GUESTS of Hicksville T ow n G irl Scout Com lhinC"ombf'". pa:---t or uf Huly Trinity Episcopal mittee at the fi n;l arrnual Fatht•r-D,1ugh t ~ i f'h u n.'h ; .\Ir~. :\lerton \llilbur, c hai rman; H e r Uinn e 1· h~hl at Bet~pagt! S t ate Park C1u\J LJ,· n Cava11aug-h, O r . I.cBarron , John Chase, hou:::,e recent(~, incl udmg principals of e lemen )1r;-:;. J.J.c k ln_gl is, program chainnan ; Uonald ta1·y ~c hools and Dr. E. H . LeBar1·on. ::;upe1· .->i.bt and )1u1Ta_\.. Duncan. (Hera lj photo by intendent. Left to right are : Rev. David :'.llalle tt) . ... Vol. 5, No. 21-Hlcksville, N. Y ~ June II, 1953-Copy :.• Lay Advisory Group Urges Pare Ci~lcs Motorcade Goes ~dditions to· Four Schools To Oyster, Bay Again Tonight HICKSVILLE-The recommendation that the School Board go ahead "with immediate plans for thi, vote on bond issues" to provide 10-room additions to the four •mall elementary HICKSVlLLE - A ntotorcade of t'at"C Community A.ai;.oc ·schools of the dishict was made this week in the annual report o~he Citizens Advisory Com memben ■ nd ne:irbbora will form at Sotrth ne.n Si •nd JerulLll. l,e,m A.ve.._. here, this even.In,: (Thuraday) at 6:45,-for tile eeeond · mitte,, on Education to the Scltool Board. The annual report and recommendations was the time. The ~p will ' be heading for Oyster Bay Town R•II an.d subject of a joint meeting of the School Board and Committee, Monday night, at East St.
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