Norway: County Governors (Fylkesmannen)

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Norway: County Governors (Fylkesmannen) Competent Authorities – Norway: County Governors (Fylkesmannen) Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Agder Street and postal adress: Ragnvald Blakstads vei 1, Arendal/ Postboks 788 Stoa, 4809 Arendal Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 37 01 75 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Innlandet Street and postal adress: Gudbrandsdalsvegen 186, 2619 Lillehammer/ Parkgata 36 Hamar/ Postboks 987, 2604 Lillehammer Telephone and fax numbers: Tel.: (+47) 61 26 60 00/fax: 61 26 61 67 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Nordland Street and postal adress: Postboks 1405, 8002 Bodø Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 75 53 15 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Møre og Romsdal Street and postal adress: Julsundveien 9/ postboks 2520, 6404 Molde Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 71 25 84 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: Romsdal/ Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Viken Street and postal adress: Moss: Vogts gate 17/ Oslo: Holberg Terrasse, Stensberggata 27/ Drammen: Statens Hus, Grønland 32/ Postboks 325, 1502 Moss Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 69 24 70 00 e-mail adress: Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: viken/ Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Rogaland Street and postal adress: Lagårdsveien 44, 4010 Stavanger/ Postboks 59, 4001 Stavanger Telephone and fax numbers: Tel.: (+47) 51 56 87 00/fax: 51 52 03 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Troms og Finnmark Street and postal adress: Statens hus, 9815 Vadsø Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 78 95 03 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: finnmark/ Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Trøndelag Street and postal adress: Statens hus, Strandveien 38, Steinkjer/ Statens hus, Prinsens gt. 1, Trondheim/ Postboks 2600, 7734 Steinkjer Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 74 16 80 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Vestfold og Telemark Street and postal adress: Postboks 2076, 3103 Tønsberg Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 33 37 10 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: telemark/ Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: Name of authority: Fylkesmannen i Vestland Street and postal adress: Statens hus, Njøsavegen 2, 6863 Leikanger/ Statens hus, Kaigaten 9, 5015 Bergen/ Hafstadgården, Fjellvegen 11, 6800 Førde/ Postboks 7310, 5020 Bergen Telephone and fax numbers: (+47) 57 64 30 00 e-mail adress: [email protected] Language (s) of communication: Contact person: Website URL: Categories of public documents for which an Apostille may be issued: Fees for Apostilles: .
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