252 Index index Index

afterlife. See Buddhist hells; heaven; Baopu zi [The Master who Embraces netherworld; netherworld adventure Simplicity] 133, 145n223, 215n125 motif Bao Zhao (c. 414–466): biography of 20– Aina jushi, Doupeng xianhua [Chatting under 21, 37–38; “Cong deng Xianglu feng” the Bean Arbor] 172 [Accompanying (Prince of Linchuan) to Amitayus (Buddha of Infinite Lifespan) Ascend the Xianglu Incense Burner Peak], 11, 139–141, 143; Guan wuliangshou jing 40; “Fo ying song” [Eulogy on a Buddha [Amitāyurdhyāna ; The Sutra of Statue], 74; writing style of, 30–31, 31n48 Visualization on Amitayus Buddha], Bassnett, Susan 175n1 73n57, 77. See also ; Chinese Beidou, see Northern Dipper Buddhism; popular Buddhism; Bensheng jing [Jātaka] 205 School; savior figures Bianji (635–713), 205 animals: Buddhist anti-killing beliefs 14, Bianzong lun (On Differentiation of 74n61, 75n65, 80, 97–102; distinguished Sects) 71; See also Daosheng from humans in traditional China, 101–102, Biqiuni zhuan [Bhikshuni Biograph­ies] 101n74; repayment of debts of gratitude, 70n41, 160, 161 99–102, 146; retribution for killing of, 80, Bokenkamp, Stephen R. 6n23, 102 97–98, 97n56, 123, 146 Book of Changes. See Yijing (Classic of An Shigao (or An Qing fl.148–171) 119; Changes) “Prince of Anxi” (tale 254 in Youming lu), Bowu zhi 49 104–106, 151, 154–159 Brandauer, Fredrick P. 208n100 Asvaghosa 185 Buddha, as a savior 7–8, 14, 139–144, 147, 225 Avalokiteśvara (or ): as a savior in the Buhhayawas 120 Lotus Sutra 141–142, 225; Buddha and Buddhism: Ba jiezhai (Eight Command- Amitayus conflated with, 143; the ments) 170n70; and daoshu (Daoist Guanshiyin yingyanji [Records of Miracles techniques), 61; dhyāna meditation, 66, Concerning Avalokiteśvara], 3, 77, 78–79; 66n28, 67, 69; , 14, 75, 122, as a man in A Sequel to the Records of 122n148; introduction to China, 61–65; life Miracles Concerning Avalokiteśvara, 79. See as empty and illusory or dreamlike in, also Amitayus; Buddhism; Chinese 187–191, 221; qielan ji [Record of Buddhism; Indian Buddhism; karmic Buddhist Monasteries in Luoyang], retribution; popular Buddhism; Pure Land 135–136; Mahāyāna school, 188–189, School; savior figures 189n43; and xianshi bao (retribution in this life), 93, 146. See also Amitayus; Bailian she (White Lotus Society) 40n92 Avalokiteśvara (or Guanyin); Chinese Bai Kong liutie 60n186 Buddhism; Indian Buddhism; karmic Baima si (White Horse Monastery) 78 retribution; Pure Land School Ban Gu, Introduction to Classics 29, 41; Buddhist demons: and Indian Buddhist See also Han shu cultural influence 15. See also bao (retribution) 82. See divine/heavenly Horse-Face; ox-headed demons/beasts; retribution; ethical (human) retribution; raksasas; yaksas demonic retribution; karmic retribution; Buddhist hells: in Buddhist 119– retribution 120, 123–124, 126; and Chinese conceptions Baochang 70n41, 160–161 of the netherworld, 3–7, 131–137; and

