1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD:-HQUSE 9089 To be first lieutenants Milton E. Rubinl, 0975760. CONFIRMATION Francis H. Anderson, J/~GC, 01695624. Robert B. Schmidt, 0975765. Gerald J. Schwab, 0976502. Executive nomination confirmed by Theodore M. Behrmann, De, 0984102. _ the Senate, June 22 (legislative day of . Robert J. Carson, MC. _ . Vernon M. Smith, 0975764. J ohn F. Christianson, MC, 0960853. Reuel A. Stallones, 0975958. June 7), 1950: Henry C. Cosand, Jr., MC, 0978339. Charles M. Struthers, 0975358. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Robert L. Sundre, 0975896. G eorge W. Cullum, MC, 0977331. Kenneth W. Spencer, to be a member of the Elias M. Throne, 0975075. R ichard A. Doane, DC, 0965226. Public Utilities Commission of the Dist rict of Glen S. Gamble, DC, 0728634. Thorndike C. Toops. Joseph N. Tori, 0976839. Columbia for a term of 3 years from July 1, J ohn F. Goodma n, Jr., JAGQ, 0377159. 1950. Byron J . Greany, DC, 0969128. Darl E. Vander Ploeg, 0974387. William K . Howard, MC, 0980543. Walter Wartonick, 0976194. Thomas H. Reese, JAGC, 0465269. · Charles H. P. Westfall, 0976503. E ric Reiss, MC, 0954962. - . Charles F. Wilkins, Jr., 02040984. R ichard E. Swisher, DC, 0975842. George S . Woodard, Jr., 0975549. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charles M. Thompson, JAGC, 0975167. R ay E. Yarbrough, 0965993, Nat h an E. Vanama n, DC, 0981281. The following-named persons for appoint _ THURSDAY, J UNE 22, 1950 Maurice B. Wehr, MC. ment in the Regular Army of the United Robert H. West, DC, 0966002. States, in the grade of second lieutenant, The House met at·12 o'clock noon.
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