concurrent reso MARTIN] is absent on official state -busi trol Act"; to the Committee on Un-American ·lution <H. Con. Res. 129) providing for ness. Activities. a joint committee composed o{ members The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. RoB 1983. Also, · petition - of · Buddy . Hays, of the Senate and House Public Lands ERTSON] and the Senator fr9m Wisconsin Orlando, Fla., _and others, petitioning con-: Committees :to make an investigation of [Mr. WILEY] are absent on official busi- . sideration of their resolution with reference - ~ to endorsement of the Townsend plan, H. R. our island possessions in the Pacific and ness. 16; to the Committee on Ways and Means. trust territories and report back recom Mr. LUCAS. I announce that the Sen mendations for legislation providing for ator from South Carolina [Mr. MAY civil government, in, which it requested -BANK], the Senator from Montana [Mr. the concurrence of the Seriate. MURRAY:], and the Senator from Texas SENATE INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTER AND [Mr. O'DANIEL] : are absent by leave of LOYALTY OF OFFICIALS OF ATOMIC the Senate. FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1948 ENERGY' COMMISSION-VETO MESSAGE The Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. (S. DOC. NO. 157) 'MYERS] is absent on public business. <Legislative day of Thursday~ May 20, The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. -1948) The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The O'MAHONEY] is absent on public business. matter before the Senate is the recon The Senator from 'Nevada [Mr. Mc The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on sideration of Senate bill 1004, amending CAR.RAN], the Senator from Idaho JMr. the expiration-of tli~ recess. - . the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, returned TAYLOR), and the Senator from New York _ Rev. Bernard. Braskamp, D. D., pastor by the President without approval. The lMr. WAGNER] are necessarily absent. of the Gunton-Temple Mem_orial Presby question is, Shall tne bill Pass, the objec The PRESIDENT pro te.mpore. Sev terian Church, Washington, D. c., offered tions of the . President of the United enty-seven Senat-ors having answered to the following prayer: · States to the contrary notwithstanding? their names, a quorum is present. · Almighty God, in this mom~nt of Under the order of the Senate of yes Mr. KNOWLAND obtained the floor. terday, the vote on this question will be prayer, we are again beseeching Thee to COUNTING THE ELECTORAL VOTE bestow upon us the blessings of wisdom, taken at 3:30 o'clock today, and the strength, faith, and lofty aspiration. intervening time will be equally divided Mr. LODGE. · Mr. President, will the between those in favor of sustaining the Senator·from California yield to me for May wisdom be transformed into guid veto and those ' opposing, controlled, re an insertion in the RECORD? ·ance, strengtl-i. into service, faith into spectively, by the Senator from Con · Mr. KNOWLAND. · Mr. 'President, 1 sight; and aspiration in:to achie-vement as necticut' [Mr. McMAHON] _and -the ·sen will yield for that purpose, but I ask that we seek to _respond to the high vocation ator from California [Mr. KNOWLANDL Senators-restrain themselves, because we · , of beiq,&" the_prophets of a new day and Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, I sug are operating under a limitation of time. ._ the builders of a better world. - gest to . the distinguis;hed Senator from · Mr. LODGE. I merely wished to say Grant that our 'creed, charac~er, con California [Mr. KNOWLAND] and the dis- , that this fall millions of American citi science, and conduct may always be in tinguished Senator from · Connecticut - zens will go to the polls to elect a Presi cordial and consistent agreement. [Mr. McMAHC>N] that a quorum call _be dent. In the States which the Democrats May we yi_eld ourselves without com had, and that the time be charged equally will carry, the Republican votes are not promise to -the moral and spiritual dis to the proponents and opponents of the only not going to be · counted, they are ciplines-as we strive to authenticate the . veto. going to be credited to the ·Democrats. reality and val~e of tl:,l,e ideals and prin Mr. KNOWLAND. That is agreeable, And in the States which the-nepublicans ciples of our blessed Lord. Mr. Px:esidimt. wm ·carry, all the Democratic votes are Hear us in His name. _ Amen. Mr. McMAHON. Mr. _President, I not only not going to be counted, they THE JOURNAL agree also. will actually be