Dr. Christian
In Union County THE The Leading And MoU Widdy Circuited WeeMy Entered as Seetsnd Class Mutter WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THtfaSDAY, JUNE 28, 1956 iYEAR—No. 42 "nut Office. Wemflvld. N. J. Award Diplomas ic Service To Note Churches Begin * First Day Enrollment At Park Regulations Union1 Summe° r Playfields Reaches 1950To 71 Seniors ?ndence Day Here At Holy Trinity Set By Council Services Sunday Opening day at the Westfield i dren protected against injury for Playgrounds found a record total iLth~e -:~i.eight-weei ..,„,,ik, „,.„„,.„„program, . Special Prizes, of registrants ready for a summer As advertised all the Mental Health Drive Congregationalism, of fun. More than 1,950 children grounds, the costume parade is to Presentations Won Ordinance Would Baptists Continue were present at. the nine local be the special day this week. Rib- By Many Graduates Hits $498 in Boro playfields, Jefferson School play- bons and honorable mention pins 50-Year Program will be awarded ID winning con- MOUNTAINSIDE — Roy G. Close Tamaques ground had the day's high total testants. Following this event, The Rev. John L. Flanagan an- Daniels, local chairman of the 19W with over 325 children handing preparations will begin for the big nounced graduates and honors and SftBli Beginning Sunday at 9:30 a.m.,the ground leadart the'r printed Mental Health fund drive conduct- jjgjjjj] and continuing through July and "Wheels On Parade Day" July 3. the Kt. Rev. Mpnsignor Henry 3. ed during the month of May, hits10 p.m. to 7 ajn. registration forma. Close behind Decorated bikes, wagons, carri- Watterson made the awards to the announced that at present $4H8 August, the First Baptist and the was Roosevelt, 318; Lincoln, 312; ! in Mindowas- First Congregational Churches will ages, scooters and tricycles will 71 graduates of Holy Trinity High has been contributed by Mountain- An ordinance which rtgulftttl , the obser-, unite in a union summer ministry.
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