Odense Kort 17-04-2016.Pub

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Odense Kort 17-04-2016.Pub DK Jernbanemuseum 1 Dannebrogsgade 24 1 www.NFKK2016.dk Under lindetræet 5 Odense C Restaurant , Ramsherred 2- opposite of HCA’s house. Upper level gourmet Re ommended Restaurants, ara ,ons, etc. .. D% /ern anemuseum, Danne roggade 24 2. The Ro0al Castle, 1dense slot 2. Con ert Hall , Claus Bergs Gade 9. Congress site. 4. Radisson Blu H.C. Andersens Hotel , Claus Bergs- Con ert Hall gade 3. Congress site. Lørups Vinstue 11 3 5. Restaurant Under lindetr4et, opposite of HCA’s H.C. Andersens Claus Bergs Gade 5, Meet Kim Larsen house. Upper level gourmet. 2 Hotel 5. Restaurant 6lammen, %ongensgade 55-58. Beef 5 4 house. Lo, price. 12 3. Restaurant 1luf Bagers Gaard, 8(rregade 29. 7 11 9 10 Charming. 6ood 1%. Lo, price. 6 8 8. Den Grimme 9lling, Hans /ensens Str4de .. Good 13 food for the mone0. 10 14 Restaurant Grønorvet 9. H.C. Andersen’s house and museum, Bangs Boder 15 Sortebrødre Torv 9, Tradi*onel 29. cro,ded in ,ee-ends .0. Restaurant Gr(n;orvet, Sorte r(dre torv 9. 16 17 18 24 Tradi*onal. Cro,ded in ,ee-ends. 22 25 ... L(rups vinstue. Meet %im Larsen 26 20 19 21 .2. Mnterg$rden , M(nterg<rden .. Lectures. Recep- 27 31 *on. Museum. .2. Brasseriet %litgaard. Gravene 4. Excellent food. 23 28 H.C Andersens House 9 .4. Den Gamle %ro. 1vergade 22. Ver0 charming hi- 30 Frimurerlogen Bangs Boder 29 storical Inn from the .5th centur0. .5. Brasserrie Grand Hotel. /ern anegade .8. 6ine surroundings in a classic hotel. 29 .5. Restaurant Aasfall. Brandts passage 2.. Gourmet. Upper price level. .3. E0des. %ongensgade 2.A. Beer and food for 0oung people. .8. %o- og vin spisehus. St. Gr< r(drestr4de .9. Odense Slot 2 A place for 0oung people. The Royal Castle .9. Brandts passage. Shop, cafe, cinema, exhi i*on, 1 theater and entertainment area 33 20. Cafe iografen. Brandts passage 29-4.. 6antas*c 32 34 area to ,atch people and dine. Odense - Footpath 2.. Aedestrian street, main shopping area. (- - - - -- - -C 35 Odense .oo 38 Odense - 22. Gertruds. /ern anegade 8. 6ine food for the mone0. Footpath S(nder Boulevard 205 36 22. Magasin shopping mall Odense S 24. A Herreford Beefstou,. Vestergade .2. Classic eef house. High price. 25. Druen og B(nnen. Vestergade .5. Charming french cafe st0le. 25. Br0ggeriet 6la-haven. 6la-haven 2. Good eer from o,n micro re,er0. Good lunch meals. Restaurant Jensens B/us 23. 1dense cit0 hall. 6la-haven 2. 28. The Dome Sct. %nud. L4ss(gade 2.5, 6amil0 restaurant 29. The H.C. Andersen 6air0tale Aar-. Charming garden. 40 20. Frimurerlogen . Al anigade .5. Lecture Hall. 2.. Tor*lla 6lats. 6rederi-sgade 28. Mexican. Lo, price. Good meals. 22. Cafe and Art Galler0. 38 22. River cruise departure from DLa-setrappenEHavhestenD 24. Mun-e mose recrea*onal par-. Man0 0oung people. Den Fyns0e Landsby 42 25. Carlsen %varter. Hunderupvej .9. Best eer house and Sejerss-ovvej 20, 1riginal ver0 old 37 selec*on in to,n. uildings and farm houses from 60en 25. 1dense Universit0 Hospital. S(ndre Blvd. 23. Restaurant S-ov a--en. S(ndre Blvd. 2.4. Medium level in price and Gualit0. 28. 1dense Hoo. S(ndre Blvd. 205. 29. S-ovs(en. Recrea*onal par-. 40. /ensen’s B(Ius. L4s(gade 2.5. Cheap famil0 restau- rant. Charming area. 41 Sortebro 0ro 4.. Sorte ro %ro. Sejers-ovvej 20B. Tradi*onal old danish Sejers-ovvej 20B, Trad. old danish food food in 200 0ears. Good food. High price. in 200 0ears good food - high price 42. Den 60ns-e Lands 0. Sejers-ovvej 20. 1riginal ver0 old uildings and farm houses from 6unen. 39 Sponsored by 40 Den Gamle Kro 14 1vergade 22, Ver0 charming historical Inn from the .5. centur0 SAS at Nordic Congress in Clini- 41 cal Biochemistry 2016 26 Bryggeriet Fla0haven 42 6la-haven 2, Good eer from o,n micro re,er0J Good lunch meals. Come listen to our presentaon: DataData----dridri en healthcare. A complete view of paent care and readmission pa$erns. Access to all relevant clinical and nonclinical data for real-me decisions. And a be$er un- derstanding of your clinical performance. We help you improve paent outcomes with analycs so'ware and big data soluons for the health care industry that address your biggest priories, including: )ealth outcomes. Analyze huge volumes of structured and unstructured clinical and operaonal data to uncover hidden insights on indicaons, pa- ent/provider concerns and other issues that can a,ect paent care. Then turn that insight into evidence-based .nowledge that can help you predict and improve outcomes. Paent safety. 0denfy potenal issues before they become a reality by analyzing diverse data sources to predict and medically invesgate paent safety signals. )ospital ac1uired infecons. Together with SAS 0nstute, 2illeb3lt )ospital in Denmar. has developed a new monitoring system that shows hospital- ac1uired infecons and enable the hospital to 1uanfy how many paents catch an infecon while being hospitalized. Read full the story by clic.ing here or by scanning this 5R code SAS at Nordic Congress in Clinical Biochemistry 2016: Come listen to our presentaon: DataData----drivendriven healthcare. Contact for more informaon: 6orten 7rogh Danielsen, mobile: 845 2721 2648 or morten.rogh.danielsen=sas.com .
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