credited to the Republi On request--of Mr. -WHERRY, and· by Mr. WHERRY; - I suggest the absence cans. unanimous consent, the reading of the of a quorum. To correct that misappropriation of Journal of the proceedings, of- Thursday, - The PRESIDENT pro tempor.e. The the votes of the American people I spon - :M ·ay ~ 20; 1948'; -was dispensed with, and clerk will call the ro!J. ' . sored a joint resolution, Senate 'Joint ResolUtion 200, which provides that the the Journal was approv~d: - The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their electoral votes shall be counted in pro- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE names: -portion to the popular vote. A ·message-froni the House .of ~epre Aiken Fulbright Millikin Two comprehensive and illuminating sentatives, by Mr. Farrell, its enrolling Baldwin George Moore articles on this subject have. been writ Ball Green · Morse clerk, announced that the House had Barkley Gurney O'Conor ten by Chalmers-· M. Roberts ·and pub~ passed without amendment the bill Brewster - Hatch Pepper lished in the Washington Evening Star (S. 2256) relating to the meat-inspection Bricker Hayden Reed of May. 18 and 19, 1948. They throw so Bridges Htckenlooper Revercomb thi~ service of the Department of Agriculture. Brooks Hill Robertson, Ya. much light on constructive reform The message also announced that the Buck Hoey Russell that I ask-that they be printed in the liouse had passed the bill <S. H)06) to Butler Holland Saltonstall RECORD at this point as a part of my re Byrd Ives Sparkman mar}ts. amend section 27 of the Mineral Leasing Cain johnson, Colo. Stennis Act of February 25, 1920, as amended, Capehart Johnston, S. C. Stewart There being no objection, the articles so as to increase the acreage of sodium Capper Kem Thomas, Okla. were ordered to be printed in the REc Chavez Kilgore Thomas, Utah ORD, as follows: leases which m_ay be issued in any State Connally Knowland Thye to a person, association, or corporation, Cooper Langer Tobey [From the Washington Evening Star of May with amendments in which it requested Cordon Lodge Tydings 18, 1948] Donnell Lucas Umstead the concurrence of the Senate. Downey McClellan Vandenberg "CHANGING OUR ELECTION SYSTEM-PROPOSED . The message further announced that Dworshak McFarland . - Wherry CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT WOULD ABOL the House ·had passed the ·bill <S. 1676) Eastland McGrath White ISH SOME HARMFUL ODDITIES OF THE ELEC Ecton McKeJlar Williams TORAL COLLEGE" - to authorize the Secretary of War to Ellender McMahon Wilson (By Chalmers M. Roberts) ptocee'd with construction at· military in Ferguson Magnuson Young stallations, 'and for other purposes, 'with Flanders Malone __ (First of two a,rticles) Congress has an opportunity, before· it ad amendments; that the House insisted Mr. WHERRY. I announce that the journs for the Presidential campaign to offer upon its amendments to the bill, asked Senator from South Dakota [Mr. BusH the States a new constitutional amendment a conference with the Senate on the dis FIELD 1, the senior Senior from New Jersey to make sure the 1948 election will be the last agreeing votes of the two Houses· there- ~Mr. HAWKES], the Senator from In- under the present electQral college system. XCIV-394 6246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA.TE MAY 21 The amendment, recently approved by erners, though the electors. in the end, did Thus our least populous State, Nevada, both the Senate and House Judiciary Com cast their votes for FDR. now has three electoral votes for its one mittees, resolves around these tvio key sen.. Under the Lodge-Gossett amendment there Representative and two Senators; New York, tences: · would be ·no electors. · The voters would most populous, has 47 for 45 Representatives "The electoral college system of· electing choose among Presidential candidates direct and two Senators. · Therefore in Nevada one the President and Vice President of the ly wit~out any intervening group. Each electoral vote represents just under 37,000 United States is hereby. abolished. The State's electoral vote would be divided ac persons while in New York· one electoral vote President and Vice President shall be elected cording to the popular vote and not cast in represents just under 76,000 persons. To by the people of the several States ~ " a bloc. · capture an electoral vote in New York, then, The amendment makes the qualifications This is what its sponsors claim the amend takes more than twice as many popular of voters for President the same as for.