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Dizang (Kṣitigarbha), 136; eight hells of, Daban niepan jing [Mahāparinirvāṇa- 167n59; and physical torture, 123–126, 164. sūtra], 72, 128; Da Fangbian Fo baoen jing, See also netherworld; Yama 124; Daming dujing [Aṣṭasāhasrikā Buddhist influence: and animals repayment Prajñāpāramitā Sutra; Great Brightness of debts of gratitude 99–102, 146; and Sutra, trans. Zhi Qian (Lokaksema)], 120, depictions of hells in Chinese literature, 164, 201–202; Daming du wuji jing 3–7, 131–137; dream adventure story motif [Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra], traced to, 7, 185–191, 221, 223; and literary 201–202; Daoxing Banruo jing works, 73–74, 81, 148, 154, 159, 160, 164–166, [Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra; 172; Liu Yiqing’s association with monks, Practice of the Path Sūtra], trans. Zhi lou 40–41, 46–47, 65–68; and the Lushi Yilin (Lokaksema), 119–120; Da zhidu lun (The Forest of Marvels by Mr. Lu), [Mahāprajñāpāramitā Śastra], 164; Dizi 204–205; and “The Foreign Daoist,” 75–76, fusheng jing [Sūtra of the Revival of a 150; and the Linggui zhi by Mr. Xun, Disciple], 201; Foshuo shiwang jing [The 56n163, 74–75, 150; and the Youming lu, Ten Kings Sūtra], 133; Foshuo shiba nili jing 1–8, 12–14, 16–17, 48, 97–100, 160, 164, 166, [Buddha Preached Sūtra on the Eighteen 172, 199–200, 223. See also Buddhist Hells], 119; Foshuo zuiye yingbao jiaohua demons; Buddhist hells; Buddhist miracle diyu jing [Sūtra on Karmic Retribution, tales; Buddhist monks; zhiguai Moral Education, and Hells], 119, 124; Buddhist miracle tales: The Records of Fubao jing [Good Fortune and Retribution Miracles Concerning Avalokiteśvara of Xie Sūtra], 101; Guan wuliangshou jing Fu 77–78, 80; A Sequel to the Records [Amitayurdhyana Sutra; The Sutra of of Miracles Concerning Avalokiteśvara of Visualization on Amitayus Buddha], 77; Zhang Yan, 79, 80; and the Linggui zhi by Guangming bianzhao gao gui de wang Mr. Xun, 56n163, 74–77, 81, 150. See also Pusa Pin [Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra], Lotus Sutra; Mingxiang ji, Mingbao ji; 127–128, 128n165; Lengjia jing Xuanyan ji [Lankavatara-sutra], 73; Lengyan jing Buddhist monks: 66n28; [Śūraṃgama Sūtra], 133, 171; Liudu jijing cross-fertilization with China in the Song, [Collected Sūtras of the Six Pāramitās], 72–73; Juqu Jingsheng, 72, 201; Kāśyapa 100, 143, 204; Piyu jing [Avadanas], 101; Mātanga, 149; Liu Yiqing’s association Shou lengyan jing [Śramgama-sutra], 78; with, 40–41, 46–47, 65–68; Sanghadatta, Tiecheng nili jing [Iron City Nili Hell 41, 66; Sengdao (362–457), 63, 63n9; with Sūtra], 171; Wuliangshou jing [Larger supernatural powers, 75, 148–151, 154, 159; Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra], 73, 77, 109; Xin Faxian (d. 422), 72, 128n165; , 5, 205; Zhu Fahu (Dharmaraksha), 120, 204; Ahan jing [Nava- Āgama-sutra], 73; Zhu Falan (Dharmaratna), 149, 152, 152n18. Xiuxing daodijing [Yogācārabhūmi-sūtra], See also An Shigao; Buddhist nuns; 120, 202–204; Zhong A han jing Daojiong; Fotudeng; Huijiao’s (497–554) [Mādhyamāgama], 205. See also Lotus Gaoseng zhuan; Indian Buddhism Sūtra [Fahua jing] Buddhist nuns: Jingjian of the Jin 160; Burma 212n109 and the royal court and official residences butterflies: Burmese butterfly spir- of high-ranking officials, 65; Tanhui its 212n109; Zhuang Zhou and the (422–504), 68–70, 70n41; in the Youming lu, butterfly story, 186–187, 190–191 160–161, 166, 173; See also Biqiuni zhuan [Bhikshuni Biographies] by Shi Baochang caibu shu 201 Buddhist scriptures: Bensheng jing Campany, Robert Ford 3, 11–12, 47, 50, [Jātaka] 205; Chang Ahan jing 69n38, 76, 77, 97n56, 99n63, 102, 107n97, [Dīrghāgama; the Longer Āgama-sutra]; 108n99, 111n117